4 e BASE LUNE Mr. and Mrs. F'rod Wright. Pxrbara. Beverley and Kenn%, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright at Enniskillen on Mon-, da f evening, April 2th. 1 Mqr. and Mrs. Donald Lan-1 sing. Oshawa, were Saturdav' .Pvenine <allerg with Mr. and )Ars. Clifford Wilson. S at u r d av afternnonn tta guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCam* ere, Mrs. Allun Snowden. Mri. Ron. Rogers,, Nancy, TammY and Lorie.' Mao1e Grove, Miss Sandra Enowden. Mrs. Len Gond- mnurphy, Oshawa, and Mrs. Wrn. Davidson and Paul, Tor- onto. Misx Doroth.v Foley spen-t the past week conimunting fromn her home te teach inI Blackstock each day. Mrs. Roy VanCamp -*pent a few days last week visitingý Mrs. Sam Snowden in OFh- swa. Mr. and Mr,.. Clifford Wji- Pon were the guest-s of their famlly, Mr. and Mrs. Bil' Colenkn ad Karen, and Mr.' and Mcc. Harold Wilson. at clinner in Toronto on Sunday. the occasion being their wed- ding anniversary. . Mr. and Mrs. Neil BrownellI Valerie and Lee, Mr. Ronnie! Brownell were SundaY dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Booth and famnilv at Lindsay. Mrs. A. C. Weir. Peterbor- ough, Mrs. Robert Graham, Cobourg, were Saturday lun- cheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Barnes, Grace and Ted. Mr. and M.rs. Jacenty and Mr. Alex. Wladyka, Oshawa, were Monday evening caliers with Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Zwaren. Mrs. A. C. Weir. Mrs. Rt. Graham, Mrs. A. Barnes and Grace calleti on Miss Marion! and Mis Jean Dickey. Osh-1 Awa, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Ross Metcalf gave an' interesting travelogue andi ehowed sidés of England, Scotland, France, and Ger- rnany to an interested gather- lng in Maple Grove United Church basement on Monda v evening. The singing of a "barber -ho ppe rs' quartet waF ïisa enjoyeti, one of the group being Our popular "Canada Bread" representativ'e, M r., Elnier Down. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. George Moores have returned home froin winter holidays in Florida. Constable George Scott, T'oronto, was home for the -'weekend with hilt parents Mr. end Mrs. Adidison Scott. *V Frientis will be pleased to knowv that Mcc. Shermani Montgomery who underwent * urgery in Civie HospitRl, Peterborough, last week je ,sow much improveti. Dr. Norman Lowes, Osh- awa; Miss Margaret Lowes, TIoronto, were home for the weekend with their parents,' Mr, and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Mr. and Mcc. Charles Rey- nolds left on Sunday for Fort William where they wiIl at- M tend the funeral of their cou- sà in Mrs. George Phair, the for- mer Olive Gladstone. Mr. andi Mrs. James Fraser bave returned home from Plorida. Mrs. Earl McQuaid ime a pat-' lent in St. Joseph's Hospital,! Peterborough. Her m an y friends are wishing her a apeedy return to health. The Unitedi Church Women helti a delightful Dessert Par- ty and Bazaar in the Sundlay School Hall on Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Reidi and Mr%. Harold Sanderson were responsible for the lovely pring - like decorations ot green andi yellow lattice work a nd fancy streamers. Tables seating four were centred with yellow daffodils. The tea table hati a floral centrepiece of yellow andi white 'mums tlanked wîth green candle.9 In silver candlesticks. Silver tea services and coffee urns graced either end of the table with Mrs. S. L. Speller, Mrs. Alex Taylor, Mrsý. Winnifred Spencer andi Mrs. George Wad- deil pouring. The Dessert T'able wac alsn centreti with yellow andi white, m andi the delectable pirs andi cakes wvere in charge of Mrs. Herb Compins and Mrs. Earl Weatherilt. Mrs. Addison Scott and uerving the guests. aniMrs. W HuerghasMoa wenr vrere in charge h ac work table with many itemi o f needlework displayeti and soIti. Conveners of the Tea wrr,. Mrs Gervin Mulligan and Mrs. Carl Porteous. Assisting in th@- ktcheri were Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Mr,. Donald L.owes andi Mrs. Arthur Wright. Guests weré welconed ait the cloonc bythe PresidAnt rnf the U.C.W., Mrs, Thomas Jen- ning- Rid the' treasurer, Mrs. Ro.,s Davitison. Mrz. Noel Wond enter-taitied the mnembers of the Ladeýs Auxiliary of the Cubs. Scouts end Brownies for their mneet- w . ii week anti chairedthie p rogram in the absence of the President. A welcome wèie e'tended to new members Mrs. Lloyd Argue and Mrs. Creighton Carr. The financial reports for Cubs andi Scouts were given by Nlrs. Vincent Jackson andi for the Brownipi by Mrs. David Masters. Plans were nmade for the' Father andi Son banquet w-hicri will be held in St. Paul's Par- i sh Hall on Mla' 24. The remainder of the even- lng was spent in cutting out t$fety Arm Bandis for the 'yâ. The next meeting %vill hehelti et the home of Mrs. Davîi Masters. The hostes servecd lunch. Ann Page, 3 Varieties BEANS AUP Choice WHOLE WHITE POTATOES CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.14 - SAVE 54c Reg. Price 2 tins 35c-SAVE 4c 3 20-FL-Afl 01TINS 7C A&P PINEAPPLEu GRAPEFRUIT Drink AUP FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE Reg. Price tin 29c-SAVE i17c The Canadien Statesmeramn~ omanville, May 1, 1903 THE A&P CREST ON THE LABEL MEANS A TOP QUALITY PRODUCT SA VE on BA KER Y PRODUCTS Àt &P JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY PIE Large 24-oz Siz. euh49C Reg. Prie 69c - SAVE 20e Jan* Parker,Rg. Prie* i»eh 3§e-SAVE 10. JELLY or L'EMON ROLL 686i29c Jane Parker Sandwich, Reg. Prie nef 28o--SAVE 9a B REA&D 60-/ WHOLE WHEAT 224-oz baves 3 7c Jane Parker Plain or Suigared Reg. Pries pkg 86e-BAVE fie D O -UTS HOMESTYLE pkgo629< LIGHT BULB SALE! G.E. Best Buy ý25 40 60 100 Watt> Reg. pkg 56e-SAVE Il* LIGHT BULBS pkg-f 26ulb45c G.E. Sliiclow Ban (40-60-100 Watt) Reg. p;kg 59e-BrAVE Me. LIGHT BULBS pkgo2buîb49c G.E. Shadow Ban ý150 Watt) Reg. Prie. ecl 46-BAVE 110 LIGH'T BULBS each33c Ciieerios, Wheaties, Twinklim Frmstyot Reg. 35e-BAVE 4o BIG 'G' CEREALS Pkg 31c Salada. Oranç. Pek,,e Reg. Pries pkg 85e-SAVE 6e TEA BAGS pkgol 679c Wht Swan. V/hjitý! e Colôtîrpd Reg. Prie@ pkg 53e-BAVE 4é TOILET TISSUE .pkgo4ros4gc Can'red Reg. Pries tin 47e-BAVE Se P REM LUNCH EON MEAT 2 12-ez tins 8 9< A&P Han dies OnIy Meufs Purchosed From Federally Inspecfed Packing Hue "CANADA'S FINEST QUALUTY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" STEAKS ROASTS CHICKEN CUTS___S ILE RIB ROASTS SHORT or CROSS CUT SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED, ALL MEAT BEEF BOLOGNA MAPLE LEAF, COOKEO, BONELESS, VAC PAC, MIOGETS SMOKED HAMS CHOICE QUALITY, SKINLESS, SLICED BEEF LU VER BURNS SLICED, SWEET PICKLED BACK BACON SX BRAND. COOKED, PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDER Vigorous & Winfey - custom Giound BOKAR COFFEE SALE!l 1-BBAG SA VE d 3-LB BAG e183 SA VE 12r lISbpkç; 49C 16 8 9 1-16 pkg 9 9< 1lb hm 9 9< LEGS, THIGHS or BREASTS CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF WELL TRIMMED ALLGOOD -- SMOKED, &LICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON SCHNEIDER'S SKINLESS WIENER.S -E o SHOPSY'S SLICED SMOKED BEEF SNOWBIRD BRAND COD FILLETS WHEATLEY BRAND SCALLOPS REDEM hiS COUPON at A&P! FROZEN FOOD Panry Quality Reg.F _______ _ *A&P PEAS u A&P Fney SIed Rg. Vf ON HE STRAWBERRIES SAvl8 F So. SeAltI Haddock Reg 0FD- FISH & CHIPS PAL RAZOR BLADES WITH THIS COUPON o f20 49C DOUBLE EDGE WITHOUT COUPON 5 7c THIS COUPON VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 4th, 1963 Terrifie Terry (-17-x 30) DISH TOWELS Liquicl (20c Off)i GRAND DETERGENT Kraft M A R A R I E 4d u m ~8 9 SHORTENNG h 4y Giekist HONEY Duncan H-ines Deluxe (White., Drvil' F cotl, or Burnt sugar) CAKE MIXES Flu ff S'HORTENING Mi- Qu.. er MUFFETS r Stokcely, New Orleang Style, !ner] KIDNEY BEANS Tonderflake MAPLE LEAF LARD *Carnation (Skîim Mik Powdrr INSTANT MILK galad Oil fromn Corn MAZOLA OIL Bordeni's (3c Off Deal) CHEESE SLICI Old Tyme TABLE SYRU frrite, CORN CHIPS Irings Out AIl the Fluavour ACCENT Sociîety CAT FOOD A nt usfePt î LISTERI NE L8 49C LB 5 7 11h pkg 5 9 65 3c J-oz pkg 2.9 1-16 pkg 2 9c 1-16 bag 5 9c FEATURES Prie 2 etn, 39e-BAVE te 412-ozcartons 69< Prie. îikg 37e-BAVE lie 315-oz pkgs 1 .00 !g, Prirp rlg 4ge-BAVE 9c 2 16 oz pkgs 8 9C *acii 5 9c 64-fi oz plastic btl 8 9< T f RAT ATIANTiC & PACInC TFA C0,.PAN1i D 2h lb rn 55C Spiçe, MarbIe 2 pkgs 79C 1 lb rkg 31 2 91plegt 3 9c 1, lf1l7 is 9 2 Ilbk,..37c 8 Ihhox1.99 32 fi oz bil 8 5 ES 8'z pkg 27C Frq. Prni bt1 67c---SAVE fMc p 32 filozhtl 59c R'ýg. Prire pkg 29e-SAVE Pc IL .6-07pkg49C Req. 'rice etn 98c.-SAVE gc 4oz carton 8 9C P rice 2 tins 27c--SAVF bc 'Y10lis 49< b".P te b 73c.-SAVF. 14e 7 fl-z bti 5 9C FARUITS ,,AEGETlEs BANAIi GOLDEwel RIPE nvo1 GRADE z 7 i.> '0" A» 4,.' ~ 1bi Eatînei * andmr JureFEtýl.n ORANGES 5 B.C. Wintes.ps Pary Grade, Ail t rpose APPLES 3 89C Ir b,3949< Fleride, Cjiarl..tom re SV wtfe(utr, N.iGaff , 20-lb Average i. ý_ o Watermelons 13 Calîtornua, CrusP, Firmn Heals 13 L ETTUCE NO 1 CPADE 4i "1 9c Texas, Tîndîr, Crisp, Ne). 1 Graci CARROTS bchs 25C This Wîîk'. Tropical Plant Featuri 'rleu Philodendron 3 1 0 SIl ---j Reg. Price 2 tins 39c-SAVE 9c CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.92 - SAVE 28c Reg. Price tin 37c-SAVE li c 348-Ft- OIS1 0 CASE 0F 12 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 44e CASE 0F 12 TINS $2.97 - SAVE 51< PORTERHOUSE or WING STEAKS or ROASTS l SIRLOIN STEAK Ail Prices In This Ad Gioirant.pd Through Sattirday. May 4tS. 1963 FOOD UNES Ag P MEANS DEPENDABILITY