- -.~ 1- Ib. Canadian Statemran, Bowmanvffle, May 8, 199~ - 700,000 SmaII Boat Qwners Rotary Speaker T( Great Growth of E The icys cf boating asa Zecrestian, and Its value asa tourist attraction were dis- eussed by Bob Kelly, Toronto, the executive manager of the .Alied Boating Association cl Canada, at the luncheon meet- Ing of the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club held in the Flyin, Dutchman Motor Hotel on April 26. The guest speaker ai- no deait with problems con- neoted with water safety equipment. and boating facili- ties. The blrthday cf Dr. Keiti Billett, the president cf the club, was celebrated by hi. fellow Rotarians. The vice- president, Dr. G. Edwin Mann, presented a banner he had re- eeived. at a recent meeting of the Rotary Club cf Denver, Colorado, for the Bowmanville Rotary Club. Forbes Heyland gave a re- * part on the proceeds cf the 1Easter Seals Campaign re- :ý,eived ta date. The returns so -air amount te $4,000, but are -ws yet incomplete. He statec * htit is hoped that those people who have as yet not -oent itheii contributions tU '3 Keoy Factors l AUTO INSURANCE audItoO a(-mind diving N ]WDs for: (1) imsur- C ,mS coverages that ieft your needs (2) ..th caii service *at zneets your ex. S9ctations mnd (3) at .4.iost that meets mean nws. Don't ,n.ttl for leua than al thmc. Cali on us for ;TUART E. JAMES à ..RÏNU]tANCE REAL ESTATE -Office -423-5681 Bowmanvllle Residence 623-54931 a a le ýg ,n 'y hl this campaign for Crippled Children wiil do sa in the near future. President Billett anneunced that the annual Rotary Fath- ers, Sans and Daughteis Nighl Banquet wil be held at the Lions Com.munity Centre next Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The club was lnfoimed by President Billett that James Hogarth, a highly esteemed local Rotauian, is seriously ill. He is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Dr. W. M. RudeUI ntroduced -Bob Campbell, the guestý Bob Kelly, the guest speaker.1 He said that Mr. Kelly xvas dbain in Montreal, received his r, early education in that city, e Toronto, and Hamilton, and -later îeceived a Bacheloi cf Science Degree from the On- tario Agricultural Coalle ge, eGuelph. Dr. Rudell aise spoke of Mr. eKelly's five years service in the Canadian Army during World War II, and cf the sev- eral years he spent in farm- ing an his return to Canada. Mr. Kelly then became sales- manager of the Canadian Na- tional Sportsmens Show, and executive director cf the Can- adian Tourist Association. "In 1959 Mr. Kelly was ap- pointed the first manager of the new marine trades Allied Boating Association of Can- ada. He is a memnber cf the Toronto Anglers and Hunters Association, t he American Yacht and Boat Council, the Canadian Boating Association and special delegate to its board of directors, a director cf the Canadian Tourist As- sociation, national secretary- treasurer cf the Out-Door Writers, and a member cf the Out-Door Recreational Corn- mittee cf the National Safety League cf Canada. Mi. Kelly spoke cf the tre- mendous growth of pleasure boating during the last 10 years. Approximately 40,000 pleasure boats and 10,000 boat- trailers have entered the Canadian scene each year, he remarked. He attributed the great ln- crease in the devotion to boat- ing to the fact that it is by and large a farnily endeavor, which is thoîoughly enjoyed by both parents and children. Boating can be either in-1 expensive ar costly, he assert-J ed. Its range includes canoes1 priced at $50 or $200, average îigs which include a 14 foot boat, outboard motor and trailer valued at a little overi $1,000, and for those who can afford greater expendituresi boats at much higher cost, the1 speaker pointed out. Reasonable rules and stand- ards for safety on the wateri have been set out by the De-i partment cf Transport, Ot- tawa, Mi. Kelly stated. These «Deceived, deserted, friendless, my heart turned to bitterness, I wanted ta die. But the Salvation Army found me. In their Home for Unmarried Mothers I was welI cared for. And understanding hearts restored the will to live. It's a heart warming thing to know that there is a place to turn to in time of trouble." A The doars cf The Saivation Army's havens, hospitals, homes and hosteis lead te relief and hope for men, women and children who have fallen on evii days. This wok needs your support. Won't you help te keep these doors open? In aiding others you wilI bring joy to your own heart, give from theREDHEW PPA heart to theRE HEDAPA Past Honourary Chairman - Wilfrid D. Carruthers g~ onourary Chairman - Ivan M. Hobbs Chairman - John M. James Minimum Objective $4,900.00 May lst to 3lst Treasurer - R. G. Gropp Campaigu Headquarters - 35 Division St. Telephone 623-3761 Contributions may be sent to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bowmanville BROWN'S (Intended for last week) open House at Brown's . Sehool was held on Thursday , evening, Apuil 25th, Parents . and inteîested adults had the " opportunity te view the chul- :l dren's woîk and discuss with the teachers any difficulties. Tea and light îefreshments were seîved by somne of the ~-~~ ladies. Mus. Tommy Simpson and ~< baby Danny returned this - , week ta her mother's, Mus. H......* Ransbeîry, Orono. Mrs. E. Cali visited ]ast week with her daughter, Mr. and Mus. R. Simpson and f am-.~ Master Cary Cal îecently spent a week in Toronto visit- and family. Mi. and Mus. M. McGinn, North Bay, spent the weekend with ber mother, Mis. Lor- raine Brown and Roy, and ac- campanied thern and Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. W. Mor- ley te Toronto on Saturday C OM PAR E where they attended the wed- dinig of Miss Lily Baîker. A.mong thosn attending from 1-fere, in two c( this Section the Golden Wed- fcsaott ding Anniveisary on Sunday atabuù cf Mi. and Mis. Lue Brown, are called X-F Orano, were Mis. Lorraine through theE Brown and Roy, Mu. and Mrs. W. Farrow, Miss Jean Perrin, you could no Mn. W. Morley, Mi. and Mis, shows you CIE T. W. Wilson. Miss Frances Rickard, New- inr eve ryCa na( castle, spent the weekend with priced. If you Miss Sheila Allun and with Mi. and Mis. Allun, Russell and of a new car, Marge jounneyed to their cot- Ray bookiets. tage on Sunday at Lake Che- Ete th mon g. Ete th Visitais with Mi. and Mis. the X-Ray bo< T. Wilson on Sunday were excellent chei Mis. Feun Brunt, Mi. and Mis. D. Rahnie and Kevin, and Mr. cide for your and Mis. Byron Brunt and -requirements family, Bowmanville. Mr. Geonge Kczub îetuined and charts, ti' tramn Memnorial Hospital, Bow- the informai manvilie, last weekend, where he had been for several days. visestchoice, We wish for hlm a speedy ne- covery. Mn. and Mis. R. Boyd andý family visited on WednesdayMc U E evnng wth Mr. and Mis. W. cU E Upence Ir. and Carolyn and Mr. and Beverley Sinclair visit- uT vo îears 'jia and Mrs. Walter Fowleî, ed the Norman Aey tSl Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. em, Sunday evening. ... .~. ...Lawrence and Janet, Mi. and Mi. Dave Kyte flew home Mis. Jno. Laurence and Tim, fîom Memphis, Tenn., for the "~ 8Oshawa and Miss Bobbie weekend. S "' Mackie. Mis. Robt. Tetlow, Scugog, ai s fMr. and Mis. Chale Mc- visited Mr. and Mis. W. Pac >">~ Kibbon, Eganville, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Crawford, Thurs- Sand Mis. Carl Wright, 'Wed- day. ~ nedayand huidayMisses Betty McArthur and ~*k~s~.W Mi. and Mis. Clarence MNai- Megan Smith, Trno i S '~i'.k.low, Mi. and Mis. Haî-old Ardis McihLndn d ?oatingMran r.Nm S ~ Swain and Helen visited Rev Mi n i.Nîan Dysaît, ~ an Mis Miton andesonAlliston, visited Dr. and Mis. 1 have proved to be valuabie - .nTtid 3.J.A MAtui, atuda d he declared .~Mi. and Mis. Heib Swain, evening adSudy safegua.s, Mi and Mis. Harold Swain Mi. and Mis. Bob Biyans, M KelaieodthRoand MioebSanS. f Patti and Gerdie, attended the taranstha th botin inus-Grand View, Manitoba, visit- annual Wilkins Family supper tiy is new studying the imdM.WeîSanTrno on Saturday night in Hamp- poianc cfmathin th ~Sunday. Mi. Swain Si. (uncle ton Hall. Alse on Sunday persîz inpowî mtai te.,,..Herb) has spent considerable weîe supper guests cf Mi. and suiabl bots.He xpline - Atime visiting the relatives in Murs. Wilf. Brown, Courtice, on that in the automobile indus- Onai n lae o hm h ccsojfth't it tiy a buyei always obtains a ntiendeaefohoetecasncfhe5hit- car an mate whic have~ " 'toda, oda.day of Mis. Bryans' sister bathbee mae bythesare ~Mi. Jack Swain and Miss Debbie. mauatre.BtInbaigSandra Hagerman, Glen Ross, Weekend guests at Mi. and the boats have been construc- setteweedwt i i.BbByn'wî i tedby ertin irns, hil " --\and Mis. Harold Swain, Jim and Mis. Clifford Barber and matis n awie rngecfand Helen. Laurie cf Oshawa. hoisepowei are the products f . -Ms Rb.Fodsen e 10 days with her families in Toi- cf quite different companies .Iot. OJN He deploied the fact that in MiSadMi.AihuNaie same instances the wîong type aloM.Saey acom i- (need as cf matai has been placed on .(8 rve hmefan Fordalatfoi lstweek) a boat wekMi. and Mis. Bruce Tink "Last August, Ottawa made v oyter a neri vsited on Sunday at Mr. and it mandatoiy for each boat te o ntels fSuetTah Mis. Neil Malcolm's, Black- have a plate placed on it ers here last week. Mi. Em- stock. showing the weight and mersan andM.Oec o- Mis. H. E. Tink visited Mr. hoîsepoweî of the motor it mavlle were not here andan Mi. ecy eelad should carry. To date thisi ntedwsMs.GaeHn family, Hampton. just a recommendation re- ning cf Bowmanville and Mi. Mi. and Mis. Hilton Tink, garding the motai. It Is not eleAselstine of Buiketon. Ebenezer, visited Sunday ev- yet madtr that the mataio . *Mi. and Mis. Carl Wright enng at Mi. and Mis. Bruce used for the boat correspond ,'.. . Mis. Dalton Dorel andi Tirik's. exactly ta the specifications.... irsvstd i irs. Nor- TeElaHiCguped recommended .,.mnMNlyCîonSt their meeting in the chuich Dicsig oeainl~uday. basement on April 24, with knolede equie, M. el ~Mr. and Mis. Richard Vani Dianne Tink, president, in the ly said that there is nothing . .: Camp and family visited her chair. DoreenH erldi toc difficult about acquiring parents Mi. and Mis. Eyte osi srieihLi it."Ths kowldgecaneasThehansom yong an n te aoveMarrow, Hilton, on Sunday. ry Broome reading the scrip- ily be absaîbed by a 10 year 0sDne rc esso fM.adMs ht Miss Edna Larmer spent last tr asg.AlnWslk aid child, and this has been i ailBueLak o fM.adMs Donald B. week with Mi. and Mis. Les- ['led in gaines. praven by tests taken by boys Leask, 424 Nipigon Street, Oshawa, who celebrated lie Grahamn, Millbîook, who 1Mi. and Mis Arthur Thomp- and girls cf that age, as well his second birthday on Wednesday, IMay lst. brought her home on Sunday son and Darlene, Oshawa, as by examinations theyhae isrodgadaetar Mran Ms.AlnE and visited Mi. and Mis. Mer- visited Saturday evening with hite, h pae a spodgrnprnsar r n rs la .vyn Graham. Mis. J. Yellowlees and Miss He pok cfth wel ilu Thompson, Oshawa, and Mrs. M. E. Leask cf Bow- Mi. and Mis. Fred Trewîn,î.Gladys Yellowlees. tHaed and eadabthe ee iet manville. His great-gîandmother, Mis. A. Thompson, Lloyd and Bail, Mi. and Mis.1 The Women's Institute will "Safety Afloat," published in~ resides in Chicago, Ill. -Photo by Robert Aldsworth Earl Trewin, Doreen and Don-metoThsaynhtMy Ottaa bythe epaiment<>1ald were Sunday guests cf 2, at 8:15 p.m. D.S.T. in the OttansporthenDseted t -of Mi. and Mis. Edgar Horn at hall. The speaker will be Miss Tsho r etheanbiblgecfsmal ' E E t their cottage, Williams Peint. Helen Harris cf Port Hope. shul b te ibeofImll B L C K T OKMi. John Hooey, Cameron, Her talit wil be on the Gen- boat owneîs. He told cf the and Mr. Maurice Bauton <of eral Woîk cf the Childien's series cf eight courses on (Intended for last wcek) interesting parts cf letteis Richard's Landing, St. Jas- Aid Society and with Unmar- beating sponsoied by the Can- Numnber one unit cf the sho had îeceived recentiy 1 eph's Island, were Sunday îied Methers. adian Power Squadron move- U.C.W. met in the Christian fnom her daughteî Doreen rnlguests cf Mrs. W. W. Van Mis. Ralph Davis, Miss Pat ment, and the carrespondence Education roorn on Tuesdayý Indore. Business at ail units!Camp. Davis, Miss Gladys Yellow- course available for High at 1 p.m. with 12 ladies and included preparations for the MF. and Mis. Bob Brink- lees, Miss Pearl Leach, Mis. Scho o tns AsocathoCn- one child in attendance and es se wT Naefr uniman and Gina, Ottawa, and W. Ashton and Mis. J. Knox, adin Batig ssoiaton quilted a quilt for the bale. et.clsdwihpayr Clem Wilson, Toronto, were along with a gioup fîom En- Mu. Kelly also commended Mis. Carl Wright conductedi Mi. and Mis. Geo. Wolfe weekend guests and Mis. El- field, enjoyed a visit to Reed's "The A.B.Cs. of Beating," ob- the discussion on chapter four. n by ttnedaCnainmer Clements, Mr. and Mis. Florists, Oshawa, on Tuesday tainable in Public Schools. I cf The Word and The Way.!Keswick Reunion Service îi -Murdock, Belair, and Miss night cf last week. Mi. Heniy Ontario Is blessed with Mis. Jini Maîlow read a let-'Ko rsyein Cuci Carol Butt cf Seagiave, Mr. Reed gave a very intenesting wondeîful wateuways, and it ter frem Miss Doreen Van' Toronto, Thuîsday night, when Bill Watson, Timmins, and talk on the care of eut flow- has been so amply piovided Camp cf Indore, which was1 Rev. Howard Sugden of Lan-! Mr. Chas. Biinkman, Part crs and showed how ta pie- with them that they will net most Interesting.sig Mcian ws gut Peîiy, weîe 'Sunday guests paie suitable floral arrange- becomne ciowded in the next Number two unit met atIspeaker. of Mi. and Mis. Chas. Wilson ments for varicus îooms in 100 years, Mi. Kelly puedicted. the home cf Mis. Harold Kyte Re1n i. oei and Glen. the home. Many helpful hints He emphasized the fact that~ Tuesday evening Eight mern- 1Mie. and Ms. Stanfor Van Mi. Wayne MeShane, Kings- weîe gained fromn this visit. this dees not hold true cf bers and the president cf theMran s.SnfdVn ton, and Mi. Bill Roy Lang- Mr. and Mis. Harvey Yel- ports and haîbors wheîe a8- U.C.W. attended. The Devo- Camp, Mr. and Mis. Daltonistaf weîe weekend guests cf lowlees and family visitcd an ready crowding bas beceme a tianai on the themne- I wîîî Dorcîl and Mi. and Mis. the Bruce Mountjoys. Sunday with Mi. and Mis. E. problem. build my chuîch, was given Glenn Larmer attended the Joan and Kathy Samelîs, Laimer, Blackstack. The speaker told the meet- by Mis. Ivan Thompsan. The World Mission Night Service Bawmanville, spent the week- Friends cf Mis. Roy Lang- ing that it is estimated that group continued the Bible in Simce Street, Oshawa, end with their gîandpaîents maid were sonry te learn cf there are 700,000 small boat Study cf the Acts. Mus. Rom- Sunday, and repaît a wonder- and Mi. and Mis. Jim McGill, her accident when she feUl and owneîs in Canada, and nearly eril showed a film on Thei fui service. Bowmanville, and Mus. J. Hall, broke her arm, on Saturday. 2,000,000 of thern in the Unit- Staning ci Stephen, which Sunday guests cf Mr. and Oshawa, weîe aise Sunday Mi. and Mis. Russell Vice ed States. He stated that good was followed by group dis- Mis. Walter Lawrence and guests cf Mi. and Mis. Ken- observed their twenty-fifth boating faiities attiact tour- eussions. Clesed with prayer. Sylvia an the occasion cf neth Sameils and Miss Anna wedding anniveisary on Tues- ists, and spoke cf the potential Mis. Wallace Marlow was Sylvia's 1Sth birthday were: Samells. day, Apnil 3th. Congratula- in this connection cf neglect- hostess for Na. 3 Unit on Wed- Mr. and Mis. Walter Laur- Mi. and Mis. Gardon Strcng tions, Elva and Russ. cd Port Dailington if improve- nesday afternoon. 10 mem- ments are made there. bers and i child attended. Du. Keith Sleman moved a Meeting opened with a poem ~ vote cf thanks ta Mu. Kelly -The Lave cf God and the hymn Love Divine. The De- vationai on The Golden Rule was given by Mis. C. Hill and the offering dedicated by Mis. Lloyd Wright. Mus. Maîlow le ey inteiesting discus- sion on ChapterforfTh Word and The Way. Mis. Stanford Van Camp read veîy for his interesting address. dent, aise expuessed bis peu- X sonal appreciation ta the - guest speaker and pîesented q- hi with a copy cf "Seven . , Paths to Peae"abc pub-I lished by Rotary Internation- . wiA FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESS The Industrial Development Banik helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required inancing is flot available elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, you are iIlvited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a bookiet. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 23 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO, 250 UNI VERSITY AVENUE Telephone 368-1145 wrate fact from fiction before you buy any niew car ALL 1963 POPULAR-PRICED AND COMPACT CARS WITFI THESE PRO FREE B00KLTJ onvenient bookiets, are ail the ENGINEERING Methods of construction, rust- work out of your decision by sepa rating fact te 1963 cars. These bookiets proofing and finishing are described in de- from fiction in ail cars. You'iI even find a j -Rays because they look right tail. The type of equipment provided. chart listing ailsuggested new car prices as automobiles revealing details standard features, engine size and speci- advertised by the manufacturers. Now you- ot see. The easy-to-read text fications, hidden quality and service-free can see for yourself exactly what you get ea rIy and sim ply what you get features and safety features. Comparative for the money you pay. idian ca r-compa*ct or popula r- handling and riding tests are fully recorded Get your X-Ray bookiets.today-free of are considering the purchase in cha rt form. charge-from your nearest Rambler dealer. ryou need these valuable X- If that's inconvenient, just write to X-Ray,1 DIMENSIONS YouliI find a comparison of the American Motors (Canada) Limsited, àuiiien mpUvirmpnr nf nvrUai Iengh. Bampto, Onario Didlets wiII provide you with an eck-list. They wiII help you de- rself which car best suits pour s. Illustrated with photographs the X-Ray bookiets give you ail tion you neeci to make the MOTOR SALES LTD, wh eeîbase, height a nd width. I nteriordimen. sions cover Ieg-room, hip-room and head- room, in the front and rear seats. Now you can figure out foryourself howmanypeople each car will actually seat-comfortably. MRCING The X-Ray bookiets take the guess 219 KING STREET, EAST * rmoouoeoPdaoeRicAu uootoas oeiu~o~> WOTI 623 -3356 The Expilorm mnet on Sat- &. Taylor. day afternoon. For the roll eau j Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- each girl brought a cpin lake Jr. and famlly, Mi. Perey flower. Mrs. R. Crydernian'IWestlake and family, attend. read from the study bock, ed the Westlake-Vaillancourtj completing the book. In the wedding in Zion Church on worship service Anne His Saturday afternoon. read the scripture passage, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westlake Linda Nesbitt read a prayer and f a m il y, Bowmanville, and Karen Yellowlees took up visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank the offering. Games were Westlake and family. played and World Friends dis- M.adMs rn et tributed. Rail eau for next laeMr.,Joan, Shrln est. meeting biing the picture or lak Jr.sita, SMrleand name of a bird. Cyrdon Smited Mr. antwood . Mis. Frank Westlake Sr. t Myi. andm rs.Jeeto. tended the reception foflowing ai Mr. and Mrs. .aroxry t he Westlake - Vaillancourt Knox and sons, Mr. and Mis. wedding, in Bowmanvifle. George Knox and family at- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ThomfP- tended the special dedication son and family, Mr. and Mis, service for the new Baldwin James Mailow and family, origan at Brougham Church an Mr. and Mis. Wallace Marlow, Sunday and were guests later Blackstock, Di. and Mis. Allan at Mr. and Mrs. E. Surphlis'. Stocks and children, Brook- Mi. and Mrs. E. Spires en- lin, Mr. and Mis. Gardon joyed a visit in Oshawa witi2 Leask were guests of Mr. and Mis. Ken James of Sault Ste. Mis. Ewart Leask, following Marie, Mrs. John Law of the church service on Sunday. Tho;ýir, and Mr. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Ed. Thornton, Ray Bemis cf Oshawa. Milbroak, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bradley's Community Club Montgomery, and Mi. and met on Friday night. Mr. Ev- day guests of Mr. and Mis. with recordings of the Cen- Bruce Taylor and family. tennial of Bradley's School, Mr. and Mis. W. Wight and interspersed with musical re- Miss Lillian Hoar, Bowman- cordings, and he also favored ville, visited Mi. and Mis. E. with mouth organ selections._