Town's h'H spital Golden iirthday Part y ~ala Spring E vent 1 NEW FOR '63 K E MColor .KEMHarmony Guide You May Borrow Our Copy FREE for Perfect Color Match S UP ER The Velvet Finish KEM-TONE WallPaint Durable and Washable - PLUS - K EM-GLOLk aedEae Ideal for Kitchens and Batbrooms ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper 33 King St. W. 623-5431 REMINDERSE of action to take to keep Insu red -III..- MMI If you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment, Form 104, which your group is rcquired to give you. *When you reach your 19th blrtbday you arc no lne covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days to keep insured. Fornis are available at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. *When you marry, the Family prcriuni must be ai to caver husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTABIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 Vonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontarla 111- m*L a1 I i*1.1 ttg&#&'à l aIW Mrs. S. Chartran, Mrs. Harold W Lake, Mrs. W. Pring, Mrs. H. Oshawa Waters, Mrs. C. Cattran, Mrs. has built IA. Lobb, Mrs. F. Griffen, Mrs. area. V Stuart Crago, Mrs. Wilbert mrc Teeple, Mrs. H. Belsey, Mrs. rerc G. Gibson, Mrs. G. Rickard scrvice1 Mrs. J. Hendry, Mrs. Arthur 1 improvot Etcher, Mrs. A. H. Strike,i Mrs. L. S. Miklos and Mrs. R.! Dickinson, both of Newcastle.ý New Police Cruiser ~Ti11rr Tý11e Memorial Hospital 50'h scenes of springlike beauty.! nniversary Birthday Party, in the hall golden five footý 11,ld in the Lions CommunPv- hig-h cedar trees surmountedi Centre, Wednesday, March with "50" in golden numerals' 27th, proved to be a most were standing on either side: wonderful success. and one of of the archway. From the the %iost enjoyable functions centre of the arch two huge, of xAcent seasons. The gala gold and mauve hoops wereý event was arranged b v the suspended, and a profusion oLý j.~.~ Women 's Hospital Auxiliary. vellow, mauve, pink and whiteý Mrs. Lawrence C, Mason and flowers were attached at theirk Mrs. LloydAr eetec- intersection se the large cir convenors. dles were filled wîth the flow- Exquisite decorations transi. ors. formed the entrance hall and In the receiving line werel spacious main room into Mrs. S. G. McMurter, presi-ý«, dent of the Women's Hospital _ý :Auxi]iary, James Stutt, the Hospital B o a r d Chairman, - Mrs. William Morrison, the Director of Nurses, Bernard, Holden, the Hospital Adminis- c9j~flLovely floral arrangementsý at intervals along the wall1s weed lehne h an room.1 Over the weed the -Bov II Large butterflies with win gs glain1ic onicplc r U fh hI I in blending shades were i-:gemn lc ota oiecu TRADE-IN ý%isibly affixed to hover above equipmnent of a specialized nature.1 each wall panel and added to Councillor Ken Hooper, left, with their attrac-tiveness. strong, inspecting the vehicle befoi On the south wall a yeflow -_________________ banner 20 feet long carried teacups fromin three to four' da"in high mauve letters. o'lc, and during the secondilm t Testage had become a char-,hour, Mrs. T. W. Cawker andi Trade your cid Ronson, Remington, mn garden complete witl- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin did so.ý Philishave, Schick RBulova or flowers, with pretty butter Sunbeain Electric shaver-regard- flies, growing green grass, and . Mrs. Melbourne Wight wasý lessof condition- graceful trees. A picturesque in charge of the special draw.1 swing, lits ropes entwined with She was assisted by Mrs.1 05%blossoms, white garden furni- Joseph Cuddahee and Missl a nd save $75 part ftee, and thbo ere Mary Jewell. The winners ofl pat tur ee, and hteabo ere ON THE PURCFIASE OF A NEW were two life-size realistic ap- the two beautiful oil paintingsl pearing littie girl dolîs dress- were Mrs. W. B. Syer, 69 Highl ~ ed in mauve and yellow. Street, and Mrs. Margareti The perfectly appointed tea Middup, Centre Street. The' M serving table was centred pictures were donated by Miss' with a marvelous birthday A. Coulter. SI-AVEMASTER cake. It had three taîl tiers Tetes1rMs .G E LEC~TR 'C S~ HAVE R supported with crystal pillars TeraueMs .G and was topped by -50,, in Cowie, and Mrs. Duncan Smith ADTtD THE lEST ELECTRIC SHAVER MADE golden numerals. This artis- were in charge of cash dona- tically iced confection was tions. Mrs. E. V. Hoar and flanked on both sides by Mrs. H. C:- Anfossi were in, beautiful floral arrangements charge of the souvenirs, whichi Scomposed of yellow and were given out one to a bouse-1 mauve pom-pom 'munis. The hold. The souvenirs. hand-ý ~. serving table was lighted by some copperware coasters with ________________ taîl mauve tapers in a pair of a golden color finish, have the _______________ branched silver candelabra. monogram MHB for Memorialý The tea tables were covered Hospital, Bowmanville, and ________________ with mauve and yellow cloths its motto Semper Fidelis (ai- Smade by auxiliarv members. ways faithful), with the datesý Each table had a daintily pic- 1913-1963 below. The souven-' turesque centrepiece, a mauve irs were donated by the hos- basket rcsting on a mauve pital's Medical Staff. saucerlike base. Golden bîrds Mrs. A. G. Scott, Mrs. Jesse! rh olyshve wth3 ea bads made from pine cones were Van Nest and Mrs. Aubrey ?'h olyshaeiwih rei laes perched on the handle o! each Smith were in charge of reg- 3 Cotn!ort.curved head basket, and suspended from istrations. Mrs. J. J. Browný 0 Fip top for easy cIeaning every basket handle was a and Mrs. George Kimbaîl, Dresercas, r zppeedpurpie disk with "50" super- door to cloakroom, Mrs.Ma a Dessr cseor ippredimposed in gold numerals. bel Bagneli, door to tearoom travel case Mrs. W. M. Rudoîl, Mrs. Replenishing, Mrs. E. J. Run- Jesse Van Nest and Mrs. dle, Mrs. R. E. Laird, Mrs. Bruce Heavysege were re- Robert Poste durîng the first Sn JOW o ly$2 *00 sponsibl e for the decorations. hour, and Mrs. Bruce Heavy-1 signed a Iow only $26onO Tomps andi Othr sb-cnvnor weresegre, Mrs. Harry Saunders: the Cana WITH NMrs. EarlThmponand Mrs. Mr. W Tom Rehder, food; Mrs. Dur.- the second.RotB can Smith. tolephoning; Mrs.Ro e R. G. Cowie, invitations; Mrs., Supervising t h c serving, these Pr( HOOPER'FS A. L. Hooey and Mrs. Glen- table and the scrvers fromItrnt holme Hughes, publicity; and~ three to four o'clock was Mr.Itena JEWELLERY & Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. E. V. W. M. Rudel]. Mrs. Harr77. here at 1-bar, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Jose, Newcastle, supervisedj Clifford GIFT SHOP and the president, Mrs Mc-, during the second hour. 1 division, 'Murter, general. ýToewoasse nsr- ila 29 Kng t. E, Bwmanill Mrs. V. H. Storey an is Toewoaitd srv Wlim 29 KingJ.t E.Neillmnpreside d vr theJg sre Mrs. Chas. H. Welsh, Standing -1 J O'Nill resiedoi ý,Mr W.A. Cnirtnev. Mrs. T-TT h Beverages The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. In, 1963 0F FOOD VALUES!1 Sign Franchis( j' -nith Bcvcrages Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, has i franchise with Crush International Limited, iadian-owned international sof t drink organiza- Sbottie and distribute Crush Products, Hires oer and America Dry Ginger Aie. Previously roducts were distributed in the area by Crush tional from their Toronto head office. Shown 1the signing of the franchise are, seated: 1A. Drummond, vice-president, franchise iCrush International Ltd., Toronto, and iI. Smith, owner, Smith Beverages Ltd. 91 Gordori Clarke, franchise representative for International Ltd. iilliam Smith moved his bottling operation to u n January of 1962, from Bowmanville, and It an excellent business throughout Oshawa and Vith Orange Crush, Hires Root Beer and iDry Ginger Aie heing produced in Oshawa, bo the manv dealers and customens wiillho !d and on a more regular basis. SOLINA Those assisting with foodi Several ladies attcnded thc Gances werr c d by Kathy and the kitchen were Mrs. E.IUCW Leadcrship Dcvclop- Vicc and Nancy Knox, Thompson, Mrs. O. Plummrer,! ment Day at Blackstock and Rcvcrend and Mrs, Stan- Mrs. Osborne Williamns, Mrs.r Ebenezer last week. ley Snowden and fmiy R. C. Simpson, Newcastle,ý The Home Nursing Course Millbrook, were Sunday teal Mrs. George Stephenson, from, held in the hall on Thursday g9ucsts of Mr. and Mrs. L. thnee to four, and during the afternoon and Friday proved -Broomie and sons. second hour, Mrs. Tom Reh-imost helpful to ail who at- Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser vis- der, Mrs. S. Brooks, Mrs. Percy Greenfield, 1'vrs. W. A.Itended. itod Mr. and Mrs. F. McCar- Peal Lachis upcîntnd-th y. Bat-rie. on Sunday. Edge andMrs P. air. en ot he unclv Shoolfo _Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling, 1Prizes for the Marathon April. On Sunday morning a Whî±by, Mrs. R. Griffin, Un- priz winer wee: rou Ibrif wrshp srvie iICIid-ion, v isited on Sunday witlî the afternonTh Marathon ed scriptuirc rcading by Evwart rs. S. Hockaday. Brdeco-convenors, Mrs. J.ý Wcrry, a story recd by Mrs Mr. ancd Mrs. Wes Werry iO'Neill and Mrs. E. V. 1-bar, Francis Johnston and a sonngxîic uda'ceigw made the presentations. The, by Brenda, Janice and Djon- i-. and Mrs. Noble Metcalfc, prie winncrs were: Group I, nis Ycllowlccs. Oshawa, xvho have returned, ýMrs. Alan H. Osborne and Ncxt Sunclay, Mrl r nd Flrîcl.WatrO Mrs. Robert Kent; Group II. there will bc no classes, but Mranl rsWaerO - Mrs. Russell Oke and Mrs. a sp'_,cial program w~ill he P r-c,- K]çtnOrsxv Mr. E.and Mrs BRobcrt Mutton; Grolip II[, sentedcd drilng the S11ndavKit riso, r .1rî M'\rs. W. J. Hoar and Mrs. M School hour. '-,iiiii istor. Ebeinezer; Mr. and Mrs. iGerry; Group IV, Mr. and 9:30 a.rn. cnnn t Ralph Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs Mrs.Nelon shone:Grop OnSunayAprl 2, ~ H. Ormiston and Barry Cow- _ýMr. NlsonOsbrne:Grop OnSunay, pri 21,theling visited Sunday cvening V, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth annual Ceremony ol Dedica- with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ba- Kellyv. thon te, Mssions will be lieldi. lkcr (n thcir 2th weclding A ladiu2ý night will close anniversary. Congratulations he activities l'or this season Elaine and Tom!1 tl the United Church AOTS Barry Cowling and Gail D rama Club Mven'sClb There wil be a Baker visited Miss erlý banuetat he cre onMon- Cowling, Ottawa, during the day, pi 22. An interesting weekcnd. To Present programni lne.M.adMs i hlis Mr. and Mrs. O. HindmanIToronito, visited on Saturday and daughtcrs. Hampton, were 1\vlth Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mili- T hree Plays Saturday dinner guests of 1 on and ons Brc.Tn On Thursday and Friday lees and family. entertaincd Mrs. W. A. Orm- evenings, April '25 and 26, the On Sunday, April -18. Rcv- iston. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bowmanville Drama Work - erend Page xvilhc admiîîis- Blair and family, Brooklin,: shop will present its second teriiî" the Sacraînint of Bap- Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson, program of the season in the tism. Parents uishing to have and sons, Oshawa, Mr. andi Bowmanville Town Hall at children baptizcd arc invîted Mrs. Bruce Ormiston, Bar- 8:15 p.m. Three one-act play-, t communicate with the rnin- bara Anne and Bob, Colum- will b efre ydfe-itr bus: Mr. Douglas Ferguson,i bent per ormen udbyfer- ster.Enniskillen, on Sunday. Thel entcass wrkng nde thee Thc United Churcli Womien prywsi oo fMs olcigue ltigprywsi ooofM . "Stom li a ovig Cu" ae colecing ~edclotigW. A. Ormiston's and Dianne Str ipea ant Engih face bywith 8 months or rmorc wear Tink's birthdays. i iplJoso n ifrce by left. No shoes, ladies hats or Mr. L. Skinner, Salem, wasý Ant1p onorster. Thend bx"purses can be uscd. but al a Sunday guest of Mr. andý bynthe Fosng. Amenian play- other kinds o! clothing is Mrs. Boy Langmaid. 'ýb th yongAmeica ply-wanted. Please Icave your Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden: ,wrght Edward Albee repre- contributions xvîth Mrs.' Don- 'andà Bruce visited on Sunday' sents the first attempt by the aid Taylor or Mrs. John Knoox evening with Mr. and Mrs., Workshop to explore the area by Mav 1. Used nylons, men s Charles Langmaid and fam-ý o! "experimental" theatre. and childrcn's clothing areiy This play is a symbolie work especially needed. Mr. Larry Spires and Bar-' in which the characters repre-: The Solina Women's Insti- bara Hooey were Wednesday sent the playwright's ideas.'tute will include etection of eeigvstr ih M. Jean Darch will direct. officers at their meigin eaning sKit r th r. The third play will be the the hall on Thursda%. Apri] On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.1 well-known and always sue- 11, at 8:15 pn. Keith Cryderman aceompan- cessful Elda Cadogan's play,ý The Explorers met on Sat- ied Larry Spires and Barbara "The Other Haîf". Miss Cado- urday aternoon wvith 21 meîTi Hooey to Niagara Falls. Linda gan is one o! Canada's fore- 'bers present. Mrs. B. Tînk led and Barbara attended the most playwrights and hon the worship service witil TOPS Convention while there. name practically guarantees a 'Peggy- Darch, Sally Langmaid Miss Jo-Ano Cryderman delightful vignette. In charge and Kaien Yellowlees assist- spent thc weekend with Mn. o! this backwoods comedy is ing. The Study pcriod was and Mrs. L. Stainton, Ennis- Ede Cale. ialso conducted by Mrs. Tink. killcni. FRASERVALE FROZEN FANCY PEAS HOSPITALITY RAISIN PIE D EM PS TER S HOT CROSS BUI HUMPTY DUIMPTY POTATO CHIP! OCEAN SPRAY Whioleo CRANDERRIES GOOD LUCK MARGARI GLENWOOD POULTRY SEASON or SA9 q GREEN each 39c NS pkg. 33C S~I 1- ,( zz59c or Jcellicd 2 111).,Si GE 21'27c EXTRA A TOTAL 0F $4400 IN BONUS TAPES Receive $10.00 in Bonus Tapes wtih NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 6Aoz. lcfr Réeive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with BLUE CHEER DETERGENT i 25 ft. IGA FOIL WRAP Roll LADY BETH CHOCOLATES CHILOREN'S BAYER ASPIRIN 35COf King Size 1 lb. Box Pkg. ASPARAGUS lb».29c ]PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade CRISP LETTUCE2 hds 29c FAMOUS INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUITlO R 5c PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade Tender Swect BunchCRROTS 2I25C BowmanviIeleIGA- Foodliner Recceive S2.00> in Bonus Tapes with jU EDole 5cSe0O1 Priapple -Grapefruit 48 os.48 Ti. Grade "A" Medium ROYAL GOLD EGOS .Lrg Dz Chopped BEEF STEAKETTES Pkq. MEXIAN TMATOS ~Io. 1 Grade MEXICN TO MES 110Z.Cella tube WVe reservc the rigbt to Iimit quantity M HOSPITAL INSURANCE e e s )wman ville Police Department acquired this uiser, complote with red hood light and other Photo shows Police Committee Chairman h Rob son Motors Sales Manager Don Arm- re delivory. __ _______ m a m Ar-& il 4%W lqwr m ONTARIO