I e~oy l r Cas en.1ra StrOng faith that wMhl eginaa were placed in curch by h L * L L.them meet trying p hbelpTeCndinSaema,'wav1e p.16 93 1 Michael W ladyka Named Chairman nir l. ceOdOUini Iche38 eac da. 5% owmnvjîe On Good Friclay at 8 p.m C rtW rig[ht o n i of tec38nmillion peopie on Mr.Aa Aa e a service for the whole cir-F East Asia's Rim are youth.' r da hareci I k4SSO CIG TIO~~~!cit il1 be held in Black- The i egular meeting of for a terni of tw o vears and'We meet Kimi Chai Yu who ther Mr. Winsr, eat T . B . A si dti n l n n n stock United Church when, Councîl was held on Monday., the other haif (receîving less represents all youth who woraos h dea th fhsb Rev. Wesley T. Taylor of the April lst, and ail memrs votes) for one vear want to know the role the'to Mr. and Ms hr n !Methodist Church of Ireiand were present. Also the Co'unties Courlcil,Church should play ini poli- farnily. wilbe guest speaker. The members of cou.ncil may appoint one member an-'tics. Kim*s question is "Howý Mr,. A. Labae n a ss l'u Iercu ê ,ss S L JrA y atfoYu pitre, He on the Parks Board reported nually to vote only on Secon- do we organize. thirîk and Mrs. A. L. WervitdMr( a ss T u b rcu o s s S rve Cret Fo Yu,"wit alight with regards to their meetingl dary* School matters. The only act a Christians. Teruko. Howard Pye a htyHs over it, has been kindly don- and Courîcil approved by me- 1other subjeet of discussion be_ ;young maiden who is a Christ-pia.Hwr hsbenI. Mr. C. A. Holmes. Presi- ha I i ubeicul"oý ý i ait i taio asasnatoi a, 05 of whom ated and placed in the Chrs-to h ugsin otase we ho orsadteian, in a non-Christian fam- i-ad wdapritecrso ~dent of the Northumberland- Asociation in co-coperation are in an advanced stage of tian Education room by one of to the Parks Board the bai-i'Council was the calling of iywoi nlv vt letters. $ Drham Tuberculosis & Health '.îth the Ontario Department tuberculosîs. h îi onlv through the families of the church. ance of Parks funds and that Tenders for the Sale of De';-,Christian youth is distressed Mr. and NVi.LodAh Association, today announced of Hcalth w il be conductinc, the efforts of the public that The high winds Wednesdav' the said board should then itt's S. S. 3 property. and it a slshe must break family tra- ton, Ronald andRy r n that plans are being laid for a a tuh-erculin testing and X-raý we can hope to keep these fig. night and Thursdav caused pay ail hydro and caretaking: was suggested that the land.dition, or sacrifice lier future Mrs. Ross Shrpadfnlv mastuberculosis survev of ,urvuv of ail residents in ld ures down, and Durham Coun- considerable miner damage in as' well as park iîîcidentals.' would probablv sell for a- as a Christian. A thîird youth Haydon; Mr. aî r.Ia Durham County on June lothi ngX-rays of ail the major tv is prepared ta offer its citi- thîs locality. The lovely new The Pai'ks Fund was tenta- much without the building a Ws nFeg rutae fac- S~harp. Linda adJntwr C C w Mr. Michael Wladyka ind utriai employees. The tu- zns the opprtunity of being awnings erected on entralItivelY set at S3500, wih over, with it. tory worker, who thinks Suni dinnerget tR basbeen appointcd General berculo ispicture i Ontario a part of this international Public School last fali were $2200 alread *v paid out for the The Schr>ol Boards tilin re- cverything is agaiinst himi. j' Oriniston's. Chairman of the Surve'y Corn cannot be taken too lîghtly. fght against tuberculasi c ompletely destroyed, parts Of installation of the new fur-'tired and Caunicil after a verv We realized that tlie church Mr. and Mrsi usl rf mitee I astteen sue I sa o tat atletoke')Hle dddtefc them were hurled ail over theinaces. brief discussion passed the'is there- a young Cliurch, ailfn ere Suidyvsiosa yresterday Mr. Holmes said: the incidence rate under con tt t ehool yards and neighbours': Walter H. Pope, C.A. of. third reading of By-Law No. "The pe of God"'trul "Th Nrthmbrlad uxatte reaîvely new "Heaf' lawns. Georgetown was present andi 1092 establishing a Board oif wo1hru. Blackstock. înehodoftesiugwîl b usd. Cartwright Curling Club'suggested a municipal budget: ducation for this Township'I plespirit caework. Mr. and Mi'.AaiSaa. MasBte "TeDepartment has train- held their annual bonspielifor 1963, which was approved 0f Cartwright. effective Janu:a lauet aesv attended the PtyRt e.Lvn listered nses ineaf tet-banquet. April 6th. at Cart- ta conform to the samne mîli arv lst, 1964. coraston. rmthe U.C.W. ap-day nd vreweinnuet Huemnts srsî,pr ig, adnurabsinutel aintess- wright Recreation Centre, be-orate levv as Iast year. i.e. re- A report from representa- cpnreats M. TL.. W an' kii f ay nd Ms cro at. wte hn n hee method 0f ginning at 7 p.m., with the sidient rate of 20 miuls and' tives to Counties Council that eaiiprtngtep ofec- M. and Mes .Brrm edi ..ad oarcn admniteîngth .club members and their wives: commercial 23. a Foam Batnk has been set uP tor, also Unit Leader Mrs. A Hydo M r .adMr.Bue vnnc andco o al The uberulîi ~ rnin attendance. Meeting wa, Ken Samelîs, Building lu- foir use of Fire Depariments J. \Verry and Stewards'il Re. , ndaad iMr.pet lie Th tbrcli es wl i-opened by the singing of "Goci spectai', repoeted that he Ildin the United Counties. The Seceetaey". Mrs. M. Staîn- Sunday withMrBetms dicate if any persan has eveî Save The Queen" followed by' inspected the building moved Fire Agreement with Port ton. Mr. Crawford pi-onouli- notlier, Mîs Brrm S tDROPm.aeaa been in direct contact with; grace said by Dalton Dorreli. inta the Towvnshîip onto the Perry, the latter rnaking avail-, ced the Benediction. Please Tlitehburn, Sharo ae tuberculosis. It will not shlow deliciaus roast beef supperi Melton property and said to able to this municipality thererv Api thfrti M.aîdMsRaCemn, dida ned.Scyr * ativ dseae, utailperan bs srtdhbeth Wmenen b onedby rs Babaîa se ! hei Fie epatmatressrae'sEasee onertMr.MueavAxfrd Hap- lubcror UR dele j who show a reaction will be Institute, and thanks wasE Oliver, and that it did not. and equipment. was signe,'which includes coloured P1c*-ton; Miss Doeî r it. sh fr o!noraonrwre M UCH ~ ~~~~~~~x-rayed. as xwell as al persolis tenclered thein by Bob Parker, pass specifications for human sealed and a copy ordered re- tures of the Haîy Land by awa; ead Ms da o R! odr~:nn this egryasoup age. It i n, fteeictve onCarna-,occupancv. Clerk ardered t'tredfrter eod. Mrs. H. Garsoe fN Wxrighît, Betty adLwec mwum i es rae ofothe lug an stndins. peseted he eamn! natify Mes. Oliver' in that rt- A letter from the Dept. c castle. Special service on Gaad attended the 1azPtywd US EUES W c~~~est rabn of ates locand.sstnines President Vern As- gard. The meeting was ad- Labour asking if By-Law t007,Friday at 8 p.m. for all thr~dn utvleo audy MUAI T~~el hest X-nrayii is cabed.f of desk presented first prizei journed until aftee lunch and appointing Me. George Stani-: points at Enniskillen Chorcli. Mran Mr.Hbet ri A A VATieding lungray chaptaeaOfSuggitt trophies and annuali recanvenied about 1:30 p.m.. land of Blackstock a s Trench AlrMatnacewsa hrn o senMadr tumors, enlarged liearts. etc. Sleep*s TerofyTam g ilîteSha BadHna- pco or this Mnicipal- the S.S. session where Anni- last week withlsprns Ai uc inigsxii eAe (D :tamo TmHotn tendance.. itv vas stili in effeet, report- versaey practice is underway Mr. anîd. Mrs.N.EWrht All uchfining wil b re StartDorreil and Merlin" Dalton Dorreli. cliairmari of ed nat repealed. 'n h ieto fMs HOSPITAL SJAY 'r.. \ladyka is nowv appoint- of wall plaques, xvere present- mitted that tlucv required a reported roads lu the town- Wigt FINE EULT COST Vnlaieipstond ONNI ing a camnittee ta handie the ed by' Vice-President Dalton, considerable incecase in fonds. ship in good shape and Coun-ISvrl lde otoe OUET N COTV1?involved procedore ceaunect- Dorreli ta Neil Werry's teani With the increase in number cil finally planned Roads In' their washdlay ta help with MARER If yurp 'et l..-.." ctllt d vith a project of this mag- a f Harold MeLaughlin, Jîru, of secandar-v schacol studen's, spection for Easter Monday. tepligbohiiteCm your F"5'"~~ ~~s>.,j~iza O rtude. It is expected that by Gray and Roy McLaughli.ý and that Vocational training April lth. Resolutions weýe' munity Hall. 4i. ia..I' u adeuatce huÉs tanot the dichael Wladyka June lth 10 c of the Dur- Third prîzes of chîp and dipi and Techuical education woui passed retaining the United ýMe. and Mis. Geo. Irwîîî gffk cosqte hositl cae or u rthe i dPCO i at' papulation will be active- bowls were presented by Herb be available ta students in Counties Roads Dept. again: were Sunday evening callers SAFR Iv wekîng r vaiaus urve Swai ta Byd Are's ean.the new terni, perhaps at Ux-ldoing the oiling program for'o! Rita, Alfin and Clarence BO.LD of-pocket expenses l'or a bas- ýY 5 >ep ercda.v entee n o o uuuttees of Jae Snowdeîî, Jini Staintn rde n ol ecageCrwih n lortiigDiekie, Hampton.1 pital stay can quickly snow~bal . and Lloyd Ayre. Fourth prizes back ta this municipality. the: Mr. George Totten as cansu t-!Teb ekl il tudy A itito a sizable amaunt. To close o f travelling bags were pre-t minimum required amount of: ing engineer for a planne>d1 was field at the parsanage; that gap, we cn arrange a i.sented by Frank Hoskin toi funds wais estimated ta beiconcrete bridge on the third'Monday, April 8th. There Dal P M S& S FrN R suppemetalpla ofproec-Dalton Dorrell's team o! Bruce' $38 500, or an inecase of , Concession fine - Tenders taý were 20 lu attendance.Mr tipo mntfo al patlao f roî c -i a " fr tca sl,~O e y E e. o nj Bob Wheler ana abut 4 mills. The Publ.«c :be called. Crawford led in the prayer ~ ~ i aL M T DPS ns for details. north haîf of!the Oshawa \ ery înterestîng and helpful Harvey Graham. Baon s pi1e ' School Board. minus their Caunicil also rnaved tha* session in which several par- Siafford.ONDN- NA Pt-csbveiý ofUnied hurh aur was spent iu Depart- Traphy, presented by Rey Mc chairman W. Marlow, advisecl the R o a dl s Superintendent tcsiopaeidh ecuas nd dvis- LIN.TE Pîesbvtrv of ~ Chuixhimental Canferences. a f t e r* Lauglhlin, ex - president. tüo that although they wý,ill nleed, again attend the short two day csinpro a n'vl.M nm ns. \Voineî, \'as hold in Black- Whicîî the findings fi-onu ci Dalton Darrell's team. to equip another room ftheifRoads School at the Univer-! Regular C.G.I.T. meeting K nu ,toclk United Chuech, Manda', , rop er brouglit ta the full Winners of the 10 chickeril last anc avaîlable) and hire sity of Toronto in May. Raad YJas hcld April 3 at 7 p.rn. ST A T I pi s.Teterewdraws were: Richard Van- another teacher, that with the!!Buis for $2,224.40 !i en n the S.S. roani. A skit "Es-, Box 13'PUBN ETN .\pk-rî st.fTrie theMs. V L. emb Camp. Jim Gray, Gerald Kel-lincrease in assessient. in-, eral Account for d$l820.80cape froni East Germany" 318 Dundas S .E. W ib Richards.on. Presbyterial Pre- At nooia delîciaus inner 1, HryVndrufoarr'cuin amr etoDe- eeap vdp id. The newwas given by Misses Marilyni PhoneWltb 6 ~BO MNIL JAMES - ' aaoii luigfomrsctoDe- er proe ai.Tend!ut _ JA ESsdent, presided and in ho'ýý was seved b v No. 2 Uni". Hamilton, Wallace Hagg, Har-i itt's. they woold tî-y ta holdi!Building By-Law Na. 1090 waslIYellowlees, Marie Beckett, MOhawk -35 opening remarks said, .!'~Rcv. P. Romieril brought greetv old Swain, Doug Sleep, Fraiuk'expenses . witluin the same milîýgiven the second reading adRt Pethick, Diane Averv _ INSUANCE REAL E'1TATE liye oui. for- today, we wiîîng.folwigt'ch me Haskin and Harry VanCamp.!li ley as last year. Reeve Gib- ta be prcpared for final pas. ý nd Birthe Nielsen. The Ded- roui omoeow." Mes.NeP as gven for viewing andý Turkey draw was won by:.son commended thenu for their'sing at next counicil meeting.' cto fSeadhpcrs Ring St. E. Bowmanville Maleolrn, presîclent of Black,- buying literature, Daxre Hudson. efforts and stated tijat, the! Meeting adjourned ta the next iwas received by Mrs. O. C. stock U.C.W., cxpresscd te At the afteeuoori session, New siate af officers foi rTownship too would trv toj regular date o! Toesday, May'Ashton. AJotinantMr Office 1tesidence words of welcomc. Mrs. Ra'. Mrs. Stephen Saywcll con-, 1963-1964 *terni are: President, , hold expenses ta the same tax ý 7th. . F. M. Join he Trnd toýs 623-681 2.~-493Scatt couducted a splendid dutd tu osî e d' Daltonu Dorcell. V i c e-Prýesi- I ev'y as last year. The sîib- company with Mr. E. W. Beg- BetrLvn 623561 orshin period, cîuring wihMrs. D. Oke spoke an Supply dent, Herb Swain; Sec'y. îc te !etalsig he n Sca sisac. Mî.Tes, o helr omt- or f dctonwsita- £ NCBEeadBuc iie Mrs. Harold MeLaughliîu sang ra.Bo hee:Cm1*-BadofEutinwsnr- FalaseISKILLEN ley _________________________________________ spolke on Pragram tee, Frank Hoskin, Bob Park- duced and aîuy opposition was Ed's Note:nApprognes forSda- Planiong îup eaid ed thewi er and Boyd Ayrc; Sclieduie'asked to be voicd. No criti- errai- which appeared in cut- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe, aitstin emid, folow Ng Mnager. John Carnagluan. cism of a Board of Education Ifnues under the Werry graup and Ross, Maple Grave, were ý 1A E wihthere wsadmnta rsdn e Asselstinewas heard adthe fl igphoto i atwe' su.Wdedy eeig dinri F or the BEST in * *on,~ Mission Study on Thereported the yearly activities, information with regards 4: Grant WerryS son was named guests at1vr. andI Irs. E. A. ~I~V~ Rim f Aiagiven by Mrs. o! the arena as follows: Curli,same mde known.Rihradsoudavben er's Falase Ms.PegMr. re- ing Club 89 hours; schools 26ý Upan the organization af a Scatt.. Me. and Mrs. Floyd Peth- kenridge anud Mrs. Mellow. hours: free time for hockey! Board of Education, the Higl Sunday evenîng was the ick and Robin, Toronto, withA or Sventen esseger an~praciceand katng fr c±l-Jchoo Bord ad te Pulicannual Eastcr Thank Offering Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. /VM OI G o evnee esegesad.dien 74i"*- holues; public skat-IlScheel Boards within the Hih evc under the auspices cf Mýr. and Mrs. Clarence Av- ~ IIE their leaders met lu tue C. ýE. ing 72 houes; rented withiniSehooil District became dis.1V-('/11 I P>QI ) ' room T uesday. The theme for'theUnited Church Womcn. ery, Liîuda and Jackîe, is 0eVLLa il ~oc. ' , ýtheproramwas Jess Etrythe cammunity on Thursdayl solved. The Board o! Educa-, It was at 7:30 p.m. wîth Presi- , E. Knapp were Sunday din- theprgrnixva "ess niights 1 tien for a municipality of ths I 11:1-1 beng sedforth"th dent Mrs. E. Teewin leading 1 ner guests at Me. and Mrs. Ino Jerusalem," with Mark Musie was provided dluring!populatioin shahl be 6 mecm-'n the pulpit and assisted by IRobert Wilsan's, Oshawa. 11: E1*-ceiptu einpassedfo h the suppeî- and aftee by C c er lected at the -next en- Mesdames L. Stainton and F.'! April meeting o! the Moth-' 1 I ctt o Hissate and Mh, Pedzikowskj. A short business' suîng municipal clectian, witii1 Draper. Among the highlights! cr's Feîîowship at Mrs. R.,'w o erig C m lto - '~~~~~~day iu the temple. wstî ;eig washldatwililnehîfte ubelletdo! the service was a delight-1 Virtue's on April 15, at 8 p.m. ________________________ by es.Talor Te ofeithere was a lot o! talkîng o fuI sala by Miss Sheryl A'sh- ;The girls in charge are Mes.. H IE 0 EEA LN A LLIE VAN NES 'bvas reeiean.hedfedia ed.cnevating the arena so hoc-: Mr. and Mis. Harvev harnpl- tan who in hier sweet soprano. R. Ashton. Mrs. C. Avery and key teams coui make M-oreison and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. !voice rerîdeeed a favourîte Mrs. W. Griffin. Please rein-' UN ERNHA MO G GS ACRSS OWN OitSaie astr cstos weeuse o! the ice. Moved meetingl Danny Colacicco and Lesa,1 number "How Great Thou 1ember spools and accessries A RS TH NAIN discussed. The meeting closed, adjotuned by Ralph Larmer, Oshawa, Me. and Mes. Don1 Art". Mesdames E. Wright and Mr. Kenneth Lamb, Oakýs-1 NHA prvdLt ae tet ACOS HENTINwith sanie gaines including an seccafded by Hecb Swain. TheiThompn, Nestîcton ,Mr. andjL. Ashton directed a ladies' ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph'NHA p We handle the entire operation .-. egg raol., evenîng was enjoyed by ahl. 1Mes. Ivan Thotupsèn and Miss 1 chair lu singing the anthem Lamb were Sunday guests at' Sairy ndSom Swr ESTIATIN - ACRIG _SHIPINGThe Sacrament of Holy Mes.J. K. Noble, Uxbridge,iEthel Thompson were Sunday1 "He Lives" with Mrs. M. L. Lamb's. They ail visited ESTI ATIG PAKIN - HIPPNG ommuionwasadmiistredspent a day with hec daugh-Iguests, and Mes. Wm. Cabble- Stainton at the Organ. Mes. at the Bobcaygeen funeral1 O TC $STORAGE . - Goods handled by' ex- lun St. John's Church Sundayitee, Mrs. Arnîold Taylor anddAick. Orono, wais a weekend.J. Mcbaughlin and Mrs. R. parleurs wbere the fate Mur- perienced personnel .- carricd inmenng Ca o Ahior1fmiy.guest o! Mr. and Mrs. borne' Virtue received the offering. ray Lamb was. Sympathy te b b israncectifulivalue it was on a Palm ilawMes. P. Romeril and Mes. iMr. and r.IacLas minute film entitled "On the'i Little Miss ia inm , insuSunday thaultheaCanon1w.s Haeold McLaughlin attended'Taronto, and Me. and Mca. Hlm o! Temoerow" which is!Ceurtice, spent the weekend ordaiucd. HoIy Communion, a Public Sehool Trustees As- ýWilfred Martin, Oshawa. wercin association with the U.C.W.!with hec grandparents Me.. ULE CALL VOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATÎVE wilIl againi be administered i i seciation convention in Pick-Sna usso r n r.lmsin suy "n Ai' n r.R cil Stu. Jhas nd th Litay a ,0 d s eri 0rVenning. Rir." In this caloured film' Me. James A. Werry, Me. ¶lpoe6326 p.viii nd b e cid Ga Feiv Mr and Mes. Peecy Van- Miss Valerie Faint, Toeoutal we meet iu Korea. Taiwan, land Mes. E. A. Werey aîud 22 arwyCe.onivle aY Cap. Miss Aileen VanCamp spent the past wcck with Mr.'Okinawa and Hong Kong, Betty Jane were Sunday dlin-' 10:30onaTr n.pard HMes.oW.unW.nVaî aCao'and Mes. O. Wright. people who are searchîng for 'nec guests of Mes. J. D. Cole,__________________________ Hol Conuoionwasad-soeîut the weekend with the - ___ ___________________________ uinistered iu the Unit'd Norton Va.nCamps. Listowel. li MOVNG SORA E LD. Church Sunday moning and.Mran Ms.Don Hamill--4.~: M O V I N G & S O R A G E L T D a n e w k n e l i n g s tO a k v i l l e . -c a l l e d o rcd ai iM %f 623-2493 623-2441 jctwas Cudy not watch M,, and Mes. Doug Mackie, I IAU .OW -.1-L .NTAR- sng Heosnna niii "th he ih hrl Bwavle optl Hoaey, Peterborough, Sundav. eO GFS il' BRA OSOL Lzenges 2fl'~ 87Mr an d Mes. Will Forde: -.O E BRA OS L Lzêlgs--- 87c-,l alld.onhis sister. Mes. Ben-, Right. Not just 1, but 4 more t' ~~ '1Ij ~ Dewell iu Oshaw a H osptal" it o o BROM O-SELTZER---Economy2dGftFIIAIECSO ui'I YM.*and Mrs. Vine Cain, IMPERIAL WASHER AND DRYERAsooAsPsil l t clew- S ' T o ro n to , sp e n t a fe w d a y s C M I A I N-ýn r h v r O t r o CLEARASL.------ âmai tube"iiiwth Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris.'the hoshdoy taubes.SehScithepwru o EVENFLO Nur.er. A3.9Scott ~in Oshawa button and thot's eti thete 'stahig-nds lit. i Hopital, T ursday. our woshdoy w'th the tovehy T YI O EV NF O NusrsMcs John Wotten, Mer. and combinotion . . . tram SAMBOW. Mes. John Archer and family3rd Gf MOS PIC werc Sunday dinner guests o!fr it FAOS PIC GILETE upr lu Blde -----8. and Mes. Wn. Jehnston STEREO SET! Eotoy Mu '.. 1ike p~~~~~n GILTT uprwu lae ' c fl h e hl angsf. yuand . ."Phlc) -n ti1 Miss Elaine Mountjoy speii* F ro S AnMp OWsee o thu efnd inLyBe.any. outee ier" hiandos ILISTER~INE 'Atiepic Eaononn 87 iio odyM.adMs o-4tIh Gift PHILCO TRANSISTOR ard Charles and family, bang- RADIO and "ýe rmeon not îust.77' iiiW ATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WTEEIK 'ai tfbog' e oeadoo~ Cmoo~t u h visited the Bruce Mountjoys. $79.0,h hquohityro& Music 1 h Mr. aîud Mes. Mecvyn Gra- wherever you %%ont fror, . P * * I Ihan visited relatives lu Feue- SAMBOW. BOWMAVILLE.111Ion Falls on Sunday. NOMNIL EWCASTLE il . and Mes. Oscar Graham t itFMnSNM TA x'iîted Mr. and Mes. Bi!i. IRON ý,th th~e flîr toh a ýwich IiCOWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHNSON'S DEUG STORE III hapinan. Port Perrv' ds., you iron drv o, wit'h a genthe lII' LEX NcG EGG , D UGSORO O Ms. Allan Baiey and Sharon f rom JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY -Il Lea o! Oshawa. Mes.Arh; __ ~Monufoctured by the N. E. Sweet Co. Mt. Oshawa-Bwmnie -. j Frank Baiiev ho a birthday. idirnner an Sunday,