Th A ainSatsaEf nilM- M 03o tecmuiy l yn unday guests of Mr. and, Misses tery1lbbCne'aaiYs DTvun~ Tha mnadan Satea.ian Bowanvlle, ay R 10R cf the eommuity oraimb niB L A C K S T O C K Mrs. Bob Bryans and child-, Clark and Grace Fdeaad r.Ae atr Dutch-Canadians. On the con-: ren were: Mr-. and Mrs. Clif- Joe and Bill Reitsaaeddsoantw hlrnOhi#,4 W hy They Do Not Conform trary, it is out of concern to Aitho' it was a very cold,!ers gave reports. Good used ýford Barber and Laurie and te'ljh tAa ihvstdM.adMs ut __________ ______ ______________ promotee highest and best wincydy rainy evening cloth ing for the bale is to be M.adMr.RtWlkradShol, idhaht. eas er n r n r.R interest bath of the commun- Tuesday, thirty ladies gather- left with Mrs. Russel Mount- family, Oshawa; Mr. and rs Hibbs and Clarke etoiaslBon udy itv and the nation that these ed in the Christian Education 'joy or Mrs. Kenneth Samelis Milton Black~ and family and IWelland Port for h ek r n r.WletAr convictions are siîicerely held.i Room and spent a very enjoy- before May 22nd. An invita-'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bryans,I end. ce eeiiPr oeSt <itcIh IV in ister E x jIc ins i "Dutch - Canadians believe able and profitable two hours tion ta Columbus Bazaar, May ' 'iev; Mr and Mrs. JohnRomril rua anrnoc, aso tat the conflict of the ages at the general U.C.W. meet- lst was read. Final plans weré. don Barber and Karen, Maple and family and Debi rwo r.T amni Js stili real, the conflict bet- 1i ng opened with quiet music, made for the Dessert Tea, Grave. Cautice, were Sudysp atean eespe ut wveen truth and falsehood, the played by Mrs. Roy Taylor when Mrs. J. Ratcliffe Clarke, Tonight (Monday) Mrs. Bob per guests of Revi n r.o r.adMs îcn B e iefs o f P a rish io n ers cofit.wenteral falaoem- The Life You; Taranto will b: gu.est speaker. Bryans is attending the Ladies' P. Romeril and DIs.ceBw~il GdadStn hybleeLived Today, was read by the Mrs. Ralph Larmer read a: Major League Bowling Ban- M.adMs an aa r n r.WUc a4 fe eidr fmembers quet in the Legion Hall, Bow- cîccia, Oshawa, wr ekn o pn h ekn ll libe the Truth of the Bible. The Unit No. 4 was in charge of duties from the Golden Book manville.gutsoM.adMr.aeMran Ms.Rd ealp A t ( ie r 's C r, C ~ ~ (JD ~ a~ ~ gbe over- tp and Programme Constitution. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong Thompson and Suna fe-Trno A I M e "s C n a i lBi db eReing s ftheus ndSenoea their theme - Meeting closed with prayer: visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cur- noon they visited r.Ws In ail of life there la avast president and Mrs. Pascoe defnition of a lady is a wO- .fnot be confined ta the privacy Taylor read the s Ar noldtbps-y Mrsa. G len n cmeratrs, rilaund y. Fe r otleyiMngmein aPiae Ar alo taai world of thought hidden be-'were: Rev. John Verbrugge, mani of distinguished attri- of a man's heart and ta h sage. After the hymn Son Of served by Unit No. 1 and al ford,*Port Perry, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. LonThm-TOE RYH E hind the actions of people.; the guest speaker, Mrs. Ver- butes and high standards. J ch urch. God's law is regarded My Soul was sung, she read a social time enjoyed. Durîng1 Geo. Crawford and Mr. and son were Saturda vnn osi Rev. John Verbrugge statedibrugge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Speaking for the men presentlJas normative for the whole meditation on- Rough Places the evening a gaod* numbertMs. W. J. Pearce, Sunday. supper guests of hrmte at the Ladies' Night DinneriV. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. he stated that they ail eel!c lite. Made Smooth and led in pray- of blocks for an afgahan toi Mrs. Geo. Fowler is spend- Mrs. Wm. Cobblicktrn.2Kn t . 6336 helebd the BowanheieWilridCaruthrsMr.andthtfteirwivsamasuetUhPurGoaMtr.Cenredrthe sh red- eaci- e snt a Hng ongwer in ths eekwit. te Rthe- M Wm Thmpsn, sh-Bowanvf1 Men's CnadianClub hid at rs. Frnk Ricard, Nw-tta hcsurdae.of tudes for the Aged. Mrs. Glenn started. An~d oh-the exclam- fards, Oshawa. Jawa, spent Sundaywt r St. Paul's United Church1 castie, Mr. and Mrs. Miltoni Mrs. Walton Pascoe, ife deasth coreo Larmer gave the offeratary ations of surprise, when the Sunday Schooi Rooms Iast Eiliott, W. A. Courtney, the 1'of the president of the club, duty that men put God at thé! prayer. For programme the door was apened ta go home Thursday, April 25th. Mr. Ver- secretary, and Mrs. Courtney. epoed raosyonb- centre of the whoie of life.untpenedan-ctpyadit as icore th brugge, the guest speaker, President Pascoe gave the haîf of the ladies ta the toast, Such is the exalted message -Fine in a Living Room. This ground, cars, etc., were cv tited"Dsin orLiin ,inEliot omened the club'3 s iii e ta rep rese t heaiefiSthe dTes torlvim redcanwe mprve ur nd oreand LI04 gave a masterly addlress en- Toast ta the Queen. Milton'"- is inedagetpe fthe dsg ol viestame chwas folowed by buzz groups ered with about four inches of, which he built a bridge of un- j pianist Leslie Collacutt. HeJ present in expressing aur ou in the Sermon an the church in regard ta some Of it blowing in drifts. derstanding of the motives; said that Mr. Collacutt is a ýthanks for this evening," she Munt. Such is the teaching the points noted in the play. At the United Chuirch Sun- and objectives af Dutch-Can-, talented pianist whose playing1 said Jo hedh oftegreat Apostle Paul. Mrs. Malcolm conductede day rnorning, the Explorers adians. He emphasized that is a decided asset ta the club , ifi artesIto Mr. Verbrugge said it has business during which Mrs. adMsegr ahrdi traffic across such a bridgeJ and wvho bas duced the guest speaker, Rev. been a source of gratification H. Kyte gave some highlights the Sunday School raom and mnust af necessity be two-way. Iot the enjayment of its func-: John Verbrugge, the ministei when people here in Canada from Leadership Day. Mrs. marched to the front seats President Walton Pascoe ienTs.aite Crtan eomd have paid tribute ta the char- Ross Duff reported on the din - in the church. During the ser- welcomed the members and1 The Toast ta the Ladies wasi Church here. atra uc-aain.H e evdtecoradmn vice Russel C arnaghan gave their guests. Those at the, given by Harry V. Cryderman. mentioned statements made ister and wife by the U.C.W. the explanation af the mission head table in addition ta the He told the gatheringithat thc- Expressing bis appreciationl by provincial premiers, may- executive. Secretary-Treasur- study and Dennis Romeril pre- _____________________of being invited ta address ors af cities, doctors, and er, ail unit leaders, Literature, tegathering, Mr. Verbruggemn mlyr omnigspî n asnge sented the Explorer Treasure. Ushawa LionsAy stated that "As a clergyman their good qualities. They 1locneuHahr ori n aî O h w ins serving a congregation coin- have the répssaionrof aly Larrner gave the explanation ' Dlcos-FjosCiut posed primarily, though fnot Btheesreputation th Meaen lwaysio AfTW£AAYexclusively, af Dutch-Canad- me eting their financial obli-- Study and Murray Carnaghan T//T ! AY Carnival at iaris you rnay reasonably ex- gations faithfully, lie added. c c oun ia n cy presented their gits. 8iECOMC MISER e t pc htwhtIwl aeta The niinister stated that he A B aMr.nas 2Wrigbs, for 2 9e say will be related ta my spoke of these commendations RAY J. M1T.LING ai the M. and M. for the B n n '4 QON Y RotiAO V/ Shopping C nre field afi nterest," Mr. Ver- ta cali attention ta the fact Chartered Accounitant church received and hne CO#STDUICTlV! rmMyl5hi2t brugge said. thet their character bas its 93 Church Street the graups for their donations. California, Iceberg -Lge. Rdo. - N.i SnPro et-LreS No. shaa ad urrundngcom "Wena ptten I uee~s explanation in their 623-3861 Rev. P. Romeril conducted ALW Oshaw andti su be uzzng wîtii takes shape among people who te att itnt h LEONARD JAMES BROOKS the Ceremony of Dedication. &Jteexcitement only a Carni- c' r nW~e i wlof Godthat theywant ta AChartered Accountnt he cirsa nthAtemLE UC fo 2 9c C u b rsI or 7 * > N/E val brings - and ahi or a very munity, the question arises he men," AccoTuentants- udt ons A Psalm airust afnd evr.eGreFoid o worthy cue what is the reason for ato Suite 205W 725-9953 mon from the text- No good 'M Lon Cubo Ohaa hih os etcofomt te nnncngPivteScoos Oshawa Shopping Centre thing will be witbheld fromC B A El.9 E P R f r 3 -j .will stage their annual Carni- pattern ai lufe in the commun- ',This is the explanation ai WM.3. H. COGGINS thase who walk upnightly. C B A El.9 J~val May 15 ta May 25 at the ity? The underlying thesis of their readiess ta carry the Chartered Accountant At the United Church Sun- g Oshawa Shopping Centre. The my remarks tonight la that heavy financial burden of fin- Second Floor day School Sunday morning, Lusclous Vine-Ripened, Good Size Siet edrLreCb needy and assist the Lions roots in ideas, creed contrais bas been wdely misunder- Cor. King & Tempemance Sts. interesting and informativ Club in perfarming other conduct, and men and women stood. It bas been -regarded as Phone 623-3612 Puppet Show ai "The .StudyC N A OU 9 worthwhile activities t he y are outwardly what they con- a separatistic movement. SuchofTgr aiVlae y y bave undertaken in the com- sciously, or unconsciauslIy is nlot the case. I say this YALE, FRIEDLANDER ai miion Taîl Village. he à munity. tbink inwardly. with emphasis. & COMPANY taken this year. ELCTI LD ~~ Past Lions Carnivals have Varyîng Vlewpoints "It la the firm conviction Chartered Accountants Town and Country Club CrRET.met wt tremendous response M ebug xlie that these schools will cantri-LcneTrse nBkupy met on Wednesday, May lst, CASH SAVER! YOU Save Oc! - PatamcutFnyQult sTn CONTRAtheIpeopleAofSDuram thatee nodnr ic bute ta the best interests ai 1963, in the Blackstock United an.- Ontario counities, and this st atcev en eoein aveirum the nation. It is the seriaus 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Church Christian Education MOTRSAIOLE ECE ter'sthan eber. a e rnva common background, it is dii- aim ta prepare young lives Oshawa, Ontario Centre. There were 42 people MOTOR SALE - SERICE tr thanever.More arniva fiuit ttaapapp ite forvitheforithestghstypee ai Can-MOTMONTEITHNTI-H -NTEITHt. Mrreoent.eeMr..CJohED GreerA TV- RADIO - APPLIANCES rides and games have been pcoretate the v f naiew aisip tca eRIH C.o Oshawa, spake and ans- added and more spaçe allocat- t p oint nd h i oright ain- saidactizeni.tlarg e eL& O wered qetos fe AHSVR * 9 i d in Oshawa Shopping Cen- te.Hwmc oedi - adta yadlrete135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa qetos ie AHS E!You Save 17c!1-o.Ts trisprkn-lt cuit it becomes when people Dutch immigrant bas a good Chartered Accountants reading and prayer the hasts, ai' ariglo.o different social and cultural reputation in the community, 728!7527 Mn. and Mrs. N. Malcolm and A ______________________________ backgrounds ive side by sid uht hs rotsare ib is re- Paters: v d unc . B. Gunte'- ser- Y I I K FN YP A - munity which bas received a .f establîshing and support- A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Brad- sizable number ai people from ing private Christian Schools G. W. Riebi, C.A., R.I.A. burn and Jim, Toronto, visited CS AE!YuSv 0 ee any other country, be assert- stems from the same pninciple. (Licensed Trustee) ýSaturday and Mr. and Mrs. CAHS ER YoSaeO!-SenCntB adCunii1-bBg ~ed. Net Church Schools G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Frank Carter, Shirley and - He remninded bis audience "These are nlot church R. F..Lightioot, C.A. Doadal rvSn ELOS C f6 ~% q4V4 'I.V.* that the United States has a scbools, though obviouzly they WILSON & BUflROWS day aiterrlnoo andn andLL O U of action to take to keep Insured- long history ai dealing with sustain a definite relation ta Chartered Accountants Mrs. oMril ery andaL Sthis same problemn. He men- the church. They are net In 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. daen, Bwmille, SunWdsaey CAHSVR oSae5c tioned a compréhensive book tended only for children ai Partners: evebnindt Mr. aWeMse AHSVR uSv 6!Pg by Andre Siegfried, "America Dutch descent, but for par- Ronald P. D. Wilson, C.A. Brdun rs auth I omsof tae tbis matcte sencta Ghodbediee ta God, G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Due ta so much cbicken-pox Cmsa g" nwihteet h eiv htrvr er.ILws. N I E SR 7 f ak 9 9 RU ~ a t per taa tthe gatrowhaas ell as oienethluGod isPhone 728-7554 and measies in April, the vac- H 0 41 P * *T L maturity ai the U.S. the beginning ai éducation !h cinations were a given a - __ ~~~~~~~~M. Verbrugge pointed out and ai wisdom. Wisdomin C h i r aPra c teshobtaetabcie CASH SAVER! You Save 4c! - Fancy Qaiy4-z i Sthat people from more than the Biblical sense ai the terre ntefreona hrdy I NSURANCE= 35 different counitries became concernas the whole range ai G. EDWIN MANN, DC. May 23rd. LI B ' OA O J I E 1 __part of our neighboring Amer- knowledge. Chiropractor Several relatives af the late e f ouchng Jbs fllw arîulyican nation during the 19th Tesakralthtn Office: Mrs. Edgar Werry, Sollua, the instructions on the back oi the Certif- Cent u r Y. "Certain thinga mnany communities non-Dutch 15 Phognet 623or5of09rs Homevisi edn tesMars ttunra =which were true then are truc chîîdren bave been enroîîed inOfiePae6350HoWeesyoatnd cate of Payment, Form 104, which your - oa.Imgat edt hs col "hsl lOff Ho Murs: By Appointment ed the funeral services Thurs- FEATURE! Save 4c! is =requiredItaigrats teud te these scools. "This __ aiseday. Apple - Orange - Pineapple Orange - OraneArco 8o.Tn gru -srqie aSieyu ln ta language and ceu'. truc right bere in Bowman- r.AbtWigtacm -toms for a while because a ville. They are net Dutch De ta1 aidM an Mrs. AiClngtaccom- 0 When you reach your l9th blrthday melting pot takes time. schoois but Canadian Scbools,"' Ginn of Cadmus ta Orono you are ne longer covered by your parents' Differences in social and he stated firmly. 1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Wrednesday and visited Mrs, bL 1 certificate. Register separately wîthin political cnet aeter GodCentred Education î7 Kng St. E. Bowmanvllle Jas. Ginn and Mr. and Mrs. L EYFRI1 thirty days ta keep insured. Forms are. deepeat roats in religiaus con-i Office Houns: Hare.Giu.FET.R! .Sve4e - viabea osiasbnsan o-cepts. Althaugh difier e n t "These scbools represent a 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Hre in E mission offices. -viewpoints bave existed side srnous attempt ta make edu- Ciased Satunday and Sunday' n n r. omnHl.New Si ln elans*1 s a by aide in the United States, cation God centred. It is the Office Phone - 623-5790 es and Mrs. Edgar ai Oshawa - ~~~~~~~~~this did net prevent a high conviction ai these sturdy House Phone - Newcastle 3551 cle nMadMs i aa rsig39 iWben you marry, the Fani1y premdim degree oi unity and national Caîvinista that you cannot . bent Wright Thui'sday. S must be paid te caver husband, wife and = lylyt ei vdnedr td o' oka aue DR. E. W. SISSON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCon- _FAUE algbl epcndants. Tell your group OR, in World War II and that includes geognaphy. LDSDDSFnlNrod vstdMs a2e-Copreti7ozTn if yeu pay direct, tell the Commission. t'iscussîng adaptation ta a science, bistory and otea 0 Office in bis home Cecciil El, Thursday. Sv newcontr te oîîwig sbjct, wthut ryngt un-00 Lberty St. N., Bowmanville Misses Janice Byers, Bon- . . B I .H.CKEN--- - oN'rABIO = ~questions bave a bearing on derstand what the Author Ofie hoe62-504ne'Montay a.onBnd ROSPITAL 2195 Venge St. -the issue, Mr. Verbrugge de- means. ' 9 a.m. ta 6 pm.dai'l humand Carolan ahmloy d t HOPTLToronto 7 cared. "What kind ai people "Because they believe that Cîosed Wednesday -aSuiday BniandeGrayeanteFloyd Kyte FEATURE' - Saade lic Ontarla adapt mos as yWhat iac-J God bas given ta the parents DD htattnd c the ntedConur-CocPup rd A acyQaiy-DlMne 2 sT - COMMISSION tors and qualities lend stabil- the responsibility ta educate D.C .CTRN ...CnsinVctaa afr Value Check'd-- OnttaaraaioWatqa- hi cide, n ha hsOffice ence in Kingston Fniday-Sun- FutC c ti Lfr~ 9 niluentiai leaders ot the -uaiujueAV 4 PNTN49 Protestant Reformation. conviction that the appi'oval MISS A-pHA I. HODG -1-NS M rs. George Mooî'es, the Cavnsi lee, of God iX the greateat bless- Barrister, Solicitor foimei' Erna Manshe, ici, rqBAE B~ Caviisi Iflese ing aif life, and disapproval or Notary Public suddenly in 'l-oronto on Mon- "" r ~Dutch -Canadians have no God is the gmatest cvii. Do 14 Frank Si.. Bowmanville day. April 29th, 1963. SUPlIEME BISCUIT SPECIAL Weitno uba e.4e- e4g rn1onopoly o avns -A. e sktent iv pt.s r M.and Mrs. Moores came, on Clvinaru An- not sk emna g verUvt s E. RICHARD LOVEKIN t, Bthan e er n i e gb0-Saxo-n immigrants tn the utook. Ta ask them lu evryB.A., LL.B. t a li rei ring rom bsineo S p r A urm n leanirigs have made aignifi- thcm ta surrender wht is King St. E. Newcastle inTno ucaigteSIE 4o.La cant contributions ta the moat preciaus and vital ta Phone 2246 pR. _,yrpcrtivongheelathe;mas grwh itatcunm.Cavnthem. and ta take away tram Hours: 9-5:30 - Wcd..S, 01BcSLivnIeednngte Ti ak -b ci taugli hat tetrhooeyma ___________ umrmonths and spending inivdulî teduty ai the rthem -tthir intrs i FlridabMoher' DasV-----B----2 l 'idiidalisnot ta oce'o! which thcy hope and pmayithr nesinFoda traie on himself, but rather rta make their humble conti-' r± ges Mr.orewaa nmr Every glascf nilk is cbock full of tn co-npcmate in furtheingbution ta the culture oi Can.- the United Church and liad. Saprem Chocolte TreaBiscuit tewill o ointswrlstD, ORONO'been active in its Womcn's or. Godn'eruore th iGdi hswrd. sda and the hest int~et .<, Phone i r 1îM galenzations. rteDIC-Lb.ITo health - building, encrgy-lifting vitamins, The Caivinist helieves that! tis :nation. For thry find in ,is orgggunsSan d ftierhsbn ad .uuroem the influence o! Christ should ebtheheGo cvad Rcsidencgea -Farma tst etuand r hsa nid alFV M L ~ C U ~ V minerais and other basic nutritives. When dominate every aspect aifle,ei g Bione ne o ee aactedR Bsines Propris Flasi w and considiers it of the utmost ýand righteous living," Mr.,eckaGallonws vîit- lt's timne for a "break" . . . make it a "milk importance that the virtuous Verbrugge said ln conlusion.' Mortgage Loans îng for a tew days with heri Sunspunale RD&WHE shouid take theur place in the rn skr nbhl f rmt oreu evc itr nTrno e eti break"! Good advice for the w hole famnily! 'lie af the community as active:'everyane present thankcd Rcv. RHAROLD C. PEDWELL was caused by a sudden heartý Christians. John Vcrbrugge for bis splin' Real Estate and attack as sfic was walking Resstace a evelin did address. President Pascoe Mortgage Broker :along the street. aisep voicedt t pr- hî.s personal ap- Newcastle Phone 38581 bndSheo uvvdb erfu- I 'Myapea t tatta pr ation te Mn. Verbrugg badGerge Moores ni Bethý Prices effective ait the lIsted Red &WlerG ,oe n mot ai DutchCandrsan i ilfidCarrutiiens waa the Op t iry anv: three atei,-chiidren, r. J lade aitheenjyabe s ______________________ obei Mson M x1 wLN R E DIR f"ha t'îe beieve. it is ne- sagand Ltee Coyal it as 0EI . BILLETT,1 ODy J Mort s n oss Mowres,~ M P E C O E M R E a i rv LE A A Kessary ta try and understand snter detCla' ttwith' ~KIng A. .ILET . MoSbes afnRaosseMories was CG MARKET rMARK the pianitetth Cccii Wbofeaen- rOptomnetrist sisters, Miss Maude E. Ma n- sistalneo t oa d otheton8 rticd the audience Aith1 in S. . owman"""'111 eMiss Gertrude M a-a meur- Phone 623-5444 g ih xlan h cOnVictiO several sangs, whicbho sang1 Office Hours: By appointrnent1 shee. and a brother, PÏeg; S, KIIHfl MARKET ta be an irolation froam th lewhile playing bis own~acm Telephone 623-3252 IManshie. al ai Toranto. N S.also presented several excel-, SI arn. ta 5 p.m. hcld in Toronto on Thursdavý Kig W.Bwmnel i te or Iaion lent piano-accrdian selec- iMon. - yeveningi i with burial in WestminsterJ PORTERS MARKET . ...N w o vlo "t isolation front the lite 'tions. Wed. and Sat. - 9 * là Memroial Park,M