IMedical Insurance I Physicians' Services Incor- ively ta physicians' services Porated lias exploded the in hospital, this surely is the rn yth that rnedical care insur-iarea of need, for it is in hos-, ance is flot now available to:pital where the large doctor the self-employed or people bills are ncurred. This pro-1 working in smnall groups. tection against the catastro-i I an advertisement pub- phic cost of illness is offered. 1. lished elsewhere ini this edi- to the individual for $27 aý Stion. P.S.I. points out that iý year, and ta the family for'l' ~Personal Protection Plan ii S75. At these rates the aver- available ta persans who doIage familyý can afford to pav! flot qualifv for group cover- the doctor direct for home' age., This plan has been Jro and office calls. eff* for some' vears, but un- P.S.I. also has been extend- , til recently there was a maxi- ing its comprehensive (Blue) rnurn age limit. Removal ofplan which includes coverageý the age limnit this year makes, for home and office calîs as the plan open to ail residents. well as medical care in hos- who cannot qualify for group. pital. This plan ordinarîlv coverage. There is no age'available onl *y to groups off10 limit for aduits, no exclusions or more employees, lias beer for chronic or pre-existing offered ta ail residents of the conditions, no waîting periodsicounties of Victoria, Dufferi except for obstetrics and elec-'and Halton within the past tive surgery, and no mnedical several months. As this pro- examaination is required. gramn of Community Enroi- While coverage under th;5 ment spreads fromn county to plan is imited almost exclu- county, it will only be a mat- ---ter of time until the comprc- I hensive plan, too, becomes 1' RE AT P I E S universaly available. plans, an a non-profit basis, ihoM ECCR WOy should obviate the need for lelieve pile pain with antseptic Mecca Pile any avec-ail government plan Iemedy No. 1 wth ingredients containing on behaîf of those who can ierbs for shrirnkmng and healing swollen afford ta pay their own way. tles. Sold at ali drugsts. 7 Government a ss is ta n ce to MICCA PILE REMIES ý'those who cannot afford the No. 1 for premniumns would then solve INTERNAL. PIL.ES the problem of medical care No. 2 for '. insurance with a minimum of EXTERNAL. PILES governiment partici p a t i o n, without the setting up of a costiy bureaucracy and with- out the imposition of compul-, - --------- sory laws that are repugnanti to freedom-loving Canadians.9 SOCIAL (REDIT POLICIES 1. INCREASED SENIOR CITIZENS' PENSIONS. 2. INCOME TAX EXEMPTIONS INCREASED. 3 ' PORTABLE PENSION RIGHTS. 4. ADEQUATE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL. 5. PAY AS YOU GO GOVERNMENT. 6. PROTECTION 0F PRIVATE BUSINESS. 7. PAIIITY PRICE ON ALL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. S. A BALANCED ECONOMY. 9. CONTROT.',%F THE NATION'S CREDIT 10. OFFERSTO SERVE THE BEST INTERESTS *VOTE Wilbur N. Crandali X Inserted by the Social Credit Party of Canada 6-x"ster (i)aracle %tarts nt CHULDS' LADIES' WEAR .37 King St. W. Gloves- Our selection of the Iatest 1963 Styles is sure to please you! " COATS Tweeds and Pastels " DRESSES Florals and Solids " HATS Also the ail-important Accessories ..- Scarves - Purses COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND..* YOU ARE UNER NO OBLIGATION!1 SPECIAL FOR EASTER! English Bone China Cup & Saucer 98C 0 OTHI Priced froin AYNSLEI ER CUPS AND SAUCERS ------------ ---- - s1.fo0 ta $5.00 Fine China by Y - PARAGON- SHELLEY $1.95 to $6.75 Costurne Jewellery by C O R O $1.00 up MARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 39 King St. W'. Bownianv ille n Fa mily Gathering at Ennîskilïen On Saturday afternoon and oening, memhccs of the E. A. \Vcrry fa gathcred at the home cf Mr. and Mes. Allan Werry for a gala occasion. nacked the 56th birthday of Ernest Werry an-d the approaching 90th birti if his father, James Arthur Werry. Photo shows Mr. Wcrr Sr. and his Ernest spated with Ernest's three sons and fhcir sens standing, from lef right, Dr. Clark Wery and son John, Allan Wecry and James, and G MerrIv and son Richard. Celebrates 9Oth Birthday Mrs. Maggie MuIdrew On Saturday, Feb. 23, Mrs childien and sevcral great-' Maggie Muldrew of Elizabeth: jgeandchildren. ville, celebcated ber 9th, A sister, Mes. A. Muldrew biethd.ay. Formerly Maggic iMartha) and a brother, Jas- Gardon, daughter of William cpi Gordon, are dleceasedi, Gardon andi Sarah Jane Ham- Surviving is Mes. Annie Smith, ilton, she was been at Oak anather sister. Hill. She bas esideci in tie Mes. Muldcew's mcmory is Elizabctbvillc area mast of lier 'excellcnt and sic enjoys cern- life. pany. 1-1er first husband, Thomas Me. and Mes. Clarece Bcat- Rowylandi, dicd in 1900 andi ty cntertained Mes. Muldrcw ficir son Clarecnce Rowland and friends at a tuekey dim- resides in Toronto. nec Saturday evcning, the James Muldrcw. hec second 23rd. The Muldrews cf Osh- iusband, dieci about 30 years awa helci a tumkey dinner in ago. Their childeen, Orville ber haonor on Feb. 16 at Sun- Muldrcw. resides at Oak Hill; nyside wben sic was tic ce- Harvcy Muidrew at Elizabeth- cipient cf maiiy gifts. A diii- viIand Miss Murecta Mu]- nec was also givcn in ber dccx'.'iiiToronto. Direct dcs- honoe on tie 241h by Me. andi cendants inclîîde 13 grand. iMes. Haevey Muidccw. Cilility potaf110plrodulclii trendsisn ic rpetato ime In largcr unit-, andid cr use cf Ontario petalccs. speakers wccc iitcodjicc tic Durhiamn gîoItil prcscntative, A. O. Da1le' et Bowmanville. It was agrrnd ci c arr flic Fi ve l Il dî'ed i- B club anid 1t e gc n tîold1 nuet in ttîe Falt. Tiecbl coimmi t tee i:c1i îrrd Ix ville Wood (if Milihrol, vvith Fart Wcatirrîlt, Il; Cia Il cce,I,rcoïi Prt l-ci- DclbctlOtîi. Spoiîscr.sIiiocf lie t-Iý toto Clib xill hp cnîîti ,vith htic - ec ofeta Quiceui frofuîî hicCluli. jcining tiechclb xio or( tuecn tric gs (cf 12 aî sieuld cn atMclvilîr of Millborook or tic, Or Depactiet cf Agricu Box 7:30, ievaî'Ic 4-H1 PoItîî Chlbiwill bi ganizcd n hic Towvnshi p Orono, ot 7:30 p.rn. on 17î. iliclbrtt la Mm pc-pl of flic ()uî cric l)cpartniic ENJOY THE QUALITY 2% HOMO MI and Save BETHANY Tic BcîianY Girls 4-H Club hcld theme meeting at tic home of Mes. Ralph Preston on Satueda.N, continuing with thiir ewigcourse. There xxece 112 nierniers present. Patsx Biclexx ecacithe nmin- oItes and cl sxiîîg lnotes froni thie previous rmeeting. Elcanor Perteous demonstrated under- arni and l sleeve .finishiii,,. Sharon Biý1cloxx' instrcutd lmew b xvork x thfzlciti uYs and Orboe Chah ice oif B: eg i- ]et vas hionie for lie wcek- end xvif hils îîotlîem, NIrs. Richard CliaILce. Constable Ger'ge S vce t Tnconto, spent ticexvckeod xvîtl bis parent:ý, Me. and Mes. Addison Scot. Mer and Mes. Ralpi Peer" and faniiîlv% of Faîrpart Beach werc gimsts xith Me. and Mr3. Siamlix'PerrY durmng ieý Mweckend Meand Mes, lamrs McKin- non arc ini Toronto this xveek xistin.- xcmth Mr. andi Mes. Cecil MeGill. Mr. aî'd Mrs. Robert Gil- moue and their son Teecxv of Maltoci, Allan Wattling. Wes- ton. s pent lie xvekend w i Me. and Mes. Ross Came. John Logan. Toronto, xvas berne fer ticexeekend withn his parents.. M r. and M:.ýç Douglas Lo-ari. _Mes. WVvRc;d sevii -- $10-5.1 MILLIONS PAID OILT In Ontuario $S0,5. million was paici eut iie deati bcnef;Is ixv life :n>ean e coninpaemcs du rin z 1962, Tic Canadian Life Insurance Officee's Asso- ciatioii reports. Tic corres- ponding 1961 total vas S96.) millionx. On -)0.630) ordinaex' policies, payments tuis xcar xvý,ece S59.- 868.000: on 1'2.580 ndustemal polîcies 54. 196,000: and on1 17,- 250 group cert,.fica'.es $41,- 049,000. p ral days last \\cck with fr1- ends in Toronto. Ladies' Auxiliary M1eeting Mes. Reg. Edmunds cnter- tained tic Ladies' Auxiliary% for thir meeting oni Wedncsr- lay v coing. Tice nîeiing xvas conx oued iv NMes. Nor i Wood le tii, ab'sentce of jîresiden'. Mes. S. L. Spelle:. MVrs. \'inc nI.Jacksoniîgrtj\c the filîaecQiýl reu:ir' ,<iiî. As he Awmx:iarx iiiiow pîi socs the Cois, Scotuts mi(l Broxvnics., il xvas agrecd i ii i each pi eîci pal ieg group eý- ccixve ani eqiiol shoce, cii,- ti mceali, Il %v'as an nlouimced t lîst G(a" v DeGecer wil!iarrIvon-icnipoir- arilv as leader efthli Scott, Troop. II xa ais eccdcd tiiît cac i eenbee cf tic Beownme.-. Cuis andi Scoum.s bc. cqumpp.Aý uvîth a zaiîctv %armbond le ce xveen te amîd frornimecting- afcer dark and tlic xxoek cf cutîiîîg eut and scxvi;ng xi: constitute tic program fei-tnc April meeting whici wmill b', helci at thc bomne cf Mes. Eari. McQuaid. Mes. Harold White expiain- cd Iuie Cois "Grand Ho\wl7" and demonsîeatcd. Mes. E- muncis led a rccn al ion game. u:gScotand Con Folloxving 'tic be:cid cý 101.1 tic hostess servcdl lunch and!I a social houe was enio \,cd. 500O Bushel Club Tic Durhan F:x eHondrcd Bushel Pou.ato Club anno.i tmeeting was lîcld on Maccýi 231h mn tiche î.l pHalt' a*, Bethaex' xx tIiDelier: Olan ail lchbairrni Speaker.,; ;ic.oided Cuî Scott. Toronto rcpescna*m,-e of Canada Displax> on *hr, subicct cf *Seeli PotaIo Pro- duction,-~ and R E. Goodin fcom lihe Ontario Dcpartmient 'of Agriculture whodiscusseci a quai We're happy that) can seil 2% AII-Jei Homo milk at 2/1 than standard mil Enjoy AI-Jersey quality and save Gien Rae Daîry Phone 623-544ý 98 King St. Vý Bowmanville SOLINA Mrs. E. R. Taylor, president. x'isited Mr. and MrS. E. R. > was in the chair for the Taylor.( I SU.C.W. meeting on Monday Mr. John Cook. Richmond night. Mrs. J. Knox was the Hill, Miss Linda Vernon, Tor- ; -,secretary, pro-tem. D ur in g enta, visited an SaturdaY withý the business discussion period Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake % it was decided ta request any- Jr. and famil%. one wishing te donate articles Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wes M Nother: %1M of uised clothing (8 manths' lake Jr., Gordon and Shirle.- of advire, bel wear) for overseas to leave visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank serious wiîth themn with Mrs. Don Taylor or Cook, Bowmanville. Mrs. John Knox. The group do orb will share the cost of the Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome and<f orb Newsletters wh i ch each sens attended the Johns Fam- kind and con churcli family receives month-'ilv reunien at Hampton Haïll ]y. A work meeting will be on Saturdav niglit. Daughter: held on April 8 at the home, Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and that, mother. of Mrs. E. R. Taylor. The Linda visited Mr. and Mrs. N. otherdyh printed programs for 1963: Leach, Taunton, on Sunday. erayh * were distributed among theý Mrs. Rae Pascoe and child- had put his members. Members answered cen visited Mr. and Mrs. J-1tîat was scra * the roll caîl with an EasteriDyec. Oshawa, on Sunday. quotatian. Mrs. Lloyd BroomneiM.EwnOmsobe- ledtheworhi sevic, te er, Miss Helen Baker, Ter- CLOTHES themne being "The Lave of onto. visiteci Mr. andi Mrs.' God.2 Reverend Page then Tam Baker and famliy. Curtains and presenteci thoughts on the next chapter of "The WordÉ Little Heather Down, Ebe- acci deposits and The Way." Four groups!nzr a ekn iie six months. were formed ta express theirlwith lier grandparents, Mr. thouglits an the meaning cf and Mrs. John Knox. JACI love. These were later dis-ý Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn cussed. Lunch was serveci. and familv Wayne and Susant Sauina Communlty Hall was Leger, Oshawa, visited during filled to capacity on Wedne- - the weekend with Mr. anci day evening, Mardi 27, whenMrs. E. Cryderman. over 200 ladies enjayed a pre-, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson view of the chaemingly fem- and Dorothy. Beaverton, were miine styles for speing and Sunday tea guests of Mr. and summer 1963, at the Spring Mcs. Russell Vice. Hat Show of millinery from Mes. Ella Taylor and San- lWideman's Ladies' Wear, Bow- dra, Scarboeough, visited re- manville. latives here an Sunday. The stage was tastefully -_________ decorateci with a large whiteý rose-covered trellis, bird-bath,! LONG SAULT F IE miva large umbeella andi table,' It andi colarful window-boxes io, Mr. andi Mrs. Gen. Vandam, 47 IN hday ipeesent a beautiful garden-, Pontypool, were Sunday even- 47KN like setting. Mrs. R. Eakins,, tat Neighbors Club, welcomed theý Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Baker ratladies and then asked Mrs. and family. Mrs. May Johns ,atWideman te take charge. As attendcd the Johns family me- Lean. ,,inrf thc attractive models, Mrs.1uinhl nHmtnCm Elva Vice, Mrs. Loraine KnoxrniyHlatdyee- Breakf c n and Mrs. Irene Ayre, Mrs. Jessie ing. I ustr rrvndMs J.Vny A b cacdTink andi Miss Jean Baker M.adMs Vny A O resddisplayed the bats up and and family were Sunday ev-' Thedown the aisle, Mrs. Widemar. ening calies cf the Bakers. WE SPE( d i.v pecvided interesting commen-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanevk ý CHURCH -tary on each style. Douglas 1were Sunday~ dininer gur'sts cf!FR I .pcDewel o Hmpo provided Me, and Mrs. Chas. Penwar-: O I pleasant backgroundmui oe.Crse'1 1\Ysi1ti the muae ffa osic fo r M. and Mrg. H. Murphy, Criti' ushel pradgiermsion, r Margo and Trevor attendcd habrn- Lloyd Ayee, Bowmanville, de- the on aiyruini!B oeqiiet lighted tic ladies with two ampton Commu-nitv Hall, Ml lely vecal scies. Lucky Saturday evening. nilZdraxvs were made and the Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, rv"winncro h c Misses Jean Por-ter and Allv- il ndfora cf otiedspbia zo n Tobin, Lindsay. weee Sur. andea o w a eaes Mrs. R.A day visitrs f Mr. Robert Short IR P- Widemanof swa r. R .Sim. Niceis f Ohaa.Club 50 ladies m ncet Tue,ý- or BLAIJE 111îîcd Ie a bumereus skit present- day evenîng, April 91ti. and 'cla1e cd bv' ether ladies of Solina Hm ccl etFia ROAS'I Anv Club as models - Elaine Bak-Hoe&Shl etFiay ,d «i cr er ecDety~ evening, April Sth. 'e bic'cee, Juanita Fraser, Jennifer Our scocl caci hroaih WelTrimil Id '-0 Best and Aima Langmaid, hais pupilsenydatptrug Wcod'c otoiia einwr the Gien Rae Dairy last Tues-, Cross C itario, displayed with Mes. R. Fraser dymeig 1tiîre, as fashtion cemmentater. Back- Mes. Ellie Mitchell, Scar- ROAS'I Th c greund piano music was pro- boreugli, was a weekend gucst eor-, vided by Pat Davis. - f Mr. and Mrs. F. Pactner. Hall.ý At the conclusion ofthticThey wcre al] Sunday visiters STANDING April! shew the ladies enjoyeci dainty !o Mr.andi Mrs. H. Parîce PRIME refreshments in the lower ý I c r. Cat' I Icct!-d hall.i-Mr an 1%r- lyoRI ýratfta Over cne hundreci attendeci Brewn andi Lxnda wece Suit-! 't cftie Family Night under theday supper guesis of Mr. andý O S P, a-;auspices cf the Hall Board oný r n Mrs. .Pc Aden d p Fridaov nigit, in tie hall. Har- M.oc r.A Wid c vey Yellewlccs was chairman.i ndi John, Tyrone, and David Paty BakeandAveyne Jolinston were Sunday supperý SIRLOIN Paty Bakean Avlyn Lyýouests cf Mr. and Mrs. Rebf.ý ROUND rett entertained with baton,-Ms .Dvi n ON twirling numbers. DancingCJenifr nd M r is rigit ROUNDLE was enjoyed.l Prize winners Sufe ndyMuftelnoon caîl-L lwere Mr. Stuart in the beoomwere udyatron a-1l dance, andi Anne Huis andl Mr. and Mrs. Norm. Davis OFWalter Taylor, the Jnie n uilS OFcouple. Lunch was served i.nd Jigtenier ndy Mumeicl V the lower hall. The luckry h er una eeinFRON' famiy nmberwasheldbylvisitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc and Mrs. Gardon Brownvisitrs andi Tuesday evcning ib. 31 and family. Prston, cf Mr. and Mrs. Barry' IPIestnBethany. M urci el '7 Mrs. Wes Yellowlees hadi Wright, Bethany, was a week- SIDE OR~ charge of the Temperance pro-i edvstrc iran n HL gram at Sunday School on:edvstro eran n HL Sundy moning whe theuncle, the N. Davis'. iSunay ornig, hen herMes. N. Davis andi Jennifer LK tud fo and Muriel Wright, Betian, BUDGE Hilîs p esaend the adu were Sunday supper guests of i Hill prsened te aultMc. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. S Mr. W. H. Crawford cf En-' niskillen spoke at the church service Sunday morning. Gail Baker sang a lovely solo, 'Theý Stranger of Galilce." Beginning Sunday, April 28, and continuing theougli until, October, the ehurch serviceV Sand Sunday Schaol will be aV Rosalie Pare'anci'Carol-Kn'ox asise i tewarship ser- REGULAR REPORTS A vice .Mrs. R. Crvdeeman reaci ____________________ from the study book. iMes, W. A. Ormiston, Brook- SYSTEMATIC PERSOr lin. visited sex'eral da.ys w 0 h Mer. and Mes. Bruce Tink and 0F DURHAM AND familv. Mes. H. E. Tink attendeci a PRESS, RADIO AND partY for Mes. J. Balson, Hampton, an her 8Oth bieVu- I A I day. vThe partv was helci in M UNICIPAL QUALII tic Christian Education build- in". Solina fciends extend congratulations aise ta vou, BARRISTER W¶HO H Mes. Balson, on this happyLA 0F M NC A occasion. L W O U IIA Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Preston and children, Bowmanviilý2, Me. andi Mrs. Chas. Langmaîd and childeen were Sunday gucsts ef Me. and Mes. Rov Langmaid te celebrate little 3 vear aid Kolleen Preston's AWit uanwii,, Frar Rock- H O N EY , R AI rtia wiciiFranserilRok-4. 4 cliffe Air Base. Ottawa, ACI 14 Gilbert Tapp. Centralia, visit- B A RR I ed Mc. and Mes. R. Fraser. V. Me. and Mrs. Tom West- lake andi Kevin, Peterboroughi, visited on Sundav ,wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wes HilUs andi fam- INSERTED BY DURHAM -ilv. Mrs. L. Thoraton, Millbrook, The Cenadlaft Statesmmin, Bewmnfwlle, Apr. 8. 198 %.Leanerýs /iucUe arie, just a wordt fore you become that young man niderate." "Oh. I'm sure of Why only the îtched!" Carl Leslie CARE HINTS: 1Drapes will disintegrate from atmospheric andl sunless they are cleaned at least once ever? ,K & JILL'S "CORNZ A POPPIN"' APRIL 4th- 5th- 6th ITuH BROS. QUALITY MEATS ST. E. PHONE 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY PORK SPECIALS 59 1iur Lean, Fresh Sllced ast ~ SIDE fC N7 lb PORK 391 b CIALIZE IN SUPPLYING... 1GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS «NERS ". . . SPECIAL PRICES! SBrookside AD 6 LOAVES $l 0 BEEF SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BIEEF LEAN', BONELESS lib Chuck Roast AOC or GROUND C r 49b CHUCK 5lb inied Extra Lean - NIAGARA Cut OC IOVEN c 'J7lb IROAST lJb KINGO0F 'EM ALL! 1 Lean, Boneless lbj OLLED PRIME 59,c RIB l lb ROAST 69 ':"AKS and ROASTS - T-BONE - WING STEAKS . . . ORC STEAK - RUMP OR lb SS RUMP ROAST--- 9 FOR YOUR FREEZER !IFT'S TENDERED BEEF TS SIDES HINDS 9c ib. 49c lb. 5 5c PORK -Ib.39c CUT AND WRAPPED FREE ET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED O~N ALL FREEZER ORDERS 4. OIE LIBERAL RE-ELECI iSELL C. HONEY REPRESENTATION E R WITH A E TO DURHAM SAL VISITS TO ALL PARTS REGULAR REPORTS BY LETTERS. 1FICATIONS [AS SPECIALIZED IN THE ýL GOVERNMENT IUSSELL C. ýSTER q LIBERAL ASSOCIATION -I m