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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1963, p. 9

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EAVER LUMBER OOD NEWS FOR HOME- WNERS ... PLASTIC SUR- FACED COLORBESTOS SIDING ASQ. You cen build it yoursclf . .. ail rafters and studs pre- eut, building plans and complete materials ahl included hn the low, 10w price of only $219. NOTHING DOWN, as little as $11 A MONTH on a Beaver Budget Plan. CEILING lItE Pre-paintcd white tile, 12" x 12", tangue and groove for fast, accurate installa- tion (carton lots OnlY). REDWOOD PATIO FURNITURE Durable California Red- wood in an attractive, mnod- ern and thoroughly com- fortable styling. So good it can double as rec room furniture in the winter months. Round Coffee Table 12.50 Single Chair --- 12.25 Double Chair__ 16.60 "H0W To DO IT"' OUTDOOR LIVING KIT Create an outdoor living- room in your back yard, ideas and planning helps for fencing, patio, carports and decks. Free for the asking at Beaver. P3HONE OR VISIT TODAY CLEARANCE SALE MODERNFOLD WOOD FOLDING DOORS Lacquered in Mahog- any and Birch Tone Reg. $35.95 SALE-2 95 4x8 - %/ Prefinished HARDBOARD Champagne Cherry 4 x8 --3.97 4x7 ------ 347 Outside WHITE PAINT 4Per Gallon MONTHS YellowDEFERRED Sandalwood PAYMENT Gr een Enjoy your home improve- ut tiWhite nients now. Nothing down ~~Ceai Nothing to pay for six months on a deterred pay- C3wfflment plan. Ask today. DEPENDABLE FIBERGLAS REINFORCED TRANSLUCENT PANELS For fencing or patio roofing, easy to work with Excelite panels are permanentiy color-- fui. Trans ucent means priv -___ acy with maximum light butc reduced giare for a soft diffused light. Permanent and shatterproof Excelite will flot spiit, warp, rot or mil- 96 King St. E. dew.. Saw and drill with PER SQ. FT.BWMNIL ordinary tools. OMNIL PHONE 623-3388 i l Town League Softball Harry "Hot" Snowdei nl i i ELIZABETHIVILLE 'The Canadien Statesmn, EowmanvMle, May M, 193 On Tuesday evenlng a busi- TA ness meeting of the U.C.« datM.KnTw Gomes for Midgets homne when plans for the coin m Pr oe.K na ne un tea wnreade-rnanl..netP r H c.K no day and spent the day with R.B.I.s- Cowle 7, Crombie relatives there. 5, James 5. Mr. and Mis. Fted Tufford, Ruas Scored- Ferguson 5, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneillcy Pearson 5. atteaded service et the United HmeRuns- James 2. Church, Port Hope, Sua day Base on Bals- Ferguson a.m., May 12, when thélr little 5, Allia 5. grandson, the infant son cf Hits- Bagneil 7, Crossey John and Audrey Mcaeilley 7, Osborne 6. was baptized, Dean Frederick Pitcaing - Osborne W-3, Meaeillcy. Tbey, with Mr.L-0, Pct. 1.000. and Mrs. Arthur Meneilicy and1 Strike Outs- Osborne 42. famlly had dinner later withm u Mi. and Mis. John Meneilley. UO OIECU Mr. Mac Irwin wvas home from Toronto wbere lie Is cm- The 4-H Automotive Club ployd, or he eeknd. met on Thursday, May 16th, Mr. Chas. Meneilley who is eBowmieanvil ra Offpce in t i ployed, for th~reLaw Cn-. a Office rkcinCo.inth awCo-spîe on "Safety" ln general wsruomen Cavin t. Thomaendand Mr. Robinson showed washom ovr te on "The Safest Township iMrs. Ada Gerow accomp- p.iywhere."________ anied the Senior Citizeas on, ________ their excursion ta, Niagara last' Tevce o Suday a t LONG SAULT Zion United Church for the Zion - Morrish congregation Mr. J. Jobhnston's sister, Mus. was well attended. Cunningham and Nancy, Tor- Rev. Russell Clark, mission- onto. were Sunday visitors. ary home on furlough f romn Glad ta report Alvin Johanstoal HogKong was in c 1harge of returned home on Sundayl ... the service, and gave a aîost fromi Memorial H o s p i t a 1 iaterestlng talk on the great where be underweat an ap- work beiag donc there. pe.ndectomy. Rev. Clark has served 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner years in Hong Kong and is were Sunday visitors of Mrs m!anager on he Iaterdenom-AleMthl.Sabru. inational body that supervises M.R cuadwt ;fie shooian orphange a r.RMcui thle relief service to over 1,500 herad w sn, ol families, and six Chinese were Sunday evening visitors Churches wlth a memberahip Of Mrs. T. Barrett and family ýof 3,000. Bruxce Goble, Tyrone, lpen 1Sunday Sebool et il a.m. the weekend with Pete ar- was well atteaded. AIl teach-. rett. ers and officers were present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron The Zuon U .C.W. met at and family were Sunday ev- Mrs R. Gerow's home lest ening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday evening. There were N. Davis, Entei'prise. il members present. Sorry to repu that lîttie Meeting opened with hymn, Brian Carr %vas ta .en ta Osh- Rise Up 0 Men of God and awa Hospital early Saturday pra er.mrnling. We ail wish hMm a Like theo carsl M.R. Gerow had charge speedy recovery and hope tlgcmot ofithe a wag bell soon be home again. Convertibles.1 assltedby rs.R. Morton Club 50 held their May who read the scripture. meeting at the home of Mrs. style la unmilsti Minutes were read and ap- jîm Woodley, with 15 niera- proved. The business was bers and three visitors pre- mostly arranging for the fest- sent. President Mrs. Don De- i val. A commlTittee was *8p-vyoee h etn n painted, follawing a discussion, con ducted the eetisandbui ta look after the details, cndess f hihe e voted Tosi namey: . IwlnW. en-have Mrs. John Vaneyk repre- n eiley nd J Tuford.sent Club 50 on the Manse The Study Prograin arrang- Boar-d.Tepeiette ed by Mrs. Carmen Irwln con- Tepeiette sisted of a short play, "Land, turned the meeting over ta Rice and Water', parts taken Mrs. A. J. McLaggan and Mrs. *by Mis. C. Baby, Mis. N. Jim Sawdoa. Ail joined in *Gerow, Mrs. M. Irwin, Mrs. C. slnglng a hyman. Mis. Garson F Irlnanda radig b Mmgave an interesting talk an r C. Irwin on Okinowa. Meet: "Leadership." Mrs. P eg g y holce. Thlat ing ciosed with hyma "Saviour Miilson read a bumoraus Fillin theirI Again ta Thy Dear Naine We story, "It's Mother's Day ta Matcging h Raise" and benediction. A Grin and Bear ItV' MMm. Gar- dalnty lunch was served by son was called upon again to hostesa n omlte read a poemi she wrote, "Nos- <-' Grass was cut in the ceme- talgia." jtery last week by David Ger-, Mr. Bob Hancock and Peg-ý law, and It looks quite tidy. A. gy, Mr. Jack Hudson, Orono, à e sure tu wtch' meeting af the Cemetery Cam- Mr. Howard Bradley and mittee was called by Mr. Free- Brian, Maple Grove, wer man for Tuesday evening. Sunday callers of Mi. Robert Mis. W. J. McCullough was Sim. U adniitted ta the Port Hope MY. and Mrs. H. McRoberts, W W W 'Hospfta1lalst Friday. He Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Langley,- niany Zion friends wîsh ber a Aifr. and Mms. H. Jones, Bow- 166 King St. E. :specdy recovery, and returnj manville, Mr and Mrs. Gu lom. JCarpenter, Ma.ple Grove, were '1h. Tonuy Asnbroue Shaw" on the CBC-TV ànstWork: I locllitng ortrraMd dC noL SON MOTORS LIMITED Phone 623-3396 Bowincznvlfl - MURMUM plans for catering t a wed -- ing reception; Mrs. Trew ser- jBoivmanviile Mldget Hard- On Tuenday, May 28ih, the H its W inn ng S ngleved lunch at the close of the bail team played their f irst Bowrmanvtfle Mldget Hardball On hurdayeveing se- a Keda afer ein ranedMidetsatVincent Massey F r F r t K o Wnwhere Rev. F. Banister had Bowmanviile. Gary Akey went .11 the F otis t Kap Wnictures and aexcellent talk. The Midgets deféated Ken- way onth icersnud by Ted Fairey single. Second baseman Jim down swinging to give Ste-, Over the weekend the Boy score of 6 to 1. AU th teani exoelled in Coyle homered in the fourth, phen's two out. But Fowler Scouts had a camp out and Gerald Harness dîd an ex- the hitting department, scor. Harry "the hat" Snowdenlhis first of the year to give School was unplayable. Snow- had an enjoyable time. cellent job in pitching the full g6ra i h istindg singled homne the wlnning run l Stephen's a 3-2 lead going deni got is first victory. Hoar! Mr. and Mrs. D. Bennett of seven innin«s, accumulating 8F Our next home gaine will in the bottom of the eigt Into the fifth. Kramp's count- took the defeat. Peterborough, visited with strike<outs. be played at Vincent Massey on Tuesday to give Krampse heer- nte oti r.adMs ilodWie For the flrst gaine of the Park an June l8t against the Furnltute theit- first win o of fifth an two walks and walked to fi the bases and'rcnty season, the whiole teamn did a Cobourg Midgets. Camne time the year. Nelson Vea's double. In the Bill Nicholson's timely triple is6:30iepjob Clutch hitting by Hamiltoni, see-saw battie Stephen's coun- aeutdfo motat r.Jm s and te dce ab. gme Poilad, Niholso andKil- tered with 5 big ruas in the ruas. Lloyd "Hammie" Ham- family of Peterboroughvst- Aenac atheegis_________ ýpoardNic hoso anided asar dwil r .by parents and spectators ith 1-9 Up- top of the slxth ta take an 8-5 ilton who played a sharpes t Mr would be greatly apprkade n h 1 eciated Since 1944 the average worlc set ove r Stephen's Fuels. lead. Ted Dadson opened game at second base came Paokls ek especiaily at our homegme week in Canadian manufactur- Grant Wright, the first man with a double, a single to throLlgh with a single through F Mr. and mrs. Harry Trew which are being played at ing has been reduced from 46 to the plate in the gaine sock-i Cowling scored hum, then a the middle to score Nichai- and Bob were at Fowler's, VincentMassey Park. hours to 40.6 hours. ed bis second hotner of the1 sacrifice fly, two errors by son and send the game Into Sunday eveaing. - __________________ season to give Stephen's an ithe infield and Wright's third extra innings. Snowden con- The recent frost has des- early lead. Ktamp's tled the hit of the night, plus Abbotts trolled the big bats in the top troyed toînatoes and tobacco- gaine In the bottom of the1 double cashed 4 more ruas. of the eighth allowiag just 1I;as well as other plants. Some SEM first, when Hamilton was safe Kramp's were unable ta score bit to Grant Wright. This was'tobacco had been planted and à % on an error and was brought ia their half of the sixth. Wrigbt's fourtb bit. Ron Pol- wiil have ta bc replanted. 0fN home on a single by "Moe" Stephen's added ta their to- lard lead off the last of the course a few luckier ones Richards. Stephen's taok the tai gettiag ane more in the t'ighth with a base bit, ivent hadn't started so hadn't the lend again ia the top of the seventh on Cowliag's single, to second on a passed bail, saine ioss. third when Ted Hoar walked Coyle's single and a sacrifice 'Yeo grounded out second ta, The ladies are hiaving a beecT OE and was doubled home by Bob fly by "Er-v" Brooks. Down fit-st with PollarcI advancing at the chureh basement aext. Abbott oaly ta have Kramp's 9-5 with theïr last chance ta thîîd settîîng tlh sae o week. E î 2 LA R tie it up agala ia the bottomn of Kramp's rallied ta the occa- Snowden's gaine winn i n g Mr. and Mrs. Hlec ?4cLeod. FEOR LA E the third. Hamilton got a base sion. Yeo struck out ta lead blast. FPtroogvstda ri on bails, reaclied third on Pol- off, Snowdea singled and ad- Short Stops: This gane WliS PaterMrougO, vMeredMr.s u-, U . A M N O lard"s drag bunt and was vanced ta third on Kilpat. played at Central School be-1 ay. EC 0 R DBA M N O brought home by Snowden'srîck's double, BUlis also went.cause the field at the Hîigh dMr. and Mrs. H. Gordon, B A RS T f ~;oae ii:rsias zsm s-:ii:inic 1G.1>~ Sttiday veang uesi o Hope, visited with Mrs. AVal- the Kayacs after the h~i ters ad Mrs. Smith Friday Popular Favorites Complete with o ~ ~~ time dance. o h eveniag. I4 lMiss Grace Smith w-as ane On Monday ight the village! let, Birds, Racquets S P O P ic S' ofthe Caiptains o te ,children enjoyed hifre Mass Survey who attended works. fe- moNo 4 . 9U Wl y rank ohuntheir first meeting held at the, Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock î U 623424 home of Mrs. Doreen Park, ý visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles SEE >Tyrone, last Wed.alesday even- Kemp, Peterborough, Satur- t 8 OFFICIAL OPENING HUGE SUCCESS 1n.Ms mt a lo _________ If the official opening "ceremonies" at Bowinanville, amsongtSan nWhd ayrd 15.M TI ORAL the mernbers should be In frteb season ta date, and Kri'stopher and K an eyk A R RA we think tbey are. Sundav supper guests of Mr. 6/TILA /O Newest idea in car radio. illustrating the tremeadous eatbusiasrn by bath old and aew and Victor wer-e S I ,ra WTeS n rot a meinhers and at least a couple we know of %wha enjoyedi callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. OURI qCODE Of ETH/CS USE OUJR BUDGET PLAN Saturday so much, they quickly joined the club.i Johnson, Lifford. M xsrysÀ$5.00 Dotwn - $7.00 Monthly One thlng we're happy ta note is that t appears likely'been busy this weekend put- the beautiful ball-room will be utilized inuch more, alang tiag up aur new flag and pole, wlth the balcony wbich bas been adorned by aew umbrellas. also new playgrouad equip: BOYS, For Their Graduation Wednesday the Chamber of Commerce Golf Day wvas ment. alsoa sccesfulendevou, aspar cf peang wek.(lntended for Iast week) i< als a_________________________aspartof_______________ Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. Payne and U N N I E family, Toronto, were Satur- 0 TonSfbl tnigTimins ad Mr. Willie John' SHOES WATCHES Town ~Mr.auHSugndsgs Nov a ad N.ia, 8turdy build for TemStandings F Batting Average& Mrs. Chrysier and Lan-y, Mr.acieby.F As of Sunday, May 26th F(8 or more officiai at bats) John Johnson, Oshawa, wereSzeilt P W L Pis. Player OAB Hits Ave. Tuesday guests cf Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bert Johnson. Nichols ___ 4 4 0 8 Crossey -___ 12 7 .583 rMs. A. J. McLaIga ac- Bill's __ 4 2 2 4 Bagnelli 15 7 .467 coinpanled Mr. and Mrm. L. CELECTRIC LTD.s , 9s7 , 5 u Ken's -___ 4 2 2 4 Burgess __ 9 4 .444 Craig and Beth, Cobourg, ta o NTNACTING REPAIRS Kramp's *---- 3 0 3 0 Osborne 14 6 .429 and called on Mr. and Mrs. REFRIGERATION-ELETIB AC B L S25 -69 *Includes gaine defaulted Wright___ 12 à .417 Don Baker and hen speat the MOTOR-SALES-SEEACRVICE *5c 6 9 b y K r a m p ' s t a B i l l ' s ( s c o r e C al e ___ _ 1 0 4 . 4 0 0 w e e k e n d w t h e r m o t ih e r , T V . - R D O _P L I N E 9-.0). Dadson___ 8 3 .375 Mrs. Margaret Evans, Arun- . RDO-APINE KING ST. W.- BOWMANVILLE ~~ ~Twist ___ 12 4 -333 late Moday night_________________ Zion (Hope Township, ol 2 4 .33...... (Intended for last weekz) Pasn1 308 ~ . ~ . Crorabie 10 3 300

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