4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 10, 1963 EDITRIALCOMMNT a oungman-'s Co umn i'ay of Quinte Uie Il f dLast Saturday evening, the a boat oad of gee-gees across but were embarassed when re' C h u rch W o m e n o l Stil a Confused Situation Bowmanville Branch of the the brinypAtlantic and was in quested to take a bow because 1 Legin paye hot t a bnchtheOlypiaTheatre in Liver-1 we had not been in the 'front On a Tuesday morning, following best course of voting did not lie with ý of World War I "Fragments pool, England, when the pro-1 line' up to that moment. an election in which your party's candi- one of the splinter parties. ýdinner,'r n , hastbecome ea n ws f terrupteCanaia inschendele, met deathkaandassr t A nui date was the winner is no time for any On the national scene, the mass annual event, much to the cre- had stood firm at Ypres, dur- 'survived the St. Eloi Craters self-respecting editor to attempt even intelligence of the electorate came dit of the Legion's personnel! ing the gas attack, and in spite, in April 1916: Vimy April 1917. noeflwn udecJhrWely a casual comment on an election. But, through as it always does in correcting Who are determined that, the, of. some French and British lArras April 1918, a head bust- attended th opening session mindedwese ,a r ,tt hg- ewerayexlnngt it has to be done, the newspaper dead- a previously bad minority situation. It rench wr',aenotughng to sin LordihFrence s cormun- Jack wentyhlArmii9 Tn t o theBy f itenual een ofaout condesiti;frtefcc rlir h lines won't wait. didn't go quite far enough in giving' be entirely forgotten. ique was read "Today, the Cani- Peace River country and 1i tedBayof uinteConfeence torw orkexers, te cinywrdmd evcal o Sincere congratulations are in order one party a majority, due mainly , o Many of these men are in iadians saved the Channeb ave survived my marriage, Brighton United Church on to heaven when theyde h hr r lnyo x1 for the re-elected Liberal Member of the fantastic feat by Conservative Min- te seventy-year bracket, re- t orts," we feltthmighty proud of Aprilst1920-tbadly batter- Monday, March 18th. Dr. Don- 'social abuses were eomdpe fchrhsgn ose Pal tR.1CH 1 iter of Agriculture Alvin Hamilton in tied fromn active business, t ewaig teMpleLa, ed, btsilin te ring. ald Mathers, Professor of because of Wesley' rah nid wy hr spe ed up a substantial majority for this toteP r ewudtikt i ay be a bit boring, besides Queen's University, was the the saving of soulsadtu hti enral ekt ev inarginal riding. He worked hard dur- t h Cpary. ewudtikhs giving them much time to re- distmnguished speaker.i the world was turne pieGdadltHmwr hog inghi' hot trm o ofic snc lstamazing achievement would place him lect that their life's spant is U AR Dr. Mather's book, The Word d cown.uswcaberontoe- June andrpiced upf fcsie l spt nafvrdpsto o h eae-hs oigt ned e-and the Way, is being studied The examples of temns eso ie et n e port throughout the constituency. He sio Cpryi r ifn e if te short rtimslice, e °i fCunada th yan ndhd u res ,wh tksvd ofrshhf teno h also was backed by a hard-working, dcest ep dw, amv he ugouts, separation from homee dealt with principles which ert to pray to savethisos.boupaeraldedo wel-ogaizd ea ofwokes.Thsenow will be difficult to avoid. So f ar and loved ones, disease, regi- he had outlined in his clos oatcs a aebe h l ie ont h e facsplu adeinieuwin tate Lb-as hecontr'sgovrnengisco- menatonwersmllttpyhad IC o ngchatesas el a soe elfshtobegn ith btotna-Bptim ndtheLod' al Ot Itcernedi ol aebe etrw o ie of the many questions whichi was transformed.ThywnSuprineetacfote erals in Ontario resulted in a win th ink f r alto had' been uitte e t such times, they realizei P C are constantly coming to him out to pray lest thebecnsisothwrladouon which was predicted quiteif r. Haccurately't • .nquiethat they are 'has-beens' whichinhsmi.Anugtqe.tantdbyhewr.Ytsn. byhis sprete vera wek ago. tl so successful. The situation would must be pretty galling to men n i - in h asn"uet nes aiatedy thhebu ht I eal re olnti byhsspotr vrawe g. have been much more clear cut for Who, at one time, had been DV Dill SilllV member of a church to be a it mean to be a Chrisin hyb h otectn hn The three defeated candidates are everybody. But, that's the way things acclaimed as somne of the best, Well, now that the nonsense of our chairs, watching the Christian" received the search- banded together t aei ocial htGdi il to be commnded for heir gallnt go in itics oldiers mn the World, and did,1 is over (and boy! aren't there warriors weave their intri- ing answer which set the tone orphans, to educat.Mnsigtouesalrewdih ft, ee cially theConrative Gaar- o n ow thewamstb cere orin fatai vthe berl rofes- a lot of dopey voters in thiscate design of combat, butof his address. eries scattered all oe u-teSii fGdtcnhp t Rick d d MallEith Co-sadvacountry?)owwetcanwygetsbackcltorwe fresaware aof them.olIt'sdiacAcknow)ledcin thataalltoood opeartooktmemmfIrsapeopleweoldngpen- ahasgconopmuallyinhappen- net Rcar and rs. Eieen Coutts an early session of Parliament, not produced up to that time. the important things of life. national disease, pretty weli inCrstdpeople; they went arudvlîdi h hrh e ie represeftting the NDP. The Social later than May. The election brought Te s fleetg fts f eson- I'd like, at this timie, to pass restricted to the male species.1hat ailarChristians are not lgs tahn giutrbigcuh pi h ieo Credit candidate Wilbur N. Crandall legislation to a standstill. A budget son e battleany niv around along a vote of appreciation and it makes the so-called|good people, Dr. Mathers etc.thcurhsbenpato offPrto Hpe wsoaeate ntryand nly ust e prsentd an legslaton otaeoe. Ten aongf esanaedn.tothe omenof Cnada The "feer" f th Word Seies ointd ou thaoiftne rallyDif athrs wrned thatGod wil andwork th a token candidate. Mr. Rickard did sur- positive nature prepared to place vitation to put on the feed-bag av uat "ope radeal or the Greyeas of t e ls f dsbot ne hhat Christianity are getting into w n hyhyse endiuso orf prisingly well considering the position Canada on a going ahead basis. The exclusive o thnLegof, Ithe and it's not over yet. It has fles, in comparison. we had to be made worthy be- c oel hrnits h hit-wdD.Mthrsades in which his party began this election. roblems must be faced and solved. Who had, many o o rsaobeen a harassing experience,ý How did we get this way i!fore being church members we ingse hnI esahl sh nwrdteugn They were split down the middle over we would think that the Liberals helped make some of tae st but they've taken it as brave WelIVel, it's a iittle embarrassing might never get in- but we 1opleans hnerdey es ea tev h;c their eadersip, shttere by seeral wuld tae ove the gvernmet and lorios histry in ursanalsalyasNusul. NoIndontmmeantooexpain.i Bt.nBnuout on10odt t.fW neverreallylearn o thik of te Churh as amembes onlythe sad tha cabinet resignations, and generally in a poed wt hi ln ihu and they, once again, feel they the election. boys in this country are ex- tocply tennis without joinmngbadogodpplutfthsdynwiotbegba state o confuson at te begining ofworrying too much about the possibil- sretynot1 y ernembered, men havafewheed ed, coaxed dd eit otoey0 rloft emWho playtennis.The chu -chGomaigHskndtrelizdreotuav -the the campaign. The fact that they were ity of defeat by the opposition. Any but honoured. An ipratadtraeetyn ogthv aa n ieo n is more than a place to prae nlyhe oetrn t ou eo iasbp n yn nat iable to brmng themselves out of the party that brought on another election aspect of the occasion is thej smal boys and grandfathersý other, a desperate desire to tice religion. It was started cani help your ne.,ighbr hsGddcde h ilb a dilemma, consolidate their forces and in the next few months would certainly inskindnes Fisin aking . at ed agta dec enthor Night baeome ryge a hckeyhsod saldsum sabscpterofCitand.W nin obtw cn come back to the point they did was be ettin ts wnthroat.The t t nstily aFirt ar etr- ftr ngh,.teyhav reei- payr. heurg myhvelife.lokbctoeig apzd Inisl eakbefa.M.Rc- of this country want action, not plt on behalf of the aging 'swad- ing stares from their hus- iyears, but it was so powerful'into companionship with Him' !there is a tragic a inuliengads-Gotks ard's election experience, his wide- ical campaigning. dies', would like to thank, pub- bands. it hurt, when it was in force.! that His ways may be shown i pattern in the Churcho u-cr fwowl esvd h spread connections, plus a day and When you think of the way things licly, the Legion for its grac- But hold, ladies. R e c k * ** *eakoi hnhhura i ecul cess and corruption.Whnuspaermidd is ud 31ightcampain, wasm our pinionthe wrk outfor th best ou mus d'ou"blheo tali ndnatgoes naghthoetheosowlsoofyoung And abut 90pertcet. ofreartsthroug a bok: the againt it teoChu'ch isat itsience f the arableof th anam ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~wr fcorepnilfothreo-ak oledge thetegt ofour dmo- ofldesforwhoep elarebunei Wilber, the snarls of grampa. uLs know perfectly well that iU don't have to go to church.beithgesstadrsoseponherhtwo ee ery.incao t iso unbl fthero knwle theloyal • h o servo-o le th epardn Don't be distressed by the uit-lit hadn't been for sheer badJ The Bible is The Church's devotion. When mi lenwtçosupieda engsvd ery On cnno dsconttooth loal cratic system, and the amazing intel- sre teecllent fare, as'ter nothmngness of your bitteriluck, rbad mngmet'book ad i i it ewe1 t!hings of the worl, it oe n h ot ntelf h support given by hard core Conserv- ligence of the mass voters of Canada though it were a privilege. half. Bear with them. NHLi we'd h ave madematae nH.1about a od an d how o sev its sense of missian.wrrohrife htte atives who were determmned to keep who, without conferring too closely 'Vimy dnner',t Alled otePlayoime sto thdde watdSome toflt uso were ohayoHm.CAnisigcan tltlestwrentee utnt esr their party alive. They also are to be with each other, gradually correct in- tricted to mern whoisseoersPrsi oamdl-gdsm o ih.Smere a It is more than doing our theC Ristan EmpJescnurdohu-w euiy rta cornmended for their efforts. tolerable situations. .Their decision was the Vimy Ridge, engagement; ford s tothe faded clap t tshlo; othk.Serstulrnteduty- thewrins reh app eniEprmiefsc n rtteotrnepasdve.us We thought Mrs. Coutts would have that Mr. Diefenbaker must be removed the invitation imeludes men 1helped paint the scenery forý to smloke; th. S to estrtinth ex wdorld m whrtich we ca Thepic o ucss h o inh adta evc rnademoreprogrss fr theNDP han s Prie Miister The couln'touite r d n ae 9 1-heatre of the Hayfork Cen tre Drama girls. it was j.ust some lousy hto't art orde, ma? n paarc-hw opwe-CubtxresCrita iel the did. She was better known and bring themselves to go all out for Mr. Fun o pi o si Festival. break like that that kept uisland His kingdomn comne. Youiacy wn elycturidspin etaenu hrinroe worked harder than mn the previous Pearson, but they did the best they large mn the Canadian Corps'ý out of the big time, Iwill be mnvited to take part and hardest workirgada-ho n rsosbltir election, aided by a young man Donald could. Whether you are happy about history. Thbe Fis t ivision got d f nieyCutotimeIf sa won-Eeven kerenoin this.Whowma campainithte abentvesin trom e, ih getrotnshw hrahrta Prosserdwho took on the job of organ- the results or not, you must admit that Apri115s,bbente Ger-'ý in wonderland and Petre enteniu anrismee t iefgan.ntbetter unde r d a eureesa owr ier and worked as long as his candi- the next few months and years should Imans pulled off the first! to the males in your familyý world with the comnplacent pass, to let His kmngdomi comne, ýthe church was and. sol eqitya nteAA n date. Fate took a hand here with be one of the most interesting in this sneak gas attack, in the;from eight to 80. Where youlcamaraderie of a movie extra!His ongomng purpose in the -- but success bringscru-YMCAeciihu us people apparently deciding that the country's history. \vorld's history, and in viola- see only a lot of large younig watching the stars at work, world, and we a part of it- ýtion. Monastic i sm bcm r ahr lodatwt tion of their pledged word_ l'men rushing at each other,lwith the friendly concern of Another question was, "Do. wealthy and fat- becm escmrms nih hita given in 191L. they see a ballet. Where you, a burlesque stripper watching all good things go on through1 popular. Henry VIIIpuned-Posttheai, av / ~~~~~~The second Division got see only brutality and blood- a prima ballerina. We sitithe organized church?" It is monasteries when hr p encnue vrti.Ay R * ~ ~~~~~~quite a pasting in the Craters' shed, they see the drama of a there as they flash about theý obvious, said Dr. Mathers, that He closed them dowraadcn n odngpbi fiems OI I O O f ~ ~~~~~~~~fracas, at St. Eloi (also in the bullrmrg. As you shudder at ce' ndmue"Te e u Service Clubs do good works, ictdhermnyTeasralztatwchbngth R e i i n f r T d yYpres Salient), during April, the bestial roar of the aren oh at htIawy as well as Red Cross, A.A. tonishing thing is thanonemsgodndestvir 1916. The whole Corps got mob, they are thrilling to the went over on my ankles, go I.,, !etc. Many such groups have raised a Word of rts.wudno emc thm quite a clawing when we push- skill and gallantry of the Durn yow •ieycr eyes wider open than church People said 'It servsteinpbi ie by Rev. Harold A. Turner ed:'old Jerry' off Vimy Ridge, gladiators. eer, in tmeyswnhcey car people- right.' D.Mteswsitoue durmng April 1917. You see, nmum, hockey at its ue tay nw There should be fewer div- This cani happen fou.Si yPeidn r.W .Wa And, it was April, 1918, best is poetrv in motion,, ue epartment store cata- orces, murders, alcohohecs in cess cani bring corrupto.Orteha wopeie o h There ls no themne regard- For the idea of the resur- the best is yet to be, a faith that the Second Division boreimusic in fliglit. An NHL lingues for shinads, I plaed n t oBti the churchiftisraldo memberships keep goigu-eeig h eoinlsr ing which intelligent people rection of the physical body shared and certified by ouritebto the enmys ra-goli hsl the grace and same peeee leagueas intsjbiBti the churchnd why? Are people bruhinvcwacodtebyMs nieed to be more modest than the modern mind has little Lord, will not prove void, tic putsch which began onj delicacy of a toreador. MaybelDetroiw hoae w n 1 t o ell goso sessfuble ope oth ight r easn, r R . mtriprsdeto that of the nature of the fu- use. For that reason many Personally, I believe in the March 21st. During April 1915,1 we don't think of these comn-think Red i ngs.he I stht i o f heprobes mgtnahrsakd ihcocrnleleilaPebteil ture life. Too frequently it thoughtful people frankly con- survival of hum.an personality this scribbler helped dry nurse! parisons as we sit on the edges i a nytefc htbgmt el'hr sn lc has been clouded by dogmatic fess their skepticism regard- because I beIieve that the uni- he could skate six or eight for us in the church; people statements by those who ought ing human survival of death. ver-se is sufficiently intelligenti times faster than I could that there would not know any- to know that the last Word Others are indifferent to the to preserve its highest values.! made him outdistance me mn thing about such things.' Wha has not yet been spoken con- matter, content to let the fu- Truth, beauty, love, goodness! ur hockey careers. Many a a gulf to cross! And people ,téter.5OsIO cerning it. .ure take care of itself. "O0ne - these are values which oughtl In the D i M e ipd ima h cnnidheoumigt eel m ro - ses Eýarly peoples differed wide-wrl at a time" is the-ir to be conserved. But how canrviiheucopae!,ar- osso ae¡Gog .Jms Iy in their beliefs concerning creed. Science has no assured they be conserved unless cer- ** gant than ever! People might R.R. 1, Mind,On. ImsorthtIavhd the future. The Chinese, who testimony on the subject. tain gallant and gracious per. an Go throughi any family and sayý the United Church is3 April6 93 osrbl hsmsies professed no doctrine of a1 life Many scientists of repute are sonalities are pre se rvyed? you'Il find they have somne getting middle class- not the!Dear Mr. James: hsiy to comne, yet paid homage ofr eivr nteCrs hr do these supremegrahokyrdion like sort of place people who need Sneey their ancestors as if they were tian doctfine of the life to values reside? Only in per- D istant Past this. That fat fellow watchi-ihelp mright comne to, other i t would please ie(n isMe .Bris still existent. The Greeks be. comne. Others are completely sons and in personal relation- ýing TV once scored the win- worldly, irrevalent. the people of theBomn lieved that the most honored negative in their attitude. ships. If persons themselves From The Statesman Files 1 ning goal with only eight sec-ý Karl Marx called religion the1 ville environs, I am sr)i erM.Jms of their race survived in a Spiritism has no convincing should be blotted out and per.1 onds to go, if the lousy ref ý'opium for the people'-- to bie you 'plant" my enclseco- Radgteetrinyu life of happiness in the bles. evidence to offer. sonal relationships be discon- Ana called lit back for aný complacent, closmng eyes to tribution, 'Gardens",inast-sueoMrc27hIwul sed islands of the West. The Meanwhile the Christian tinued, what would become of 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO loffside. That old gentleman lown and others problems is able place in your Steslieosathraetwsde Hindus and the Buddhists hold puts his trust in the Master as truth and beauty and love andý in the rocker remembers the a serious danger- it is no lon.. mani. columns in eor f oevriqetin to the belief in transmigra. the great Expert in the realm goodness? In "Alice in Won. (April 14, 1938) (April 16, 1914) time Hlowie Morenz came to ger to; know the facts of life, our Dr. George W.Jae.urgmlogsyinh- tion, in which the soul passes Of life and death. He is con- derland" the grin of the Che- Thomas Dempsey, former Mrs. Andrew Pennington is town, when Howie was still comfortmng·the comfortable. Svrlyasao r ae ia onttikaypt from life to life in various vinced that although there is shire cat lingers on after the Bandmaster of the Oshawa visiting friends in Toronto. ian amacher, and hie'd hiave The church is to bring com-,wrote to me after seen oeln a adrfrtekth formns until the demands of much waste material in the cat has gone. But would love Regimental Band of Oshawa,' Mr. Alpha Pinchi has re- seen him play if he haddena fort, assurance, hope to those feature articles about ecr nsaft ae o hn1 the "1wheel of life" are satis. human race which seems in- linger on after every lover has accepted the invitation iýo turned fromi a pleasant visit been working the night shift who have given up hope. culted by the Canadin fe Mybakstwsheol lied and release into Nirvana capable of achieving immor- had gone? Would idealsm become Bandmiaster of the to Cleveland, Ohio, and New: that night. That urchin gnawv- Somie may not approve of lfrom Sea to Sea, toasmaIwntdorgeji, is secutred. The Semitic na. tality, yet there are vast linger on after every idealist Canadian Legion Band in Mexico. 'ing his nails in the corner, exciting revivalistic religion, were one of the Rg iu ra) a el os n tions, including the Hebrews, numbers of worthful souls had gone? The only way the Bowmianville. Mr. Robert Grandy of Ca- why he was the third high- but it miay bear fruit; it maychildren of a Mr. RD.u rspbcnadcofe vr belivedtha th sol a deth hos deprtue ito othng-uniers ca preerv it su- Rv. r. . P Bolesforvanis omefro Sctlad et screrin he hir bet mke-ettr peple-May-sc--iss mmste oft isip s dy fr fur onts oe o had been, perhaps we would! ther, Mrs. B. M. Warnica, andition in Toronto this week. !Communicants Class. The ser- ence Scott on Friday. gan in his immigrat.ne- not have the wit to under-1 -.Marjorie Cunningham. grandmother, Mrs. W. C.ý Mr. John Bloomfield of the vice of confirmation and Holy MIVr. and Mrs. Norman Bair-1forts).r stand it. Washington. G.T. Ry. service lef t on Mon-i Communion was conducted by s ,tow, Leskard, visited Mr. and My brothers, Robran FrthwekoApi1- In an essay contest sponsor -day f or Portland, Maine,l the Rev. Chris' Dugan and hie Mrs. Paul Vaneyk Sunday Edward Burri, mscla Ssv ed by the St, Catharines where hie sails this week for!was assistted by Mr. Everton Inight after attending Tyrone ýyounig teenage fellowsoe disos-6 Standard oni "How Advertis-iGlasgowv to visit his old home White, Clerk of the Sessioni Confirmation Service, feet mn height, servedinWrdBth,6ml,4fae-.1 ing Benefits the Consumer,"!in Fifeshire, Scotland. of Tyrone Church. Each mem- Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, War 1. Robert (Bob) Bris icags.7 David W. Foley, son of Mr.! Mr. Dana Dandeno has gone ber of the Communicants Class Bowmanville, were tea guests gassed and wounded wt ao prtos_1 a t and Mrs. Fred R. Foley, for- to Ottawa where hie has ac-, was presented with a Bible- of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and shrapnel received medli o io prtos-.1 ï a e mw merly of Bowmanville, won cepted a position. gift of the congregation-- and attended the evening service, bravery on the field.A mrec ramns-1 uWfirst prize of $25 in the class Easter Visitors; at the close of the service the Sympathy to Mr. and Mrs.i Bowmanville - bornbaeI Vsinghus34.mad Durham County's Great Family journal for High School students. i Mr. Wilbert J. Hoar with congregation attended a re-,Walter Park Jr. on the pass- have considered preetg7t :0pm Estalised 09 earsagoin 8549 eEngland, on Saturday, Aprili Mr. Will King, PortHoe communicants class. This was 'Steele, Peterborough. parents' treasures to teBw Also Incorporating 9, 1938, to Squadron Lead:ýr with 'his parents. a deeply meaningful day in Guests of Mr. and Mrs. manville Museum.EN IKL N and Mrs. C. R. Slemon (neel Miss Queenie Ramsay, Pe*L- the life of Tyrone Church and'Frank Werry were Mr. and "Johnnie" Mitchell o- 1 de at k The Bowmanmville Nowa Marion Slemon), a daughter. erborough Normal School, at'community and one we shall'Mrs. K. Sturmian. Seagrave,ý mer Mayor of Bowmavle tn o e The Newccastle Independent- Among the Health Nurselhome. long remember. The Young Mrs. Clarence Rowan and always played Santa Cast r n r.EvnPti Th Oo ew Ballots received from citizenis Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morden' People confirmed at this time Mrs. Howard Rowan, Bethany. make sure that the yougmn.erDonvw, eewek The Orono News a t. d who are out of town were and family, Simcoe, at Mrs.ý were: Elaine Annis, Charlotte Miss Christine Brent enter. ister': children didn' isedget o r n r.A "*authoried as Second Class Mail by the Peut Office Dept.. Ottawax, and tur payment et postage la cash** Mrs. E. R. Bounsall who is R. Cherry's. Annis, Kathleen Davey, Joyce'tained three of her little Christmas presents.L.Wan Produced every Wednesdlay by visiting in Indianapolis, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Trebil- Davey, Joan Davey, Lyndaý friends, Louise Hoar, Kareni Dr. George W. Jamer oe M.ad rs H.Rsl, THE JAMES PULISHING COMANY LIMITEDand Mrs. Alberta Fee who is cock and Miss Margaret with!Davey, Normna Davey, Kath-:Broome and Betty Anne Wincd-to me very regularlynthOsa ; .and te . THEJAES UBISINGCOPAY LMIEDwintering in Florida. friends in Toronto. ermne Hoar, Shirley Johnston, Isor for supper on Sunday n few years before hisd .,p , P.O. Bo= 190 Solina: Miss Ileen Couch, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Percy Grace Moore, Cecile Park, Es- the occasion of her 9th birth- am so thankful thatItokaSrbouhM.anMs.E 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario Bowmanville, visited Miss and daughter Ruith, Toronto,ither Rosevear, Audrey Wood, day. bus-trip detour from oot etfriDwsiw r n JOHN M. MAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P MORRIS Kathleen Baker. with the Misses Percy. Irwin Hamilton, Gerald Har- Sorry to report Mr. John1 about four years agotomeMr.A. . anCr- Enniskillen: Mr. Ellis Grif- Mr. Gordon and Miss Gertie dy. David Johnston, Edward!Benchop Sr. mn Bowmanville1him personally. I hadilo-mn eea n EDITOR-Pustisxn ADvTr.. MANAGER BU$INES MGa'L fin visited Mr. George Brad- Leask are visiting their cou. Skinner, Edward Wood, James1 Memorial Hospital, also Mr.1 ed Dr. George W. JamddsgutsoMranMs.AL SUBSCRIPTON RATESî ley, Toronto- sin, Mr. Geo. McLean, Tor. Youngman. The flowers from 'Allan Anderson, who under-1tinguished career fo mayW rn nd usafeal $4.00 ciYear, strictly in aidvace $5.50 ci Y@arln the United Stattes Enfield: Mr. and Mrs. Mor- onto. the Confirmation Service on: went surgery in Oshawa Hos-ye-1rotke enert d aArtne thtd t ley Slemon, Toronto, have Sunday were later sent to Mr. pital. A speedy recovery. admiaon fe Athough every precaution will bu taken to avoid errer. The Canadian Statesman accepte advertin- mvdot h amrcetyadMs oetCmeron in1 Mrs. James Woodley re- that wonderful Editor mr-Kn t etcsa hrh pu fldbrtunderunlesis a proo o such advey snentlregtesteinla wrir a y theadvsr làs owned by Mr. Edwin Ormis- Indulging deceit is like the Bowmanville Memorial Hos-iceived a phone call from hier tus of the BowmanvillSte.- unyvrigsh .ad and returned te The Canadian ensan businssoince duly siged by the advertiser and with such ton. defendant arguing for the pital, Mr. Bill Jewell in Osh- cousin Mrs. Patricia Lustgar- man-- an mnfinitey kidMs . se, aw; . Ca an c. Its ua y hounFt exe esuh a potion offthe n tre en" Orono: Miss Louise Os- plaintiff in favor of a decision awa Hospital and Mrs. Tom tn acetr nlno redt omn lowh n s . d r o et uchadertsemntas hespace occpied by the nt"e= errrt earthe whole space occuipied borne. Bowmanville, visited; which the defendant knows'Pleasance at home. All victimsýç Sunday, on the occasion of her mans everywhere, I oVtteb hi by such adver0----t. with Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Sta- will be turned against himiseIlf of automobile accidents andi birthday. They have been pen the loss of that Grea a- er s 10 1ple. -Mary Baker Eddy,1 members of Tyrone United pals for twenty years, adfian, Bowmanville'ablvdgrnduhe