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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1963, p. 7

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Th~e iffeudim ltatemmi, EwavIe p.10, 198-7 -home in Jasmin. Saskatche- U Home Nurse a nd second wvan. Enroute theev wil vsi choice Block Printing. No ( )I terdaughter, Mr. and 1\1-.'Lo calnuw irlers W in member wiil attend the Offi- j Len Margetts of Fort Williarn cers Convention in Guelph. Recretv aontive f .Dar-r a Athievement Day will be May Recenty a natuive o are rophi s ut4th in Solina. 1 l~~ington Township, Albert Gav, Phone 623-3303 received his long service pîî .,ane tesA rs. V. Hudson read Mrs. 4,5 vears, in the office ofK -W nettes ConteIWilson's Agriculture and Can- _________________________________*Goodyear President L. E» adian Industries Report, Mrs. Spencer at the New Torontoý Bowmanvile can be prouid1Team Twil 6-9 yrs., compet- R. Davidson read Mrs. H. Me- Did you notice fihe lig&it Saturday, April l3th. plant. Mi-. Gay worked on his of the liard working Harvev ,ed in the 13 yrs. and under,WLaugîilin's Citizenship and snowfall on Tuesday (yster- Last weekend scerns to have father's farmi before joiniingITwirlers who brought home 58.9 marks - Cindy Chamnber- Education report and Mrs. G. day)? Apparently Old Mani been a quiet one- not much Goodyear in 1917 at Bowmar- 12 trophies froni Peterboroush'iin, Wendy Smith, Margaret Bowers read Mrs. K. Samells' Winter doesnt want to let gj. travelling or visiting. Every- ville. When Goodyear moved last Saturday. The Kaxvartha Newell, Kathy Ross, Beverly Historical Research Report. Mrs. Elsie Tamiblyn, Lind- one muît have been resting t ieo1ainst h e Lks xiln ots as'Christie. Nancy Yuili, Cheryl Mrs. R. W. Jackson read her say, spent the weekend luvth up for clection dav last Mon- plant in New Toronto, Mr.; held in St. Peters High Sehoùlý Young, Cheryl Evens, Barbara report as Home Economies AMrs. Leslie Nichols and farn- day. Gev also xvent along to the' and xves sponsored by thejMartinson, Debbie Christie, and Health Convener, Mrs. L. ili and attended Comnz a Pop- à1i. Hr oesC 1 e pat -ante.Ceyl Lyon. The "Starlettes"I1Malcolm the Resolutions Re- pin'. Sireet, bas retumncd froni a' Mr. and Nrs. W. C. Coc'--: Majorettes frorn as far awavey Senior- Team Twiri, (3rdiport and Mrs. G. Thompson Mr. anîd Mis. Ross Stoije- four-motntrittip to Chlicago. shott (nec Gladys lamiieson)ias Ottawa. St. Catharines andlplace), 79.3 marks, with Carol!Public Relations Report. Mrs. house of Toronto %vere diiiner Il',. Califonia and Western of Winnipeg, Man., have beenKitchener attended, inc1udingGrecnham, Penny MeMullen, G. Bowcrs gave the Treasur- guests on Tueszdav w-taMî. Caiiada. inic!iding- British vis11ng her sistcr, Mr. and 50 froni Oshawva andBo-Mai Drygala and Lynn Bol- er's Financial Statement and, and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, 0O1- Columbia. ?vrs. Duncan Cameron in Osh- manviiie. The classes %vere.%,in !Mrs. Bcacock the Secretary, tarl Steet.MmandMrs.Elrer ant vaa, and lier aunt, Mrs. Mary!1 very large and somte solos had 1he "Oshawa Indians Dance and Mrs. Rev. Jackson, Audi- Congratulations and bes, in.- and son Roger of Ottawa- aisn n h rnk 5 hi 0wr I rt.ITwirls" - 59.3 marks - Bigc tor, gave their reports. wishes to Mrs. W. E. Booth, attcnded Cornz a Poppin'. vilmiesoMfm. e n rsBockshottý Oshawa Harvey Tw%\irers'Chicf Patsv Blake, Braves Mrs. G. Thompson brought Rin S. as, hoxviicee-They werc weekend guets illae. homeaaders. a WIIi- tplaced in Fancy Drill Corps.!Karen Branton, P a m e 1lai in the siate of officers as com- 'orate ber _Blst birthday next Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutton, an TemTistutsoondYugDaeSaAvyn piled by the Nonunating Com- Concession St. East.te holiday in Floridaan theiduet. ILycette, Jane Harper, Brendla mittee, Mrs. G. Johns, Mrs. If ou viitout.o.î~'î.Bahamnas. On Sunday thesyj Sailorettes Novice Corps, Henning, Diana Therteil, Di- M. Fisher and Mrs. B. Hea- Iftr eked o av isited Mr. and Mrs, Oscarilst place - Captain Mrlnan ukosiadJd slip. Mrs. R. Davison presided Eatr weed r 1aeJamieson in Peterborough. !Cross, Karen Hogan, Lînda'Harper. for the election as follows: ST J HN S guests for Easer, please _____- Bryat. Shelley Rogers. Belle-j In Strutting, April Abram- mreParisli, Geylc McNallyv, 1off piaced 21id in the 6 yr. old Past President - Mrs. R. 623-3303. We will appreciale fIT T Pyoyce Winters. Cethvý Weldon,tclass. while Patsy Blake and Davisofl, President- Mrs. H. CcainUfoniH U.Cheryl McCunc. Cathy Ed- Avelyn iLycette reached the îVine, lst Vice Pm ieen-. (HURCHKen Nicks of Erjili Golf BYONY. HADDY i nonston Bonnie Bouckley. semi-finals in the 11-14 gr rhu olu, p.Vc Pe Angicnndedou tClrcey aeWlsn yd aelo, utTils TeBaksiet is .Wilson, Sc Anglian adeCountr Club î.cf- The cleath of Byron Y.1 and Kathy Murdock. Cats" (Avelyn and Patsy), retary- Mrs. A. M. Beacock,ý Rev. K. J. Frampton grass Conference sponsored by' Heddy cof 156 Wells Stree,, The Tartan Twirlers mnareh-:84.4 marks; Tbie "Diantwirl. Assistant Secretamy- Mrs. AI. the Royal Canadien Golf APAurore, occurred on Friday,' ed to the drum beats of Joe' ers" (Shaw and Yurkowski),! Emerson, Treasurer- Mrs. G. M.A., B.TIi. sceine h gîiua'Mri2,16.i Kiwior and Allar Cooper, 83.4: The '"Annlyns" (Amil Bowems, Pianist - Mms. L. College in Guelph. Son of the laite Mr. anid, wiich added greetly to flic Bernerd and Lynda Dawe) ,rMalcoim, District Dimector- MAUNDY THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fould sd F.asA. Haddy, the deceas- snlap and showrnanship. Ths,'3rd place, 77.3. ;Mms. R. Davison, Alternate 8 .n.Th Isittin Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boycë'ed sl born ini Toronto and Tartan Lassies Junior Corps' Novice Solos: 7-8 years, Drector - Mms. V. Hudson, p.m Th Intittio ýhrtl threaterthefamlv Branch Directors--.Mms. F. and Debbee, fl of Oten famiy won 3rd place xith Captein: Chemyl Young, 3rd place, 73.5, of The Lord*s Supper aond. Debie, al o1Ow n oved to Bowivmanviile. ThelDianne Shaw, Leslyn Cham-19-l0, Diena Thertell, 75.7, 1'. Dayes, Mrs. R. W. Jackson, Soun. xvre wekeid guestLs late Mr. Hadd.v is survivcd by!herlin, Brenda Hlenning. Jean!I 12, Brenda Henning, 4th plaeMs.AlnBcoAuir' of Mm end rs. Loyd A'îelits wife. the former Marianne1 Peters, Carol Hobbs, Diana 79.2, Leslyn Chamberlin 7.,-isRt rut r.R GOOD FRIDA ,pardfrmiland tcndea Thonipson.Therteil, Judy Harper, Dienne Pamnela Young 74.4,- 13-14,W.Jcsn 12 noon to 3 p.m. pen mac'. omza o- Mr. IHaddy atterided Bow-I Yurkowski, Pamela Young, Lynda Dame, 75.2: 15-16, Lynn, Conveners of Stand i n g, 'pn.manvilie schools and uponlcaren Brenton, Patsy Blake, Boivin. 2nd place, 83.2, Ann'Commlttees: Agriculture and, The Seven Ilords from Florenîce Nightingale Lodge lcaving High School becanie;Janie Harpex'. Avelyn Lycette. Bernard 79.2. Canadian Industries - Mrs.ý The Cross monthly 50-50 draw \,foi, FeU-1 associ atcd with Catiadien Gen-1 The 'Tau-tantcens'" Senior, Intermediate Solos: 7-8 yrs, Cccil Wilson, Citizenship and; ruarv vas wvon by Mm. Lester- eral Electric Co. [td., Toron-, Corps piaced 3rd with Captaini:Marilyn Cross. 2nd place, 78.6; Education- Mrs. Hamry Mc- EATER DAY ighfS16.d . Te .Ma het.H atrbcm tesrfCarol Greenhem, M a Li r ee n 9-10, Gavie MeNally 75.9, il-j Laughlin, Historical Research EASTEsui o S0600.Th Mrdi of the firnm, îetiring about 10î\Martin, AAnn Bernard, Lyndai 12, Patsy Blake, 2nd. 82.7,iadCretEet1Ms 9 and 9:30 and Il a.m. clraw, ainounting te SIO.75years ago after 493-cars' seribDaxve, ac usl, ailaneYrkosi .8 . dllen ent E Hoe E- s vas xwon bv Mr. Caîvciý ithhecmey ac usi, ai ineYrosi .813 le eccHm cn ClarComunone . ithth 'pny Drvgaia. Lynru Boivin. ConniecAvelyn Lycette 78.4. lomîcs and Health- Mms. G. HoyComnin Brooks, Duke Street. The dcceased wvas a foîrer Prtchard. Suzanne Williams,ý The highest marks of the Heaslip, Resolutions- Mirs. G. 2:30 p.m. Easter Service Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gil, Ontario Presîclent and Nation-I1 Beverly Tindaîl, P a t r i c i a, Oshawa Majorettes on Satur- Johns, Public Relations~ Mrs. for hilrenm amilesw ho have spent the xinteraI President of Canadien C --'Welsh and Charloette Kwio- day wcre wvon by 13 yr. olýd L. Malcolm, Histomical Re- forChidre ad Fmilesniontlis with their son and dit Men's Trust Associefiofl.i ..'Dianne Shaw who won 85,1 scarch Curator - Mirs. G. 7 p.m. Evensong 'daughter-in-iaw. Mm. edM-H a loDa and Pres:- The "Goldenettes*" Junior:for hiem advanced solo. Thompson, Sunshine Commit- ,Robert Gi and !aniily. left dent cf the Canadien Credit te Ms .Jhs r.R __________________for_______ Institute and a Feliow cf hý Davison, Mrs. M. Fisher. Inttue Mm1ad a s~umm Mms. HL Vine resumed thel Mr. addvtvasinstLimCi_ýchair as President for the ilOO H CH ITA Toronto Better Business Bu,-: R po ts fr m nw business. A quilting Is to R B R ~~~~~~eau and was its second Chai'r- eda rs ereBw R EFORMED CHURCH alo harinn f ,li Bdt~; dWomete s Institutes thi Scugog Street, Bowinanville 1CommitteIn tioftethe Cotasmth ity! ?Clicst of Greeter Toronto for en o Des r Rev. John C. Verbrugge BBA., B.D., Minister five vwife, HA31PTON IV.I. lations, Mrs. Sain Dewell; ment LfwDes. alom r rl'lephonte 623-5023 te.Btx.srie n dulýWmnsisiuePienist, Miss Norah Horn. ranged dainty lunch buffet te.iv:nc suvies aosrc' tampton Wom nd, sttu We were glad ho have Mrs. style and after filling Depart- vii'tw siesters brothers andi met on Tuesday, Cerl ntre inflWiseman with us agamn. The mental1 reports members eni- GOODFRIDY SEVIC - 1 twosistrsCharles H.. Tom-' the Educational Cetewitii District President, Mrs. Muili- joyed a short social time. (00D FRIDY SEVICE - 10a.m. onto; Miss Lena G. Haddy, President Mrs. Burrows in the gan, wes unable to corne ow-___ WORSHIP SERVICES IlToronto: Alex E., of Cliniton,ýchair. The meeting opcned as ing b0 sickness. Mms. Merwin Uand Miss Agites K. Haddy.! usuel xith the Ode. The Lord's Mountjoy took the chair for BLACKSTOCK W. I. 9:00> a.rn.- Dutch TJ or-onho. Praer and Mary Stewart Col- the West Gmoup and read a 1100a.n -EnlihThe fuiral service waý jecl. very fine tcpic prepared by Twenty-nine ladies atteinédt held in the chapel cf the Mur- Correspondcence xwas deait, Mrs. Wiilison on "Bees and the April meeting of the Wo- 7:30 p.m.- English ~yrex- E. Newbigging Funcral with and thank you notes read. 'Flowers" and wve lemned a nien'snsiteflheo- Prolamig ueWhle ouse o L ~ Apr'l st. Intermient was in read with a balance on hendimaking of honey, ening. After the re>.ular open- _____York Cerneterv. lof $212.58. The project, chosenth rsdn - ----- --.- -- -- te b taerulatr, as loc Mr. Jim Abernethy of Bow- ing exercises,th prsen LttPrnfengand te assnd cimanvilie vas then introduced stressed the need of ail memi- "Back T God H ur" Bradcasand asLIABEToVLLE Deserts.and gave a splendid talk on bers reading the constitution. EL' Rilcai ws nsereLxit "Spring Dccorating", showingfeqnty th ll ae ofa youwredbimthayseveral bocks cf wal papers Final plane wercte fo CKL, Ohaw, a 9:5 prn.evey Snda ~ On Tht rsdav eveiirg the ýfloweî. The reports of the antigiving useful hints on col- catering te the Curiers' ban-, ________________________________________Woniens Instit'ute was hid P rupler etheng ienou combinations, eady pasted quet Saturday, April 6th. Aý M\rs. Quantrill's, even though Thelîre will bc a bale cf useci paper etc. He told us that the letter was read me short' a nuinber cf nmenîbers attend- clotliinu for Overseas Relief Canadien wallpaper îndustry courses available, and choices ed the Consemx-tive pax-ty ýa4 r.Mrir on-, leads the ivorld. and had in- made. The secretary, Mr!. TRIN TY NITE CH RCHpackd a 1ýtroduced the ready pasted Ralph Larmer, was appointed' T IN T U IED C UR H Carton. Sevral Icîters o aedarils t e wMount and . en o te nd thelph, Ju nfer- a Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. îbusiness %were read. The sec.-:sending. closing date May lsi. 'adpeI as vecinteMAer-ng e iattend hOffies9Conm - î-c~~~~~~~~1rtarv gax-e a vear's report. Miss Pearl Leach cf Solina, eh aigtm ogv s 0 eeae eeapitt Oi-ganist -1\r. Arthur- Collisori, i\'us.B., L.R.S.M. A cortnmîtccwas appointed tf0 -sho was unable tb stay foi. e ains te oe 0 eatt end ept fappiultu ________ ~~~~look into the nattei- cf larid-,ic fenor aea unr seapi ng the church yard. Mrs.,Gt- eadiiig. Huiiting the dainty lunch was served Leadership Sehool in Solinai 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Quantrill Iook the chair for C r aetsai yteWstGopadasc on April 9th. A donation is tol the electior cf officers for the,.laugli. il haîf boum spent. Attendance be given to Red Cross. Corn-: "Eate M kesTh Dffeene" . omîng '-car. Elechcd xvere: ThP offices u1erc then de- 32. The meeting cioseti with mittee ta s"cure articles for, Mrs. Clarenc-e Mercer. presi-,clamed vacant and the siate cfthNainlAte.Bastc Fim xibti SeilEaster Music by the Choir ctent: 1st vicîe, .rs.~ Robinson;, officers buought iin foi, the new Ms. ore hmpn ad Speia 2d vice, Mrs. H. White; s'c- vea.'- Mr is eman of Bow- NSTEONv 'Mrs. Geo. Skelding. retar - treasuî-ei-, lrs. RoSss mnanvulle. ouîr Past District NSLTNII The annuel meeting follow-, Good Friday - 1 a.m. iBeatt'y. The standing, C1n1- President, Iherui installed the Nestîcton W'.I. met in th,- ed, with the convenors giving, iltmîtîc onvenors and gi-our) following offîcers: Past Pi-es., Unitedi Church foi- their April 1 nteres'ting reports of the work SERVICE 0F WORSHIP leaders îcîrx e foi, 1w-o Vcairs, Mi-s. Buri-ows; Presideuit. Mrs. meeting wlth reports cf con- of their groups for the Year.' s0 the «- have aroilîcu vear ho Ltithei- Allun. Boxvmaniville venors and clection cf offi- The president summamized the' "The Revealing Cross" z I. uch was served bY Mrs. IIR No. 1: îst Vice.. Mlrs. Chas. cers. Much cori-espondence in- work, emphasizing the high-: . Quntrll' grupWarî-er: 2ncl Vice. Mrs. Ex-eu- cludeti thanks fi-cm friends jlights.i 8:00 -The Senior- Choir -will presetit the M rnd Ms V. I e ttock ît \ina~cott: Sccretarv, Mrs. reenibereti in iliness and be- Mrs. Percy VanCamp pre- ]lad irner xith Miss Mai-'1 T. Chant: Asst.. l\Is. George reavemnent. from the Cancer! sided for the election and in-. Sacred Music, "OLIVETI TO CiLVARY" Powell ardi tee with Mr. anti'Yeo: Tuetiuir. Mu-ls. Jerk Society- and Unitarian Relief stailation Of officer. Ms \Irz \1cAilî: 1cr or Sunday. Maciuab: j\ius Nancy foi- conations. Roy Taylor reati thereotf REV N T.HOMESofOshwaSuzan:ne Thil-rkion as been SCUGOG STREET S. VanCamp. Selections front the "Story of Calvary" sick. We hope she lasson Ga klig lent is (Schnecker) and other music by the Choir, of feeling helteu-. Mrs. S. VanCamp, convenori Church serx-iues w-eu-e at1 for Citizenship and Educa-1 Harrnon3' United Church under the direction Of Garder Hill. After th-e ser- Programme by the Cadets from to-,gv asotpproný :Ir. Ross Metcaif, A.R.C.T. vices five rew miembers join- Citizenship Day, May 17. Mirs. 1 ccl the rhtîrch. The two fro:n Albert Wright nicst capably' EASTER SUNDAY our erea were Alan Trew' ai teSlaio-ryTaiigSho commented on the meotto, "T o Ross Louîgveer. Sacramnemunae rets o u 1 rt 9:50 a.l. - SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL wavs a!_,o î-eid. ishow yourself friendly." Rollj 11:0 aai. -"CHIS ISALIE"A good crowd attendeti Suri- Al oîgpoeiniedocreadshr ! cail "What I want most out1 11:0 a.m-"CRISTIS AI,, day School x\ich w-as here. 'c on epe nie ocmeadsae ýf life" andi mentbership feej 7.00 -"THE CONQUEROR 0F DEATH" M\rs;. Quentrili. Mrs. Wal- I was weli answered. Mirs. John' Special Easter Music at both Services, fers andt Mrs. Morris attended an evening of f un and inspiration. IRahm gave the Current Ev-i the Deffodil Teehield iun Port ents. COME AND WORSJIIP Hop' uider tii'e auspices of IFellewing The Queen, lunchi _____________________-___---____ ithe Cancer Society. was serveti by the pcoup. fNard not only in ntro n You an elp rip led hilren Canada, but for ail of North America. norder t ananti Keturung our 'unh standard, the support oi By RtrigYuPikEnvelopelg'o eery wage earner is esseil- Th e seventeenth annual ail these require your finan-' fiai. for as far as is humanlv Easter Seal Campaign hasicial support. psilEse el ilC1 nwetrdistet-eod Ve ýure better opportunities lead.. dayof entered ftortntaios y ,Vevexpensive app1iancesý ing to more normal lives for crippled children. such as braces, wheelchairs!crippled children. and artificial limbs as weIi asý This year's financial goal is costly operations. long-teri $1,000,000. treatrnent and therapy are ofCK CU Day by day the Easter Seal utmost necessity in providing service clubs located in 223' care and assistance for needy communities count their re- crippled chidren. When kidneys fail teormove turns for the purpose of de- The co-ordinated effort of ci che-Mied feeling- termining whether this goal thousands of dedicated voIu.1- disturbed rest otten niay ivili be reached or wili fali teers working in association f Ollow. Oodd's Kidney Plilis shor ofitsmar. Evry lubwit th OntrloSocetyforstimulate kidnoe te normal shor ofitsmark Evry lub wit th OnarioSocetyforduty. Yeu feel botter, sieco whether it be Lions, Kiinen,~ Crippied Children, has set an botter, work botter. Kiwvanis, Rotary or others _- envi-able orthopaedics stand-' ExPORTWÇ Co-iSARi tes 20*s 25's EXPORT PLAIN 20's 25's Bluy Dy The Carton and SAVE Nestle COLORTINT Intensifies natural haïr celor, adds exciting n-ew color blends in gray. Lasts through three shampoos. 6 rinses - 49c DODD'S Kidney Pffis For Backache, Tired Feeling, due to Urinai-y Irritation Bladdeî- Discomfort SAVINGS this WEEK at I.D. A. These Special Prices end April 13 ADORN HAIR SPRAY - o.-- 1.67 AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS 2 pr. 66c ASPIRIN - Bayer 100"s -- ------59c BENYLIN COUGH SYRUP. 8-oz. 1.37 BRADOSOL LOZENGES ....-. 2's --87c BROMO-SELTZER------EconomY --1-49 CLEARASIL ---- ---.amali tube - 63C ENFALAC LIQUID 15-oz. eau case of 24 6.25 EVENFLO NURSERS . -,,. . 39c GILLETTE "'ERBLADES ---- irv'.-89c LISTERINE "Antiseptic" econômr 87c Snow White Facial Tissues 2 for 53c reg. 225 . . . 1050 AT LASI...a A Deodorant That Goes On Dry - To Keep You Dry HELENE CURTIS Pressed Powder CompactE and ANTI - PERSPIRANT With Puff Applicator NOWA HOME PERMANENT that's actually GOOD for your hairi PreIiy Pem The new permanent that highlights ihair caler arnd improves hair condition. Pretty Perm gives you the soft manageable wve you'%, always dreamed about. And wonder of wonders. itt actuaily corrects the unpleasant side.effects of the ordinary wave, Fretty Perm brings beauty to permanent waving! Whether your hair is naturai or tinteti, one of Prctty Perme' 6 celer categories ia right for you! Available la th~e fonowming coiors: LIGHT BLONDE - DEEP BLONDE - LK.MT BROWN - D EEP BROWN AUBURN (for reddtsh highights on brown) - BLACK< <back huit onlI>' Prescriptions ..... 1.35 350 m I.D.A. Remedies ~AlAex. McGregor ~ e DRUGS e 5 King St. W..m Phone 623-579 'Jfi tgmr% 9 1

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