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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 7

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Social &9) Y' Phone 623-3303 >~ra K. A. Smith and dan-, /lrSally. Kingstan, spcnt1 ,-/,.o Fridav with Mrs. C. F.1 In a reparortt weekoai'tne executive of the Ladies' Curl- ing Club, 'ihe name ofi Vîv t isit with their parents %vil, leave for variail, s5eçt:ano iso the province and other pats of Canada. Please le' us have infor-ma*ion regarding ther varied activities. It xill be of interestintaouir readers. Cowam, Games Chairman, was Thruee V.OLng Toronto ladies inadvertently omitted. ýpfi there Gond Fridav% night Mr. Murra','Munroenior -t 10spend Eastei' .'eeedii n tawa spent the Easter wveek- Wheeling, Wet Vii'ginia. %viit end with his grandparents. Mr. Siim Gardon and bis Mr. and Mrs. Wrightsan gang. Tbev were Miss Donna Wight, Liberty Place. Cowan, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kentner, Mr. Mrs. Clifford Cowan. Bow- Fred Stuckey and son BilI, a' manville: Miss Evelvn Harrus, of Acton, were weekend ý1i daughter ai -%r. arnd Mrs. tors with their sister, Ms Lawren'ce Harris, Kiî'by, and Hart-y Smith, Queen Street. Miss Patricia Baumhour, dau- Visitors with Mr. and Mr5. ghter oi Mi. and Mrs. Baumn- F. Brumnmell, St. George st. houî', Bancroft. during Easter week were thpir. MIn. Ratph Ames and daiî- grandson, Dan Varcoe of Osh-' ghter. Miss, Jill Amps, '.'.ei e awa. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred wveekend guests o! Mi-. and Read ai Alpena, Mich. Mis5. Sam Black. Sudburv. Mr. and Mrs. Hi. C. Ander- Miss Jan Black, retui'nec sori and sons. Doug and Dor, home witb Mrs. Arnes and JilI of Beaurepaire. Que., wer et4er s-peniding an enijavabto Easteî' week visitoî's witb ber Faster vacation in Ne',', York parents, Mir. and Mr5. P. E. Ct"'.hteM. Wliei Greenfield, Libertyý Place. Sudibitrv Mi.ýs Amies attenldel Mrs. Alan H. Osborne e- a Tecn dant-e at the Y..C_.A. turned haine last Sunday a!- frtedi(ý ter spending a fe'.v davs la-' x',a., .pplied b v Trr'v Black week with heî' ister and bro- ad i-dls combo group. ther-iui-law. Mr. and M~ l'lie Bu',', nauuite Lionettriý Chas. Cassun, Dan and Patrick, held the;i. regulai' ici'l Bolton, Ont. mecetig ai the Lions Cer-e Mm. and Mus. Honlul- stock bave i'etni'ned ta - Iheir home iin Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, after speî-ing Easter week witb theiî- paren-ts, :vlît. and Mrs. E. Holdstock, and Mr. and Mrs. O. Plummier. Mr. Ross Turn-er, Qucen's Univer-sity, Kingston.-i.s spenud- ing a fcw days '.ith bis par'- ents, Mur. and Mis. T. Tuner. Wellington Str'eet, liefore rt'- turning ln the Uniu'.e'simv wvhere he oilI Ve '.oiking tiL' summer. The Os-hawa Skatinig Club recentty held its final tcstig program wlîen ai-i xtrcnîei'. large numriof skalers '.tece, lested. Listed auniomug the'- SURiS %eu'e Euopean Walt/. Avy Lycett; aind Rocker Fox- trot, Shaw.n Ledd'. Mn. and Mis. R. W. "ua mon, Susami and Hamili- ton. and Mi'. anîd Airs. 1liarr'- McCamnus, Rnber't aind Donald., tors wi, and Mme Me\,ICamuis' ahu Rev. A. . Har'ding and Mrh. Har'ding.9 Mr. au-d Mis. Mur','Au nit, tl3~Cristine and Rabbie, Bele- 1 i2e, twve i'weeked'.u, r with heu' parents.Mir. ai-d Mrs. Jack Magnirp. Br'own Stî'eet. Miss Camarol a iebas ne- tut-nec ta hem teaching duties, in Scai'baomoghm aller spenîdjnu Easter vacation with lier pa- ents, Mr'. and Mus. Maguiî'e. Among the nurses al- fended the 501h Anrivemsarv Tea Ô! Memoi'ial Hospital '.'.'s Mrs. Doris Hillier Sheppaî'd. Queenston, one ai the fits! lo..Sheppard bad dinncî' %e1uuMr's. Normnan Allun, ai-- olheî' eaî'lv gîaduuate. cai- spent the evenung wAitb Mrs.j C. F. Rice. Mn. and Mis. J1.E. Alar Cxreville and daughteu's. Dawn and Vikki. Oakviile. and Mr. an'd Mrs. Kenneth Cox, Kinig St. Ea5t. Town. spent the Easteu' weekend wt iii M. and Mrs. .1. E. Wvlie, Brock and i Adripnn, London, Oni. M '. and Mms. Greville uecentlv ' e-i turned iuom an enjo ' able three-week vacation in The Bau'bados. M. and Nu Iaumnetime Goi- dar'd attended the Conivoca- tion af the Law Societ.v of Upper Canada at the O'K-eeie Centre. Toronto, on-iFuidao'. April 101h. The occasuoni tas the Calling ta the Bau' oi due recent gradîates of the Bat' Admiesion Coui'se. Tbciu' sonv- in-law. Mir. NelsonNlcKa'. ueceived bis r-ail ai tiis time.- He is cuu'entlv pi'actising iin the city ai Toronto. Trhis '.oeekctid vacationu tinue heginme for i'uaivuu"unit'eu'i'., students ai-d olieus t'.ili tar:-1 bn the nexi ie'vo,'es.Nai-' will be e-gaged 'ii stnîner emplosymeuut and aller a bief on Tîmsdav, Apu-ul 10. Presi- dent Eva Hocini presidied ai oveuomed specal guest Heleuî WVallis. Reports tvere unade b'. Treasurei' Tieluna Leslie aund Secmetary Marie Mloses, anci the e'.'nng dia'.. .'aswom h'. Lionette Nol\Kent.Foo'.- ing the business ueetiig an au'tion sali" in charge of beldi .ohen man o'iutci'cst'uîg teins '.ersouci, 'The en-iuu- der o! th eveen . mu osas speuf maki-ig gauze paris for thlc Red c1moss TYRONE [ioit flouge t Ilai-nuE', and School nmeetinig at Tx'îonîe Pub- lit, ScViool. TViusday, Api'il 2.3 ai 8 p.n'u. Guesi speakepr .ir.s. JIackson liantm tbh' Onimou 1Menutal JIeaIlhb .so'iatioi-i subleet: Mentli -IaliVi. Mmr. amc II t'S. K enr i lu Lamnb, Oak'.ulle: iVl'. ai-d lUi',. Cecil Jîumkiuî. Claî'kson-. '.'eu'e Sunuda>' celleu's ni Mm. ai-d Mrs, Geouge Allclieacl. A' spec'd -' ecn'.et'>' incuîî '>- one fiends ta Mms. Joe Rid- die, Hiampton. (mîe lMuriel .Jon-es) u".'ma undeî'weî't sur- gem ' ' on Manda> iii Bo%,'man- tulle Memoial Ilaspital. Douglas di-ne:, VMaltoi-i.spemit thie Eastei- 'weekehd h im iothei' Mis. Luelha Jones. Mr. anc] Mts. G .Alldread m-.eue suppei' guiesis a! Mr5., H. Murrîay, Oî'onn. Mr. A Guiesi, Tomitto. t isif- eci Aïr. au-d Mrs. C. Dodd. Mr'l-. anîd Mis. lHarold Ici'- nier. Buketon, '.ere East cm Siuuday 'alleî's o! Mr. and Mus. A. Habm. Nî'1. aI Mi's R. Clapp t 5- ited Mr. caud Mis. C. D. Hodg- son, Ajax. MnJ1. and iMrs. J,. C. Couk 'vils- ied bis cousin Mr. and Mus. W. A. Clark, Leaside. is. K. J. Fei'gusoii, (311- a'.va: Mus. F. L. Fax, Pasadena, '.isîted Mr'. au-d Mrs. M. liant- jin. Mis, Fei'guso is plannî- ing tiniake hem borne in Bat'.- nuanvî le. .lirniu-i> Paurk, Pet erbor'uigb, speuit a le'.vdcys '.ith Doug- as Par'k. Mrn.dri Mm"'.. Jamesc Par'kcand Scott. Peiei'laongii speuu thew .'.ekuu w..ith Mi'. aoc] Mcs. W. Park. Mr. ai-d Mi's. N. Cox, Stoufi- ville, '.'sited Mrsg. Pei'ry M'vc- Ca>'. Suilday'. Receut gîesi ai 11- 1e amtsei %Vas Mus. Normuan Wiliszoliî Tai-anto. Mm. anîd M.J. Um i td bo v3 w'.er'e diincc guesis Suiu- (ia>' oif i aud-iMs. R. Fer- lent. Bow..manvilie. Mi'. au-d Mris. C., Clarkuildci faunil>' spent im'the een to'ti Mn,. at-d Ms.Eugen-i Krainr. Por't CalVumi-lî'm MIn1. and .Mrns>Geou ce Ver. Mn. aîmd Vins. Mmucm oa'. 'nd-c TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rcv. Wm .K.Iloi-iýlander, B A, B.D. Organist - Air.Arthur Collisan, Mus.B.,L R.S- M1 11:001 a.mi. -.NORNING IVORSHIP I)urhani Chapter No. 181 Order of the Eastern Star Church Parade. "The Eternal Dilemma" SUNDAY SCH001, 9:45 a.m. - JIunior, Interilnediate, and Spiiinr 11:00 a.m. - Nursery andi Begiinnerx 11:20 ai. - Kindergarten and Primary 4 A CORDIAL WELCOME TO All REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street. Bownianville Rev. Jlohn C. Veribiîugge, HA., B. D., in 151esr Telephone 623-5023 WORSH1P SERVICES 9:00 amr. - Dutch 11:00 ar.- English 7:30 English r Proclitring the Whole Coîînsel of C(md S "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts CKLB, Oshawa, nt 9:15 p.rn. e'ery Sunday girls, !!ampton; Mr. W. Bafr-: stw eskard, were GondE ec Friday' tisitors of Mr, and Mrs.fec Paul \Tane. 'NIr. and T. H arstm auî P e s Bowmanville. were dinerrre guest5 af Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dorp. Little Pat Woodley had her Tlhe Haly? tonsils removed last week. annual Commi was held in St Mrand Mrs. Herb Powell. on Sundav moi Bowmanville; Mr, Bob Bur'- amsFaà ton, Maple Grave. were sup. man:. members per guests ai '.\r. and Mrs. A. who- attended. Youngman. Sunday. Those at the This Sunday will be Com- addition ta munion Sunday at Tyronte werp Rev. F.1 Unitpd Church at Il arn., ail spiri'tual diret are wvelcone. er. immediate i. J. L. IJugari received Norman Hanni word of starm damage ta the ar ' : Delbert roof of bis cottage at Lauren- treasurer; Heny tian Maluntain, Quebec. where shal. and W.F Ve is spending a few days. ana, an official Several pictures were taken Lands and F, ai the ". swans that landed on ment. Ty rone milI pond around President Fa noon on Mlonday. the organizat The U.C.W. meeting held Father Malane in thie Sunday School mooni for $500 toa as: Apî'il 10. was well attended. the expenses1 The meeting was opened with Me paid a higý the Worship Period. Scripture unfaiiing help by Miss Grace Smith. Pres. given ta the H Mî's. Coombes tald the Easteî' îety by Fathe Stor ' . Nrs. A. Hoaî' reported extended the in allocation for' U.C.W. ta Osh-,and appreciatic awa Presbyterv. donations o! 3Mi. Fair als T shirts, sweaters or Jeans the members af hrought to next meeting. the support tt Ov'erseas bale ni good usea ic uîtgh c1othing ta be left aiM'sA. presiderit. He 1lîlîs before the end of May. Fr'ank Woolnei Social Conv'enoî' Mrs. Lam- chalriflan, for' bertiliakedal tvho helped efforts in this with catei'ing and the î'ecep- Fi locm tion foi' the Communicants prarle for all CIass progî'ar. A thought fo at the chui'ch. Suriday read by ivs. A. Hamn- Joe. Cooper ilton. Piano solo ",The Flawer during the nc Sang" by Mrs. D. Crig. Rev. etection o! a!.i C. Dugan ýyas oui' guest speak- coming year. er ad spean *"Mis f oui' were Tain Mas' ý,eai-. af prctiminai'y prepar- eCchme ation fri the full tinhe minis- G -n trxý." A social half houi was elected pî'esidiu sp'ent.The. others ele spent. cming year t 4-H members af different - groups met behind the Domnin- ion store roi, the bus tr'ip, Apr:l 16. After we vvere ai- the 1-S -'. e w - t' ut, tfni 1tP Glen Hughes HoIy Name Soc, Dyers and ( They werea thei.r leaders1 1ev, also Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Club mem bers der, Margueri Neals. Susan Naine Societys ivîce-president: .John Regan, Smith, Patsy union Breakfast treasurer; Deibert Hendsbee, Bigelow. Jo. St. Joseph's Hall secretary; Lea Goulah and Judy Robînsc orning. Pî'esident Alvin Miasterson, marshals. Porteous, ,welcorned the The immediate past president _Miss; Chai s and their sons James Fait- is also a memberTrenton, Qpe of the executive. Jast week wi e head table i The Catholic Women's Lea- Scott. President Fair gue catered for the delicious NMr. and i'r K. Malane. the breakfast. Mrs. J. E. Rand, the yardi and fan ctar; Joe Coop- president, waq the catering Falls Visîted1 Spast president; convenar. Rovvan during ion, the secret- W. R. Biinting, the Super- Guests witi Hendsbee, the intendent of the Orono Nuî's- Walter' Neais ry Eîkens. mar-- ery, who is also in charge of Ivîr. and Mr-s R. Bunting. Or-;the Northumberland and Dur- cott, London.î il ai the Ontario ham, and the Ganaraska Re- Hoivard Scott Farests Depart- faî'estation Pi'ajects, presen-t- Mr,î and Mi Pd two interestiflg motion pic- nolds_ spent airi an behaîf ofi tui'e'. in RudigewaY tion presen-ted The first film showni deaIt ai-d âIrs. Rau' e with, a cheque with r'eforestation, and the im- N'li. jîlial ssist in defo'aying partance o! this in connection ail heî' famil' o! the church. wvith conservation. Methods of tel-, Iîr. and1 h tribute ta lie planting. pruning, and generaltoIýv ai-d faîni )and inspiration cai'e wei'e dernonstratedi in 1\r. ai-d Mî's.1 'loly Naie Soc- 'the pictuire. anîd alI aspects Omemec:lt- [i' Malane. and of the wvork were outlined. Laidley andic -nembers' thanks The second motion picture ville, Mrs. Gi: on ta hlm. depicted several torest tr-, Allan Bristo%. lso thanked all that hiave taken place in other ough. Sunjdaý of the society fer ;parts of the country. It show- surpu'ise fou' hey had given'ed the terî'iiic damage that also c'eleb'aîii s txva terms a3 Van he inflicted an floulishl- Th-e family pi' ecompliment-,d ing stands af timber by fice. giite and a bil er. the Bingo It alsa outlined the many fire tred the dii1i ihîs successtul hazards which must be guard' lVîîs. MWillia: ; connection.Mr. eclapainst. and] howed the . ,..ii-i a..,.n.-. .ended Paut La-1 his good work .was chairinan ominations and ficei's for the The scrutineers isterson and Jas-1 Hughes Iw a S lnt for 1963-64. lected for the vere Bert Pve BETH fou' ami entoyable day. WVien 4th I eddtg Aulil.'et'saryi we gt ii Eannis '.e 'veî' Mm and Mrs. John A. K{err. si-own the kitchen ai-d Ibo'.v RH. 2, Betl-an%, celebrated tile fond '.as made. 'The Geai'- theit' 101h 'veddiu'ug anniveus- giaii Room, in th'e same de- a ' y, Api'il 1211i and '.eî'e ci- partaient, is wet' ea ur teî'taîrued al. fue homne or ibeir lunchi. An honi' later '.e weréio'e s ndc daîîghtrnl'v Mr. of! for the Parliamenit Btiild- cnd Mis. 1.l'.vod Kserr. The fiuugs. When we gai ihere we family presented thei' pa:r-j ''e taken ta a roo an ud ".ere ents '.itl- a swivel rocker. asked histoi'y questions abonut Botl' ha'. e tive.d iii the dis- the Par'iiaunerit Buildings. t-ici ail theur' luves. Mrls. Ker After '.aiting for the bus clui. '.vas flie fori'uec HieiNelson, '.et-s ttc tent ta a textile n- dauugbfeu' aithe laie Mr. amîd dtisir:' wheu'e w\'vei'e sh'.v l\sJohni-iNelson. '[The \'hat'e o'.v cloth t.a made and cal- foui cliildreui, Nelson ofaiAl- CLm'ed. WVien '.e '.eî'e almost berta, Elw'ood o! Bethany, haine ve san'g *"He's. a TJolly INu's. H. Ratvley (Vernia> ai Gocmd Fellow'"' for' takîng us on Trenton, Gracnt ai hotune. and] ai tribp. iwao grand-laîugbters Debbue '[hle '"'i~ >usar'e ll-r and Donna Kemi'. ng anaihcu' papem' driv'e Sat., WVay Famlly IIanotred May' 4th. Please [l'ave papers On Satuu'day evenuing iin St.j tied ai-d eti î'ocdsîde foi-'Pl'us Pau'îsh Hall, the cari- pronmpt pickuti. If riecessarv mîunitv said faî'ewell to Mir. ho lia'.c t heu-i- picked up hefone andiMs Sidney WaY amui-I heir flililair oeçail itiier -163-25.34 daughters Carnl and Jackîe, ou 26:3-2764.tpriot, ta theur leaving for Ba-, den on Monday., '..l-eie Mur. nTmTTn¶7 ay bas beeni tasfeî'red as ODITUAflI manager. of th'e Tor'onto- Dom' inian Bank theî'e. F. 11, "BILI," OLIVER Th'e Rev. Regiuîald R ose spoke ho apprcciatian of theur Fcio'.iing a lengtl'y luese, 1r.commruitty efforts durxing' the deaili ai Edsall Llewellyn their stay bere. Mm. Way had1 "Bit!" Oliver,. agent 57, o!l. beemu treasumei' ai St. Paul's, Concession St., Bowmianville,'Pamish,' also ti'easuu'ei ai the acum'îed i O '..aGetiier'1Bethany Athletie Association. Hlospital aon Sunî'day. Apri! 14, Mr's. Way liad beemi secictary, 1963. of the Ladies Guld. Bath biad Banni ai Haieybur ' . Ont.. been memibers nf the Bow.l- the aieceased ovas the' son a! iu'g Club, Camolaini-d Iacki2, 'mrs. V. R. Oliver,. Bo'.vran- belongaed ta the Bî'o'.nies. Me tille. and tile late Mnr. Oliver. expresseci the gooci wisbes )t il1 e attended Bowmanville the counmunnty foi' their fil- Publc, ai-d ligh Sciois. The luu'e ai-d pres;en-ied tliernT with laie .Mr. Oliv'.er' and bis ii a pmhise ai i'noiie\'. file forumer' Guace C"el. The evening w ýas spFtit un who suri.ies. '.veî'c marri'edi playing euchre and luinchi wasz on Octobci' 5, 1935.. seu".'ed. At 1thfiime ai [ns deaih Mr. pigBl Oliv'er' 'as Woî'ks Accouîut-' rng al ait ah tile Bo'..manvutle 'lile "Spî'rîg Bal" luu'ld n Vrau'uc mof thernGclad'.eat'Ti-eSt. Paii's Pai'isi Fialt ami1Iri- & RublîtîcmCampain' wbem'e hl ia dec iglit '%vas a nleightful tuac beeo enipfloyed for al- eveîuî anud t'. liattemodied. At- nsi :39 peais He was a mcm- tuactiv-e Eastei' cecoratiai-i ber ai StS. ,Iolîîî's Anglican \vei'e ki.ied thi'oughut ich Clîui'cV, Bovnanvîlle, and :H-llan îd e'.ei'yane W'aS pte- frearuîmer ofifile Restouatiun senteci with a tin>' corsage or" Ftund of Si. John's Anglican boiitoi-naii-e. Roberti Sissan' 1s Cluuuîlî(.11aîochestr'a pî'a'.ided the m-usic 'i'l'e i-eceas.m'i oas a u'î'au'er . it' Cmeght n amiCcndi'ectiu-ig i'neiuibei' of hule Bo'.'.n-ianiille file squar'e dauîces ai-d Wly ilois lubau-d aloîiri înm-Reui as NMaster ni Ceî'eiinnies:.- ber off ilue Distrmct Area 111gbLuckd ooî' . Vic '.enttJtakn. Schoîul Boar'c. Ile was also ~amdMs icita'su.A meihernI t-i Bo.vinan.jle .tuffed Ecsteu' Butin\- -vas solCi Clauîbcr ai Comiumerce. Ib' uoictiou-andcoi-I "'ob'.'Ericu'.' Besies is wfPtheSmith. Pd us sur'.i'.ed i o nc datigb- Eulfula ud ter,. , idus nmothier, Fcum-eni'ci Sîuida>' t'. as 011 Mm.V. R. Ol'.ver. Also sur-,semved iii Bethami'. as a toinlt t'iig are tiî'ee sisicu's. Lue>' ýservice a! the t'.'.'a cigi'egc- DMr. V. Ho\wIl,ard Gubsoî'i,! tians as n'emn'bers of St. Patul'z Bn\\.'-i'an'.'ilc', Flurence (M'ls. iAiîglic-an Chnm'ch cttemried the W. G. D.Mila , Peici'- Uniitd Chum'ch service uni Sun' bumoInLgh. ai-d Margat'et ('s. dayinoun inug. Ralffli Watson)t ni Edmonton, Mm. Alex 'hayvluor ac] Char'ge Alberta. af the service and] .'.elcomned 'P'ie lunecal service '.'a the visitors. Velc fronutfie Ci'apel oa i lue:, Re'.. Rcgîîald Rose oi st. Numnth-cuit & Siinîtho Funeu'aI Paul's Chîui'h gave the seî'- Hoi-i. Bu'.'. an'.'ole. oai-i Wed- muo ,'.'th the text taken fontmu nescia>. Apt-il 17. and was .lohuî 18 "That the>' ail ina>' comiducteci bv Rev. J. K. be onie" speatting ai union ni. Famptoi-of'ai. Johin's An- tIhe twa churches, samne o! Ille glicati Chiicho. hItermn-t '.as rdiiicuiiies iî'vl'.edi and ght'- n Bat'. mauii-ilie Ceinetci'>. uuîg eul eaî'nest plea foi' beiter J Pal Ibrarerg ',erP ess stuart R. James. Melville S. Date. H. Gordon MVacNeili, Bobert R. Watt, Aý W. Robert' Kent and Herbert i, Gad- dardi *Honorai.," pa[lbparpris wmre Mess s, Alani H. Osborne and Andrew MN. Thompson. '\tiebtiiig t10the 1 whch the deceased wvas iield lw eie the many beautiftil flou' ai trîbutps, arnang which were itho>fp irom the Gaadvear Tire S&Riihber Ca. FactorY Couti- tcil: The Mlanagemnent. Gond- Syear Tire & Rubber Ca.ý Tlie Crist Departmient and Tîmne Office. Goodyear Tire & Rub- beir Co. Foremer', Goodyear Trie & Rubber Co.; The Que. bec Plant Factorv Council, Goodtpaî' 'lire & Rutbbet, Co.: J. Goodveai, Supervision Club:ý j Local' 39-s. U.R.W.. Goodyear; j Du.rl'aîn Groveîs Co'apera- jtive Stoî'age Ltd., New,\caztle; jThe Student Councîl, BO'W- n-an\ ille Higli Schicol: Th'e jStaff & Students nf Bo.vmauo- ville Iligh Schooi: Durham Couintv Distriict Hîgh Schaol JBoard l:St. .oh!i*s Ang-licait JChurch.I, Boutmanivilte: Boxv- m ant ili'r Tionr ('luiii. and 'Dutharn Chapteî 0-E S. No. S182. Converters Ltd. accompanied by Mrs. Har-y Ry- Ray Carder ai-d sJetnrngs. The rs %vere Gail Car- ite Beer, Muriel iScott, Dianne Bigelow. Shaî'on anne DeBruyn- nand Eleanox' irmaiîîe Wil.son, 'nt several days ith Miss Suisan, 's. Kenneth Halfl nily oi Iroquois wvith MIrs. Laura ig the past Iek vui M7r. and Mis. f or- Easter \vCre 5Clarence Endi- and Mr. and Mrs. tt, Liiudsa v. Irs. Charles Reyv- Easter ',eekend visitung with Mr.ý nald Hawke 'v. î'd Bristow had cy home for Faz- Mrs. Geriy Bris- ifv of Yelverton: Djouglas Graham. r. andl Mrs. Ted iaîivof Belle- .yle Malfait ai-d %v ()f Petc.rbor*- y îtuner xvas a Gerry ',ho w, ng hiF hurthdla '. esented hini Nvith rlthdlay cake cen- ing table. un Mvark lias re- ha voc which may be caused holidays ini Florida. by a manient of carelessness on thc- part ai one ai the geni- eî'al public. Ways ai-d meansý of Lire fighting were also l r W o kn A avteorthanks con be-. H rd W orkingt haiofal thase piesent -%vas Ce s & C s tendered by Delbert Hends;- bec ta M-. Buntitng foi' hisýea y 3 l presentatioii of the interest- picoîrs. ~ .-----.Reheaisas airieachunga frantic pitch as the Bawman- ville Drama Workslîop pre- ýA N i pares its eveniîîg o! tli'ee Onu' Act Piays ta be pî eseuted uridem .tandîng. in the Bo'vnanvilie Touwn Hall The choi' drected by NMs on Thursday, April 25, ai-d S. L. Speller oith Mî-s. Clar- Friday, April '26. Every niei- eîîce Rowan as oî'ganist sang bei' ni the W'arkshop lias a the atithein "Al iIn An Apî'il job. either oui stageou' haclc E'.e'ing".o! il. The ilnwrus on thp allar Stage ïManager leln Nelles '.verî" frin theidrnunds fami- reports a il us gaiuig siînooîhly ily in memaî'y o! the late Reg. %vitlibei' backstage tore'vs. Edmunds. Costume designer I' Ige Reit- Hydu'o Showtime mullei' has created souine ont- Betaum Woen' intittestanding costumres, make-up sponsor oed lld' Ishotifme"chiei Betty Depew wilt Ve i's- ipnstuedT'v alr l i es-ponsuble foriagiiig zonie mof iii he ovi Hll o Weilg.S-the N'ungci cast nicleuts au-il da '\. On dsi v er-e manyioihligbting those iai icquir- eiectri-al appiiaiices. ing any special eifcis:. lHi'" William Hall ai the l'olntn assistan~ts Jean Sher'idan and Hydro office tvas masici'0-rf'Marggot Samuel will liclp speccd 'ei'enionies. Other hYdra af- the Job. ticials pî'eseîit '.vcre How.ard Lightiîîg t'. li aguu ut e lie hu Wýar'uei-i anîd Donald Dn',s ai dan-iaii-iof Jack Darclh and Pete'haouLghl and Donald sorne difficlt effects will lie Habson, Belleville. adnnrably execiitcd. The man «N Mr. Hall showpcd a film propeî'tes wIll be handled b.y "Symibol oi Bette!' Living" Dave Piessoui, Glad Et'hei'. mth pie.tî aioi-iah-n c-Bruce Hen-dr nnd Gary,> Clar'k tuical home including the and tlhe assistant stage mialm- heatinig systei Fie also di-s- agers Dot Bagneli, Elizabeth cîîssed proper !:ghting bal-!Pî'oei' ai-d Denise Wessels anîce ai-d vaî'iotis types i il be beiping ta cîcate a lanps for good lighting. Don-' smoofh perforiiiunce irom ait îing a cbef's apron and cap sm-oott perfor'mance trman- a lie gave a rmirth!L Skit ai-i Cuitain time x'.ill be shiarp "Hot Dags" whicb be prepar- at 8:15 p.M. roi, the imrr-t ed iin ai-iaulamatie electric play, "Storm in a Lýoting CctP", hot dog cooker. direr,,teci by Anitan Foistci'.' MisF Bar'bar'a Woadall, Ior-.'"The Saricibox", diî'ected bv ciito. a graduRte of Wetern Jean Daî'ch. itti ollow ai-d Uiver'suty and Horane Econ.- the et Pning wiil couiclude wt ainit wh is ell knovn, the detîghtful comedy-. " throîugh liei' 'flevision pro- Othei' Haîf". directeil hi'Edp gr'am. demionstî'ated mnany of Cale. ttie eîectî'ical applian c e e, Businuess niariagel \lau'.. caoked a complete aven meal Couch reports a brisk sale of on the stage, as well as a lîîn- tickets, so get Vour's eai'iy fiono cheoru dish in the electric fry- any member o! the Club, an by pani. Slie xvas assisted liy Mrs. phon' -ig 6"-1-3128 Niai-iel Finney. Mu'. lall expressemi thaikr NVIL ta thje Womiei's bistittile aind E T N IL ta George Waddell who hiad supplied rnost o! the electrical MitF. Neil 0< Ionne- liid 1tern.ý displayed. children o onomirg Wer e Vis)- Mir I-larmy v fyey. piesideniLtr, iat. Mr. tanlev Roxte s a n ori ille W expressed their, Mjnncav lasi. thanks ta ail the Hybdro c'ific- Mi. Ravinoiud Bruire quiciand jais and ta Miss Woodatl. 1g1anddau'gbters. tlu' Gibsoni Ther we'e naix cl'aw fo girls. visited rplatives% aroiiri pxiz2s tvîtb Mms. Addison Scott; Ban ci-of t oveî' the. assisting Howar'd Waruen oniweekend. drawing the lucky numbei-s.' Mir. aîmd Mî's Bis Vid ïMiss Patricia Gr'een mvon îarnîî\, Mr. Cecil Dean andr f lic electric steam iî'n lanated Ronnie. w \ith Mu'. au-ic Mri. by' RyleY au-d Sons Geneial Ken -lot, a!l ai To'onto, wVel'e' Stor'e; Mrs. Eaîl Argue, the, Tuesday sipper anîd ot'eriiighl, basket o! groceries couî'tesY gnests with Mr. and M.- ai WaJlv Re id's Grocery: ýMî's. Clin1ton Brî'n',. .J. C. Cuinuniske>l thfe electrie Mu-. ai-d Mrs. ('ecdli[<cuder- dlock cdonated by Iin-i Cia-,snadfml tBwin bain'. store and Bowing AI-sa-id er famil' sai r.ian- - e y : M r s . E u i r n a Cm a i' ' î î' e l i ve i ' e is T i t o î s a v P M u . F u r d electcic kettie courtes v of Master Douglas Wade. Ne\ -- I{escne Electije: M is. flar'.' caste, spen: 1the :a ' îei' îoli ' Prîeston- the bassock donatpd 'davç s tvtb MNr. and Mirs. Hanî'y by CI-ieinev Bios, or Peter-, \'d borougli: Miss Dianne Sniith,' Mi'. anud ils Elvin Warr-en thie eiectru' bianket "'nt from aiid farnul' . oi Ne'",Ga '" the Belleville Hydua office, No'. va Solwere ,isitoirs Mrs. Eaî't iMcQttaid the eectric uieEserloi1ýs hcateî' donated b y George Mduand rigEscrBouSd 'u ,Waddel l's Electrical Appliani M' aMiis Bull SkHendrs ces: Miss Dianne Bigelov., thl-j IissBnd Hneso- electrie Viot w.ateî' heater, visited heî' coiî,sii. Miss Kar- w..hicn '.'as pi'eseuted bv the 'en Giliner. Port Hope. dUi'ingý Peteî'boiough iHydro office. holidlat s. The food po'epaned on stage NMenî trainthe Autuniatic al b'. Miss Woodall also weîît ta Brockville are ipee'.oi'ling lîuick-v ticket holders. Missai the ne'.. Telephone nificc,ý Chaî'înaine Wilson, Mi'. Vin- unistalling tlhe new diai equuip- cent Jackson, Mrs. Ger'.in inent. iulligan, Mis. NMervin SmTitil Mi-,alii d Mu' Ed .Ro'..e of Mis. Ei-nestine 1lendeison and PeteibouolugIî 're visuttirs on Mis. Charles loiton. Thuîiisd,'.\ îth Mr. aliidu MNrs ThoinaF Jeiniltant i M. ":cdIluulns:u au MUrs. Eaî'i McQuaid v. etcuin Pt)IM .MaDnld and E;i'yor1 i- i rescrt OC e,d Br-uc, Mr, l'iuuran Herider- a rook hook and othe-r lifeî'a- Soni. Bob and Bi11, anud se ture pei'taining In the u".' cm!Bill Gilneî'afiendier!t'np arl- hydî'o and ail electii apolian- rnî:ai Hocke'. Banque' n l hr ce,. Lions Room .N walon Mr.Fraik WILiteý. 11,en- W'ednesdav eveuîiug. Each bac ton, spent the past week \vith i'eceit'<'d a ci'est. 1Mr. and Mrs. Haî'iy Ryleýv. Members of the IncailiJC.W. Oî'loe Challice, Byng lnie, who alttended Itue speutal was homne for the Eastei' holi- meetiung O! M'oud-'h UC W- ou! reaehed hoine, tnafLy, en Sat- The Ca.nadian Statesman, Bonmanvtlle, Apr. 24, 19637 urday.7 NIr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Hay- derMlian r n erh hmsn fTrno wvard of Orillia were week. deson, Ms ilgn r n.etaTopo fTrno end visitaors at the Manse. Ms . a' , r adMs and Rev. and Mrs. Scoat et Mr, and AMrs. C. H. 'RoLal.MrnadMr.F. Bowmanville. x'îsited Mvr. and Mrs. J.ane Hendersan, Mr. and "%r-.. E. 'ý1ore i Hamltono Ce Walkey, Mr. anid Mrs. S. Lan- The Henderson farnly held %veekend. ti castel'. a supper party at the Village \Iote!. Welcomie. on Sundav Svnipathy of the communiy Mr. an-d Mrs, Robert Mlac- evening, in honor of the 53rd 'extended ta Mrs. W. H. Murchy and sn aot, edn anniversarv of Mr. Joiies and other rnembers Af were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. George Hendersa.n her iamnily an the death, earlv Reichrath. of Port Hope. Mr, and Mrs. Fridav rnorning. of her sister. Mr. and 'is. Ralph Taînp- Arnold Wade and Grant. Mr. Mrs. Zena Carlaw. et the kijs 'and sans were supper! and MNrs. Fred Hendersan, homie oalier' son, Mr'. Johniguests on Sunday with Mr.IPetei* and Caral. and Mr. and Carla\w, in Warkwarth. The and Mrs. Berl Tomrpkins. Mr,;. Truernan Hende r s aon prlvate funeral wvas held on Sundav aiternaan irom the Mr. and Mis. Jack Ellîatt were amaong those attending .Alen uneal:-Ime heie.and Dorothv vere Sunday frani Newtonville. .Amang those %wha paid their WvSios t in Toont. M i-,i. s.J. Lancaster wa:ý ni respects to, the famnily Satur- WaSulsi Ton. 'roî'onto on Mandas' attending dav aternoan ai-d evening, Sundayvivsitors with Miss an executive meeting of the rromn this district. were Mrs. Anne Nesbitt included Mrs. Imiplernent Dealers at the C. Bro\vn, Mis. Milligan, Mrs.' Mar.iory Watson and Mis;- Westburv Motel. Roy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. E., Walkex ýMr. and Mrs. C. M. JoeMis. Carmian Cornish, W S UO N Mi.F. Gilm-er. O L M S I N M..Ra 'vmiond Bruce was a dinner guest on SaturdaY with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ackland, Part N IG H T Hlope. Soor yte10r fWrdMsin Mr- ariri Mis. Ewart Robin- Spnod 'teBddofWrdMsin son and tarnily were Saturday United Church of Canada ni-ght dinner guests of Mi. anid Mrs. Wallace Boughen, SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. while Mliss Ruth Gardon waICEsTETUITDCUC a ,uiesl there on Sundav. IIO TET NTDCUC Arnong those attending the O H W Jasonîc Banquet in Newras- t1e Saturda', evening Wel'e Mi% Speakers., Three new candidates for and Mrs. Jack Elliait, Mrs. R.; Overseas Missions. Trii. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hen-] Competiti've Prices Plus Personal Service SAVINGS THis WEEK Soft - Strong KLEENEX REGULAR 12's KOTEX - Disposable TISSUES 200"s FEMININE NAPKINS SPECIAL 2 for 31 42c 2 for 83( REI The Tooth Poste ecnm79c CRSThat Reduces Cavitescnm RITING PAD'Goliath" Letter 3 WRITIN PAD size -Reg. 49c 39 Hollywood WAVE SET '.itb arni', 26e I.D.A. Milk cf Magnesia .,g.sDr 2/88c MAALOX LIQUID 12 n5r. 1 .571 NOXZEMA Skin Cream ý,4 z 2/97c SOLO Bobby Pins--- neg.ici, -2/14c SUCRETS - Tinx <-f 24'o -49c TRI-VI-SOL -*~c'3.29 These Special Prices f rom April 22.27 AT LAST EXPORT'K CIGARETTs 20:s 25's EXP7RT PLAN 2«s 25's I.D.A. Brand MINERAL OIL 40 oz. 99c a 0 9 A Deodorant that Goes on Dry To Keep You Dry HELENE CURTIS Pressed Powder Compact DEODORANT and ANTIm-PERSPIRANT SECURE With Puff Applicator 1.e35 NOWA HOME PERMANENT that's actually GQOD for your hair! Prety Perm Thp aew permanent that highlights hiair rolrir and improves hair condition, Pretty Perm gives you the sot manageable wave ynij vp» aiways &reamned about. And wcnder of wonders. t actualiy correr'ts the unpleasant side.effects of the ordinary wave, Pretty Perm brings beauty to permanent wavng! Wh-ether 'tour hair ie actural or tiated. onfe of Prohh-i Pt'rn's 6 co:or caiegories t. nîgat for yrou' Availabe in the fobilnwiug LIGHT BLONDE - OEEP BLONDE - LIGI iBROWN - OL&P BRON AUBURN (for reddish hiEhlqghtl on brown> - BLACK tbackç hair oahyi ~t~b %Y~*tAj44~ 350 Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies A Alex. McGregor e DRUGSe ~ 5 King St. W. - Phone 623-5792 HEAR Dr. G. Cormack Director. Da.v C'reCet, suhect :(0 o r *"Child Developnient frotil the Normnal Aspect' WED., MAY 1 in St. Andrew's S. S. Roomn This Is an opportunity to enjo! tliia interetint and htimnrous speaker. Spoioi-ed bY the Men of Sf, Andreo% t , t

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