r) Thc CanadIan Statesynan, townianville, Apr. 3, 1963 Hea 11h Min ister Tg Housing Achieveri During Courtice hl More new houses wcre built ln tic last four ycars tino ever before, and tuis meant Mare ncw jobs, Hon. J. Waldo Mvoneith, Minister a! Healti and Weifare statcd at tie rneeting hi-Id by lie Durham Progressive Conservative As- soci.ation in Courtice Higi Sehool on Fnidax' Mai-ci 22nd. "'Jobs ai-e oui- prime concern," he asserted. Jack Brougi. presidenl o! tie Bowrnanville P.C. Assoc- lation, was ciairman o! lie mneeting in tie unavoidable absence o! Robent Sisson, thie pi-esident of lic Di-iarn Couni- ty P.C. As:ocialion. Oliers on tie platform wer-e Garni-t Rie-- kaýrd, Prog-rcsve Conser-va- tive Candidate for Durham Count.v. Mrs. Rickard. Mns. Brougi. Michael Wladyka, Port H-ope, Fi-ancis Werry, presideol o! tic Darlingtoo P.C. Association, Jack Reid, president o!thie Clarke P.C. Association. and Ahex Carru- tiers-,, M.P.P. Good Medicine - A ta keep yourw" itlcome heaithy! Your family incarne migobt drop ta ici-o 1f ihe brc:d,ýNi-r gels sîck or hirt and i tinable towank. Regular moniil) bils would quicklY pile up . .oct ta. mention thc extra medicîl buis voWid have. iThe rei-isi côuld hi- o\cr\ýhirnirZ d(chît. To prevent suci a inancial catastrophe, sec u'zl'or incone insurance, \italIdfmily pro- tection. STUALT B. JAN ES INSURANC(E Ring St. E. Office 623-5681 REA~L ESTATE Boy mani ille Residence 623-5493 The foi-mer Mayor af Part Hope, Mr. Wladyka, in mInro- ducing Mr. Riekard, referred ta im as a man wio would make anc o! tic finesh mcmn bers in panhiament, and wio wauld place Durham anthe map. He spoke of Mr. Rick- ai-d's 17 yeans o! municipal service in Danlinglon Town- ship and a! is Ici-m o! of- fice as Wanden of tic United Counties. "AIL political parties are ti-ying ta salve thc ecanamni fils ofthe country, but the probhern must be tnckied ona Dominion widc basis, and not in geograpiical sections," Mr. Richard declaned. Tic solution advocaled b:. Mn. Rickard xvas stimulation o! indusînial gi-owti wiicl would in humn improve tih, clirnate for small businesses, and onhy tien xvouhd tai-mers b-gin ta prosper. "We must expand lie mai- kets for oui- producers, An in ci-case in 'Made in Canada' producîs bas aircady nepla- cd lie need ton some a! tie expont market, he ndded, and fui-lier explained liaI improv- ing conditions for westernî %vieat tai-mens cannot possibi: ieip castern agriculture. Alex Canrutiens, M.P.P. spoke briefhy and said tint he tiaugiltich press, radio aod tlevision werc becoming less effective jn them influence ai peaphe's opinions. "We tiaught ticy had n i-cal deal of con- IraI, but I arn now canvinccc they have nat," he stated. He aiso criticized lie Liberal coloring books and pigeons, and rcmanked tint in hus opin- ion hhese tiings are disgnace- ful, and ai-e 001 indicative of lie thinhing going an wien parliament was dissolved, he said. J. Waldo Monteili, lie Min- ister o! Healti and Wclfare, paid tribuhe ta Mr. Ricka-d's abililies. "We nced moi-c men like Gai-net Riekard in Ot- tawa, tic cabinet minisîci said, and claimed tint Mr. Rickard's long municipal ex- pei-ne wouhd prove ta be ar assel. He tld tic audience liat xvicn in office tic Libenals had cnhy extended $100.000.001 wonti of direct housing boans. "Tic Conservalive govern- nient in six yeans hms increas- cd this to $2,0l00,000,000. W9 iawer-d lie doxvn paymenl, and made Iwice as much mancy available an lban,' Mi-. Monteith said. Air, Rail or Stearnship TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWVHERE Consult S ilR Y & LO0V ,L L 2 King St. E. 623-3361 Bowmanville ALUMINUM SIDING ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS If yotu arc considcring remodelling your borne and clîrnînating your paint worrics then give us a eall. With no obligation to you wve will be glad to give you an estirnate on your project, for Aluminum Siding, Windows, Doors, Awnings, Rclings and Carports Wc gunrantee the Iowest price, the best work%- manship and most important "The Canadian Made Products"... ALCAN ALUMINUM with a huit-in tomorrow. Cail your local agent LORNE ALLIN, 1 Prince Street BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 623-3871 or direct to the head office in Oshawa Suprerrie Window & Door Products R.R. 1, Sinicoe St. N., Lansdowne Shopping Centrei TELEPHONE 723-9843 .4 New Micrin Mouth Wash 79c -1.10 .Lavons - 40e-70c-1.25 Llsterine ..-39c-73c-98o Sterisol 1.00 - 1.95 Ladies' Band Aid Nylon Hose Strips V aru um Baffles 9 98c size Ipana Paste 79C Prevent Moth Damage Dec Tee Moth Killer 59e Larvex Llquld 1.09- 1.69 Larvex Spray - - 1.98 Moth Tox------ - 1.59 Fly-Tox Bonb 98o - 1.49 29e-53c-98cý Bali Point Pens 19c Gillette Adjutstable RaTor Gillette Shave Bomb 2.29 value for 1.95 300 A.S.A, Tahiets -9e Tek Tooti Brushes 2/59e Brytcreem and Comb 79e Cigarettes by carton 2.99 Sominex Tabs. 1.50 -2.50 'CouISA Ch Syrup 1.50 Tablets 1.25-2.25-3.75 .~Nasal Spray 1.25 Tyzine N'ose Drops 1.00 Pertussîn Vaporîzer 1.39 - 1.99 sprav Ne-t 59r.79r-99r 65e size Pepsodent 5se COLD RELIEF Ornai Capsules 1.39-2.97 Naremide Capsules. 1.25 Coricidin Tablets 1.15 Trispan Tablets- 1.35 GERITOL, - Contains Vitamins and Minerais 1. 335 - 3.29 - 5.49 ONE-A-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 8.75 COWLING'S WVE FIT f I~C~ PHONE TRUSSES D-UG STORE623-5695 Ralph Mayriard, Miss Dofly 'f PTI emnunftv mas sorry 1'The U.C.'W. held anotheriThe Iast one of the seagon wilI Gibson, Oshawa, Mrs. S. Waik- I i oha ftepsrg foescesu uheo Fridavibe held the Middle of Aprii. erMrs BEr w S ain, iss e , ctt r ( of its former citizens in the'evening at the Public School. Vt syulie u oe f ~ean Saneto nowanvissle, it r person of Mr. Cainan of Pic - _____vote__________ as____________ e lis o f lPhyMrs en Maynard, Missm THE FLAG ISSuE nothing to new Canadians -of ton. Mrs. CaInan aught ati ie u oe M. an rdSe. non-Brit.ish stock. One could Drum School for several years Mr.no a std r nd Mrs. ih Do n o he Edtr, a,"sa' i tirespect that neiî- and they lived in the village' U H M RDN T or nt ,v :it d Msa d y the: S aUen it"~ : e d::S tate e s or i M r. nd and M rs. K eith B radle y E MCA T C P AT Thn s e Moor faite eoanire On. av e United Staes or of Mr.Mr. Larrv Bradley at- gans, were weekend hosts *,0 In view of the fact that Mr.igrants who first arrive there. tended the funeral from here.,N W D M C A I P RT Al MrS. oma Wih ls o on to r Pearson has stated (Mardi 9) There are many newv Cana-: Mrs. Lily Richardson spent' IN O M T N CER S AMreS ith othofdoronSmto that the Liberal Party i cm dia ns, especially those fromý the weekend with friends in both arrived in time to attend mte I lce oofc)t forces in World War Il heîped' We are glad ta hear that PR OP hn 7320 the Friday night performance produce a fiag design for ap- Gratstounierites ou- f *Th Prats f enznc" roal within two years ofto liberate. These people havz Mrs. Mar-v McNeil, Terry Ste-! BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-2501 led urng thenser vtive and efTh forPirnton un - takin o ffc adi volntthe h.hs regard for our phenson and Jack Horner are, )- eddurngth Co-srvaiv ad lftforToono beSn- the Ra ofied - n io his tat-Ensign, for to them it stands'ail making satisfactory pro- ORONO ~ --- Phone 1552 ~i govrnmen's ter of ofice, ay eVning.ment was made to a group of for democracy, freedomn and gress in hosDital. Poe9648 d and amounted to $37,000,000. Sunday, March 24, Mrs. Gary foreigo language editors. decency. Two badly wrecked carsý BLACKSTOCK Poe9648 - Some S34,000,000 was extend- Chant held a combined birth- Australia uses as her par- can be seen in Richardson's JANETVILLE- Phone 324-4031 ýo ed in student loans, the speak- day for Eric Chant, celebrat- ]Now sir, I would like to ticular fiag, the Blue Ens.ign car lot, being the resuit of it er declared. ing his Ist year and Margaret point out that "~The Fiag used with the Australian Stars - two separate accidents on "Carnpaign Volunteers Welcomced" " 'Ottawa cao and must help Skinner celebrating her 7th as dsicveo Cada S; five stars representing the Hwv. 115 near the Manvers .ta ùvercome financial prob- year. Eric ceiebrated by eat- properly described as the Red'Constellation of the Southern boundary. We understand that Inserted by Durham New Democratie Party leims wvien il cornes lime for ing olives and diii pickles and Ensign with the Shield of the' Cross, and a large star, pIaced, there xvas one fatality. _________________________ -a parent to decide whether a Margaret by laking a tumble Coat of Arms of Canada in: in the lower canton under the!---- d student wili stay in school. in the mud. the Fly. The flag consists Of Union Jack, bas seven points ________________________________ The Conservative goveroiment Mrs. Percy McCoy spent a a Red Field. with fie Union. 10 represent the seven states,*w vj- -e bas made contributions to few days lasI week with Mr.Jc in the first quarter, next or provinces. New Zealani 1yd - ic this. and Mrs. J. Oliver, Fenelon la the Staff. also makes use of the Souti- II 7I ~ He meniond lgisilio Faîs.The inclusion of the Union ern Cross for her national- He thtpo esfsuentioe lgsaid Fll s. 1 h huc Jack signifies Canadas asso-,flag. only that in this caseý )bursaries and an extension of Sunday were in memory of the lta with the other mem- there are four stars on the j 111 tie famiiy allowznce for per- laIe Mr. John Maynard. cr1 f h Biis omo-BleEninwith lhe Unione sons up ta 18 years of age Mr. and Mrs. H-. Skinner. wealh of Nations. The Coat Jack in the upper corner. ïO4 ywieni stili attending school. Mrs. Myrtie Virtue were sup- of Arms bears tie em.lems of South Africa uses the Biu2 I4R. n Mr. Monteith commented on per guests Sunday of Mr. and te four countries from which Ensign with her Coat of r,- h what he termed Liberal ob- Mrs. Theo. Down, Lakefield. the origrinal settlers of Canadai in the Fiy and lie Union Jack' ? srutin. icLieras re Mr. and Mrs. Harold De were chiefly draw.n - the three in tie upper corner. Canada 2 etrcd us frohem bernging i Mille and faînily, Bowman- Lion of England, lie Lilies L i e Red Ensign in pre- aetur fro0,00,0 budngetin i lwreSna guests of of France. tie Lion Rampantiference to the Blue with tie %,.e had to depend on Gover- Mr.-and Mrs._PaulVaneyk. of Scotiand, and the Harp of Shield from her Coat of Arms O ___ ea'swrat, hc 1rlad -tgthrwt 1in the fly. And this, as men-! - nr-Gnerl'swarant, wichranch carrying three Maple itioned before, was gra.nted by i- are perfectly legal," the speak- Business Directory ýLeaves, the special emblem of, Royal Proclamation in 1921 atý CHOICE- PLUMP GRADE "A"- FRESH CUT UP aer asserted. Canada. 'the express request of the' Mr. Monteith predicted liaI h anda e Ensign isliCanadian government and de-! Cif lie Diefenbaker government Acc un an recognizcd throughout lie H C E dis returned to office on April RAY J. DILLING world as Canada's fiag an& Colgne e o cr ytyadsa i - t i il ak r-sss- Chartered Accountant flies over al Canadian gov-r Command of Kig e rge a the L res s5c ri ment of Confederation, achieve 93 Church Street ernment buildings in Canada ifi. Tu n ewof inieodge the Ynational unily, hold provin-62-81adi oeglad.I sntCtofAm rpae heb cial federal conferences, and 63-86end rei n lnds tha inot Coa! ofeAsmsoreplced li assure equai opportunily for LEONARD JAMES BROOKS tegen ernown tio a ad1921 former Shield which had de- e aul Canadians. Accountants - Auditors ih oeonnto aaaveîoped in a sornewhat hap- I asraie ln o e Trustee in Bankruptcy lse. al requested His Ma-' hazard maniner as lie various SeîlySlce~ au hc' e rBu rn Coneratie las fr c-Suite 205W 725-9953 Jesî' KpnovnGeorcee the Fifthd ;onornie growth, training and .tao rder a new Coat of Armsprvne caem Cofd Short Cut- Chef Style e-location of thousands of Ohw hpigCnr for Canada and, in response '0o ther patchy appearance. It workers, were also discussed WM. J. H. COGGINS that rqet His Ma er ainadwa chegav he lfasra- STA N D IN G RIB RO A STS 6 9 1b iby Mr, Monteiti. He rnentiond Charlered Acutn commanded lie Royai College' Christian country. Most of' urban renewal, slum clear- ScodFlo of Heralds to design a suit-ý her citizens. if not actually Hickory Smoked -1-b. cello pkgs. "For Economy' ance, a man power consulta- ç0New gLirary Building able Coat oftArms. That Coatý professing Christians, at les MiId Seasoned"- Trend "Lean, Meaty, Chunk Style il iv coriil ndportable pen-Co.Kn& Temperance Sîs o rsi nuetdy n aeacranaon fr ssions. ____ Phone- 623 -3612_ _ in accordance witi custom,,erence for God, the Bible andOf l,;; . î___ -YLE, FRIEDLANDER lie designo f tic Sîieîd has a11 tiose things usuaîî u W IENERS 2 lbs. 89c B aiin RIBS lb. 497c & COMPANY been displavcd on Canada's derstood by tic generaiLterrni if OBITUARY Chartered Aceountants flag. The Canadian Red En- -'Cirislianily." Thi e Unioný n ~sign is indeed tic distinctiveý Jack has an added appeai be- eWILLIAM J. HENDERSON Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy flag of Canada. It properly! cause it enshrines lie Up- DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 6c!- Fancy Pink Tali Tin 64 Kng S. E. 728-371shows upon it lie Union Jack! rigit Cross, wiici is tic em- On Saturday, Marci 23rd,64 inStE. 7877 wic siefa of mpr blem of aur Lord's death on 193 PINet fWlim - sawOtro-- -adComnelho ainýalayfrorntoa e John Henderson, 81 years, oc-' MONTEITH - MONTEITH and thus proclaims toalal ti" Idemption and personal saî P I K SEA t SA LM O N 5 9 C curred in Memoriai Hospilal, RIEHL & CO. world tiat Canada is one of val ion. Bowmanvillc. Tic dcceascd 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa tic gi-cal nations in tiat Sa tuis ernblcm of thc DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 4c! - Fancy Quality iad suffercd witi cironic Chartered Accounlants group. 'Crossed Crosses" is of great Solid White Ment 7o. Tin bronhiti foryear andhad728-7527 In similar manner, Austra- spiritual significance a1sa ben iiwii ic'fu orforParîners: lia, New Zealand and SoutiWe bndwthti n BoroI Povidech asA .Mnlih .Co. t.Jahi i pr<rer offo four hstrcaoianswilsure O D S A TN I H3c daYs prior la uis deali. Hon. J. W. Monteiti, F.C.A. Africa also display tic Union Siield which spcaks of aur it or a Prviene, e as G. W. Ricil, C.A., R.I.A. theur own national flag. I1.qy foi-ms afiag o! wiîci3w ti sn f iclae i- ad (Licensed Trustee) Canada asiamed (surely' not), can be juslly pi-oud, and when DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 4c! 18-oz. Pkg. 0Mrs. John Henderson, nec G. E. Treticwey, C.A. bo be in liaI campany?. in we remember tie number of i.Elizabeth Anderson Rae. He R. F. Lightfooî, C.A. facl, Canada is signally ion- rv e îohv ie H R E D D V H A T N bso 2 9 attcdedClak UionScial. WILSON & BtRROWS oui-cd, for oui- flag and coat their ]ives in defence of tiat - His wifc, tie former Isobel Ciartered .;ccountants of ai-ms closely resemble tiose'fa uevw hhntws rnariedin 112 nd lsî ear14 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. or i-er Maiestv Qucen Eliza - ta break faiti wilh them by SCU T PE AL YoSae4!-RactMaroir 2-.cel Liarid, ive91 nls.Ticyweae beli II, and when rigilly un - discarding - as has been sug-,DSO N PCA!Yu av4c-RedutM arnor 21.el, hceicbralcd theur 501h wediàng Partners: dei-stood, lie figures in tiat gse o on e eioa n annvcsa~v Rnad . . ilon CA. design have a wonderfui of lesser worth and dubiousi «ini Durham Cou.nty ail of hi,- Poe 2-55 __j Sicld in tic Canadian Coat corne whien il wili be hauIed L M iN CIA SPA G H ETTI 3 7 C i-ca fanci. as a nell- n 'O n r - of -, o. hatfdustnAsadWrmld Wrive' arfre r and was a ell-wn p aC f C theiesdesfrothal of hýdus.Awn ad Irld WrIn le- DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 7c! - White or Colored Ec. Pack 400's ber of TrinitY United Churen ___ F.h--oatrdîpasteF e ran iih extensive front line Surviving bcsidcshils wifc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Fleur de Lis, which speaks of, service, prcvious ta being are lwo sons and five daugh- Chiropractar 'tie great dayis in Canadian' lknpioc- epc u ýter Jon, Wllim, lVIiel ffie: isloi-y whcn this country was "Red Ensign," and aiso i-e- (Mi-s. Joe Cuddaicc), Bow- 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. sa closeiy associatcd witi! specl and hanour tic many of DISCOUNT SPECIAL! You Save 15c! - Red & White 8-oz. Jar 1 manville; Ethel (Mrs. John' Phone 623-5509 France aI the time wien tic my comi-ades whose broken, Shaw), Mai-kiarn Irene i-s. Office Hours:_By Appoinîrnent Lilies - naltith Tricolour -Uhdies lic buricd in France: ro~ DoadHgisSri;Mi-forrned lie Banner of liaI and Flanders with tic Cana-ý joic (Mi-s. Robert Kent),Den ai , cou.ntry. 'dian Red Ensign cavering tiche. N C F E 9 Necsl;ad Jan (r.- __ Some people abject ta tic coffin, alliaugi aI limes tie' N T N OE9 Har-i- Grace), Burketon; 29 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. fact liaItich Red Ensigo 15 001! Union Jack alone was uscd.1 grandehildi-en and 13 great- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville for use as a land fiag and I have tic sarne feeling for: -a,-,dehildi-en. Office Hours: siould be flown only an mer-1thase wio tbah part in Worldi ,'½ srviin aie ive~- 9 arn. ta 6 p.rn. daily chant vessels. Il wou Id be well Wail nn o îmwr INDIAN RIVER Hnritta(re. Miciasi-Closed Saturday and Sunday for Ihose wio iold suci a be Wa ,ri nyItafy, orrnandy, Vc.i er Coter), rMigco;h ouaPoeNwate35 ilr fou-ntoa lg-. tiuedfrsiin tl, Nofr -i A E F U I 1 f r .Lenhardt), King: Ethel (Mrs. Office Phone - 623-5790 lief ta really' studv lie past Bclgium, etc., under tic beau-:,o 5 9 Lena (Mi-s. Bei-I Congdon),. DR. E. W. SISSON Tlielm otlvehir-le Canadian "Red Ensigo."! New, Spring, Texas - No. 1 Swveet and Juicy Heisier, Alberta; Jane (Mrs. L.D.S., D.D.S. well (300 years ago) tic Red 1 know thaltiousands of vet- 3-lb. ~ O A G S - Abe Rogers), Elora; and Ann.e' Office in uis home Enig eg10 su e cians across this gi-cal coun- CA KKR IT poly bag Jc O A GEuoz. 55c (MiS. Robert Lockey), Saska- 100 Liberty SI. N., Bowmanvilie position of honaur: and in a ti-y ciho these sentiments. CeryWie edr o adnFeh-Rsbd-6o.P1 taon, Sask. Phone 623-5604 proclamation issuied bv Qucen 'Muci moi-e couhd be wniîîen Ccm htTneN.iGre rs oeu io.pl Mi-. Hr'nderson was pi-cdc-Office Hours: i Anne in 1707, reference was covering lie subjecî malter of' CAULIFLOW ER 29c RADISHES 2 for 1 5 ceased byv a daugilter, Eliza-1 9 a.m. ta 6 p.mi. daihy !made ta a former Ai-t of Par- tuis hetter, but what I have beth (Mi-,s. Roland Bale Jr.). Closed Wednesday Sutiday liarnent wiich provided ltidI writlen will suffice and be of and aiso by a sisler, Lillie. DR. C. F ATAD.D .S. tcEsg vs s bt interest 10 many of youi- The fun ral se vic w f c eA ,aI sea and on land." readers 1 feel sure. Now M r.3oi- P c Tic fmteMri uneral serviceSt.was Officle A camnparisan of thie Cana- Editor. I must thank you for SAVE 19ù!-3eOfPc ield~~~~~~~~~~ fianleMri uea 5Kn t . Bwavl dian Coat of Ai-ms wilitiC the r inulgene and I haHýMAM A gan is 00w looking forward Barnister, Solicitor ' faise! F.n.-inds awn pi-tic'i. V flfSAVE'i 4r! - ln Cii S'auce 20-oz, Tins GIANT 12 OALLON SIZI Ioatinking their place iin thr Notai-y Public lai- flag s thie Cros,; ofSt. PONTYP O lite o!fie ehurci as fui] mcm- 14 Frank SI. Bowmanville Gc;ip: Just as Srotland's i- Loc-al "oters were given an ici-s. The service will he icld --- --tic CnoFg of Si. Anrli-ew. la oppaitunitv I et he Lib- Ca k *uNS 3fr 9 Am B A iin Tyrone United Churci aI E RBCA.D , VKLPog-esîe-o Se AVE 33r! . g mith'n Asst - 9 o . Jars 1:0im n ag ogr- Britr oiio and iccarne aiso King a! vatîve candidates tic past wltii 7:30r i p.m a d lare congr- Bansertoictr England and jai ne d tie week. On Wednesday, ticheD tendance. Phone 2246 Crowns of! tie Iwo cauntries. Liberal Party were hosîs toa P R A Sa o 9 On Good Friday lie Tyrone ýHours: 9-5:30 - Wed. Sat., 9-1 ic iad a new flag designeid goodîx' ciowd Pi-agressive eu- AEMF12 -$T8 ANLECKN Pastoral Charge will unile in _______________on ,which bah Engisi and cire was enjoycd, afler wiici oout Tyrone Churci for tic sen- . u Scolisi Jacks were unitcd.i short speeches werc made by SAV'E 7c! 15-oz. Tins RED, NiRyo vice o! worsiip an liaI dav. M Yo r gag e S . To gel bai-k ta lie Red En- Russell Honcy and Alan Beer. ?uRQUOISW, Tic service will be ield at Ilg sign, 1 wouhd like to add ici-e Lunch was served by lieî V .E~if.o<.YLO a.m. LW SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO tiat a very ohd pil showsiUnited Churci Wornen. On i York FuancV reas fo6 c ELO TieUc .W Aflernoan Unit Phone 1 i- 16 lie Red Ensigo raised overý Friday evening wel ven aN m-et aItich manse with Ir5 Fidcst orîage Fundi lad "Fart Niagara" aI lie iundi-ed gatiencd to welcomc SAVE 4c! - Short Grain 2-lb. Pkg. ladies and 2 childi-en present. Rsdns-Fam junchian o! tic Niagara River tic Progressive Conservative Mns. R. Wright left muci food. usns Properties _,and Lake Ontaio and dated candidate, Gai-net Rickard, A for hougt onthe haptr of Martgage Loans 1759. And as far bai-k as 1870 gaod concert consisled o! A N Y R C 5 ni thie Study Book wiici, wai Prompt, courteous service iQucen Victoria recognized lie musical trio by Wayne and SAVE 6c! - Brown Bear - 2 lb. ln Piast. Cont. $5.00 served and a social tirne en- Real Estate and ada's own !lag when sic ap-ireading by Mns. Alvin Olan; E.j NU, y joyed. Mortgage Broker provcd of il bcîng shown on sang by Todd sisters; aco- R AM Ewuw *mwmu 59c Mi-. and Mrs. Paul Vanreyk, Newcastle Phone 3856 tic reverse o! tic Feniandion solo by Gai-ny Van Dam; and family, Mi-. and Mrs. Jam- Raid Medal wiîi ici- own' solo by Wayne Moiton; Wally Prices effective at the listcd Red & Whlte Food Stores only es Woodley and childi-en. Mr. 0Op o m e t r h ead and name on tic oh- Reid o! Bethany was a big uit C. W. Woodle, Messrs. Lai-ne y vrse, with is jokes, sangs and ste- and Lance Phare and Stuart KEITH A. BILLE'TT, O.D. Like lie flags of manv dancing. Mr-. RobI. Si sson, M P E G O E M R E a l rv Hoocy attended thie 251h wcd- Optomet-ist other nations througiaut tic President o! tie Association,' ding celebration o! Mn. and 141 King St. E. - Bowmanviiîe worhd, including tint o! lic tihen introduced the candidate, O N Mrs. Gordon Yeo, Enniskiilen, Office Hours: By appointment United States, lie Canadian wio gave a fine address and' i a n r rn aI the Lions Centre, Bowman Telepione 623-3252 Red Ensigo is autiorizcd foriappealed to tic audience for cON S " AR E rn grillaion sardoay ndva. on-arn. Tues p.mr. - ha. sfe b e n ad, ra y ws oten Asei-dler wîîuncî f villeaton SaGurdy nit . n Mo .Te. -Thursp. -. hus en bat n lad, ora.y1. wspotn Areil 8tiLunch ~IU .RS M R E e tn i MSunday. visitai-s of Mr. and Thursday evenings and in tie press, tintthle everyone danced for a social, O T R A K T e t n il rMn. Roy Maynard were Mr. i Wed. and Sat. *0 - là Canadian Red Ensign means' hour. --i