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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 8

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fhe Canadipn Stategsmen, nowmnnvlle, Arr. 3, 1963 sPORTropucséI Î~By Frank Miohlun 623-723 1'#4 CORONATION CAFE - BASKIETBALL CHAMPS. P Those llollytt oud scr'ip)t wrt t uI ePaiterskei bringiný up from lune tb luie, suie couidt iive hetUered the thrilling gaine Jast wut-k aI the Iigh %SîinWit-ii Coronation Cafe edfigud Bot inanville Ilotti 47-.Iri bdefvîntl i - ws their Men's Baslball cliampjionshli _________ OnIy a ,sin,,Ie point separaled the twO cib at Ille end f te frstquaterandal ialf-tîmie and il wtis al evven heading into tlu fial 10nîinuît,-. 'Tie thiîilîg ,aî&v Juv.i~eni le wasn't. decided uti heIial x isle vie til h tiio oeconds left, Ille I Itul ccit1'1 i't capital i/e0o 51thriuiw-in 1 the Hotel end. A pa ir of fouiulisots bx' Dannyv Selo sent Corlnioion three points tup, labu tI [ulteters rii.ýieuT duowî uhefluor lu purnp in a basket witii 0 eclduict This scribue lias bven utiable ta cover Ille baskellîall scene up Ulîtil Ille last I\to w'ecls and altlîough xve k iicw sever-al o fIlhe p lavuri>, Ille calibre of pl ay was even bu)(tt i- tn ce haiant ic i 1)a 1cd. Daît îy Seto sure diusiîtn uî~ 4 rnirh li kc a 1ba4dctiîa l lla vcr, but oui on thieCou rt il's a di ffercut t'u, .iIuow lie gls iciIis edttI.Vl ytie-ia nd psi-iu over the' giants i4auriif tIiiîu i iîa.iîig tand(l loii . i we ve svenl, aithliUilt uîulY wo of hie iauafour uitatis, Danny mnust be the toi) pla et'. L J. t t t :ks Take Titie in New Lions Club Sweaters A IFFERENr hocKE.,y ipoOL We thiîau.lit wliit Im-(-tliii alut aI l oft tle lockey- pools possible. Last yearxelatairx aehiîi ctud thal t f 10 bettors paîttug up l)a lui auîteacl oune geît ioga si-cnnd in each nuliit ie or evciY puriati. Foi. examiipie, i f y u bave 37, tlîat 1nî'iîs cix ù,iiil.iii:tion witli 37 stiîi, -~ would be your wxviii uiuîg iiuhiier, sictu as 1:37, 18:37, 1.5::Î7, et c. But xow w'eleicomiterrît alithleî'pool. l"Vîi.the Stitnley Cul) sentii- iuals aIi fi uua Is, lihe le:udiîig twova pmiit - gplbers un eachl te:uun aite et iîii uatd. \'uuti ho suli-ut, six players, nuonmire tha u lu i -e t rn i aux one trami. 'l'liuepem'sou whose six (hoiu.s xx id tmp)xx ihh beilesb îuîu îîîlucî(It points s tlIe wiîutur. s e a t Mc!Donald andI Whi iaa Fî'aiît lis ykv an -!isie t ia .e pick Toirouto atuul ( oi lui he îII-:uls t EtHwtnlanville's Juvetîie MLIuu)nt HOYals carne tom behind dur- LOAL18 SRTS 111ILVEN1>1i Minor I iuckey Nitllutiast Wednesday Io down the Midget All A bit teig fitul "! lu.Iid tîCliiioiluttsat Iue enaubwîiiOt:Stit 1 and lte. leMrnia -ai 1rov. ivwn in sudden Coret te uial tit iûkît'('laiiîiunsmi S .iia-tii>iiuth tFo-rljt. 'ui. te eveîît, the J uveniles were sporing culoiful Ing. 'Thle Raidurs hliumtruuîite tull-liiiut 10 itile hu e una) iitc'W Swt-lr~ics dùi vtd w ie LixiaIL ions ClTub. 1Vembers ol' the teain include, fi-ont i'ow, let ho right: Tully Thompson, Mickey% Dickens, Brian Down, Hlemman Prakken, Capt. Brian Bradley, Larry Roger's, Bob Clar'ke; back î'ow, Manager James C. Coyle, Bill Hasiuk, Dan Hughes, Douig Nichols, Jim Coyle (A), Pele Budcll, Bob liellam, John Whalen, Coach Grant Malley; absent, Walter Ellis. BOWMA N V ILLE 623-2441 ONTARIO Ladies" Major I (Intcndrd for last x'.eek) It was the batlle of the Icad- crs last Mondav night iin the Ladies 1Major loop and Hav- nes broke the tie wide open. swanmpîng Preston 3-0 10 hold a hre point rnargin. GaY cdg-cd Bickcll 2-1 to tic Pre3- ton for second, but Baker. up- set 2-t by1Brooks fell four off the pace in third and Bu- day was stymniedi by Joli 2-1. Lvle kept their hopes alive on the strcngth of a 2-1 ~ over 0. Etchcr and collar- dweiling E. Etcher bowed - to Dunn. Doris Joli xvas the pair- setter in both divisions roll- ing an 802 triple and .118 single. Dot Brooks knuc(ked of a 759 triple, while Ioe L vle had 700 and Bernice Biida\---687. Other hiph sulsxetto Jo ve L lF35 nid 't'n- flant- 296, Dot Brooks. 293. Berîîic Buday 274 and Ada Richards -255. Team Standings Prf Ga, Bai Bu( Lyl Br( 0. Du E. Do: Bei On Do JO' PC, En Do Be Mi 01 Ki Li Ni Sti Ba 4-4 aflor IWt 11v o d i msof l ihtit Ille (a îî'~Oxc ttu arî been lmeld i ctuî'u luim lu te uai e s, iii I t una Decddedby Single Point HSM jr eg e througli. Vi It was qui le a final, Ille Conwltm wii n iwit-P q end - IyuM aï r I gu thrre gaines endiliîu, op inii tis, twive wlf1 he i l Iciul lLaI L I f 7A CAIflflthtUAfl oau esanlps Furiiture Store Hunt 651. puld lei1.îa-toliiîulin thelil iial Csî-uîuiiîîs. I. Ote 1 4 7to 4 6 o bc M ieRI irsca a~ Ait that îumamusuav i le naiiiig aof Ille rima,l ento w u ftre MuieRva-s i t lM valu ble nd nost nd o cow-.-ý thega i(-ms roinu Liberty* v Boxl to of lte sens, stll p t on a Sh o. " s"tîtat lPo Iiit- iui-5 i'l'ie -îîîu'îaiouî Cirnat un Ca te \voû ri te'aIllhe end of the quarter', butlgaine, scoriig 21 poinits, wliilc\Vin the John M. Jaines teain b-il li3ii dispîay ut bowlinig Co SpOS -> X\tiru us luxtul iaskv't ha Il I ra.('irualiun was cune up 27-96 Norn Buwalda cuunled 1 1, trophy for t1e 1962-63 season. wilhthie high siniglce of the wiTlbe lbld iI te iSxu the alter (Inel, alulime.iiîîlmlwat iuccI uimiloi>uslui) 'lîiesoutva]lIileatntitîee't 'l'aiebefheafpiongsouarat:in he Te cmanpchîs3ie: apt.matctr24apde trile 76f76, o'clocck.. imi tt i 11 ' P. 1itîîwumu:uuille ex-en 36-361 heading liot>hue thirci quarter. nWll c-:Bob Wiltiams, Ed Lugtenburg onCre hda22snl t I t Ii t it-1 il)uIle tlii.ît au iti î,i1lquarter, 'l'liîe utcoine was m ci uptle otfxver\ înportait Doun Bagurl,1, i -LBrce Milne, gaine fer Liberýty Bow]. BANTAM GI Rt .5 ~v i N T. & D. ilmduinÉ "i ai aIliii Il igli iduti hI îili il tlhe filialixvhîs- t iiîa t quarter baskesIiwndF kRanSuf unt andaTri'asurer Frecd Cole handlcd BANAN GILSNV iN1' & ).. sliullieii Ilîmiie al cmii heup vwitli a cim.enints: Rclv Couies.a Scotch dobles tournamient Bowimuîvillcs t:umt mu gr amne I inut lu i'iît i Ilw-as .a 1'rrat mjuil im 10ftle lasstSwît h a throw-in umder' John Fowler w-as agaiiu bcthe ,iterty ,Bowl took lIe first aînd about 30 Major Leaguci s lorn Suiday ai i u-non, de f-at ii ug Plant aI ian îuwlt of ïuiiuu ~: s til et- a mmx t atitueIlle ('a te itup. I loiec s top poi t-gelter xvitlî ga ii n193 tu 1182 pins. loomk part aud ail repted a for time Tuiuaîhuîaund Diistlt mît kuxvi uug (tu ip.ioîli pii. 'ii l-dloii mliliît flue tîti i iit, Daiuîy Seto d-opped a pal r 12, despite gaiug ouI tm bu], iankiîm Ilu steoîd soring a 'Ibis eYalîeye un a jx thetourny ilizt, lok plac at tlti- SpoIIîîtI1e , onlt amuît- 1 I tl-t l te fanims îîuîe Of hotu oi st o seîîd Coouna-;-early i) the fitaI tenminmiu- bc.i h eo d crn hsW d eca otu-a is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii lIeturtyta îrmuryIutpaea i-otiuji tlliee 1-itvienii ilt int lue t), but Lloyd Cciv- !tes, Cuverley* velicked futr 11 iice 1257 total agauist Libeuty nniitgels tîider\vay tuitidwitl Show aîmd was liculliii> y alaQur-en::xvyr]Owvu tli e ut.xcseievs basketl witim10 sccatîs 'l'uni Pctirsuti hTad tli, Dci BP,twl%'s 1115. 'l'lie finaul game soîmme ut theiandicapms listed Menitboirs ort ire xxi miinuP tain aie: Naumcy ltuon~o, 'lie i u>) -tu:eh bacît fmuin j etkIiuadte t 47--16. - Mait tut ciglit aîîd Fred Cowle 110 t uîts sKam'stir hud csîi i T.-- ews, N:-t 11 i-(1 t i a t-al-Y l iv )iîIl 0 it] 1312 1> seio jît:ycîl a triendtiiou i i ve. c-ti ne up xith aimaher 1225 scores. Wrmdy~ttsl.iimx'tit i. . ii) .ini*~ ,i-ir - amcInelus,,aiîmp lIe Libeity, Ail nciabers ofil,,Ite tj (Il Se lisaid uii ita lie.( ,-dt Wii pûblî t tcal iaI-boy- s wlîo eould only getlcaLeguexvere qîite uoni(crued c utlime fie.lîmaîue.i t -l ltlie spii t>p;i»a ue îoîuîe Bea ooeI l 2.about Morley "Wild Bil" Oke i tee , - r) 1Don Bagneli was toîps foi.r x-lo is lu Meinior-iàl Hospitail,i * lIm chams xxitlm guimes oif Boxvmaitvilie, su ttnriitg from Saîuuldau. tim in l;u.flIa smidilC Oiufettamml ié,\\,smtîeL D **~~f 56232 for a big 82-t l.Iealattauts Ilis natiy trienids gaine record xxas seltx\%lie-n Il-yeai,--nîd Niir-uî-W * d Lugtenburg iîad 746 and wish "WiId Bill" a specty îe- ra'kc u : u mmue Wti- tC' ml tlaIae -ilumt i-î U I L V Ii U UIY Bruce Mlne 715. Capt. Boîb covery' and hope hie xill soon kno ho tothiow bolin, bll.Williams had 694 ad Suffy bc bak at Liberty Bol. i - t t t LOCAA1S COI> iNv(C' ý ~iXGE ho igHockey Charnpionship TtGOODYEAR BOWLING ci heNcucatleTo n Ioce '\1Lt-gw galis t tre uw T lokss i ke c I l a cîllî- 'J ainiStandings ofnet tore lie Nexxt caiderlr '1'uuckxinntt Iuutettlv Ian prvenuetheiiuebinN casîle iicws sec-tintufhI llierjI. suu-tm-mwe lunat n'i iisweei'iettii Cd peciod goaýs iiiii iii" and huit h teanis caimenCombines froni xiining thuc Bî'aiciers - an y ~a ga l e i: t is i itil MN umday 1 i\ ig lit xhi m tu s -e -fL GUe ict u uat ttic R ii r cs 19 -4 a hl c se u til A b bit l bi iked tie'secon d sch edule ti le, as ttmey.... ...f anT gin uheI-uut~lAui uu ~uxtutIe tlu'uTm'ena e ieue f i uîîriatAunamu, sîiudaŽ icît t gI rit 11:09I. nioxi d teî points iii fi-ont of Laboiatury - -- (':i\v 7 - I->-ter mu 1,CII:im-1 ic',i- iiniig fomr tht' kcuutl ItD Y ihe Goodveaîr League rac Cornets 56r 01-'o10o 7-5 lu xxiii the ct:utuiasut.Ctcux'a-Y tris m cippeu, Belîsý- -----47 br'l-uh- i x sî-i's tasfîmeed --5 - (uilo ie2Viime 'bl'Cal- I imurke. Clianpituisiip. It Wu5at vii itIlu'xvt tyt huii-sday night. hi> urv ýa oce oa î; --âme tti1.: uefi'tig, it offe ieh<> a i tY aY Fb lodLead Press -46.1 1'I'ite l zoei hebs .1lamlo adBbFailucv anmd Witiî fle standinigs Ipin(seult- 'igeis --.41 ar e a h (lina v ) c an tiie.wn tu x t i 1 lut . tx tt-a l x i lii ýi i L r r - P pur ski ppr'd a r u- ii er m o lî e problern , Jack B on di Fan B elîs -- 41 in a ic (:i c\:> 3 tli-'.t«i- n îijgIleohe ass-uîtit tîoîî i li'Ci-os- ttok'oxer the sptît-ligbt oI ue- - ~K 1tNs S MI E N _________________P mmi. xp:Ist 1 hi r-ct 'ýSt ilp' Rrtxtc, iuîgp a great :384 gaine o Off;(re ----------- 38 ~ Il .u'rS - -- - Don Prouit, pt:&i iig xilt alm txx-îîiliu les tcs t l i t! i it4-1 captuie lime sc'tscti's high sin- Machinie Shop --- ~.xt-mîexpalifui aliî, pau- >tu .le r-enr luz.icud- gle h\ a sinîgle pinu over Jack Banbtii-y.2o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ti . tii'~ xmml n mi>m-b i l : Du. lîR'I NG 'TIiS i' iue-~ (aî' SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS -t ,W.iig--:2I[. ta the FRIDAY, APRIL 5th 20..uu,. 'miii-2u. K INSM.EN ISU PER CA~R < t1 ' CoMi l P6:1u'l t i I,1). (tac ;60.p EASTER BIUNGO EASTER 1 a-iitil -\is" 12, a' .\'i 'i î p7 - (lO ili. i)l- tV 5 - Bruu2 , G a- ut PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 4'fi - -~~ __ e in I'izcs includimîg (1m 1963 PO(NTIAC SI'TRA'IO (' l i or S2,000 cuisit (G v2.7;j si,000Ili-loCammle. 51,100 mîmlm i52 Nos. u , 1'. ,t- ul l 2-, 25 LiS Plus S600i(iregîia r gantles. $ 1.)o speci.4l gainles, i g u, . ttu-tt-ii 2a2, .li-< 50 Tasty, Delicious Easter H-ains P1 î,Àî~ ,lli' as Free Door Prizes u,\lMm 05 Domî't fovngel b biiy Ie ecoîonypack for' vallte k'-tiS-Wtt.ii(,f)di imlsuve mollev'. I-tila S2 K N S N\' - M lii Sii[ t - J. Doclds 213t, C. - LMI 16ati I8. ]Ii lu Ila tutu J. Doddhis 349, D. N mxxait '298. junior Girls (Iîtlu t- itcy 2, Sanu- c-l r5-i ie 0, Musteis 5 - K:ingt 0. (ttuil41 Ku mîn... 1 Sum ml i0.. luhSinîgte- P. l)cbuo 21(), linlu )umble P.Deboot MisitmaîmîlGirls u-uimnitstuu:it - (lOodwini 2. Biuuui t:t- Iî-ttty2 Lewis .\liiur -24 . 16 H gî Sii~lo Nickersuii boa17 t c1cces12 m I lIut(- assîis s. Pitvumît1 xvxlu 'ites oms )itaia 1lis \xx cct fr ail opu-ta iuui uonî tllu i- ad tîtît captini 1 t1) Nia i -Jurv1i Smut1 t% 1îi lIsubite tii1 oi-ucgua s. 'ilie uue1111ia11t -xîuiiit'.Coi 1- -15 upe thlii-sutiiiit\vxi " Proi-uuii t inoi tu îma pass fiuuut !'aitv uiîtutxax tluîîî 11t0 tici il titi-te iiutes laî:r idvd by IJDonl2aaurl ad Ciîige it hii, hit Pirtoit touk -oalue tincle Vatsîime at tutl- 1 ilU imiuit ijtt. 'Moi-t" Ricli- unds fi rtr a scrci-eeirt iin- .u thie t-age iin Ille filialoi - Lite ta) 'ei( lle CuuuutetS iii to For the BESI MO VII STC I{l b ~Iioke thegaie opuil at 8:.m) and Dan G irar-di slipl)td bch inîd the dc tence foa couiiIatilli e passlli 0 lav \%,'jt1 l -Prout Li iid lFa i re v it 4(t.WlîcII PI-OIît îuc lus tIil-dt, 4h secundsclstle, Fare -cv and ma î-îii'isun asý- sistiug, it was ai t aver but tlîc slî outiitigs l'a ire.v added a pair 0of suý pe 1 1 1Lio Lis tallies 0on sharp passilig pta.\'s wîth Prout a; the galle's finial minute, the last %yith uone seconîd ieft. Richardis andi Vanstonle diew titthtin- inuajois %with fuir mtinutes 1îenîaiîiiîno in the ,,aie. Grant Flilîtoff, the Cîîîiets' Kcon, turned in a t -teidokis effort, but didulit tua su point.________ in a a 0 4G or )RAGE llowex'er, Ilowaud Bruiuieli pti', tugvtier guuîues of 31:3,1 27,and 249 for ligh t ripte louriîs. Band xxas next ah 814, tuiticixed bY 'ied Bagiieli _184, Art Ruîxvc 743, Russ liact 72. Bill HoIi'oyd 2, Putil --xl's 706, B il .1 utI I 70, 'Br"id" lleilliing -AE (;8r), Franîk Saînis -687, Jtîlmî lJtiXtiiit 6;84, J iîmmMurphy 67-6, Franmk Wrib 652 andcAV Walter' Goode--65(1. Otiter top single efforts xve'e regitleed bv Ted Bagneil 31. i 1962 PONTIAC 26; Bii ll i l-- 30.1, 'Btîd' Hc'uuiiimg '292, Phil V iwles Vaistomlal '2881. Russ Htî'24 Walhert with "Positn Coude-2284, Bill Hoiroyd 121,13, 256; Jinm Muupby -283, Joh)Il,,axtai11)), Johmn Car- 1962 CHEVRC' tec 275, Franik S îi 7,A tito>matiec i A it Iltît e -26 81. 264 ;: 1 Inrx' a n o e t ýstza li 265, t"iatii< Wrigtlcno e Il k-l 25-t, Art I"aîîîîxx 52, 1961 PONTIAC 'lxlBrauil 252 and David-V8,ab a -uuxdn251. -,a-ola Cuuîîî hittes \wlji Ip-d lasI placb b Vcîy cicainc BLa li il 'u ,y-7-t), xvjiile first srlîed xIlte chamipionu Braiders blasterl 96 HE R lose 7-h tolutuke citer Ile' HE R LahturatmmrY'lost 5-2 to Tiger:a, crfo duoppiîug humibird, 14 pointls -ý off the pat-e. Coomets held ý196 ET O fouit n1b lmy virtue tof a 5-2 wxx-90 M TEO rt-eu l'ad Press, Bels slop. 0 11 1 0 1 prd Machine Sbmmp 5-2 andi Fan"mi 1,0 Beits upsnt Office 7-0). Ilîke newv, tra BAS LIE i1958 CHEV'sj Mr. andciMus. J. R. Metuaif 'reluh pttdeci the 35thm annliver'saiy h 196PO TA relbrauiiiion or Mu. anîd Mre. 195 uPOT Iî AC Cuarles Rimdle, Nortuh Osh-Cuomrd awa, ani Suîîday, March 241ui. Onie owner l Mr. anîd Mis. J. R. Metcaîf anmd Mu. Ross Mettaîf weuc- W'ednecsdta tdiimr (Iîstf Mu. a uttuMus. E. Weury, En- Mxi-ýs- Dorotliuy'Fo-'Peter. b-uigiTeachters Cul tegc-, s;)).tit Ie x 'ktidai uhoume ý xx itlu it(-r parîents Mu. and Mi::. %I.i-, and Mrs. J. A. Buries Lit(Gltai-e xvere Sanday diîm- uîîr. gtesîs of Mu. anud Mis. A. C lW ei, Peerboroug hu. 1 6AI G Mu. anmd Mus. Dick Mî-t mî. <l KNG B Tmu-ui-hm, Ilime Rex. andl r . ST.1 E. ,sui u - wixîlb Nfr. andri firb. J. - _ _____ 'R' Meiali alîîd Ross. Ay ckerl )11 .Etcher Etch er Iligh Avena orisý Joli rîtice Biday n Etcher ilt Brooks- ne Baker irlex' Bikll na Etcher iona Preston [eln Dunnt rnice Parter lai-, Perris lin Patfield ekie Trinîble *yce TIennant nma Bromeil 'ay Beauprie ,o-iî:t Mue iVlrtn îuric îBryvans itea Brown ir Buttonshaw Ilene Burgess artl n Wiggans iti Tennant arion Parsn aprion Slaght nhirtî'v BikIe 'onntc Osmond <ges 24 la 15 14 10 19 198 2196 19-1 -19o 19(1 198 188 197 187 '87 187 197 183 183 18() --173 178 Bowling League t Shirley Davis 1.-1 ti Dcli V'inson 176 Essie Cox 17-i Norma Ca\ 1.-174 Babe Brouwn -417 Elsic' Spencer .. -111 Dorc Muîtton 17n Bernice 'Pnrv-* v170' Helen iNicholson 170 200 CimeM Sh irley Biekrll 219. 250,Q241. JOan Sellers 219, Rose Maiis Birkett 211, Mary Hiarney 209, Bernicv Bidayý. 299. 266: Helen Nichlolsn 27.5. *ackip Trimble 28<0, *MR: 1leii)Divn'241). Nancy Rr ' Ris 900. IoYce Lyle 22,212, 1-43, Marilyn Wir- F.lsie Secr217,Iiunp Bakfec 210, 285. Fmrna Bromell 228. Miolv\ lort.sman 214, Doreeîn Park 22. .20)1. Donna Pres,-' ton 219, 23-1, Marz Peris 229, '147-, COur Etchetr 216. 218. 214. Enid Tront ri 271. 207. Joyes Alrinîîd212, Doriq Jlll224. 24,28,ssie 7ox '113. Doris P»o1llry- 109, Pengy Harnes 946, 204. Olîte Patfield 238. 2 03 .1 , PrîtVinson 214. N h i Shtcih l '-216f. Stpll& Browni 210, Marilyn Cole 202, MarinBok 221. Enia Etch, er 213, 237, Bahp fBrown 203, 225, Muriri Holroydi 249, Dot F.inoks ý 206, Bath flutnshaw 2120, Cnnie Osmond 227, 211, ELECT RIC É LT~T LON RACTING REPAIRSj RU RIfRTO-FI FCTRIC IMOOR -SA1.I'S - SERVICE v- RADIO % PpT IANCESi Yoîîr life inurance, prora m slloild he ranew d tir htouht up tii date' t least c'vr\'fwo '<cars. (liianging incoiie. chang- Ing need,(s, bilrîs narriaures a new h lonîr al affiect yîîur hie inu ancv rcqi îrnnrts. TaIk if over with me. BANNER PASSANT MA :-15 14 Rchder Ave., Bowrnanville SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA xx~MEMORIAL ARENA Telephoi-ie 623-5729 FRIDAY, APRIL 5 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 1) p.nî. CLAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN tic, cstîom radi, white wll tires. One xaction", in spotless condition. )LET IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOI :ustoin radio. low nîjilcage. One local ownel uld from lnev! C LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN atic, power steerîing and l)fakes, customnir ca r. )LET BISCAYNE 4-DR. SEDAN ttistiii ad i, un i I17,0001( original miles. owmanville tradcd on new Pontiac. 1FAIRLANE 4-DR. SEDAN 1original mile, owners naine on reqtict. radecl on 196:1 Pontiac. AND PONTIACS <><se fron. Ail iow niileage, local cars. .C LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN io, onlIy 58,000 miles. car tradd on 1963 Pontiac. ow'ner car r. This car Oie owner This car is P>HONE 6231-3396 j --'b, ANNOU NCEMENT THE GOLDEN CRUSP FISH AND CHIP WiII Now Deliver Your Order Deliveries will be made in town limits. during out-of-school hours. There ivilil he a 10e charge for delivery. 40C (>1(er Mîimîn Ieivery 1IIONE US FOR FAST, PROMPT SER<VICE - CAIL 623-7051 USE ALLIED VAN UNES ACROSS TOWN OR... ACROSS THE NATION IVe lian(ile the entire operation... ESTIMATING PACKING - SHiI>IING STORAGE. . . Gmods liandled hv ex- perienced personnel . . . carried iii dust- proof v'ais . . . All gonds protected hy imsurance to full value. CAI. YOUIL LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Preston Transport MOVING & STORAGE LTD. 1 - _Mmd b'. , low

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