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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 1

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f7im VO -- W v TE! OR PZORUU>' 44 ~ t INDP Candidate Mrs. Elleen Coutts and Allan Schrader, Educational Progressive-Conservative Candidate Garnet B. Rickard, lef t, and H. B. Liberal Candidate Russell C. Honey, right, talst w o i o Director of the United Automobile Workers, who was guest speaker 4McGee, proprietor of the Specialty Paper Proclucts plant in Bownianville, âupporters in this area, William J. Bragg of Proviec n rc m recently at a rally ini Nestieton. discuss the political situation. of Solina. Social Credit Poils Open8am.t be0f4utU04~~I4I For 21,884Eetr Here At the meeting of Bowmanville Town Council "Mus Repec OurSysem"held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, "Must espec Our ystem Reeve Ross Stevens presided due to the asneof His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, who is representing the town at the Canadian Waterworks IIeckling Down Our Leaders Convention in Quebec City. Two by-laws were passed by Council, No. 18741 .authorizes an agreenmeit with George and Lois Huber1 Critciz d b P. . C ndiatefor a 25 foot working easement and a 25 foot perma- anent easement across the back of their property f rom the Base Line to the Sewage Treatment Plant. By- law No. 1875 appointed Merrili Brown, a member of 'During Address at Po ntypool thkArna oardCasbthe representative o h o- People who heckie down, product to keep a favorable.... Two readings were given.of advertising signs and theirr political leaders were criticiz- ýtrade balance. Driv a by-law to authorize thelIicensing. It was then referr-, ed in Pontypool last Friday,"-In 1956 we had $700 milioniReCrssconstruction of a pumping;ed to the Board of Works forý night by Gai-net Rickard, Pro- trade deficit," said Mr. Rîck-'e Co sDrv station, sanitary sewer andia report before the final read- gressive Conservative candi- ard, "and in 1962 we had anl watermain extensions from ing. dateforDuram Rdin. $1> illin iade surpus, cne i he Base Line to serve landsi Councillor Hooper rnoved ipeagte fDhabout 175 pe$-0whilliponesthae ph acehe- e s $2,291 te the east limits of the town.1that as Figo Canada Limited pie in the Orange Hall, Mr.' acted by the Conservative Tî ylwatrscn ed a fec oby23 ce Rickrd aid anexaplegevrorenthav strte to Bowmaniile and District ing was referred to the On-Jfor a manufacturing Plant on: shour sid , becra e bytegernin esuthas tate Branch Canadian Red Cross itarjo Municipal Board forlMearns Avenue in the In., people who are elected to par- Mr. Rickard stressed that Society reports receipts te-. lapproval. t peprea y- liament." the affairs of the countryl tai S2,291.99 te date with u- Scn edn vsasb ntutdt rpr y mus bedeat xith1aichnvass not ail comple- given to a by-law to contrcl1law to authorize an access, He said, "they muthv ihot ted. the erection, and maintenance (TURN TO PAGE TWO) respect for oui- system or obstruction like tbe last pai- -_____ - __ governmtent and maintain the liament produced, regardlessý Donations will stili be ac- ~ dignity of their office.' of the outcome of this elec-: cepted most gratefuly- If The PC candidate spoke cf. tion. 1iyen were missed on the can- ICh oral Society Scores the expanding developmént of -Witb a favorable b1rade, vass leave your contributionrn our economy tbrough the de-;balance, our industries wil e at the Toronto - Dominion' r mdo s H t Wh velopment of our natural re- busy, people will be employed Bank or cali 623-2343 to haveT em n o s i: W t sources__and marketing the, TURN TO PAGE TWO) it picked Up. ~o V ~. . - l1 "Pirates...ofL e;.. n'"" The Pirates of Penzance,imistaken the word pilot foi' presented by the Bowmanville pirate), was jubilant because! Choral Society, scored a greati bis lime with lheni was al- hit with the large audiences' most Up. in tbe Town Hall auditorium1 Frederie's role was fil"d on Thursday, Friday and Sat-1 exceptionally well 1w Jack l urday evening. The spiendid;ý Allini on Thursday and Satur- ý cast under the able direction' day evenings, and Rowland' of the director Hugh Martin,'Coobs sa'eecleti Toronto, was awarded tre-:the part on Friday eveîîing. imendous applausc'.' John Pbillips -was rfc The first act of the well as the Pirate King and hif, staged production showed a ,ftitl throated voice commani-, beach at Penzance wbere the ed respect. Meile Birown riîare: Pirate King and bis band a fine Pirate Lieutenan. Thei wcre busilv engaged in pre- reusîng, singing anîd hearty parations for putting out to dancing of bhe pirates delighit- sea. Frederic, a pirate ap-, ed thc audiences. Their num- prentice. who had been in-: ber -With Cat Like Tread' dentured to bhe cut-tbroats . waS a favorite. i tbrough a mistake when hel Beautiful Edna DeJong mvas; I was a child. (his nui-se hadi <TURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN> Per Copy NUMBER 14 Pol itical Meetings Crowd News .As this la the final edl- tion before fIlle election on Monday, t h e politicians have taken over a great deal of news spare ith reports of their niany meetings. l.nfortunately. this bas made It necessary to hold over a considerabie amount of country correspondence, photos, and other storles which should be ln this week's paper. IVe regret this and trust that corres- pondents and subsenibers wiil understand the predlc- amesit. The eleetion- %11 ait b. over next Monday evenlng and everybody will be able te, settie baek to normal again . . . probably to get ready for the provincial election whIch couid corne later this year. ÇI3às andI Wilbur N. Crandail, Social Credit Candidate who sug- gests that Socred nionetary policies would stimulate tbe economy and reliev the credit situation. 1Jo Mark Preterences There are 21,884 eligible voters in Durhant County for the federal election on Monday. This is an increase of 207 over the nuniber on the voters' lists in this riding last June. The officiai re-arrange. ment of polling divisions gives the constituency of Durhamn 93 polling stations now, instead of the previous 97. Increases and decreases in eligible voters in the riding's municipalities is as follows: Bowman. ville 4,241, (up 78); Port Hope 4,806, (up 33); New- castle 720, (up 38); Cartwright 911, (down 30); Manvers 1,148, (down 22). Cavan 1,199, (up 17); Clarke 2,149, (up 60), Darlington 4,697, (up 135); Millbrook 489, (down 39). AUl poils will be open on Monday fromi 8 a.nx. to 7 p.m. Partial returns should lie avail. able at the several conimittee roonis start-ing at 9 p.m. Liberal Speaker Claims Preferential Treatment Given Western Farmers By Diefenbaker Minister £Pteces DON'T SPOIL IT .- When you vote on Monday in the federal eler tien, rnake certain you don't spoil vour ballot. Use the pencil provided, not a bail point penl and mai-k an X ini the space pro- vidcd to the right of your candidate's niaie. Do NOT extcnd the lines of the X beyond that space. Do NOT put a lick mark. Just a simple X is ail. Ï- *: + TORN DOWN- NDP Candidate Mrs. Eileen Couits tells us that an estimated 1,000 of their posters have been tomn down during the past couple of weeks by someone as yet unidentified. Incidentally, if you think an election candidate's life is casy, she has worn out three pairs of shoes and almost worn eut one car during the campaign. ADVANCE POLL- Total voters this year at Advance Poils numbered 198, compared with 221 at the 1962 election. Blackstock had only four voters, Millbrook 19, Port Hope 110, Newcastle 13 and Bowmanville 52, No information wvas avail- able on the candidate who rcceivc'd the most votes. PING -- Early this week one of Stew McTavish's huge Canadian Tire plate glass windows suffered a casualty. A car uutside, must have had one tire rcsting on a loose stone. As the car nioved ahead, the stone xvas pro jected tlirough the air with con- siderable speed. It struck the lower right band corner of the big window and shattered it. If it hiad been six luches lower or to the right, it would have hit the brickwork. The governxnent which the Liberal Party will for-m after April 8th will seek te expand trade and devote immediate attention te livestock improve. ment policies, said Bruce Beer, Liberal Agricultural expert who was guest speaker at the Liberal Rally heid in Commn- ity Hall, Orono, on Wednesday evening, April 3rd. Glenholnie Hughes, president of the Dur- hamr County Liberal Associa- tion, was the chairman. Bruce Beer was introduced by Eric Fallis, who told the meeting that the guest speak- er wvas born at Bethany, in Manvers Township so that his jvisit to Durham County was' like a home-coming te him. cf the Easternr Agricultural Comrnittee of the Liberal Cau. cris, an able parliamentarian and the man who won Peel Qounty for the Liberals last June after it had been Tory for 69 years," Mi-. Fallis stated. 1The.coming appointment of a Minister of Easter-n Agricul- ture by the Liberals will be of the utmnost importance tu farmers in this ai-ca, Bruce Beer declared. This cabinet minister wil! be responsible for ail matters pertaining to farming in Eastern Canada, and will deal with agricultural problems in this part, o! the country which have been ig- <TURN To PAGE TWO) Library Bd. Receives Gift of U N Book Sheif The Library Board of Bow- Also geared for children's rnanville has received from ýinterest is Fun Around the the Ontario UNICEF Commt-'World, Three Promises to 'You, tee a gift of the UN Book rThe Valley of Trust, Let's Sheif suitab]e for youngster's Find Out about Unitedi Na- readinig. Since one of the ob- tions. The Firsi Book of Unit. jectives of both children's'ed Nations and United Na. libraries and UNICEF is the 1 tions and What It Does. promotion of knowledge andj Presantation of the Bookc understanding throughout the: Sheif wil] be made at a Lib- world, this is ail important:rary Board meeting on April addition to the library. î9th by Mrs. Howard Jeffery, lncluded amongst the books'representative of the Ontario are the four Hi Neighbour; UNICEF Commit tee. books. These are fascînatingý The gift of the UN Book stories of the lives of children 1Shel f is part of the long range in five continents and the 105educational program under- countries who participate inýtaken by the Ontario UNICEF UNICEF. iCommittee. The Rotai-y Club of Oshawa spon sored a second annual Flying Circus for Crippled Childi-en on Sunday when members of the Oshawa Flying Club gen- erousll dcnated their 'planes and services to give everx c rippled youngster in the areâ a f ree 'plane trip. Bowman ville Rotary vas invited tu paîticipate and Crippled Children's Chairman Bill Thiesburgeî' had 10 y'oungsters on hand to take a flight. This photo shows Doug Graham, le! t; Elwin Bacon "Tîmmy" for this area. and Deborah Bothwell, after theý had enjoved the 'plane trip. Others kirom here included, Hiarniot Vordragen, Kenny Yeo, Richard and Ron Tambivu, onaPingle. Gary Liton and Deug Hohirer. Thcy aise enjoyed the f ree chocolate n'ilk and cookies thai topped off the event. luicidetitall\y. doln't forget to enrd in dmpations tu Rotar-y*s Easter Seal drive te help Crippled Childreni. Packed Houses ThrilI to Choral Society's Presentation of "Pirates of Penzance" On Tlîursdav, Fiidav and Saturda\- of last I well received operetta, "Tile Pirates of Penzance" in ed were loud in their praises of the outatanding work wveek. miernbers cf the Bowmanville Choral Society the Town Hall auditorium The cast is shown here, cf the Society. i under the direction cf Hugh Martin, presented another folIowing their final performance. Those who attend- VOLUME 109 16 Pages Mayor to Receive Chain of Office Durhami County's Great Family Journal BÈOWMANVILL,ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1963 lOc F 0f fers Niew Bùy I ndustry to Land "i IouUlI riyersiaKIe TOI mie Pmir da.

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