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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 2

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- h aainSaetaBomnllAr 4 93blé Iad. This e rseconded! A Ea a!~wIb edô~Twdv y Mr. Walters, and carried. S aleIA (Vieril Brwn G vesHisA leItituomthas receivd Attvacts Parwsh Hall, Sand filed. * * poe f heBltzCatag M e rl r w i e i h uleRelations Comn- "' EL It eh] tMna vn mittee Chairmnan, Mr. Hughes, (FfOM PAGE ONE) ii f h f i > II iI 1D VngApl29,byheB - N efe.. ~~~~~~~~also thanked the Women's of the Aduit Clothing BoothTo H osp'italN Du xi.EEl7 aviliracaerheOy ND W ~~~~~Hospital Auxilary for its w~here attractive dresses, suits,,troCut nto h aa C la ssitica tio n Tai< a t ped wr in connection coats, and other articles were The president, Mrs. S.G. Coulter for generouslv donat- 1'sons of J. W. AIExadr hda acrScey h spl eid w tork offerred tolithe wofdherfulywor wih h clertin fMe- ihlghsofth an a-McMurter, welcomed two new' îng two beautiful ail paint-dnroth oigalbidinrercadassacea- orial Hospital's 5th Annivers- tractions for those wha tmmes Ms ae ng o h-ra.Ms . idn. Jof he ndosehAe- idot ti ary Heexresedappeca- endd he pprtuateSae.Callan igsffine organi-. .1in, oh ad 1 ar.H epesd prci-tnýdteOpotntySl.and Mrs. Fred Stevens, Maplei McLaughlin asked that letters! ander. ao. R o ~ta iry' L L nC heO n fV eetirig tionto ftheptietsas a favor'ron rDai Wolreh at- a lGrave, at the April meetingl be sent thanking all the memi Mrs. Joe O'Nej. teteRcrigScea enta of the occaion and the in!cargehof the wasHospital Aux-! bers of the cammittee in, Ith uavdblabne 9ecialof teoalsonvd otheinclhargeBofothe Children's 1iliarv held recently in thel charge of arrangements for! o the highilv succesflMr-MsioehJ udheh' The work of an Ontario, à gift to Bob Stevens for his ered special subjects. "I fin- then H e al s spokehihy o kin oclt wering ap- iBoard Ro tMmral h' vn o terecletho rde il Laene everyyRomatnMetorial he ehent Horateir excellent hon Bridgedhof ehiseseason. 'aresnwere- aricd out arth LandSurvyor andthe is-infant twins, son and daugh- ished this part of mny formali the thoughtful presentation of1 parel for yaungsters of ail The Vice-President, Mrs. W.1 Mrs. Rudeil, who was iný presented lier repotoghsmeig vMs .Hoy torical background of this pro- ter. Presîdent Keith Billett education, (the two years "P- partraits made by the Gradu- ages was of fered and Hoslyet cag o h ital. eor rjet roed fession were graphically des- made the presentation of a prenticeship), last spring, ate Nures whohad traned puchased cribed by Merrill Brown in gift from the club for the the speaker remarked. 1 drsonteItiu Caosa heBtdyPrý his excellent classification talk twins to Mr. Stevens. There have been disputes a h optl Miss Velma Gay xvas Infl Atxiliary Leadership h.eld, for' expressed her gratitude ta'i Mrs. H. C. Anfoc nv-îtaforetrsndoecr given at the luncheon meet- Three Perfect Attendance, over land and bouridaries Mrs. S. G. McMurter on be- charge of the fascinating ai'- hree davs in Toronto under Mrs. Jesse Van Nest and M,-. or of the libraryfrptet eesn uigtemnh tary Clutheldwa the R-ying ter il yar James Stut t codshow t hastolndsuv-th embers o! the board fo ar!whichproed a ew e e ed-Booth raWme' opiaauxtaete sitac.'hewh oastart ii lwradGf ud h Dutchman Motor Hotel on Fn- fi ine years, and Jesse Van îng was done prior ta the tiîme attending the Birthday Party!1 inglv popular. Miss Mary; iliaries Association, which shei The President, Mrs. McMur-! the Librar- Cartthr.h"moe th adpin !tes day. Nest, four years. The birthday of Christ, Mr. Brown informed and especially those who had Jewell, a past Worthy Mat- attended. Mrs. Rudeil hadj ter requested that letters of, also informed the metnrhtrprs hswsscne , J esSuto bea!oofJames Stutt wasceebrte I heaudene. sssteJiathmrcepia un. ra was convenor of the Purene.- been selected ta be the locall thanks be sent to Mrs. H. Me- space for the bookshsbe r.C W akradcr bisfeiowRoa einspreenedbyb isfebi wRotrins."Araam inoîn waarihealsssatditata sb-sesan SoesBoth.It stck auihars rprsentaiveat Mate, eadoftheAr De aronfdinthestragrronDe-ed 'surveyor inIlino i frehe stantial sum, the proceeds o f included weIl designed hand- thisItitute.It tedd partment of Bowm a n v i1I e at the hospital. hnî oe ei su.twstn oeo hns~a e Guetspreen atth lu- took up law," he pointed out. th1vnwl onb oa bags, and smart footwear. by 100 representatives from 70 Higli School, for making the President McMutr a-cjvdfo r. ao iv cheon meeting were Hartlev Surveying was carried out in ed by the auxiliary to the hos- Mrs. Harry Sutton, another Women's Hospital Auxiliaries lovely posters for the Birtio- nounced that the hoptihs1ut vle ebrc h ,Lewis, Bowmanville; Floyd IOntario when this land was pitai. past Worthy Matron, was in in h rvne a at;t r.R . ree pca lc ast uiirfrte"e e rAbrams, Cobourg; Isadore known as Upper Canada, he Mr. Hughes, seconded by charge o! the Misceilaneous 1 Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, Rickaby for flowers and boxes be used ini restauransi h adrcie rm tea~ Black and Harry Silver, Pet- added. Mr. Cryderman, moved that Booth. The many buyers ofi the immediate Past President, for prizes; ta Carter's Familv district during Hospti eegnaio dunghrect erbonough, C. Church, Isli M-1 The finst townships survey. the auxiliary be commended the interesting articles from who was a general ca-conven- Bakery for lending the ex- the week o! May lt.iles etr eeas e Carsn, ChreReshiott nde-!d were Kingston first and for its ca-operatian, and thank- this booth will value their or with Mrs. Lloyd Ayre o! quisite Birthday Cake centre- A letter from Ms .P evdfo u omnil thentheBayo!nuine aea.edohemforahawin.thi$200 w Vpossessions. the successfuî 50th Anniver- piece; ta Roy W. Nichais for Telford, convenor o h n-Hnirf ul eadn f Ian Eansail f Osawa. Later surveys were macle in1 which it had donated recentiy Coffee and deliciaus dough- sany Birthday Party o! Ment- free radia advertising o! the îinating CommitteerarigTe adBkeSlhldo IIn introduc i n g Merrîii Darlington, Clarke and Hope1 for iîghting ta be used for thei nuts wene served throughoutL anal Haspital, which was held event and for the match box nominations ta be aeb pi t: rmteHlac Brown, the newest Rotarian tawnships shortiy after 1800,j purchase o! required equip the Opportunity Sale. Mrs. rat the Lions Cammunity Cen- favars, and ta the Robent the local Womens optiBl opn cadn who was scheduled ta give his the speaker stated. 1 ment. This was carried unan- Hanry Freeman, the Treasurer, tre, thanked ail the members Simpson Company fan donat- Auxiliany for the Poica'sl fbis n nmCu el% classification talk, Bob Stev-: Wooden posts wene placed ta! imously. m-as in charge, o! hier cammittee who had ing other favons. Women*s HospitalAuiane15ccrin Hd So 'i cns told the club o! Mr. 'mark boundaries in the early Mr. Jase, the Propenty Com- -- worked so assiduously for the Mrs. A. L. Hooey moved Board, was read by rM-Tm't ehl nMv9h Brown's scholastic achieve- surveys. These surveys were mittee Chairman, repoi'ted, event. that a card o! thanks be pub- Murten. It was decietadl Ms. avrneC Mso ~~ 4 ~ ments. He stated that Menrili confinmed by municipal sur- that this $2,000 donation fnom The genenal canvenon, Mrs. lished in the CaInadian States- with these nominatinl ttepeetd h aifcoyfn Bron hd eBevedtwnDehves n 160,MniBnwn ai. te aDii-n ha ben sednMs1n8asedthaMareterBeranwxnrssng pprcitioeMa metig o te Wmenr nca reor intheabenc o grees in five yeans: a Degnee He toid o! the formation of ta buy an oxygen tent at $635; 1 sent to, Dr. Allan B. Sylvester, ta al thos who were helpens Auxiliany ta Memnia 0-Ms .G oitetesr in Civil Engineering fnomn the Association o! Provincial a fluotec-anaesthetic agent at O.A.C., and another Engineer- Land Surveyors in 1886, and $260; a recovery noomn stretch- secretary-treasuner of theHos- at the 5th Annivensany pital. Sing Degree from the Univer- its incorporation in 1892. This er, which cost $375, two steani r v l ptls e dcS af o ndl on- ecoded yP r. Wis am eyMrs.Mcrer ta heo h tcsreW ear.Ti sity o! Toronto. spk c rganizatian drew up stand- inhalens priced $128; a hae- I PROM PAGE ONU ating the handsome copper Monison and carnied. Regional Spning Cneec~wsscne yMs .H kV-7 r Mn. Stevens also~~~~o ards and laid dlown the ethics mophotomnometer at $430, and Ontario Department o! High- catr htwr îe s I a eie aodno ae' ~~ - ~~Mr. Brown's musical pramîn- o! the profession. "Also al several other less expensive ways as ta funther tendering souvenirs of the 50thi Anni- three dozen of the capper Hsia ixia-,tryadcrid c ~ IN~ ence, and tald the Rotarians Land Surveyors are bonded articles which were needed. in this connection. This was vensary Bîrthday Party. coastens, given as souvenirs at -.BUYAN APPLE, that hie is a featured singer on for considerable sums ta the Mr. Thompson, Chairman O! cannied. Arqetwsas aeb h 0hBrha l'le Country Four television government," Mr. Brown stat- the Staff Recruitment Com- Deputy -Reeve Muir moved'Arqetwsalamd yte.OhBnha Party, for rpored hatMiss tht DrekLitte o th Mui-!Mrs. Mason that letters o! those who had attended thel BW AVLEMany people wvheri they There are now 545 members Gwen Burman, Toronto, bas cipal Planning Consultants bel S P E C IA L N O T ICEte vntan idno rciv oe NWATEhean o! a land surveyon pic-lot this professional organiza- heen engaged as a dietician, invited taatedte etHospital Board for giving the It was also agreed unanîmaus-1 SE t atedtenx1delicious birthday cake for ly that a set of four o! the' ______________ R NEWC ASTLE ture a sun burned individual tian, and 50 per cent are in and Richard Hutchinsan, Bow- meeting of the Planning, the event, and ta Miss Anne coastens be sent ta each o! thel CRON - MPLEGROVEstaoped aven a tnipod squint- private practice, the spealker manville, hired for work in the Board, and give bis adviceý BOY SCOUTS ing through a telescope, Mr. aserted. He discussed the spec- 1-aundry. rgrigtepooa fM Brown rcmarked.. He explain-. iai provisions laid daown by rSut the board chair- Murreli, Aurana, ta establishlA:: L . L ONTARI O OR L A U rd that there is a decided dif- statute including the fcma,*ho is also chairman of a drive-in theatre on Lot 35,1,~ JIIE% n 5 n ference between a civil engin- that no sunvey of land can be the Management Committee, Concession 1. This was sec-" o p di i t a o A P PLE D AY er and a land surveyar. This made uniess it is canied by'reported that this commîttee onded by Couincillon Down bctecnmeicieend enundrehetuphviiodHupaerayorcndMcannCaucitoaBuiosecnanrahe lie he iferecean ntoraLad Srvyor a meatmt wth henehauitos nd ariedditI' I Iur andriieneng May ls, 163 onl try, hie pointed out, alhu f n.aid, Peterborough, and feltb Councillor Gibbs. moved, ITR fBw avll iIh h xls many o! the instruments isd "Special powens are, given that the Hospital Board w ltlitte f nipsSlicitrý S at., M ay 4 are fcnsomrnan ta bath Profes- l o Land Surveyars, and excep-, receive prompt reports from A. H. Stn ebcipstruted to' Statisticq for Match showiamonte 0od220 acult nPa-î ive Contract Grg o h naj oo Mn. rownsai tha ta ~- garing resass hen he r M. Walters. Chairman o ffrw'and ta the Departmcent o I patients in Memonial Hospital born, and two chronic patients.! Seaguce. Wen nnesoemre yRa Sa . r rw a m a I b-arcdetiing boundanie. ' the Goud sa Municipal Affairs a copy of each day duning the month In the hospital at the end of' Sriepcs alDyo ib corne a land surveyor o!a saedtrmnn onais the Drutch Committee, ht- is letten sent ta cauncil Apnil was just under 100, and there March thene were 67 aduiti also finst apprenticed for four years Anyone obstructing a sunveyor !ted that the dlm trees are free i7th, and Io pursue the mat- wcre eight babies there each patients, six pediatnic, six' ~ta a rcgistered Ontario Land is liabIc ta a fine.'O h ue Elm Disease, but ter otheriea he fits FRDYEEIG IA rýuvyo.Ti iewas re- Mn. seda afit eas ses day, Bernard Holden, the Hos- newbarn, and 10 chronie pa-, PRIVY EVNING MAI 3rdSurvyor.ThiMtim Brown alsodscus thata further check will be This communication deCalitr pital Admînistraton, statcd intients. rOâML FTROOU H CU duced by two yeans for him Land Sunveyor's work in con- made on them when their leav- with zoning and the' dcstnuc-l1 the report for March which Te because o! his having receivecd nection with priva te plans, es came out. l iono rvosueb ie esbnte l h et h u rn ain ________________ Engineering Degrecs that <0'.- descriptions o! territory, and IMn. Cryderman, Chairman to fpeiu ieb ie'h umte ttemeing inîben f paientday ----_ -rlvn oka egsrifte Bidn omte This was passcd. of the Hospital Board held îast wcre 2.537 aduits, 188 pedia- ereE ihls aae relevantmoworkbyatOa RegCistry 1 Wo! theayBuilding, 2ommitteen, andh35 Office. He spoke of thp. crea-1 stated that its work had been Ouamoan cednsdy vning. t hnic 266 newor,88and 35 bonofchronic. fTherelos coplte werehe ci 8hr visitsaitlý an eltd ujet. eohsig fth idcim auclagrecd that the Raad]?' teE rgnyDptm t adrltds b iecs job a n n tey. hi-Cammittee andi Road Super- tients,, five pediatnie, fine from out-patients. in the course o! i obRny intendent R. M. Short inves- newborn, and 10 chronic Pa- A ril Lahe rveorsatamegstry or-h tigate and report on the road tients in the hospital at the A ril on the new wîng s betrecnrLots 3a and 35,yCon- beginning of Manch. Dnigof Memonial Hospital wiil be fice egaring he Ind wîh M he ti ubishe wic e is on c erndland i essin on s 6, and lsore anghemonth217 adults were pulse in thîe Aprîl edîtion ýwhic he s. cnceriedawter niionad soin tegaviin admitted as patients, plus 45 a! The Canadian Hospital, the I other adjacent lands. "This L o swtrcniin ntevcn eiti ains n he aaiepbihdb h :take ronsderale tie andity.M. Hacock ad rquest chroie ptieionThMn.weHoldeniansaidial hAsocaa N O TIC E Otcd aeesrp Ie rimprovemns Io that part crneains ~o~~ ATTREDY ýtios an intnt rOMt acAGE Amotion praposed byDep- icagsdrigtemnhbeen informed. r DSpAST U S, R1 AT M.Brown said. Cuirent accaunts wene pre- uty-Reeve Muin and Council-! Mn. Holden stated that TO D G ON E letald o! the preparatian sne by the Secretany Bah ]on Gibbs 'vas passed that th James Stutt, the Board Chair- Please take note of the following Section of of a sketch according ta the Williamns, and it was moved Township Clenk. Walter Run R ed C moe4Sjrman, and hie had attendcd the tfIoeellmott Qu"nte di.Ele, and the Raad Supenin-L eginal ouncil meetngngeILDY OTE Town of Bowmanville By-law 171 cpetng oiginal records, and o! the hb' Stuart James, secanded by itendent, ei nl Cobur receetngy the licensîng711 ofsedogsg subsequent look for the onig- International Councillar Henb 'tendet Mn. Short be intruc- K his gteingCo aou adresed CALvlpelnwht r oar malpats 'ied or i nThiG add ar ha tedblsb. pi.r between the township and R.: by W. W. Wigle, Directon o!fNRDCOYRglr 5...2fr7g "Every owner of a dog shal registcr, on or bef are th lanslimits. Every parcel The guest speaker, Larry J.Oen hs geeet i (FROM Aesof a nd di the newr Medical Records In- OFFE.. ~ RXL MRL01 the st d o Janary n cch yar cch o f o land mnust have been mea- licffering, Whîtby, a repre- ta provide for the acquisition duîg une t a is-stute, Toronto. N W!<.syAmua).a-rrti thhim iyofJnuhe Ton of Bowmanvie iih surel," Mr. Brown declared, sentative o! Hiram Walker and of lands rcquîred for raadr aster, works just as tirelessiy The Graduate Nurseswa NEpp~ atlsoouls uicn owned by i inteTw ofBw avl ih and spoke of the specifications Son, Limited, Walkerviiie, widening In Lot il Concession duning timw of peace, hie ha enoilS- a the Clerk and at that tinie pay to such Clerk the ýregarding the nearness o! a Ont., was introduced by Roy 6, on the basis o! $:200 Per said. It must be haro in mmnd hdtanda eoilH u ira.1Tre.acre for the arca requined, that the need for blood for pital, Bawmanvile, celebrat- - PIMNSlxtv.1o.Re 8.2/O license fee prescribed in Section Eight (1) of this od ure.d Eventîîally the Lanîd Sur- I Mr. Hcffering gave an in- Plus $50 fan any damage ta transfusion goes on duringcd the hospital's 5th Bîrth- DRP EALSALS YO By-Iaw and the Clerk shall issue to such owner a veyor when he as cmpleted teesting address about Hiam the property that ray esult peacetime, and s a continuai, day, March 26th, by present- For infants and ebrN. 0SPOT TCIc bis cxamnaton ofrl heei Walker's Whiskey, which is from construction ta be car- steady need. Sa far, there is îng for the Board Room a vitamins. 30 cr. Regula 27 h.srthwmuo"ul receipt acknowledging registration of the dog 'dence stakes the prapenty. He a ieading liquor in Canada, ricd ont by the township, plusna substitute for human blood, series o! portraits o! the don-.nsml, eiulag adexr and payment of the fee'. described the two sizes a! iran England and the United Sta- a wavcn fence ta be construc- and until there is, the Red or' o! the original haspital sta es ow use fo t is ask t s, nd s hip cd hr ugh ut ted by D arlington T ow nship!C ross m ust continue an end- building and o ! the B oardRE LI M 31lr e Re ua 49 pi. LIES FE :After this is donc a plan o! the world. between the land acquined less campaign ta keep aur bas- Chairmen, who served during SOLUTIN2aM o LICNS FES:the survey is prepared, he1 A graphic accounit or the there by il., and the remain- pitals supplicd. Almost ail the last 50 years, the repart, Antiseptie mouthoNW!RA RON Maie dog. $2.110 added. manufacture of Hiram Walker ing pnoperty there belonging. serions accidents and major related. wash and gargie. UGLSE Female -- --....-- 5.0() The work af an Ontaria Whiskey was given in a ina- ta Mr, Oben, onriin lieu of th, surgery require biood trans- On March '29th, the Boardi1 Reg 98 2for "0eso lde'ltetErpa Land Sunveyor is 40 per cent tion pîcture prescnted by Mr. fence $4 per rod o! the fence fusions, sometirnes rnany for' Chairman, Mr. Stutt, made 8 oz. syesat gewtigeno Spayed female- 2.00 in the field, and 60 per cent Heffering. It showed ail as- îîeeded. <m ersan, and the drain an presentations on the occasion Reg 69e 2 for 7rypeigaslnes eua wnîtten, hie stated. Mn. Brown Pccts o! the processes used in Councillor 'RLIda i mnoved'thc resourccs can be drastic. a! their retirement ta Eddy70vle .9par2fr$. ALL DOGS MUST BE REGISTERED aiso told bis fellow Rotanians the actual rnaking o! this that the Township's Coosult-I Mr. Fisher cangratuiatedlWiliats, Lanry Bucknell Mns. REXALL Q(R OEGLE o! vaniaus instruments used in whiskey, and also the import- ing Engineer, George Totten Bowmanvilc and district for Margaret Stephens and Mns I NYDROÎE AELISIK KEITH SHACKELTON, a surveyor's. work, and show-1 ant aging of this product, and be asked ta study and reportý being the fourth in the pro-I Sarah MeFadyen.PRODEnlsco ewoorospn. ChiranDo Cnra Cmmt Ae. dUhemetigseeni4xa-i qts atling. Another film da-antrwdeiioOmsalVnet givr h o i h _______________SLTONUSP Rg 10...2fo 15 -p.1oPh ipie trriýfnlvincKeep aobottlethn thn inPOWDE___U0 & ta Mr. Brown, who he des- th on Cntrwi e on Wedn9: a sh ort istacewsto!No.w- 3anBrie rNsylonoô .STAI<'1S cribed ais "a nising Rotanian asotdsac eto o- Bitebuhs wbo will br a real credit ta . day, May 8th, from 1:30 ta manville. The drivers o! the Choice et 3 stylesEXLLMLK0 this club. Classification talks 4:30 in the afternoan, and from 280 lesin Oshadwrameds I- uli<Pan)Plaan tend;lxtie y cbrar ihihs6:30 to 9:00 in the evenng. BOsh, nd oetE r, t2ftfOsfawa fna ro. e. .2Irl6 S n cy.A r 8 h o! a Rotary Club's year. 1 Ail healtby people betwenOha n d 070bert E eny talcetube. Reg,5 ________________ congratulate Mn. Brown on his Co gso 8 n 5aere 00SmnStreetKt. which ls up Ia the usual high WHENOsPhawaos tae iKv.tiating o l 96, t121 IT.standard," Dr. Biilett stated. fous need. We e a big bas- Apoiaey$0 YOUR pi tai a! aur own now. Jus,.ofcr ppoiaey$50 ,TMNSAITNC keepîng it safely stockd l damage was sustained by Mn. BON S " DRXLGE-TE2 Whra teCuci-fth-onofBwia.kdwuth Henry's car, and there was IiBONUS BID Whres heConcl ! heTon t owia- -ue-giving blood wil require r ounc$00 damae . $Mr.98...l2SaferIems, b9 ospital EIHBUofll sor t. Blackthorn's. * <o ~Sl tmbtSell C O VROL8one.R ville has passed a resolution setting the date for H I NLIIHDUUI<o lporgt.e duuuen part abu10daaet n Values enly during thîsSl) f.9. . . o Daylight Saving Tne, 1 therefore request al KflIULiflof the cvening, the noom was1 Eanier on Saturday at 8:43 FIRSTAID KIT. NEWICotn OREALOUVROt..orf, citizens to observe the sanie. penOd.ThsPAsGEonde yrAAIIIf BLITZ IN cieared for dancing, with mu- p.m. David Marshal Ing bandage niheve tapeq,- IAadO*4one .Ja peioThswa ecnedb A S ERsc suplied by the Montercys. Street, Coîborne, î,as sevenely bonds Modicated Sin â'a, $,0...... o Mn.. Prout, andi unanimousîy M">VI BOV/MANVILLE This group o! yaung Bowman- injured in an accident on scissors.Rog. $2.50vailu$19 RXALOULVRCMUN To carry out the request of the Town Counicil it carried. TtrP l ville boys bas woi'ked up a Highway 401 in Clarke Town- REXALL TOOTHPAT.TI. TALT.IOs.Rglr17 wilI be necessary to advance 8a1il ocks and Mn. Sut. Boe ad airmdeda,'MON., APR&RIT X L 29 :band up ta professional stand- ship. He lost contrai o!bis valueF.............Specal.9 rRXLMUTPEtAITB reportedone had attedd12.I ~ Ua ~ antis now. They playeti a pro- car, and it went of! the road1 SNUGFOLD FOLPING LS5sRe$291r23 wathe oe hurat1201 a.m., meeting at whicb he bati madie ANDFf 7 - 8 P.M. gram o! popular swing cIas». Jand bit several guanti rails. INGE. 2 Quart. Reg, $4,7 ae ~ ~ 9 frf9 1963. ~~~presentations ta two full time susga alsen ta and Mn. Marshall sustainedia Pîes 9 o 79 Sunday, April 28th, 16.and two part time employees s____ wondr odnin.T he rPeicetad et aea OrAMG........ards...4S REOI on their retirement in suit- wodru o acig hycuhdchs n edlcra OORlGUE abe'ecgntonof Ei have acquincd the rich tane1 tions. He is a patient in Me-. (24x20).Reg.$i SSony$O WFTEAI w7 * The return to Eastern Standard Tme will be at vie.- rnews e-G V O TEaund swinging rhythm that one jmarial Hospital, Bowman- o vie.Reeecewsmade asscae i 12:01 arni. October 27th, 1963. by Mr. Stutt ta a letten whîch -scaewth the big bandiville. Damage ta bis car was bad been published i regard LA N ÀA D-IA N 'o! the war years, and wbich, iconsiderable. Constable A. V. LZZ r ta meals at the hopil.Ths udging fram the activitv on !Alexander, O.P.P., investigat- Iva M H bb, adno ne hos rpiai. Thi the floor Monday night, lendsled.I M ýtbare d e adaseplfe, C N C ErIitself Italahikins a! steps and 1C. Edgar Horn, 389 Athol MM Iva M. MHybb , the board, hesait, as eope, AdIER<ances, even the twist. :Street East, Oshawa, was not 'J U Ri.~Y& LV EI To n f om aor, wbo hati boe ep ent s e r e unt was a happy kind o! even- ýdiving is car at the time a! Town f Bomanvîlc. u.ickto epressthei cpm ing, wbich evoîveti com!ort- ýthe accident in Eniniskilien re-_ __ __ ___U ao ntseresswene thcelt FOR RESEARCI-, CANCER nl through dinner, business,! cently. He had parked his OR EX LST E Mr Bllmoedthtac EUCTIN NDWLPREGEVIES aserious address, anti endeti car previaus ta the collision. 2 King St. E.ne63331Bwmnil GOD AVETHEQUEN Mn Bel mvet tht ac WUATIN AD WE-PAE 8RVIES in fun, iaughter and thoraugh- !Constable J. Shultz, O.P.P., in- caunts amaunting ta $16,516.74 I ly satisfying music., vestigated.

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