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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1963, p. 5

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HAMPTON Dancers Perfc ~tthe Kaster Sunday ser-! cott home. ! Niddery and Miss Mary Nid-' ethe church was beauti-ý Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kessier, dery. EIfY decorated with real, Toronto, spent Good Friday Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Yeo were~ _Ù lkowers, and dainty floral ar- and Faster Sunday with Mr. Easter Sunday dinner guestsi ranements of artificial flow- and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, and with Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Van- SThe talk to the children also visited Mr. and Mms. J., Eyk, Tyrone. was entitled "The Brown S, Eddyvean, Omono. Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shorti Bulb," while the sermon was Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean were and Miss Arline Short spent ~ nttld"Go and Tell." The Good Fiday visitors with Mr. the weekend withMr and~ MiPtu-re lesson was Matt. 28.; and Mrs. A. W. Prescott. Mrs. Earl Bell, Peterborough, .Mr. Gerald Balson sang al1Mr and Mrs. Bill Nash, and visited friends in Keene. beautiful Easter number. j Oshawa, were Easter Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters Mdy. H arnp ton Hi-C.1 visitors with Mr. and Mrs.'and Mr. Ralph Peters from' Wed y:Hampton Explor-1 Wm. Axford. ]Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ho- era"c c;HmtnTrlO Stra r n r.gra n aiy ikrn, Prxactice; Hampton Little Fmi- Albert Crawford and Mrs. Mr. Geo. Davey and Mrs. Mc- ends Messengers; H{ampton; Harrison, Scarbomough, visited Lean, Port Perry, were Eastr Sunbeami Messengers practice; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrick.; visitors with M.nd Mrs. Hampton C.G.I.T. Mother and on Sunday Mm. and MrLs.'i Harold Salter. Daughter banquet at 6:30 with Keefe and children, Toron*o,~ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyoni Miss Vilna Velox, Publicivisited Mr. and Mrs. Carick.1 and family were Friday even- Health Nurse, as guest speak- Wendy and Wayne Keefe are :ing supper guests with Mr. er. Eastem holiday withand Mms. Len Player, Bowl i Next Sunday is our annualtheir grand parents, Mr. and, manville.. and Mrs. Jack dedication to Missions. Ail Mrs. Carrick. Lyon Sr., Scarborough, we're,~-.. Christian Education Groups Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo recent visitors with Mr. and wili be present in uniform and daughters weme Sunday Mrs. John Lyon and familY. and will be taking part. dinner guests with Mr. andi Mrs. Brooking, Port Britamn A Ladies' Night will close; Mrs. Rosevear, Tyrone, and! is visiting her daughter, Mrs' the activities of the United' were supper guests of Mr. and! Cecil Siemon, and Mr. Siemon . the eso.A baMnque wthMrs.FrnBaldClmnegutonM dywihm ChurhAT Mes Club for Ms Normi Bristow, Leskard. I Miss Reta Diekie was a din an pmogram will1 bus, has been looking after and Mrs. Cecil Siemon. Mr. take place at The Acres on1 hem granddaughtems, Misses and Mrs. Ken Wood, Scarbor- TeGrs ac ru htpro Monday, April 22. Heather and Brenda Ballard, ough, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- h il'DneGopta efr Sunday, April 28, will beiwhile their mother la in hos- man, Bowmanville, peppy and graceful Swedish Schottische in1 the fist day of Daylight Sav-1pital. were recent guests with Mr.'manville High School's Hoot Nite '63 presel ing Time and also the fimst 1 Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Miss, and Mrs. Cecil Slemnon. ýWednesday evening are pictured above. Sunday of our "Summer" Louise Osborne, Bowmanville,! Mrs. Edith Mullen, Port. Mfichailovits wvas the talented director respor church boums. On this Sunday1 visited Mrs. John Balson, e- ý Perry, Mms. Maud Brown, Su we wifl be adminiSteming thel cently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry;g0g Island, Mrs. Pearl Avery, Sacrament of Baptism. Par- Deli (nee Ila Hoskin), Hope-11Bumketon, Mm. and Mrs. Ber- L d C res R enta wishing to have childmen. ville, visited hiem grandmothem nie Moses recently visitsdý a y C r s R baptized are invited to corn- Mrs. John Balson. iMiss Reta Dickie to help cele- mnunicate with the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cav- brate hem bithday. The Cernetemy Board met at: erly weme dinner guests on-' r n r. akCre the home of Mms. A. E. Billett Thursday with Mr. and Mr . and Mms. JackTo art r on Thursday evening. Pre- L. Brandon, Lindsay. Theyýad CantdcEeTomonto,ls pamations weme made for the1 were also ecent dinner guestsGary Catrandavrinrne, annual Decoration Day to bel with Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Cav- wuerEste it r.Sunday dinner held on Sunday, June 9th, in erly, Oshawa. guhat n Ms e the north ccmetery. Details Mm. and Mrs. Mervyn Cry- Cat will be given later under dra n sn saa Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, Mrs.11 "ýComing Events.", weme Fiday dinner guests' L. Clemens, Mrs. Wilfred' Interment of Mrs. Douglas with Mm. and Mrs. Lew Cry- Smale and Mms. Chas. Warrenl Taylor, Bowmanvihle, tookl derman. Mm. and Mrs. Ray attended the Daffodil Tea atý place in Hampton Cemeteryl Pettit and family, Toronto, McLaughlin H a 11, Oshawa,' on Monday aftemnoon. 1 were Sunday guests with Mr. given in the interests of the Mr. and Mrs. John Carigan! and Mrs. Lew Cryderman. Mm Canadian Cancer Society. were Satumday evening visi-! Jack Gibbs, Tymone, wvas ý Miss Diane Cowell, Bow-ýi tors with Mr. and Mms. Hem-1 Monday visitor with Mm. and manville, spent part of Easter bert Pescott, Enniskilen. I Mms. Lew Crydemman. weekend with Mm. and Mrs.; Mms. Theo Siemon, Ennms. Miss Nina Hodgson, Wash-, W. Smale. Mms. Bob Abbott, killen, spent Sunday after- ington, D.C., is spending a few' Bowmanville, sp e nt two noon with Mrs. T. S. Mount- days at hem old home. wceks with Mm. and Mrs. Wil- joy. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hind- fred Smale. We are pleased to know man and daughtems, accomn- Mm. and Mms. Aflin Taylorý that Mm. and Mms. Roy Knox panied by Mr. and Mms. Hind-land daughters, Bowmanville,1 have taken up residence in1 man Sm., spent the weekend were Sunday visitors, their apartment in the vil- with Mm. and Mms. Frank Ded- with Mm. and Mrs. Glen Srith. lage, the former home cf Mrs. ick, Sîmcoe. Miss Di anc Mm. and Mms. Bil Miller, Sun-1 L. D. Sykes. Hindman stayed with hiem derland, called on Mrs. J. Trimmer, Miss Mary gandparents for a wcek's Mms. Glen Smith on Friday. Trimmer and Mms. H. S. Price, holiday.Mmad msFrd oîyd ail of Toronto, Mr. and Mms. Mm. Jirn Blunt, Bowman- M.adMs rdHlod L. Macdougall, Mary and Don ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ho and family spent the weeki of Burlington, Dr. and Mms.! gath and family, Pceigýedwt red nS.Ct- K. A. Bil lett, Mary, Jerome, Mm. and Mms. Boyd Wilcoxiarne and attended Eastem1 e and Stephen, Bowmanville,l and Donald, Cobourg, weref services at St. James Chumen, ý\Vere Good Friday visitors at 1lEaster Sunday guests with Mm. St' Catharines. th orne of Mms. A. E. Biilett. and Mms. Jas. Hogarth. MmanMr.W.Lwy"-' Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Bow- ýMr. Howard Stevens and Bowmanville, spent Eastem. manville, was a Satumday ev- Mr. Gordon Stevens, Ennis- Sunday with Mr. and Mms . ...........s - ening dinner guest with M. kilen, called on Mr. and Mms. Bull Holmoyd. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and Bert Stevens. Mrs. Wes Tay- Mm. and Mms. Hoskin Smith Miss Bertha Armour. 1cr, Mms. Ralph Davey and attendcd the 4th wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Mallette, Robbie, Tyrone, visited Mm. anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ~ AlUn and Larry, Tyrone, werc' and Mms. Bert Stevens recent- Roy Hepbcmn held in Kedmon - ' Thursday evening visitors at ly. Cornmunity Hall on Sunday the A. W. Prescott home. A large number of fiends afternoon. Mr. and Mms. Edgam Pres- and relatives met with Mm. Mr. and Mrs. M e r win At the final meeting of the season for cott,. Enfield, were Satumday and Mms. Mervin Mountjoy in Mountjoy also attended the verüng visitors at the Pres- the township hall in honour anniversary party for Mr. and~ Wednesday at the Southview Club, these1 of their 50th wedding anni- Mms. Roy Hepburn. throughout the year. Freda Kramp's tearr versary. The ladies cf the Mm. and Mrs. Bll Dadson Jean Peterson won the championship and Buy The BEST Service Club catemcd for the and chihdmen, Peterborough, here by Mrs. Kramp. Other prize winning happy event. visited Mix and Mrs. ClarenceletorgtFaBuk ath Safe;bc F/L Reg. and Mrs. Kemsey Tink on Satumday. lf orgt a uk ataSafe;bc ng and sons, Ottawa, were wcek- Mm. and Mms. Lewis Truli, lock and JoyceJohansen. end visitoms with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Gay and Anita, are Spri Sid Kersey. Easter vîsitors spending a few days at pointsý ,r, ev. d Mr, Td 1,- Mr ndMrs. Chas. Warren, sey nd amiy, caroroghvistedfiends in Tosonto oný M.and Mss. Ken Pooler and Eastem Sunday. Footw eacir famrily, OshawMrs. MelM-M r~. fand rs DnisDrwPH O N E We seli natlonally iM. n rs on yn nispnEhewekn it r advertiaed branda family of the village, Mm. and and Mms. Douglas White. 623 j-5451 1'rs. Harold Ashton and sons, Mr. Jackson Wray, Oshawa,ý " NATURALIZERS Enniskillen, Mm. and Mms. Len called on Mm. and Mms. Tom' Player and Tommy, Bowman- myo audyeeig * HUSH PUPPIES ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wray weme Eas- for men, wonien F/L Reg. and Mms. Kersey ter Sunday dinner guests with and childrenand Ronnie, and Mm. and Mrs.,Mr. and Mrs. Samn Kean e,' SAVAGESHE !S. Kersey and Miss Judy' Oshawa. " SAAGE HOS i Lyons attended the Wilmerl Mm. and Mms. Howard Bell Heigshts Easter Service atland family, Don Milîs, Mm. ~" '~'y[ Iand Patsy, Mrs. Ahdidge and inivchargeofnathae deoonwal _________________Jbaby, Base Line, visited Mss. i hrec h eoinl P U LLO VE RS AN D peied, beginning with the I iCcli te Woship and hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen To- CARDIGANS day." The seipture was eadA NEW FOR 63 1by Mrs. Mary McKee. Mms.' SIZES 4 to 6X Edgerton led in wership and, M Col or the ladies ail answemed in se-' PULLO VERS _$1. 99 sponse. Mrs. Melton read the Reg. $2.98 - SPECIAL _ 'K M HrmnyGudeMeditation; prayer by Mrs. CADGN 1<E MayBo: ows. CopytREE cfa amap Reg. $4.98 - SPECA You MyBroOrCp RE;o aaaadgv the loca- CA -$1 2 for Perfect Color Match .! LADIES'niedChrc B hospitals.LAIS Roll cafl was answered with SUPER The Velvet Fiish Eastem thougrhts by 15 mcm-BL U E br.Minutes cf hast meeting L U E KEM TO EW îIPaint were read. The treasurer gave LA KEJ.T NEwlherreort Pocedsfromrn Pus INS - STRIPES - FLORALS Durable and Washable ast crokinole party wvas $13 IA report on Leadership Day Values fromn $2.98 to $4.98 Ri -PLUS- at Bhackstock wvas given by i Mss. Rohmer, Mrs. M. Gray ALL 1/2 PRICE Looks and Washes and Mss. May. A thank-you- card was read from Mm. Les K E M - G L O Like Baked Enamnel Johnston. It was decided we STRIPED FITTED Ideal for Kitchens and Bathrooms ;the Cancer Society. This part cf eus meeting S H E E T closed with hymn 45, "Rejoice A BERNETHYES Te Lord is King," folowed First Quality - Weekend Special bythe benediction. Several readngsweregivn an a win izeDouble Size Point and Wallpaper reainga e re V cmen aa TinSz ýwconute on TV commerl 33 King St. W. 623-5431 ,ton. A lovely lunch wa srv- $2.47ea. $.67ea. ______________________________________ ed by the group in charge and a social hour spent. orm Swedish Schottische .oceive Bowmanv ladies Were n of Viv C dthe Ken1 ,skips in t] k row, Wil: *OYS' POPLIN FRONTIER STYLE JACKETS with Suede Fringe Trimn Casha Lined - Rust Shade Sizes 4 - 5 - 6 - 6X teg. priced at $2.98 C Veekend Special .*r2.37 ea. ODDS AND ENDS 0F LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SPRING AND SUMMER G LOVES Values to $1.00 50 pr Weekend Special -5 cpi GRQUP 0F LADIES' BELTS CLEARING AT ½12 PRICE THERE ARE MANY MORE SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE BUT REMEMBER THIS AFTER-EASTER CLEARANCE IS FOR THURS. - FR1. - SAT. ONLY 0F THIS WEEK! The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanvllle, Apr. 17, 1963 5 School Trust ees Convention to Be HeId in Fenelon Falls Representatives of the On- tarie Public Scheol Trustees Association Zone 2A, Mss. M. Campbell, Whitby, end Prin- cipal Mm. Graham Pinkney, Ajax, met with Inspecter cf Public Sehools B. C. Basrett, B.A., B.Paed., Victoria Coun- ty, and a Committee cf Fene- Ion Falls Public School Board, comprised cf Mr. A. Gsaham,l Chairman cf Board, Trustees Mr. Glen Wood, Miss M. De- mille, and Ms. W. Mallion, Sec.-Treas. to draft format for the coming Zone 2A O.P.S.T. Convention to be held in Fen- elon Fafls on May 10, 1963. j Trustee Mr. Glen Wood has & -j delegates, Christie, Miss Darleiie Chris- Lunche tic, Epsom, spent Easter Sun. nowV bein, - ~~- -~ day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ing banc the success oftednrs Included in Dance Group i~atin ad is ydatd Afor above are: J. Ames, L. Baker, D. Biggs, C. Elliott, S . lakes, an( EtcerJ. eber, . Hyes L.Helyar T.Huges, Mr. and Mss. Fred Stevens wil fusi J. Laer, . MagirAHe s, J . urdy .Robi.nson, visited their daughter, Mss. entertainy J. Lnde, L.Magire J. urd, S.Robnsc Roy Topping, Barrie, and son- with vie Siemon, C. Smith, L. Steel, pianist, F. Graham in-law Mr. Roy Topping, who projeet oi i s stifl in Barrie Hospital, butsystemiI is doing nicehy. Masters John is estima' MAPLE GROVE and Ted Topping, Barrie, craft loc] Trophies came down here with their the(- 1962 ,~ ~ A capacity congregat i o n grandparents, Mr. and Ms. Waltcns t t. '~gseeted eus minister the Rv rdSees for a holiday. Pickesel SJ. P. Romeril, B.A., B.D., at Mm. and Mss. Fred Stevens night, fa -'. , te Eatemservce ehd Sun-trecently visited theis cousin, in da. uin tesevie Mis IMs. Edna Jewel, Cannington, Registrý -~Lynda Ayre Scott and Miss who is a patient in Bonn-Air at 11:1.5 a SLynda Diane Martin were nsighmfclwnabo- at 12:15 p -baptized. The following weme ken hip, and is doing nicely. TrusteesJ receîved on profession of faith' furthem ir as members of the Chumch, Mr. and Mss. Don Brooks W. Mallic Lynda Ayse Scott, Lynda Di- adfml pntEse ek Ion Falls, ane Martin, Pearl Diane Hoar, end with hiem parents, Mm. and D. J. Rel -'Alexander Laird, Jean Mac- Mrs. Alex Tanner, Stirling, Emperor Kenzie MacNeil, Ada Mary Mr. and Mrs. R. L. West- Further Cooney, Eugene Eari Dobbs, away, Cameron, Ms. Allen releiised Myrtie Sedella Bradley, Har- Westaway, air base near Lon- details. old Kenneth Cocney, and bY don, Ont., were Saturday din- transfer, Mr. Howerd Brad- n er guests with the fommer's ly e.J. P. Rcnmeril deflv- daughter and son-in-lew, Mr. Ce ered a very appropriate ses- and Mss. Cedrie Russefl and; o mon, h chois rendered an family.Fo Q excellent Eastem enthem, and the secrament of the Lord's, Mr. and Mss. Cysil Barr, Suppr wa admnistsed and family spent Easter week- thele congregation. end with hem parents, Ms. and': argeMrs A. Tenthomey, Bancroft. j C L A Mss. Anne Creighitcn, Mr. Misse in n snaBr and Mss. Chuck Grîgg and semained for a visit. family, Oshawa, were Sunday- visitors with their cousins, Mm. and Mrs. C. P. Swalhcw. 'Ms. and Mss. Arnold Dow-i son, Zion, wese Sunday visi-! N O T IC E toms with hiem parents, Ms. and! Mss. Harold Cooney. For the convenience of our Mms. Allun Sncwden, Mr.1 effective April 5th Jirn Snoxvden ase spen ding the week with the former's dau-~ *ghter and son-in-law, Mm. andII *kMms. Hocwarmd Hagedon,' inm P~ Plettsville. iRestai Mr. and Mss. Ron Rogers' - and family spent the weekend' will remain open for 1 % with the former's brother and S wife, Mr. and Mss. Robt. Rog- 24 HOURS A DI~ a ~~ers Jr., of London, Ont.ONBT ille Curling Club last Mr. and Mms. R. Dubeau; NBOI skis f he optemsand son spent the weekend' FRIDAYS AND SATU B skps f te tp tamswith hem parents, Mr. and: owan, Del Vinson and Mss. Rice cf Mitchel Square. You are guaranteed courteou Nicks trophy being held Miss Debbie Rice returned whether it be a full course ;he photo are, front row, with hem sister and husband or a coffee break! o-for a visit. Ima Rhindress, Vi Wood- Mss. R. L. Worden, Bow- KING ST. E. BOV manvil1. Mr. and1 TVTV AI this occasion by the School Board. A very interesting prograni was formulated, Mss. Camp. bell conducting proceedings ill a very efficient mannes. A modern and up-to-date sub- ject, extsemely vital and ab- serbing indeed to ail Tsustees, and incidentally te the gen- eral public, w'ill be dealt withi by a speaker, with a panel enfi- suing "Premier Robarts On- tarie Foundatien Plan 1964t dealing with Education and. Finance structures. Mm. Bas- mett wvilh aet as Moderatos for ,the panel, Mr. Morlev Elliott, Reeve cf Fenelon Falls, wifl welcome SECONDS IN WABASSO SHEETS Size -0 $4.73 pair CLEARANCE 0F CALDWELL TOWELS Size 22 x 40L Clearance ---- -67c ea. MATCHING FACE CLOTHS 4 for 67c eon arrangements aré ng finalized. The clos- quet will be held at ne Inn. Fenelon Falls; rits beauty, with its id the Fenelon River, rther Implement the iment of delegates ewing the $l,000,00iY )f the modern locking for pleasure craft (itk ted that 3500 to 4000. cked through duringi season). For ail Isaac the fishing season for wi1 open at mid- ollowing the conven- ration will commence .m. prior to luncheoni P.m. Ail School Board interested can obtain information from Mr. [n, Sec.-Treas., Fene-* ýOntario, or fromn Mr. Ld, Zone Dimector, 71 St., Ajax, Ontario.' ,information wifl be upon completion of Cash Today Id Appliances througb ST E S MA N !S S 1F 1E D 'one 623-3303 Extra Special for the Summer Cottage in FLANNELETTE BLANKETS SUBS 0F THE FAMOUS IBEX BLANKET IN SIZE 70" x 90"1 Speia -----$3.99 pair LE rH A NICE GROUPING 0F PURSES with Values up to $5.00 WEEKEND SPECIAL AT $2.47 TO $3.77 CLEARANCE LOT 0F INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S SOCKS i Cottons - Wools - Rayons and Nylons WEEKEND) SPECIAL AT 3 pairs $1.00 GIRLS' LADIES' DRESS COATS DRESSES LLL RANDNEW TOCKSIZES FROM 3 to 14 WL BAND EW TOCKj _A NICE SELECTION SUITABL Sie o1 FOR THIS TIME OF*YEAR WIT) Values $24.98 to $29.98 T0L REDUCTIONS VEEKEND SPECIAL 1I2 0 '/ &TO0 1/0F RIGINA î:

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