8The Canadtan Statesmain, DowmmvMie, Apr. 24, 190 Christian Approa( To Labour Advoci Speech by H. Ani Christians rnay not be satis-i Marxists and materiallsts, an fled with lirniting their faithi stated that humanism is seek to a small area of life, but ing to replace Christianity i they must be aware that the our own society. He describi Christian faith is ail-inclusive.1, hurnanism as a faith that ha Sound human relations can be .replaced faith in God with established only when men faith in mnan himself.. Th! are guided by the grace of humanistic, man-centred be God and His Word. he lief of modern man is respo: Christian Labour Association' sible for the increasing sec' of Canada was organized be- larization of our society an cause its members are con- its institutions. The essenc vinoed that the principles o! of secularism is man's ejec the Word of God are relevant tion of Jesus Christ as th to the world of labour and ini- Redeemer of lite. Mode: dustry. man seeks his salvation apar This was the contention 0f from Christ and attemptst Harmy Antonides, speaker at build a better world by mean a meeting held ln the Assem- of human wisdom and humi bly Room of the Bowmanville effort only. Town Hall. The Christian Mr. Antonides cxplaine Labour Association of Canada' that the modern labour move sponsored this public meeting ment has not escaped th attended by interested citi- secularizing process but zens. dominated by the humanisti The purpose of the meeting faith in man's independenc was to acquaint the public over against God. He said with the principles and aims "Their leaders often expres of this Christian labour or- their faith in man's ability t ganization. After Rev. John build a 'brave new world C. Verbrugge opened the They speak of human value meeting with Bible reading and social justice. But thisi and prayer, Mr. Harry Anto- always done in ternis o! mildes delivered his address, purely secular frameworko "Christian Labour Organiza-1 thought and has resulted i tion: Luxury or Necessity?" the unions' falling prey t in which he gave an outlinxý materialism and atheism." cf the beliefs underlying and The speaker charged thata shaping our society and its a resuit of these influence Institutions. many unions have accepte( The speaker stated that mna- class-struggle as a guidirj teriuiism and humanism are principle. He also pointed ou becoming very dominant. He that as a resuit of their dis referred to the active opposi- regard for divine laws, man, tion to Christianity by thelunions have reversed thei role of protector of the under dog and have become the ex M uNIfE Y ploîter of the workers. Mi Antonides efermed to the re AVAILALE FOR velations of the McClellai AVAIABLEFOE Committee in the U.S.A. an( S the Norris Commission hear M ORTGAG E ings in Canada which havý shown that sorne unions ai strongly influenced by a c LORS&C E nical hunger for power an( influence. He expressed thi RALPH 8.JOE opinion that the conmitmen of the Canadian labour un.ior! THOMAS H. GREER to a socialistie philosophy anc program is futher evide.nc( 130 Klnt St. E. Oshawa o! a non-Christian frameworl 128-6246 o! thought. In ail too many cases Chris R O A0 FR1. and SAT., APRIL 26 - 27 Starts 7 p.m. Last complete 8:30 "It'às On!>' Mone y"I Jerry Lewis and Joan O'Brien ALSO "Thunder in time Su "y Color - Susan Hayward and Jeff Chandler SUN. - MON. TUES. APRIL 28 MAY . WED. (Senior Citizens' Matinee, Wed., 1:30 p.m.) "King of Kings" Aduits 75c COMING -i (Caler) -Students 50e - Children 25e May 3 - 8 - «SON 0F FLUBBER" ILK... FOR THE IIep y0Dgsters look thek hest! PICTURE 0P MIAIi" Keep pl.nty of milk in the picture for a healthy, happy faniily. Milk contains vita- mina on-tlie-grow youngsters need to look and feel their best.. Cail us and arrange rogular delivery of our dairy products. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 623-5444 os King st. W. Bowmanville les The. speaker urged Mr. Ah Netherlands. It was 12 yelirs ITU R Saunders of Toronto, and ton and another visitor, who aa they had last seen one' UDJ r. C Cohe PaYn) i sident o! a local o! the U nited E VanU ItheIUrI. ' LO NE S UN ER shawa. andt wo soPuln , Don Steelworkers of America, t eea vrton ladiesUDER Oawa o ndPickesin snD onllay . Ch oawaY with the injustice eregar ouci me- mise o was regrd- W do! The r i arCni et- Mnite f High arh r.atne okngshosolado iceigadWlim é compulsory unionism. How- ing for the month of April ing the appointmnent ta meet BeTh eeig- n n ersocured thu LresdauApoil OTh uaw erie.si * ever, tetwo mndefended! ed pilSel8h adiocak- 1,16.eh Oe ate teGerrow Funeral Cael w I wth tock. No more burnt toast lai Nursing Home, West Hillin King Street West, on Satur. ~ ~eci ~ that workers who beneffit'H. M. Jakeman presided. The opment Road rom Onierneetoti omniy ltya. eha en i day, April 13, at 1 p.m. Rev a einfrom union activity must sup- ýMinutes o! the March meet- Bethany; Dept of Agricutr! Anmerio hscm failing health for the past Melville Buttrmnse port the union as a condition ing were ead and approved re the matter of the re beingJm unity ejyd aculs hremnh.Pceig United Church, con- of empîcyment. Ia reply, Mr.. on motion o! Porter and Mc- no change at the presimt fime dance in Bethany Parish Hall! Born at Mitchell*s Corners, ductedithe service. Interment~ 'on id e s Antonides pointed out thati Master. in the Warble Fly Contioal se- ion Friday evening. DaintnT nhpews inherOsha non-' m a y w r e s o fon in ftdh f î o i g c o m n c - g î a i n ; P e 1m u iD n T h r d y e e n n g t e a r ls o n ow n s h ipt e s i e a d C e n t ryf o u i n c î it e , e . . t o s w e e r c e v dinne a H st h e e m if c t o n o I h COpn o r d ahe jaaw aWi l a S u d e s eUan idPo ner r sw r A c i id ias aveflt et hechi-those exploifed by the Sea-! "The March of Dimes" Found- Indigient Pati,.nts f rom Màari-1 social evening in Yelverton'i the former Alberta May Wnr- Bell, David Sudrs, Fred- famers' International Un i on. ation, 1962 Financial State-Ivers Twp.; A proposeo draft Church Hall. The amateur1 ner, in Oshawa, ini 190-4. James,WaerJmsFrn k-,lenge o! modemn secularism He also mentioned the inves-metAptiin ro te copy o! a Boundary Agree- thespians are repos-tedf ae M.Sudr ed toaud hriaadvergecot niin public affairs o! sociefy. tiainIet eiinfo hlWre aeFrn ed'They h a ve accommodated tiain !te MCelnRtpyr nBtaySho etfo h onhpOf donc verv well in their play. >eY 45 vears ago. where lie______ ýas!themselves by uncritîcaîîy ac Committee i the U.S.A.iSection No. 15, in accordancei Clarke; several accolint..M.adMs a oisnwre samre ad a cetingtim undrîyig pt~ wich have revealed that with the Public Schooî Act,i Mm. Arthur Rowan. the visited the Ralph Malcolrns in~ er until the' tirne o!f is retire- Maeimdcaadtch islterns o!f houghf which are thousands o! workers suffer-l asking that an Arbitration Manvers Township Repre. Scarborough on Sunday, pick-1 ment. He vas a member o! nical assistance valued at e- dfiiel u-Crstan an d under totalitarman union! Board be set up to consider sentative on the Vitcriaing up Judy and Clame whoAudley United Church. nearly $735,500 was providéd >e- msrifin g theirn- Christian adcontrol. In the second Place, l the dissolution o! the Union County High School Arcai had spent their Eastem holi- H.c is survived by his wife, to over 40 countries by our u- b fa tito n their C hritiand the speaker ttated, t must bel Schciol Section No. 15 Mani- Board, eported ta the Coun-, days there. two daughters, Miss_ Betty_'Canadiani Red Cross last year. id church.t hristins hao ad, remembemed that no organiza-i vers and No. 16 Cavan. The cil on the matter of neadi- ndc rnche Wrd o! Godsh inuaIl tien may wield the kind o! Cavan section o! the Union tional $7,769.97 inecase i r1eba uo h control that the unions have wish to join the North Cavan lcvy for 1963 over the 1962 -c-ý t lifoer this is thony by means of the closed shop School Area which is construct levy in the amount o! $14,- liwayl o in w his teors n and the union shop. The un-I -ing a new consolidated school 189.03. Mm. Rowan gave a very 1 rn wyi thi works eang ions should begin ta ecognize with transportation facilities; informative talk on the work t fltview ny noede that there are men who have! United Counties of N. & D. re- lof the High School Aiea Bo-; n ta fu iaf.l n o bdiencte a radicaîîy different view o!f quisition for 1963 lcvy in the ard and brought the Councîl' rusto iblcalnors les helabour and labour relations' amount of $26,265.93 which is up ta date on this matter. H. Einposiiliy f estoring hr than the secular unions have, a small increase of $268.17 M. Jakeman thanked Mm.. ld affairsT reaiineihisagolri The tact that the unions do over fhe 1962 levy; Dept. o! Rowan for coming ta the ed fa.T ho e a ambtisonao! th not respect freedom o! organi. Municipal Affairs ribtice that meeting and inform.ng thej le-ithe ope nd abitin ofthezafion illustrates their dicta- the 1962-1963 Wintem Work Council on High School mat-, C.LA.C, ad i apeal taailtonial and dangerous charac- program will be extended fa ters. Imen o! like conviction ta sup- fer. May 31sf, 1963; Correspond- On motion o! McMaster Rnd! ic! port its efforts, Ms-. Antonides MmV ce concluded. Mri . Vndezande, a C.L.A.C.i ence from Alex Carruthers, Malcolm, Mr. Bert Porter was, business agent, asked fhe to M.P.P. and C. S. MeNaughton, given the authority ta fence, d: During the discussion per- uinsoemnwyterhvpni off a portion o! road allow- tasm odfow the str naddrest r a d e unions, supposedlv usiness ietr ance in the 7th Concession CASH SAVER!- You Save 3c! d' io loeno!thy ebavis itor hee Christian, bifterly oppose the' opposite lut 8, provide-1 thât espeaker. One o! them, Mr. H.nz the rights o! its members I.j LeUntanL U I L for the use o! the pub],.,- us- iAstn h nrdcdhim- ajineuin of AirY SImILS JeIIy Dessets 3 K29 ai el a te Nw emcrti fajon heunin f herf RAY~.DILIG ng the road. The privie-ý et 9 ao l Pas adiai the l emcasi choice. He noted that there is, Catrd cona tfa be for a peiod o! on~e ofPrycniaei h atnothingChita abu is 9Cur Set month and the Council ta be l CASH SAVER! - You Save 4c! - Twin Pack - White or Coloured Rolis n1 eleetion, sfated that in criti- aChristaan about tdhis r-3-3rc8St1et free ta withdraw this offer 1 ta' cizing socialîsm wc should nod acieouandexprssedis sur- 6331-ut any time il, sees fit. Car- f E use general tes-ms or "smear"'pise about Unitstbviousco- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS ried. 0 as tactics but we should makeress spoema neddM Chartered Accountant Moved by McMasm.'r, sec-~~i~ ~ RY as taticsbut w shoud liet. Tesmnitoedelwor'- onat Adtr ES E I SE22 es clear what we mean by that Vandezande's point thaf fhe AccuentBan - udtor onded by Porter that the gra-, .d word. modern trade union move- ute 05W Ban 5-upt3y el tenders for 1963 be open-iCAHSVR - oSae6!-BsnBrw20z.T s îg The speaker replied thaf he ment is flot Christian. siea0w 725-9953tr V. Crre ut was aware o! the different In this lengthy and at times Oshawa Shoping Cete c.Cmid enderý were' A s- streams and degmees o! social- heated debate many othier WM. 3. H. COGGINS reeed Cruhed Grave] as À Y 'L M E R B e a n115 2 R' 3 7 c y ism present within the New matters deaîing with trade Chartered Accountant per tender caîl. 6,000 cu. yds. ir Democrafic Party. He cx- uinplce nipicpe e Second Floor or more. CASH SAVER! - You Save 14c! - Red & White 8 oz. Jar r- plaineti that by socialism hie werc discussed. The chairman, Cor. i rryBidn RuslH.SeatCs.C. x- meant thaf political belief in summarizing the discus- Kng & Temperance Sts 94c ta 6 mile haul. Disher- r. which considers man's ability sion, stated that there obvious.. Phone 623-3612 Faran Ld.88eanwU Ne e- and goodness a basis for the ly was a tundamental differ- YALE, FRIEDLANDER Frank S. Coyle Ltd. 85c any. ISAT CFE9 9 n gooti society. He eerred ta ence between the C.L.A.C. & COMPANY where. Keene Construction d the definition o! soialism and the spokesmen defending Chartered Aceountants Co. Ltd. 84e anywhere. Clif- CASH SAVER! - You Save 20c! - Skirn Milk Powder 3 lb. Pkg. r- given by the N.D.P. leader, the socialisf le trade unions Iford Fallis 82e anywhere. A* M e Ms-. Tommy Douglas, who At the conclusion o! the dii5.ILicensed Trustee i Bankruptcy Pit run gravel 1,000 cu. yds. I k .c ws-ote about flhc N.D.P. phil- cussion thec meeting was clOs-!64 King St. E. 728-7371 or more. Disher -Famanti Ltd. i r1 IINWM___6c y- osophy in "Safus-day Niglif" cd with prayes-. Osaanri (No Deposit> 60c; Keene Con- Intt L m 6 i during the 1962 electiouî cam- Oshawa,____Ontario_ struction Ca. Ltd. 55c; Jack CASH SAVER! - You Save 8c! - Lady & the Tramp Figurmnes In - Pkg. 60 t that soialismn is a humanistie RIEHL & CO. On motion o! Malcolm anti nsptica o es th eae Wro!Gt igandENDAL 135 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa McMaster fthc lowest tendersc udns ith elierdtfbecaus nfdg Chartered Accountants for fthc suppîying o! crusliedTi B A G S M other Parker's 7 7c c the redemptive wark o!ý Miss Cheryl Vernon hall-128757anti pit mun gravel be acc,'ýpt- 'k hrit.Socalsm asstrngdayd astwck wth hemPafnes:eti. Namely Crusheti Grave],; SAVE 3c! SAVE 2c! - Trcesweet - 6 oz. Tins Marxian tendencies expresseti sistes- Mms. Gardon Langstaff. Hon. J. W. Monteilh, F.C.A. Clifford Fallis at 82e anti Car' - in the class strugglc concept Mrs. Ray Hughes anti Gloria A. B. Monteifli, B. Com., C.A. Rusel crrt 3efo pfFaney Quality - 20 oz. Tins anti ifs view o! the nature anti visitet inlaKendal Friday witîu G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. R uneas perr t e r î. ai ' "'L"' J btask o! the state. Mr. Anto0- Mm. and Mrs. John Thompson (Licenseti Trustee) rnatspeotnerC lICa- nides explaineti that this is anti Mrs. Mary Li xonî. G. E. Trethcwey, C.A. ricti. Tom oe,\0I on o hemesnsththeani~~j5 aticaShrto Br R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Moveti by McMaster, sec- 2 y2 7 the other member o! the C.L. ie antiMs-s. M. E. Foster WILSON & BURROWS ontetIbCPrte,2ha5 ce sdeUIW C4 A..cno usrb atewalks in Bcthany opposite' _________________ A.C cano suserbeta hespent a fcw days lasf wcek Chartereti Accauntants 7 ilwyb laciof AE1eBKD FEH prnipe ndamso heu-with relatives in Montreal. 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont, as requircd o!flhc Santi ant i SV 7 ion attiliateti with the Cana- Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Short O! Partners: gravel deposits fmom the Green Giant Fancy - 15 oz. Tins Weston or Sunbeam Regular 35c! dian Labour Congress. Barrie wcme down this week- Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Dcpt. o! Highways snaw Mdu He pointed out thaf Bomne endi andti fok Patricia home G.EmnMedrosiu.mlwngwnc oeaio.Cr wos-kers are threatcned wîth wifh thcm. G Phdone 728-7554 .A rloiet i i w.aton Cr the loss o! employnient, antim llP ASo M. anti Mrs. Cliarlie Roach - nmoin !MGiIaniR others actually have been dis- andi family a! Lakcvicw spent ChOnramcctWiAn ea Ml anda- .Rmm f1 charged because they coulti Sunday with herm nother, Mrs.Chir o p r t cfic Malcolm,W.A elwaap Cru CO N 6BSof1 3 1 not in go___concience____________________ -pointeti Arbitrator fa epre- notl g i nsince pltie m.Mecertanuin. G. EDWIN MANN, D.. ent flie Township o! Manvers 1 alegane a erai uios. Roy Sleep spent a few days Chiropractor ia connection with flic appeal1 ICY FRESH - FULL FLAVORED reccntly witli relatives in Tom- Office: ta dissolve Union Schoal Sec- "Red & White Selis OnIy the Best"No JubStk TfTTT'lT onto. 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. tion No. 15 Manvers anti No.No1Jub tl BU K T NMiss Margaret Seens antiPlione 623-5509 16 Cavan. Carrieti. Ross Elliott wcre witli Mr. Office Hours: By Appointmcnt Moveti by MeMaster, sec-1 Misses Marion andi Naney anti Mrs. Reg. Elliott for fthce onieti by Porter that the hall Anne Argue spent Easter hall- holiday weckend. cent henccfomth be $15.00 ER Y 2 days with relatives in Ponty- Ms on lc isbe D e*n t a 1 wlicn used for Auction Sale Tne eN.i-3l.pl a po.vacationing with hiem sister, DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. pumposes. Carrieti.- ton, was Thursday gucst o! iiy. office Hours: e by McGill, that the draft Spri ndgTCAdrR T 27 Mrs. Greta Bailcy. IMms. McTaggert anti Ken' 9 a.m. f0 6 p.m. daily Agemn as scubmitted by' O N 4cb o 9 Mr. Al Reidi, Ohia, U.S.A., rhr eetonf hi Cloeiauda aniud arfli Township rcgarding' O N 4cb o 9 is visitimmg trientis in flicvil Aesu erpae dw anthes Offie Plioay nc - 623-57h0 Bountiary Roati mainten- summr pace gai ths OficePhoe - 23-790Ontario Sun-parlour Favourite lage this week. lweekend. Hause Plione - Newcastle 355, ance anti construction be ac- " No. 1 - Jumbo Mm. anti Mms. Olives- Hub- eca aUwsptoe ceptable. Carricti. -f'TrTW EDc/0. Mr. ti WlmlyOs- li pines a ain as pt wcek DR. E. W. SISSON Moveti by Malcolm, second- CUC£dIUS 2/29 bard, Mr.IaWlseOh h hnsaanls ekL.D.S., D.D.S. e d *by Porter fliat flic Roatiaiona-Rd ie-P.bse awa, Mm. anti Mrs. Ross Hub- wlien a lire got ouf o! harit Office in lis home Superintentient attend the aifmi edR P.bse bard anti Janice, Trenton, at Joe Garczynskis. Alter men- 100 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville Sehool for Superintentients in; "Speeially Selected" Value Chcck'd STRA'WBE R S 49 wes-e ecent guesfs o! Mr. andI aeing flic house, if went Plione 623-5604 Toronto in May, 1963, spon- i Red or Blue Brahd ýMrs. Ben Hubbamti. soufli, crossedthefl]aneway Office Hours: someti by flic Gooti Roatis As- Mm. anti Mms. L. R. Argue anti on tiown flic fieldi, car- 9 a.m. fa 6 p.m. daily 1sac. adteDp fHhd attentict the wedding o! lis rcd forward rapitily by a Closeti Wetinestiay - Suxiday ways. Cars-led. day. e was donc. Office and flic Dcpf HiNoi ade Roadtn43., nehe l wed nSaur frngwnd N crou am- DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S., Moveti by Malcolm, scconti-'cill elctd 1 1 Oficecd by MeMaster fliaf the cx- 1 iAnyone having articles suif- iThe banIl meeting nnneinp 7R5 King Sqt. EV Bwm nv1cpensesincummeoti in onfect;ýion 1 Spc1111Seeced Valu... kd Choice, Weil Trimmed" anti this will eal stae-cuts-namtei sc.I am nesî<dence 62-553 in g (Pontypool) $4.00; City tablish whether as- nafflic ses-- decitiet ta have a sale o! bak- ISAH .H.GN !Ptebrog cfare With Sautced Mushrooms 10 oz. vic souli e cntnuei t îg cpaatly Barristes-, Solicitor Chas-gc-baek $64.09; Frank fli chdange a!f imetable lanflic The election o! officess as Nofary Public Cawan Co. Ltd., Spraying U E faî. elt atireslftias olaw- 14 Fr-ank St. Bawmanville Liability $90.00; H. M. Jake-N iPlease don't fargef ta put Past President- Ms-s. Eddie E. RICHARD LOVEKIN man, Expenses s-c Delegatian th Tomnatoes 10 oz. A iyaur dlocks alicat anc ous-. Couroux. Presidant - Mrs. B.A., LL.B. fa Toronto $5,00; Lewis Mc- ~a SunayScholat 0:5 At owls Vie-Mrs Tr- Barrister. Solicitor Gill, Expenses me Delegation SniayScmol a 1:1 A Low 1 ic- Mss. TR ig s. .Necstta Toronto $5.00; Rod Portecm, CORN and I'ER> 33C a.mn. anti chus-cl worsîip at ansky, 2dVice--. Rng S.E.Nwcsl 11:15 a.m. Ellîott, Sec.-Treas.- Ms-s. El-1 Pae24 Expenses re Delegation ta ___________________ Mms. Stone, Tor-onto; Mrss, anas- Fastes-, Brancli Direct- Hours: 9-5:30 - Wcd., Sat., 9.1 Toronta $5.00; H. A. MeMas- ors- Mrs. G. Caflicart antid ______________ t__ er Expenses me Delegation fa Dson rcs1wd ag Floodi, Toronta, Ms-s. Patter- Ms-s. W. Mercer, District Dis-- Toronto $5.00 R. Davitison, Dson Pie son, Ms-. antiMs-s. Fred Mard-i ector-Mr.W e-cs îk L or i age S as nofn eeato a R 6CI - Phillip's 12 oz. BUl. o oo ing, Ms-s. J. Peeling anti girls, JVisifing C.nfte- msIg gTr3ort 149 mle - loc pstail ofMeg.sa 69 Osliawa, were Sunday guests Trask. SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO mil $1490;E. LamI postag o!M-.Get1aly Convenors - Agri. anti Phone 1 r 16$10.Re.4! Bottle of 50 Ms-. anti Mrs. Mens-y Dc- iCanadian Industries -- Mss First Mortgagc Funds î.oRe.4! MilesiddencesOsaw, -ndrFandMms Curoveti by Portes-, secoridetidDes - - uJ Mil nt ailOlaa ane- at s-.Cuaux, eiene FF by McGill fIat flic meeting Phillip's T bes3cA L I M I N U M were Suntiay afternoon Cali- Home Ecanamies anti Health Business Properf es ajuaf a 1,16,a e.4c alt es-s at the home o! Mm. anti -Ms-s. G. Catlcart anti Mrs. Mortgage Loans 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Cars-led. insatn- - - - -3 cLW HI 'Ms-s. B. Mullard. Mas-y Luxon; Historical Re- Prompt, cousteous service __________3c_____CH A I Don't tos-get fhe congrega- seardli anti Educafion- Miss1 HAROLD C. PEDWELL Reg. 53c! - Plastic Medium Pkg.POYRPLN WEBN tional meeting affer flicý C. W. Stewart anti Mrs.E. Real Estate antiYE VE TO Curad Bandages -- 39c 'chus-ch service next SundayiCouroux; Public Relations - Mortgage Broker E V R O i morning, April 28th. 'Mrs. J. Stapleton anti Re. Newcastle Phoane 3856j Those who are interesteti in solutions- Ms-s. W. Mercer. A speedy recavcry ta Mrý Prices effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only membes-ship classes, please A donation o! $5.00 wasomet r y Jaice Van Dam Sm., wio lias contact Ms-. Crawford as soon sent ta flic Crippîcti Chiltiren. : 0 cnpi MeorilMHspial as possible. The Conveners' reports werc e IT .BLLTOD IBwavil.w i cs-sy reen ges ! m.aniMss.Cos-u srvtiafaty111KIngS. BE. Bowanvllco olantillant Ms-. W . Van M AP LE GROVE MARKET . . Maple Grove Ms-s. Florence Caughili was1discusseti. Mrs. E. Fastes- anti Optometrist Mm. antiMs-s. Pete Van Vliet; Ms-s. Clifford Pethick, Ennis- lunch oves- whîdli the ladies Office Mous-s: By appointmcnt des- Gugten o! Hamilton spent; O NIHýM R ET * * * * * * O . killen. 'hati their usual social chat. Teleplione 623-3252 a fcw days with thc Fr-ank!C R IHM A K TO 0 ý Miss Louise Vetzel, Tor- Mr. antiMs-s. A. Grant, Ux- Mon. Tues. - Thurs. - Fs-i. Glasbergens on refus- n i n g P R 'onto, Ms-s. Orlanti Bailey and bridge, came clown Monday ta 9 a.m. fa 5 p.m. 1 lame tram Monts-cal wliere Sheryl Anne were Sunday spend a few days visiting bis Thursday evcnings 1the tommes- couple discmbark-, OR ER-S- MARKET . . . . . NewtonviIIe J'gest ofMr& GetaBaiey.siserMrs Irne ercr. Wed. and Sat. - 9- 12 led affer sailing fs-rn Uic j