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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1963, p. 1

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New Credit Po!icy $tedman's Big, New Store SWiI Open Next Thursday * Wif h Special Attractions 41 After months of intensive work, the beautif ul new Stedman Bras. Store an King St. is naw in its final stage of renovation. The grand opening, complete with a host of attractive gifts, draws and other merch- andising gimmicks will take place next Thursday, May 9th, with the opening specials being continued for the weekend. At the moment, workmen are completing the stucco job on the entire front above the huge Sted- man sign. The store will be closed f rom May 2nd until May 9th. The new store has a long and varied history. Older citizens will recaîl that the eastern portion has been occupied by clothing stores with praprietors such as T. G. and J. J. Mason, Charles Anderson, T. B. Gil- christ, Cecil Hann and others, while the western section has been a drug store operated by Stott & Jury and later Jury & Lovell. Bath ald stores were combined ta make one which is now the Stedman Store. Twirlers at Kitchener From a small beginning in 1907, Stedman Bros.: Limnited have now grown to be one of the largest Variety Store Chains in Canada, operating stores iný every province from coast to coast. In addition to retailing, the Stedman organization also has a large wholesale operation which services over 500 storesý VOLUME 109U Chamber Plans Golf Tourney Wed., May 22ni Mfenbers of Bowman- ville's Chamber of Coin- rnerce are working bard, Preparing for th e first Golf Tournament of the season to be held at Southview Golf & Curling Club, Bow- nianville, on Wednesday, 1%lay 22nd. This will be an open event, with good prizes. Anyone interested ln par. ticipating inay enter. It is flot confined to Chamber of Commerce members. The plan ls to have the first tee off flot later than 12:30 noon, with the final tee off no later than 5:00 p.m. A dinner ivill be ser- ved at 7 o'clock, when prizes wiIl be distributed. Chamber memb e rs ln charge of arrangements ln- clude E. L. Clif ton, Glenn Lander, Don Milligan, Roy Gi. Gropp and B. L. Burk. Tickets will be avallable this weekend from any Chamber of Com m e rc e members. PROlVINCI AL The f irst competition spon-1 including comnpany stores in Canada. Head offices of' CRIB CHAMPIONS aored by the Canadian Tiwirl-1 the firm which includes the buying and warehouseý Bownianvllle Branch of ers Association was held in facilities are located at 136 Portland St. in Toronto.ý the Royal Canadlan Leglon Kitchener recently. 1bstopoica hm Twiles detThe warehouse and buying offices consist of a nmodern ha w rvnilcai The "Dianne dl-t pions In its tnidst, Bert from Oshawa (Dianne, ShaW 125,000 sq. f t. building. !Minday and Laverne Kim- and Dianne Yurkowski) won' Today, Stedman's employ over 2,000 Canadian hIle. They won the doubles third place trophies with 85.2 employee's directly and several thousands more indi-, eribbage title at the Onitario marks. etvcnieigtaalag muioftepous playoffs in Chathanî last The "Bflack Cet,." duet from rcl osdrn htalreaon ftepoui weekend. S e v e r a I other Bowmanville (Avel.\n Lysettei sOld in the Stedman Chain are produced right in, teams from the local branch and Patsy Blake) were sixth. Canada. competed but only one wln- with 83.2 marks. The new Bowmanville store will feature theý ler Novice solo, 8th, Pamnela;ms oe ecadsn ehiuswt itrn Y'oung 71.9. : oTAmdenRerhnDRIVEecnius itFORtrig Intermediate solo, 4th, Ave-1 designed to present the wide assortment of merchan- DUAT DINVENTORE lyn L vcette 78.2; th, Patsv: dise to the best advantage for easy customer selection., This week, the rnenibers 13lake 7î.7: 10th, Dianne \'ur-, The store will he a modern self-service un~it wtl i, of Maple Grove United Advaced ol7,6thDianicerk service available whenever required, Formierly I Cburch have started a cam- Adba 78. oo2. D -nn featuring 5c to $1.00 items on a cash basis, the policv' îlaign for fund% which The "Novelettres" T %v i r I has now been changed tb mclude extensive credit shoud ristian t ue rcio ~'eam %on serond Place tro- facîlities and the store merchandise xiii have m-orel of a lnw' rslnEua ,hy in the 13 vears and under:' tion Centre. Dane wîr. bis ne'vexpen srve items, such as appliances, w-ith trade-in! From the artist's sketch, formed t,'am i7 made Ilp<ý service. I ol perta h Patsv Blake, Dianne Shawx,' Residents will be well advised to watch nlexti larg e uIlingwill erjo *fLian trosiadAe week's Statesman which wili include a special section! ed to thaeqcurch proer o , ly Lyctte. ______-featuring the Stedman Opening. Stedman Store Man dation for Sunday Sbo ORGANIZE FOR ager Keith Jackson extends a warm welcome to aill and other activitles. GOFSAO itzn ovsi h tr lonydJngteoe-I Total cost of the structure GOFSESN iizbut isttheatorny tme. rigth pe-, expected to be approxi- The first major meeting of- ing weekend, but______ __________ mateîy $40.000. ______ the golfing season will take ______ tomorrow (Thursday) eveningi R plcea Suhve GlfCub' es d nts M a N ow Enroil for cers wpiabcReside andmlans formulated for the ciub's ac- tivîtios. iI I. Due to the sevoral changes ýP S.1. S on or d I m P a in personnel, including diroc-! .* p ns r d~P a this meeting wiil be openi grolfers, curlers, sharehold-1 ers and the goneral publi The Northumberland and Services incorporatod and Wsoffice and hospital doctors' who mnav hc înterested in the! Durhamn Communitv HoalI h.wholeheartedly endorsed by visits, surgery, administration future operation of the cen-IPlan is now open. The Plan the County Doctors, andof anaesthetics, x-rays and" tre. is sponsored by Physicians', County Council lias supported [many other benefits.1 the princîplo of Comrnunitvy' On Monday, Apnil 29. 1963, Enrolment as proposed byý offices opened in Campbell- D s rc h i m nP.S.I.1 ford, Cobourg, Port Hope and man for the plan hias advised are staffed with P.S.I. per- Appouned to ilandie this newspaper that sorne of sonnel, who will answer quos- the features of the programme' tions and complote applica-1 are: no age limit for aduits,ltion cards Tuberculosis Survey ino medical examination or Also to, assure that every statement of health, no ex- permanent residont o? the Mr. Reid Budge, Vice-Chair- ganïzer fromn the Ontario De- clusion for chronice or pre- United Counties are contact- man f Dstrctsfor ho ur-parmen of ealh, n ame-existing conditions, and whileied, ton representatives have ham County Tuberculosis Sur- thod of orginizing their dis- you mus;t he a permanent re-a]lready started in the Town- vey, lias antiounced the ap- tricts. and were briefed on sident to enrol, if you ]cave ship of Seymour in Northum- pointmcnt of District Chair- the importance of the surveyi the area, the plan can bce tak- berland, and will continue to mon for the survey organiza- ini Durham. ;en with you at no extra cost. work their way into Durham tuo pogame.Mr. Brown stated that the County. Th o utrograbeen iv Th is tuberculin testing and plan is truly compiehensivei The onrolment is open for Thecoutyhasbee dviddX-ray survey is part of the ýas it envers first caîl home, onlv a short lime. and be- Into 4 Districts, and the fol- Northumberland-Durham Tu- - cause of the large number of lowing Chairmen appointed: berculosis & Health Associa- WE MISJUDGED permanent residents in thie Mrs. Norman Gould, Port tion's regular case-finding United Counties, it will be Hope; Mr. W. Kay Lycett, 'programme and is operatedi Several important news possible for these representa- Orono: Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, in co-operation with the On- stonies of local events have tives to make only one ci Hampton: Mr. Jack Dunn, troDprmeto elh been held over iintii next onechhm. fteocc u- Bomnil.It xil] include testing and. xveek because ive unrder- pnsaeota h in h During this week, the Dis- X-raying of ail chldren and' estimated the number of 1 pant s aeota the limreenthe trict Chairmen were given full aduits in the County and X- pages required for this is- live xiii leave an "out" card.1 instructions by a survey or-: raying of ail major industries, sue.__Sorry. ___Thscrwigie the tele- phone nuniber of the nearest On a i toffice and permanent rosi-_ ixe'->esen nt ro t W a hng o dents requining further infor- U mation should phono this of- fice, as soon aspossible.____ Harold Yellowlees of Solina returned home from Washington, D.C., î-ecentiy, where ho attended the National 4-H1 Conference as the representative from Ille Province of Ontario. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Yeliowlees, Harolddlbas been in 4-11 Club work for eight years and has cornpieted 22 projects. He is aiso Vice-Presîdent of the Junior Fat-mers Association. The Ilotu. W n. A. uswart, Minister of Agriculture in Ontario, is shown congratulatinig Harold Mig selécted as the onil.\ representative fi-om the proviicw. Nine othie- 4-H tabei-s frein the xarious provinces at irtnded t he conlferenice. It is liopcd Iliat at a latet' date, INx Xelowlees wxill 1)e zi\-ing a report of the cuiference which could be included in a future issue. 250 Attend Guidance Meeting A. H. Strike, chairman of the Co-Ordinating and Guid-ý ance Committee of the Dur-! bham Countv District Highi Sehool' Board, presided at lhp' special meeting held in the' Clarke High School auditor-! ium on MondaY evening. Thïîs; gathering was attended by thce members of the board, the Trustees of El emnenta ry Sebools, and the teachers ofý ElemnentarY and High SchooWs 'in the district. More than 25W people were presont. Frank Clute, Toronto, In-' spector of Guidance for On-i tario. the special speaker, was, introduced by' vE. .J. Finnan,: Whitby. the Inspoctor for Sep- arate Sc-hools in the area. Foîlowîng M\'r. Clutp's in- formative address there was a panel discussion of the im- portance of earlY guida nce for, studfpnts. sonne of its problerm,, and their ~lfos or avoidl- aîîce. .h panel was comipos- ed of Miý 1-azel Brown,.In- spector of Guidanîce for Eas-, i tri Ontario. Jack Nlunda,,' jCou-tîce Higli Scbool. repro-, senting Guidance teachers. A. Mf. Thompson, Bowmnanville. reprosenting Elerm e n ta r v School Principals, C. J. HoIm-' P-. Cobourg. r-pres-nting Pub- lic S;chlool bncpp(torr and P, J, Bigeloxv. Port Hope. repre-; senting High School Principals. J 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE. OINTARIO. WEDNESDAY. MAY lst, 1963 Nestieton Girl Chosen Cartwright's 'lie largest, crowd in the history of the Cartwright Iligli Scliool annual dances enjoyed a wonderful party at the Cornmuiity Hall iin Blackstock oni Friday evening. One of the features of the event xvas the selection of "Miss Cinderella", carrying out the theme of the party. Miss Laurie Mackie, an 18-year-old Grade 13 studen-t frorn Nestieton xvas the judges' chioice (centre), with 16-year-old fAeces MAY DAY SNOW - The f irst day of May broke eariy this morning with the ground covered by snow and temperatures at freezing. Anyone who feels like dancing around a maypole today, had better wear galoshes. t t t- i t CHAIRMAN SICK -~ St. Paul's U.C.W. needs help. They have a big bazaar lined up for this Saburday af ternoon at 2:30, but the publicity chair- man took sick suddenly and was unable ta send in the necessary advance notice for last week's Statesman. If anyone can lend a hand by attend- ing the bazaar, it will be apprecîabed. T t T T MORE PROBLEMS - The St. Paul's U.C.W. îsn't the only group in trouble. The Girl Guides and Brownies were to have held their annual Cookie Day this weekend, but found, after the paper came out that the Boy Scouts and Cubs were holding their Apple Day at the same ime. The girls retired gracefully, feeling that cookies and appies probably don't go too wel bogether. Now, jthe Guides wiil swing into action Wednesday, May 8th and continue their sales until May llth. Y *i- BLOOD CLINIU - Information hias reached us that the Red Cross Blood Clinic for Goodyear employees will be held at the factory on Monday, May 6th, just two days before the general one at the Lions Centre on May 8th. We can't heip wondering what would have happened if the plant had gone. on strike. Probably those ingenious Red Cross workems would have established a clinic on the pîcket line somehow. Maybe they would have substituted on the line while the striker went to give blood. It's nice such measures weren't necessary. GOING STRONG - P.S.I. headquarters currentiy staging a big drive hiere for meînbership in theix- Cornmuîîity Health Plan advises that enroilment this week bas been excellent. They are located îii~ the office above S. R. James, Inisurance. RAISING MONEY- We neglccted to mention that the Boy Scouts and Cubs selling apples this xveekend are not only raising money for their local needs, they are also trying ta help finance one of their members who will be attending the 1lth Worid Jamboree in Greece in August. Ho is Stepheni Jefferv, sont of Mm. and Mrs. Howard Jeffery -who was selected for this great honor. t ~t t HELPFUL OMISSION - Word cornes from the Durham District High School Board that there hias heen a revision of their budget which will hielp taxpayers throughout tbe ai-ca, but probabiy not this year. l'hey* expected a farm assistance grant of $10,000 but actually will receive $62,000 f rom t ho Ontarin government. Unfortunately, this information xvas not received in time for readjustment of many municipal tax bis. It should heip riext year. t *- t TOBACCO PROBLEMIS- Growers of tobacco in Durham shou]d soon know how mnany acres they will lie permitted to growv, and it, does appear tlîeip xviii ho a 40 per cent reduction over last Year. As one gi-oweî' said "It's bhe worst mess in six vea rs of growing"'. RECEIVES DEGREE - Rex' D. Il Woodhouse, Minister of Port Hope United Church is to receive an hionorarY doctor of dix'initv degree from Qupen's Universit' on Ma 'v,-l7th foi outstanding work in the C'hristian ministry. Ho is a former president of the Bay of Quinte Conference. SPACE HEATERS- Bowmanville f iremen an- sweied two calis sitîce last \week, both caused bv space heaters. Otîe was iii a colitagc' aI N-owman- ville Beach, the otlwr on Solina Rjoad. N.o damage resulted in either case.0 10fc, Per Conv NUTMBER 18 -- ~.'-I-J -.~-.----- -- "Miss Cinderella" Patricia Adams (lef t), also of Nestieton and 13-year-old Sheila Toinchisliin of Caesarea being selected as hier Princesses. They received rriany gifts, as did. their escorts Bill Ptolerny, Carl Adams ai-d Lloyýd Trewin. Background of the photo shows Ciniderella's coachi, one of the artistic mnurais that beautified the walls. I More to Corne Cancer Socle!ty Collects Over $2100 Monda y Nîght Durîng Annuai lit11z The Cancer Society would Saunders, Mrs. M. Stout, Mrg. Ilke to express their sincere IG. Webster, Mrs. J. Coverley, thanks to ahl those that help-j Miss L. Steele, Mrs. M. Kerr, ed ini the recent canvas, Results of canvass M:ýa Mrs. J. Syer, Mrs. W. Vander- nit i 2125.A oe~ byle, Mrs. W. Firth, Miss M. plete figure will be published MtoE .HnrN later. Ls Dickinson, Pat Geiffer. Lito? Canvassers Mca. E. Thonipson, Capt., Mrs. A. Porter, Mrs. E. Run- Sunshine GrouP deMsB.ees Mrs. A. Mrs. S. McMurter, Capt.,1 Bate, Mrs. D. Stutt, Mrs. L. Mrs. S. Brooks, Mrs. G. Lan- Dewell, Mrs. B. Bail, Mrs. S. der, Mrs. W. Cordon, Mrs. S. Crago, Mrs. P. Yeo, Mrs R. Trowin, Mrs. J. Elston, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. A. Stephens. P. Passmoro, Mrs. E. Clarke, -_________ MrsI B. Berry, Mrs. J. Berry, Mrs. D. Rundle. Mrs. C. Morri- GoM.P.Goeenl, Mrs.lerWk so. MrenMs. Reenfie , t R. Lathangue, Mrs. H. So Powell, Mrs. C. Trewin. iMis. H. Saunders, Capt., 1 Mr.R. Merkley, Mrs. R. Bry- SIin 2 Y e a soni, Mrs. B. Kitnoy, Mrs D. Miles, Mrs. D. Yourth, George AL AP . - SEE BOMARC SITE AT NORTH BAY Scout Assn. Secretary Don Morris and Vice Pres. Bob Evans attended the annual meeting of Provincial Boy Scouts in North Bay on Frn- day and Saturday. While there, they had an oppor- tunity of f ouring the Bo- marc missile site which the3' describe as a fabulous Installation, with or without nuclear warheads. mi uooGUei Mrs. 0. Willlims, Capt., Mrs. H. Murphy, Mrs. J. Wer- ry, Mrs. K. Conneli, Mrs. J. Fry. Mrs. L. Welsh, Caçit., Mrs. C. McDoriald, Capt., Mirs. M Hawthorne, Mrs. H. DeMille, Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. C. Birt- wistle, Mirs. M. Kilier, Mrs. J. Gibson, Mrs. J. Reid, Mri. Kass. Mrs. R. McMullen, Capt.. Mrs. S. Dunn, Mrs. F. Crowe, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Ipage Ends 3r Contract 1ar Factory Most Goodyear employees twoen nogotiators for the were back at work Friday company and the union. morning, following a tbree While no formai release has day work stoppage during been received from eithecr final niegotiations on a nexv party, the following details con tract.i have appeared in other news- Ameeting was held ln theipprsadapaetl r I High School auditorium ýon-auth ontic. Thursday evenïng when inomn- The new contract, set out bers of the union adopted the ion a two yoar basis, cails for agreemnent xvorkod out be-I cTURN TO PAGE TWO) Boy Scout Apple Day This Saturday '1l'his weekend district Boy Scouts wîll be calling at arra homes offering nouth-wateritng, highly polished appies for sale. They will also be stationed at strategic points iii f lie business sections during the day. Funds raîsed through apple sales are î'sed tolul finance their varied activities throughout the year. iDanny MýcDoiiald atid Bob Burton are slhown, as they prepared for Apple Day last year. Buy an apple - "Scouting Builds Citkizens". -Photo by lIehdoe anabnn tate#nmam Dlurham County's Great Faniily Journal ffl3ts and 1 1 à

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