Rura Bo lin L Geo. Blyth Mernorial TroPhYl to MapLeGakeshore, Beil Rural Bowling League IMrns, John MacLean, Bruce*a ehoeB l 'lb.rurl legueiinihedganoTynne.McDonald, R. Scott, Clay HOI- Ie rua 1926leaso fnwitheIan of y tae pizs ley, Dick Baley, Dick Wood. A lýer 162-3 easn wtha! he uck tbleprieswentl a Twist presented hA n u c s E t banquet and dance. aothisto Mrs. B. Bowen and Mr.A.,tIre averageounces E nirr- 'Wetr*tedourwies nd adyShap.At tins time tIrhgraenldll éaugeoh y ta2 Han-1 aesoe aebl Mnr or nri friends ta a tunkey supper ies wene ruade welcome byladMLubi 20in7 aehr aealMnnfu nne and dance at Sauina Hall on President Bruce McDonal d 1 gaines) and Ire keeps tIre fr0-i Leaue announces entnies for Hope, Bowrna Prlday night, May 3. There, followed by thre presentation 1phy for having won it three! 1963. stock. was about 100 present and af trophies -and pnizea ta h years in a row. Entries have been accepted' It is inde everyone enjoyed a good sup- lucky winners. te Keith McGill present e d in thre followlng groupa: Ju- that only twi Ver. JonSe;npnsne h'Bruce Milis with trophy ion venile and Mdget teama ll terested lni The MC lnrouce treJohn James rophtIresn top higIr single gamne (380). be cornbined inta one playing Port Hopei head table guests as follows: team, Tyrone, Jlm Coornbes,ý Ceciu Milîs presented thre gnoup. Juvenile entries fnom, teanis were Mn-.-and Mir. Bruce MeDon- John Coombes, Bruce Coom- ' Harold Milîs Memonial TropIry Kendal and Countice; Midget more entnie, ald, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Coom- bes, Rosa MeRoberts, Ai Wil-1 ta Dan Taylor for high triple entries fnom Cobou.rg, Port this gnoupi bes, Ray Twist and Missson, Tom Pleasance, E. Mal- (851>. Hope, Bowmanvllle, Oshawa, TIre town of Schwartz, Bill Begley and lett. Each neceived Individual Jim Coombes presented thre Whitby and Ajax. enter two T Mrs. Ashton, Mn. and Mns.,trophies.i Sportsman Trophy to Harvey Teams entened in Bantam with one fr( Hlarvey Yellowlees, Rev._Du-1 JohnVennlng pnesented the Yellawlees. came from. Cobourg, Port Any othen ____ _ __-- -- Thene were a few novelty Hope, Bowmanville and Ken- on communiti prizes, those neceiving saie, dal. this group b3 wene Adam Sharp, John SIe- The Pee Wee League will be ray Bate at BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW mon, Bruce Mils, itIre amallest in years wlth anlyi 623-3249. FOR ROARY SPNSOREDAt this tume Mr. and Mr.' FO OAYSO SRDAdam Sharp pnesented tIre i league with a new trophy frE N N SIL bigIr average, which Hzro1 MôLaughlin neeeived on be-~ At tIre Sunday mornnng ser- S. Kensey's,1 bh aio the rural league. vice Mn. Cnawfond's sermon Deepest syz TIre new executive for 1963- eompleted Iris message on ed ta Mr. a 64 are: Past President, Bruce "Resurrection P o wer,"1 in Bowman an( A S MoDonald; President, J I n whioh Ire adnianished his peo- field, on tIrE Coorubes; Vice President, Han- ple to "Set flot aur hearts in af the late M~ vey Yellowlees; Treasuner, matenial blessing but reach Mn. and Ray Twist; Secnetany, Bill beyond to greater gits tIret Mrs. 'Effie I Begley. only God can bestow upon Searbonough, '4Evenyone then went usar us." Mr. Crawford said God's visitons at 3 4. ' ~tIre dance floon and enia0-besigcotis hnsspir- Avery's. S ed modern and aid-tume dane- itual and matenial, aiso rich Miss Diane rng ta thre music ai Jim. Holtby an d poor can b noe i. ra ih irniand Iris music makers. Two riches of tIre tblendofwe thGlura night dances were won byMrA at expressed must be Mr. and M~ ~4Iand Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees accompanied by wonds, SO wene Sunday and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mu- ike Peter and John we mnust and Mrs. H4 Donald. be obedient ta thre Divine cail Janetville. May God bless and keep ane first - then receive tIre Divine Miss Julle and ail in good healtIr tIns Commission ta, do wo -ks with- ville, spent t] summen and hope to sec you out silven and gold like they ber' grendpa ail back in Septernbcr at tIre did. as they Irealed the lame Mrs. horne "f Ialley. man outside thre Temple. Mns. Lambi Special thanks to Gea. El- Tecorslcinwsaeigtag Ce Mrs. Allan itt as eowliphngaed ~rdelightful rneigo r to Ireleaue nd orall tIre mond's two part arrangement ville. t he l eIasgvean mer of "TIre Lard Is My Shepherd" Mr. and M' Bill Begiey, Secnetary. by Grades V to VIII ai tIre and Judy we on ___________ Public Sehool, wbichi was un- Mrs. Allan1 accompanied and dineeted by ville. M on ayMay IOt HADONtheir teacher, Miss M. Saun- Miss Dore M n yM y2 t ADNders. Stuiday diii Supt. A. J. Wenry continued Betty Jane 'M TICKETS - - - 50e U.C.W. May meeting will be tIre opcnlng exercises ai Sun- Mn. and Mi Ireld at tIre Manse, Tynone, on day ScIrool with a bni Bible Blackstock, M Tickets on sale ln Bowmanville at Canadian Tire Store, Thursday (tomorrow night) at study peniod on "Creation." ens at Mn. -~~I~y Coe' BaberShp, andr ardare i8 o'clock. Mrs. J. Jones and Next Sunday a special onder Griffin's. McMulen ardwre, owanEqulment Paler Mtor group in charge; guest speak- ai service wlll be followed ta r adl MeMulen ardareCown Eqipmnt, almr Moor er, Mrs. Leask, Bowmanville. pay special tnibute to "Moth- Port Penny, Sales, Robson Mators, Rickaby's, Higgon Electrie. A special Christian FamilY ers". evenmng visi Ennlskillen-Slemon's Store; Hampton-Barron's Store; (Mothcr's Day) Service will Brunt's. Whyte; Orono J. be held Sunday et 7:30. TIre, The Messengens and C.G.IT. Mn. and M~ Stut ad M Matin Tyon-W.Thishuger an Screment of Hoiy Beptisni groupa are grateful fon the derson, Coil Stut ad M Matin TyoneW. hieburerand will Ire conducted. Sunday nesponse froni aur comrnunity Mrs. Hon ClE from Rotary Club members: J. Bain, T. BIllett, M. ISchool at 10:30 a'clack. and assistance from Enfield tarn, Hempto. Brow, W Cogln, F Helan, K I~eki, B Hoden Mn en Mr. W SamonU.C.W. group in collecting tIre callers et E. B.raown, . Magn, . Heylns, K.foisn, . RHoder, Mand milyTono altowne nunning nylons for Korea as Mrs. H. J. K. Jacks, . Mand, . Mrrbi, . (Riskar, . Rition, aMrs visiTonwtoMn and amissionanr pnoject. Ouri J. Werry, Mr J. RidW. eynlds A.Riby,,,. Rckad, . Rtso, jrs.Lionel Tilley and family. bale of nylons was tIre langest Mrs E. A. M Dr. W. Rudeli, Dr. H. Rundie,, 'Dr. K. Siemon, I. Smith, Mr. E. R. Thompson, Bow- yet. It weiglied 37 pounds. showen fanrTM J. Speers, G. Stephens, B. Stevens, A. Strike, R. Stnike, manville, Mr. R. D. Thompsan, On May 3rd Mn. and Mrs. ry, bride elec T. Samuel, Dr. A. Sylvester, J. Van Nest, J. Verbrugge, Hanmpton, were Thunsday cv- F. Draper a.nd 14 young peo- Mna Bow St G. Vice, R. Walters. A. Wltherspoon, E. Whyte. ening visitons at Mrs. Alice pie enjoyed a fishing outing, Saturday evei Thompson's. Sunday cahiersi catcbing six mudcat, four Mn. and Mr wene harry Thompson, Bow-1 suekens, one perch, and one lett, Oshawa, lst Quality Coleman kSTOVES $1 3&88 2-burner "Tourist" Factory Sealed NYLON SLEEPING BAGS !Rubberized Ground Sheet 100" Zipper Reg. $16.95 W mavill, an Mis R-À Ana GEORGE ONLY 1 - SPECIAL - WOOD'S 9'"x9' TOURIST TENT $39.50 24-99 Nylon screened throughout * Sewn-ln floor * Poles and Pegs Waterproofed tent duck ln buff or bine Canopy storm door . . . *'Indlvidually cartoned. "DON'T BE IN THE DARK" - COLEMAN LANTERNS Reg. $16.95 Lights Instantly. Burns in any weather. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED! AIR MATTRESSES HEAVY DUTY 12-GAUGE VINYL Repair Kit Enclosed FuIly guaranteed Reg. $12.98 ,099 FOR THE SMELT FISHERMAN! se8 HPRUBBERg BOOTS $ 8 HE V R B ER -Re.$12.95 --- -------- SPRING SPECIAL! INTERIOR PAINT EXTERIOR $3.49 RUEBER RAFTS - COLEMAN COOLERS ALL CAMPING SUPPLIES $$..UY THE BEST FOR LESS.$ G EORGE'S YOUR CAMPERS' HEAD)QUARTERS 42 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE catfish. Afterwards evenyone gathened et the home of Mn. and Mrs. John Griffin, where they enjayed a feast of fish and chips. Thre gnoup would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. F. Draper and Mr. and Mrs. J. Gifnor making the even- ing a success. Miss Lois Ashton attended thre annual Confenence on Christian Vocations held at Queen's Theological College, Kingston. Guests were billet- ed at the University Womnen 's nesidence, Ban Righ Hall. Lois alsa visited with Dr. and Mns. R. B. Green and daugh- ters. Mr. and Mins. J. Griffin wene recent visitons with her sisten, Mn. and Mrs. C. Smith, Toronto. Mns. T. M. Siemon spent last week with Miss Alice Creepen, Toronto. Dr. and Mns. S. Gea. Wenry, Oshawa, were Saturday even- ing visitons at Mn. James A. Werry's. Mn. and Mns. Harold Ashton, Douglas and Clare wene Sun- day visitons et Mn. and Mrs. fted Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mur. NE T NVIL Sttma.3w raOriflia, on Sunday. E T N IL ne' aafstemn#ow G roup r.~ and Mrs. R.HalOs- M.adhr.Er Ledeso ndamy' awa;Mr an aj Mr. and Mrs. Ba cLo dro adfail spent thef *Thressen and children, Bow- of Oshawa, were recent visit- weekend at Lake Kennisis. J les nianvillè, Mrs. K. Ràhr and ors with Mr. Raymond Bruce. Mr. andIvMrs. Norman Sta- Cobourg, Port H. Hall., ono, was a visitor with Mrs., with a presentation in the anville and Black. Mr.- and Mrs. John Martel i W. Farrow at Mrs. L. Clys- COmmunixity Hall, Saturday C and Ricky of North Bay have dales an Wednesday and Mrs evenmng, at which they receiv- g eed disappointing rnoved into the Virtue apart- Nita Birch visiteci Mrs. C: ed a swivel chair, mirror, pole otowns were In. Brown. lamp, magazine rack, cushiann Tykeagehal. Mr an Mr. Bll Dwn, Mr.Cecl Buley wasad and s uniof money. Dancingd Tndkewae bil. Morno, rS. ihD owevn- r. ecil Buey vasad-and lunch finished off the j md ownanvlleTornta wee undy een:mited o Mmoial Hospital evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl listed, but if no ing callers of Mr. and Mns. on Wednesday for treatmnentlMcEwen and family of Peter- >a cone forward Leon Moore and Mms. R. Vir- and observation. boog0eeSudyvstn wllb dopd.te Mrs. Ray' Shaw of Port with Mrs. Cecil Burley. fPort HIope wlll Sympathy to Mn. and Mns.'Perry and hen mather, Mrs. Mr en ohan n 7yke teams, alOng Percy Werry an the suddenlEdith Jahaston were in thtis GaroJn, Ne cae wnedr 2 arn Bowmanville. passing of her mothen, lMrs.vicmrity on Thunsday evn-Suday uNewstleih Mnean interested groups Bertha Carr, Port Crei a calllng on frlends.Ms. r.BllW ean miy lesca sillenernumber from here visEd heJohnston, having spent an o- et.n id y conactig Mur funral hme. ther winter in Florida. has et Skeldingan nde t Ponactngubr- uealhmcoreneorth for the summen Stapleton were in Oshawan t phone num r M. and Mrs. Gordon White and bas gone to visit hier sonSna ienonweete andDebi vsiedMr. n Vd and iml tKns attended a binthday party in Î Mrs. Walter Ignotovich and tan. Sedorkof. on ndDre VrScarboraugh.horaiDnand oen IE NMr. ~and Mr. Bob s. Bilt a fe ays adt e 'ek dOshr ,weevsios branand Mr. Kon Cham- rseBl Sacy n Eln Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader mHamipton. lain, Mr. and Mrs. Bill De- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. oMr.O.sR.wawrrow' tos a dy mpathy is extend- mille, Miss Joy Chamberlain,i Carlisle, Sterling. Mrs . . F Ne s nvS anaer nd Mns. Wilfred Mr. Ben Kleinhouse.. Oshawa;I The local Bowling Club fin- nght.guesttunay with er d family at En- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hunt 'ished up the season with a sist ers J. uner, Bow-h e sudden passingi and Mary Lau, Hampton; Mr. banquet, Thursday evening, at maile. rJ ureB I. John Taniblyn. and Mrs. A. Walker and Deb- The Acres. Mesdames Helen avle .'ris. Irvin Cook, bie, Bowmanville, were Sun- and Edna Elliott, Marie Trim. Misses Hazel Barrie and Lutes and Garry, day visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Gwen Hallowell, Jean Hall, Mildred Davison af Oshawa, were Saturday Roy Maynard. Little Lorieand Iva Bnown, were anion- GWer JoSnes'.llr a M Mrn. and Mrs. C. Hunt spent the weekend with those attending from here . C.W . Jonesete Mr. and Mrs. R. Maynard. On Friday afternoon, New- MrC. .Joe nrd SAvery was Sat- Brian Annis Iras retunned tonville School went up ta Mernonial Hospital on Sunday guest afi Mi home fromn Kemptville Agni- Brown's School, for a game of ýfor X-nays. Salem. cultural Schaol, having suc- softball, coming home the wi« Snay visitais xith Mrs. rs. F. W. Wenry cessfufly completed his lst ners by the score af 14-10. H. Tnirn inclrrded Mr. and' y visitors af M.. year there. Mrs. S. Lancaster and dau- 1 Mrs. Coulson and family. oward MeMullen, Mrn. and Mrs. Allan Ander- ghter, Mrs. J. Kimbail and Mr, and. Mrs. Bill Trim and, son and chîldren were Satur- daughters, Mrs. H. Stapleton, Wray, Bowman- day evening supper guests of and Mirs. M. Samis were among FINE QUALJTY lre weekend with friends in Oshrawa, those fromn this locality at- IONUMENTS AND rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Poulter, Oshawa, tending tIre "May Musicale"! MARKERS Lamb. Mn. and called on Mrs. Percy McCoy, put on by Port Hope HigIr. were Sunday ev-~ Sunday. School on Friday evening. f ft e. ' m. rests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahmn On Saturdaj evening Mns. ' o.mfe f fLen WaBwa.accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie, Miss Bannie Gil- STAFFORD Wra. owmn-Walter Rahm ta 4 Mile Lake mer, Mrs. A. Wade, Mr. and ) BROS. LTD. Irs. Ralph Virtue Sunday and were pleased ta Mns. Jack Elliott and thei 1 re ithMn.andsee their brother and wife Mr. weekend guests, Mn. and Mrs, Martin, Bowman- and Mvrs. C. W. Rahmn, who Wray Saules af Toronto, a t- just returned from St. Peters- tended the repeat perfanni- Del ,en Trewin hadi ugadohrfins 'ance of the samie show. iner with Ms The Tyro Boys wene very Mr. R. Bruce spent Frida Missy busy gathering papers Satun- evening the guests ai Mr. and, tfodBoh rs. Lorne Gniffin, day morning, about 7000 Ibs. Mrs. Emerson Neal, Mapleý ~er Suda cal~were gathered which netted Grave. Miss Allie Nesbitt oi LIMITED and Mrs. John anound $21.00. Much credit la Toronto spent the weekend' ou et do ta leaders. Mr. A. Knowl- here.Mou et Ur.Orton and Kenneth Murphy. ',%r. and Mns. Laurie Staple- Box 133 wes. Saeffrr , At the Sunday morning1ton, Toronto, were weeked lDnasS.E Vitby ho satura evc n Tyrone United visitors at Mr. Ge. taple-PoeWlb tos t rturChunch, Mrs. F. L. Fox ai ton's. MOhawk 8-3552 fl.nn-nein xv, r,,c.+ cntaf Mr-,.nii Vrq- flr,,man flan-! dns. Wilfred San- umbus, Mr. andi lmens and Bren- n. werc Sunday Wnight's. McGill, Mrs. A. rs. G. Wenry and' VNery attended ai Uias Jeanine Wer- ct, et tIre home ai tarr, Kedron, on aning, rs. Hlowand Gimb-' Miss Vena Gimb- lett, Toronto, were Suinday callens at Mn. and Mrs. R. McGrllS. Mn. and Mrs. Clarencel Stainton and Beverley werel Saturday evening enflersaail S. LamnWs. Mn. and Mns. F. Dorland,i Mr, and Mna. C. Avery, Lundai and John, were Sunday enliera! at Mn. end Mrs. Clarence Av. ery's at Pleasant Point. Mn. and Mns. S tuant hembi and famnily were recent callens' at Mr. and Mns. Donald' Lamb's, Bailieboro. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Wery Susan and Scott wene Sunday% tee guests ai tIre Herbentý Leigîtons. Bowmanvlhle. Mir. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry wene recent guests of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Zilvensmit, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mirs. Frank McGILl, Tononta,,Irnd Sunday tea et Mn. and M\rs. A. Bnunt's. Mn. and Mrs. Herman Haass and famuly, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mns. Ray Vnnmeer and iamily, Providence, et Mn. and Mira. Keith McGill's. Mn. and Mns. Gary Viekers, Hamilton, were Sunday guesta Deboski, Oshawa, of Mn. and Mns. Allan Wenry. Mr. and Mna. Clayton Rcad Mns. Wenny and Mrs. Vickers and iamily Peterborough, Mn. called on Mn. and Mns. R. Lec Bert Ashton, Tononto, wene a.nd Mn. and Mns. B. Lee, Sunday visitons of Mn. and Kedron. Mns. Arthur Read. TIre Mother's Fellowship Mn. and Mrs. Ron Monisan held thein iast meeting et Mns. and family, Miss Ann Marri- RalpIr Vitue's with 15 pre- son, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. sent. Mns. C. Avery gave sev- George Bertnim and iamily, cmal intencsting articles frani Taunton, wenc Friday visitons aur Christian Home. Short with Mn. and Mns. M. Bertnini discussions followed. N e x t, and iamiîy. meeting will be at Mrs. -E. Mn. Milton Sîcrnon visited Trewin's, May 13tIr. Mns. K. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, M«Gill, Mrs. J. Mehaughhin Bowmanville, on Thursday. and Mins. R. Rowen wull be in Mn. and Mrs. J. Patts, Mary charge. A dalnty lunch was' [and Biliie, spent tIre week- scrved. end with relatives at Coiling- wood. Mrs. M. Olesen aceom-, panidthe Potts family t&J TYRONE *chistnin ailie gnnds1,iMn. Peter Hodgkinson, Aur- 'Daniel Martin Olesen, son ai ara, wvns Satunday gucat. Sun- Mn. and 4ins. Martin Olesen,l day guests wene Mn. and Mns. on Sunday morning. W. H. Bridgcman and Mr., Miss hinda Patta attcndcd! n r.JeBigmn the Ashton-Kennedy wcdding, gnorfM. and Mns JeBndemn 'Toronto, on Saturday. hinda James Woadley and Mr. C. W. visited Mn. and Mns. Frank Woodley. Kennedy, Collingwoad, and Mn. and Mis. A. Wood ale- accompanied her parents, Mn. companied Mn. and MNLs. De- and Mns. J. Potts, home ofl vid Park, Bowmnanvillc, ta Sunday froni Collingwood. Toronto, and also visited Mn. i Miss Linda Patta returned ta andi Mns. H. Trivett, Weston. hen training at tIre Sick Chil- Mn. andi Mrs. Frank Wilson dren's Hospital, Toronto, on and Hector, Mr. and Mrs. Ev- Monday. erett Wilson andi chlldren, Mn. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Slernon and Mns. Rosa Wilson and andi Susan wcre Sundey vrai- littîc daugîter,. Oshawa, ivere tons ai Mns. F. Toma, Ennis- Satunday evening visitons ai killen. Mn. and Mns. J. Wilson andi Mr. anti Mna. Dan Cameron Allen. were Sunday supper gucats ai Bnian MeQuinn, Bownian- Mrs. Hanvey Nîvmns and Mns. ville, spent tIre weekend wlth Sami French, Bow-manvile. Mn. and Mrs. A. McQuinn. Mr. and Mns. Leslie Grahami Sorry ta repart Min. Boss andi Mr. Henry Ashrton werc1 <Bill) Page is in Bowman- Sundey evening visitons ai Mn. vile Memonlal Hospital ior andi Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, observation, we trust Ire'll Bunketon. soan be feeling better. Mn. andi Mns. Lloyd Ashtan, Mn. andi Mns. George Rahmn Ronald and Ray attendedth Ie andi daughten Helen, Green- funeral service af thein unele, bank, were Sunday guests ai thre late A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, Mn. and Mns. Rosa Page. at tire United ChuncIr, Onono, Mns. F. L. Fax, Pasadena, on Monday. spent the pat week with her Mss. J. Aikenhend andti sster, Mrs. M. Hamiilton anti iKlaus, Toronto, wene recent, Mn. Hamilîton. auppen guests af Mr. and Mns. Mnr. andi Mrs. NM. Hamilton Lloyd Ashrton, Ronald andi Ray. anti fanihy. Mira. F. L. Fox, Mn. Gardon Werry and Mn. visiteti their uncle and aunt Fleeker, Toronto, spent leSt Hon. andi Mra. G. Wardrape. weekend with thre Lloyd Ash.- ai Toranto et the borne ai tîcin tan faniily. niather Mns. K. J. Ferguson, Mn. and Mina. Lloyd Ashton Bowmanville. andi Ronald and Mr. and Mira. Mn. and Mns. David Phasey R. J. Ormiston, Enniakillen, andi ehiltiren visited Mira. Chas. 1 were recent dinnen guesta aif Wood, Orono. Mina. Walter Munray, Toronto, Mn. and Mirs. K. Hardy and and callei an Mrs. Emma .erny, Mn. and Mns. E. Pres-' Wena-y. cott andi Mn. Ace Albbott vis. menvile, May 8. lmS - fanily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mm& Jack Glover, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of ?&. andi Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests at Mr. Clinton Brown'sà Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gil. mer of Riclgeway were Sunday dinner guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer. Regular manthly meeting of the Women's Institute wil be held Wed., May 15, at the home of Mrs. C. M. Jones at 2:30 p.m. Don't be ±aoled by the cal- endar. There are only as mnany days in the year as yau mnake use oi.-Char1es Rich-ê ards. BOWMANVILE TROOP BOY SCOUTS Sponsored by Bowmanville Rotary Club WILL BE SELLING Mother's Day CORSAGES en FR1. and SAT. May lOth-llth 1~ RE BUY NOW ... AND LETC SAVE YOU MONEY! THURS. . FR1. - SAT. ZIPPERED DUTCH DOOR! *COLLAPSIBLE STEEL POLES Reg. $21.95 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Bowmanvillle IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE hÀ 01 1 PA11P oL NS FREE a] id ie 41 IV L e t Y, ýl 'y v uý 1 VI] el IV rit w Ir w m