45 Divers Inspect Old Wreck in -Lake Ontario DuhmCounty's Great FamilyJora___ VOLUME 10 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1963 10e Fer Copy NUMBER 171 No News on Goodyear!1 Newtonville Guide Receives AUl Round Blue and White Cr -jrd Guides, Brownies and their mothers from New- ville. This is the first AIl Round Cord earned by a castle and district enjoyed a mother and daughter member of the Newcastle company. Photo shows from banquet on Tuesday evening, April l6th. One of the lef t to right, Guide Captain Mrs. Howard Quinney, highlights of the evening was the presentation of an Guide Dorella Lancaster, Durham Division Commis-' Ail Round Blue and White Cord to Dorella Lancaster, sioner Mrs. W. M. Rudeil and the winner 's mother, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid J. Lancaster, Newton-, Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. WOFinance Chairman Reports Hos pifai Ex penses W ifhi n Budget for First Quarter Keit Jackion, Finance moved the adoption of hîs de- 1and Mrs. R. K. Squair, for qDMmittee chairnian, at the tailed financial report. This arranging on the Hospital's âeti of the Board of Dir- was seconded by A. M. Thamp- 5th Anniversary the pre- lquors of Memorial Hospital son and carried. sentation of the generous gift beld last Wednesday evening James Stutt, Board Chair- of the Graduate Nurses, who reported the number of pat- man, presided. Others at the trained at Memorial Hospital. ient days had been more than' meeting were Mr. Jackson, This was the portraits for h anticipated but the expenses1 Mrs. S. G. MeMurter, Glen-1 Board Roomn of the donor oîf of ail departments were well holmie Hughes, Rex Walters, the original hoipital build-î witbîn the budget for the irt aryJeN csteJme ing, and of the Board Chair- three montbs of the year. BelA.M.JosThNempstln, arrs men whc> had served during It was agreed that this was V. Cryderman, A. H. Barron, the 50 years. eneouraging. Mr. Jacksoni Darlington Township, Maur- Mr. Hughes moved a vote ice Prout, R. J. Dilling, the of thanks be given Mrs. Lii- Secretary and Bernard Hol- lian Allison, the head of the den, the Hospital Administra-j X-Ray Department for her M idget tor. double duty by also taking on wellas tat o theHospital partment during the influenza I la e sBoard was exrse ytTURN T PAGE TWO) P a e sStutt for the wonderful work_____ ___ of the Auxiliary President,C ns uc c W anrea cral co-convenors for the ev- o sr ci cnt, Mrs. Lawrence C.; Mason The management of the and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, and the Midgct Basebail Club would other Women's Hospital Aux- like to invite any Midgct iliary members in arranging age boys to be at Vincent Mas- the 50th AnniversarY Birth- sey School on Saturday,, April day Party of Memorial Hos- 27, at 1:30. pital, which was held at the Ail boys %vi1l be given the Lions Community Centre. opportunity to try for the Special gratitude was alsoý team if thcy arc interested. expressed by Mr. Stutt on For further informiation pîcase behaif of the board to the ex- contact- Manager Grant Bal, ecutiveý, Mrs. Harland Truil, 263-2633 or Coach, Harry Akcy the president, Miss Velma 623-3439. Gay, the Secretary-Treasurer, Elect Russ Oke as President Lions He 0f Mass To Take Russ~el Oke \ as e Presîdent of tic Bowma Lions Club for 1963-64z dinner meeting of the held in the Lions Coin Centre on Monh ei Ile and thc' other new cerq will take office on Th three Vc-rs elected werc: 1sf Vice- dent Laurence Goddard Vice-President Jack Roui rnd 3rd Vice-President G White. The dircctors el,2ct(, the coming year were: Ames, James Bell, Bill Lloyd Clifton. Jack Clarence Hockin, Ed aad Bob Williams. Glen t>.n will hold office as th mediate Past President. retary, Treasurer, and officers will be appoint a subsequent meeting the directorate. William Kennedy. Tc the Ontario Departnier Health main organizer o survreys for the province ~present at the dinner ing. Mr. Kennedy ou 'Lhe scope and det a ei*ork required, an d r to the ost1a n -chievmrent5 of the Bov' ville Lions Club in thi5 nection as it has bec charge of tuberculosis Veya held ber. in t.he Cancer Drive Monday Night Be"Generous On Monday evening, can- vassers for the Canadian Cancer Society wilI swing into operation here under Campaign Chairnian Les Smale in an effort to oh- tain sufficient funds to carry on their extensive program of activities. Citiens are urged to dig deep into their pockets and give generously to assist this worthwhile cause which bas a direct or indirect effeet upon almost every family in the area. Leaving porch lights o during the blitz canipaign will provide immeasurable assistance to the volunteers who wvill be proceeding from door to door. In the rural areas, the drive wvilI con-i tinue throughout the month. )fl of New Pc arDetails T. B. Survey Place in June lected Mr. Kennedy was introduced anxiîle by W alter Rxndle, a past pre- at the sident. cclub Jack Duino, chairman of the nunitN I ionls Health and Welfare cning. Commîttee. was appointed ;offi- uhairman of the club's spec- 1 IulY ial <ommittec for the T.B. sur- vey. Others appointed to thîs idents committee were Cuthbert Mc- Presi- Donald, Alex McGregor, Jack 1, 2nd Holdstock and William Wallis. ghlcy, This special committee wifl eorge meet with officials of the On- tario Health Department on di for Thursday evening, and the Ralph survey will be compieted in Burk, June before the free T.B. Dunn, Clinie is beld during the last Leslie week of that month at the iMar- Lions Community Centre. he im- The actual date for the Sec- clinic to be held in the latter other part of June has not yet been ted at set. The town will be divided 1 from into five districts for the T.B.. survey and the Lions' special I It was announced on Mon day that the H. Powell Chemical Co. ronto. committee members for it wil ihlbgncntuto fanw 000sur otpathr nt of each be in charge of one. They'wl ei osrcino e 000sur otpathr f T.B. will arrange for canvassersimmediately. A meeting was held in the Town Clerk's of fice ta go ewas for the project, and it is plan-!over t he final plans with ail interested parties present. Powell meet- ned that each canvasser will 'Chernical came to Bowmanville in 1952, conducting their operations 1 tlined only have five people to eaU - ile d po.in the former hospital building. Their new plant xvill be built in referr- The birthdays of Jack Dunn. the Glenbrook industrial area, facing on Highway 401, on two acres d i ng Jack Holdstock, Herb God- of land. Negotiations for the plant began hast autumn when M. L. v man- a.Lau rvene sodads Mason, President of Powell Chemical, contacted former Industrial s con-Mecf.rile sorean Coramissioner here, Kenneth N. Morris, ta act as consultant. Mr. ,, in Russell Oke were celebrated Mri snwihShfedAe elett imadrcmed Ssur-, by their fellow Lions. Mri snwwt coil-krra saefimadrcm ed past. tTURN TO PAGE TWO) ed t.he Glcnbrook arca. He also calcd in John Reznik, President of itrike It was boped to bave some last minute news before press time con- cerning the impending strike at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- pany's plant here, but no information bad been received by 2:15 p.m. Negotiations have been underway in Toronto for several days and appar- ently are stili continuing. No one was availahie here on cither side for comment. Actually, the factory portion of the Goodyear plant here bas been closed since Monday, but the office is stili func- tioning without interrup- tion. The strike was to have become effective on Wed- nesday, but employees C jumped the gun to pre- vent shipment of goodsS and set up pickets out- side, so the plant opera- tions were terminated late Monday morning. i The Goodyear plant bas between 450 -500 employees. On Sunday, 45 members, including two girls, of Oshawa Diving Club, converged on Lake Ontario at the south end of Waverley Road for their annual spring dive. The swimmers were accompanied by about 20 spectators who shivered on shore while the hardy types took to the chilly water. 0f the group, 31 were new members of the club who have spent the past six months training in indoor swimming pools. This was their first experience in open water. Unfortunately, the water was so murky that it was impossible to make visual inspection of an oid wreck- rIn - i £nqi... by O. M. Cobban cent campaign for funds. an The successful Opportunity, The Bowmanville Branch of After a pleasant dinner to- co Sale held by the Durham, the Red Cross and the Kiwan- gether, presided over by Ki- de Chapter, No. 18 1, Order of the is Club met together for a iwanis President Ron Brooks, vi Eastern Star in Trinity Uni- dinner and dance Monday Mrs. Betty Spry introduced the of ted Church Sunday School Ilight in the Flying Duteh- speaker of the evening, BudCi Room on Friday was enjoyed man Motel. It was an occa- Fisher. He bas been active in1r by scores of patrons. Mrs. sion for a mutual exehange of the Red Cross for many years, James G. Martin, the Worthy compliments, the Kiwanis to and at the moment is business Matron, was the generai. con- express appreciation for tbe administrator of the Torontor venor. The proceeds were de- work of the Red Cross in this blood depot, and superintend-! voted to the ESTARL Fund. district; and the Red Cross ent of donor reeruitment. The Worthy Matron, Mrs. to thank the Kiwanis men for Mr. Fisher was thoroughly I Martin, was assisted with the help in putting over the re- acquainted with bis subject, arrangements for tbe event by tbe ESTARL (Eastern Star k Teaiening) Cd orm ittMs. No Gravel Crushing Lerhip) wad or Rteliglos Deni Pckrd tTendlanM convenor, Mrs. Edna Ander- e d r A c pt b son, a past Grand Matron ofr A c pt d b Ontario, Mrs. Howard Pick- iard and Miss Velma Gay, twoD cri g o o n i past Worthy Matrons and Mrs.,. a ui g o o n i Iri owill, Newcastle, As- sociate Conductress. Reeve A. L. Blanchard and' eeve Muir, seconded bv' Mrs. C. H. Palmer, a past'Councillor Carl Down werel Councillor Mary Budai, the Worthy Matron, was in charge appoi.nted rnembers of the tenders received for gravel of the Sale of Home Baking, Darlîngton Game Conserva- crusbing were opened. Coun- and the customers were de- it ion Commission at the meet- cillor Budai, wbo was second- lighted witb the fine assort- ir-.g of Darlington Townsbip ed by the Deputy-Reeve, mov- iment of cakes, cookies, roîls, ,Council held in the Township cd that as an insufficient pies, other pastry, and numer- i Hall, Hampton, on Thursday number of gravel crushing ous celectable cooked products. af ternoon. This was moved by tenders were received, no Mrs. Wilbert Teeple, a past Deputy-Reeve H. C. MVuir, tenders be accepted, and that Worthy Matron, was in charge iseconded bv Councillor Gibbs. advice be sought from the TuRN TO PAGE TWO) On a motion by Deputy- (TURN TO PAGE TWO, )weIl Chemical Plant Starts this Week Reznik Construction of Courtice whose wide experience in plant construction in the Oshawa area fitted him for meeting the needs of the Powell Chemical Company. Photo shows, from left ta right. Town Clerk Jack Reid and Industrial Committee Chairman Glen- holme Hughes who were active in working out details of thE project, Mr. Morris, Powell Ca. President M. L. Mason and Con- tractor John Reznik. Seated is G. G. Powell, President of the firni, from 1944-54 and currently a member of the Powell board ai directors. This plant is the first of several expected ta take advant. age of the excellent location and facilities of the new Glenbrook Industrial area. about 100 feet long that rests off-shore. Photo shows some of the divers checking out equipment, while others in the background are already enjoying the water. From lef t to right, Paul Kirby of Ajax (Sec- retary), Bob Gibbs, Oshawa; Jeanine Allison, Maple Grave; Bill Mitchell, Bowmanville, lst Vice-Pres. and Instructor; Vern Dowdall, Oshawa; Bill Martin, Bow- manville; Mrs. Betty Bakker, Oshawa, a long distance swimmer and Reg. Nurse at Oshawa General Hospital, and Leo Hannivan, Finance Co. Manager from Toronto. 'ýA rIn-4L Opportunity Keci iross, ixiwcinis 'dIiuO %W Sale Attracts ýHoId Get Together Dance This Weekend lae Crowrlç Thi Weeken =unt of the vital work being one by the Red Cross in pro- iding blood for the hospitals f the community. The Red "ross, so prominent on the Ëront pages of our newspapDers (TURN To PAGE TWO) (/13 s andi 1201 am unay mto bet exact, Daylight Saving Time goes into effeet throughout this district. Ail timepieces should be set ahead one hour to pre- vent confusion on Sunday morning. /Pteces WIN TROPHY - Bowmanville Pee Wees did well in the Easter tournarnent in St. Catharines last week. They came home with a beautiful trophy for winning the Consolation. Unfortun- ately, they dropped the first game to Penetang 4-3, being a bit overawed by the size of their opponents. They downed Beaton 5-2 on Friday and Thorold on Saturday 5-1. A large number of parents and friends accompanied the lads, all reporting a gra nd trne. NEW POOL?- Bowmanville Lions have an advertisement in this issue asking citizens to izidi- cate if they feel a swimming pool centrally located in town would be a worthwhile project for themn to undertake. Pîcase f ilI out the form and send it in so the club can decide what ta do at the earliest opportunity. t t t 1T t BICK'S PICKS- The cash crop growers who in recent years have not been doing so well due ta the cannîng factory closing here would be welI advised to take a look at an advertisement looklng for acreage to grow pickles for Bick's. Who knows, this area might some day be known as the Bick's Pickles heartland, if everybody decides to grow them. LAST WEEK - George Stephen advises that this week will close off the Rotary Club's Easter Seal campaign on behalf of the Crippled Children's Society. The objective of $5,000 is a fcw hundred short, so please send in your contribution today, 50 the final returns will bc over the top. NEED NURSES - The Red Cross Society requcsts help from any nurses who are wilhing to volunteer their services for the afternoon and evening Blood Cinie in the Lions Centre on May 8th. St t SOCCER - Senior and Junior football players are alerted to a couple of practîces coming up at MVemorial Park. On Monday, April 29th, 7 p.m., the Seniors will hold forth and an Thursday at 6:30 the field will bc taken over by Juniors, 16 years and under.. If you haven't played here before, corne aut to either practice and see how the muscles stand up under the strain. You will be rnade welcorne. t; t jt t ROBATLTS P'LAN - Public and 1lhigh School teachers and school hoard officiais will receive a close look at the new Robarts education plan at a meeting in Clarke High School at 8 p.rn. on Monday. Frank Chute, Guidance Director for the Dept. of Education will speak and answer questions. The general public is not invitcd. EARLY FIRE - Firemen had an early cail on Wednesday when a motor in one af the Burley buses caught fire while stili in the garage. There wvas little damage but a great deal of smoke. The blaze did get many ta work just a bit earlier than they usually arrive. T t t t t P.S.I. CAMPAIGN - S. R. James, Insurance, has had so many cahîs lately that weren't for his office that he would like to point out that the head- quarters for the P.S.I. is not Iocated in his office, but directly above, the f irst door east of Palmer Motor Sales. 1 CLOWN DONOR - Tomor-row (Thursday) pro- f spective bloor donors who haven't given blood previously will have an oppartunity of seeing Ç.exactly how it is done. On Channel 9, CFTO, Kiddo the Clown plans ta give a blood donation at 5 o'clock and it will be televised.