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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1963, p. 4

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Th Eficlst of credits ini the neyer ,;ening battie against Tuberculosis reads like a miniature United Nations. France has giveri us the stethoscope and pas- teurization. The Christmnas seal orig- inated in Denmark. From Germany ,camp the isolation of the tubercule bacillus bv Dr. Robert Koch, the first ~major step into the "whys" and "hows" of TB. A Dutch scientist, Whilhelm "'Roentgen, discovered X-rays, England Igave us Dr. William Black, and the idea (If the sanatoria. Dr. Carlo Forlani of If aly developed pneumothorax. corn- nmo nix' called "lung collapse"; Brazil contrihuted Professor Manual de Abrau's miniature X-ray machine, and the United States introduced sterpto- rnmycin. disc'overed thereby Russian born Dr. Selman Waksman. thsWhat has Canada contributed to thimpressi\'P list' A development that has a verY important significance Ever since the last war. the foot- loose affluent Canadian has been spend- ing his leisure time and his surplus cash journeving ta almost everywhere in the world, wiîh the surprising ex- - ception of other parts oif Canada. J. J. Doyle, Director, Recommended Accommodations. Dominion Automo- hile Association, who has a more than ordinary interest in these activities, had D..A.'s Statistical Research De- partmcnt gather Up some figures which uncovered a surprising ignorance bv Canadians of their campatriots and where their campatriots live. Up until the axe feli on the Canad- ian dollar ini 1962. an astonishing 25%o cif native Canadians had neyer been in anolher Pr-ovince in Canada other tbart the one in which they lived. Another 20',- had livcd in, or at some time had visited one Province, other than their rurî'ent rrsidonce. At the other end, it wvas found that 1 Canadian in 5 had I.,isitçecl 4 or more Canadian Provinces in t h-ir lifrtlmos. Thr US. and Europe with their disc'ounýid urcencirs vr ce more at- tractive ta Cpnadians than a visit toaa (Frn-rn Th,- Las Angelcs Times) PhmîM. Macaulay, Ontario Prox'- bflx'r iis trof Econarnies, \vas a Los xi.itor this xveck, and had his bt';cfcpse filicd wîth eye-popping Can- acian s atisties. Macaulav is franklv seckincs great- erraik' for Canadian goonds and 'tyosini the United States, but lie is a <îurlî':camnmon sense we can prof- Uîî'sard ihe TUnited Sta-tes ,have I on,'z histar'.' of fri endlv relations. But :; 001) mniles of untfarýtified border doýs nointi-a n that ameas oif friction are wholly ,lacking. Ojne major point is worth tof note: fram a tiade standpoint, Canada is aur host, custamner by a wide mam'gio. Canada buvs $3.8 billion annuallv in US. gonds, more than the next two foreigýn customezrs comhined. Ontario Province alone buys more U.S. gonds than anv other country. It is a sore point with Canadians that their balance oif trade with this country is about $1 billion in the red. US. policies-in bath the public and privatp sectrs-aften work against ex- pansion of Canadian industry. US. investors contt'ol somne major Canadian corporations. U.S. firms have restricted the exports oif their Japan ix tackling the problem oif parking in an unusual manner. In the citv af Tokvo a new parking law re- quires anynne wi-shing ta buy a car ta Srodum~ a police certificate proving hp as the space ta park it off the public highway. The parking space must came beforp the car, says The Sudbury Star. The Tokvo law is strict in another %va *V. Cars cannot be parked ca-.- tinuouslv an the streets for more than 12 hours without the oxvner risking a fine or jail term. Let us hope we neyer reach this point in Canada. Municipal counicils, nevertheless, have the re- xponsibility ta see to it that builders oif apartment blocks, office buildings, ec., provide off-street parking facilities. Clogging the public streets with park- Pd x'ehicles can lead ta public outcries for law similar ta that in Tokyoi. *Atitttped cas ,oenduu( JOHN M. JAMES EDITOR-PUBLASMER here in Durham. In 1.941. in Melville, Saskatchewan. the world's f irst mass X-ray survev tof a whole communtt-v population was successfully carried out. This was the hasis of the modernt methuds of mass surveys a nd public i"screening" programns current]v being done in Ontario. It has been broaden- ed to include tubereulin testing, and such a programn will take place in Durham County in June and duR' tof thîs year. It is the resuit of the timne and effort of men of ail nationalities and centuries oif work, with the end resuit directed at you. Nwwe need one further contribu- tion ta this impressive record - ' our- selv'es. Onlv if vou take advantage oif the for-îheoming mass surve 'v can %ve consider the work oif men like'Roentlgen and de Abrau successful. Please don't let themn down! neichboriogr Province. Canadian funds were poured into Florida with reckless abandon. by Canad ians spendin1g each w~iner ther e and winter vacations by' the "tîvo-weekers" became quite norm- al. Canadian tourist establishments, who had*-made big plans duî'ing the war, continued to get a smaller and smaller share of the touring dollar and the Canadian Tourist industiîr' stagnat- ed. Nineteen hundred and sixtvN-two changcd ail that' The frantic mox'os b.y a jitterv Finance Deparitment did little ta haIt the descent of the Canad- ian btick and, as a result. the juinketing Canadian at last discavered Canada, where his mone 'v bî'ought more than it would in Paris or Miami. For the first time in histoiv, On- tario and Qucbec licence plates (lut- numbered US. vehicles in the M\ar'i- timrs and. Quebec was hasitotabaout haîf a2-ain. as manYv xisitons frorn adjacent praovinces as in 1960. Trulv ii's a n i Il vi nd that blows NOBODY gaod! Canadian subsidiaties in somne instances. although Macaula ' said manY en- lighltened American corporations are nowgî'n their Canadian branches a chance ta seek m'arkets abroad. Ontarto's "trade crusade" seeks bet- toc trado mclatioiis with the United Staîrs. Macafla\' is ut'ginty Califarnia industî *v ta enter joint v'entures and cross-licensin-, deals xxith Canadians. 1-e is get ing an attentive hearing. because Califor'nia alî'eadx' hias a bigr stake ini Canada. Samne $100 milliomn in California coods are sold in Canada annuaillv. We \vould do w'ell ta CLti- x'ate such a customer. His purchases mean Jobs for Californians. Canada has been a goad neiiýhbor, perhaps too good for her own good. Trhe Canadians, alone of ottr allies, paid cash for ail waî' supplies in World 'War II. Thev havcn't petitioned for foreign aid allocations. TrheY are flot askîng an.'- thingr except a chance ta do more bu s- iness with us without sonne of the curbs we have imposed an their expansion. Surelv oui' best customner deserves that much consideration. To their re- cent election, Canadians rejected candi- dates \'oicing the stmongest anti-Yankee sentiments. It seems incumbent on us ta demonstrate that they voted wisely. NEW COLOUR FOR CAUTION' Man teaching, wife ta drive: "(;o on green. stop an ced. and take it easx' when I turo white."-Canadaink. THE SMILE OF SPRING Ah. the tender warmth oif earth As it welcomes a xe-birth; Lilacs bud beside the fence As a squirrel ventures hence. AIl the earth is happv now As the furrow greets the plough; The touch oif the Master's hand Helps a pussy-willow bend By the creek. AIl heaî'ts must siog As God brings us the Smnile oif Spring. -Marian Fard *~1.. * 'B w g .\ Io' The Orona News eut &,% 47lmgg Maihv the Pott Oafite. Depii. ttctwr. rinfi tt r),tyr.nt el cs.tml I% eaeIth Produc.d *v.ry Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM GF:O. P. MORRIS ADV'rc. MANAGEU BUSINESS MGR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Congratula t i o n.s ta aur fî'iend. Dan Solo, uiou x mn imîg tie masi x'aluahie pla 'ver awat'c of, tue Baxx-lnivillo Batikcîbail Leagxe -il couldiit bave happened ta a nin-r gu This scribbilem lias hcenuî telI that Dantii -sathol tu( t' pcax ess i us 50xel recagui izo inii Toronto tbmnt, a car is ottemi 25 Years Ago (luIa V 5, 19 38) Bawnîamîville High Schaom Board's request that 10wm council guaatee debeiitum'es foi' a îîe\&, igli school addi- tion bo take came of shop work and homne ecanammces was de- climîed at council nmeeting Momi- Mr. Sid Casboummî spemit a -veek wxith bus uîincle andi auInt, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gautt, Toronto. Hessrs. Boyd amnd Keilli Sh- mon. Glemi Mclveen. Daim 1Mason. Chai-lie Hoar. .Juniora Neal. Blainu FliottaundlJohîn .James abtemîded the anunLa, Kiicoo Camnp Reuii ou i athic Oak Rooni, Unuon Stationm. Toronto, ami Sltrd(a *v ev*en- ing. Miss E.sthîer aae for- merl 'y ai Hamnptoti, and a welM known dieticiaîî. s iîiu-nager'- ess ai the Union Station pri- vate dinig rons Mr. and Mms. Will H. Cal- ,ver and Mm'. and Mc rs, Al. Cooper. Rochiester, N.Y.. spent thre weekend xith thue former s mather. Mrs. Cea. Barto., Liberty St. Mrs. J. Clair Bell xvas iii London this xveek atteuîdiuî.g the Provincial 'Womien's Lili- eral Associatiomn Conxenioni.i Mrs. Bell had the homor oi e- plying ta the May ors addm-esi ai welcome. Mms. Bell also adt charge ai the musical progmam for the convention. Dave Osborne. aiam'Rv Bo\,\- nuanville hurler, bas secuced a transfer fmom Bwax in t Toronto the OBAA. re iporis. Pave experts ib pla *x\-uwth the mw'ell noxvn Danforih Aces Ibis surmmer. Daxe's poinug will lie a distinct losisntatlîe local Intermnediatps. ohl. iorn th lestaîîdpoint oa i t' ahilitv e.nd oi the uoior ai bus actions alxvavs adde'dta tu le vamp. i manuecio ih thuicosui- aiwa Book Fair ut lîster ('on- lest xva, held in xxhic-lh l- ria .acknuan oi Bnwniaiiville H-lgli Sehool wa'. awxaded a prize liYite Assaciatioti ai Canadman Booknien. ,m .Noarmait Wl on ad dauQhter Audie>\. Edmonitui. Aita.. arce 'mitimîg ber sisteir ïMrs. Hoxvard Cndi. Centre Si. Dr. T, A, Pacîidge. argzar.- itit anîd choir drector oi Trin- Jil'-Un ited Cliurch. adijiidic-atuci scimi001 nb niises aund duet a i 0,([( mnd-h a xx'ekenci guest af Miss Mary Boweo. praiderd, gratis, taotmansport hmuîî frani Powmanville ta the Cubx' and retuin, in order that lieca' taRe active partici- pationin certain games. Ht' is aote oi ibase modesl. quiet 1 wesxho liR-es to listen while ailiers tlmk. Nai mil v is liean oatsttaid- umg iltiîte, but is *tops' as a ln the Dim and Distant Past From The Statesman Files 49 Years Ago (Ma>' 7, 1914)> Mr'. Victor W. Legg, Tor- anto. spemîl Sunday at home. Rev. anîd Mms. E. A. Tonkin, M'est Huntinglon, are in loxvn. Reex-c and Mrs. A. Tait1 spent Stiidax- witb relativets in Part Hope. Mr'. Robt. 'Iodi, Vancouver. B.C., uias beeît xisiting bis lira-e lb ocMr. Thas. Tod. Mis.; Llexxelia Eversomu, Osh- axwa. bas been xisiting Miss1 Eluhel L. VamîNest ai Lomne1 Villa. Mi:. aîd Xmrs. GUeo. Mitchell, Oromia, speut Surîda ' xitim tliîeîr dauguter Vimrs. T'. W. Cax;-kec. *"Narxv-a>'Cottage". Mm. colinx McLean. Erma,i Alta., is home visitimîg bis( father, Mm. James McLean. 1 Mmr. H. C. Huckvalc, inspec-i tam' for the Hudson Ba' In-ii FiinuLiiure Ca.. Vancouvxer.' Waî Jm uoxxu n nI'uesdlaY and ap-1 poiiiîed Mr. P. G. Nixon,5 Buxxmamîvilie, as district agent. Muiss Mimînie Hoam. daughter ai Xi r. W.'. I- 1-act, Pmoxidenve, xx ha b as beau iintraining nii Rooseivel1-Hospital, Nexw'Yorr: Cil>, gî'aduated last xeek and is iioxv a iull-fledged nurse. We cangratulate Mm. Daxvid Mormisomi Jr'.,on passing his foui'thNvear examsis n chemi- cal enginee'rinig amîd Mm. Bruce 11ane>-vei an passing the fmîst x'ear's exams in chenil- cal engineering (magnetismn and olectrtcmtv electm'ic cir- cuts) aI the Schoal ai Prac- timat Science, Toronto. The man v frîendF ai Mss Chrissie Fi-eman are pleased ta Rnow she is recovering nirt'ly frmn an apeation for apptindicitis xvhicIi she under- went aI Boxvmanx'ille Hospital a fex v xeeks aga. Mr. A. R. Walsh. Omono, had thie honoroa i ximning the Douglas prize un Oator ' vand 25iiait Weslev au 'rueoloi)gca Urnlege Conx'ocationi. Mont- t eal. At lasi 'xear's Convoca- tmon,î.Mm. Wmalsh woni tht' fîrst prure n Elocution and $10Oin mionex - He bas gotie ta Mur- llo. N ew Ontario. xvbeme he taRes charge oi a Missionu cir- cit. . Walshb s a brother ai Mr. Jas. F. Walsh ai Bowman- Ille. Miajor'Ga!iitciHughes. sun ai Col. the' Hout). Sani Hughes, ha- Ineemu appoinîed second rme- si-;'.' cogmzneer o ami n'tcouver Islalui, A ,oui t ln. rI<?Canad- ru-. 1,x mo-v'x, anc ormort fret- bilori'ansiu sionzsisnre thp' C.*anadmian Red Cross Serv- iÂce waa established in 1047. waiter in the Coronation Rest- aurant xxhere be bas worked for a considerable time. When Danny, with pleasant courtesy, places the cutiemy and viands on the table, the custorner feels that his patronage is being appreciaed. This likeable chap qualifies for my definition ai a Gentleman- with a capital "G". Anid speaking ni couî'tesy, I noticed when Kate Smith was readv ta leave the stage ai the Jack Parr show, last Thurs- day ex'ening, after liaving war- bled a couple af 'pOP' sangs as onl ' she cao siog them, and been congratulated by her hast. shie turned ta the arches- tt'a leader and said 'thank yau, Jbose'. That, my iriends, is the mark ai a real lady- ta pubiicly voice bier apprecia - lion for the splendid acconi- panîment that had added s0 much Iota er performance. Kate did it so quietly and gra- ciausly that il is possible sane viewers missed il. The fediemal election is over. the people have spoken and xxe hav'e a different party in power- we wish them xveli. Did anvone notice the differ- ence betweetî Mr. Pearson's and Mr'. Dieienbaker's utter- ances when each assunîed of- fice as Opposition leader - Last June, Mr. Pearson left no doubt ai bis intentions w'hee lie stated eniphaticalx«', anîd almost beihigerantly that, the duty ai hic; party was to oppose and that was wbat thex' wer,' gaiog ta do. Mr. Dief- enbaker, on April 22nd, ack-- nowledged being in Opposi- tion, and stated tbat hie in- bended ta do bis dut '\1as la praisre and cmiticmsm, but At mio time would there be ob- struction. In defeat, Mr. Dief- enbak-em appeared ta be much more graciaus than Mr. Pear- somn. People are almeady ie- giumîiiîg Ita onder xx'hether* M1viRe was as angr ' as hie ap- peared at John's potitical bumblings, or whether bis meal abject was ta be Prime Minister during the centen- miai celebratians of Conied- eratioti. In case sanie t)f yau start jumping ta the conclusion that, 1 x'oted for John, yau can for- get il -I didn't vote at ail, amud in c'ase some oi you tbink I'm tiopatrintic-- you ran for- gel that ton. What bappened was Ibis, I had been notified ta leien the class room, 4on courIse', at Hespeler. at 8:30 a;.m., April Rtb. <eleclion day, so had deided ta vote at the advance poil on Apnil lst. Be- lore that date. l received ,word that the April gth data lîad been changed ta April 15th for me ta appear at, Hes- pelerm. sa decided ta vote On the proper date (April 8thu. By the lime the mixuP was' iinaily mesolved. the oppar- tunitN ta x'ote aI the adx'ance poil . vas gone and being in a class room. well over a hun- dred miles awav on election da\. meant that I dido't get votitig at ail. Losîng a voie nîay flot warm'x sorte folks. but il annays me because 1 remnember. w ilh gratitude, the many sacrifice., ai aur iomeathcrs ta obtaimu thpt prociaus ri.uit for us, arîd if A*i i,h ta mmttin a dem- nrrac\'. vcwould lie .it '(1 mýpise t xiben gîven an oppor- tunity. r The. tanati S totemi, ,newnanville. May' 1. 1983 EDITORIAL COMMENT The Other UN Animal hifexx ilddomoetic and imn-bctx".een, ib-tsocogx'- inn me a bad tunie ofitbar Fir.t of ail. a ladY ii B.C. ýwrnte a letter giv ing nie the dpvii foc bbc wax' 1 diispose oi kittons. Sue docin«t know, quite haw I did il. but she suspects theN, suiiered. lady,. 1 cani assujre .\-ou tuiIat1suf- fereri fat' mor'e flan th(bev did. M>' daugbber (aoed a clasi- mate imta taki ng the last pai~r oi tiie last batclîofaituins. As soon as the *v vere xxeaned, the littîe girl picked tlîem urD. My, wiie and 1 sent bier off with cankies, pats an tue lîcaîl and aur biessing. As soomu as she was o-A the doom', Nwe kitchen, and opened a bottîe oi bubblyv. Twnvrty minutes later, the ikid was back. Yoni guessed it. lVith the kittens. It seemns shr hadn't cleared things Nvith the authorities at, home. She did flot get any cookies or pats on the bead this trip. She Nvas iuckv ta get away .%'itliout a punch in the nase. My correspondemnt in B.C. reproved me for miot havirng aur cats "neutered". We've been ino that. thoroughly. It's a costlv businîess, for one thing. These lad>' cals have ta bave a cotnplele hb'>sterec- tom>'. like ail niodermi wanem. Aiter every batcli ai kittons, we discuss it, plan ta have it done, gel invalx'ed wiîlî gel- ting rid af the kittens, and be- fore we get aronmd ta puttiiig Piper inbo liaspialithat icline nympbamaniac is in tmouble aga in. Hovvever. bbc ittetis aie gone. I probabîyv won't get ta beaxien. but 1 sxxvome 1to tw different people that the' kil- ten the>' took w'as a maie Nobady seems ta knowvthie diffeirce. We called Piper ",himn' întil "be" gaI slighîl ', pregnant for tbe fimsl ni mati> timer:. Next \-e lîad t rouble \vibhl the dog. Pla?,ba>.\. IIe's a back- wai'd spaniei, and nîo aninmal cao be more etamded. Hes', comparativelx' v irinndi> - Tlat is, he's triemîdi' ail hie timue. mate friend lY vhemile's h ui- gry, andI niost fieudlY w'lei- he's soaking xveî. Yoti sec. xxe bar] piailcd grass seerl in a largo, bart, Sateli in blle bac1kyard. Genut- yý, and wiih infinile came. -n bad turned the soti xeeoî it. scedied it. ia ied t. massaged ul. palted I . unrd enriciîed i t îh uuki.niau. ume acquimed b>'sniwa dubiaus ineauus. Il lookeci liRe a pie eadx' for the ovi.1 Otur dog is not auti1v(ton sbtupid ta gel ouI. of the mrai'. lie ls 100 dur mlIot' hu r>«- a bonct because hekuxx eec' w-ell ie'd fargel xxhemu' lie put it. 50 I bad no fbaiaiflîunî distu rbing the iuasterpiece. Box 911, Bowt,,anvillç'. Ont., April 27, 1963. Dear John: *On Page 6 of the April 24 issue in a report of a meet- i ng of the CLAA Club is some referenee to m *vself. As I do flot kno\v the writer 1 cani oni ' qu.ipect the motvation for such an opinionatedi report with ils inherent inaccuracies and react as one does to the storekeeper whose weakness, in arithmet; c is such that bis mistakes are always in the favour of the house. In the question period fol- lowing the speech, I challeng- ed the propriety of general- i7ation and the _grouping to- gether of narnes, organizations and philoso p h i e s repetit- iousl v in the normal smear approach and I made a vain attempt to gain an admission from the sponsors that there is a public responsibilit *yvto &voidi the use of catch phrases and incantations. 1 stated my position clearly* , firstly, that 1 ar n ot a doc- trinaire socialist, but liki' all Canadians concerned with thme common goo, î arn a belier in Social Reform. I also estab- lished that 1 was not a union member and that in faut ni>' position as arn administî'airr precýLuded m,' bcing )ne. 1 Rlii I I Ilil SUGAR and SPICE, B v B *111S m11e y rntmiJl But lite does liR-e ta chase thi n gs. Nexi morning. my wiie laoked ont at lber nem-ly-seed- ed lawn. Site screamed, 1 ramn ta the -..indom,. The "pie" Iooked as lhougli a troop ai cau-alry had hivouaeked there for the iliglit. Holding the ol'l girl up b y the armpits. 1 .Nat(-ied with horror. Iii a minute, two ruddy robinsi rdrifted in and started gon- hlinz grass seed. Out aofan- where hurtled Pla3'ba!, mit. ing dirt and rohins fiy .joy- Sfmlly. He stood in the muiddle ai of thegraveyard of aur liapes. 3pawing the dirt like a bmmll iand hellowing his triumph. Tbemi the black squim'reis and the starîiiîgs got inta a donnx'- brook axer m'ho was gaing ta Iiavi' the attie for the' sum- mer. The stariings bad it last suiii- r, and the da>' thex' lfit foc the saubli, the squirreis moved lu. The other da v, a couple oai .tamlin.-s. tamuner and arrogant, just like all those soutbern taurists, sailed insolent]l*y through the eaves, into their peothouse. TaîR about bats in the bel- fry. There Nvas bell to pay. We ail stood about in the lied- monms. looking aI the ceiiing, mautbls openi. I was cheering for hoîb sides. 1 think the squirrels won, liecause oc' nîean-ionkîng starling limped ouI. cursiîîg oxer bis shoulder. He'u lie back. xxith relatives. Then came the' hardesî blow ai ail. Opemîimg day ai troul seasoti loomod. Mx' xxife teacb- os Piamn ta a litile guy fromn the cauntrv. l-e's about six, Ile comîided ta ber tlîat he and bis brotiiet had beemi fishumîg. Speckled. trout. Before th(, season. They saw lots ai big o nes. Next day, 1 drove past bis farmn. Sure enaugh, there maý a stream., Likely-Iooking. Last wveek, 1 was an hand, mith a chocalate bar, a balf dollar Pnd mi' kindliest expression, when Danny arrived for bis n'.usio lesson. He ate the bar, slipped the hall in bis pocket a'nd agreed ta show mne the Spot lVbere the Big Ones Ail -eR, I cboi'tled and ruibb'-d mv bhauds, when no- bood' was iooking. Openinig (i av, I picked Danny up carîx'. tald Fis mother Id loak aitai ltim. atnd off we went. He tld mec. excitedly, that the Big Ono- xwere jut t elcîw th(- riiuu1.i. un a dcep lat. I dici a iev. liltît' danc-e stops as ýv e sxvusbed t hr o igbý, the xx'Pe! gai.Wit h thie tmnsb hi lar- ut>v, 1 etîx'sionod m ' iriends: t sbin,,i ho. : x-nn- hales. xviih hofi l otha alers. 'Thece ut s" sbriiled Dan- n %- :.'*lat*s xhbemethie Big ô)'"Amd the\- were., AI]-î28 7Rsucktsrs ai them. diri however assert the unas- satlable fart tiat wi!h God's bleqsing, the unions struggiing against tremiendous opposi- lion. had cerîatnly aided nus Io reachi the concept that th., labourer was not oniy w'îy of his hire liti that th; b m should be wvorthy of 'hc lab- ou rer. 1.eos"'in c rder ti place 'uiv stand zs a Christian'..T mientioned that I had bern baptized. such baptismn hax'- ing been done not with the udea that this wvould ma-e nie a Chi'ist ami, buIt as -i public, ax'owal of my belief. This the mioderator staled W a s the basis on which lie made bis summi-ation. wl'ich differs quite considerab 1 Y fromi the report in as much as lie said the fundarnental di ffet'cnce xvas that I was de- fending indivuduals wliuie the speaker wxas attacking oî'ga'î- izations. This I1î'efused ta ac- cept and pointed out that ttae lar-cor pet'centage af union nembcrs were at least nom- inal Christians and in the more responsibie union,; they miake the policy. The ('Iosf-d >thop wxas the.i intî'oduced anîd I \vouk! sav ' iheat 7'ttterv'i thc drobate ai anx' d not came from the speak'ýr. th'e moderator, or the 'uin Vours very truly, Harry Ashton. Durbami Riding New Democratic Provincial Candidate ibis election, Bawmanville, Ont., April 26, 1963. Mm. John James, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanx'ille, Ont. Dear Mr. James: On behali ai the Executive and members af "Hockeig Mothers" may I express sia' cere thanks and appreciation ta you and your staff for your ciiors on our behali this past sc'ason. We ledl that tbrougli youm P'aper. we have gained much recognition and suppart. Tlîanks again. Sincerely, Mary CawkeT, Sec. "Hockey Mothers". April 25th, 1963. Dea' Sir: Our great thanks ta you Rnd >'our mewspaper for the gen- ei'auS contribution you bave gixen ta aur Easter Seal Cam- paigli. Tlhe success ai aur annual fund ramsing pmogmam for crip- pied children depends great] y on your assistance . . . . and yoiur publicity support hnq been given without fail when- exer rcquesled. On bchali ai our severai thoxsand campaign valunteers ... and especially for cippledi chiden, I bave trufc plessure n saYiuig "tbank yau". Sincereiy, J. C. Preston, Cha irman, Provincial Easter Seai Ca mmi ttee. Las Angselc.s -- Ili. Robc-rt MIacaula.%', Minister of Economics and De- xeIupment - shOxvs tne ftetle1îhomie-n'creaîed in Brantford hy Alexander le Grahiam Bell - lu ,h'sse Tapp Bouard C hai-man oif' the' Bank of Amerîca, at 1 ft, ani Jere' ev'i\aa:c, tht' Ontlarcio kl ex s)acsAssociation ighi, P*iniiot xaukriu;4t ibe Ruit mitre p tixv toMr. acaulav launclif t hp Otarin Tricde (t tis;auieini (âliinrnia. Tac firsi telephone was part oif an exhîbît 5howing Canadian ingcnuity and skills. but only fromn the CLAA busi- ness agent and his assistant who in typical brow beating style rushed across the room w-aving their arms and shout- ing for an opinion on the rom- pîlsory aspects of union par-Nj ticipation to which 1 answer- ed that one could only refer to the decision handed down b ' an able member of the Suprerne Court in the RRnd formula which is nameri after him. As we are well a.yare thlis decision states thatb ~Jose xwho are bcnefitted by union activitv should also contribute to the cost of obtaining such benefit. This brought on a tirade of abuse against not -oniy the ChiEf Justice and his dr-cision, but against the Labour Re- lations Board and others of our fundamental institutiong. It xvas at this point I was faced wih difficulty, ' n trying to remain objective as 1 could niot help but think of the sim- iiarity \ of this approach with that of Robert Welch, ihie head of the John Birch Soc!ety,. I then readdressedi the speaker and suggested that if lie were to express the pos. itivenciess of the incomparable La%- of God as pres2nted te us 'hv Christ it wouldl be fair better than trying to foist the pronounicements of lMar-.. or anl'c other inconsequent i a 1 modernt as the tai' upon the brusli used ta smear anyone or an>\tlinig. 1 then expressed the opinion that I would not be surprised to see smear tac- tics applied t0 me but gave the assurance that they would be totally ineffective. 1 suggested that Christian- ity survived a lot includ- ing the Spanish Inquisition and thiat if in the Lord's Prayer we belic'eve in -Lead us not int Teniptation" surely Com- miiinismn or Fascismn would not rub off on our shoulders. Th e themne o f "Religion flot bcing discussed in union meetings' was brnught up and il wxas my suggestion that this taboo \vas for the same reason as that in the armed forces messes and asked if t hevy% thoughit this was done sacreIi go usl *N. I would like ta thank you for allowing me ta fuI in some of the other side and I would like ta add that the people otf Hiolland have a tremendous debt that they owe ta Can- adiatîs in particular those who died in Holland defending the right ta religious freedom in Canada 1963. Most of these boys who xvere cut dlown in the prime of their youth, sub- scribed ta the expectations and regulations so soundly attacked on Wednesday nîght. Yet. did not the Lord say, ' "greater love hath ne man than lie who layeth his life down for another. Let us throw away the tar brush and hold high the torch. £%fters J/o 9ieè'&Ltor Discover Canada at Long Last Reminder from Our Besi Customer ALINAYS OPEN TO THO"E UN sup ?IC £)in 'I 'i Parking Space First ~Ijr ~fanatirnn ~t~tte~irntn Durham Countys Grocrt Family jou ruai EsteablishLmd 109 yecrs eCÇO in 1854 Alsa lncorporaitmnq The. Eowmcmnvil. News The Newceatle Independent Launches Trade Crusade $400 c Year. strictly n advance $550 a Year in lihe Uited States Althnugn *vary preoutton m~il b. tak@n teavm id et rot Tii Cinid.on z.r'p¶ c.dv ,'T ! in i n its c"umns on the unciirscnidnr. thi t .-'ii l oit)ii abié cýcily fri: I~r anv advertser-nt ruN;.ihed hýup- unltJfS a P,,o m ., ~ch ncvri'výit . im toursted in %'i'inc b' ih'lr <'ive -r rmct teturnec in aThe Car'aditnmatotsmi,, husinelB ticp .dý.v hq q(i bv the .-,vortip orieli --th i si P:r r. orectionfl oinlv ,'ted in writinc thereo n o',r$m '1-t zcip 1 itivi-'o' %o noi.,l '-'t err'ctq3d y Th- Ccnd'rim' Srnte3mcz'it i c 1bliitv sncI ne)[e.cpm-,,I'cn m ti M rt he ,mt;tp «.t el such cadvertii.eîttnt e- th. iper. er'ecpnd ,Y th@ rv'tlerra, Oybfrriq tt wh ,e*arie ,c rlenîd hy urh ove'Àef*ft

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