le The Canadlan Statesman, Eowmanvfle, Mfay 8, 1968 DEADLINEA FOR (LASSIFIED' ____________In Memoriam f Engagements Coming Events 1 Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale Work Wanted Real Estt o aeIea saefrSl EMBERSON-Lillian and Bob RW-In loving memoryl Mr. and Mrs. Phllip G. Rumrnage Sale, Salvation GOOD mixed hay, first cuttirig. LAWN and Garden Neeýds, DULL saws make carpenters Maple Goe ero W ero (nee Cole) are happy to an of Mr. Matthew Brown (grand- 1Langfeld, Scarborough, take 1Army, Frîday, May 10, 2 to Phone 725-4045. 19-1 good selection of: Greenfield, bad tempered. Better let us bungalowwihgreanILetyS.Su.Apl nuietebirth of a duSULVIjIJ) who passed away Apillesr in announcing the 5 o'clock. 19-1 Shur-Gain and So-Green fert. sharpen them. Frank Crowe, breezeway o ellnsae aka rset omn in Guelph General Hospital,123, 1960, and Mrs. Matthew; engagement of their eldest ALL steel 2-wheel trailer, $50. ilizers. Spreader available, a t 102Elgin St., Bowmanville. lot whichcudbe 82 May 4th, 1963. A baby sister Brown (granny) who passed~ dau g h ter, Rosemarie, toi Chartered bus to Ottawa, Phone 263-2275. 19.1* McMullen Hardware, 36 King 174*.for V.L.A.Prcda for Steven, Terri and Michael. away May 8th, 1947. ýWill mJ Abtyonet ui unaMa 6h Tl0St . owav.l. 1- 11*Gdsgreatest gift, son of Reverend and Mrs. J. phone Port Hope 885-2527. Tw___d ______ 1W.*1God's 192rogh. Phone 623-2013. 1- Q RESP IT EXPERIENCED senior igh aTtacedrombnao it ahoe ydohaecr remembrance. W.Ab1t9,Scrbooug. ___________________school student desires full tahdgrg.I xeln prlrelt .Fre,1 PEDWELL- Maurice and! -Lovingly remembered byf ilAPdead rwne ARTMENT size, electrie iebb-itn uigsho condition. Akn rc 850 rdhw 92 Marie Pedwelaehpyt Tom and family. 19-1. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormi ilGie n rwi stove. Cali 623-3641. 19-1 T.E.P. OUTSIDE WHITE vacation period. Telephone Bowmanvil .erolOTPer-ag ',soe ennounice the arrivai of their jiston wish to announce the en- Sale of Cookies fromS'We% AERfrsaead elerd 63300at* . 91home closeoshosadfaefml os tCea ehosen daughter, Debra Marie, ,BURGESS-In memnory of Bey ýgagement of their daughter dyM ay11. 18-2atuda, Caîl CliforslP dethic 263213. Special chrch3A-3n600ce$9,00rea coseto vaer,119taes born March 24th, 1963. l9-1*!Burgess who passed awaylKarefl Eva, to Mr. Robert -Ma$4,91ga. 18E-2[N Ecaliing;loa- Wih $1500down2G63-usan31ll pice$6,00. Trm2 O W ER Mr. and r. I M ay 10, 1961. Scott Essery, son of M r. and Dance, Badminton Club, Sat-I 32-tf $4ng;ga lfouKrMA we e rv ti o - ffr. . . arn $1,ea5Es0t PoweR-rnee rs James!In our hearts a memory is' Mrs. Eldon Essery of Courtice. urday, May 11. Final dance 141 NIPISSING cedar strip truck with heavy winch; sand,OnwiLaecoetHv-BrerPrterPoe Powe (ne Hmphil) rel kept jWedding to take place June of season. Bill Millar's Orch-i fiberglassed. Cali 6353.M M LE nTi Hlae o nonephe birhiFo a friend we respected and; îst, 1963, at 3 o'clock, Eben- estra. $3 per couple. 18-2 19-5î" cM LLN rae. Pand f111;5 o reasonblelok otae a85281d1 ofea so Cannouedwthe 8___________________ 19Unitd Curi. 1-HARDWTARE P.O. Box 828, Bowmanville. fine persons 350 ems .E es cf asonCrai Edard,8 ls. iIi eye foret. eze Unied hurc. 14* hartered Bus to Niagara WATER Haulage, reasonable 36 Kin S.g . Bwanll 11 oe, n rda, a 13d,-Remembered by Ken, EleiFalls, Blossom Sunday, St. E.Wm. Haiuk 62-5381.19-tf 1963, at Memorial Hospital,land Donna. E1~9.1, Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. h hoe 85257,Prte_________________siuk, 623-5381.SAT BRKE Bowmanil_______* Austin wish to announce the Hope. Rowe Travel Agency. 13-tM19- emlomet is de- Georq;f IJONES-In loving mnemoryofegemn of their daughter 19-1 GOLF set, two woods, fîve Livestock For Sale sired for high school students. IEATR SMITH-To David and Cam-la dear sister Maud who pass-J Carlotte Jo-Anne, to Mr. imbgadcr,$0 fyuhv ulo at flile(nee Smith) God's precious:ed away May 6th, 1962. Gary Steven McCullough, son Monster Bingo, Thursda -2697. g ad art-$4. HE FODadShr if yjobave la ulpesorn-art- gift of a son, Michael David, Just a thought of sweetiof Mr. and Mrs. Irvin John night at 8 o'clock, sponsored 7f191eedeFrDs. hrhr'tm o vialplaecm ai6350 ryMnr IMClogho ecate heb h uno hmbro ENTRDnlpfrw eeder Phone 263-2447. municate in writing as to the 1- eros on May 3rd, 1963, at Memorial 1 rmmrne1-*ntr ftejb euea Hoptl,9wanil .1*o Just a memnory fond and true.1marriage to take place on Sat- Commerce Red Barn, North plants, $2 per 100. Apply R.' -~ tion, etc, to the Brodlom dlomg well.AneadWl. 19.1* urday, June lst, 1963, in Bow-1Oshawa. 45-tf Manning, Kendal. 19-tf FlFTEEN Suffolk sheep, oe ihSco- Cottage: Ejyyu oi ildt aaiywt at _______ Imanville. 19-1l Dance, Port Hope High1éIÊCOAfurnace, in good con6-2r2i67ed . CxPhon e c/o Guidance Dept., days in thi -ero ct n it Deth School, May 17.Old Tyme andidition, to heat 6 -8 roims. 62-27 194i Bowmanville, Ont. tage on thE batflsoeo prxmtl 1 nyu Deaths LOGAN, Olive-In loving me-, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore modern dancing. Music byPhone 623-5518. 19.1* 180 HEAD Hereford and Duir- 19-1 Stoney Lake aebahfo netet BERRY-At Memorial Hos.,mory of a dear mother andýCarey, Oshawa, wish to an- Sam McVanel, Woodbridge. $1 i'TWiO electrerainthat- ham year and two-year-old children.Tes.1- pýital, Bowmanville, on SnMýgay gth, w959. aaynounce the engagement of per person. 19-2* one G tM rig ia e Salocer Wees day, May 2. PL 3ROG HIG Cottages:eiee n ul T day, May 5, 1963, John Wesley' a t,15.their youngest daughter, Shar- Dan.MatSoriagHalaat-ehone623-185.19- Bery, .R.2,Oroo, n 1hs For lneyyassnc hton Ann, to Mr. William Ralphiudy May llth. Jim Fîsh.~RWRY î George A. McGowan, 778-.2213, "Duro Pumps and Sotteners"' on your lotwti ais a 76th year, beloved husband of a dy Burns, youngest son of Mrs. er sOrchstra Complanntas, pansie. Pasant's tele We deliver. 1hone of 100 miles.Lwdw a-RA SAEBOE ]Clva Patterson and dear fath- When one we loved was Norman Burns, Bowmanville, her rhsr.Cm n.nas ase.Psats ee hn 2-65 mn n er of Roy. Service wa ed called away.haeago i.Adsinpoe62-5719* IthMorsFnrlCaeGdtook her home, it wa i n the late Mr. Burns. The $1.00 aer g otm.Amsopo6332. 19.2* Seed Grain for Sale Division St. Bownianville budget. Chio vil ceremony is to take place on peprsn HEALTHY, disease-free str-aw-1-fIcm oe e or elntnS.-Sm-e Bowmanv4lle, ock n tuesd , M Within our hearts she liehSaudy June 8, at 3:00 p.m. Dance, Tyrone CommurntY berry plants, $2.00 a hundred. PRIDE Hybrid Seed Corn sold A. BAAR ' money work o o yivs-tced omdul a. 7thesa c loker. 1Intermentl in Cedar Dale United Church, Hall, Saturday, May 11. Clara Phone Orono 1177. - 19-210out. I have extra on hand. A. B AR ing in this icm rprv g, al cneine, ncî BethsdaCemeery 19.1 ill. remembered by ail Oshawa. 19-1* Nesbitt's Music Makers. Ad- MANURE, mixed, delivered1Order now while supply lasts. Large modem tr n ntdcrtd rsn noe _______ -Lovaily.11 - mission $1.50 per couple.IFull truckload, $2.50 per yd. Gerald Brown, Bowmanvîlle. IPlumbing & Heating apartrnents.Stranats$8 motl, 1000 it DEWELL, Wilfred M. (Reg.~ ai 91 Reception Everyone welcome. 19-1hoe634.641 19-4 POE6317allae n etd hn$ B t.dNo. 39 World r I 2 M KE-In lvn em r fTeen Town Annual Spring forAH GA Y lakepbaaT o or weligs i att an No C8895Worda soing motemory ofOn celebrating their SOth Prom, "Swan Lake", Friday, 18'MHOGANYplaec oatRuslG rr n 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle MRS. pHYLI eOBF apoXVlaeo ag os War II Veterans Guard)-.AtM ar sn nd roher Omaanniversary Mr. and My1025.m 1am Td h.p. ibard, very * £46-to6237159ssPhne fr paticuard Sunnybrook Hospital on Fri- 8th, 146.hopssdawy M .dinrover , (Fat) Palmer Tayior's Orchestra. Members 'Ca" ___~I 9î R de as~~~~T7' BwavePopc t o 0 6' day, May 3, 1963, W ilfred M.1 ilbe pleased to greet their $3,_ _ _ __ _ e ar sriocn e. A plR odney O.RE LT RFa m n rtaf o n, 5 Ave., beloved husband of 01 tesrdee after 8 p.in. at the Canadian Courtice Y.P.U. final dance, Lucky's B..fNi' Bat Yorkan U PN Deel, ea fthr f ived'Of happier days when we were 1Legion H all, Queen St., Bow- May 18, 1963, Solina Commun- B.A, ewcastle. RItyOtrora. Anc lc ' ie Ry emreadHrl ovingly remembcred ymnle.1- ity Centre, semi-formal. Archie - Elerta Barley TWAHN SALS Matthew (Royal Canadianijother, brothers and sisters. CurM l.cesr. disý150trA Eas on aie.5 Telehoe BERT TOMPKINSWendlitgs Kavy), Dartmouth, N.S., lovedý 19 1 r. and Mrs. Ross Richardsision 1.75 couple, 1.00 sg erwc as21o r 623-3971hon Funks G-Hybrid PHONE CLARKE 4721WaerF nkaesan fridahrof Darlene, Den-' will be pleased to greet theWr 19.2 Nwate21,or6337.1l 1"e, Louise and Beverly, broth- SEYMOUR-In ioving mmr friends and relatives at their' Penny and Bakeé Sale is be- 1 -1-9-1 SeeE38tf EALOR 9- er of Alfred, Samn, Frank,:0,f a dear mother, mlzaeo3ihome, 7 Lambert Street, on1 ing held in Kendal Orange! USED Washer Parts, aillmakes; Se on3-iR May 14, from 7lah ndp.me, hHal]sed wturda!yuesMay Mat14,frh.7 p.. mators.urdl, MTest a 7:ove1/dh.he mBest. add177 Chn IrTestPSt.. theowmt177 hure Prcby, Hesearr henaealh, 1959, and Jae h aseaw a May1t 10 p.m., on the occasion of Beauti fui appiiqued butterfly1 Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Pîasternig Repairs 6339 5t,159 n ada ftetheir _________________________ chapel of A. Roy Miller, 1695 Samuel James, who passed, t edigAn-quilt is included. Sponsored by 11-52 CERESMORE QUICK SERVICE 19Ar aehr a ELO Et. Clair Ave, W. (at Silver- away Sept. 18, 1929. versary. 19-1 Kn 25cW.. Ad 17-3 ad AAi 1 pery cDesF RM.SUC119 NW OR Astocsare7ro a~GNBL NUA thorn), Toronto. Service waslGone dear mother and fatheMr1 n Ms eclD. luoe Tnc unda5Schoo7An Vrie, NewcatleANPhneE2204. T Aact Bmn36f10. xcl held on Monday at 1:30 p.m., gone forever, sîîng xviiiMbeappy orsCecethir. wîD.e u-3 A____male_____Henr_ De-_R LT*AgF.T.hom. MmbrBarraa& itrc codce yRv le mtHow we miss yors ii. niversary wl eheld Sun1 19-1 Garnet B. Riokard 54 Kin St. EF 623-5030 Terms. Silverthorn United Church and face, relativesyf1iendseavicneiah-au Rev. David P. Rowland, 49'Btyu etu t ieeberiboums at 796 Grierson Street, My19 evie t 2iKEYS cnt atomatically, while R. R. 4, BOWMANVILLE 16t 125 Acre diyfn ie elEtt or Greenbrooke Dm., Fadre of Nonet onleath cataeeyo uriOshawa, on Saturday, May 18,and 7 p.m. Our Fastor Rev. you wait, at McMulien Hard- North of 0saa xeln elnc -ombnao Noeo'at antk i;ýChris. Dugan will be in ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Phn 62-10 U H LTRN brick home, lrepitdbm.o cggStnwfmae Silverthomn Legion. Inter- plce from 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 -9 p.m. hagi 0 ot erics Se vle -t it utmtî saleceae ment Sanctuary Park. lOl*A happy home we once!of the occasion of their 40thlciaiSamusicllarsheHave________________________ ca mui yteSundat rseîn f1itr 8-2 aeDlas aeyu he-Ranch fences tem hp aaepvddie ielt en jo y cd , W ed d in g A n n iv ersa ry . 19-2 * Bh oU Y9- IN G o r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e rfie ld a d ch i s re-u p h o lst- p n 8 b . m l yi r a p i n e , c î l e ' r d Ft t..r a o a i kn ]KERR., Wesley-At the home How sxveet the memory stili l.A Gîrihwiîî be ir onerroylCan t : ianess 263-2294 .t-uction Sale - - . ree estfllates, 8amp1es!is a real show(IPce îg of is on,33 axellAve,,be -at h_ let loliesMr._HA.Galrath _hirConer, RytlCkenHmpto: uties e6-ho4me.aenTe temsme Tononto, on Sunday, May 5h The world can neyer fi 1. hapy to receive hem relatives, adian Legion Maie Voiceresidence 263-2695. 6-tf Auction sale, Onono Am. Budget Ternis Arranged 12 Ar fr na ms1Inboy 5th eerin ou ha jsfriees1ad nBedroomat hrranchendrargwithdrat- 196, Wse Ke rlusb his of th, FohrsE her i n do Alieants rîend7san egors therw iChoir and gultare chiMdrn BEATTY Washers, new, as oures, Saturday, May llth, RONS UPHOLSTERING Britain. 7 R o o e Wtîah d grg aacoc oa yea, bloed usandof hedaustrs9the.0d0Aic.Fu74Sclog tretBoochir ndguet rtit. owas 9900.Pul lne f 10:0 .m.Eveytingfrm 1 SIve StS Pone62-522nal 623n-5c252Bmn60 ton losotnscortieay la te Sarah Jane Trimble, dear1 19.1*imanvilid, on Wednesday afterJýdoch L. Beaton, Musical Di- Beatty appliances. Fa d dy's soup to nuts. Auspices Orono___________18t60 Podgodsi. nlgrucekad father of Lawrence Kerr of noon, May l5th from 2 to àI rector. Town Hall, Bowmian- M1e8apo 6324. H-,Oon ntdCuc.- $1950.0.Teosnsopin Toono ndMr. ilim ., SYMURI lvig eror Im to mark the occasion of ville, Wednesday, May 22nd,1 11-52 19-1* Electric Heati'-g 1h0ee4e aAyucreths nianville; grandfathem of Mrs.%Jne Seymour who passed -Woodview Community Centre berry canes; Rcdcoat straw- Mture, ndîsssvantqere, Fr uom ereal omneed- iah conveniecs xeln,4 cefm nHgwy Patricia Nelles, William W. away May th, 1959, and a -Photography .-Monster B i n g o. Twenty berry plants' rhubarb moots. ethroom the me paintfdtbamn. Asing only iloplt hme 2800.0 Thickson, L. Wesley and Don-idea r father, Samuel James - ----_____ - dls i' f on.23523 e iery Statteett ftelt gha rcnpeehm.$8000.T~.Wl rd îhabadnw rc *Id W. Kerr, also survived bylseymour, wiio passcd aw---. PHOTOGRAP Y games-thirty dollars; $150 orh.19î*May Needham, will be soid Tour Qualified Electi on'Oshawa hm.ae hi sa lr-oei mine great-grandchildren. Rest- Sept. 18, 1929. I_ --ja ckpot, and two jackpots a~th 191 at hem former residence in the Beating Contractor 100 Acre fr erLtl oeadi ena ed at the chapel of Morley S. A mother and father who gv Change of Address - $250. Door pnizes. NextIPOWER mowers, s p e c i a 1 Village of Millbrook, on Sat-- Britain. Goodsrai -omAkn 250-$.0 on Bedford, 159 Eglinton Ave, W.1 us gv 161 King St. E, Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, $39-95; garden tillers, $139,00, urday, May llth at 12:30 p.m., Higgron Electric Ltd. frame home.Mutbsoda Ne3bdrmbnglwo at Lascelles Blvd. Service wasl The best years of their lives, Bowmanville Oshawa. 46tf wilh reverse gear. McMullen D.S.T. R. J. Payne, auction-38KnStE.oc.Akg I ~~~~~~~~~~Hardware, 36 King St. E., eer. 19-1 50Klg EAoc sn$2,0..TeisanceltnMpeGovrea held on Wednesday at 3 P.m. Who cherished our secrets, Portraits - Passports Enniskillen Sunday School Bowmanville. 19-1 623-3305 Bowm 50 A crsnerCorie.shol Vr ic n vr Interment Moun nt Pleasant Our sorrows, our strife, Weddlngs Anniversarles Anniversary, Sunday, May i19,anve Partsylwooded with good Cemetery. 19-1 Who taught us to love aS 9aly- Cway. OandyDRAPS,500. Terms M And taught us to pray. 196a. Sle'ites to0thenhome' organ, dishes, tools, antiques, unirc O 800 LAKE-At Toronto East Gen-' Dean mother and father In ASTOR STUDIO noon and 7:,30 in evening apls tan ec. heetaeo the hatee).ca s1mrnVNer camp.~Y ~ cuc oain da o eral Hospital on Friday, May havnSpecial minister Rev. J. p Free estimates. F. A. Kramp et.,Jhe stteLf teLJIJ i.x 3AR ES.uBA.NMG i.full pnice. wl-u aeettp oe 3rd, 1963, A. C. (Fred) Lake, o ls o bt odyî Phone 623-2502 RmnlCutie7pei0Lt. 7 1 t ., Bowma- Loered, i esondMai trhem or-5 ce ihhuead W aemn tes , o ls o bt ody usic by Sunday Schoolunder ville.. 62377. 0tfegrsdncSntan tetPEJBNB&RATN br, mimceknarBw aged 58 years, beloved hus- Your lives were unselfish U MiboknSaudyMy SAE&SRICE mnil.Vlai odfot vnns band of Nellie Campbel,33', o terHo ivd.Je.lp YanLed leadership of Mrs. Edgar1 INSULATION, blowing meth- 18 at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Terms2-H Rae. skn$250.Tni.AL.Hoy - 2374 Seynor ve, t~ 1otFor wthat you mcived WArRSBwanil oWight assisted by Salem od, with rock wool. Work- cash. No4reerUeRR. J, 50Acrs bs ea uke .Koa 6356 Satemofres arno;Brbaa, Bt for what you rcoud ive. WAtel 4 iES, a 19 H-1,'Junior Mixed Quartette in manship guaranteed. Free esti- Payne, auctioneer. 19-1 011 Burner Service ton. 25 Acrespatdtopf.1- j at hom re; anBat rrta Jut afoing t yough tl, 54 ng rtd19-f aftemnoon and Four-mn-Accord' mates. Harr3r L. Wade. Tele ____ SEPTIC TANKS AND Oniy $3,000.00fi( pie Pairioe-, and aicPMrs. Ted Just a sointhotea, MNfo aiy arm,kno-w- Quartette of Oshawa in thelphone Clarke 2420. 39-tf WEEKLY TILE BEDS 18 Scenic eswtsrem Jh Prairick, aCoJneon. SeceA uta ilenmeory ledge of tractor and milkinglevening. Monday, May 2th, USED garden tractor, 3 h.p.LIET C SA S PHONE and pond, nearKna.$,0 .DWi was held in the Morris Fun-! 0f a mother and father so equipment. Phone 6293-7232. Country Supper served from Simplicity, complete wîth HAMPTON 263-2288 full pnice.REL R erl hpeBomnvleo dan ____________ 19-114 -30 pm.n until ail are served. 'wheel weights, plow, utvora Durham, County Sales Amena2Acew Mond Ca, ay6that 3:30 roGd akeamesge RLABLE woman for a 1s.50, children 75e. I a $30000Blcktok MnaMy6ha3:0p.m. Dcar o aeamsag EId-!'ul *addss 92 Elgin St., Bow- Omono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p. TROE 6-250 B2 crswih oo hm Interment St. George's Ceme. To our mothen and father 'came of 14-month child, 5-day ________________________, aftem 5 p.m. 19-1 Herses, Cattie, Swine, Calves, ____________ -tf lacKsK ma.jDa 6335 tery. 19-1 above week. Phonxe 623-7266 after Sa -11 Plants, Williams, 81 Hunt etc. For truck piekup PhoneIS.AE DRIVING 1 Acre wit8romhe, ewstehne34 Tel them how much we miss_____ _07 aso__S.___ Iey nvgeal sl.J A ed o, ae MILLIGAN, Margaret Lor- them WAITRESS wanted for day -;5-7 FORî-i--Ood d èïà;tlônand flowers, potted plants, also sl. .1.A ei .o, ae STARTS HERE! grounds. Ooo'2mie romd oemhees raine-At hem late residence,' And give them our love, or evening work at OlympialContact Fak on hnecmeeyPots - pîanted to Managers. 52.tf 1 $9,000.00 -$,0.0dw. o omnil.Axost 2 Cambridge Street South in -Sadiy missed by daughtem Restaurant, King St. E., Bow- 623-7234. ran Mohun, choice. Phone 623-7167.1 We will check: Manchester ero ei Lindsay on Tuesday, May 7,Ha1e1d o-nlw rdmnie_____ 91 _______ 12 7t Garage equipment and sup- J 3----------- TUNE-UP bungalow onr4are ny 1963, Margaret Lorraine Mlli- and family. 1.* ~--[4 OR -,3,0 &IPlieinldig197MecryING-----------3 cesnarCurîe.Ak gan inhem76t yer. eio- ____ EMAE -$13 motORDmieag -8,w tre,00xcriginlALMNM do ors a n d /2-ton in excellent condition,;OCOLNG Bowmanvill: erodig$00 ih$,0 on edauher 7toyer.the late'SiRKnlvn eo of mothem's help, under 50, prîv- imotor Fhne 623-5373.cellentiwindows. Cal us today for hydraulie jack, chain hoist,i[]BRKE rick ~home.Owetrn-6 Acswihcekba; William an rgar te t liii-'orKdear sistegSiry wh1ae oo, at, elviio.Pilhone____6AT2NI-e5373.3,00- $.00 ow 6rome hme veKrad Willim andMargret Mlli-ýlateroombath teleision All - - - -- -[!free estima te. Tcmms arrang- complete portable paint spray-JE] ____- LUBRICTO erd$1, gan and dean sister of the ]atei odicd ay 9it, 1957. ho modern appliances. Telephioie; 1961 CHEV. 1,/ -on Fickup, , cd. Cowan Equipment, King cm, John Deere trac tor, plow, _______Cottages_ Willam. iss illian 1; A ay smiî, hpp57ndcollect Toronto Hickory 7-7713.1 long wheelbase with Fleetside 1 St. E., Bowmanville. Phone itractor double disc, 3-point T- IRES I ages euon h olwn sig$,0 ih$, Westingat thesMkey Fnerslal conten, happy___and'_ 19-1*;body. Cowan Equipment Co.,193-5689. 45-tfihitch mower. Sec bis for ~--- IS landScgo,PienCh.dWl Hoe, indsth akyfor ere nl oe nta, u- istr MLE r 34 King St. E., Bowmanvilie REWARD mother on hm oplete iist. Ross Ncal'sEl - _ RNMSIN Twvo serviesain n an ome rc oe the chapel on Fiday, May lUfth, whcrever she went. to-Dominion Bank, Bowman- special day witb a chaise Garage, Bethany, Satumday e- AIl Work Done by Oshawa area.Bt ncd ls osho.Fie$100 at 2 p.m. Interment at New- iTo a 'beauiful life a sudden ville, bas immediate openings K 0 louage or piece of lawn fuma- efing, May 11, 6:30 o'clock. Licensed Mechanies frqik sl.Trs tonville Ccmctemy. 19.11 cnd, for junior cleîk and for an iur.Sc hea rrgeein Ted Spenceley, auctinee' al6333310Arswthsrai a beloved wife of George Widde-1 Complete Monument and write Studio Girl Cosmetics,' $39.88; platfomm rockers, $39; saoso n am;Itra ' ~ lcto.Aka 690 ens combe, 149 King St. E., Bow- Inscription Service" iDept. CWY, 840 Lafleur Ave., 196C e.2D Tadbe- Bfor 4' . '"' non ain nera arslwelr inanvilie. Service was held in t! o te l 32. Route will pay 6 cYl., auto mnatl, eustebasrdieoco inca ioa tractor; cl or Mi c a- 6if r ah o r p ea s ie n c v m c s th e M o rris F u n e ra i C a pan dî[ o n m eo n tin e n ta l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C a e ,u p to $ 5 0 0 p e r o u . 1 - i h r a e t o a k r a io b e d . M u rp h y F u r n itu re , K in g 3 9 DK ing-u r o pSgt. to k P c e d u r e p l y ar e l t, g raeWA.n Eo m n ileSn F idyra L C N E $12,000 IS NOT TOO M UCH sharp! W, B w a v ie 2 - 7 1 used three seasons; M assey- , Telephone cog e 6 - 7 1 98 0 e ns Bowmavill Cemeery.19-1 ursig Hom FORTHE MN WEWANT___ 19-1 Harris tractor with hydraulie \Vanted to u ---____________________topme loader, Fleury steel stoneboat, M Lic n il SOTHHve urln om a thrciis ra 8.0s t Sopopeneca! a frame, rubber-tîred wag. HIGHEST pnices paid for liveTY NEvnncsGagePread WILINSAtMemnia HSAOmmodHatin frsIg pm niva e te 100l e r, hi aen$95 MRRSAMSR'rO NIE S on, steel truck wagon and hay poultry, goose feathers, feath- LcneN.25.6em nagd pliiBomavile O tu- a n d semni-private patients, ing in the Bowmanville area Ideal scn a 45ECNM n EUE rak, Idnurnoale2fr, onse- cm tîcs ca. rn easad1-f4 ce ad atN day, May 4, 1963, Rhea Re- louage TV. Fully licensed, is warth just as much to thel odcr$45EOOY n EUE rake trnag, etion 2 fum o awafrscoe7 2-3.caCasohBseLue.orin becca Jeffeny, aged 71 Years, new building. modemn. Visitons ight man. Buy now for the best price tractorrpoug,2 sections of Ohw ole.1-fCs o edtc 600 em nagd 'Wife of the laie Albert Wilk- we!come. Reasanable rates. If you are aven 30. canROY "W. NICHOLST Financlng Arranged da harrows, 4el setrctionsge of L logs, eut or stand- Deal with thedrer-hwlArr omca: Jns, R..R 3, Bowmanville; dear Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-il make short auto trips . anlI quJ~j> artowssteag muck, la g. IleaOew riealpr a o r Osoe>,ofHalon; Ds.ors. calan snil town, rural and- Lots at- OSHAWNA scales, chaîne and other art-I ticulars to Advertiser 368, c/o cording te, si: n odtin onM any-758 Osbore),RaOmiton Ds Business industnial praperty awnems- Courticewavle idles. Sale at . 1:30. Terme Te Canadian Statesman, P.O. ~ i~ G(rt alpMreOmatnd Roard hope ta hear froni you nîght Bwnnli TV SUPPLY LTD. cash. Clifford Pethick, auc- Box 190, Bowmanville. 19-1 LLLÂL ÂL.urLÂJ dm lrua- rno14 Grt Mr.OmadRbet pportunity away. I would like ta have-728-6206 6335 361 GIBBON ST. tioneer. Phone 263-2131. 18-2 ERR. 7 pETROOG!Rs almn-fehn son); sister of t Sephen Jeffery. you stant xvitim us soon andl 623-3331 ALL kinds o!Ilive poultry, Phene OfficeLogDtac Service was heid la the Morris, CHINCHILLA brecdiag le in- stay fan a long time. Alr- 9-feathers, new goose and duciç Zenith 66550(ecag) -____________ FJuneral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, iteresting and profitable. For plies confidential. J. Piano Tu'-'n-" Phone 728-8180 Mortgages also old feather ticks wantedorR m ad Bo d r on Tuesday, May 7 at 2) o'clock. information write Stanehouse Swallow, Pics., South%%estern Day or Nlght MORTGAGE money avallable.1Highest pnice paid. M. PIatt, Peterborough clet 4-30- ___________ 'Interment Bowmanville Cerne- j Chinchilla Ranch, R.R. 1 x Petroleum Ca., Box 789, Fort PIANO Tuning. Arthur Col-, BILL LEASK, Prop. Peter Feddema, Realtor. CalÎlBethany R.& 1. Phone 7 r 13 Collector'& Licenc o 2--3TOo he aebad t&y. 19- i bridge, Ont. -t Wrth 1, Texas. 16.1 Json. Phono 623.3900. 36-tf 6-tf 263-2021. 18-tf coUlcet :î-ti 8t atd hoo6357,1- y