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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1963, p. 12

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The Canadian Statesinan. Eowmnanville, May 1. 1963 Memorial Hospital Cab 500 Owner Praises Rambiers for Efficiency, Economy, and Comfort Weekly Report For the week of April 22-, 28 inclusive: Admissions ... 81 Births, 2 maie. 4 femnale 6 Discharges .81 Major operations .... 12 Minor operations .. 27 Emergency treatments 28 Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.rn. SALiE COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans,l Gordie and Patti, Blackstock,i Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Balson, Hampton, were supper guestsý with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Sunday. Mr. Ernest Gearing bas been. a patient in Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanvilie, al iast week, but has returned home., ~ Mrs. C. Fulton visited herý sister in Bowmanvilie Hosp-i tai where she is recovering: from a stroke. Mr. Herb Hutton is In Osh-_ l" awa Hospital. Mrs. Gordon Osborne, Ham- ilton, visited relatives here over the weekend. Severai from here attended' the Mission Night in Oshawa on Sunday evening Wilkins Family Reunlon On Saturday. April 27. 11963,1 soe30 members of the Wi- kins Famiiy gathered at the ' Township Hall, Hampton, for. their 4lst reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun-1 day, Maple Grove, and Mr.ý and Mrs. Gerald B alis on, Recently, Lorne I-aynes, owner of Cab 500 in Bowmanville Hampton, were in charge of prprigth abe adail took deiivery of a third Rambier sedan to add to his fleet of taxi1 sat down to well laden tables. vehicles. He decrib£-d the Ramblers as most efficient, economnical Mr. Ted Colweli, who was into opiQrate and comrfortable for his passengers. Photo shows his 1 ]Bowmanville for the reunion, three Ramblers in the background, plus drivers, and representatives ]ed in grace. Ted also cn ducted the business session in the absence of President Raiph A special card was signnid b.v former Y'ear, for a summer together everyoi Ormiston of Bowmanvilie. 'ail present to be sent to her. pirnie as ouir crowd seems to Foiiowing su Regret was expressed toi The Execuitive is to romain get fewcr cach' vear. It is Brown was in the famiiy of aunt Rhea Wil-I the same for next Year and, hopedi a rcallyv good number tertaining the ti Iins who Is very iii at pre-lon a vote, it was decided to of relatives will meet the lasti young folks p sent, thus preventing ail ofIreturn to Ann and Harrv SatuirdaY in the school term' oard and th these families to be with us;.iGay's summer rottage, as in n June, 1964. Let's try t g,ýt J plaYrdcards. why don't they..à make cars that fight rust a lot longer? RAM13LER ~ DOES (the exclusive Deep-Dip process with 7 times more ga!vanized steel on critical areas makes Rambler eword's most completely rust-proofed car.) make brakes that won't fail even wîth a broken hydrau iÏ lne ?RAMBLER DOES (DoubleSafety bakes have front and rear systems that operate Idependently. If one set is damaged the other con- tnues to operate. Self-adjusting, too.) make mufflers that won't corrode or rust out? ~ R AMBLER DOES (the exclusive Ceramic-Armoured m uffler and tailpipe are guaranteed to fast as long as the original buyerowns his Rambler.> make the Iowest priced Canadian-built car? $RAMBLER DOIS (it's the Rambler Americar, ... anid itflot only is the lowest priced but also the most economical to operate and maintain. The American comeswith a high performance Six cylinder engine, too.) make doors that close solid, straîght and true? RAMBLER DOES (Uniside, the newest development of Single-Unit construction, replaces scores of smail :c :v parts with a si ngle piece stamped out of a sheet of ~~steel. Givesyou greaterstrength, more perfect doorfit.) mako seats as comfortable as a reclining lounge ~ chair? RAM BLER DOES (chair.height seats, firmly co il sprung, adj ustindividually.Theyconvert instantly ea > ýinto a nap couch. Headrests are also available.) make a car that gives top performance and econ0my ? RAM BLER DOES (with one of the best weight-tohorsepower ratios in the industry you get the best performance in either a six or V8 engine with exceptional economy.) make Rt really easy to get in andout ? RAM13LER DOES(Uniside construction ma kes possible the widest and high est doorope ni ngs.Trygettingin and out of a Rambler soon at your nearest Dealer's.) Anything else you've ever wanted in a car? Look over the beau- tif ut new Ramblers. Have a talk with your Rambler Dealer. He'li be happy to answer any other questions you have about cars. A P P 0D JCT 0 F ÀV, i MAN0NT 0RýS C e v DÀL N [7EO of McQueen Motor Sales who soid the vehicies: from lef t to right, drivers John St. Croix and Chester Jensen, Weldon Brown and Bud Fogg (McQueen saiesmen), Lorne Haynes« owner of Cab 500, talking bo President Earl McQueen and driver Mel Ricard. tiperWeny OIT I charge o! en- tiny tots. The FDWIN SANDERCOCK played shuffle The dcath of Edwin Sand îe remainder cock, aged 43, occurred 1963 Wnner ni thie Motor Trend mnagarne "Car of thie Year ,award, "for outstanding design achievement and1 engineering excellence,, McQUEEN MOTOR SALES Ltd. 1219 King St. E. Phonie 623-3356 Bowmanville UARIES cer- in Douglas of Elgin, Bruce andi Daniel, hoth of Bowmanvillc; and '-Ilgrandchildren. wlemuîrial Hospital, Bowman- Also surviving are two bro- ville, on Sunday, April 121, te',Er fRga n d 1963, the result of a motorte s alofRga n d accident. ward of Seele >v's BaY; and one sîster, Mrs. Ruby Fitzgerald of Born iu Oshawva, the de- Elgin. ccased was the son cf Mr. Os- wald Sandercock and the late The fiiocral service was Alice Sandercock. He attend- bcld on Monday. April 22nd. * d school in Orono. He and bis from the Morris Funeral Cha- wife, the former Elsie Bottreli. pel, Bowmanville, and was were married on March Io, conducted by> vRex-. J. Romeril. 1951. Interment was in Bowman- He had resided for 33 years ville Cemeter. at Clarke Union and before Evidence of the esteem in that in Orono. At the time o! which the deceased was held bhis death Mr. Sandercock was were the many beautiful fioral, employed by General Motors, tributes, among which were' Oshawa. He had been an cm- those from Dupiate, Oshawa;" ployce there for 10 years. Thù General Motors, O sh a wa;! deceased was a membor of Goodyear, Bowmanville; andý Orono United Church. MoQuentis Motor Sales, Bow-, .-- ,.-_if.manville. and father are three childrcn, two cdaughters, Ruth 9 years and Joyce 10 years, and one son, Larry 1l years. The funerai service w Fî held from the Morris Fiineral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tues- day, April 23, and was con-, ducted by Rev. Basil E. Long cf Orono. Interment xvas ini Orono Cemetcry. Among the mnany lovely floral tokens, evidence of the esteom in which the deceased xvas held, were those fromn General Motors, Oshawa, and, U.A.W. 222, Oshawa. Palîbearers were Messrs. Gordon Power, Roy Berry, Wilfrrd Hawke, Colin Smith, Roy Scott and Henry Nixon. MRS. SAMUEL BATTAMS The death of Mrs. Samuel Battams of R. R. 3, Bowman- ville, occurred at heî cottagc. Elgin Ontario, on FridaY. Ap- rul 19, 1963. after an illness of two weeks. She was in ber! 56th ycar. Born at Frecland, Onit.. the former Mary Georgina Free was the daughtcr of the laIe1 Mr. and Mrs. James Free. She attended school at Seeleys 'Bav. On December 31, 1927, in Toron to, shle married Sam- uel Battams who survives. MVrs. Pattarns bad resided nt Palîhearers w er e Messrs.ý Jack andi Don Bishop, Donald, Frc, Jerr " Nichols, Doug Courtice and Clifford Wilson.1 MEREDITH J. BROWN Following a lcngthv illnes,, the death of Mercdith James! Brown, Toronto, oocurred în Toronto Goneral Hospital on Frida *v, Docomber 141h, 1962.; He was in hÏs 691h year. San cf the late Mr. and Mrs.ý James Henr 'v Brown (nee Elizabeth Jane Greer), the de-; coaseti was born in Manversý Township. He attended Dev- i itt's Sohool, Cartwright No. 3. His wife, the former Mabel! Luchla Burk predeceased him.i They were married in Toronto in 1925. For approximatclv 30 years Mr. Brown owned and opera,- cd Brown Window Frame Coi of Canada situated in the cast: end of Toronto. He retireti soven vears ago. A member of Dentonia Park Unitedi Church. Toronto, he was aiso a membor cf Acacia Lotigo A. F. & A. M., Toronto, cf Rameses Temple A.A.O.N. M.S. cf Toronto, andi of Dcv- itt's L.OL. The deccased is suîrvived by a son. Arthur, and a daughtcr'- Ruth, both of Toronto. R. R. 3, Bowmanville for ~ The funeral service was vears and prior to that in, hcld from the Chape] of the~ Oshawa. She was a member Northcutt & Smith Funeral of Maple Grove United Church Homec Bowmanvilie. on Tues- and was also a member of th,' day. Dccember 18, and was Good Neighbour Club which conducted b 'v Rex'. 1-uber. In- she organized 12 vcars ago. ternin was in St. John's 1 ~Anglican Cemctcrv,, B 1 a c k-- Survîving besides her hus-, tok band are two daughters. Mrssok G. Turnbull (Barbara), Elgin. Pallbcarers w P r r Messrs. Ont.. and Bessie Lec of Osh- Lorne Brown. Jack Brown, awa; five sons, Conley of Carson Dean. Arthur Dean, Leaskard, Wayne of Oshax& , James Fallis and Elmo Gray. for your shopping con yen ien ce THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE wishes ta remind you that most stores are open Wednesday affernoons 'til6 p.m. - EA E-R GOOD FENCES make for good neighbours! zCarload' ~lIt Savings! '4 i '~ Johns lManviIIe MAY TIME IS FENCE TIME PLSISUFC4 and the digging is easy. Z EMTN Now is the Time! S IDING r_________ Permatone, a thermallv ____________ ________ È~fused aerN lic finish tliat ..-* .- .... ../definiteli-. Airborne dust F Ci. BecOYs HIl t.SciGOYsSc F.RANCH RAILand dirt xvill not clin., 8 F. ecton 28 f. 8Ft Setins left. 8 t.Sections 40c MI. keeps your sidewall - ~ , ~ JZZ~J~'frcsh looking al-wavs. é' Permatone colorbestos is k ~ikJL ~ >~just like stone for dura- CROSS RAI PICKET PANEL WEAVR E bility. . unaffected bv 7 Ft. Sections 55c il. 8 Et. Sections 64c It. 8 Et. Sections Sic It. i weacither. Snomwwhite. , More Than 24 Fencing Designs __ jShown here are just a few of the lé A , inany pre-plannecl Beaver fences A .A.' for a frer fully illustratcd catalogue HON PANL WEAVR SQ. Phone or visit Beaver Lumber. a rt. Sections 99c ft. 2 _________ [ Vr i Phon, Beaver for ~ S . TEXAN RAIL ESTATE BASKET WEAVE . 8F.Sections 1.03 ft. 8 Et. Sections 2.08 ft.1 8 Et. Sections 78c ft. , Simply Measure Your Lot and Phone Beaver_ for an Estimate ,- F E~XTENDED - O FF ~OFFER i '~ ,' __ 10% off ail fence odersi '.j '1 0 Vo f 200 ft. or more. Get 0 FF toqether with your neigh- L ~bours and savo'. REDWOOD Patio Furniture California Rcdwood - modern styling, excellent design . . . gooti cnough te double as rec roomn furniture in the winter. Single Chair $13.25 Double Chair $16.60 Rouînd Cnffee Table. $12.50 1 BEA VER .. Replaces That Awkward Stoop! The comfort or a patio, the con- veniencc of a porch. Easy te build, durable cedar construction, modcru$ stvling. Complcte material and plans 12 for 12' x 14' porch patio onîx' . 6 moi iDEFERR iPAYMEý BUDGET PL INothing 10 pay i voerr andi r Idown on a Bea I monti h doferti pa plan. Enjoy your Iimprovomoents now fo fu l fii lei ils. 1 Tcrnis as low as NEW 01W a ,2 LQW RATESj UTILITY Better than average grade for getîcral construction. $89 F R EE.; :.: :. .:~ :. » :~ ::.: ::l«N.' W T C ) C R E A T E " OL'TDOOR LIVING SPACF! CADET -Yu- 1Iravu o pleeplann- SMART, TRIM and ing ai cea kit...decks, ._._.._.....ACTICAI, ..A rarpor- ecng, garages. WISE Ideas aoc INVFSTMFNT! ,- You tan hu li i ur- DEPENDABLE - ~ >seltf . .ail r.afters and stds prect, casyto CAR AND IHALF follhw plans.Complet(,m material includcs all Looks good with anv home. Delii ered Ciir and Haif $-1.85 9 igS.E /. ~Two Car S52.3 Kn S NOTHING DOWN4. .HOWMANVILLE TWO CAR BUDGET TERNIS PHONE 623-3398 f - 11 NTHI ED NTI ,AN ll No-I othing ver6 ymentI .homne iAsk 3uidgetI PER 10001 94 ffl»AP m

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