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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 5

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*ground for the res1denta of not say he lp a slave driver, job. These workeru must tence, a challenge which must The Canadian State Oshawa, Bowmanville and the but he certainly got the work either become unemployed, be met in order to provide surrounding areas. done and he got it done effi- seek new employment, or un- some 60,000 new jobs each Nor does it lack for historie cientiy. What pleased me per- dergo, even at an advanced year to absorb our labour You, Mr- Speaker, R eport from Q ueen's Park sites. I amn pleased to learn haps most, was the unanimity age, retraining to fit them to force, sure those textbo that these are to be further of the members of that com- operate the modemn machinery Those are but some of the not last more than by Alx aruter, . precognized by the :rection of mittee, who had one single by which they have been re- factors related te unemploy- at the Most. s ville to mark the home of the the welfare of our young peo- Realize that many trades, of doom and of gloom, to those given, I feel, te the Aloi Camrthers, MPP for ship is the resuit of encrgy, Mr. Carruther: -i reveal - Baldwin family - a family pie. such as carpentry, plastering, who decry the efforts of this work involved in Duram wa te fna fathan abliy; ndthein tesefats o he eolewhich played such an import- It was my pleasure and bricklaying, etc., which we government, to those who for programme. The Dupeaer on the udget de- lead f thi ;veamnt has ofthesprovice tharnespre.ant part during the Baldwin- privilege also, Mr. Speaker, have always considered to be political reasons are attempt- su'bjects being taug spaerbeore thebudtare-loade fths outtandigchr-M.has ftepoic.atme raînnLafontaine administration, i n to be present a few evenings stable trades, are becoing ing te deceive the people with steadily increaseil, Legisiature tadjOnd ftari tics. Reeognze fr isandin hrc r Speaker, htherang bringing about responsible ago at the opening of the vo- obsolete, except in a highly ill-conceived promises, te pro- ever removed frei Letilatue aJoured or tritcs. econize fo hisandexperience which they government te this province cational wing of the Port skilled form. Consider the vide full employment; Le gramme. I think t Easter recess April 3. Here- no-nonsense method of gov- have gained in this respect and to Canada. Hope High Sehool by the Hon. fact that automation and in- those who are putting politicai àrrived to decidev under are exeerpts from the ernment, Mr. Speaker, he has wiil be of immense value to officiai report of Mr. Car- been able te create a business- them in the days ahead when Durham county is a tourist Michael Stamr, federal Minis- creased demand for skilled aspirations above the weifame ucation is to be an ruthers' speech: like atmosphere in this as- tbey wiil be able, I arn sure, attraction in itself with its ter of Labour. The occasion help, has resulted in the build- of our people, I say «"Revise in life or wvbetber sembly. to operate as a more efficient variety of agricultural and was an important one for ing of an economy in which your thinking and recognizing a foundation of Mr Crutes:Te u- r.G W nns(Ofrd:Opposition. industrial life, with its great Durham eounty, because it is it is estimated most industries the great efforts of this gov- knowledge upon w Mr. arutherrs:sivepsli- HMr. G.e W. c Innexord) fields of grain, tobacco andione of the first composite will be required to etrain ernment on behaif of our peo- dent can erect a oes ad he roresie pli H ba nt uc Inleisa-potatoes; and with its fine1 schools to be opened in the their entire labour force ap- pie. Catch the Robarts' vis- ture to meet bis Speaker, caen e tMuted inMm.Cruher: hsMmerds of livestock. It is also province. proximately every five years. ion, I say to you, in order that very complicated Speaercanbe atriuÏe in r. arrther: of the largest Christmas It was important for two The problemi then arises, Mr. we may develop a greater Beautiful building uie rnimesre o the Hpon.Seaktter, hbenOppfsetdin tree poducing areas in the easons: fimst because of the Speaker, how do you motivate and more prosperous fuiture." ous swimming po Prie (Mntr. o tsL pdro- tho e a ea th e psitin, province. getcnrbto h two workers to be retrained? How Mr. Carruthers: Closely me- loom rugs, andg ~rne (m.RoarsthLa er- who ha e pee o n s rie 1 would suggest that consid- leveis of government are mak- do you bring workers fromn lated te this, of course, is our teachers do not in Minister's policy is one of eration be given to recogniz- ing in the development of Our vast distances across this great educational programme. In Mr. Speaker, provi business first, and they are to « ing the life of one of the fam- greatest resource, the young province te training centres? congatulating the hion. Min- cation. be.onga..a...o..cep.n ous me n of my riding - Joseph people of this province and of What about the worker, who istem of Education (Mr. Davis), T pELECTRICAL this fact. And, in doing se. . .* .~ Scriven-wh decadbitiscury an sco, it for various easons, cannot be his department and the gov- heeducasinath bav epedte the wrk.havelfeasa ayrede V te ei boub the reaizaion tha rtained? It is rather frighten- ernment on the outstanding sbo isi h SR IEofthe session fare of bis fellow men and officiafly opening this school igtoraizietnntesn cheenet nofsfil the trst and 9ENDE, :4K VO/R Th busnesslike yste ofwho habs been recognized Mm. Stamr was reflecting the band our life span bas been wouid si:nply wish to maketOlSoth sud rnenioertig n hearRnwrlAs.Spak great contribution made bexended by some 20 yeams, one or two observations, pends on thec jWE6#,OII HE L Lgisatue, r. peaeriser, as the author of that great himseif and by others who, and that on the other band May I suggest that students ihrt in thels AEGaO R Elsaue, Mm. Spn teakuer, symn "WThat a Friend We not of Anglo-Saxon or French the number of opportunities on ieaving schooi. be provided unheretn ing the REMEMBER islf adi hcpbemn Have i Jesus."wih oep origin, by enriching with their for unskilled jobs bas decreas- with a certificate showing und tesadingt, the The bouse senedby heep skills and their abilities the ed In direct proportion to it. their standing in ail subjects. iy b bltt ~ THE ner Ihwas preseted byJtheto service on the bon.Provncia Tres u e rScriven lived is stiil standing economie and the cultural life The dernand for upgrading This consideration may meantecr.0tes (Mm. Ailan). It is indicative in the town of Port Hope and Of this country. and retraining the uncertainty the difference between em- fications I would st of progress, of cone ato I believe if given proper re- Those of us present on that Of job situations, the increas- ploymnent or uneniployment. sadn n es frtetxaeado onicognition and publicity would occasion, perhaps could littie c ing eradocsilsarasoA te presnttiemegn ~ch ing is not just a for thetaxpaye, and o soundfbecome a major tourist attrac- realize the importance of the craig a sca rbe.tien is given at tbe end of JO 0 legislation in the ingredrestgrs of;a poeso tepol.tion. occasion. It will be for the Many people, unable to meetan grade 10,gade 11, grae 2 just a nfesn ,, he eope.Alex Carruthers M.P.P. 3,f bite trtsesan th stainfb an grde13 n te WE Do Mr. R. M. Whicher (Bruce): Practically every part of ,,raduaes of tat scbool in the tesrse and w ansb erfound o dplm u the duties and resi Did the bon. member say the I was very interested, Mr. this province bas facilities for days .te corne to fulfili the tCmsclves, are looking tew o u cetific at o ilm.B ut tvea con sideration of the taxpayer? Speaker, in tbe consideration year-round recreation. T h epromises and tbe bopes ofppaciettfor assitanceitgs the fac to be vey ass gnc - -Mr. Carruthers: Yes. It i of the estimates of Tbe De- assistance provided for winter those who in their wisdom and results in an increase in our th appein rtmeeingscm of h u rlivs in f during the consideration of partrnent of Travel and Pub- sports in park ameas rnakes it foresight bave provided the welfare programme. mte Mn p ker tra in o- o auniestr des fut *these various estimates that licity, to leamn of the develop- possible for our young people faiîities for their educational The unfortunate feature, teM.Sakrta th un v .es i stgree tbe progressive womk of this ment' and the growth of thisý f0 efloy winter sports Vo an development. There will be and one wbicb should cause fo du e 1 r 1oft r nasig cer.nselve ditin LETI T.i~t. government is revealed to the industry in the province of ever-increasing degree. those who will say that we us a great deal of concern, is standing, is particuîarîy in- valuable but suce E C RCLI.people of the province. Ontario. I wish at this time, Mm. are doing nothing to alleviate the fact that this is occurring terested in certain subjects, teaching field will, Spaeorano th:te unernployrnent situation; at a period of peak prosperity, aayidpn COTATNGRPISM. Whcarher: Efficiency 'This is an accomplisbment, cord a rslution reenlbut 1 say to you, Mm.Speaker, a perod in hichthousands adsine etfcto faer's abiiy to nsp FN ~" M. aruhes Efiinc;Mr. Speaker, wbich a resou ion recenyen e .Cmatifationglibf T a REOTOGRSAO ELE SERVICE pos ition are .T eOat- e ntefc htOtro.passed by the elementary and tbmough you te the hon. of jobs are going vacant for good standing in these other tivate and to convi MTO1RAO-SA L ACES -SaVI E dnfore t e asistnce anhotooerprcntof seool board of Port Hope and members of this Legisature, the lack of skilled help t i sub ects ray mean an oppor- beleve it is timE T.-RAI APINCS lt o teasitnt n oust t vrffi c entin thisj ask that it be given consid- that neyer in our long histor~y tbem. tunity for eniploymenteu- ailM, tirnes tmconcemnedas iby aspostaefementr gtheerefforts, it h akpgso ornw-tificate. I thrwords, eey GlCs ivir Whcher Atall ime. cncered y a tatmenttheý aemanpowern n me-i papers.pi aspectnowe rofpaabs.asteto everyy e aspectec ho. eaerofth Opoiton suresofthsnation than un- Mr autesRalzth of civmn should be Uid (Mr.Winermyer mad a'dre inthisproinc, w doder the Robarts and Diefen- fact that we as a nation are cognized in the development be asaowe e advo rsetul rqet th bar administrations. Th cated the building of a $2Tbe1e fEdcto t oatspa-the ags per-capita import- of Tuh honmemb or Bran througli A nniversarv S p ecial cnie h diaiiyo An hion. meniber: Wby did situation which presents a (Mr. Nixon) suggested the ST AT E S area in sme particlar partdeclaring a winterm rid-ferm you not say tbat a monfli ago? challenge to industry and la- other day tbat we could make CLASS1F1 of this province. I believe he vacation for public schools. Mm. Carmuthers: I bave been boum to produce and seli, or a great saving, by using paper- Phone 623-3 SAVE $2.50 o suggested tbe Georgian Bay' The latter part of February saying it for the past four endanger our econornic exis- back textbooks. But I say te _________ aea-1 would seern f0 be the best years- ~ iAn bon. member: Tbe Fort time for tbis holiday teoOc- Interjections by hon. meni- î* P R ESC~R IP T IO N William area. cur and tbe scbool days, bers. Mm. Camuthers: -and pro- tbree or'four in number, Mr. Carruthers: The Ro-____.;GRE 1< moting that amea as a major lost in this way would con- barts' plan is but one import- mL~J+ . NA~A~N [~T itourist centre in the province. ceivably be recovered from ant effort of many, încluding 5I UUlet PE MN N S1 assure you, Mm. Speaker, that tbe Easter recess. univemsity expansion, and af- VYUg6I~ l the suggestion is not favour- I feel that this resolution fer reading the press about f sI CORN 'ably received in the Kawar- bas considerable menit. At the the conduct of some of our 4HL INL*4 $00 Pem$1.0 tha Lakes and the Fine Ridge present time student s have universify students at bath > area of my community. Such approxirnately a week's holu- Mm. Pearson's and Mm. Diefen- 17.0 erm * - - 1500 a suggestion would only tend' day at Easter, but it cornes at baker's meetings, I arn a lit-% to decrease the importance of a period wben the winter tie concerned about the money Of: « other tourisf ameas in the pro- sports are just ending and the spent in this respect. I hope 0 VAL 1 15.00 Perm. 12.50 vince. summer sports bave not be- their action in no way me- Pf May I point ouf thaf in gun. In a rural area parficu- flects the feelings and the arn- A '" 12.50 Perm. - - 10.00 Durham county ve bave rnany lar if is a period of mud and bitions- yhn eM rAt " Sae$00o 85 en .0 ist attractions? For the fish<de bae er ifeop- bers. Sav $100 n $.50Per . 750ing and boating entbusiastsj tunity to partake in any Mm. Carruthers: Incmeased we bave Lake Scugog, Rice1 sports. Witb the policy that educational grants, our me- Styling by Lake and Lake Onario. A111 we bave of developing the training programme for the are supported by ideal park physical qualities of our young uneniployed, famm assistance,1 and beach facilities. Darling- people, I fhink this is a very aid ta municipalities, our win- A Y~ Oton Park, bordering on the worthwbile suggestion, fer works programme and A NT ON M A IOblue waters of Lake Ontario, I know the bousewife would trade drives. Special mention , 136SimoeS. shaa 28-651 isnow open 12 rnontbs of the appreciaf e if. Instead of hav- sbould be made of the work year and bas beconie bath a ing the cbildren track in mud of the bon. Minister of Econo-' summer and winter play- and dirt at that fime of the mics and Developmenf (Mm. "B iI L ________-_________-year, I arn sure she would Macaulay) in this respect, Ky O prefer f0 see fhern in scbool. whose dynamnic efforts have The period between the resulted in greafly increased' !Christmas vacation and the frade to this province. TOI iEaster vacation varies in those who would decry theseý R A N NU N C M EN lencth, depending in the date efforts, I would say, revise' JIN N O U NEM EN TOf Easter, and a vacation per- youm thinking and take a posi- _________________________________________________________iad in the latter part of Feb- tive, not a negative attitude, ruary would bave a tendency ta the problem. Consider ta make it easiem ta plan the camefufly, and this is same- Kraft Cracker Barrel 16 oz. cut sç *school programme and would thing we seem te fail to do, .. ~ Il .~ O IJ enable tbe scbool population the factors that are involvedi I D C E S 9 T h n o!tetake dvant:ge of winter iunemployment. HosIta Ht PE ea.49 vince. Mm. Carruthers: The hion.D V To the Residents of i(HE igenerous contributfio ns to MacDonald) the other day F *DRM U esmany warfhwbile organiza- compamed Canada with Swe- A»i 'AP'- ftions, Mm. Speaker. IwoAdde.i n B o m n i l n i t i tlike to bring ta the attentio Noi is net reasonable,, Total m Bonus -1 of the Legisiature the plight Mm. Spýeaker, ta compare this Ex r of $ 0 ae owman ville and U ISTrICT perateof neeop ci sinces-rne ndw st: xr ae Shortly we will be opening our newly enlarged o n ru bc si e-country with Sweden, or witb; Rcle$.0liBnsTpswth ________________ str--- Thanks for putting up wih -Ail thI non reerfte nefonaitance. woul no ant ta _ho rtinlyfb e NILETS6.00 n BsT apesREH RA E"A Pedse tib le ta the affliction and' erafe standard of wages and'~~Feh Direct wiII bring to the shoppers of Bowmanvil le and district th'erefore research work with adapt an efficient manpowerl OUSà.,eh them is almost impossible. training programme. Wat is Medical treatmenf for this of perbaps prime importance AP Auu u HO PIo~ ACuLTIS! affliction is very expensive. after centuries of strife andý GIPI ADDED SHO PING FÀ&C LITIE.S1. The capsules used by the chul- bloodshed, they have weldediOTH t a INCLDINGTHEE NE DEARTMNTSdren - and I believe fhey themselves into a united Eur- NCLDING HESENEW EPARMENT f1ak two three before each ope. Realize the ef fect of fhe MONTH -- Californla No. 1 Grai meal - cast $80 a thousand. agricultural revolution in thisl For f wo childmen this means a province and in fhis country, ' 2 *ALARGER HOUSEWARES DE PARTMENT greaf financial burden in ad- a revolution which bas result-' RIS r 1dition to the worry and cn ed in the eduction during the Produce of Mexico- miai~kra~'arLv I undemstand that up ta theý labour force by some 500,000 #CÀ ITAu * AAUOCrosentt iee uniodmerTis is a direct result of ONLY FO(kW Produce of U.S.A. -N asisane n hi fel;but the introduction into our farm FORGtTt asitac An Cfl fiel; FORONIE ADTLD TAN " ANEWSPO TIN GO DS EPA TMET ýthere is a danger, I under-Iconomy of trucks, modemn ($75.00 IN IGA TAPES)GR E stand, that this assistance willý harvesting equipment, rnilking ________________________W ree e ANDMAYIMAN MREADDTINA LIES0F have ta, be withdmawn. The! machines, electrical, and other ase AND ANYMANYMOREADDIIONA LINS O 'need for funds, particularly la modemnj agricultural imple-ý MERCHANDISE 0F INTEREST TO EVERY MEMBER 'the field of research, is great. ments. f as the effect af in-, I would urge the gavernment creasing production with less "Bake an Apple Pie" MONARCH mer foday can produce fourl Thn YuBo 1 1ve n istrc nd atoecidenm re btbsfte rdc I IIDCic al in every other way, bothi ed in 1920. Realize, I would this strange affliction. 'trial worker, the blue collar- BRN OUANWMOENS O@oMr. Caruthers: Mm. Speak-' cd worker, but the white cal-, er. it vas my privilege and , lamed worker as well. Techno- WE HOPE YOU LIRE IT. lauet eamme flgclcagsreo'B welt the select commitfee on man!rapidly f bat industry today i Bo m anv lle IGA I poesretanbeganembe o logial changesre coigsa ___ pae traiingr a nd t te i r:pwou nab e t e as tifs a n-a man of that cornmittee for, Labaur-saving machines are O M N IL - 1kn tio s ey tn w congf l etedchinr- paiwe n eed s eo n ayeaof ~L e d IM Mufl J L Ua very sr inwkcmeewdn r aeplng wrears omny !tOW ANVIL tesmnan, Bownianvllle, Apr. 24, 1983 that I arn >ooks would nsix monfhs àould also be ie amount of -our schaol Snumber af .gbf is being ,but none is orn the pro- the timne bas wbehem ed- in experience ýit is ta be rfacts and tsuperstruc- Mr. John Homner bas re- Sneeds in a turned borne affer spending 1s oc i ety. several wveeks in Civic Hos- igs, glamor- pifal, Peterborough. aols, broad - Mrs. Jack Rupert is also garages for horne again affer a xveek's stay itbernselves, in the same hospital. *ide an edu- We were sory ta learn af the sudden passing of Mr. Robert Guthmie of Millbrook. 1value of a Deceased was well known in Lambitions, these parts baving attended the aspira- Carscadden School in bis boy. ents. It de- bood days. co-operative 1 Mr. Leonard Porter is abIe syompateto be back home again after - sypatetiamecent operatian. .e persona!- Several of aur Christmas ie dedication Tree growers are busy plant. part of the ing seedlings and pruning latter quali- their white spruce. Recent stress under- mains bave lessened the ser- mnalify. Tea- ious fire hazard. a job, nom !si Mms. Rocci Rossi is under- )n. It is fbe'goinrg treatment in a Toronto idividual of hospital. Fnpons1iiities' ___ feacher was fmeed fram the. mass of routine office work of slavery to fexfbooks, and of teaching by nigid educa- tianal blueprints. Free him or hem to develop in the students the fbirst for knowledge and the will ta tbink for them- selves. Mm. J. H. White (London South) moves the adjourn. ment of the debate. Motion agreed ta. PONTYPOOL he inouldimZ' mre. Nor do 1 sor tities in guish a tea -, aextremelyl ýcess in the 1in the finall )n the teach pire, to mo-' rey -ideas. I ne that the L'oday iliances -3303 FINE QIIALITY MONUMENTS AND NIARKERS 4~ ga,.,*.~of rý' OF STAFFORD \~EEYBROS. LTD. dut horiud Dea-le Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monumenis Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Phone VhItby MOhawk 8-3552 tf rom California Pint Boxes ýbernïes 3îsl ade - Tender, Large Staiks C ELE RY 25c No. 1 Grade - A deliclous Dessert ESJumbo2C LOUPESSize 2 N'o. 1 Grade - Tender, Garden Fresh BEANS lb.23c the riglit to limit quantities Sodas or Saltines WESTONS CRA(CKE RS iGoz.3 Foodliner Orange or Apple - 48 oz. Tins ALLEWS 217 Luncheon - 12 oz. Tin KAM 39, MEATjC Hein% Strained or Junior - 5 oz. Tins BABY 109 FOUS I 0 199 IGA Sunny Morn - Pkg. of 100 TEA L BAGS69

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