Tenders Wanted Notices tEMCAR needed under present Dr. Stcey's office wîll be Ilding, approximatcly 30, x closed May 8 te June 5 inclus- 21'. Phone 623-3083. 18-1 ivc. 17-3* TENDERS for the supply and'rB W AN IL application of two coats o O M N IL first grade exterior paint to PBIC S HO L thc following: st. UBREICSATO0F Office Building, 19 King S. EITAINO WeEt, "Pront and Rear BEGINNERS Garage, Temperance Street, Children who reacb their Storeroom, rear o! office, 19 fifih bithday during 1963 who King Street, West are children o! Public School Substation and C o ilt a g e,1 Supporters and who live with- Queen Streetilin the tewn limits are eligible Lake Pumping Station : for Kindergarten Classes, will be ceceived by the Man- opening in September. ager rnf the Public Utilities All such parents who wish Commission o! the 'Tewn ofýto have their children attend Bowmanville, 19 King Streetihese classes arc rcquired to West, until 12:00 o'clock noon,,fill eut a registration forni for May 14, 1963. each child, and along with The above te include the proof e! age o! the cbild, ne- prmparation of surfaces, nemov-'trn mil 10 the school during al of lbase paint, puttying of;:the week of May 6 - 10. windows, etc. Colours to, A Certificate (Birth Certif- match the present colours withricate, Passport, Etc.), showi.ng thec exception o! the front efithe child's date of birth h nre- thc Office Building, 19 Kingquired o! abl beginners. (Birth Street, West. Details o! whichICertificates for children born will be available in a fewýin Ontario may be obtaincd days.- 18-I 'enlv from the Registrar-Gen- "6For QUALITV Cars iSt., Tocante. Cosi $1.00). and Children who reach their and Sevice sixth bithday during 1963 wbo SEE - hvenet attendcd Kinder- - igarten in Bowmanville and who wish te enter Grade 1 Classes in Septemnber are aise M cQUEEN required to register as ut- M O OR SA ES Registration ferms sol toteschool which the chiid LIMITED - willbiattend. Registration is te ibe completed by May 101h. Earî McQueen, Pres. i Please pass Ibis notice aleng 219 KING ST. E. te any parent who requires ibis information. BOWMANVILLE A. M. Thompson, Authorizcd Dealer for Supervising Principal. Rambler Cars Phone 623-3356 1982 Chev. 2-Dr. 6 cyl., automatic, custom radio, etc. In above aver- age condition. 181 Pontiac 4-Dr. Hardtop 8 cyl., automnatie, power brakes and steering, custom radio, other extras. In above average condition. 1961 Chev. 4-Dr. Station Wagon 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion, top condition. 1960 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion, customn radio, other extras. Exceptionaliy good condition. 1960 Chev. Station Wagon 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion. Locally owned car in above average condition. ~959 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. 40,000 original miles, 6 cyl., standard transmission, cus- tom radio, other extras. In new car condition. Due to above average sales of new Ramblers we have an exceptionally good selec- tion of used local trade-ins. You wili have to sec them to appreciate themn. Come in today! Enjoy on-the-spot, reliable Traders' low cost Financing. "The oldest ali-Canadian finance company". 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Starting lmmediateiy our SERVICE STATION wlll be open from 7 a.m. until 12 midnigbt Phone 623-3401 Aftcr Houirs 623-5645 Member of N.A.L. CONTACT:* * Earl McQucen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jim Cromnbie Jack Miller Sales NOTICE 0F BY-LAWS con- cerning the losing of par t cf Simpson Avenue and for thel establishing of a public high- way in lieu thereof. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN pursuant to Section 462 (1) of The Municipal Act R..S.O. Chapter 249, that the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville at a special counceil meeting te be held on Tuesday the 28th day of May, 1963, at the Coun- cil Chambers at 7:30 p.m. ID.S.T. will consider the pass- Iing cf the following by-laws: (1) A By-law te stop up iand close ail that part cf Simpson Avenue at presently travelled running southerly and westerly from the original allowance for Simpson Avenue te the Base Line Road, in al a distance cf 650 f eet more or less. *(2) A Bv-law te establish a new public road in lieu cf * that part cf Simpson Avenue being closed, runnîng from the intersection cf that part cf Simpson Avenue bcing lesed with the original allowance for Simpson Avenue southerly and westerlv ta the extension cf Lycett Street southerly te the Base Line and aise for the extension cf Lycett Street f rom the south limit of Reg- istered Plan 652 te the Base Line road. The propesed by-laws and plan shcwing the lands af- fected may be seen in my office ai the Town Hall dur- ing regular business heurs. The Council will hear in person, or by his or her coun- sel, agent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that his or hier lands will be prejudically affected by the said by-laws and who applies ta be heard. DATED this 23rd day of April. 1963. Jack L. Reid, Clerk Town cf Bowrnanville. RESULTS COUNT! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consuit a Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board ANNO UNCEMENT WADDINGTON'S BARGAUN SHOP 2 MILES EAST NEWCASTLE HIGHWAY No. 2 We wish to, tbank our many friends andi patrons for their cards and calis during Mrs. Wadding- ton's illness. STORE IS OPEN AS USUAL Summer Clothes Now on Display e SOME 0F OUR SPEClALS.e -Blouses 25c - Shirts 25c . Your Choice BARGAINS GALORE! Corne ini and look around. NEW STOCK EVERY WEEK iMEN'S SUITS - -------3.00 4.00 her sister. INSUIRANCE Mc. and Mrs. Geraid Jack-INTR0DUCING son and !amily arrived from, BUDGET . staying with his parents, Mc. W've scen many a i'amily de-IN R D C GP L AS T I C S and Mrs. Wilford Jackson. lay getting needed insurance Gerald bas been employed in- Alera l fiefr sevecai, because of the incoiw'cnience FOR HOME M ODERNIZATION- years. o! paying a large lump-sum i Mc. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes, rmuma1netm Ta'(" **fil A REPRESENTATIVE WILL DEMONSTRATE THE USE 0F THIS PLASTIC FOrt Little Britain, visited Mr. and A R CEILNGS on. ROFING . .. VANiTIE Mrs. Geerge Bowecs. r why vwe ha',e a convenient Pre- M 1RYJLU COLORED PANELLING. . . -ELNSROIGVNTE Mrs. Hermnan Rodman and, mium Payrmeni Plan that al- Kacen spent several days with Ilows you .te gct the protection .. PLASTIC SINKS AND ACCESSORIES.. PATIO KITS .. MODERN Mc. and Mrs. Cecii Wilson.1 They took her home on Sun- you need sithen ' ou need it and 3 CONSULTANTS ROOM DIVIDERS . . . DOWELS-.. AND SO MANY, MANY MORE USES! day and the Wilsons and Mrs. pay for it by the month, jusi O AN E Herman Samnelîs visited Mc.ý s)O a o tlte.N O A S E and Mrs. Jas. Lyons of Oak- asyupyfr tlte.N wood. strain. No geing without ý ital YOUR HOME Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, protection. Cali us for details. MODERNIZATION COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS wcre ai the Oshawa funecal:ENZTO home bo the funecal of a'Q ETO S grandson o! Mrs. Bowers' sis-ý 5 year eld son o! Mr. and McýST ~UART IR. Wesley Flint o! Oshawa su!- r focated in a clothes supboard under the stairway of hîs JM S j Nestleton fricnds are glad INSURANCE REAL ESTATE left Lindsay Hospital and h ýKlng St. E. Bowmanvillle uT EPO STOSREOUsaaOfieadhorm now at the home o! bis daugh- 1 EEHNST EV O Ohw fieadSoro ;ter, Mrs. Lois Grieve. He was Office Residence Main Office and Showroomn BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE able to visit his sister Mrs.6358 623-5493 COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 Phone 728-1617 Charles FaUlis and other Cart-.*j _______________ wright friends recontly.__F Ladies" Dresses 35c Men's Pants 50c Ties 25c doz. 6 end hi s friend had gone toaa The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanvlfle, May' 1, 1963- re-union cf Air Force persen-, C oUrt nel in Toronto and stayed' overnight. In the mornîng, west of the subway and turn Read, then proceeded across 0 9 11 t ra e sbecause his friend felt tee 1in right through the subway. He in the path of a sports car. The ____________________ Mg is ra e 's C otte drive, he had taken the stated Dereons car was right accident had resulted frema HeI i B wmavileIwheel. He intended te drivelin front of him in the west- snow covering the windshield,, CadsotThnk i o m n il as far as Newcastle, but wasi'bound lane and the road was stated the officer. ________of______________ topped at Bowmanville. wet and slippery. He lest con- Ens ogMdc a We would like te, thank our Ad l3t, 93Atne person had the right te stated the officer. oge Lnsdel eebr rlo i asamdit fined $50 and $5 cestse or 6ds ehile many relatives, friends and ArlSt,16 hunt or fish there. Accused admitted his lie- iugh.. S. find $15 and $2 thoruret n 7lie daysfooerod nLirt nelhous for cards, flowersl Judgement was glven in the He also stated that, in his ense had been suspended as costs or 10 davs for faiîing to' ithteacsdsvhce t .ad$0ad$ r7d and gifts received on our case involving H. A. Law-'oiinteonssou.b rs. c ivlatinfryield the right of way. De-' Larry Cobbledick, New- for defective brakes. 4th Wedding Anniversary. renc3, 752 Bessborough Drive, on the person who trespasses. $1700. This conviction was in fence Counsel was R. J. Mur-, catoewho was plaefon aper- cLle Bl it RR.53anew$2 Roy and Katie Hepburn. Oshawa; Dr. G. Edwin Mann -Anyone who wants to came Oshawa, December 3, 1962.ý phy, Oshawa. batifonOctobr Othador a pr- castes f inee $5 anois$2 and G. A. Vinish, Bowa-on private property te hunt Yet he went ahead and drove Costbl J Shutzoii' ioon eiydearhd his o- osostfobl e ce Pilsanie. wish te thani< nurses and ville. Each was found guilty or fish shouîd ask permission H. R. Deyman Q.C., estfid earasnrtbun atind perio extendedtew tw caesL.Phlispae staff of Memorial Hospital and given the minimum fine o! the owner first' he stated. o eded a jil ter *'in .ew on Highway No. 35 on March 1 ars ad a9ocokcrewteecags for kindness to me with a $15, plus $7 cests. The charge William John Bruce Ander- o the evdevîew 4th when he noticed a car.Iîpsd special thanks te Dr. Rundie, against the three men was sn RR o3 Bwa coming east, toward the inter- Magistrate R. B. Baxter I aise, te maykind friends for u1afuI trespass with a fire- s an * InNodustrwmi us el ake,'lnaRaseacfti o ppinTangtonRaedIn-.'ais e rinded him that he r m aerny euuig Yarnwu ry eonig oville, aHoudaille IdstsN., a General Motors emn- rstecd tioo Tanton ad.the was net te boiter on the streets d [ Yucstrai s r ebrigm drigm ar onpoeybeogn teempîcyce, pleaded guilty toye e lae o lIYtlfiete die eevfNwcseorsoit ihi recent illness. Dr. G. M. Longfield, 28 Cern- a charge o! driving while h î yepeddntgît e tiete die eeyc Nwateo soit îh- Mrs. B. Murray. 181wî od Bapo.lcns a ne mpaired driving March 121h. slowed dewn, then pulled eut the ather boys involved in the' 18-1wallRoa, Brmpto. lcens wa undr supenion..ty te exressThe property in question Hewsfne 10s spe sn The charge was dîsmissed. AI ente Ne. 35 and turned north. attempted theft. He was in-, a i t ihast expail myrieandwas lndsurrounding alake, orone month in jail. [second charge of having 11 uraikeu hiiî±,stated u cte report t1 reante orn flewres ards part of lot 19, concession 5, Magistrate R. B3. Baxter liquor in an illegal place was Censtable Schultz, "then veer- Officer. H. Biglow. Port Hope,j reaie o lwrcrsManvers Township. The areoimifecaebc also dismissed. Defense coun- cd sharply ente the right twice a month for the two- FfwIoods and many acts o! kindness fec awae lc asI again i he c o1 aiewith- sel was R. J .Murphy, Osh- shoulder te avoid a rear end year penied. duigmy iles pca ec a ae lc ataanh ol ot alwt-awa. Icliinwt teacsd"rErven Chenette, Larry Wal- PHONE 623-3541 dfin lles ofeca fal and evidence was heard out option of a fine. cli'nwt h cue thanks te the nursing staff c March th this year. Constable M. Joynt opp, Constable M. Joynt OPP,: Arnold John Deroon, R.R. tan and Edward Browning,!, ____________ Memorial Hospital, Bowman- apae ncutls ville, and attending doctors. Magistrale R. B. Baxter testified he was called te in- testified he was sitting in the 2, Newcastle, was fined $25 whe ppard n out as Mrs. Evalene Metcaîf. quoted Mr. Lawrence's test- estigate an accident Marchi cruiser at the Town Line, and $10.20 costs or 7~ days for Tuesday for possession of stol-FES mony in which he stated, lSth on Highway No. 2) justiOshawa, late March l2th. He making an improper turn on en goods, were further re- We would like te express "There were signs an over the east cf the Oshawa Town ýsaw a '50 Chev. driven cast No. 2 Highway, April 3rd. manded in custody until May!I IIUK I our lhanks te, Ebenezer Com- place." He peinted eut that Line. The accused was driver lin an errtc ane ndgve CnsaleM oytn,, 4h munity for the beautiful bridge in accordance with provisions of one of the vehîcles and his chase. lestîfied he was investigating Gary Walton, arraindo set given us on our leaving, of the Game and Fisheriesilicense was under suspension, I The officer stated the Chev. the accident when he found the same charge, v'as remand- recently. Aise te the commit- 'wandcred back and forth a pile of sandy loam from the cd in custody until next Mon- fo tees and ail who made this I Iie II I across the road forcing other sideroad right behind the left day in Cobourg. nih osbe NI K L E N ihe veofhe rad. efo d hicle. This established the shaw Street, ___________________ Nancy and Bob Bryans. The Sunaymonîg srvceandstnwee undaycî- rvrtethuse Wler point cf impact was 17" from pleaded guilty te faihing te We wish te, express sincere included an enceuraging post- crs il Mr. and Mrs. G. Werry's. and the passenger Joseph Me- the north shoulder. yield the right of way. He was i M IE-CloPc thanks te, friends, neighbours Easter sermon entitled "Re- 1Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs gan. Andre Sicen, Kendal, tes- fined $15 and $2 costs or 5,~ and relatives for cards and surrection Power"'. Mr. Craw- 'and boys were Sunday afler- Constable L. Phillips and tifed he was procceding west days. i IiTO M MI ES flewers, also te the minister, ford explained that the re- noon callers at Mr. and Mrs.i Constable R. Parker gave cvi- just cast of the subway, Constable J. Schultz OPP, WW Rev. Dugan, Northcutt & surrection is past but God's R. Virtue's. r dence that the driver smelled known as the "hale in the lestified accused stopped fer' Smith, in the sad loss e! a eternal power is still present. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett c f alcohol and staggered an wall'. He saw Deroon's car the stop sign at the intersc loving husband and father. Our success spiritually will Toronto, were Saiurday cal.: being brought te the police came eut of the sideroad just lion cf Taunton and Manvers i Mrs. George Tabb and family. came by "togetherness" with crs, at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grîf-1 station. They also stated he L ""g' 18-1 * other christian people and the f- had difficulty dialing the tele-3 9 ultimate is our oneness with in s.aaet arnebiladta I wish to express my sincere God. The Sr. Choir's anthem r s.DogasC lBw- bis speech was thick and slur- fT'U F REA thanks te relatives and friends was "Wc Praise Thee". i manville; Mrs. Grant Herron, ied. WA C F R .C for the levely flowers and At the S.S. session Supt. A. Coricwrercnta r M. Murphy called HaroldBL D RO S cards received during rny stay j. Werry opened with a brief noon visitors at Mrs. Gi. Wer- 1 Webbcr, mechanie and service L D RO S in the Oshawa General Hos- Bible Study period. This spec- ry's.i station operator and Leonard Blade Bone Remroved pitl. Special thanks te Dr. ial study is ta continue each Miss Doris Wright, Oshawa'Serridge, Rcbson Motors. Both William Grant, Dr. H. Rich-r Sunday. Sone arrangements Hos;ital. Murray Axford, tesiifed the car was in poor mond and nurses. i were complcted for the S.S. Hampton, were Sunday suP- mechani ca i condition and G RN PI G Courtice Circuit is te be ther Wright's. Th acuedsatdleba gratitude and thankfulness te cf 'mums were placed at the Albert were Sunday visitorsl\wiih the flu and had drivenl of ____________ a ureaiefinsadaltar b the Stevens' family aI Mr. and Mrs. W. Sander-' his brothcr-in-iaw, Joseph TENDER neighbors for the beautiful in memory e! the laie Mrs. sen's, Columbus. Megan, te a funeral in Osh- wrist watches, gifîs, flowers, H. Stevens. -__-__- awa. After the funeral, he had numerous cards and ail kindly Other church cenired ac- gene to his brother's in OsliU DR ' SHORT RIB acgiven te us on the oc- tivities this week include a flTT? wa and stayed untîl even- casion o! the celebration o! our Communicants' Class at the S LIAin g, then brought Megan home MLEP Golden Wedding Anniversary. pasng nThrdyee- from the Genosha Hotel. He ROAST Mr ad ________ outjoy ing at 7 p.m. and Y.P.U. soc- Ai the church service on stated he had taken two glass- The family o! the late ial event on Friday evening, Sunday the church was filled es cf beer but had been sîck Edwin Sandercock wish te beginning ai 7 p.m. Next Sun- when Revecend Page admin- ai his stomach aflerwards. N EW STO R E thak tei fnens, eihbosday a.m. our Sr. Room fromlistered the sacrament o! bap-r Megan swore the twe ful' ke indness flocrs, cards, chair selectiens under the their parents for baptism;the front seat belongcd 10 him, 3 ig St. E. Bowmanville rato ivdes or flow the shoril rvdetertim2aie3rsned b Kailsinlqa oududr aecet o! durimnt h eir direction o! iheir t cacher were: Francine Lena, daugh- net Walkcr. recenkst beeveme Ln . Spcia Miss M. Saunders. 1r fMr. and Mrs. Bruce! Frederick Duncan Mclntyre, EXTRA LEAN Moris e. Loal 22U.AW. Sympathy is extended te Taylr Ellen Sophia Leask,! 18, Keene, was fined $50 and1 o! General Motors o! OshawathfaiyfthlieM.G daughter of Mr. and Mrs. costs or 7 days for driving an Gnea Mtos !Caad.Tab f adrs.N.E.W I Ewart Leask; Walter James, while his license was under; HAM BURG 18-1* Mr. nd Mr. N.E. W igh son o! Mr. and Mrs. Murray suspension. _____is spending a few holidays Vice; and Dale Robert, son o! Constable R. S. Diamond' May I take this oppartunity with their daughter Miss Mac-r . and Mrs. Lloyd Broome. OPP, testificd he and Con--r le thank the nurses and staff guerite Wright, St. Catherines. Mrs. Bruce Tink, superinten- stable P.C. Harte-Maxwcllo MeoilHspti o- r n rs .Wna NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE2 Ib 7 5 manville and Dr. McKcnzie; maker and Bill, Seagrave, the Sunday Sehool, presented On 401 On March lOth. His friends and neighbours for were Sunday guests of Mr- each baby with a certificate fellow officer wired ahead for: FOR FREE GIFTS AND flowers and cards and their and Mrs. A. Sharp. and Bible, while Mr. Gardon him te intercept a car for OE HR.adFI kindnesscs te, me and my fam- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and Leask, a senior eider, present- speeding. Before it reached OPNGTHS and R.M ily, Rev. Mr. Swann and L.O. family, Maple Grave, Mr. and cd the parents with baptismal his check point, hie said, ther SPECIALS GALORE 1 forTS'TIL9 P B.A. 1291 for remembering me Mrs. Reg. Brock and girls, certificates for their babies. car stcpped and belh occu- Sh ogyournin durngmysly i hspla. owmanville, were visitors at pants went around behind il. ISopn ovnec Mrs. Ruth Bernard. 17-1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill's. Balance ef news held ver. The accused admitted he ______Mr. and Mrs. StephnSy Battams-We wish toecx- well, Margaret and Hen- ______________________________________________ press our sincere thanks te Oshawa, werc with Mc. and fricnds, relatives and ncigh- MVrs. F. W. Wcrry. bours for the many messages Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, of sympathy and floral trib- spent the weekend with Mr.1 1utes, also te Rev. Romeril for and Mrs. R. Virtue. L o i !his comforting., words during Mrs. Wm. Hands, MountfoN e loss o! eur dear wife, mother, were recent visitors ai Mr. grandmolher and sister, Mary and Mrs. John Griffin's. ' U ta -Md mde s L Th2 Battams Family. ton, Mr. Ronald Ashton, Hay- . I 18-1* don, along with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were guests We wish toecxtcnd ouro! Mrs. Walter Murray, Tac- ~ tthanks for deeds o! kindness, onto, and called on Miss Emma messages o! sympathy and Wry L N T TT N floral offerings from friends,ý r and Mrs. T. P. Bell, relatives and neîghbours in Elaine and Craig, Toronteo.' our recent bereavement. Sin- wece Sunday visiiors ai A. L. cere thanks 10 Rev. Harold Wearn's and on Monday their, ::O U Turner and Dr. H. Ferguson1 daughter Mrs. E. Pettifer o! U for words e! comfort. Thanks: Downsview visited them. ' te the ladies o! St. Paul's Unit- Mc and Mrs. Allan Werry ed Church for assistance and and fiamily were Sunday din- thoughtfulness. Thanks te the ner guests of Mc. and Mrs. vu r/.rrrrr Morris Funeral Chapel for Grant Werry. many kîndnsses. Thes things1 M. and Mrs.A. rr.r/. r mfflmqý