10 The Canadfan Statesmian, EBwmanv11le, May 1, 1963 'The 1963 seas<mn Is earlier than ite ,a.nd Valerle were In Peterbor-'to contac't with, andmay "VcrFrrw ard. ____________ _________ - - -normal and is progressing at G esUnlionfl ive e ough on Sunday to take Sy!- .long session around the ul- M.adMs ids ii a rapid rate. This shortenl via Giover home. ing frames was iligtndbok n r n r.J the favourable planting period Danya Hill of Port Hope with ber companvy. Thele-Rid rn.vsie n and increases the work Ioad* A SI visited with her aunt and un- est sympathv of hei ayMr.Prl arw heti eaonIar er il H a e to a f rcIe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Barrow- friends of Morrish and vcnt isNraHlocl r Lands and F rest if*w*ti ll vrlr r m r .. a eclough, during Easter week. is ffeed dtouthe t eaC nMsSdH~oeln W e k y R p r yR .Sfle r9 e f l visited with his sister, Mrs. H. (Mrs. Morlev Harness)Betdinr usswthM.a W eek y R e ortRegional Safety Officer ýA n Effecive 0 O a Barrowclough, on Sunday. and aS.meber s onhsfm r.adMs d Wihte det fsri.r a ni a ionI On Mondayi, April i5th, thei1and7io at Mrs. . Dobsonl Tree Plantiln Fn ull SwIniK carried out in ail five ilun and approach of summer an loa,4Hgrl ter lea- TeStd ru mti h bY E. F. Johnston, Timber te fteLnsyFrs i-ices ntenme I ers went on the bus trip to Sundav School on Wednsa.iudy Sprio trict. During the next three motor vehicles traversing the Toronto in a group of about'April '24th. when the Rv ~ M.ad Ms cngt Tree planting jobs are beinglweeks a labour force of 75ihighwavs and roas of te Sa s ar U ni n pe keki0.tche atEat ondha the r studv o the Wod od, una - ----men will plant three-quartei-sKawartha Lakes and Halibur- lunchen i tGorgandRomad the wa' M. ad rs.GeogeTh of amllon seeln g oettn Hglands. r-Ti nraewlS aprnt.ne ' If farmers are to have an ion's accomplishments, Mrs. bership to make this possible. They also visited a textile fac- 1 Mrs. Fred 'MeConneli a o.Ooo.vstdM.Atu FINE QUALITY jetre ndrow ln D aro-'oTis inrsfsermwill c. ou aseffective organization they Wiliiams noted that the OFU, "The Union supports theltory and witnesed the process, tient of East General Hopt1.MKy MONUMWENTS AND jet1r ne a nDr otaes ihreec or have to dig down in their own was instrumental in having'need for a World Food Bank" of. dyeing clh One of the, Toronto, is stili verv iV oc M adMs hri ot MIR.KERS imnto, Eia, opvle, Hli-lanel otax e eration pocket and pay for it." Mrs.i compensation increased for contin u e dl Mrs. Williams, most interesting expeniences sîight improvement wsr-Trno r n r.Jh mand Emly, Smerille Hin wil bemanybeneitsGeorge Williams, Womn's cattle slaughtened under the "without freedom fnom hun- was the tour of the parlia-iported recently. Ou r fi1 tn.Orn.vstd Ms 1 don, Cavendish and South There wl emn«vbnft President of the Ontario Aniîmal Contagious Diseases, ger there is no freedom. The ment buildings where they i para lyzed from the aitSoeSnd. (~R~E\ ~ M ~ BuleighTownhips. bv deivedfrom his nnual~fliFarrners' Union, told 150 farmn- Act from $40 to $70 for Grade concern of the hungny people met our Durham MPP, Mnrcdown; she is able to fie e- M.adMs lfodFn The pîanting smsl fubt unfortunately teI- r n hi ie attending cows; adfo $100 to $140lof the backward nations is Alex Carruthens. The leaders,! self and enjoy company eetrandfins udy ~,STAFFORD hand and is on land which was "al doctors and hospitals willi the Durham County O.F.U. for Pure Bred cows. And was flot with when do we vote, but Mesdames W. A b by, A.1 r xrml or o u r n r.Mne'Rbn 4ê.~~F~ DRS. TD. abandoned by agriculture or fidanerqericsetqirdin Cavan Hall, ne- also instrumentai in havin:r vben do we eat. Thorndyke and Pearl Asifniend and fel meme fonad ail.M.Atr weethaendtur oe b f a tom f obile aident h 'et.compensation paid for animala The speaker was' tiltn dd ccompanied the seven girls, the U.C.W. W e lookfoarMcvnd rsIaPlm iuta idgrowthr b edie an incdence O au of hiacidentsr. Wlims ciii ed'otthog ate.Fnyar yMs EmnCxhLd e Ja ihis aei Asit Aetrirrvsn'n h ooto eeSura vn MO UET ik fr.White pne red the mot oue toincrdneo hese reachon- Farm Union members for ask- the OFU bas sought relief ilto of Durham County OFU; Wanda and Gwen Fond, Sha- near future. îgdne usswt r tresbin es ing "what the union is ing".fnom the unfain school tax and was thanked by Mn. Lewis non and Linda Tbonndy ke. Wrmnaebs'pea-adMs wr oisn ýiprantare te s eie pIant weeIvwekndpeks She said, "The Farm Union is burden of the farmer. As a Wood.in telaersdceoMn Ms Kit Cswlan yu o orpresidentoresltx aesn farmers Mn. Joe Trudeau, OFU.ý and Mrs. Morton HenesnfmlPrtHpsetWd Stafford Brothers oo demand for forest pro~evtrewl ekie i- attending youn local meetings duced by a full 10 per cent man for the prognam which M ducts. jured as a resuit of a traffic, n datng resoiutions which Ibelow that applicable to com- mcluded two solos by Mn. Ken the lot purchased bY M.StnIVinawei Mou ens 1On pivate la.nds farmers accident if present trends cofl will determine the course of'mercial properties, last year Bragg, accompanied on the Regular worship service was' l lari Ga ton T he Box 133 woodiot owners and Christ-ltinue. Look at your family:action the union is obiigated t lTeOUbsbcm e- in yMs toBag held ai 10 a.m., the Rev. M. wel as en tid an 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby mas tree growers are pîantingl!aîd friends and decide noxvifollowV. The Unions hands are pcted voice for agricultureý Head table guests were: Freemnan in charge. There ready' for action. Wehoet Phon Whtbya variety of trees to replenishlte' do your part to prevent thisltled unless opinions corne fnom and is looked to for advice and1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trudeau, was a smalier number than welcome Mr. and Mrs.Cak W R H PhneW -55 oolts ecame an nd le of lite and needlessIfarmers through resolutions direction, resulting in the1Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mr. usual and onlv four choir'to our community befoetoBY to grow Christmas treecrops., suffering. i!passed at annual conventionis.1 Union being represented on1 and Mrs. Lewis Wood, Mr. members. At the end of the'long. W OOOIHRT _____ Somepoint to onsd r W ms or oete an oernment boards and1 and Mns. George Williams service Mrs. Milton Brima-, and Mrs. BrookingofPr 1. Drive as tbough our with a long-range view- not committees stated Mrs. Wil-land Mr. and Mns Eric Fallis, comrbe was elected as a mem- Mr.EhlPnePotHp. EL C RCA l. Mkepd ni osure 1 only for wbat is good toay iams, but we nee the mem O.FA. President of Durham. ber ofthe Session to fill thp, with M wreSndaMHy m~ 2.Mk ueyour car is vacant seat by the retirement wt . MinieE. in perfect operating condto brwa wl ego 1 r1 ecently from this office of 1în fSnn r i iUC~ by baving it cbecked by a years fnom now. We cannot Af * EE around uis - robins builign compeient mechanic. bave strength without unity WTV Y V IL L E Mns. Morley th sbe. stnTihsetiin-, par Useguai baiight. n nor we're independent, continued With so mucb dry weatbersent. Some new fence posts as a mnember of the Session of nes in a lbox dy or bimnv parin. t tilgh, i ninorthe speaker. duning Apnil many farmers were put in and wire strung. Morrish United Churcb wiîî nubarinbloreadforpiefry 'fog, any time visibilitv ,,is ne- poal aepaeo u- duced. . "Every professional group h a v e considenable seeding Grass seeding where the sod plobay 1th.Ae p aceo uthi a ingbloom and spningbls ONE-HAND OPERATED Esso 4. Equip your car witb seat' has its union, evel trade done and were happy to see, was disturbed by the newdaMylt.A euifludig ges fyng orh beits and promote their Luse.l group bas lis union, and thein the good nain of this past1 building had to wait for a basket of flowers was placed lar nce Spgd ne Studies bv reliable authorities! representatives have done week, although seeds wouldi calmer day but some fillîng by the pulpit in îoving inem-Ithe ing is surely a. PIST L M A IC pove hat eat eîtssavegreat work for the bnftOf not do much sprouting on'lwas done in sunken spots. ory of Mrs. A. M.Brown_1?0 . ndtouhs fWi- GRiS G Nlîves and reduce injuries by th e unonize aneme ters f Snsdeay ihte therewa There were 69 at Sunday etta, Mns. Harold 0Osborne. ter in the discard.A N GR A EG Nretaining vebicle occupants iîýiwe fa gutre toha e n os ier abenst *cmSchooi with Garfield Payne It is witb deep sympathy we long straigbt lune of hnded W..LfLLJ 1 their seat and preventing Voic orgiutr ems Teebsbe ubcm eading the scipture. Rev.1rpr h asnenySn f geese was noticed( lyn uîÎaauaI&yon-uanuai !their ejection or strikighv anefcve Msgnigwthtebeo Freeman gave the first of a day mon.ning, Apnil 28th, or nortb Sunday eveningat8 opraedunLoEso J~ Iagint ntnir uracs n lar forus, stressed Mto gnsday atthe hrhe he thbeo e maig fcurhe- e an oth fsufnn. -. -u work Wed-iaais iteir uraesin1two part senies of sron nMns. Herb. Lord (Olive), ______ EETICLD retail prce-$8.25. $ 0 the car. Wlim. saya h hrh w !e htemaigo l mm trmn otso ufrn nowornly.. 3....5. Slow down and Live. In the recent National Fanm- youngen women of the U..W.i bership, confirmation a n d The late Mrs. Lord was a RFIEA O You rs now for only .....s. Union- Canadian Feder- washed the basement cingwhat such membersbip means mem-ber of Morrish Womnen's T R VL witha carton of 60 Esso - to of Agriculture unity dis-'in preparation for painting. :to the individual. Thene wene Association since it was or- MP Grease Cartridges !el1T ussions, the word "amalga- On Thursday a f t el r n 0 O0 lovely flowens in the cbunch. ganized by teRv .Gen Ms d Plum Trno!MTR- AE EVC -a saving cf 525. LIL'MON mation" bas been avoided. But Mesdames Couchman, Walter, pîaced thene in memony . 0136utillhe alth p. re-en t hweenrt n.A- T.-IdaAPLANE -antende forofat$week) rather, the talls centned Reeve and Clara Danke were n r fCn Ofoivnt19d6cntinullat. He r ntth Mc k en aItndedMfr s Cne Hop-around ways and means of !in Port Hope assisting in thelpassedrawvofeCnton heed nfu apynuatu. H hre M lîzandfmi'sPc- . Mrn. r.Care o-promoting the inte rests of wonk for the Cancer Societv.pse wyrcnl.ýhefI apyntr nMs lt n ai kins, Beaventon, visited atifarmers through unityof ac-' Local high school girls cal- Mn. and Mrs. Harold Austin' deared ber to ahl she came in- ering, visited ber motheMs 'Russell Penkins'. ition. The meetings recognized Ivassed the district during Mn. and Mrs. Jack Cameronthat no immediate action at Easten week. and family, Maple, visited atl the national level to change Muriel Austin bas beenl We t e rve Wes Cameron's.l the structure of tbe two Or- bonoured by ber friends here to limît Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward1 ganizations is possible. this week on thnee occasions., quantitie. and family, Town Line North, Speakîng on medicare, Mns. Hen fel choir membensl visited at Wes Cameron's. !Williams asked ber audience presented bier with corn-' Miss Joan MeMaster spent If they wanted the government flower candie holders dilg a couple of days visiting Mn. to draft a plan and namie the practice on Wednesday even C H A IN SA Woti If y ou don't you'd better nig, and the community show- CHAINSAW ~ ~~~~~adMrs. Grant JackToonto.gt~atit oen-e\ eî flLI7L4U L;L Sunday School last week. ýshould cover and how youi day evening, where she wasý li m uày&Mr. and Mns. Glen Glaspeil think it should be financed. esconted to a chair by the gitt ale f=rt Md Goey duat i ententained the Neigbborly If you let the government de- table by Mrs. Ken Dinnen Priceà puros c2nnha cl r!Doubles Club ai their home. cide these things for you, ail and Mrs. A. Ford. She reciv- Effective purpoSchaùmwoâia ý ~M. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspelli you'll do is squawk after- ed ber corsage from Mrs. Dm*i-, My12,34#1 th aal mre and Gwen, Tyrone, visited atlwards. ner and an address expressing, ;Lor Dmoeboth iobs layour Mrs. Alex McMaster's.Coeigaew fteUn good wisbes for bier approacb-r a ,2 .,4, chansw.Fied-esedMns. A. Knopsl. Toronto, ing marriage was read bvi "DOLLAR DAY COMBINATION OFFER" chainaw. visited ai Hans Geissbergen's Mrs. Walter Krantz and Dan-' Mns. George Tufford. The laapv bcL,-Sr. lene McDonald, Oshawa, visit- many lovely gifts were open- 1 b lce 0 ton, Launie and Mania, spent1 Mn. and Mrs. William Pres- Muriel tbanked ber friends, ~W ~ i the Easter week at Myrtie ton, Master Jeffney Burgess, extending them an invitation 1 lb. pkg. AU. Beach, South Carolina. Tbey' Countice, Mrs. Delbent Flin-l to visit bier in thein new home, i TableRite W IEIN ER FOR returned home on Sunday. toff, Kedron, wene Sunday in Port Hope. The first parti Baby Lisa Stainton stayed supper guests at Wes Camer-~ of the evening was spent play-' Tbeie OL G witb her aunt and uncle, Mr '. s. HnsG i ng games suitable for those S OZ pRit Slleed and Mns. Hanry Poloz. Mn. and Ms ýn i present wbo numbened aboutli1 OLMN Mn.andMrs Herv antberger Sr. visited ai Edwin 50. The custom of signing the The new home licating ' visited at L. Keeler's,* Wood- Geissbergen's, Victoria Con- address by evel one present, LanMlCue -WhlorHi plan. that pravides yea.-. ville. ners. provides a reminden of a hap- Mr. and Mns. N. Potten ,Mn. and Mrs. Henry Dart py evening. The pnospectivelP a e lC T AG O LI.3 round service on y'our Toronto, Mn. and Mnrs. Wril.' and Ken visited at Fred Dart's, groom arrived in time to en-~ e m a O T G O L b 9 heatmg ~~ ~ ~ lim Dari. Scarbonougb, Mn. Woodville, on Satunday. jyacu of coffee as ner CNMIAiNlNTIIU and Mrs. H. Keelen, West Hill, Master Donald Powell, Col- fnéhesbmnts, were being served. quaty o F c 01 visited at Henry Dart's. um1 ,wsa vnib us Muriel bas been a loyal sup ýS IED P IIED 2 9 deliverdastheweatherde-. 'Mr. and Mns. Alan Glaspeli ati Gerry Glaspell's. 'porter of bier home commun S IED w u L ILI b y rnands-ALL FOR THE Oshawa, were supper guests Mr s. Donald Yellowleelt and begins bier ne- e __________________________ PMR OF THE QILI ~Es .at Mrs. Donald Yeîîowlees'. vstda aodJbo',witb best wisbes of everyonel >1Mn. and Mns. Cbuck Terry Beaverton. On Saturday a ft e rno o n CALIFORNIA NEW CROP Size 138 D - and Launie, Oshawa, Mr. andl Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs.. there was a jolly littie partv o - Alex McMaster, Joan and ai the saine place whene ANGE 0 Ross visited at Ralph Glas-, the lîttle folk of the begm O R À NE Valencia ï 7 f . k I ff pell's, Tyrone. ens Sunday school class gath- I- O IV E IlE r 'teiMr. and Mrs. James McMas- eiedIo show thein affection~ Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade H O M E H E A ýiý1f 111 ' 9cViý1qfJ à1 âk11 ter Astonand Billy, Mill- and good will by showenrîng brook, viitda Mrs. Alex their teacher, Murielwt brok, isied thCRIS P LEoeIUCE £heads 2yc WERE "ROUO4OfPTNC McMaster's.1 confetti. They were assisted mi E R V 1C EFACTr-ANDP CANÈj Mrs. Elsie ONeil and Raylby older friends in presentingl Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade .. a ýMartin, Oshawa, were callensia' cornflower sandwich platelIklikr INJ IC C 4 TRU .IFLgo ,SYj à#ssel.taito's1n.Sn-andconin1wreoffe-ot-NI NSorASHE 341r23 ladies.- Inbtwe alth thn Champion Eq.fff fff 1 I ewe l th te Chicken or Liv.,LUU IIJJU activity the men of the con-, E,@aotdTal gregation have been doin A Milk CARNATION 7 T $1 if i$ carpentry work on the church Bicks -HtDos.E 1 : lB E A U III T addition, putting up the ceil- Hamburg, Swot, U. RELISHE 4 'laos $1 ~ îng and building stairs. KE MIXE314et $ Awell attended cemeteryl 8i srte Favours CK MXS P3 $ ?HEYREflER--he wmd faeus RetaUtTrators thcat bee was held on Saturday af-1 Surf $1n ternoon with 8 on 9 men- pre- 37C Off ETERGENT aiseSPTA$1T WM f& onad«a newstandd of retPecakiFreon1 BISCUITST fond Performance. Kandy for utility jobs-rugged st«. Mina for th. "big'-jobs-plus low oprai coss-Iow maintenance cost-Jow In prie. you'i gave money as yu noer have before. Standard equipment includes -twelve sp.ed fransmlssion-différentical Iock-live P.T.O.-advanced three point hydroulic sysemi-h.ad end teloi lghfs-homt-hour mefer-n«t on fonder-. dhiVulngvove-éeliix.seat ond mmy ther fectures. SPIQAL Demomslotonsarng.dat y*uenven.nce. <IRCTOR Hui ob.., theb.weisr tooled diesel or botter uAL yet the air u..I.d desel mode.Youilbe DIAL Smmedet thé demi w.e f TU=C 1a CTOR DQIW~T LU COOKSvRIZ 0!QmADii LOCAL AUTHORIZED RENAULT DEALER W. H. BROWNý FARM EQUIPMENT 91 King St. W. Bowmariville Zion (Hope Township) (Intended for last week) Mn. and Mrs. Don Mondon and family of Wellington spent last Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. N. Gerow. Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Raby, motored to Fenwick last Sun-, day and spent the day with, relatives there. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tufford and Mn. and Mns. Chas. Mene- illev had dinnen Sunday witbl Mn. and Mrs. John Meneilley, Pont Hope. Mrs. Delman Whitne.v spent Easter weekend with Mrs. Ada Maris. Oshawa. Mnr.and Mns. Roy Best were visit.ing friends in Hagensvîlle recently. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Meneil- 1ev spent several days hast week with relatives in Wau- baushene and Orillia. Assorted CreamsBS UT FIRST AID KIT ON [ON MSON 2 Pkqs. $ cach $1 APPLE PIE each 39c Receive $10 in Bonus Tapes with Recelve $2 In Bonus Tapes wlth Fromen Total $ ~Bonus Rleceive $6 in Bonus Tapes wvith HONEY DEW ôozfi M.ih.r Parkers oyalGuess Extr of 3 0 Taes EA BGS 0c off pkg. of 60 SalLn SausageRoi"p. 2,1 oz. C'S No .. ..I U.S.A. Mir Detergent Liquid 2 containe Cr uii'.,'-' av Bowmanv'ille IGA Foodliner 01111111 B WMAN VILLE- 1