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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 4

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4 ThI;aia tf MnaEwmanr'flle, Apr. 2, 18 EDITORIAL COMMENT IA MacDuff Ottawa Report What We Deserve OTTAWA-Canada',q second Federal election wibhin a year is heading int the home slretch, and il 15 still unclear whelher any party can squeeze ouI a clear win. Il would be the miracle cf the age if Prime Minister John Diefenbaker mnanaged to corne back with a majoniby government. As Liberal Leader Lester Pearson has often contendcd, his Party is the only one with a reasonable chance cf deing se. As the campaign pounded down te the wire, the edds were net toc high in faveur of it doing se, but thev appeared te be imprcving. Throughout most cf Iheir history, Canadians have show-n a sîrong pre f- erence for Governments with sufficient- ly large majonities te previde strong and stable administration. That pref- cefnce bas probably been reinforced by the recent sad experience wiîh a min- onitv Goveroment un the House cf Cern- Mens lasI session. But \vhethcr Canadians cao corne any dloser la agreeiog which party should be given a majority support titan they did lasI June is another question. Over a 10-year period from 1921 to 1930 the -v failcd 10 îeach that kind cf agreement and the balance cf power rested with small opposition parties such as the Progressives. Jn the lasI Panliament, the balance rested wvith a fractious group cf 26 Social Credit members f rom Quebec and il could be that an iîîcreased Social Credit representation from Quebec will assume an even mao-e pcwerful position than before through an alliance with a furîher weakcncd Conservalive party. That the inter-est and conoern cof Canadians in the present political situa- tion bas been aî-oused is more than evident from the large turneuts for bbe meetings cf bath Mn. Diefenbaker and Mr. Pearson. What bas also been cvi- dent is that an unusually large pro- portion cf people who are net rabid partisans of eithe- side at-e lurning eut te sec and bear before lhey make up their minds. While il is undoubtedly t-uc that a geod many voters bave become dis- encbanted with the Conservatives, it was aIse truc earlY in the campaign that a large per-ceotage cf those people bad still net been able b bnring tbem- selves around ta voting Liberal. Going int the clection with bis Party in a state of disarray, six cf his ministers baviîîg banded in Iheir res- ignitions, three cf tbcm in outnîgbt protest against his pelicies, Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker obviouslv had te start from a long way back.' But frem the moment his campaign began, the Prime Minister has been running bard, in a desperale effort to win the great- est baIlle of bis polibical career. With a skill for whieh he bas ne equal, he bas workcd adroitly te turn every knock b bhis own advantage. He piclures bimself as the underdog fighting in the intcrests cf bbe "little mani" against powerful, sinister, but unnamed interests that are against him. J-e portrays himsc'lf as the Harrv Tru- mani of 1948, who w-on an upset v'tdbor.y in the United States against Thomas Dewey when be stumnped" across the country proclaiming : "Everybody is against Me but the people." Charges- that the Liberal party was the author of a sbarply critical, * cover storv teentlv in the US. News- wrek magazine is otîlv one cf several r ploys he tises ta sugge'st theî-e is sorne * kund of tîoholv alliance betw-een the f Lihecrals and poweî-ful U.S. business and gn\'ctnment inter-est. He con- tinues 10 sit on bhc sclf-constt-ucted nuclcar wrapons fonce while savagelv deniding Pearson foc contending that Canada should live up te ils defense commi Ime n is During the lasI cloction il was Mr. Diefenbaker w'hn bad trouble getting his carnpaign off the ground. This time il w'as MIr. Peaî-son. Always a flot an electieni campaign in most cir- cumstances has much effect on the out- corne cf the final vote. In the case cf the present election, with such a large proportion of floating v'oters who are perplexed and undecided, it could be vital. The Liberals have been î-e]ying heavily on the Canadian preference for a strong and stable administration te return themn with a majonity govern- ment. In the Prairie provinces this pref- erence is likely te be only a miner force. Quebec is the key te the out- corne, but il remains an enigma. Tra- ditionally il bas always shown a strong desire te be on the winning side. But the past is net a reliable te the future in a province that is undergoing a quiet but pewerful internal revolution, as the upsut-ge cf Social Credit last June clearly demenstrated. Some observers have been pre- dicting that the Social Credit margin in Quebec will be incî-eased f romn 26 te 40 or 50 seats and Gallup Poli itself sbowed a stronge surge toward the Parbv early in the campaign. On the other hand, pîi\-ate surveys cenducted for the Liberal party by a company which foretold the rise cf Social Credit before the last eleclion show a drastic falling away cf support in the ridings wheî-e it ceunIs. The fuli-scale inter- vention cf Liberal Premier Jean LeSage could also pI-ove te be cf vital im- portance te the Paî-ty's cause. In the early days cf the campaigo, Liberal strategists were filled with black despair over the way in which things were going. Apart from the Social Credit mystcty in Quebec and the strong impact being made by Mr. Diefenbaker, they were aise alarmed about an eaî-ly swving teward the New Democratic Party. As the campaign pounded duwn the home stretch, however, thev r-e- garded the situation wîth mot-e optim- ism. They weîe convinced the NDP surge bad fallen off, while Social Cred- it had been at least contained as tens cf thousands cf previously undecided voters began swinging over to the Lib- cral camp ta ensure a Liberal govern- ment with a banc majonîty. There is ne end te the possible alternatives if they are wreng. Cen- ceivably a minenity Liberal goverrnent might be formed with NDP support. But if Social Credit moves ahead stî-ongly in Quebec and the Conserv- atives cao check their losses, il is pass- ible that Mn. Deifenbaker might con- tinue clinging te power even though he had less seats than the Liberals, counting on Social Credit te again pro- vide him wth a majority in the ilew Parliament. Rarely ina country's histoty bas there been more bruth te the aid adage that the people gel the kind cf gevern- ment they deserve. The Welcome Man Ther&'s a man in the world whe is neyver turned down, wherever hf, chances te stray* ; he gels the glad hand ho the populous town or eut where thc farmers make hay; he's greeted with pleasure on descnis of sand, and deep in the aisles cf tbc woeds; wherever be gees therc's the welcoming hand - he's The Man Who Delivers the Goods. The failures of life sit around and complain; thc gods haven'l treatcd themn white; lhev've lest their umbrellas whenever bhere's rain and tbey haven'l their lanterois at night; men bir-e cf the failures whe f ill with their sigbs the air- of their own ineighborhoods; ther-es one who is greeted wîth love-lighted e ves - he The Man Who Delivers the Goods. One fellow is lazy, and watches the dlock, and wails for the whistle te blow; and one has a hammer, with which he will knock, and one tells a stonry cf woe; and ne, if rrqted tep I 9 Io * £b L"ý- The Bawmnanville News P q wThe Newcastle Independent L1OW q The Orono News olab 'Authorized as Second Ciise Mai by the Post Office Depi., Ottawa, and for pnymnn et postaqe in cash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDITOR-PiULISKER ADVTG. MANAGES BusiNoes MGRt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly in cdvanc. $5.50 a Year in the United States Allhouqh ev.ry precoutirn will ha. Iriken tea cvoid,1.Conciiin Stntesmcrn accepis adverls- inq in deri nuns an the und.rsicndincu hat i wil foi beh.abis for any errer in any adverlîsemeni published hereundier uniseci prnotf et such ncvertîsemeni sa reques4.d if wziuuuq by the adverlcser and rolurm.d tri The Canadion Stotesman husiness afficesduly signer! hy the adetiser end wi<h such orfr r cmerrer$nn rminiy nm<ed if writinq herecrnn mn itfiI race if nny errmr se ,naled is nu errected hy Th.*r,-rnrqnn Stnprrîm-,,,t* abiity shrhim xr.pd %tirs etpartion nt th*entire egt et sceliadvertia.nent nmithe spre eeured hy the nettri errer ber a o<e,<hwhaeespmre oerrlîp. by such advetiîsemeni. * Uco. If iWs not à nîce enough' - day tô go for a picnic, or play r~ golf, or go fishing, or work in I the garden. Canadians wiil LIC burn oub in their handfuis for a parade. They wlll stand In their scanty ranks, stonlly wvatchlng During the past ten month.1 anythlng froni a prime min- occasional references have ister to a Santa Claus parade.ý been made te the establîsh- Occaslonally. If it's the Qucen ment off a forestry camp for or Wlnston Churchill or some- boys, hn the G-anaraska For- body cf equlvalent rank. thereest, and some parents max' might be a tentle patter of have wondered if their son handclapplng. Once in a while,' could be enrolled. Absolutelvsome eccentrie will actually net! The boys, who are naw cheer-one little hurray.1 Hel in residence, belong ta an ex- subsides lmmediately, horrlbly, clusive club, drawn from the embarrassed, while everyone membership off bbe Beys' ln bis vlcînity stares at hlm Training School at Bowan- coldly. xville, and they are jealous off In otheî countnies, univer- their priviiege. sity students write poetry, john parties, man the barricades, Although there are oniy march on the palace, die fo0ýeighteen boys in camp at pre- their ideals. In this eountry ' sent, provision bas been made, the uni'zcrshty students writý for a total of foony. One build- letters home for maney, go to log includes administration, parties, man bhe bars, marcb kitchen, dining roam; bheu-e ta the foiknik joints. and die are bwa sleeping dormitories, at a ripe aid age, usuaily for a class rooni, shower room, their high living. piump bouse, tooi shed, aodý e * *staff' quarters. plus a couple But tbings are changing. off sky-bes." The buildings The solemn, c-vnicai Canadian are ot all-weather canstrue- is be-ing swept out off bis quiet ion, and beated by cil fur- backwater ino the seething naces. Food is stored in large mainstreani. His ink-like biood, refrigerators; the kibehen sink is aboi]. St-ange, sax'age soaris is off stainiess steel: all eeok- are cscaping bis thin lips. ing is done on an electnie Deep within bum, a Beast is range by Doug Carter, who is being aroused. He's prying pone of bbc weil known cater- the stones off bis patio ta hujrl' ing famils off Bowmanville. at somnebody, tbough he isn't I saw the lads eniaying a fitst quite sure who il is. class evening meai, on March Gene is bis decent rescu-ve. 281b,- and tbey assured me that Vanislîed is bis phiegmatie ALL, meals were excellent. caliin. Rippcd ta ribbons is bis Bc n14d o ell ancient fear that somebady Bakb 14,JeMir right tbink he xvas dsplav- deciared that the camp site îog emobion. A newx, strange contained ane off the iaveliest violence suu-ges thîaugb his 'dells* n Sauthern Ontario,ý knatbed x-cuns. There's going and be was happy w'hen bbc to he eror in the land. 1 Fairmeî-*s Fedieration off Dur- Cali feel it. bam County bougbt bbc bhir;."Nonsense,' you say. Oh, acres; fac a permanent farmers, Jent help and cat-eful care yesI cao bear ynuu. -Piffie recreation area. For thirteen an d poppycock," you sneer. years Bay Scouts used the site, tors, nurses, therapists and All night, dont believe me. lives cf cîippled childi-en'Bot dont say I didnt warn t-e indepeî-dent. The Eastei-r '.T r o .Jusl. talle a look at or the funds that pav for the da'ily îîewspapers. Il s al 1rgb T o r manv ather needs of these there. Vour fellow ( anadians ion to te Campaign he]ps have gone haywire .P. M. cao e snt o VuirJEERED -B Y STI DFNTS IIII~ >ungnhan's( for their Spriug fecestrvY camp: the first. in 1947. bad thirîx'- nine Scouts under canvas; bbe last, in 1960. had three boni- dred. Tbc area w-as evcntu&a- lv said ta the Ganaraska Au- bbtoribx- wbo agreed ta the es- tablishment of the present camp, subjert ta consent off the Dept. of Lands & Foreste w-ha admnuisberilfo r bbc 'Atboritv\,. Requuest grauuîed' Frank Miler is chief suipe. - x-usnr off bbc camp. His au uis' te bave the boci-s learo ta live, work, sbuidx-,v and pias- îo- gether, so that thex' wull take their preper places in socieîv as nusefu!. comipatible (ribi7enos. Surelv, no-bodv erould bave a loftier purpose. and wc should ail! wisb bim w'chi in bis en- deavours. lýFrank i$ assusted b- two soperx-isi-s, Allan Andeison and Andx- Hcimstîa. who airc »nated for- their abilitY in gel aloog well with x'olng people. In case local labocers tbiink that these boys are takuing aw-a1V Ytheir monev ea rn i n Joabs, lb sboîuld be expiained that the jobs bciuug doue aie ones, that arc essential ta gond foi-est management, buti (oiuld not be done pcofibabl *v bxv- i cd heip, tbeu-efoce xvould proli- ablv cenuain kundone, suctu as bbc present piojPct --cutling bxventx- s-a r old un w-anted Scotch pine, plantcd bv bbcr former owvuîrsý as Christias trees. not zold as such, and left stanîding. The box-s Esti bbe trces, bake nui,. and Ipie( anv fuel w-ood, whi ch w' iii i:' to our provincial parks fou bbch pucnirking public's tusc; 1and pile the brush. Il7 oeur scribe's huml opinion, the 'v are doing a firstclass job, under the able dir- ectuon ofE Ranger Ed Mickey, a graduate off bbc Ranger Scbool at Dor-set, and who, at one time, Was a sebool teacher - riugbt bere un Durham County. WhO Ibbc f'Ill caniplement off foctv boy* s are in residence, thu-ir sýe-en banc work day xviii c-ons:st of one grou*doi- i ng -111P chou-0es. another g-aUP in 'lie class raom, bbe thîrd group working in the forest; the.v xiii ail be i-c- tated. Direct contact betweeri thc camp and headquarters st Bo--iavilte is via radio. In- cidentallv, tbc camp is locatei on Ille Clarke-Hope boundarv, north cf couobvy road number 9, aîud souuîh off the Clarke- Manvers boundarv. I asked bhe boys,.In the ah- creoff their superviser, how - thelv luked theur set up; their auusxvcr vas a uinanimous O.K. Thex- like the w-ork, the food, j theji- iuvinz quai-bers. thelox'e- Iv vuntryside, ibeir super- vusor, tbbc ook, the iack of stric-t Training Sebool sîuper- vision. The.v kncuw ibat their Il Ilt of stav iin camp de-. i pendýs 0ontheir individuai con- dort. The '- appreciate the honi- vstnu.and intend i b safcguiard tl. On Maueb 2th, uftei %v o r - and 'wasb-u)', tl-y enuîoved TV until thp xxc 'oc coimc and gel it" muade them more unterested ho fond, and no wonder. after R fair si-ted hike, plus vigorelux, s? rcruiouis fpivsica I labour in that frcsb air. This is a.n ex- perimen iun lhurmnurcbabili- ltbion that bas a gond chance off Success. - ernment'ps Record 1 liv Nni4f'fi rif --- - ," 1 L -y" sys heheadllne. *HECK-h df i E E E5 N %.fE N N ç )r Easter Seal Service Club. L1ERS DISRI'PT lMEETING,"f fttittItIIIttIIttçnttîlfrltitnlb rt say~s. "SPEAKER HOWILED DOW N," it gloats. Isn't that The Canadian public, famous ..î S U G IR.for Its total, soporific caini during election campaigns, is The way Tory politicians'n 19-7. The price of ti g ment, <an rontinup to spenfi aroused. The tiger is loose. r rîgt lssae h e e to be purhased by mnre than is taken in. are be piclure otsanovhoneserpiacid a nCao You actuall conceive sorry record of the Dieten- Eastern farmers has rnsen ' e Liboral Party is pied- thf itr fa onspai ae government in attempts sbarpiy. For example the cost ged Io bring in a new budget Canadian standing uip and te co nvince voters that it was Of fîrrn machinerv'N bar risen akt soon as parliarnent is ciîl. Sasking questions ai a political otherwise was severely critic- by 25 per cent in the past six cd. We are piedged tn balance SN CB LE meeting, unlessalhe was drunk? i,,d by Russeli C. Honev, Lib- er."esl rc frm h ugta b aletps jCan you imagine sensible eral Candidate for Durham modities sold by farmers has sible datc," Mr. Honey assur- Caniadian voters cheering, ex- County, when he spoke in virtually stood stili, and ;il cd the meeting. IUeUflai a hockeyIev * * *Biaekstock on Sat., March some cases bas dropped sincC e greatcst need of Can- Somtbng unpecdctrd Nt s. t eat, e eyr 'be193 cecio isgong23rd. There was a large and 1957. ada tnday is a goverroment uncaled frnd tnomeitbie wcr . Aefoe. Compareri 10 l'to g 96don in bistori. n mayenthusiastic attendane at the Mr. Hoey referred to hp with a clear majority in par- is hapenior ngd urnd, grkabl wri e . Cobav e r!10av s e n ont sow n 'ing, pto].itîica Open House beld by the Cart Liberal Party's prngram flor liamient. Tbis is tbe real is- C appadingpeoleo i od rathe sa etoai atioeenn. Bt s enthin itica y.wrigbt Liberai Association in agriculture and e ' strongly sur. Il ils ont a question of ý,aing are opilg. T E ve n îblyenitib w'bnaptid on. iutemte llie wnibe xîdthe Blackstock Commu.nity approvedi the policy annouinced wba' the Liherai Party wants, One cf the tbings I've ai- thernselves on their reserve, free spirit cf tbe Canadian Hall. b ~hriLae .BPa-adied atacermjr ,wavs admired about us Cao-,are sioppv and sentimental people burst loase, and we Neil Malcolm, president or son ta have two Ministers nfE uv n order in govern effect. adians has been aur dour lack compared to us. Or at îeast were revealed for the tem- the association, presided. The Agriculture, one in be espec- iv:cl 'v and decisivelv. but it is a cf response 10 any of thetbey used ta be. pestuous. exotie, rarnantic race co-chairman for the polis in ially for Eastern agriculture. question of wbat Canada us~a stndar emtioai sim-* ** w~realv re. be reawere appointed as "The answer ta Canada's cd' Mr. Honey stated in ulants: Qen coîntrv, fiag, We hv iav en Its Ïbeautiful. somehow. foilows: No. 1, Ceciu Gibson presetdfîute sam-coig Auehv Rwy e nd, mjw ai o e-an oetWeir o ,.oritygoveroment tbat (an îm- Al]an Beer, Betbany, the antbem, palitics, religion. tbornv, owly surîx, OioerAtndsmhoew asnd. Fo ie-adRoberKt ee lHr;o2Wri-plenent soind policies to move Liberal Candidate for Dur- Latin races are expected to independent- and deepix- un-'eain lpewsnbd ieHrl yeadHrl Àr be xctabeemoioalvo- etbsiati pepi. W hveus. And now we're .iust go- gbt; No. .3, Ivan Mountjoy' and Canada ahead on ail fronts. Nu bain in the corning provincial ,be exabl eeoltionay. o-benhuimcpreoplve perbhapven eliee'rbdyes.KnGibn:N. Ivan segment of toi ec ccnomy lect ion, also addressed tbe .ubedy evosurpiod wheNo- but lsounimpressed. . - -..-- Tbompsonand Gardon Get-ishou!ld be neglccted. If our patbering. iHe urged everyone Teon wns to bieatjeenOU u ther o nionrs hed. atins; No. 5, Edward Williams wivvs managed their bOIusè- t0 MîVe full support Io Mr. ýTon mint and sob yov per anes ions ae. The and Lawrence Malcolm. ýhold budgets in tbe fashio)n Hone 'v, and spoke of the vital ,oemnt n o vrapoesosadprds h iCIr menSm f h atso a he Diefenbaker governmeni. import a n c e af the1 'song the next. Scandinavians people turnouoi in bundreds liI. nSm fth at fCo as bandied the niation's Ni- erai election te Canadians are noted for their moodiness.'of thouisands tn cheer alt thesetstutonate Slv r xlsv.Ain 0 ftheirxocswv igada rsn itainatrgel io the past s-ix vcars, tbere and of the benefits a Liber.4- foa% r eo xplg osv. Arians topofrgeirgains, polceuns. netnai isi er fPo~ woutd be rnan.\,brnkenbornes. govc -ornent in Ottawa will aore %undltahl. Arc Wsre ahave hadth urparad les, sve onsrvaivegovrnmntNo one, flot exen a govero-ibring Eastern farmers. are nprdictble We avehad ur arads, hich show the resuits of the Thei r Ladies Tories ineptitude asnd% ieSup otteRo yCu The Bowmanville Kinsmen outlined by himn as foliows.Su p r h o a y C u Clubs annouai Ladies' Night "The Canadian Tax Founda- In the D* ~~ditnner and dance beld ai the lion, an impartial gr u fEatrSu opi t Lin oruivCentre on, Chartereri Accuntantý anld atrSa pint andi audy.Mrh2,wsa e cnmssfoeat nte rîded stîccess, and the delight- budgetarY deficit of $R00,000 ,' " fui event mas eo.InNed bv more 0100 for the fiscal year start- H elp Crippied Cnuuaren '"~"~ as han 110 people, the local ing April 1st. This deficit D.~EitantIEL. Kinsmen. their wix-es, and wili be the sixtb consecutive If wPe sicerelv believe in fart frnrn ail men andi womeil r guests. President A r rioid deficit. Total budgetarv de- the bas e hurmanitarian con- of qoodw ill throughout One From The Statesman Files Sieep presided and welcomed ficitS in the six years cf Dief- ail who attended. Jack Scbiil,enbaker governimenî naw ta- cepis cf our Socict *v. then vwr tarin, thIe 2nd vice-president. was'tai between $3,000,000,000 and all bave a responsibilitY *tn- The Ontaio Society tfo j 25 VEARS AGO 49 1'EARS AGO ftbchianotecmiîe $4,000,000,000, a debt off sorne- make cer-tain that crippled Crippied Childreo is a volun. (April 7, 1938) (April 9, 1914) 1 n charge cf arrangements. Itbing ox'er $200 for each and ncildru d not sue n-tar. ogaitaio'0m00edo Those ai the bead table 1f ever.v Canadian famiîy. ocsaybrdbpdeh10,01 memberi having ne Mis oisJaiso set rs . . hrtba ecli ack nofrnedicai advico, (de arur.Rcoorrlg j MssDoisJamesn pet Ms B Sortba benaddition to Presudent and Mrs.: "Tlhe Unemploymnent l Isu- and trealment faaieities. That - - the weekend wtb bier sister x lslting friends in Toronto. Sep eeteDpt o aieFn ilb aktadtetelfcltc.Ta nuis faitb, or lack or funds are wbo is on staff of the Metro- Mrs. (Rex-. W. S. Bi3tbb,Sep. er the\Dpta' nc odwi e akutt~x deserve uru]ptthetbselistishen, 'p1 tnHsia nWnsr l~toni -sîn e eroor oft te Kinsi-neo Zone C. in April. In the last election ai b ep tinnprtettaitcgo Mr. ia ospial.n P. dsE . reen-hfat e, ir.C. Rebd lierHoWic Reid, Peterborough, campaign Mr. Diefenbaker ne sirftbe rpldcidsmdclcat fiei d we r 0P.Ecrrougb eMr. F. D.Makaydron and Mrs. Reid, Mi-s. Muî-ray said in a oationaiiy tcievised The 1963 Eastfr Su-ai Carn- A Il cbiidren require hein. fida exenoPeaterbdiogh a 10 . . se SnackY witb î01erCain, pi-esident cf the Bow- speech. and I quote his exact paigo is now being ronduict0drlWe acknowîedge ibis fart ini a bFiaqu e ing ibendKawat mbeMs. Thos. Sh.leri manvilie Kiniette Club, and words: 'In ibisinonth of June in 229 Communities Ibrouigi'- multitude cf ways, by iaw, b.v Club in honor of Mr. Jobn I. Mr. Harold W, Elliot.îo heMr. Cain, Ron Brooks. puesi- we nav weii reacb the long oui Ontarin, and ,,ponsoi-s.;Arren',h oalolgto, d f lentn h omnil : okdfi olo uic-teOtrnSces o-Cri- lAlleo. rcîiring district super- Bank of Montreai staff, bas dant o(CtheB. aod Mrs. Bro Iok pci rn oalt oiiifbuachecd, tiedOntaidrcn and ts or Vpure instinct. f intendent of the Prudentiai been transferred bo the brancb "l< lb n r.Bo)ýýiyet twilb civd idCide n l oa- Life lnsurance Company. rab Welland. Dr. Keith Billett, presideot nf as I sec it, in July or August. Lion, Kiwanis, Kinsmrn snd fil rieff. Seais cxb,- Mirs. Thornas Coulter, Well 11Rev. W. C. Washington, the Bowiaox-ille Rotary Club.!Foîl empicymneni is now about other- Service Club represrin- tend a belpful protective hanri ,ntnSreasqiear-MAleftint spend tbe surn- Mrs. Billett, Vice-President to 'take place'. Yet more than tatixes. 1n otur. crippieri children - ingon trethasquie reinA, eip the.m in overcome their cord. She bas cared for tbe mer with bis son, Mri. C. C. Keitb Ferguson cf Branch 178 five monthis atewadso The financiAi goal is $1 - altar linen ai St. Jobn's Ang- fWashington, ai Empr-ess, Alla. nf the Roy-al Canadian Legion. Ibis February we bad mre "fears and tri instil in thern Ilican Churcb for welI overjZM r. Washington accompanied Mrs. Ferguson, Vice-President tbao eigbt per cent of aur ho~bpf,, cour-age and seif-reli- '50 years. him ta Toronto. Russell Oke of Rie Bowmao. wark farce unemployed. lb wii bc attairipd. bt on'. vanilc . A needy er-ippled chilti Mis. Alan Williams lias We were pleascd tb recive Ville Lions Club. Mi-s, Oke, "Last June, a few' days 'ne- with full support fron-im aright in vour <-ommunits' been visiting ber daLigbter, a rail froîn Mr. Riger- Fiýsh- Jack Scbiii. ebairmnan off the fare the electian, Mr. Diefen- quai-bers - individiais - cont- awaîts heiP. Vour Easter Seal MrsAdolpb Koldalfsky, of ieigb. Inspector for bbe Boiler- Kinsmien Ladies' Niglit Coini- baker denied there was any panies - emiplo.vee grnuups -j oriuontay cuid Toronto. Inspection anîd Insurance Cu., înibtec, and Mrs. Scbiil. tinaîucial crîsus un Canada. comrnunitv organuzatins - ini bave a life-iong effeet. rM-. Ken Mitchell. Tor-anto, Toronta, w-ho 'vas iiiwn The spacious rooînibad beeru Four days later hee bad ta go spent the weekend xith bis eaî-lv ibis weerk renewiug beatitifull\- cecoi-ated b 'v bbe before bbe nation on a nation- 1 parecnts, Mr. anud Mrs. F. J. acq'liainbances. lie s an assist- Teti Townî girls iii the K iiis-Iil elevision, show ta admit Mitchell. - aîiit eligineer ait bhe ad uoffice liulS c(>iurs iofvel iuw al](; Iha b bue countrv was in sellonIS fMr. Bill Pbiblips,, iin charge utlî.uîeseîit. lie is î'ecutiviuugirbiiutfur Ible galji evujut. A ijtouble, and tlat w'e had tu off tlhe bobograiplic depuit- cungratulatioîus on bei ng akut i l rageilîl of red aiiil borrovwhliuge sunis fronm tlipYOU are cordially invited rulent of Juî-v & Luxeli's sture gr-and fabher. NMu'S. Fishleiugb r white chl rvsa lit lieluuns adcorîu- Un ited Stabes anîd Gi-eal Bru- bas obtained a position with is visiting theiî- daugliteî- Mîs-' ed tue Ihead table, and ail tbu tain in order ta save oui- dol- to visit your local Unique Photofinishers, Toron- J. HI. Eai-ly, Saskatoon, Sask. j ni-er tables w-cie centied with lar aînd ta prevent financial ta, and xiii begin work Mon-Iý Mr. C. H. Carlisle, Toronto vellow daffodils and bloc iris chaos. Nowitbstanding the day. is îin ow-n lasi week on bus:I' The favors fou- bbe ladies ,hêlp givpn Canada by the Uni- lbay d rn The new chapel rrec-ted in iriess. were purse size manicrne seîted Statpo.,aithiat time,. Mr. lbay d rn the hasement of St. John',, Miss; Minnie McPheisoti, of and lint îemovers in attractive, Diefenbaker now tries te gain fChurchb bs the Mens Club off Toironto. spent the w-cekrrnd rs The Fniskilleni Unitpl votes by stirrig UV anti- the parish xiii he put te its with ber auint, Mr:s. J. N. Churrb Womern aî ierprd fer Arnrican feeling. officiai use next week wbenLaxvrie. thle rdlicinus dinner. ITIip net farm incarP ne 1 Services wili be beld there. iFanm, one concession*oortb Of President Bert Snawden. Thp drastically since the Diefrn- N A IO N A I IBR1 RY Mr. Donald Wright spent Enniskiilen, bas bought frorn Toast to Her Majesty-tbb. baker governmrrent look office the weekend in Toronto with Mrs. Ni. J. Heron nf Toronto,' Queco w-as given bv President Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frise. the farm adjoining bis on thle Sleep. and K. Ivrett piavect ger. Tvrone, Tom Melanson, Miss Belle Allen is xisitingi wesi. about 107 acres. This the piano accompanicnient *for Chathami, Ont.. two RYerson W- - frens o ocnt ad a prcas mkecM-.We' the singing of The Queco. Institute students, and Doug <- among the guests ,%ho attend-'one off bbc big landowners in Osborne Williamis, the loi- Delanev, Tyrane. Tbe talent- /-C* ed the Durham Caunty Club bbe couoty, bis reaitv passes-. mediate past puesidient off thu' ed young mens rendition off on Thursday evening at theýsions naw exceeding 300 acres. club. proposed bbe Toast ta Gaiog on a Hay Ride, Wauldn't A R L 1 Sherbourne Club. Miss Vera Bawies, Ladies with eloquence and Ilb Be Nice, Odessa, The Wa- <- A two-piano icani -omprised îs visiting ber uncle, Dir. J. C.. u, adMs lewf u ahCnahlRyh of Iris Ive-, A.T.C.M.; Phyllis De% ibi.n r.Slewf f ahCnobal htmO Cbaiiis, A. T. C.M., Bawman- Misses Neya and Ediia' !le Kinsnieu Presidet.*, re- bbe Ram., Fortv Miles cf Bad 1963 MOTTO: ville, gave four difficuit Smnith Ou-ana, and Mrs. A. V.1 l "rRiEADINnGhei b- ud, bcMueHEincrBEY~ numbeî-s ,itb skill ai the Rcid and son William, ('Ilrke, halE. An exquisitc bouquet off and ather fine selections wel'e " E DN H E closing meeting off the Oshawa were recent guests of ilrs. J. 1u'oscs,, carnations and chr':,san- , warnul.v applauded. Mr. Me!- 0 Music Study- Club on a-r .Elhît M ;lhrt Facn". thennunis \vas presented lo ansan's singing was alsa much TO MANY THINGS" 3th. Miss Helen Machoit, cotralto Mrs. Slfe-p bv Dlou Stut. a e njo ' ed by theauine Tyrone: We %velcomie Mr. -saloist. xiii take a leading P"a<. presidient. an behaîf cf During the balance of bbe and' Mrs. Ronald Scotita a ur )atint hoeb sacred caitata bis; fe llaw- Kinsmen. . evening rbx-thmnic music foIr Bowmanville Library~ Hours : village. -The Holvý Cibv' n bbe Meth- Dur;ng ,lie e'.ening Dr. John ' dancing was provided bv Orono: Sorî- to bear i)ane odist Churcb. Port Hope. Gond fWir-preseiu:ed a specia, Charles Cachrane's Orc-hestriý, Fouod broke bis ankie. Friday evcniug. the-ad bcuîosî uur-atlet,:c Oshawa, The winoers off the MONDAY - TUESDA Y - THURSDAY S ta rk x-il i c: Miss Lilîr Mrs. William Ra<ukiri, Wood- :ioph'%, Ib Byron (Duke)1attractive door pîizes were 2 to 5:30U - 7:301 lu 9:00 p.m. Hughes has returncd ta Taron- stock. is visiting bier b>r-.1 Brunt, w-ho also was given an[Mrs. Jim Cox, Mrs. Roy M- tn after spending some lime Mir. Thos. Ted, and rcenewiýýng o-ri/e balîpoint pen. Muilen, Mrs. Howie Reid, Pet- at home. aequaintances off which she Dr. Wcx wa.i in charge. cf "rbnrauigb, and Mrs. Dixi-',SALtTA Newc NsI;,a<r1.W i mn.'1 ncti:nntndanc- hix ptdac rsfr 10:00 la 12:0<1a.m. - 1):00) le 5:31) p.m. trî~ auedlaa-aU maus.tar by obr TîFinr-ch straaret1P /1)' elw ut4nabian ï ttemn Durh-am County's Great Family Journal Established 109 yecirs ego in 1854 Also Incorporating W»eqmwbd Many bonurs cf pati ar-e given by parents, doci v-lunteei-s te make the happier. bealthiet- and me: Scal Campaigîî providest t-calment, equipment and cbildr-en. Evei-v contribut seme crippled child. You

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