Pan quel Winds Up Ladies' Major Lge. The Ladies' Major Bowling League banquet was heid in the Legion Hall on Monday, £Jav 6th, at 6:30 pari. The hîgilvy successful event con- c!ude'd the league's current Prior to the dinner Connie' Osniond led the singing- of G race. Following the delic- ious repast. for which the men.bers of the Ladies Aux- iliarv to the Royal Canadiari Legion catered. President Dor-, WOMEN'S W~hite and Beige It al:qa n Sandals AA's and BB's Sizes 41,' to 10 $5.95 OTHER SANDALS $2.95 and Sïl.9.3 CHILDREN'S Crepe Sole SANDAILS $2.98 CHILDREN'S "Coolie" SAN DAILS by Savage C and E Widtlis Sizes 6 to 3 $3.95-$4-95 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE LOWE BRI A&400 LA: Most advanced e HOUSE PAINT in 50 years! ¶$sists blistering-when applied F,,e properly prepared surfaces " Amazing resuits on bath wood and masonry homes Flows on easier than any paint you ever used! " Dries in 30 Minutes- bug-free, dirt-free " True white-slay.s white *Sparkling colors-keep L. beautiful for years. TH-URS. - FR1. - SAT., MIAY With eï Lowe Bno -lot 1" - 3" Trim Paint Reg. S"').98 Value McGregor Hai Limited 95 KING ST. W. i Exciting Gym nastic Display Draws Appla use ai Cou rtice High * rd Mrs F7rancl,, Quantri!!: The Canadian Statesman. IRowmanville. May 15, 1983 Richard Gerald Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robin- _____________________________ son: Fredrick Brian Schoen- maker. son of Mr. and Mrs.! Klaas Schoennaker: and An- ýTi drea Jane Williams, daughter N IA G A R A " lof Mr. a nd Mrs. Jack Williams. i/\ k L J /I Rev. Johin Kitchen of Nia- gara Falls assisted Rex-. Basil' ELong at the funeral service for the late Mr. A. John I . % Tambl'vii held in Orono Unit- 1 cIII t] CLII IOIKI 0jS (l arlware ed Church. Maxv 6th. Mrs. WVn. Reid and son Bill were in Montreal on Tuesdaxr to meet Miss Barbara Reid who is returning home after spending the past vear in s Europe and England. is Joli p the Quee Marg' the appre me mbers iary, and lowed xx w elcorne guests. called on 10 preser, Io the wi Capt. Oni ris. He-l Polley, H Sheehanz Runne] then pros rient to Marion SI Joyce Ma Molly Hc Park. Vice-Pi ton presc awards te the high and high Second xverc ais vice-presi( average,E Doris Jol nice Buda Point n handed to distributec purses We ing for 3 .Buday,C Patfield Dunn, Dot bic, Peggý er, Marion prie, Jear .gan, Dot Muriel Hc Marion Beauprie, duning ist respective] Ca rolyn Murray "On tario Dairy Princess" MOBILE DAIRY UNIT - nit - Oshiawa Shopping Centre . 081 - FRIDAY, MAY l7th MILKING DEMONSTRATIONS AT 7 - 8 - 9 P.M. Toronto Milk Producers Association brings the dairy Ufarm ta the City . .. See the cows milked in a modern milking parlour... Milk piped direct to bulk cooler » ,.FREE MILK SAMPLES. âJ LUNU 5 AULI mi. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk day dinner guests of Mr. anîd and tamilh'v, Ty'rone, were Sat- Mrs. James Sawdon. iurdav ex'cninl- guests, and Mr. Long Sault Club 50 mcmn- and Mrs. il. I)eNilhe and fam- bers and thoîn husbands and ilv, Bowmianville, Mr. andlsxea ok nmaon v Mis. Chas.lksPenwardeundand Mrs. has.Penwaden n one, about 40 in aIl, enjoy,Žd tamil 'v and Mr. and Mrs. John a nice bus trip to Toronto last Vaneyk and family werc Sun- Tuesday cvening to sec "Front day supper guests of Mn. and Page Challenge." With the Mrs.' Walter Vaneyk. exception of the backlcss hand Mcs. Gordon Fletcher spent scats at the studio a couple of days xxith cela- M.adMs .Rdî n tivc in, Port Penny, Mr. and Mr. ai-d Mis. Fred O. Smnith, Mns. F. Johnston, Ennîskillen, Bowmanvilic. Miss G 1 o r i al and Mn. and Mns. R. Osbornn Smith, Toronto, wecS undayl and family, Countice. wcnc all suppcn guests of Mr. and Mrs., guests on Sunday of Mn. and Fý G. Smith. Mns. J. Johnston foc Mothen's Mr. and Mrs. James Smithi Dax'. Brian and Jack\. Robby Neý- Mte' a iioso r bitt. Ajax. wene Sundav guestsanDyvitosoMc of r. nd rs.A. . .MeLg- ndMns. Fred Pantonrwere of c nd ns A.J.McLg-Mn and Mrs. S. Gobie and gan.i Bruce, Tynone, Mr, and Mcs. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Rowl%,ey Hanvey Partnen and family, and famil "v, Paîgraxe, Mr. and Orono, and Mrs. G. Kayacs Mns. Grant Stonehouse and and Judy. famil *y, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Johnson and tamil *v. Bethanv, Mr. and Mns. D. Oke, Osh- Mn. John Johnson, Oshawa, awla, Mn. and Mns. W. Vivian, ,Miss Jean Johnson, Bowman- Tynone, and Mr. and Mns. B. ville. wene Sunday guests of Clarke, Oshawa, wene guests Mr. and Mns. Bort'Johnson. on Satunday cvening of Mn. Mn. and Mcs. Wm. Miller, and Mns. R. Cameron and Orono, Mn. and Mrs. F. G: celebnated Doug Oke's binth- ý,Sithan Mis Gac Smthday. Mn. and Mns. Camenon wer Smih ndw M viss Gacesirîthand Ruth Anne wene Thuns- of r. ndMns. G. Fletcher. day vstr fM.adMs Mn. and Mns. H. Murphy,D.OeOsa . Mango and Trex'on wcrc Sun- Mn. and Mns. Norman Da- day supper guests of Mn. and vis and Jennifer, Enterpnise Mcs. W. Murphy, Tyrone, Hill, spent Sunday with her Mn. and Mrs. John Sawdon parents, Mn. and Mns. Ryc and family. Mns. Jean Saw- Gîbson, for Mothen's Day. don. Miss Isabella Sawdon, Mns. R. Gibson and Mns. N. Mn. Herman Pitman, Oshawa, Davis and Jennifen wene Tues- MnlI. and Mcs. Wilbur Moaries3 day visitons of Mr. and Mnr. of Lake St. Peter wenc Sun- J. R. Parkinson and familyo CALIFORNIA No1 Grade STRAWDBERRIES PINT BOXES Producc of 1S N No. 1 Grade CORN on the COB 6R'49( Produue of - eunNo. 1 Grade - lumbo ,-ize CANTALOUPE I -~ E. j I (eGAA $1*25 ea, proposed tie toast toW e 1 Y~r -eciation of the league 3to the Ladies Auxil- H n r d b d the president fol- iH n r d b ith a few words ofi......... to the bowlers andi 17C1d e President Joli then 1C id e iMr. Harvey Partner iý: A familypîy ashd nhis donated trophy on Saturd a s Anîl l3t a innng la-of temthe home of Mr. and Mrs. ie Etcher, Marg Per- ' .~Lorne Potter. Cliniton Street, en Nicholson, Doisw celebration of their 40th lelene Burgess, Nyhi WdîgAnxesr hc and Ruby Woodwad. .fu nAr1 t r-up tnophies were e Ailthi 17 hlij n sente by he pesi-the families of those mannîed, 1at. Jurnie Baer, . were home foi the occasion. ,lahî.Ber ic TeryTwe nt\ - four gnandchildnen aor, ma Boel î.ii, 5 joined in the festivities. Their rsmnand Doreen , children are Mr. and Mns. Wm. .s*oePotter. Bowi-anville; Mr. and' resident Donna Pres- LVB h 11b d rT 1.~ . ~ Ms Albert W oo d wa rd iented lst sehedule Larry LaBanc on te parallel ars and erman evening. Te audiencJe was especiaîî\ centiîralled b., rae),BMmavi-e"Mr ýo Bennice Buday for Prakken, high in the air over the trampoline, were the trampoline which provided some tense moments 'ind Mrs. Robert Whitefield: average. hîgh triple two of the gymnasts who participated mn the Courtice as the young athietes did flips and turns on the narrow 'iMay). Oshawa: Mrs. Walt isingle. High Schoolbos display of indoor athletics on Fiday canvas.__ Conneliy (Hazel), Oshawa; 1sohedule trophies b-y'------___ Mr. and Mns. Alymer Tom- Iso pnesented by the linson (Katie), Countice; Mn. dent as follows: high sponges. Hidden scores, games land Mrs. Howard Potter. Doris Joli, high triple, bowled April 22, as picked by Courtice: Mr. and Mrs. Georgej l1,hg ige e-Mr. G. Elliott, went to Donna Bwmaw-w -Mr-ad lay. Petn oeKly hre Mrs. Vcrn Junkin (Reta),: nnyevlpswere Davis, Dolly Brooks and Beth TeOooNw Boxvmanville: Mi-, and Mrs. , ahcpanto b Chartran. Robcrt Canswell (Evelyn). d to each bowler, and Ladies Major Single Tour- Mrs. James E.Rcad r1o .R ,Bwmnil; r n ere ive th folow namnt i ws peseteàMrs. Peter Vanderveer (Bet- 00 games, Bennice to Connie Osmond 974, Ber- ly), Bowmanville; Mr. and' Unie Eteher, Ollie nice Buday 874, Mabel Lewis Mrs. Ian Cruîckshank (Lorna>, Doris Jo11. Helen 7192, Irene Whitney 789, Dell Mc. and Mrs. Thomas Van Gamsby on Sunday. Mr- and Mvrs. O \Ville Chal'icc; Bwomnanville: Marie, Lola. t Bond, Jackie Triim- Vinson 777, Helen Dunri 754, Hock of Eindhoven, Holland, Mr. S. J. 'Tiger"' Norton is Karen Lynîî Eliott. daughtcr Wilfred, Clifford. Roy and ,y Haynes, Ena Etch- Joyce Tennant 754 and Dot arrived May 6th for six a patient in Memorial Hospi- o r n î~ elEloîDnlala oe ýn Brooks, Kay Beau- Brooks 749. months' visit with their dau- tai, Bowmanville. o Mr. and Mrs. Pei Elotternadweraehme ,i Sellers, Ethel Mor- Afe the presentation of ghter, Mrs. Matt Sncîders, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood,, Of Xeston: WXilliam Michael r.nd xvîth severlueful Brooks, Joyce Lyle, pnizes a brief business session Sncîders and daughters, Sta- Gali and Sandra of Lakefield Hancock, son1 of Mc. and Mrs.iand attractive gifts by their ýolnoyd. was held, when the treasur- tion Street. spent Mother's Day with Mrs. Ronald Haîîcock: Linda Bethlfamily. Also atnn th Martin and Karen er's report was given. Also Mrs. Wm. Cartolano of De- Charles Wood. Hudson. dau-ghtcr of Mr. and;lappy cevent were several bru- low games bowied et this time, the new execu- troit, Michigan, has returned Caroline Van Seggclen. six Mrs. Jim H-udson: Karen Amn- lhers' and sisters of both Mr. t and 2nd sehedules tive was elected as follows: home alter spending a week yean oid daughter of Mr. and chia Quantrihi, daughter of Mi-'and Mrs. Potter. ly, wene awarded President, Donna Preston; with hiec cousin, Miss Alma Mns. Miekolas Van Seggelen Vice-President, Helen Piper; Watson. of the Dutch Oven, Oronn,i Marion Pearson, Shirley Bick- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall pased away at Sick Childnenrs ell, Peggy Haynes Lorrainelof Agincourt visited Mn. and Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs-l YOU Martyn, Joyce Almond, Man- Mrs. Ceci] Robinson and Mn. day, May 9th. Funeral serviceý ilyn Cole, Bernice Tecy and Mns. Wm. Robinson. was on Sunday at, Lang Mcm- Joyce Major and Kay Beau- iMn. and Mns. Olhie Cooper,. oial Chapel. Interment inl W 1 Tprie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wintcr and Orono Cemetery. The remainden of the even-so Robin spent Sunday, Mayl Mn. and Mrs. E. G. Hav -df ing was spent playing Pass- I5th, with Mr. and Mrs. Non- Isington visited hec parenits, word and several lucky dnaws: man S. McNally, Coîbonne. Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, on', were also made during the Mn. and Mns. James Powerc Sundayi festivities. The lovely table and son Cnaig Edward of: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stock, favors were donated by Jury! Bowmanville visited Mn. a.nd Mnr.and Mrs. Hcnb Howeil of &Loveil Ltd., Breslin's La- Mns. Gocdon Power on Sun- Toronto, Miss Vinginia Atkin- ýlo s dies' Wear and the Coronation'day. son and Lonna Atkinson of SRestaurant. A H. Stunrock & Dr. and Mrs. John H. Leslie Whitby visîted Mn. and Mrs.' ! Sons gave a draw pnize, and and daughtcn Susan of Peter- James L. Johnson. la ney donation was made' borough spent the weekend Mnr.and Mns. W. J. Cann of T E X :by McQucen Motons Ltd. 'with Mr. and Mcs. Wm. Rid-1 Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns.ý _____________ dcii. Dean Hodgson of Ajax, Mr. - iMcs. Florence May Linton, and Mns. Levi Annis and dau-ý T~mt»ers BROWN'S of the late Mr. Martin ghtor of Toronto visited Mrs.________ at Newcastle after a lengthy Mrs. Charles Shaw and soný Mr, and Mcs. Ross BûYdI illness. oni May 9th, in hier Ralph of Oshawa wcne dînnen had their son James Whitney 75th vear. Funeral on Mon.-fgucsts of Mn. and Mrs. Hiaccy ~ baptîsed on Sunday at thec day. '[ntorment in Onono!Mercen on Tuesday evcning. Anglican Chunch in Newcas- Cemcterx-,. Mns. A. Saunders of Parkç le. ThegdarnsweeM. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.! Street feul and broke honr armi iJim Stephenson, Newcastle,lO. Martin wece Mn. and Msirecentiy. and Mn. David Reid, BnamoH ýLangie Hogarth of Newman-1 Mns. George Crowther and Plîces effective t on, Miss Maureen Mulvancy. ket, Mns. Wanner Martin, Mr.'Jamnie, Newcastle, visitcd Mrs M15 6 1,1 Roxboro, Que., and Mrs. Lloyd, and Mrs. Robent Martin and! Charles Wood, Sunda even -___ S tephenson, Newcastle. Later son Kevin of Toronto. Kevin!ing. $9 ,75 Mns George Stephenson en-l is a great-grandson of Mn. 5.' Mns. Mary Janie Wottcn tentaincd the famniiy at hon o. Martin. lWebben, widow of the late Mr. home. iMr. and Mis. G. Tophami Fnank Wcbbcr of Bowman- GAL.Weekcnd visitons with Mn. and famTily, Oshawa, havelville, mothen of Mrs. Royý and Mrs. H. Pitt and familyim oved into the house on Milli Tonnant and Mrs. Wm. Mor-es were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wal-, Street they neccntly punchas- ison of Onono, Mrs. Wceford! Burnls Skinls drmand Tenny, Toronto, cd from Mr, Wm. Reid., ce-Cornish and Mn. Geo. Webben hrtS ak Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Mellnoy Mns. James E. Richards r-of Oshawa, and Mr. Hanold spen Suday afternoon atiturncd home on Monday ev- Webben of Maple Grove, pass- R a yt-a hei cotag atRic La e ncing from spending a few cd awav at Memonial Hospi- Mn. otageMrs.R.Poe Lad dr.ys with Mr. and Mrs. La-'tai, Bowmanvillc, on Thuns- * Whole wfaih Ms. M. oulyvten and me. 1x'ear. Funeral was on Satur-, with Mrs. M. Coulter and Mn. and Mrs. IL. Vininitte, day. IntermentHainpto' 16- 17 - 18 family, Downsvicw. Mrs. P. Wallace, Mrs. R. Waî- Cterv.l of Miss Donna McIlroy' spent son of Petenborough, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Willis Banna-B ach galnSna nPr oe he Mrs. C. S. Watson of Cobourg,lbail of Peterbonough spent OS. A-100 Latex guest of Mns. L. Heard and Mn. and Mns. H. Kingscotte ofthe wcckend with their par- ise Paint. Lloyd. Warkworth, Mn*. and Mrs. J. ents. Mn. and Mcs. Harold Frei ( hiken (ut" 1Mn. and Mns. T. W. WilsonlFishen of Janetville. Mr. aniJ Cobbledick, Mn. and Mrs. Roy' lrshand family attended the Ms. H. Willin of Lindsay, Banrabali. Brush ~mocning service at St. Paul's,Mrs A. Smith f Niagara Congratulations to Mi. and L G rB E S S5 5 grandson, K c v i n Douglas nedyv of Welland, Mns. M. Pen-, brated their 43rd Wedding TableRite Rindlss" t.lbPký- I ahme was baptised, and lat-!ard and daughter of Toronto. Anniversary on May l3th. 93 forlnthoanioriSlcd SdeBA ON69C hoefr uceo ln~wt*and Mns. Wm. Cartolano of On Mothcc's Day ai Orono lcdS eBA O othon relatives at the Rahrne Detroit, Michigan, attcnded United Church, Rev. Basil th uea ftelt n ogofcae tt E p .hcde Zcu Mrs. A. W. McLeod, Tor- Um. Watson of Onono, Tues-I tism of: John Edwin Armn- onto, visited on Sunda.v \xvtII'daV. May 7th. strong, son of Mr. and Mcs. p n y TM R B 3 Mn. and Mns. T. W. Wilson, Mc1 n rs ly Kn f[Chals Armstnong: Dis BONVMANVILLE and attcnded the christening WM.odle vsiteo d MKi_ n.aofChahic-,Dauhenioe 'Kevin Dougla-s Rahme.* - A UM - JEWELLERY 29 KING ST. E. & GIFT SHOP BOWMANVILLE Total Bonus E t a of s4 Tapes Reie$10.001 Bonus Tape with IGA POTATO CHIPS Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes witb TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS o BALLET SERVIETTES Pqo 5 KLEENEX TOWELS Ti a] B AND-AIDS PlasicSts -Pkg. ICE CREAM 12Gel. Receive $2.001 in Bonus Tapes with FROZEN BEANS M10 03. nq No. 1 GRADE TOMATES Tb TABLERITE SLICED BOLOGNA PkqÔs' c9 APEPIE Produce of V.S.A. - No. 1 Grade Hot Dog or Hamburg - Pkg. ol 8 Crisp Lettuce 2 heads 29c CHRISTIES ROLLS Bowmanville IGA each 39c 23c Foodliner 1 BOWMANVILLE - 12 ni. Pkq. -I "Niagara" is an exquisite hand-cut pattern at a sensible pnice. The deep pointed mitre cuts in the bowl and the hexagional polished faces on the stem are executed by the best European craftsmen, ta make Niagara a reflection of your perfect faste. HOOPER'S r FREE! j t GET. MO.RE-ý FOF PAINTPOLLAN 1 2 -will be with the 1-illý