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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 7

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congregation to guard eare- were Il mermberç présent.,The Cana fully this meaningful service District Commissioner M r s. ____ lest it become a ritual or Uip U U-N HaroldKt sed over the T oron i Choig i meig;mtersioded stAuiar cSlocial jeso cex rmy only. Chosin i- Re li in for ToJ'J meeting; minutesa n athelaiux0ir led his sermon "Giving Heed ed. this eqi. ho eta the Conimunion" in which L Johnnt he stressed three basic phas- IJy Kev. o n C. Verbrugge e asrs Gron Mtaef ated-vear o es o! this special service viz: Mothers' Auxiliarv and Brow-1 gon Hao Cbug, Ms Br yecaimn"Commemoration", Commun- THE MNYSTERY And who' crucified Jesus?ifeeling of pity for Jesus, ini- nie Mother. Mrs. Metcalfi tas o Mrs Walac io wih rien nd ivigOF THE CROSS These are not purely histor-1stead of seeing in the Crosslalso helping some of the was a Sundav guest of Mr--. of the Women's Service Corr- "Saviaur and "Consecration".a oti Geo. W. James. mittee, Ontario County Unit, The Sr. Chair under Mrs. Him (that is, Jesus), bein ical questions, nor can they bel the revelation of God's infin-: Brawnies who are working on dnai ans\vered b eefculiept o inr.terSasrs ag.W1 ngfaide Mr. John Quinsey returrled Canadian Cancer Society, re- Wright's capable direction and delivered up by the byameeectatieptyfr inrs herSamtes adg. l a la.*iweekend from .a month's presented the volunteer work- accompanied on the Hammond ate counisel and foreknawledge teamBaile. fUnhesre re i!th Bie sak dPeasedotare esent the ud es. a Anyhe holtiay in Florîda. ers on the panel of speakers Organ by Mrs. M. Stainton of God, ye by the hand of willing ta let God Vxlan ten tr d the apeg ffrs lunch, ai Ms.Harv -pagg at an educatianal meeting, ar- gave a touching rendition of lawless men did crucify and Crxoieso r t uith hr g es then c rf Hamind ere guerr Spio ane v h oceya e- h nte Alane".Eiders slay.-Ac:ts 2 :23. C osso!Jesus Christ,! fthat. Word: "Who personally Brown Owl Turner gave ber-- ofHailo wreguss r al v heScity t ev teanhe terpret ta us its true meaninr e uiii nHsow .onie report - 15 bde Mrs. R. L. Worden on Sundiv tral Collegiate, Oshawa, last E. Wright, K. McGill, A. J. It is a curiaus fact that:it is a foregone conclusion that borey a nh csins 1 et hvebenawrddan Mrs. Frank Hunisett. Tor- Thursday e vening. Werry and R. Ashton assist- people think it is possible tOwe will miss the point co- : 24a). That plants the Cross Golden Hand. Mrs. Gilbert onto. spent freveral days la3tý Dr. Albert E. Allin of Fort ed in the administration O! build up a credit accounit with pletely. We wîll then say that in the middle o! King Street! Marîow is instructing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- william was elected Northern the Sacrament which had God. The fact is, that every- eu idamry o is0B mavle Wh cri- rwiswharwrkngn lev Cawker. an:atr nai ie enpeae y edmsbd a atdb ihGdconvictions, and that it wasi fied Jesus? Your and my law-' hi adnrsbde Congratulations ta Mrs. D. President of the Federation of A. Sharp and E. Page. a debt so big, that it is hum- the hte fHsonpol eshad.Hr tteCos nr il Bt ter badw S. MeGregor who celebrateci Ontario Naturalists aItei At the S.S. session practice anly impossible ta pay that'adth isarig oHusie ereb e a tam brke- einwilbcaelddu ber 90th birthday last Sun- annual convention held in for Anniversary services wasidebt. In fact, everyone of us~i h oa or whichihearted, because 1 see nm' debtý ta the hall being used for the dlay. March 31st. Niagara Falls, Ont., last Sa'- beguri with Mrs. E. Wright in- S akn ou det ige~5 carry the blame. of sin.Eecon Mrs. P. Luxton. Hunt St., urday. Dr. Allun is a native troducing the musical num- every day. 1 know we do nat' Is that the rîght understand- sthtte hlas er? Catin Ms vnTop was the winner o! Court Ven- Of Hampt.on, son o! the late bers with the assistance o! like ta admit this. We are ing o! this amazing dramaÎ'In "haM, tbeing dleaed u b l ii avthe Gus.Iden reprt ture L1892 50-50 draw for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allun. HiF Mrs. H. McGill at the piano. .much too proud for that. But real life which took place on.HIbigdlvr u by sn aeth Gierpo. MRrch, amounting ta $27.25. ýwi!e is the former Dorothy Please bring copies of Jubil- 'prîde does nat erase facts, nor Calvary more than 1900 yearsithe determinate counsel and' Mrs. Murray Byers is giving, Mrs. M. L. Roenigk spent Kirkton. ate next Sunday. Ican it success!ully bide them. ago? That Christ did not diei fareknowledge of God". Let instruction ta some o! the! Thursday and Fridav in Stra1- M.adMs lodMc- Wil 1 the congregation please Ia fact, this human pridelthsculeahfayrie me now take my courage in GuideswrigonNrigW: Mr an Mrs.Cliffrd Mak- isthis ruel eath or an crie wrb0tohNrsn ford attending the funeral Of lin Flet't St., and Mr. and Mrs. remember the marning ser- itself the cause why we in- of His own is plain from th iîboh hands, and let me say il course, and another group o!, Crown Attorney W. E. Good- vretWodo!Sa *s - vice will be withdrawn next crease aur debt o! sin with Bibe. Th Rma trembling reverence, girls are working on their wd on Sundai!-th Sund ay, -,pril th, in favaur lGoci every day. Let no anc Piltedeclared several iude Coss. delvercd i ta thesi Fireman's badge. Cookie sale Wing Commander A. L. grandfalher, Mr. Peter Walk- a! the special service by the 'ever think that he is buildingI0ver, "I find no fault in Him,Crs.Gotokiyonin will be held at the end o! an over- er, ~~~x'ho a ners, who were totally im- Arl h il r rigt Ashton, Ottawa, wasanoe-r h isa patient in the U. C. Women, who will have up a treasury of menit with as touching those thingsl ' sThegitsîle their cot F night guest on Wednes;day' 'mrkt Hsitl an evening service at 7-30 God, or laying aside a reserve whereof yc accuse Him." Theipotent ta stl hi acunt as oe abyatn o with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bab-: manv tricnds in this arpa with a highly recommendied oÈitu.Bble boldly asserts the si- wliotadplne atk riemnyt byatn o cock, Ontario Street. be glad ta know Mr. Walker coloured film "On the Rira of In the tew days xvhich re-ilessness o! Christ (John 8:46;uoer hat accountSand at cap olas e Guie our sup- TheMeoril arkAso- s rogesingniely aferTomorrow" so timely plan- main before Good Friday, andi12 Cor. 5 :21; Hebr. 4: 15, 7:26;uponthi ms elofedo. ha p n ort h uids ent ciation 50-50 draw for th' ei seriously iii !ollowing a ned to accompany our mission 1i~n true preparation for Easter,!1i Peter 2 : 22). He could nat I hs aso et o' The Local Association bas rnonth o! Marcb, amounting en study on "The Rim o! Southi we do well ta be humble be charged wilh a single boats aouayo re do-' of!ered ta buy two tents for- KIN( Io $55.75, was won by Gary een prain East Asia". There v;,Ill bele nough ta consider that il is crime. Furthcrmore, that thethGudsan te oer' . Baker, 32 Queen Street, Town.' Due ta a shortage of space special music also, solo byj not what we do for God, but voices o! those who demnand- ing for God - (noir do that autheGieadteMtes Mr ad rs ac Cilsin last week's issue of The Miss Sheryl Ashton and lad- whal God as donc for sinners, d Hs crucifixion, the sent- any ime) - but rather humb-a Mr.andMr. JckChidsStatesman, il was !ound nec- ies choir. Ail U.C. Womefl that farms the basis of aur ence byPltadt- x-l admit the shame o! what Cm were ovcrnight guesîs Satur- by Plat, anaR1 you did to Gad. And then in Cm dayeveingo! he atter's eayt drap the last two are cordially invited ta jaîn hope that the staggering debt cution by the soldiers, ail test- faith look ta what God did for iuncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs paragraphs fromn the accourt this choir and piatc ' anerbewpduti!o!aîssewîîav guilty sinners. Only then John Gautier of St. Cathar- o! the Spring Hat Shov held day a.m. foliowing Sunday This columa is intended ta ta be admitted. by the Bowmanvilie Business School. Due ta the fact there jwrite about religion for tody. But then you saec, if that i'will the cmpty tomb of Easter Ms. adMs adHf & Professional Women's Club is no morning service Sunday 1 But religion for today, no less1 ail, we wash aur hands OPrn hepwro anwlf Mr ndMs Wr H!-Unfortunately this inadver-lSchooi will mccl aI 10:30 a.m. ithan religion o! ycsterday, is this lhing, and act as judges1 Y . mnan and daughters Anrealîenîîy deleled the reference>instcad o! the usual hour o! ýta be bascd upon truth if it isio! the Cross, instead o! allow-l "Who was the guilty? Who and Sally, Ellwood City, Pa., ta th, !act that Mrs. Dorothy1;ta have truc spiritual value1 ing ourselves to be brough brought this upon Thee? have been visiting Mrs. Hoif- Pax'ne, taîented musician,' The Bible Study group are :and moral power. Il is not under the judgment o! the: Alas, my Ireasan, Jesus, bath1 rnan's moîher, Mrs. Gea. W.ý played the piano as a musical, enjoying the mosl cluceda- posbeiall aotmn's Cross. That is ta miss the undone Thee! James. ýbackground for tbe displav of tive lectures and discussions conduet wilboul f irst talking1 point complelely. That is ta 'Twas I. Lord Jesus, Ilit was, Her many riends will beo hats by the models. on "The Word and the Way". about a man's cried acAn hi maepes t otll l______ Sser. dnidThe sorry to learn Ihat Mrs. C. M~. DlgtsPlan la attend the next ses- jnaActesons ilithe bae aI cuciiedThc."____ Twomev died recently in e rss !o helclson on Monday, April 8, at tesmann ar gvred_____________ Cork, Ircland. She is a sis- s Branch atîended 8pm.a tepasnae Orby bis fundamental thoughts. I ter of Mrs. Anne Kennedy, 84Mth g n Tr Dvon Annuai .minister, Mr. Crawford, was wIhether Oue wnî ta know c-B L A C K S T O C K ,, , J;cugog St.Metign orntwns.wek.visiting pstron the lhreiarcnul u c ,Mrs. E. Rundle, chairman of ~"tioi plcasing ta God and The General meeting of the every child dîd remarkably' lJff I6 Mr n r.J .FletIW , o ntcharge of Hampton last acion, et imwewil Mr ad rs J J omen's Work, Mrs. F. Grîf-ý Sunday. The dead line for acepalet HmOw îl db A .! i Town, and their dugte, en o-co veorLoan Cuo- pcigrnig yosfr1have ta irst listen carefully U.C.W. was beid Tuesday a!- welland raug., roarsof h MViss Donna FleIl o! Toronto, board Service, Mrs. R. SprY, Korean widows is April 10 1 ta what God says about tbe ternoon, March 26th, in the' laugbter !rom their parents.1 413 returned home lasI Salurdavi Campaign chairman, and Mr.. Please get your nylnspî basis a! truc maraîiîy. C. E. Centre. Due la soamuc A lovely lunch brought anl from a winter vacation at \T \W. Bagneil, Waîer SafeIy l h GT o esnger- This brings us la the mys- 'flu and some washouts onl evening o! fun ta an end. CIGARETTESAI Daytona Beach, Florida. chi;atokpati the nmCrs on .or bere Arllr !te rs !Jssroads, onlv 22 ladies and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Aldread, two days o!wrsos!n 0h Christ. Why did Jesus die? thrce children altended. The visited Mr. and Mrs. Eimeri A occouipanicd by Mrs. Hart-vlbusiness sessions. The dei Sincere sympathy is cxtend- president, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Archer and !amiiy, Whîlby, ! Sutan, altended the O thgales were pleascd la report cd ta Mrs. Ruth Aikcnhead ai Mrs. W. Sanderson, Columbus, apened the meeting wilh a Sunday aflernion.36BE weddng anivrsar o!M-.lîbat local Red Cross servicEýs ber lime o! great sorrow in who is ta be marricd April poem, "Early Easter Moro- Therewsa'o ted end Mrs. Alldread's cousins,icompare most favorably with the recent and sudden deati 6 ing." Mrs. Dalton Dorreli ance aI the meeting of ! .1- .wB Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hatherlv those provided by larger o! her husband th aeJm'Smab selne acnuttewrhi pcr[o . oresv Conservatîve As-! o! Millbrook, last Saturdav,' branches. Akenhead at Halifax Hos- Mrs. Thelma Caînan a former!The bymn "Happy the Home" sociation in tbe Recreation Marh 3th.- -- ita, Foria.teacher o! aur schooi in the waS Sung, after which she, Centre Saturday night. Presi- Buy by the Carton D Winr s ! he pre ithho iT he Ulo i.C. . m t a h a. passing o! er usban d .. read a portion o! Prov. 22,1 dent John Hamilton was M.C. 1nd SAE Wines fTheprze n heTh7TC..Te at hepa dt g ave a very interesting mcdi-i Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.,i andSAV ]Hockey Moîbers Draw held 11JILL1 sonage on March 20 at 2, late Mr. Graydon Caînan latalo nCidodEua nrdcdtegelsekr _ _D fnolach 27h wer as fN- pm. with 24 mnembers and 8 wcek. !Iaino hlho dc- nrdcdtegetsekrD on Mchildren pr aseet The mcl- Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue and l ion, and led in prayer. Mrs.j and candidate for Durbam,f lows: luggage, Mrs. Rose Stin- A beautiful spring morn- civan s pnt. Iudy, were Sunday visitors aI Romneril, leader o! No. 2 U nit,1 Mr. Garnet Rickard. Afler ai SO L EX son, Jackman Rd.; barbecue * onvamîoieao ng ws peed by singing1J1 -SO sel, Mrs. K. WigbîciOn tarto rngs-n-Hvmnn 16 and a Lenten Pray- MsRuy ireTono, presided for the program onO bounteous lunch bad beeni St. T. ras nd Ar fr alagecogrgaio Il e by Mrs. E. Trewin. Mr-. r.IvnSap;The Family in a Cbangingiserved and social time spenî,I F BrS.T.V ilrvran carl, Atattend aur Sunday morning F.Daeaav h eo ia and family werc Sunday visil- Society, every bit o! which' dancing ta music provided bv ~ IT I At Ihe Street.service. The major lure was givin g many fine thoughts for ors aI Mr. and Mrs. D. B. was ms neetn. Ms h alnMryaesws '~ annui metig o tha itwasIhequarcrl Co- Iis Lenten seasan. Her scrip- i Kay's, Toronto.i Raipb Larmier gave a paper lenjoyed. * L the Oshawa General Hospital munion Service. Il was a tuews laken !rom Luke Misses Nancy Wood and'on "Looking ai the Pioncr;OBO B dPINSig rs r on Tuesday evening, March nighbouriy gesture ta have nStra vaigMsýG 26, a higbligbt was the reco,2- aur guesl minister Rev. P.9,verses 51 ta 62. She closed FaOh u!iowr en Clvistiand ailv. Grus were orme w w VnCmpeneraied niio ! on eric m-Pae!rm u nxtdor~ with Hyma 86 and prayer. O1,wr ekndvstr n h qeto Hw bsin hcionfo! er daughter p1tonoyfs.Mr.Iladserviel a cet- mu nii o Hamt do on.~ m rs .Bun a a hr o! Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick. your own life been changed byHensbildyGusswr Towoye iMsGadyrcgisltred Page expfess mptn ere le-;! Mrp.grm..M-s W. Petbick, Toronto, Mr- the rapid social pragress dur; eho gr f1e11a!thi Tonsig asisarecivted aceur e vis in with usad on trouedte-e Suy a Wheeler, Zion, were ing the lasI 10o ta 20 years?' ubns r n r.Ia nusn assatrciedasrei iitn ih sadBook, "The Rim o! Asia". Mrs. callers.i was discussed. Mis. 1 v a n; Thampson, Mr .and Mrs. Har- NA 10-year service pin. in bis sernion cautîoned the E. Wright and Mrs. R. Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips,, Tbompson gave a paper On ilold Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.- -------favored us with a 'vocal duel.i Maidstone, w e r e weekend1 Pioncers o! Cartwright. Mrs. Stan Rahm, M.r. and Mrs. Dai- M Mrs. R. McGill gave an Irish guesîs o! Mr. and Mrs. Wai-lRomeril spoke o! limes priorIton Dorreil, and ber sistersm reading, Mrs. Brunt express- lace Griffin. ta school. Groups discussed: Miss Mable VanCampof Tar'l S I. p cIu Is c~d th nks Cawotaanr5 Mrs Lloyd Siemon iWbile sa mucb is donc foi1 onto and Mr. and Mrs. BlakeI P S t a l sadt i h epdwt and ua Marie, Haydon; chiîdren in organizations, etc.,- Gunter. th, pragram. Roll caîl was Mr. and Mrs. Arthur High-! and as Ibere is sa litîle de- E Ianswered with "Yaur favour- land, Nesîleton;* Mr. and Mrs. manded o! themn in tbe home Cartwright Town & CountrylPE L rited' ..n cr t supper dish". Minutes of Wrn. McCabe, Yelverton, were as compared ta the pice rchbad afte tedf usiness7t7 b~ for ZLbc adapprovcd. The îreasurer's Toms. scase of responsibility? Mrs.1 ebmsp eet eing, te* 30 Phsfrm Mînister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A.,BD. report was given by Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharo Romeril spoke o! the !amil.y;eldi akgvnb ~ r o O c Orgnit M. . ealn RA AR M Vît ,ue. A speciai collectionre Sunday Ica gucsts <o! as an affectionate unit. Agaiori so n ao! k ien Port Hope L.T.C L ~~~amauintiflg ta $10 was takenMr. and Mrs. Will Robinson, graup discussions were held,!bac !teCide' i for UN. Sbarc-a-loa! Fund. Orono. Ibis lime, WhaI is the chai-I il was decided ta scnd $3.00 . M". James A. Werry, Mr. lenge ta the church and la tîi Society. Mr. Morrison spokei 11:0) a.. -CONFRMATON ERVIE an $300 l BuraryFund Wcry ad failyDr.anbdoutoetheefui asemtyheTe contr, an in arlcula 10jM-, for bath îowels for aparîment and Mrs. E. A. Werry andas individuals? Findings from aout be ork Ih n C hinsý 9:50 a.m. -SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL lor Missianaries an furlougb aiy M.adMs.GatIthe discussions were bog cAi o ityi d oing arin Ibris; ý Mri Cr Werry dfmlDand h rgvr uies e tflhe Counties a! Durham and, Uenit coservd adit yenc.' Willowdabesincrs SalurdayNorthumberland. H is awn AND THE LORD'S SUPPER Meting cloed a vit yenc. Wilwae wr Stdy lowed with reports fror a all work is maînly concerned I 70>pm -MOINPCUEMiss Judy Grecn,' Kingston, evenîng dinner guesîs in bon- eatet.Mei Tlsdiwt osaoeteagso was0 wOTIOnd guesî to! Miss'aur o! Mrs. Grant Werry an dwt eparîmenîs etngcoe wt osaovehe as o! "Martin Luther", 105 minutes, pre- Li stnan obyugMc. E. A. Werry's birtbday witb enedcinhflrwihaneo e ndh1hwd sented by tbe Hi-C Club. ladies visilcd Mrs. Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stai n chwsse dbvUî1 slides o! the camping holi INTERNAL SANITARY Sh and Carolyn, Oshawa. ton and Beverley wcre Sun-, On Friday, Marcb 29th, the be organized for thcmn lastIPOETO EVERYONE WELCOME Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, day tea guesîs at Mr. and Mis.jON.O. familY dance was beld1 summer. Mc. Mocrison spoke'POECIN41 LoisaadChales ercre~Dave Bolhwell's Jr, Mapleliin the Recrealion Centre. The a!thIlne for faster homes:4's. W.L.oisga ndndt r-Crhn r. -e-etLeg-dne, wse arlzeebes o!theclubwer inlr- . 40'IL s ...i vî-d---nnce1 1Lp z lpplfrncircimress Te by Ih urday, March 23, 193. ~ T INIY U ITE (H RCHSon o! the laIe Mr. and Mrs. losMr. anMNoranaw Dy-~ TRINIY UN TED C URCH Jamtes Ncsbitt, nec Marîha SPRI1,4H T sarI, Allistan, and Miss Betty, Minister - Rev. Wmn. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. E. Smail, the dcceased was crhTontse h: Oî-ganist - Mr. Arthur Collisori, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. born at Newtonville and aI-... see our display wcekend wilh Dr. J. A. and The new permanent that highlights tendcd school Ihere. He is Mrs. McArttur. arcl ndipoehi odto. surv'ived by bis wi!e, Vera A. Flattering Breton,,, Floral Cloches Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lane hoclrnipoehicniin Il a.n. - MORNING WORSHIP Nesbitt. They werc married and Tecry, and Mrs. Lewis' Pretty Perm gives you the soft marial 23, 93i.Pearce, Oshawa, were Satur-I "Standing in Pilate's Shoes" in Clarke Twsi. xa ame, Ih1dc3a1d. a Rough Straws dyeein iiosadMi always dreamed about. And wonder of resided the whole o! bis li!c Newest Fashions for '63 - Moderately Priced and Mrs. Fred Crawford, Port corrects the unpleasanî side-effects of "Stadin inPiltesShos" n Cark Tonshp. e ws aPerry, were Sunday visitars' PreIty Perm brings beauty to permaner - EENIG ~member o! the Presbylerian wîtb Mc. and Mrs. Wes Pearce 7p.m. - EV-IN WOSHI Church, and also an bonora'y Those Ail-iniportant and Mrs. Gea. Crawford. Whether your hair is natural or tinted, o Scann ofTeLrs upr member a! the Orange badge. . Accessories: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunis- 6 color categories is right for you 1 Survvingbesies hs wie, qmoor and Beth visited in Tac-': "What Think Ye of Christ?" VeraA.Nsitar five bro., GLOVES SCARVES an, Sna fenowt ther an siters Jae (rs.their daughtcr Brenda. SUNDAY SCHOOL Johr, Sigswarth), New West- Mc. and Mrs. Ed Harris, minster, B.C., Franklin J. of HANDBAGS joined Mr. and Mrs. Creighton 9:45 a.nx. - Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Saskratoon; Annie of Newton- Devitt o! Bowmanville and h 11:00 a.m. - Nursery and Beginners ville: Alice o! Toronto, and ,<ALI, WEATHER COATS spent a pleasant Sundiay with rPresci - Kd -.James R. of Flarida.. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Devili. 1:0a.rn. -indergarten and rrimary The !uneral service was held . AND JCESM. and Mrs. Ray Larmer,' HOLY WEEK SERVICES frrthe hpSmoith eN ome,.JAKESFowler spent the weekend in' WEDESAYAPIL (1 S pm.Boxvmanvillc. on Tuesday, * * * Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. M.' WEDESAY APIL10- 8p.i.March 26, and was conducted Hanlan, Donna and David. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE - Il a.n. by Rcv. R. C. White o! New- Jut rrve They later called on Mr. Andy GOO FIDA EENIG p.. onville. Inlerment was in Holmes in Bowmanville Hos- bang VaulI, Orono.- COMPLETE STOCK 0F pitl. The Senior Choir wi) present the sacred music Palîbearers wcre MIessrs I Blackstock Girl Guide News "Oie oCavr 9Leslie Reid, Wm. Reid, Al!red CTTWMR COTTON The bocal Association c!f ii "Oiett alayGraham. Raymond Bruce, theiGirl Guides meCOTTONS A CORDIAL WELCUME TO ALL Clinton Farrow and Anthony he oGirl us. oymeta the -K Ton. lin, Monday. March 25; thereý dian Statesman, Eowmanville, Apr. 3, 103 7 yhas o!fered to buy May 131h aI the home of Mrn. egirls are in need o! Dalton Dorrell. ipment, thcy needi _______________ sta take ta camp IbislCs assure that there wîllý Gel Cs oa for ail those wishing; Ibtis years camp. , For OId Appliauces ;also decided la sendi [o toward the build-'> throuth chapel alCamp Ade-, STATESMAN tcbaughlin servcd us! C L AS S 1FIED 8 ind the meeting wasI Phone 623-3303 osed. NexI meeting NOTICE. F'or the convenience of our customers effective April 5th estaurant :[ rm in open f or business 24 HOURS A DAY ON BOTH 'RIDAYS AND SATURDAYS iou are guaranteed courteous service whetber il be a full course dinner or a coffee break! G ST. E. BOWMANVILLE petitive Pnices Plus Personal Service AVINGSThisWEEK at 1.D.A* Lese Special Prices end April 6 JCA SELTZER 3PIRIN ""Bayer" lO's .- 81C NYLIN Cough Syrup ---4-nz. 78c IECK CREME RINSE reg. 1298c :TTOL 4-,-. 73c 7!',-oz. 99c 15-oz. 1.99. )DD'S KIDNEY PILLS :LAX- 18's - L STEETH ------. -rex. 45c 73c1 -43c 39C ,OOR WAX "AIGOS - 1-lb. 46c ERITOL Tablets, S0's or Liquid, 24-oz., 4.63 &J. BABY POWDER 9-o z. 68c qTURE'S REMEDY ---mediîum ---57c ECCA for Boils - gsmall size ---.57c psodent Tooth Paste Economy 89C iRSOMNIA - ---89C 1ilp MAGNESIATablets 100'. 73c bick Doublp Krona -reg. 49ec-2/79c You r face Iooks better and feels better with BARBASOL Brushless àave Cream k 63C 98C 1.19 Aerosol 79c - Can 98C or your haïr! 3-9c 75c RIT Canada's favourite Dye :15 Beautiful Colours 0usd ilouukeepinj 35c EAT ANYTHING àgeable viave you've wonders, it actually 4the ordinary wave. -t waving! one of Pretty Perm's ORA Fix Nolds dentures fast ... aiI drA Seals dentures to gums. 49c 89c riptions - I.D.A. Remedies ex, McGregor eDRUGS e g9 St. W. - Phone 623«5792 If Mi llýl ý

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