Th-ei. Cnaia Sttema, Bwmnvlle Ar.17,193 hoo e xe utie or Ivin' a d L d AprCu lig lub, 1BTUAY63hirLntn ffeinr.the caUwng fren sof:he head and shoulder portrait HERBERT GEORGE SHAW wiof bceauintîfhe aitste ms srrsd pr waslflalu b infthelfont ofsthe whenpheedscouered hisMr.aan G ol Cl b'aganst a yellow circle which Th death of Herbert George pLrdT b r n r.Dnhdbe eevdi aaa <FROM PAGE ONE) was outlinedi with tiny pinkl hwocre suddenly at his list ohrchmetngwtwaamdsnter. for the Dept. of Lands & For-. flowcrs. This was surrounded home, 63 Scugog Street, Bow- o pca neet h et ros , lests. Mr. and Mrs, Smale have by a larger pink circle edged manfleonModa, prl , ng intrhonThusa f. n.s o four children, a son in the with two rows of orchid Aprl ,131 n h. t pm. henteRv or ioMs M .Obr navy, a daughter married and fringe and finished with two tw, hlde sil ithme ow f elo fige thrMr. Shaw was the son- ot William and Mr. Wgh. rsRo Hin, The cdrecn stof at hme w s o y urais frîng. Oer wthe late John Benjamin and home on furlough xmteadfml fMrhmc!e Th drctr o ouhîe oveymrchdais n pnk elw Hannah Shaw and was born Mission Fields ofNieawlpo bsnohr. r. r- were advised that the holiday ochd drnd it:in London, England, where hie show slides and ti oc-te ans nSna Ba weekend had been a busy one, spring flowers graced the'atne holOn arh3.tig buttir or adtiu foeigpats ee nt the course. On Friday, a walls. 1910, ndSth. OP ausCrch ,!cthgo tofthirtf EEasegit10ahmth. niear record was cstablished Conirade Edythe Rundile, 19owmanvit.e, he maCiicth tosorfd. Thm ingine for green fee players. A large!wife of the Special Events 1formr Ethl Aelie ar(ie te auspich es fMihu.w. MsMnneEMcoi s number of memberships have chairman, Ed Rundie, and: Humeghe wh suries. l)The aothietes tu GoufSu dinrMos o r also been received. Mrs. Ted Sheehan, vwife of' Huhesdeceasurvivas.amauThil e on W, tedSd 4h .J sbreadM They were aiso advised that the president of Branch 178,' fctrrviil]ndoert-w e n W fer d n ans efforts are being made to ex-! wcre responsible for al the finguhesownbinessd H. G. T- henWavstu ll o tine t8 r.EhnJn peiereceipt of the mcm- wonderful decorations. A loy- lSTaw 1- aw nMrish . choo. o PrtHp wrespe bershp club charter so that elY arrangement of white!for 0 vas w HbsietdH.1.0 . gustnofMr M.E.MeHîn arrangements miay be cornple -1 chrysan themums, yellow daf-l for 50'ears*..He reired1 SundaN Schoolwah]d oEstr a.Afrsupr ted for the eventuai chang'-fodils, orchid ribbon spikes, ler ago, ait which lime tie usuial at l a. Threa,. over from a limitedcd pn!adochid feathers, lied withcopy moved 10, Bowmanviile. He good attendance.a istas adtoM ora to a non profit membcr-owncd a beautifui pink siîk bow cen-ý ia ebro t ais W r or i and opcrated organization.,trcd the head table, and i UUit enClub.ilnehofMranrddcCnoaf asrtheid e loSn Before this can take place,!was further adorned with su- PuSne'îtnr emvls.s Flate ie otse there will be a sharcholde.-s'i ver vases of dlaffodils.. Tiny ciàs uvve nhi ie Eat nersia sitaT:-tcamn hg meeting and other legal tcch- eut glass vases filled with Ha son Lloyd H., nd a daugh-aot, fortralmetadobHooatltos r u nicalities will have to bc tak- prctty miniature yeliow daf fo- New executives for both ladies' and men's curi- tution and By-laws, Marion James; Treasurer Ida: ter, Vrn Mr. aesWi erion Whp for god rradMr..JhtEamuo en care of. In the meantime, dils weefvr ikn h' en Mr.JmsWl evto.W o the iretorswi co tonue tpacesl f w ere avostaitg the igcluswr chosen last Wednesday at the closing1 Goddard, Social Convenor Jean Peterson; back row,lin both of Toronto. Three news of improvemetbfr h caio fte2t ni operate toward this end. hecd table. It was lighted by session of the season, held in the spacious Southview Treasurer Jack Lander, Secretary Laurence Goddard, grandichildren, Arleen, Gor- too long. vray o hi arae - -.--- tl orcbid tapers in crystaàî club lounge. Tphe ladies' executive includes, front lst Vice-Pres. Harold McGee, President Glenn Lar)er4 h uea evc a ayi hsnegbrodMn it vr eevd h candelabra. AIl the ladies atIrow, lcft to right, Past President Queenie Fletcher Immediate Past President Ivan Woolsey, 12nd Vice- heîd froin, the Morris Funeral 'vas awakened qitelI tfm rsnigterpr the head table rcccived cor-1(flot in pooSceayDrtyWosy lst Vice- Pres. Dde elylChapel, Bowmanville, on We-i- night, or vers' earv unaeswihadepottw sagesothcarnatables.wee t-Pres. Aileen Osborne, President Milda Morris, Consti- _____ ___________a_ phed b ev Hrîdotonbcgingdontarstbls hhe othr table were t- Churcb.Api termen was I -orewsawognme, o iib edo cns o ,o .ed ~ ~ ~ ~~.r1îah, Mri. Joseph Cuddahee, pense onîy to have much of'p r, ie Turner of St. Paul's Unitedt nwrtecî,wiho Tels uheo bssa !rystal vases. The tables were Mrs. John Regan, Mrs. John i washed away. Tr n powmaatm n Cuc nlerCmetery. s ble was surprised t idtedy (FROM PAGE ONE) lgtdb rci aes i Muî-phy, Mrs. . Hardicastlc, 1Mis McGregor intormed omnilCe try and blue. Sprays of dainty crystal candlesticks. Each Mrs. Bernard R. Kitney, Mrs. council that she had spoke n alîbearers w e re Messrs. sprngflwes cr aragedpîcewa mrkd it a Prins, Miss Maria Sweep. Miss the Roads and Streets Corn-i Hughes, John R. Hughes, Le,ý- above the doorway of thc ver napkin ring banded in' itve, Ms nathe ie ommcs a nno nce B rd er jams WlimsPlo . spaclous hall. In the centre 'cither yellow, orchid or pink, Rosemnary Roach. Miss Linda mittee and to the former Tow nleR.Hgs.FacsBiu of the large roomn two large and surmounted with a large Mastersan, Miss Tina Hughes, Engineer about the need faor ad os Stevens. intersecting silver circles werc yellow butlcrfly. Ail the lad- Miss Gwen Cudidahee. Miss drainage, and on each occa-Oe Eachcirle as ctwied îthevent also each received a Cowlcs, Miss Barbara Cowan, would be done, but that no ac- fl TÇt pink, orchid and yeliow sweet1 sterling silver teaspoon as an Miss Witteveen and Miss Lau- t ion bas been taken. Transport Minister Jamnes ricultural products or Iive- I'IORRLIS>LNEFRNSE peas, and in the centre there additional favor. ise Parry.' Councilior Hoaper, a micm-Auld loday ' announced a'stock, and to the transporta- was a graceful arrangement -Cara dRnewaiibeofhe odsndSee'change in regulations that wilI ltion of materials for cultural Easler Sunday service was of white, pink and ycllow President Shechan stated H ' . the ay foran exensionshowsor exhbitios.heel aI 1 aan. here as s chrysanthemunis, whiic pen- that il was a privilege as weîî charge of the draw. He was Cammitlee, told counicil that iopente a fra etnso !sos rexiitosIl Aat10Am Tee a dant beiow the intersection of "S a great pleasure ta extend assisted by Bill Kîrkpatricîc Ibis xvas the firsî îhe bad'of reciprociît' wiîh the United, "This reciprocîty wiîî he!p large congregaîlon. The Rev. ,>L( thesiler cicls ter weea welcome ta ail the guests and Lew Burton. The fortun- heard of the malter. Reev-;iStates to facililate the move- Ibe econamy of the province M. Freeman officiated. Pre- M [ 0I th ivr iristeew r n behaif of Branch 178. lie aIe winners of the attractive Sidney Little, another mem :ment of commercial molarý generally by encour a g i n g viaus la the service the or- gAt ffe srent paorts.o h thankcd Chairman Ed Rundie, door prizes wvere Mrs. Jack ber of the cammiîîee. alsoivebhicles across the barder, 'mare tourist traffic, and by ganist, Mrs. Helen McHolir -nIIO Aomthere weret furts ohrbscmuîe n i thoe Gibbs, Mrs. K. Freelby, Presi- slated Ihal Ibis was the first' PreviouslY, reciprocity ap- kni it practical for On- plaYed as a voluntary varia- pendant adornimcnts of inter- iwbo badi assistcd by givîng dent Audrey Bale, Mrs. 1liar- hie had beard of il plied onil.% b hearses, ambul- laria farmers la sdil surplus lions of "The Old Rugged v h aluabt imans te ' e- ldBennett, Mrs. Jack Me- Counillor Hooper nve,1ane, n bss praig lÉgosaid .S. uer"Mr Cos."The choir entered the OPEN TO HEP B C hs w sler c tied w T-t mk heN y and Mrs. Peter Bath- that the malter bc referredtochretip.Alte omAtdsa - wloene-huh from the Suindai ______________________ hoopswereentwied wtlitheatRoads ark tdeeStreetsti Corn alvebicles camning mb oýgoliations' witb stalle authori- school singing - x'ery softly aIt bons, and centred with repli- He also introduced the bead An enjoyable singsong was mie for a report ta be pre- Ontario fr-ar the United' ties irnrediately, with a view first as from a distance - that cas of large fluffy yeiîoxv table. 'ed by James Fair. The tai- sented at the next meeting ofj rstrtpates esq.e aby1 ekngrcpoa ge-wl lvdhrn h aI chikes.On hewal bhid'Those aI btheiiead table in ented entertainers were in- the Board o>f Works. This n- - r Al said. Ude h menîs," hie continued. verse concluded as choir and' A PRIL O h -I s chckns O hewal chn Ude te A second change in regula- mînister entercd the church. 2pn.t .i the head table a large cir addition to President Sheehan troduced by James Firth. Ted tion was seconded by Reeve cua ua fre istnc were Mrs. Sheehan, Comrade Rusk, Toronto, a wonderfui Little and carricd. new reguilations small Unitedi lions announced by Mr. Auld This E as t er Processional cua ua one itn-State -k Lp la 3 tani today sets a $20 tee for oc- brought something special Ioa Mon. bF.-2t .i n to 9 p.m tiv bckgoud A lageAudrcy Baie, president of the ventriioquist and clever corn-1 - BwmavibeaLdiegAuio-edan.ppercdfirge e an-Private Parking gros)wilbcexempt froni casional trips la or froni On- aur Easter warship service. jiary ta the Royal Canadian usecd and fascinaled the aud- A wriîîen request was re- paYig Ontariolicence fees,1 lana by U.S. trucks and trail- The Easter theme was con-adth floigwe-e. i Lcgion, Conirade Robert E. ience with bis amnazîng act cc'ived tram Mrs. Tom Wcst-: providigte home state of crs carryng te o er iudinheslco, E- Bale, His Worship, Mayor Ivan witb Lyle the Reptile. Th'i lake, 23 Second Street, ask- lb o,,rgrants the same, goodis. This anc-trip fee wi]l ter Dawn" sung by the choir, Cntutdb Habbs, Mrs. Hobbs, James latter sang "Love Me Ten- ing if caunicil could bave a exemint Ontaria vehicles.' apply ta vehicles that do not and the message ot "Hope in 1Woodward, the immediate der" in the absolute tones of sign put on the street at ther Thisalso w apply ta fan-' qualify for exemption under God" in the Rev. Freernan's past presidient, Mrs. Wood- Elvis Presley. Lyle also in nortb side of their home for nmerstuking tbr own ag- the reciprocal ar-rangement, sermon and hynins.PIRN ýward, Branch 178 Chaplain a sparkling monologue ien- private parking onîy. MrsA h ocuino b and Mrs. John Living, Dr. tianed Pete King, Don MoriWeslakrideeer aId oun aruquarrel- usuai offerings, Ib1 crîre Bomnil oay CuVnePot truck, and that she and theirî started out on tbei r boney- Mrs. Billeit, Chairman Ed Mr. Rusk called on Jackiftwo sons each have cars, and i FROM PAGE ONE) melon, delighted thbc'audience, ~A r Rundle, Mrs. Rundie, Arnold Knight and Jim Firth ta as-i when sanie neighbors park ilalion of President Kennedy Jini Blunt as bbc manly young- USED CARS Sleep, president of the Bow- sist hlm in one number. He on the nonibside of their pro-, Was arazingly realistnî witlî1 bridegroom gave a skillful 1961 Plmouth See , Ro Brooks presidnt in slently ormher he norfasp-cemosp exaiet vocal tonot exandvon-l emotindns- motuiredeq ired bbchepart. 2D.of Lh Bowmanville Kiwanis with thcir lips of "The Ol ily's vehicies. fetos h ihigce o h 2-Dr.Club, Mrs. Brooks, Gien Mar- Gray Mare". Then through his, Councillor Hooper stabed One of the highiigb!s of the evening show was composed V-8, eustom radio, sure-trip tyn, presideni of tbe Bow- ventîriloquist talents Mr. Rusk that the Bowmanville Policeevening was the Playing of of J. Archer, D. Gobeen and rear axie, tlnted glass, manville Lions Club, Mrs. was successfui in making il Depaniment had investigated dance band seleclians by Ibe B. Richards. Those in charge windshield washers, backup Manlyn, Bill Smith or Pepsi seen, that. Mn. Fair sang in this malter, and gave thbc 1otr ,Tei rsnaOf' makc-up were S. White, Iights, inirrors. one owncr Cola, an espccia]ly good friend the deepest of bass voices and opinion that there was noth-1ion of Swingin' Shepherd N. Waolsey, 1. Rabrne and D. car. Sharp! of the Legion and Mrs. Smith. Mn. Knight in a falsetto. This ing tbat couid bie donc. 'R i.3'Blues, Night Train, a ni d Biggs. 1Grace was said by Chaplaîn att made a greal hit, as dîd en a street and a nesidence Stompini' At The Savoy bad 1 Dan Lernon and Dennis Le- 1961 ord 2Dr.* lLiving. The Toast to tbe a similar duiet seemingly sung only. l is different for a taxi verve and marvelous tempo, mon were the caîl boys. B. aeDY 6 cyl., tond ecnnmy car. jQucen was given by Presi- by Bill Kilpatrick and Lew1 stand. I move thal tbc Town These y oung popular "lusic- lHendry was in charge of pro- One owner. ident Sheehan. James Wood- Burton. * Clerk write and inforrn Mrs. ianis \'ce B. Cobban, J. Cab- perties. G. Clarke, set con- v.ard, bbc immediale past pre- Apeidyrasîcme- Westlake' that a pnivate park-!'ban, D. Gobeen, A.' Hooper,'sucin ad P Dwo.Rih .sre miahie 1 9 5 P y r n u s i e n , g v e t h e T o s t aAbc so n a ti n do f S i r aW i s t o nC h u imgpw u d b e c n rreB u c a , crg o î y , n d s t o naef f e c. Ds a c ws o n ,î , r, c a g - h c .N W ! W A A O N D S N L S E Royal Canadian Legion, and chili making a speech some 1ta the town's Traffic BY-Lawx.' A. Tnejbai.i members were G. Clarke, P. Me' r-ai 4-Dr. in so doing interestingly surni- -as g n1h nie tae This motion was seconded by George Kennedy and Gond Buekler, D. Gnnpp and Tr. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY Mn rlde aetErpa tl 4-r.yar gointe nte Saesisports goggle, ecetnalcoirae cyl. stndad trnsms-objieties he Tory das tanbb, as gîven by Ted Rusk, wha Couîncillor Keitb Shackletonî Burnharn gave a biiarious Taylor. OFR... adefcie cyl..staadrd tanomj-emaieiis.lh o as , th and - - wt terenand carried. take-off of a Vitalis television S. Gibsori and C. Sheehan gaslne.Rglrvle$9 ar sion, wheei dises, Émîrrors.wasdieardedpro'ith tremen- OFFSUER ... aslndeffectiitgreorrepe- New paint. aiswspooe yCa-dans applause. New County Road commercial. George Kennedylwere nesponsible for the' UE o 29 lain Living who aiso led the ,vas decidedly funny as Roc-Imimeagraphed pragranis. B. PLENAMINS inging of "For Tbey tAre Next came a weîî paced act D.eputy - Reeve Ross Stv ket Richard, and biis repro-1 Barrebt was the doorman, and DROPS 198Py o t Joily Good Feilows" intheir by bbc Paul Brothers anîdcris spake of the new County,.duction of bbe notedi Carîad-!the ulshers were D. Crow, G. For infants and chil- These autstanding en- malely parailel ta h Scugog' Enîglisb was airnast ani absol- !par~king lot attendants were tasting dietary slip- Vice-Presidentwee Keith, tertainers delighted everyone Road. Hie stated that bie had itie courrîlerpant. Gond ui-. Lucas and P. Parker. -9lmn otiig-lxtve 0o.Rg 5.2î 6 1rsei.Teysaga umeVbenifome-I outes- ai iscmîalnîît ____________1hvtais.30eREAL 11e0nAGESA<Pai)Pntai lstn white wail tires. New vit Ferguson on behaîf of Branch _________snga_________nome atCortisiai a cù nn EXL white and goîd. Local, onle'178 presenied a gorgeous bau- of mnelodiaus numbers with Counicil thal ibis road will bec n iekrrie fr e ~RegiJlar $275PAS iT.Pnwhtrbulmevdnin ,owner car in tip top quct of red roses ta Mrs. Ted original lyrics. Shirley was gaing througb BowmanvihIe, greasy kid SbuIff." flfTT1TTP .-- 2 for $2.76 El BABY Pi . agXlag.Rg O ai. 2p.fe5 condition. 'Sheeban, the wife of is pre- bbe excellent piano accampan- and lbad been asked la have dacngo SNdsh__ rLDISPAsotd îors i ~ ident. Mrs. Shechan expres- ist. Bowrnanville Tiown Couinc 1 The dncngofa__ PRisi AD ESSIG O1 1955 Dodie ]Royal sc" e prcaino b h Paul Brothers made b ell the United Counities xvbere1 Scholtische by bbc Girls' m-plycs.RuarOi. lo21 beatiulflwesanuolb- evna canes fsosum andwaldhon l ace. Daceumoep ts elahfu. Bptsml eirnoy asREAL iir I'Ioay ebc. l 4-Dr. ~~ýhait of ail bbc ladies presenit for iheir art. They appeared The Deputy-Reevc rnoved iiied bY fy ReenEFFERVSCENT oTERRYFACE COeHdaJorhnd olours Regulr îo.2rti36 V-8 antomratie -i'heel discs, thanked Chaplain Living for ifirst in billiant blazers and'that a resolulion be farwaî-d- îîE by' tioitsdineors deUnitd rh mnîfa or urtie SACCNARIN TA BLETS __-Slcn lsî dn.Ft signied thecir attractive cas- 1 Cliffard Lee Preece, son off 0 ig.Rglý23ç -L OR OE and whiite. A-1 condition. ing bbc toast. She aiso tbank- were ganbcd as jockeys. Theni cil ta the United Counties brs.Tesil fteir 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Preece; 50/geg98, 2/99g r REXALLCH 1NSHMOS7Pasi~leRg~lrO cd ahi the members of Branch tbey wene dncsscd as doclors iCouncil's Roacl and B ridge bnibtl' lor f teatGro JmeBaeblon10 ig.Rglr$9..2$ 0- 178 fomt-e- wn-erf-1 Ladis , a as tbyper Cornmtt___nd!askng-t-t il!-i-l- r1d9th appenancelf, ofMn.oaneMrfuDonaldBarrentoyrr.oReuJames.2Bar 100AL CASTRr.IRegularrla$1.19...g.52/.$1.20 Rescnd ppontmnt arsail.A. ichiloibs ,~and Mrs. Nonm Gibson openedi Coucilar ii-e, sec-oncd Oliv-er, R. Perfect, L. Prirng, ibynn87wibMsL- Council y o oS hmsn Councîllor Hooper, mov'ed G. Raaie, L. Stecie, R. Thornbp-_ mont neading the seiptureNBU SVT M SAN town officiai ta bbc United N. Vermenlen and C. West- 17. 3 10 6. Mrs. Norm Gibson BeONUS$*9-----------2 13~g W E p r l ls Counties Emcrgency Measures aven, gave a reading on tbe topir (Not le Sale Items, but Special$19 2fr.2 PROM PAGF ONCi Organization Planning Divi- Arîtonn Forsternvas the dir- 'God Feeds His People," toi-1 Values only during this Sale). 6o.Ruar1.9- 2î<.0 'O R terprises. This w'as carrîed. cannied. Cotrnciilon Hoapen Loving Cup. The scene of tbis paeMsinSuywsi FIRSTAIO KIT. NEWI Caotaon, bandage, adhesie4rz eua iO .. --2t Draiage robima thed that bbc local officiai dolstuto acywas charge af Mrs. Cecil Adams' tape.,Ouikbands, Medicated Skin Creamcso ORALCO LIECOPU T LT. NEIGHBOUR ~ ~ ~ Dailttnae roei-ed train Welfare Officen, hadt di.ý- tlic living ron fa osei wb Iesofx'o "bt aReuar$50vlu----------1.9los Rgla i/--------. s 17 Alte a eiec rrc-avcrcd bbat the amaunt af London, England. inn the year the Efteet of Oun Missions ii REXAIL TOOTIEPASTE. Tria-Pak. Fluoridatpd, URXL UTPEVTMNTBES KNOCKS LITZ INMiss Margaret E. MeGregor wonk involved in the appoint- 1910. Foreign Lands"" Due to Eas - 3 tubes. $1.89 value. Special-----5.9 -.Rglr$2................ fOs j2.3L KN C Saskirng attention be given ta ment would be impassible ton 'l'lie chan-actenizationîs wc ter, the April m*eeting will bp SNUGFOLD FOLDING SYRINGE. 2 Qt. Reg. $4./5. lO.Rglrs.a.... B IZ I drainage for surface water 01an bu ta do as wcli as car-nyarn exceptionally good, anîd the beld on bbc 251h aI bile homoe Sale Price--------------------- ..Re .r$/9.................$39 A rSWER Veterans' Avenue and bbc paî't bis municipal duries. action starîed as Mn. and Mrs. of Mrs. Wilson Neill. Thne MONOGRAM GAUZE. 5 yds. (24 x 20). Reg. $1.55. fi EXLVTAISNDMEALTALS BOWMANVILLE of Prospect Street adjacent Kn t East Parking Arthur Deakini ar-ived bhorn leader loscd witb a poem, 0Or'------------------------------.............4.----------2 fo12.9 tif. atrKingduherswddn Th St.O SRYSTR Fu-qur.1.0oz, THE CA LLCasMON. ai APRILn K29 afteiat R2c0ed.leRegular..9r..........................2..f49 MON., - AP.M.29 cu elt y w h d rieo f aurStreet East, Councilior Fiee neceplian. Pal Gill vas channi- yen." foliowcd by bbcbene- EZ BRegla 6<.Onîy--------------- o--9 ANa7nd8. .bult wit he dnatgee o rstated. He suggested ibtat1w-o înîg as the Inuiy swcet and un- diction. slp m. eNZO RUBERgOYE1.65Cur.vodfie9 rs. n HS R N !and-cet we buitbbc d rai- nthree bour parking signs selfîsin moîher- of bthe bride. The Friendship Unit 'of MAKEUP AND SHAVING MIRROR. 10». Reg. $2.98 FW0 AN age was changed, cri that be piaced fin the ares tram was autstanding, and gave Mrs. Wmn. McKnigbt, ith' Sale Price ............................. $1.99SANG G V O TEevery spring the surface waîer where bbc meters stop ar, evlidcnce of astonishing acî- Mrs. Lloyd Irvine presriding.'E I!I pours off this area, runs dlown King aI George Street ta Lib- inîg cbiliîy. The min'ubes were read bv orlot and the anc next erty Street. Councillon Hooper auAD A Nnrth o ndcono slaled tbat bbc Roads anai Mauireeri Regain playved bile Mrs. Harold Graham wiîb nrtb ay o i, adown oreur~ Streels Commitîce is ganng noie of fline self-centred. dam- Mns. Ken Ellis giving bbc drvwy oSuggSret," to have a meeting nexl week, ineening and wasp tongued trcasuren's report. Plans were C A N C E R Miss McGregor wrote, 1 and that Ibis malter will be gnandmother. Mrs. Crosby, ta compîeted for bbc Units Tai- She added that topsail ha c knipthn perfection. Mike Charles in ent Nite 10 be bcld aI the» becen washed away, an cstab- ___-ils rntcrpreîatian of bbc in- church. The devolion was in SC E Ylished pianbing of rases anîd lrrcabe raIe of Mon-imer Cros- charge of Mrs. Wm. Peirson. R&L sev al alublcshrubs had Evenv'thinîg bi na bc, us bv bline pamnpcrcd acborso of A birtbdav cake a prescrnt- FRED A RCNCAN C L.AE R VE been washed away Also that bound to camneia obeirng. aîîd aid Mrs. Crosby, %vas espec- rd la the" Unit bv Mrs. John 2 King Street East BowmanvlePoe 6 3-36 EDUCTIONANDWKLPRÎLOERVGES twice ber diriveway bcd been :wl-ai neyer camnes mbt being ialiy întcrcstrng. Osborne, with Mrs. Sydney igravelled at consîderable ex- 15s nothing-Amiel. i Suzanne Bail as tire beau- Burgess serving the lunch. ____________________________________________ BI