nhe Canadian Statesnian, owrnanvlle, May 1, 1983 national and 1962 Canadian . Peter and Carol were Sunday r1nembers for their hel ttevey!eesng'0fteaa. B ~~~~~~~~Kite Flying Contests. The pj night supper guests at Mn. C. past months' activitie.MnceUitadhewrtati 1quest speaker has made ar-T r nfIIIa g Brown*s.r utes of previaus meeinweeeigdnas chepta G e tPn ValyC uclM eigrangements for wate-r skiingl Mrs. Francis Tufford andirnead by the secnetarMs sgvnifncsay hr Great Pne VaIey Coucil Meting *denionstrations and displas Ragirl13 9 1 3 0Newcastle, were Sunday TrumanHenderson. loteas a afl hw.Ms sponsoring bodies ready itoia i s $ , 9 , 3 Congratulations to M i s sý Business includedplnfofthksatesekr r show off this group to sui-, Donella Lancaster who hadý the May Salad Suppe;as e otwleades U nveils Plan osf A ction mrvstn.M.~ Y"rII'A iiesT Guide in the Newcastle Cam '-versary; donation to h a -1ean Drgth uvydn ypany ta receive the covetedicer fund; pillow casestsp- hmweaeilhpya e- his committce, M.Ca was ýAil Raund Blue and White piv home for misinrsintevlaeaiwstu impnessed by tenrbrof E. C. Braund, Chairman o!, able ta complete thi sin Cord. The picture in last wieo uluh n u- inro h rz o h T o A w ak e S leep in g G ian t fine calibre. To promateý University, announced today passible," con t i n u e d Mn. rteresting event wvas adminedr secure basement cuntr s imrwstercpeto tese he suggested a leafietlin Peterborough that the la- Braund, " and take this OP- bx one and aIl, and it w s Ui ,i hreo r. anygf o h rs alang the line o! the one pub* ; cal Campaign has produced partunity af thanking the tO.ss-up who looked ptro "UdnJa iot, oncedtebitay ae" l4~~ith l'o u rist ~ ~ o tio n s lished by the British Travel' $1391,13O in gifts and pled-1hundredsof men and wnen duhtror dotincrmothen! ohi sevc wa Ms ArRlortem l~ Speaking ta the Great Pine action on this track via post- nounced It was going ta de- histonîcal aspects and back- vensity, this annauncementlgratifying expenience it hasý The Apnil meeting o! the of the fourth chapter0 h Ridge Tounist Council at their cards, displays, etc. velop the many traut stneamsigraunds of many cf the aldîniust cetainiy dispeli it," Mr.ibeen." United Church Women was Study Book. Mrs. Wm.SaeiOEEYHR annual meeting in the Balti-, The film, 'Players 200" is in the Northumberland -Du ri 'inns in this ares could be put Braund said. held in the ehurch basement offered prayer.Cost mnore Hotel in Cobourg, Mn.,doing a worid o! good fan this~ ham region. He noted thati ta better use thnough this1 "The Campaign is nlot coni- ith 24 mnembers present. Af- It was a pleasure fnM~ 1j Charles Clay, Past Presidentý area and shouîd be put ta wid-' aneas in Europe with far poon- fom fadetsn.erhe pnig ynM .lEit titouc o! the Bewdiey Board of er use ta draw mare tounistsr er stream facilities had de-f, o!avetsig leNtely onfpanrayteWop eienghvntMr Eliîtptak roduce auDr.)et2Kîg~ 6336 Trade and now Project Chair- ta this vacationland. He rei veloped theni to such an ex- Additional fanms o! necrea- volunteens are stili actively1 mnan o! the Council, unveiled resont operatars and associa-Itent that streani trout fishing tion wene suggested for holi.working. The committees in Mr. and Mrs. Orna Robbins, pesdhntak ateMc !Pn oewosa' à plan o! action for the region'tians ta suggest this film ta was a major recreational ne-i day guests aside froni fishingi Toranto and Mantreal are Marie and Donald, of Rose- and challenged members of ail: arganizations outside the ares source fan them. He suggest- ' and Mr. Clay praised the idea really just getting going with etkanir.Ge.MCl communities and organiza- whenever possible. led that the Ganaraska River iaf "golf hospitalitv ist"dheraproce aar or- ng og eat M s G a M e tiens ta bring them ta life for He announced a new pro-.1 and its tibutaries, the Shelter which sainie local clubs areiparations and eMreaok n s g ere vston a te the good o! every business je unnl nteplanning VaIIey ares, and other smali1extending ta holiday visitons, for substantial support fron Mran rec ently. iev and citizen of the Nothui- stages by the Keene Lions' waterways, held fan more po- u (lit oldb i en t f . Mn. WH.Pam, PresioMn.oatdMrcs. enox a fe% berland-Durham tourist area. Club. This club is develapingi tential than similar streanisi green pnivileges if they cari deto oian Pcaigo arwth Mr. n dcho spenta fe His talk entitied, "~The a summen roller skating rink ioverseas. He urged the ceu- rovide an endansato ht n ainl Croations aswth Mn.adMr. 1m Giat"dwet n he y heuseo!th KeneCuijcil ta explore and develop thev are staying in a tounir Chimaha nlsedv rSpe. E lyseta1 Sleeping Gat wl nteb h s fteKeeCr able committees in bath cit- Mn.E.Eeyse t fw lack o! action on the dozens ing Rink which hasaunqesibe publiity ta mnake 'estaàblishment in the region.1 ies and is enthusiatic that with dy nMmna optlis of promîsing tourist attnsc- hard surface suitable fan this ishne n osrain te xeln da sug- t his result froni the local ares ekartrig1oe o tiens that this ares is sa fa- recreatian. As an adided spart ists aware of the results Of gested by the committee i- they wiîî get generaus sup- Thursday.- tunate in having. He present- for the region, this sbauld re-ithis Dept. o! Lands & Fonestsiclude the naming o! H inaýor rm oprain.Mn. Annold Wade attended' ed c nc se ou ii e ! he ce ve support in prom otion !1 proje t w en it is con luded. o. 2 w ith a m re Hp ig aye port froni corporations. findings o! his project co-n-!and general co-aperative ad-' In the field o! food ester- 1ii uha h mieLy Iwudug altoevl h pnn alGm !te mittee within the Great Pine vertising. n.h etle temn list Pankwav, an aid timeý unteers who have net yet beennedyatronI Ridge Tourîst Council which Mr. Clav descnibed the aid fine eating establiîshments in'i festival including parades and fl ' Mr. Bud Jones of Edmonton, L included Mn. Keith Conneilio! miii St Dartfond in Pencey this ares but depioned the lack i pioneer costumes in a part of! usine ss ulrectory having came east on a bus_-, Bowmanville, Mr. Ricbardson 'Township suggesting that this'a! imagination and indiffe'r- h on esn h m- ness trip, spetteweed CS AE! YuSae1e1 ks Alliston of Port Hope, Mn.! valuable old structure be sav-1 ence ta local histony in local, tion o! garden tours in the Aa' *anc witb his mathen, Mrs. W.ii George Coliing, of Brighton, ed as a historie site and at-! menus. He went an ta descniber ea sa rich with horticultural cco L i yJones. tod es apero astings;wi thacte his imtute ls ! ai 0 loclponeersocieties, and specialized types RAY . . ILLING Sorry ta report Mr. W. C. RS AGR I ES$ lodKees ander o Castpbes'- t act.T heis u n 1 ecipes wbicb he bas research- Of ebureh services at sucb hntrd coltn Robb is in bospital, having OE AG AI a.nd A rt bu r Elmnhurst of arr a pond that bas fairiy good ed. These range from cheddari locations as the birthplace of! 93 Chunch Street undergone a seniaus operatian. Keene. ýbnaok trout fishin5. The imi-cheese saut) ta prune bread, - Fathen Du!fy and the grave o!ý 623-3861 jMn. Ken Stapletan o!T'r- CASH SAVER! Thistwnt pontpnoraymeiaein-tenaiaro!thrafon apleeripstaeanelinthaephSenve. LONAD AME BOOKYontospStvheweeen7ct!o Sac27c!- OefOf aca-coveamnt nsectd z. in for developient a! tOuristý local authonities and a plan of salad, frai maple dumplingsr Mn. Clay conciuded his ne-1 Chartered Accountant home. Cotaon gru CHMD OFO DiO $ assets began with the Mosportlactiarn is involved here ta putob ead eheese. These and the marks with information gath-, Accountants - Auditors jMn. Trueman Henderson racetrack. Mn. Clay pnaised a unique attraction to work many other recipes used by iened frai a sunvey a! taurist Trustee in Bankruptcy wsamme !teDsrc the facilities of this outstand- on behaîf o! taurisi. 'pioneers in this regian couldý promotion in other Canadian Suite 205W 725-9953 Ecriwo t ourhJacuzz Pgrup CAHU MSAVER!O ing track as one o! the mast He went on ta descnibe thel be put ta use ta make thp areas and the United States. r Osh awa Shopping Centre fac toroededay, a Punds AHSVR chalienginrg in tbe wonld rac- work o! Mn. R. L. Sharp o! area famous for its diversî!iedPHe said that east o! the Great, W. . . CGGNSt Can d n hroaox an- YuSvd6 1eOf-2-b cn-6c4 f Pc -b ks ing circuit and urged the tour- Trenton in a photo hobby club. food appeal. He urgred res- rPine Ridge tounist ares, the' CharteredHAcouGNant tony, a ias he earn a- o ae 6 0 f ý,_-b 9 Ist counicil, eveny resont and This club bs-ndrakn akurnse bofte nand fuodes tieawyaonthley sxteySecond Floor Generating Station, on Thuns- every business ta take advan- long terni motion picture pro- mkeuswo thm n rfil ctveanuonthdwstnh ed by this wondenful develop- erway in onden ta capture theý gain and reputation. In the! mng fine work in drawing' Cor. King & TemperneSs Mn. and Mns. F. Gilmer ,i WLK ES o t ni g 4 i$ ment. Everyane p a s s i n g tourist assets of this systerni matter o! typical Ontario de-1Itaurîsts off the main routes. ___Phone- 62 3-3612 - rwere dinnen guests Friday ev- r through the ares shouid know in deptb. Mn. Clay suggested con he suggested furnishings He felt that sucb con-petitianl YALE, FRIEDLANDÙERi ening with Mn. and Mrs. Jini - Q ua.kiy MIeL of this site, - now Canada's that the taurist counicil sup-1 o! a more pianeen approachldemanded an immediate andý & COMPANY Gilmer and family, Part Hope. Indianappolîs Speedway. Ail port this club prajeet whicb 'in keeping witb the bistony oa! enengetie action by al] muni-ý Charterecl Accountants Mns. Ken Ware o! Torontoi "For Roasting" - Spccially Selcctcd Frcse incSole businesses catening ta tourists can be used ta benefit the in- the ares. This did net meanIcipalities and onganizations inj spent the weekend here withlb ahould feature pictures o! the terests o! tauisi. that motif could stili net belthis ares ta denive oun fair Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, hen mother, Mns. Lena Ovens.o rRa s g9c - Hs sggetin tat unîi-gay and colounful as it should! share o! the benefîits ta be had. '6 igS. .7877 The Girls' Softbali Tean i paitigestiorettmuinned _____r hsptait. 6_KngStE_78-3I andposily heco b wih am hapialt; Having recentîy Oh Ontania eld a dance in the Commui- ýpalities and______bl__te__ _____OshawaHalltaaturday night ta raiseP okR os M 0 N E Y cil purchase tax sale landsJ The example and success o! frai Ohio and Pennsylvania,ý - MONEI Huda lpmeeexpese efrSufn"-LaMet o uce n nc ai a-.dndfn ~jothers who bad owd thisý he 'reparted that there is anl Ù " Le-af"IH udst el ee xpne andabadond frrn wa ocourse in the area is weliiextremely active Americani RIEHL & CO. this coming season.Th al"dlfoStfig -LenMay Fr1 AVAILABLE FOR special interest. Hundreds a! known. pa akepA1ia tu- 3 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa field at the sehool is in the; acres o! valuable land lies idle pkn aSpareribsn ou 1135b45cedAccunBOLOGNAssof eiglb 29e ac, that could be developed inta Mn. Clay thougbt that a spe- ists in their own country. In Chaterd ccontats proesso!beig pepredan NuR G G tnee conservation prajects, cial caîîittee witbin the, Ohio, the state panks commis-i 728-7527 improvedi for thein use. "eo rn' Wi tekd wiidli!e sanctuanies, nature Great Pine Ridge tounist coun-1 sien fbas planned enough fac- Partners: Several o! aur young ladies'!DvnBan"-"ei'tekd Mapr ef st ac.1-z aa JO E & G E R aishkig ril, n br cl hul imditeyge a 1iiis ta !Oroie camping; Hon: J.W. Monteith, F.C.A. rhave again agneed to canvass,'RidesB c n b5 c L cho M as49 adtroanl' A.. Monteitb, B. Con., C.A. this caming weekend, for theý ares shouid take an active in- tnibute a series o! place mats 1,500,000 Ohio vacationists. I .W ihCA. ... Cne un.Pes epe terest in suppanting these which would put history and ,Pennsylvania, scores o! local (Licensed Trustee) pared ta belp when they cal Jubiiee Brand "Mild Seasoned" "LeanTne"-Wl nme RALPH S. JONES orsasoitoshv e G.E rteeCA yudo. mves ta better conservation, attractions ta work for ust itasoitos aebe R G.. LTretewe, C.A. atMor. 0do tordeune,1l THOASH.GRER Mn. Clay advised the coun-! through aun annual influx o! estalse uigte at__Rs.Lgt!oCA n .Hrtodrtre uK 130 King St. E. Oshawa plans o! the Lindsay Office af the Seaway Valley's attractive mined ta ereate and imprave' Cbartened Accauntants tai, Bowavle nStrisg l.2i~S E K l cil embns a supor th holdayviston. Hedislayd fe yers nd eeh s dter WILON&BUROWS aiefno Memnial Hspi 728-6246 the Depatment o! Lands andi tableplace mat that bas madeitheir attraction images so asî114 King St.* East, Oshawa, Ont.. a Mrs. R. Tnini -lb Prnts Forests which necently an-la name for itsei! in that tour-lta create a 'See Your OwnI Pantners: Mn. aeknd asptenrc tgiFAUE -Sae2!-Mp L f __ ist region. He decried the' State" holiday foilowîng. j Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A.atheLwekeD at hiotae FAURy-Sve2!-MpleLa lfact that few businesses madel This sort o! aggressive con-' G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. A eti nympflte DirectorsU A~ any attempt ta pramate thein petitian is needed in the Great Phone 728-7554 o! the Port Hope Telephone T NE F AE L * own regian through the sm- Pine Ridge ares and is o! ex-I Ca. was held Saturday nîght FEATURE! - Save 8c!12zTi R O V A L BOWANVLLE vicinityta ent f ow o! ree. gsupo rt a r G. EWINtheN homeMn.and the.Manager,K M LUH ON MT41 ous pictune post crsadal that benefit frai touniissitoDWNMNN .. r nMs Th Mn. dM rEs AURE!1%-l. Ti THSF I n AT t7a d9p m ul,,tiple post card layouts o! is required in the arganiza- Office-: ChirapractarMr and famuiy wee weeken - Save 20e . an . at 7 and 9 p.ma others areas frai as fan away tien ta boîsten the wark of 5EgnS. o.o osyS.KihMls n r as Chule and California *0a the bard working core a! dir- r5 Pgnht. on.o623-5509 n. an Mys.RyHalM Also SUN. to WED. at 7:30 pan show the modern trend ta ectars. r POffi e Hous 3-y5Apoin M . and Mrs . yH allso Mn. M A PLE LEA F PICN I S$ 1 Matnee S t. ndSun.at 2 cloran as cr avrts- M. ly concluded his ne- and Mvrs. C. Farrow, Mn and FEATURE! - Save 4c! - Bright's1-o.Tn ~LAA~~~~I ~AAIa 1T, ings. This techniq ue is i*ttie marks witb an inspiratianal1a Mrs . T. Hendenson w erne WALT DISNEY'S FAMILY FUN SHOW used in the Great PinesRidge pies ta refrain frai getting JD e ni t a among thase who attended thei anea ta promate these attrac- sidetracked on unproductive DR. W. M. RUDELL, DD.S.banque t and dance in thePart, FA N CV' PPLESA U Ct o 9 tions. discussions, ta wonk for the, 5KigS.2.-oz. Sizep aoneTmpeo StI ETRE av o "Son of I:'uLIer" The Rice Lake - Trent Val- camrnon gaod and ta grow up17l Kn S.E. wfnicele Hopudye Masnie Tmle o Starrig Fre MacMrray, ancy ison ley area abounds in natunai emaotîanally. He feit that un- 9 a.n. ta 6 p.m. daiîy Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapletan1 E I lT D ~ L Tr J~, Strin re acuraNac Osn beauty waiting fan tourists iess concerted action and sup- Closed Satunday and Sunday and family visited on Sunday ýb~LIu~ plus Disney Short, "Nature's Half Acre" with photo hobby interests. pont wene given this organiza- Office Phone - 623-5790 with Mn. and Mns. Luther lO-oz. JarRG E He Outlined a seheme for a tion ta deveiop its own "home House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Davey, Baltimore. FEATURE! - Save 6c! Children - 25c anytime region-wide phoatoa contest anea assets', - Nothuiben- D .WSSO Mrs. WilIis Farrow was able.- ________________________________ amang visitons ta pramate in- land-Durham, would suf fer a! R .W ISN ta leave Memonial Hospital on',-U U K UM pe La tenest in taking pictures o! major setback and would1 L.D.S., D.D.S. Sudy ndi tyngwt1C ED -8-oz.RE COMIG M Y 1 - UN. o VED. theare andthesubequnt~neyer mature as a holiday Office in his home u , s. ydn wt benefits2 - UN t W D the re ron te uarqe s. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville ber dute, Ms od CASH SAVER! - You Save 5c! Pg i Phons he 623-5604 a. iClysdaie, a few days, befone Inbi ai, n Cay IMn. Dennis Stone, RegionalOficehons:62-564 rturning home.M "W hatever Ha p p ened toed outpthattfishing vso! ofCentral Onltario 9 t diy iMn. and Mrs. Walter Whit MP E L AF C E S Sie 7 "'W hatever Happened isdopuafin smer nerhaed Depatent o! raelCIosD 9- Suta6îmday aken and famiy, TorontolAL L A H mtian in the meregian andfi n.Pubiicity. congnatulated sedWednesay - ____ y ere Sunday visitori; nt Mn __ __ _ Fresh Produc Baby Jan ? iton n te reionand eltMr.Clay and his bard work-' DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. E. Walkey's. thtamoedtrmndefotigcomte frtesicrlOffice M.ad A Cino ýa- RE IEE Aduit ntertanmentshould be made ta capitalize efotptfrh nti r-75 King St. E. Bowmanvilie M.adMs lno a- RERPNDaro___ aby ane " fdet.mied effort n mtteforonth inr& OficeH_ us1 6r dîîvisited Sunday, atMn.'ILRa EAM M FOR THE PICTURE 0F H EALIN 11e/p younigsters Iook their hest! Kcep pienty of mnilk in the picture for a healthy, happy family. Miik contains vita- inins on-the-grow Noungsters nced to look and feel their best. Cail us and arrange regular delivery of our dairy products. GLEN RAE DAiRY Phone 623-5444 Bowmanville to builu a permanent recoro t1115 i:LuubuL ein!6375 Sunday Schooi was held as.i of the anrging success of alirll in a the every dalife t usua]. Church services werel species in the area. Locationsi rellyreaathdpteniaill.~ of catch ta be inciuded withi tourists travelling to and. L e g aiatGreHl. wegtand measurement through this area would belO ensa teIsiue as to increase the appeal <of amazed ta, know the real STRIKE and STRIKE heid their monthly meeting atý the area and its benefits ta, depth of cuitural and hsoi Barristerý, Solicitors Mrs. Clarence Mercer's home.ý oeaosconcerned. cal heritage that the area pas-ý Notaries Public Mrs, Mercer presided. Plans opeatrssesses. W. R. Strike, Q.C. were made for renovating and The Historie Sites and Mon- He urged that the regianal, A. A. H. Strike, B.A. liandscaping the church yard.; uments Board (federal) andcuni e ivnspotb Edward C. Wildman, A bus trip to Guelph was dis-' the Archeologicai and Histori- ail unicipaîltiensuandpor 40Kix B.A., LL.B. cussed. It was Mrs. H. White's calSits Bardof ntaiolll unciplites nd rgai- 0 KngSt. W. - Bowmanvillej rop caal Sie ard ofOatriînzations. ta create a "touristi Telephone 623-5791 gOn ensdpeenn.h the Northumberland - uhmarea image" built on theOnWdeayvnigtr - uhmmany attatoswti h LAWRENCE C. MASON, .A stewards of the church and regtianRdg ae. r Barrister, Solicitor some of the Institute ladies that the council seek addi- ýStone feit that Northunben-oayPbiemtt okovrtecuc tionai support from these or-, land-Durham deserved farl King St. W. - Bowmanvlle! Yard. ganizations as weli as muni- mr upr hnta hw Phones: Office 623-5688 Another group of ladies met cipalities in the work of pre- ta date by ail businessmen, Residence 623-5553 at Mrs. Morris' to plan a June servatian of the many historie municipalities and individ-Il MISS APHA 1. HODGINS tea sponsared by the U.C.W. ! buildings in the negion. He ul. Tergoa ors Barrîster, Solicitor Mrs. Morris attended the' drew attention to several fine council programme as set up Notary Public bazaar and tea àt Garden Hill' old structures which are being ýbv the Department of Travel lý14 Frank St. Bowmanvll on Saturda.v. privately restored and which -uîcix cos OEI Mr. and Mri. MrAllisiefr andsibiliintthecnear future E. RICHARD LV'IN motored to Montres i ta bringi masiy be tmade aaalefr was the resuit of tremendous B.A., LL.B.I tourist insetion. Oe fortourist industry successes by: Banrister, Solicitor Linda home from college for; I tes isth Bue toe hus ader organized regions. He:King St. E. Nera.tiJothnsum er. eadMis !teei teBu toehuestated that the need for local-' Phone 2246 Mer. JoneKoen an Miss at Port Hope. Another is the ized co-operation and finan-: Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1BeyThcsn rugtMs r shd i whch te frstMas ______________________Dariene Thickson home on sh rris hc tefrs a cia1 support within this home audyfrawieboe er i amIpeet area so as ta, promote the Non-' Mortgage h nen at Mount Sinai. weebuilt. ithumberland - Durham a r ea fga __g______e___ s__ _ s. Pntroseand Charley Mr.Cia paisd he ctvi-an it temedos turst 0'SADIE HAMILTON - ORONOI visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. *ties of the Brighton Water Ski! tential, deserves every citi- Phone 1 r 16 'Quantnili Sunday evening. Club which has an active zens attention and support to First Mortgage Funds Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and membership of 30 skiens and achieve this end. Residences - Farms famiiy spent the weekend in kite flyens. Severai membersi The election of officers for Business Properties Belleville with Mr. and Mrs. of this group have competed the 1963 term saw Mr. Ed., Mortgage Loans Ross Russel. against trick skiers and kite'Havnes of Cobourg returnedý Prompt, courteous service1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Yarrow flyers ail over the United ta 'the position of President HAROLD C. PEDWELL land family, Oshawa, called on States and Canada and Roliy with Mr. M. Wladyka of Port Real Estate and the Fowlers, Sunday night. Bonneau won the 1962 Inter-S ope, lst Vice President and Mortgage Broker Several of the communityl - -- __ -~ -IKees Vandegraaf of Camp-:Newcastle Phone 3856 have been snielt fishing even- beliford, 2nd Vice President.' ings of the past week. m . A u Other directons elected were: 0Op o m le t r y Mn. E. White plans to re- Mrs. L. Fisher. Cobourg; A. J. _ _r1. turn home on Satunday after RA CUU AU M EU Saper, Hastings; J. C. McCul- KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. 1 being in Peterborough Hospi- WWu kidney, fail to ramova lough, Bewdley: Charles Clay, Optometrist t ai a number of weeks. exce aceanai d wattes. 5 lit. Bewdley; B. Penhale, Camp- 141 King St. E. -Bowmanville Mr. Jackson Peacock, son o! backach-tied foolin- blfr;K onlBwa-Ofc or:B ponaetM.adMs .Paok h diturbed rest ofltB may ville: T; . Grîmshaw, Cbourg: Telfehone 623-3252 hentMr.as enandg .Pat cKapus- fllow. DoUa Kldauy Pidevle .Gisaw oor:llpon 2-22 hsbentahn tKps simlit kidn.i's to normal M. Humphries,Hatns M. Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. asng is in the optl bealu, worlbé«. ai Walton, Newcastle; L. Will- 9 a.m. ta 5 P.m The Muldrews from Oshawa son, Rice Lake Tourist Asso- Thursday evenlngs were at Sunnyside over th ciation. i Wed. and Sat. - 9 - là weekend.te q mou m.lra- à Ah N fi 4 R %0 ulha - MW 1 - w40w -l CASH SAVER! You Save 14c! - lt's National Baby Week HEINZ BABY FOODS 10Oisi CASH SAVER! You Save lie! - Fancy Quality 14-oz. Tins YORK KERNEL CORN 6R'$1 CASH SAVER! You Save 29c! Packages of 211's SWANETTE Facial Tissue 7.i $1 CASH SA VER! You Save 20c! - Self -polishingr Liquid Wax - 32-oz. Size JOHNSON'S KLEAR s1.09, FEATURE! - SAVE 8c! EVAPORATED Carnation MiIk Tall Tins 7for$1 FROZEN FOOD FEATUREI SAVE 13c! Birds Eye PEAS or KERNEL CORN .5 for $1 Mix 'cm or Match 'em - 12-oz. Pkgs. Prices effective at the listed Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET ..Maple Grove1 (ORNISH'S MARKET a a.. .OronoJ PORTER'S MARKET...... Newtonville 'i 98 King St. W. 1