SouthCourtice Home & Schoolj SHears Fine Poinfi. South Courtice Home & ward children. He held the School were privileged 'o father to be most responsible have as their speaker for their for wife and familv. It is the Aprikmeeting, Mr. Z. T. Sa'- fathers dutv to love. feed, nierg- local barrister. soici- clothe, bouse. educate. and tor and notary public. He sometimes spank his children. said he was one of a panel The father must look after who had the duty and privi- child after death, by wil, and lege to meet with groups to that dependent child cannat impart a littie knowledge and be eut out of a will. He said answer a few questions. in this daY and age parents Mr. Salmers gave somne should appoint a legal guard- anecdotes in the life of a law- ian, in case of death of both yer and some of the things parents. to assume responsi- which he might be called up- bility of care of child and the on to do. Then he went on ti monev lcft for his welfare. explain the courts. their func- He feit parents and children tions and the type of case should take a tour of jails. covered by each. He said it is a terrible ex- He said our British wAa 'v of perience to be in jaau and that justice is seldom wrong. if children were shown il amnazin-gly effective and trust- would be a strong deterent, worthy. if theY were tempted to do a He went on to rxplain thp wrongful acl. responsibility of parents - --Mr. -Saîners was askecl Newest pattern in SILVER PLATE BY ONEIDA SILVERSMITHS Bright new star in fine slver- plate-available now at a special introductory pricel 42 piece service for8 in Regency Drawer ches at .. . Hoop er'ps Jewellery & Gift Shop 8 lnives, 8 forks, 8 salad forks, 8 teaspoans, 8 place spoons, butter a i l kiean ua po Serving Set o $799 HAIF PRICE! 1 od et fork, 1 gravy ladle 16 additionai ploes 2 tablespoons. Regular $11.50 FREE Now! $575 8 coffee spoons, 8 Lufter spreaders0 IBOTH OFFERS ALSO AVAILABLE IN "FLIRTATION" AND 'LILAC TIME' HOOPERJ'S ýA JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 'Everybody kicked me around" Men who have touched the depths of poverty and degradation; wvomen facing the ordeal of unwed motherhood; children orphaned or mistreated;... to these and countless others The Salvation Armny brings relief and hope through its havens, hostels, homes and hospitais. Won't you help us to continue this vital work, and in so doing kflO\v the joy of aiding others? give from theD heart to theR MED SnIELD APPEAL Past Honourary Chairmnan - Wilfrid D. Carrtithers Honourary Chairnian - Ivait 31. Ilobhs Uhairmian - Johnl AtteHAMPTON AtteSunday morning'noon. church service Rev. Mr. Page The Wilkins famuly had a took for his Scripture Lesson ýfamily party at the 'township fi Matthew 18:1-14. The talk ta Hall on Saturday evening. M eetinth hlrnwsette"Te M.LnBaly om - fQwof God in creation and decid- Her friends are sorry to re- s o f L a ed to worship Him each Sun- port that Mrs. Geo. Wright is clay in His House. The sermon a patient in Bowmanville Hos- suggested that we follow pital. m a n ' questions regarding Christ's exhortation ta become Mr. Percy Dewell also spent wills and legal rights at the like littie children by stressing a few days in hospital. end of bis talk. humbleness. simplicity and Mr. Elmer Hawes and bis Mrs. Sim Penfound intro- trustfulness. mother, Mrs. Hawes Sr., Miss 1 duced Mr. Salmers to the As-~ The administration of the Chervi Hawes, Whitby, and sociation. She said lie wa, Sacramnent of Baptism was Mr. Leonard Bradley, Bow- rborn in Oshawa, went to Coi- solemnized on: Lori Ann -1manville, were Sundav visit- ilege Hill School, and o.C.V.I daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 ors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron tHe got his BA. atL U. of.T Ralph Ballard, Robert Earl Luke. following the christen- 1then studied at Osgoode Hall. and Terry Lyn- sons of Mr. ing of Robert Earl and Ter- sHe was called to the bar in and Mrs. Ron Luke, Jeffrey- rance Lyn, the sons of Mr. -1948. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Ron Luke. 1 Rev. John Romeril thanked Sloos. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewell, -Mr. Salmers for his most i- Received into church mem- Thistletown; Mr. and Mrs. formative and interesting talk bership by Profession of, Art Lovell, Dexter, Michigan; and his patience in answering Faith - William Sloos; by were callers with Mr. and tne many questions. Transfer-Mrs. Ronald Luke Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mr. Mrs. Sim Penfound theî'(St. Mark's, Whitby), Gary and Mrs. Perey Dewell. cal]ed on Janet Down aný Floyd Beckett (Enniskillen). Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- tShirley Pickell who sa ng Miss Darlene Hall received ells, Blackstock, visited Mr. tDear Hearts and Gentie Peo_- the Gold Cord in Girl Guid- and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, pie and Tulips and Heather. es. 75 or 80 attended. Mothers, ' on Thursday. On Sunday Mr. Mr. Garnet Goyýne openedtesters of barges, Darlene's 'and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy the meeting with O Canada,, grand mother, aunts and per- attended Orono Church and folowe bytheLors Pav-sonal frîends. New girls- Jo- lenjoyed the beautiful choir er. The minutes were read anne Potter, Linda Pcgter, lfrom Scarborough. and approved and financial Sharon Huggins becamne Guid-i Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, report given. es. Mrs. Audrey H. read a!'Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Robert Storey's room story of Darlene's guiding and A. W. Prescott oni Wednes- won the banner with 26 guides showed duplicates of day. poits.all her achievements placing Mr. Frank Gilbert, Solina, Some announcements were thern in shape of trefoil of visited at the Prescott home rea ad te usiesdul cn-Guide Emblem. She had 42 on Thursday. duead.dtebsne uYcn Proticiency Badges. She had M.-. and Mrs. Jacob Kess- The next meeting will be a attended camp at Pigeon Lake, 1er, Toronto, visited Mr. and Souh Curtce Ma' 2th Doe Lake, Camp Ada-Mac. Mrs. Prescott on Saturday Souh Curire Ma> Adelaide, Camp Zoar 'evening. This will be the annual niee- Valley in U.S., wbere she re-1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo, vis- ngwith installation of offi- presented Canada. Mrs. Rui-jted on Friday 1with Mr. and The meeting losed .wih by 'Mrs. D. Hall, presented Mrs. Yeo's mother, Mrs. The Queco. Lunch was serv- Darlene with the Gold Cord.! Bairstow is with her daugh- ed and enjoYed . Her scrapbooks wvere on dis- :ter Mrs. Bell. play.. Wednesday of last week, Mrs. D. Hall bad decorated Mrs. Kenneth Caverly attend- KENDAL a beautiful cake. Buffet'lunch 'ed thie Spring Antique Show was served. Lunch table de- at the Community Centre, Aquilting w~as beld Wed-crtdwt blue candies.. Agincourt. nesdp.y at the home of Mrs. Main table- blue cloth with On Saturday Mrs. Kenneth W. Mercer xvhen the appliqued gold fringe and gold candles. Caverly attended a tea at thc butterfly quilt for the Penn", April Rice on behaîf o! Guide ' home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sale was quilted. Somne of th', Co. presented Darlene with a in honour of Miss Joan Allin ladies came back. Thursda, silver spoon with guide crest ,on her coming marriage tu morning to finish it. . on it. Miss Mosier, Gold Cord Mr. Norman James. Garden time is around' winner, Oshawa, showed pic- M1r. and Mrs. R. M. Short again. Roy Slcep was around tures of a camp attended, a spent the weekend in Peter- the v illage Friday, ploughing.Guide Camp in Ireland. borough with Mrs. Short's and cultivating a number of, At Convocation Hall, a Goid mother, Mrs. Jean Manley and theni and bas bis onal Cord Certificate Award was visited Mr. Sbort's father, Mr. planted. presented to Darlene in Tor- Harry Short, who is a patient Some of the little folks in! onto. A large number of Ont. in St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet- the village are having to stayi Gold Guides received certi- erborougb. in witb a dose of the mumps. lficates. Those who attended' On Sunday, Mrs. Don Cole, A bail meeting xvas held froni Hampton were: Mrs. A. Allan and Cynthia, Oshawa; wben itlxvas decided to have L. Blanchard, Mrs. Chas. War- Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowman-. three teams again this year. ren, Mr. and Mrs. Lavernelville, were callers on Mr. and The Juveniles are being look- Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Davei Mrs. Ken Caverly. ed after by John Thonipson 'Hall, Miss Alnme Short, Miss1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray and Gordon Langstaff; the Kathyv Hall and Mr. John spent Wednesday afternooni Bantanis by Jack Neal. Carl, Baker. with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane, Langstaff, 'Dave Foster and ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hub- Oshawa. Mr. Wray attended Robert Westheuser; and the j bard recently visited Mrs. the Men's Club banquet at PeeWees by Roy Foster, Fred Luther Allun and family. King St. Cburch, with Mr. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apple- Keane in the evening. Mr. and ton, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa,; Frank Ballard, Columb us, were Sunday evening callers were dinner guests with Mr:. with Mr. and Mrs. Wray. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard on' Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Page and! Sunday, following the bap- children, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' i623-3303 tismn of baby Lori Ann Bail- Slemon attended the Gradua-, ard. tion Exercises o! the Toronto for Mn. and Mrs. Harold Heim- Bible College, held in Varsity 0akaa stra and daughters visited Arena, last Friday evening. T.IR Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bur-! Columbus.' gess, Bowmanville, spent a; SERVICE Mrs. Niddery spent several day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert' days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens. Mr. Wes Taylor ani Niddiery, Bowmanville. Miss Mrs. Ethel Burgess, Tyrone, Mary Niddery had a short were Sunday tea guests with holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. Fernandez, Toronto. Miss Gloria Farrow spent, Mrs. Grace Bartondale, Oak a fevi days withbher grand- Lake, is visiting ber niece, mother, Mrs. Blake De Hart Mrs. 'Ted Chant. at Brooklin. SMr. Verne Chant, Univers-' Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow, ity of Toronto, bas completed Roger. Marilyn and Gloria bis year and is home for the visited M\'r. and Mrs. Lorne summer. Nancekzivell, Welland, and al:-o Mr. Ted Chant, Mr. Verne Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow. Chant, Mrs. Gary Chant and, Welcomne. Erie of Tyrone, visited Mr.1 Recent ;'îsiiers wîth Mr. and Stanley Chant, Toronto, on Mrs. Raymond Farrow; Mr. Sunday evenlng. land Mrs. Laverne Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb! Welcome. and Mr. Clarence and three daughters, Ennis- 1Allin and family, Woodville. killen; Mr. and Mrs. Lionel' Mrs. Lewis Trull, Miss An- Hickey and daugbters, Bow- ita TrulI, Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI, Imanville; Mr. John Reynolds, Mrs. Harold Salter, Mrs. Helen Nestleton, were ail Sundav White, Miss N.-ncy Johns, Mrs. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ' A. Barron and Miss Erlynne Fred Holroyd Sr.1 Barron were receot visitr M. James Minimum Objective $4,900E.00'May lst to :lst .j Treasurer - R. G. Gropp Caînpaign Hcadquarters - 35 Division St. Telephone 623-3761 Contributions may be sent to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bow man ville Mýrs. Eizabetï Pttt Now you can have heautiful Mrs. Elizabeth Pettit, who enbod wo f- passed away last week,P was' modm bod wodf- interred in Hampton North' Ishes on your old furniture Cemetery on Saturday after- or woodivork! 0 . no fuss! . . *.mno muss! . . .faoscraping or paint removing! Makes old dark finishes look like new. PITTSBURGH PAINT SALE Ends May 15th $6.35Gal. QUART S $1.951 ABERNETHY'9S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King W. Bowmanville U Henderson and Frank Gilmer. ;A Park meeting is belng beld on Tbursday evening. If it were made a Community Pa-rk it would be eligible for the Government grants. Mrs. Irene Mercer, Mrs. E. Couroux and Lynn were din- ner guests Sunday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Vance AI- len. Eddie Couroux spent the weekend in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore. Tuesday we were visited by Old Man Winter again when a few inches o! snow ' came down to cover the ground with wbite. Mrs. Alva Svmrbrick had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Geach. In the evening Ross Rougbley and bis lady lriend visited ber. Mrs. A. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Honey and Miss Mary Honey o! Milliken called on Mr. and' Mrs. Percy Burley on Friday., Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and' fami!y visited them on Satur- FISH STICKS 'ikg. 7 FLORIDA GROWN JUMBO SIZE CELERY 2S~4 ~*.*'~* *.* ~.*, .* .~-..> f;*-~3..~.;~'> 0>'0> ~ *><* .30> * - >..«~3 ~3~~qire~ Save 38c 64 oz. DETEGENTPlastic DETERENT ontainer eSave on Guaranteed Quality Meats. ECONOMY BUYS COLEIMAN BRAND PREMIUM SLICED Side Bacon 5 9lb MAPE LAFPURE PORK49b MAPLIE LEAF SKINLES WIENERSss49c MAPLE LEAF Macaroni & (heese Dutch Loaf - Chicken Loaf Pickle & Pimento Loaf 4 6 OZ. PKGS. 1 Ail nmerchandise sold at your Dominion Store Liniited is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. RED BRAND BEEF SALE CROSS RIB ROASIS Ibo SAVE 10e Lib. Blade Steaks Ground Chuck ILb59 SHOULDER SAVE c Lb.c Roast Pork3 5 Clb BUTT Roast Pork 4 5cb Vales ffetiv inBowani Open Thursday and Friday Valesiffetie nBowanville evenings until 9 p.m. for untlylosngtn, 1963 urday, .your shopping convenience. May4th 163,6 pm.AMPLE FREE PARKING - RINSO LUQUID