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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1963, p. 11

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J93 % Vote Gives Honey R3 Maiority 1. il lew~caist/e rSrn r I*r 7I ri n r!Jf. , rio r r, I Brats 114. Bugs 112, Imps 97, Cats 83. Scaring 200 anti oves- were G. Rowe 348, B. Fergu- ,"n 'A5, J. Pitt 280, G. Bar- chard 280, M. Couch 230, A. Rowe 228, E. Langley 217, D. Whitney 216, B. Rowe 216. B. Tendam 21.5. 1 f I 'l " .'"-Jti '-r I LII LL t<' Thurstiay Ladies' League- Newcastle:- With more tban 1 IScorpions 121, Mars 104. Ven- 93% of the eeigible votes in, r qdMF preXm r odnAnwo au- us 89, Pluta 78. Scoring 175 this village turning out to the Mr.l anti -lo . ere SKim- dMr. GsdnAnwo u-antioves- were L. Brown 215, rls on Monday, the încum- bil nbns veit r. Sund leav rda'. b oryoE.Eliiott 200. J. Slacey 195. ent, Russel C. Honey, Lib- dineM.uets itbMs- ani Hr1fi2nisMi.lPororterL lMr%. Frank Gilmer in New- leas-n that Mrs. E. R. LovekinM taetn12M.Prr eral, was given a mnajority )'f es* a patient in Me'lmorial Hos-1 181, D. Stark 181. '73 votes over bis nearesi op-, panent. Garnet Rickard, Pro- Mr. and Ms-s. William Rai'r Pital in Bowmanville anti w,1l. Fsitay Mixeti Lcague - gressive Conses-vavtive, a nti;a of Bnwmanville wer.S.aflî- wish for ber a ,4peed.v anti Rosebuds 129, Sbreddies 124, majority o! 38 votes over his1day visitors with Mr. andi Ms-s compilte recoverv followingýUndcs-dogs 109. Hi Jacks 100. combineti opposition of ths-ee G. H. Hodgson. hcr operation. Misfits 84, Sugar Jets 84, Hot candidates. Ms-. antiMs-s. Leslie Kinnli Mr. anti Mrs. H. C. Bona- Sos7,AlyCt 7 Cor Ejien outs, he ewDe-ant so Bî1 f Lndsv ".~~!han bave réturned home af-1 ing 200 or oves- wes-e. K. mocratic Party candidate, wasýStmndav visitors %vith Mr. andi le"- .ending the w i ni t ers htt 38,H ye35 motspi lrda isRItL. Pea rce 245. B. Hoogkampý apans- third with 36 votes. Mrs. John Voutt. mnh nFoia isR1h ,1 unnhm27 . ant th SoialCreit and- r. ntiMs-. H S.Bs-t~n IBonathan who flew ta FIoridq 241 .C nngm 23,A andtheSocalCreit ani- Mr ad Ms. . F3itiwl t week returneti home witýlRowe 225, M. Pearce 224, T.1 date, Wilbur N. Crantiail, wasvisittd with Dr. an4i Mrs. W*,, Embley 220. -B. Partots- 211,' almost non existent as far as H MacDonald in Toronto on thm G. Kimbaîl 210, G. Rowe 209,. the local votes-s were cances-l-Sunday\,. A. Pearce 210, J. Rickard 208,ý Pd, taking only ont vote. ; Mrs. E. M. Calvert andi fr'- Co .u-it M. Pales-son 207, C. Glanville' The large crowd inritht locali end of Ta-enta .v isitet w i 1 hIflfUfI 203, B. Alîtireati 202. Libe rai committee r o o m s ______ were jubilant when the re- suits were announceti anti' e of G dBo ln the results o! the electio n -- Newcastle - Following is eastern Canada continuei ta15'n f of tht final standings in the, With tht disappearance o!, show Liberal gains until the varinus leagues on tht Com- tht snaw. anti dry spots show- Honey cavalcade anti pipe mîîinity Bowling Lanes, anti- ing on bigh fieltis, spring fev- band pulleti up in front o! ttU * nt iM/eetinglfl the higb scos-ers for the final es- bas taken possession of the beatiquarters anti conductedi a week o! the schedule. farmers anti speculation about' short parade in the village Monday Ladies League - the daY ta gel on the landi before proceeding ta Port Ne wcastle:- Unit four of the Cor'vettes 128, Oronoeîtes 115, rivais that of the outicome of Hope. joineti by the NewcastleUiei hsch Wmu c endalites 104, Ponliacs 92,1the election. Men aI Ken Ash-' crowti, for the big celebratian ai the home of Mrs. U'- Ni-M. hîtx birds 90, Wilticats 88, bY's machine sbop are aLso there. RudelI on Thursda ' afte1 Ü oen Hascetis 72, Jaguars 66. ibeing sushed with demantis with a real gnnd attendance (if Higb Scoreis -('200 anti aver)I for new tractars, or repairs ta How the Village Voted the members. Mrs. Ritdeille>,-A . McConkey 270, M. Wintei' ad ones. tendeti a warm wýelcome 9. 48. R. Cotich 226, D. Neal Coutt.q - PoilI No. 1, 11% aIl anti operiet the mneetin_120, E. Perrin '219, M. Hender- Cotepopea Reia Poili No. 2, 9; Poili No. 3. 16: witb a Cal] 10 Worship. son 219, J. Stecves 216, H. beach spotteti twa large whituý Ativance Poil, 0; Total 36. The bymo, -What a Frietiti Coureaux '212, D. Turanskv swans on Sunday marning as Crandall - Poli No. 1 <). we have in Jesus w'as sung .c206. D. Langstaff 204, G. thev. resteti there on the lake Poli~~~~ No1:0 Pi o with Mrs. A. Retiknap accomn-!Ccb2.MCouch 203.0 during tlheis- flight nos-lb. Ativance Poili, 0; Total 1. ' panx'ing aI the piano. The Mens League- Hurricanes In spite o! the fact that1 Poscripture lesson, taken 1,5uîi, Osphans 114, Sabres 111. manv are still plagueti with' Honey - Poil No. I. 82; Pl the eightb ebapter of the book Spitfires 95, Mustangs 93, Ty- coitis anti tht after effects of No. 2, 11 1: PoilI No. 3, 146: of Romans. ve rses 3.35 t 39. phoons 77, Wi Ideats 64, Part- tht 'flu. anotbes- quilt wî.s Ativance PoIl. 7; Total 346. was read bY. Mrs. D . GraIý'. ner Plumbing 57. Scoring 225 stas-teti aI Miss Clara Darke's] Rickard - Poil No. 1, 78. The meditation of the themeanti over in the final week o!f. anti xas partiallv completeti, Pol] No. 2, 91; Poil No. 3, 96: "The Love of Goti. the Chrs-i1he scbedule were K. Wbit- hefnx'e the end of* the week. Ativance Poli, 6; Total 272. ' tians Hope.' was taken h ne 335, i. McCullough 2981, Several of tht uitIle folk ______________________-Ms-s. H. J. Falk anti Mrs. Ri- R. Glanville 2,52, L. Johnson aebe aigassino diell closedthie tievotional ser- 2ý46, L. Taylor 244, C. Glan-haebn vn. assino S T. GEORGE'S vice wiîb praver. ville 243. B. Tilîson 242, L.imeasles but ail are recaver- Tht sunsbine mioue'. .s a Pearce 233, A. Pearce 229. ing fromn this unpleasant sick-' CHURCH callecteti fsom the members ias; Teenage LeaguLe- Peanuts es% NEWCASTLE tht raIl was calleti anti Mr ' 11.5, Almontis 112. Walnuts Thexe was a gond attend- Gas-shore reati the minutes of- 92, Pecans 45. There were no ance at Sundax' Scbool on, Good Friday the Iast meeting. high scores repas-ted for this Suinda%, morning witb Georget 11 a.m. Due ta the amouint of busi- week. Tuffo-i, assistant superinten-I Servie Proper for the Day ness ta be discusseti anti plan- Wedniestia Ladiies* League dent, in Assistant tea-1ý ned there was n hapter o! -Gumdrops 117î. Candy Canes;, chers wex'e also in charge of: 8 V.m. - Evensong the Study Book sevewed. 112. AIl sorts 88, Jelly Beans most classes for the first Sun-, Easter Day - Ms-s. Rudtitl ses-ved a tieli- 77 .Scoring '200 anti oves- xw're, day in the month anti scrip-a iouIs luncb anti the niemnbers J. \cCiacken 247, 1. Cuon- tuI eeraib oy S ..-oy omuin adjournet i tntil the fusst ingliam 240. E. Meatiows 232,,Clas-ke. Lovely daffoduls aga'i, Il st.m.-HoIy Communion Thurstiav ini Mav- xhen thex' G. Coucb 224. W. Lovekin ýbrighteneti the (hurch forý and Sermon will meet ag-ain at the homc 216, E. LangleY 216, M. Gar- Palm Sundav service. Re v.'" 7 p.m.-Evensong and o! Mrs. Falk anti thet membe. s od -208. B. Ferguson 205, C. Fseemnan's sermon titaît wiLhI Sermon are uirgedti tasupport their Hens-v 201. the crowti wbo welcomed i _____________________ leader witb tbeir altentian ce. Thusi-stiay Mixeti League- Christ ta Jerusalemi, a cs-owd j 1711e /Vewca4/e Ycpe4e4i Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 r i JJ1 1 L . %.iJJ This cammunitv waq saci- AS denedti ta eas- o! the suticen General1 Fixerl (as per sc-hectule) passing o! Ms-s. Mabie Failis, Due from sehoolis (for Dehentirei) 'widow of tht late Austin Fal- lis o! Ballyduf!. Deceaseti Public anti Continuation s 30,000.00 was a lifeloog resitient o! Collegiate anti High----------7,562.A7 Township anti was higbly regartietiby'va Il. To1 Due fs-cm Utilities and those wbo matisn we extenti Other Municipal Entes-prises: aur sympathv. Ms-. antiMs-s. Norman Eddy Electric Light anti Power- 12,000.00 o! Oshawa anti Mr. anti Mrs. Hospital- 22,000,00 Freeman Eddty o! Os-ana were____ Suntiav visitas-s with thet Due fs-cm other Funtis 1076 Pavots. Anothes- successful Euchreý was helti in Ballyduf! on Fsi-- day evening. Ms-s. Mansel REVEN Finney antiMs-. Walter Fallis were tht winners o! the top prxzes. ASSETS L.OL. 82 helti a' well at- Defo rvnem nai tendeti meeting on Wedntsday u sc rvneo nas evening. Plans were matie tai Due fram Other Municipalities- Imake some improvements on1u sar col the hall.i Ms-.ant Mss. akeMcLre1 Due tram Other Local Boarsi anti famiiy left our village on! anti Commissions: Maniai Water Supply System Mrîs. anad±vîxs. Sam Brown, of Bethany have taken resi-! Taxes Receivable (schetiuie 5) dence oves- Roy Brown*s bar-ý Less Allowance fos- uncollectable ber sbop, whicb was farmes-lv taxes (schedule 9) occupitd bY tht McLaren famil.y. Pr-operty Acquis-et for TaRxes 28,469.42 1,348.00 LIABILITIES $64,600.00 Schools: Public anti Crntintiaîin___ 0000 Public Utilities anti Other Municipal Entes-prises: 97,562.87 Electrie Light anti Power .- 12,000.00 34,000.0(1 130,736.15 $326,899.02 Hospital 22,000.00 DuJe tO Othes- ?vunicipalities (for Debentures Assumeti) Othes- Long Tes-m Debt: Ont. Water Resous-cer Comnmission Investrment in capital Assets --- NIJE FUNO BALANCE SHFFET Deeember 31, 1962 LIABIIITIES9 52,380.34 Bank Oves-draft----- 1,583.59 Tempoary Loans (sehe-dule 6) 3,280.00 Accounts Payable Debentures anti Coupons Due: Ies-est Due 10 Othe- Municipalities .-.... . 4,481-11 Due ta Scboois, Due ta Othe- Local Boarsi anti Commissions: 27,121.42 Recreation Commission Due ta Othe- Funtis: Montague Trust Ftîod Defer-et Revenue (schetile S) Sus-plus (form C> ..-... Iscl dul 6)-------- - - -934.14 jMAPLE GROVE (ceue6 Communion will be observ- 97.0 ed at church next Sunday. tympty fte omui STATEMENT 0F REVENI Char]es Greenham and familyl Deeember in the loss of Mr. Greenham's, RtEVENU]F Actuel Budget sister, Mrs. Young, England.ToaRenufrmTxto U.C.W. ladies remember the; quilting in the church base- i (schedlule 3) $ 87,741.50 S97,019.14 ment on Tuesda.y. April 23rd,ý Long-term Debt Cherges Ipot luck dinner. Anyone ;nlRovrbe(heu 1)3,3.0 ,7.0 the community having used Rcvrbe(ceup1)1,1.0 1700 clothing bring to chu rch base- 1 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies: ment on May 7th when the IU.C.W. ladies will have atter-1 Ontario- I noan tea. New and used cloth-' ing for a bale will be on dis- Children's Protection- 39ô.IR pla% iec eif.,8A Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Collacutt Drc eif5509 visited their sister, Mirs. Nor-' Highway Improvement -3,866.13 man Mutton, Oshawa, who is * seriouslv ill, on Sunday an Payrnents in lieu nt660 Mr. Sam Snowden, Mr. Jimýmy Snowden were Saturday vi.l-, Police and Fire......60.10 tors with the former's daugli- Share of Liquor ter and son-in-law, Mr. and i Mrs. John Aitcheson. Stouff- License Fees 805.82 * ville.1 jMrs. Allan Snowdon, Mis Unconditional Per Capita i Sandra Snowden, Mr. Bob Grants 3630 Goodmurphv, Mrs. Len Good- prain83A 153.4 1.9.0 murph.y. Misses Nancy, Tam- Rceto - ~ R34 5334 4940 mY and Laurie Rogers were- Sunday visitors with the fo'- Other Municipalities imer's parents, Mr. and Mils. Nrhmeln *E. H. Wilkins, Port Hope. aNoth umbrand ,598 ,40 Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russell adDra ,5.9 1400 and family visited her par-' Government Enterprises ents, Mr. andi Mrs. R. L. West- Ont. Hydro-Electric Power R. 39 a w a, Cameron: aunt andi uncle, Mr. andi Mrs. Murry. Licenses andi Permits iMcKinnion, C a m b r a y. MrY (include riog tax) 794.50 750.00 Todd Russell, %vho spent the weekend with bis grandpar- Interest. Tax Penalties 1 ,947.39 1.550.00 ents, returned home with his1 parents on Sunday. Other Revenues - Fines 170.69 125.00 Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Olliffe, Miscellaneous Stouffville, were Saturday visitors with Mr. andi Mr. Deferreti Charges 1,520.71 Fred Stevens. Ms.DonBrok .Tax Certificates 1 6.00n 1,537.71 ible and family were weekend-- visitors with her parents. M!r. Total Revenue Section $122,805.91 $107,608.141 andi Mrs. Alex Tanner. Stir- Jing, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- dien, Miss Betty Lou Snowden: atte nded the christening of AUDITOR'< >1their grandson. Jeffery Lloydi Weston. Ontario, Down. Ebenezer, on Sundavl andi were guests with theirý March 29. 1963o daughter anti son-in-law. Mr.'iz and Mrs. Weslev Down antiTd h Rtpyr, evant ani Ifamil N..TthRaeaes evan oni * At a special service heiti of the Village of Newcastle on Sunday morning by our pastor. Rev. J. P. Romeril, 1 have auditeti the books and accounts ot the Village of B.A "'B'., the following chl-ý Newcastle for the year ended December 31, 1962 andi hand dren were baptizeti: Cherle Lyn lktagtr of Mr you the statements, anti schedules, etc., as set out on thea an r.Er Blake Tim:t preceding page. My report on theseji as follows: oth «v George Novak, son of Capital and Loan Fund. Principal paymnents on the ir Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak;I hospital debenture of $653.00 andi the debt to Ontario Water and Brenton Allan Thompson,ý Resources Commission on the waterworks installation of i son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, $2,750.27 were made in 1962. Estimateti cost of the water- Thomps4n. works installation has been set at $133,884.29 and the balance 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown' of this amount outstanding at December 31. 1962 is $130,736.15. anti Miss Barbara Brown. ar- companied by Mr. anti Mrs. Revenue Fund Balance sheet. Surplus at December 31, Wm. Cor-den and Miss Mar-ý 1962 amountedta to$6,342.25. This amount is flot adequate ta tI garet Corden, Bowmanville,! pravide the Village with sufficient working capital and 1 I vsitd M. ad Ms. row's'would suggest that counci.j levy for a substantial amounit for ai so.M.DnBin ulb a reserve for workîng funds to reduce the amount cf tempor- ai Ago, r.lraDo legeown un- hary borrawing required to operate the Village's business. di day.1 The asset due from Water Supply System of $4,481.l11 - Mr. andi Mrs. Morley Bur-1 flects ativances ta the system in excess of debt charges for gess were Sunday *visitars the y'ear5 1961 andi 1962. IMCS1 with Mrs . Arthur Lymer, Os'n- _..jawa. UE AND) EXPENDITURE 31, 1962 General Gaves-rnent: Executive anti Legislativf> Administrative Other Protection ta Persans. anti Psoperty: Fis-e Police Street Lighting Public Wos-ks - Roatis. Higbways anti Stree-ts Sanitation. anti Wasî.e Removai Social Weifare- Relief Assistance Institutionai Cas-e Welfare Administration 67,562-87 120,736.15 6;4,600.oo( îi 2 ,8 99 02 * 64.65 29,000.00 1.494-37 7 10O.00 33.31 220.90 *463.48 324.71>N 1,126.87 6,342.25 $39,780.60 Artual Budget 7,601.76 81600.00 7.298.23 7,000.00 2,769.07 1,500.70 2,618.29 3,179.24 P.000.73 458.80 6,39,1.57 1.122.4f; Education, inclutiing debt charges Recreation anti Community Ses-vices Debt Chrrges: Long-te-m debi s-barges g23.605.1Ï0 I.ess cwn sharp o! school tieht chairge;s 9,692.20 13,9 13.50 Shart-ttrm imiesest Insti tu tion al anti Public lltility: Wate- Supply Systrem Discount (or Taxes .Joint or- Special Expenditureg County Rates Conservation Atithos-ity 200.00 Miscellaneous- Lanti Pus-chase - Grass Expenditure Section Surplus for tht Vear Total Expenditture Section 8,000.00 7,5126.03 7,000.00 40,286.40 7.255.56i 40.119.69 5,750.00 1,37.7 4 15,491.24 5.490.00 221.11 250.00 12,,301.75 12,068,44 ,q72.00 4,370.99 $122,805.91 .$ 103,293.13 4,315.01 5107,608.14 SREPORT .litatement of Bevénue and Expendlture: The year's operatians resulted in a surplus cf $4,370.98 campared with A butigeteti surplus o)f $4,315.01. Revenue tram tax levy, grants and tax penalties were in excess of the budgeted amounts. Expenditures on public works and water supply cleficit exceedeti budgeted figures by approximately $2,600.00 wbile general government expenditures were approximately $1,000.00 less than the budgeted amount. General: 1 would suggest that serially numbered dîip- licate receiptq be useti by the Village andi its various boards and commissions ta record the receipt of ail]manies with the exception of current tax payments. 1 would also recom- nend that the assessment and tax rail should be reviseti and .vish ta, point eut that the treasurer of the recreation com- mission is net bontiet as requirei by the Municipal Act. Subject ta the abave repart I hereby certify that in rny opinion: <1) The financial transactions that have came under my notice have been within the pawers of the municipalitv. (2) The audit bas been canducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present, fairly~ the fin. incial position of the municipality as ut December 31, 1962 and the resu Itg of its operatiani for the year ended on that date. J. T. PERGUSON, Chartered Accountant, Licence Number 2329. ,whlch eentalned aIl the ele.j 1*rTh. Canadfan Statemman, Igewmanvilhs App. le, iSMi ments of saciety and quite C O U R T IC likelv representeti aur own'oi Il e uetspakrEý caunterpart of that day. The Many from here have had Wesley Down renderd three te Unitedi guest sp eer BASE N i chi*s anthem was appra-,severe'bouts cf the 'flu. Miss fine numbers. "Sleep Ken- Sunday marning service on pria te for the day alsa. The: Catherîne Rameril bas been a tucky Babe," "The Old Songs" Mav 5th. Miss Evelyn Gay,! Mrs. Sam Battamns and Mrs Sacrament o! the Lord's Sup-' patient in Oshawa Hospital. anti an Easter number, "Shaîl Oshawa, conducted the devOIDannfy Battamns were premen per was observed tiuring the Mr. Harry Gay andi Mr. 0. 1 Crucify My Saviour." Mn5. tional penioti, choosing *'Jesug at a stork shawer in honowi service.1 Robertson are recovering from Glenn PÎckell was their ac-, Christ as a Friend" as ber of Mrs. Wayne Battams ini Bill Barrowclough bas been1 their recent operations. M.7s. compaffe. theme. Oshawa an Fniday evening, home for the past few davs A. Wilkins is in Memorial Hyn 2.-mora ac 9h studvîng, but will return . L Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. Mr Mrs. Wesley Down acteti as yn13 Imra Loveac th Kingtonin he idde o th BobJohst:n i hoe foîýchairman for' a tiebate. "Re- Forever Full" was sting. Miss' Mr. antiMs. Don Metcalf wekînstn nhe itiexao! tl heaabonspnislhoerom.solved that the status o! the Gay stateti that ta be a frienti anti Mr. anti Mss. Fred Wrighl week wbre is xam wil Ohaw Hopitl w ereheIs marrieti woman shoulci net O! -Jesus is a great responsi- attendeti the Durham County ee i ntiitr at Mr. anieeight.etdfrhsls j be changed tram> that o! a bility but il is also a wander- Vegetable Grawer's Banquet Reen vsior t eeigt i bausewife." She introduceci fui ativenture. She spake helti an Thursday evernng, Mrs. C. Beighton's were: Mr., Philip Rameril spent las"terb Mackie anti Carl Down about Joseph Seriven, writer March 231h, in the Masonic anti Mrs. Mervyn Clarke o! weekend with bis grantipar- for the affirmative side and Of the hymn "What a Frienti Hall, Port Hope. Burlington, Mr. anti Mrs. Peter ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Romeril. Mrs. Herb Mackie anti Mss. we have'in Jesus." This bymn Mrs. Sam Battams attendu Clakeahdso Pbllp o U- Bacstok.Carl Down for the negative was sung following ber pray- ed the funeral of her brother- terson, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Dave Barbara Brown was in team. Some very interesting er. in-law, the late Mr. Kennetb Atkinson witb cbildren Deb- Trenton on Saturdaybwigatamsnpotseeri- Mrs. Wesley Down read the FitzgeraId in Sydney, New bie anti Jef! o! Kemptville. with four others o! the Jun- eti by bath sides, but the vîews af theIUnitedi Churcb York, an Saturtiay, April 6th, ,The latter are the Beightons' ior Bowlers fromn Bowman- jutiges, Mrs. Dorothy . Oke, regarding the subject o! the W ar m, spring sunshine great-grantichiltiren. ville.. Mr. Grant Herron anti Rev. j. tiebate as set out in the 1962 greeted the voters an Monday Mr. anti Mrs. Don MeCoîl, Jeffery Lloyd Down, son o! P. Ramnesil, Report of the Unitedi Church and was no tioubt partly s-es- Andrew anti Beverly o! Don Mr. antiMs-s. Wes Down, was firmative team the winners. Cauncil. ponsible for such a gratifying Milîs visiteti with 'Mr. anti baptized at Ebenezer Unitedi Presitient Ms-s. Allan Down Lunch was serveti by Mrs. turn-aut at the polling boath. Mrs, Reeve on Sunday, anti Churcb Sunday morning. presitiet for the business por- Wilfred Brown, Ms-s. H. Tink. There was a high percentage Ms- ani Ms.E. arvnei Tbe busbantis of the mecm- tien of thè ps-agram and open- Miss Jean Gay' antiMs-s. W. of votes recordeti. with E. Barrawclough's. bers o! the Ebenezer Uniteti cd witb hymn 394. Bickle. Grass tires are once agai.n Ms-s. L. Ougbtred, who bas Chus-ch Women were guests S u p p 1 y Secretary Mrs.' cau sing damage anti disturb. been staying witb ber mother, at their General Meeting on Grant Down askedti Uicmem- We are neyer tiecelveti we : anceq. We woulti like ta addl Mrs. Vannatto, in Bowman- March 28, 1963, in the Chris- bers ta bring in useti clothing deceive Ourselves.-Goetbhe. ar wishes for caution ta the ville. expects ta returo home tian Education Building, ta the April anti May Uni' The easiest tbing of al] is ta manv thet bave been issueti. on Montiay and bring ber me- Ms-s. Wesley Down opene'l meetings. T he Presbyteniai deceive one's self; for wbat a Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Wright ther witb ber ta recuperateithe meeting. A male quartet Supply Tea wilI be heiti at man wisbes he generally be- visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Wiltreti from an attack of 'flu. icompaseti of Raymond, Mur- Ebenezer in June. lieves ta be true.-Demos- DewelI, Toronto, on Sunday There was a gooti attencianceray anti Ronald Osborne anti Mrs. George Birtch o! Tor- thenes. eeig ai ibe Suty last Tuesda-.îj night under the leadership ofî Rev. M. Freeman, anti theý next meeting wiIl be after the' Easter holiday. Mrs. Hector Darke is In. she is working at the Homne F INANC IAL S TATEMENT show. The April meeting of the OF Morrish Wamnen's Institute was helti at the home of Mi.s T e V la e o e c s l Clara- Darke on Wetioesdav afternoan, Aprîl 3rti. PflMT DflOTCAPITAL AND LOAN F[TND BALANCE SHFET 200 Dundas St. W WHITBY ONT SSEAWAY MOTORS Ltd. 'I Phone 68-5893 IE CARS ANS TR Décember 31, 1962

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