The canadian statesman, Bowmanville, May 29, 1963 Fire Destroys Unoccupied House Friday NightAn u l n aso BTcommended the workers and À n ul l said that a good start has FROM PAGE OE been made. He emphasizdl, d iint h m ler es u lczdrcs the importance of the survey*s, na iio ate m le Survey obe there will, of course, be the famu ae's20ra IFROM PAGE ONE) a oco nt Of the enevent that will be staged in twoh aso 4 a se c L.Lwsn Cbur.made by a group fromn the for a total of 200 miles. TIsyate nry lt L. Lawon, Cbour• Northumberland - Durham TB, om e n Association was given by Mr. inCludes most of the world's tp sot a aes ed by Mr. Beecham, who said Wladyk DH cks anth Graham Hill, Pedro RodriquezR grPnk ,JmH l that he was particularly haP- py to make his first official his staff. a ela a yC n da rvr h r a il i me nbn tiute iDe rt gaining an excellent reputatiOnfrterskl.T ee th uteKckOfNgtnce, adviee ah i terature ^ include Ludwig Heimrath, NatA a s ra tCak He extended his best wishes awa ex resaso pa dMr. ut ohn Cannon, but for some uneXlie esn hr and those of the provmncialIthe outstanding leadership and: is no mention of last year'sC n da ch m ir management committee for efficiency of Mrs. Pewtress,! the success of the surve-y- the Executive Secretary of theï Francis Bradley, the Torontobu drv . "You may wonder what in-; North umberland-Durham T.B.' fluence your work can have1 Association. -be a great weekend o a-igfn, oe prtr n onte rbemo tbrulssReports were presented as;simin .4ip were takený In all, there are 39whhaetoe honjysigte In, the world," Mr. Beechamn follows: President - C. A.1 to the Monkey Zoo and Par- officially entered wt asclru uft onb h sad easre h ou-Holmes; Financial - J, C. Ing-ý rot Jungle and some took arnigfo h oua mnadwmnsot a teer workers that their ef ,lis; Northumberland-Durham...... boat ride around the waters. Lotus 19s and 23s, toFrai1eoes forts are exceedingly valu HathUi - Dr. C. Horner, .*Icdnlti mtlpoi.o arious categoriesPoch Toewo rbaywn' able, and that the Durham MOH; Case Finding - Hugh e a tv n refrig-IRS 61s, Lolas, Jaguas a- o ttomc ilb h survey is of vital importance. Coleman; Health Education- erator in every room. The 1ers, AC Cobras (onc fte iet o iet t h "lWe have some unfmnishedlMrs. C. Gaiger; Rehabilitation lbiscnandtreclr hot newv ones), a Bu.c pca ilhv hi le itre business, and always will have and Social Service .. Dr. T. W. ed tellevision sets. A% pizzaan oethtscledOdFivngtbyheum r it until tuberculosis, a pre- Hawke; Christmas Seal Sale- party one night, a bingo an-IYeller. This race wilsetetuuprprd fsot ventable disease, is eliminat- william C. Keyes; Ontai te night, and a wiener graetvreyo prscr cr edn o opr ak ed," Dr. Wicks, the Superin-' Tuberculosis Association - Mrs. roast another nigsht were sup-toapronherck tendent of the Weston Sana-K. E. Courtice and the Ex-J plied for the guests compli-, On Wednesdav, nw a torium, told the gathering. Helecutive Secretary's Report- ments of the motel. Several received that a lateenrha pointed out that !in 1962 many Mrs. M. E. Pewtress. of the men got to the interest- been signed in thepesno far advanced cases of TBý Tuberculosis is still One Or ing dog races. The sight of Jimmy Clark, the Flyn ct were admitted to this hospi-ithe most common infectious; This two-storey large brick house burned to the how the f ire started. Bowmanville Fire Brigade ý the pelicans over the ocean' He will be pilotingHns tal. diseases, Dr. C. W. L. Jeanes, rond on Friday evening in a spectacular blaze that were called to the scene, but suffered a delay when and aloniz the shore will not Ed's Lotuis 23, oiial CouncillMaor Wesley Fir st adecutivecetryof the ci-sent flames into the air which were seen as far as they received incorrect information on the location soon be forgotten. Psedue o be rint b A grettedt aator IvaHouna> eitionnd atecuerptc s ssoThe Peterborough. The house, located about a hundred of the fire. There was little they could do to save the Two nights were spent at Silng 0M1 aron.las to) be oresen u oapro us paker lauded the plans yards north of Hlighway 401 on the Clarke-Darlington building. It was an mnferno when they arrived. iDyninatBeach. The firt the "world's fastest br rv engagemnent. On behalf ofthfothDuhmSreadTwsilne as ncupd and owned by the Eventually walls fell in and the entire structure ws'beach watching for the ascentmernnHfewillfly ereFia Caorciand BowTnanville Town explained that the arlycade- earmnto ighways. There was no indication1 converted to a pile of rubble- of the astronauit at Cape Ca- n pltrcmeigi Cuni, ounc1 lor ice e il-eofeomosbnei.~¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯naveral. A s.light haze pre- Graham Hill hav be tended greetings and bestlwl co nrosbnft 2.5 years of faithful service toa I • vented this event being seen, battling for somne timfoth wishes for the success of the: Tuberculosis is still ra-" r i r the Sunday School this paint- U V l la U ut all previous takeoffs from iworld's driving crow mass~~ survey er poblemehan mny peole f ing with suitable brass plate the Cape were clearly visible'C - • Miss Madeliene Rooney, Co. reahize, he pointed out. Dr., attached would be hung in the• from the beach at the motel. Sofmisi tiliar ace illb ficers elected for the commngword i oeprso hý i i e T o h e a slide projector and screen. B d4 i • where they saw strange fish driving, he is in chago detC.A Holmes, Port Hopcj The speaker mentioned that, T ap dance examinations mended, Wayne Elliott. In replying Mr. Carruth- K0 0t D lW n and tortoises, and watchledlteam that will be cmeig 1st ice-resientF o r es famong the notables of bygone were held recently at Louise The Tartan Junior Fancy ers thanked all present ancd A ur C itramned porpoises and a train-lMasten GregorywilntbDennis Campbellford, 2nd>years who died from consump- Burns Studio in Toronto with Drill Corps, with Captain said his reward was that memn- poerb lm onye1hl efr. ih ee ewnte16 ly ViePrsdetW S.' Frost, tion were the poet Keats, the following results: Brenda Brenda Henning, placed third bers of the Sunday School fanilyi a 51le bc onored oniat Jacksonville, Winston Sal ler's 200. Joakim n mro Port Hope: Honora'ry Treasur- Chopin, and Charlotte Bronte. Henning took 79 marks and in the Baton Twirling compe- during the past 25 years hdcrmnwleh etethNCadabatflieSee ilas isti er, J. C. Inglis, Cobourg, and In this age T.B. was the cause was commended in Grade 1. tition in the Dundas Arena,Itaken their place'im the comn- cef nY w H bcd doEnie, rough te SenandohVa-event. Onitario Tuberculosis Associa. of the deaths of George Or- Brenda is a pupil of Mrs. Hamilton, last Saturday. Thei munity and elsewhere as good fae ceofNewasrdeando unelley to Harrisburg. The group Weather permittingitsol tion Representative, Mrs. K. E. well, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Joh.n Fowler at the Bowman- Corps members were Jane Christian men and women. Pa historicasplque in reo a-rrived ome May 9 Courtice, Courtice. ithe mother of the astronaut, ville Recreation Centre. Harper, Dale Wilson,' Bella-' Rev. Ferguson was welcom- nition of the Robert Baldwin Th weter as irdsealOthaBwn, wSr. 23Aelaietret Exeutve oucilinmbesJohn Glenn, among many oth- The following are pupils marie Parish, Karen Branton, ,ed back to St. Paul's by Rev. fmlv• h pbi i odia1 l- owers.t e d ids weyre oawagwStweton i elecEd tie o ncil memb r er famous people, he added. from the Harvey Dance Acad- Judy Harper, Pamela Young, Turner who said the speakerl ,ivtedt en iheofunc~wtonidrful.aAtorne pin teycardent Kin teetwhnh 1963-64 were Ted Miller, Dr., Modern treatment h a s emny, Oshawa: Primary Tap Diana Thertell, Joan Major, needed little introduction as tion whichi will be held from stplape t an oe ranepacnteg*adethaened. oalram E. D Ewrt Ms. . S olechanged the prognosis of tub- Dancing - 98 marks, Honours, Cheryl McCune, Lola Moore he had so many old friends 11:45 a.m. to 121:30 p.m pata h rvs nteag otew asaone Mr.E .Bag 11 11 of erculosis, Dr. Jeanes asserted. Michelle Van Strienr; 73 marks, and Pa'tsy Blake- In Bowmanville, having lived wyhm h ru tpe t prxmtl 8.Cn Mr rii Ms .E.Cor-A tuberculosis patient needs Pass Plus, Ji-llian Entwistle; In Solos: Patsy Blake plac-lhere and being ordained in Guest spe.aker for the occa- twice and carved up and ate stable R. Parker invetgtd Co M Lsix to nine months treatment 68 marks, Pass, Sharon King;, ed first and now goies iolTrinity United Church. He is sion will be for-mer Premieritwo huge sweet watermelon. Constable D. Stuat OP urt e, t rtce rs. AMrLA in a hospital, and a further two 66 marks, Pass, Frances Sil- Advanced Twirling; Novice1 presently Secretary of the 1Of Ontario Leslie M. Frost of Colin Taylor and his trusty investigated a two crcli H. PeelingZio;Mr.Glad.ys lyears' treatment with drugs, vek; 65 marks, Pass, Karen Solos, Brenda Henning 7th,,Board of Christian Education. Lindsay. Durhami's two elect- mouthorgan supplied music tso nTedyeeigo . glo;r. he polnted out.1 Bent. Grade I Taip Dancing - 71.3 marks: Cheryl Young 3rd, eý d representatives, Russell C.1 various times during the trip. No. 2 Highway ati aco' GamsbBlackto k; Mr.sHa y "There were 6,450 new cas- 88 marks, Honours, Eddy Van 74; Karen Branton 70.3; DianaJno Cornit.r1hc1Hny M.P. and Alex Car-! The group included Mr. and Road. The drivers oftetoiroaizd"utfrYu nomso, estetn;J nh ýes of tuberculosis in Canada in De Walker; 67 marks, Pass, Thertell 69.5; Judy Harper ection of organs n hi ruthers, M.P.P. will also take Mrs. H-. T. Colmer, Mr. and vehicles involved 1weeJmsdt k Thotpeo Nestletond Anol1962. This is 10 per cent more Bob Kellv; 65 marks, Pass, 68.9:* Pamnela Young 67.5. directoghMulL. Beaton, sang part in the programi. Mrs. K. Burley, Mr. arid Mr3.• C. Brockman, 89 Ston tet sad htetate WadeNewtovillethan in 1961," Dr. Jeannes Lynda King. Grade II Tap Fancy Strutting, Patsy Blake Thodis a hy hldmren e" TeDuhmrontdlu fF. Mutton, Mr. and rs. C. Oshawa and ThomasCsae f amht u Wad, Nwtnvil' said. He deplored the fact Dancing -7.5ý marks, Com- 8th; Indian Dance Twirl 6.0.1. ThsIl lud drnMet heDrhmC th ILbo Tayilor, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rob- 234 Highland AveneOs- The chairman of the Speak- that about 20 per cent of the -- -1- and 'Bells Today Are Ring- Toronto wil inclue te cere- bins, Mrs. L. Cryderman, Mrs. awa. There was conieal(orsodneYunm ers Bureu is B. L. Burk, pouation do not attend sur- g". Mr. McGregor took this mony in their annial bus trip' V.. Adler, Mrs. A. Wright, damage to both vehils n drso iil r Bownenville. District Chair-vesadecrdththei opportunity to thank the of- and later vill visit the Mas- Miss E. Large, E. Syer, Miss Etniedmg a u-pitdo ht rclue men are Jack Dunn Bowman- cidence of T.B. is highest in fcr n a r e .SeMs .Aln:Ms .tîdbh ult rtn aesi ville; Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, this group. Every effort must Sunday School for their faith- mterest mn the couinty andn Teal r.B evle an at 2 en batflmsdlteig Darlington and Cartwright;i be made to get everyone toinIB fui. service, and asked the Northumberland.1 Miss M. Smith, F. Robbins, sunda coon Tooleysamad Teipsioisigfed and K. Lycett, Clarke and comne out during the DurhamiA T N y OD W T m conMregati°nor their°°nin"- Auntia°d1.abe o teMrs. Bradshaw, and Mr. and north of the OshawaMtl n hs hrig Marwers. Dr. Allan B. Syl-lSurvey, he urged. ued support.. Mrs. George Scott from Osh- Allen McDonald was h rv e h oti eylw vnestero te M edical Ada-- -~ Good food and electrical ap- of piping hot water. nx e su w;M.adMs .Wlu er of the car and CntbeCos orproaie m r - 1 e the themes foland Mrs. Mountjoy from H. Wight, OPP, invetgtd ttoeydnenpis visory CommTittee. Fp t iances w, e tnr A hilarious skit of how toa a Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. G. AI- O hrdya 21 . okalakn ose Michael Wladyka, P ortin cnseLãnse (or how not to) prepare dlin- C.W . L• an G roup Enjoys lin, Newcastle; Fred Trull, Mrs. Irene TravissRR 0 mths n lyn ad Hope, General Chairmian of andClbow 15. Me Rr. ealt-dr ner while mother is out was Orono; and Mrs. D. Gardiner, Newtonville, lost cnrlo rmtemn vial the Durham County Survey.ersd ofbow5.Manvile Ruralt- portrayed by Bill Hall. He!( Garden Hill. tlhe car she was drvn onsyeyuleith D m a e dro opened the show. very bravely used an auto- Bus Tou r of Everybody agreed It was a County _Road No. 8 i lre proilzd"utfrYu Mr BllHlla ot mu-matic hot dog heater toape- arvellous trip and all had a'Township. The car wn f a ebo FRO FGEON) ngM.Cjill Oducd a filt mu pare wieners, and along ithF r e s n l ' very enjoyable time. the road. Constale .V oNr iC0 ber nt tobacco plants wiped which covered all phases of these we slihtsrve ohdbnS n yOr a der O P was the in- r.s.T e out varied from farm ,to farm. electrical living in the build-luk mebroftead Athe etigfteCa- For Y ur Lvestok Joeph opovich,0acathree ing of a modern home, fromt ience. He also demonstrated1Olic Women's League held re- A group of 31 persons, es- 00an"" " °° miles east of Kendal, lost alll the basic wiring for lightst proper lighting habits, suchcetyin st. Joseph's Hall, corted by Mrs. Nance Colmer, I Canada's steel pouto through the tobacco plants he had telxrosme-omi as the use of different colour- cLiiberity Street South, it wasI has just returned fromn a busA • • now exceeds 6.*5 mlio os V ABEA growing on 25 acres. There is1 the nursery and automatic ed bulbs, shades, distances decided to hold the annuial! tour of Florida. They left Annual icn* amnually; steel produto a S TA TE M N an adequate supply oftoacclkcnrled ofepr. and heights of lamnps. Bazaar in October, and the Saturday morning, May -4, and >pacity of the communs on C L A S S I F I E D S plants, and the tobacco farm- ln tekthn past president, Mrs. Stewart: stopped overnighit at Hlarris-tIries is 116 million tn er Phone 623-3303 a ersw ptthe mprin a soonpreparedBarbacooked many in. lucAt iuhtmbers werthdrawsho Chi holm was aponed cnburgvnl, a. or J l4 n thmpare tou2nt rillo oscnda ts a as he eater mprvesa bt tresting foods. Among them Club 15's President, Mrs. D.ivenor.ThswsmvdbSanaG.ntefrecure. more. ~ ~ _were Chicken Waikiki, South Mast'ers. The winners were: . P oseeoddb At Savannah, which is a President Ted Sheehan pre- Sea CkeOrenal eperMrs. Nelson Osborne and Mrs.I Mrs. A. Holgavorst. beuiu-iy hi bus took sided at the meeting of Branch Steaks, Tropical Dream Salad 'Barbara Buttonshaw, steamI Plans were discussed for, themn along Victory Drivel 178 of the Royal Canadian Wd Iand Peach Ange] Cloud Cake. ironE; Mrs. Eva Hockin and the Communion Breakfast to which is a street lined onl Legion held in the LegionB Y S unWhile Miss Woodall (a home Mrs. Robert Post, electric! be served bv the C.W.L. on'both sides with the longesti Hall, Queen Street, on Thurý- W anda's B eautyeconomist) worked, she used frying pans: Mrs. Grace Rey- Sunday morning, June 2nd, 11n rows of palm trees in. the1 day evening. Plans for the all the latest electrical equip- nolds and Mrs. Lucille Stur- St. Joseph's Hall to the :35 world,' and which were plant-1 annual Legion Picic were hSment such as automatic oven, rock, electric can openers. children who wil make their e d as a memorial to the sol-1 discussed, and the date set for OP emperature controlled fry- Two floral arrangements were First Comm.umion at the nine! diers of Savannah who servedi Sunday, July 14th. S hop hling pani, can opener, ultra- won by Miss Mary Jewell o'clock Mass in St. Joseph's! in the First World War. It was elecided that the modern refrigerator, automa- and an unidentified gentle-,Roman Catholic C h urc ih. The nextnighlt was -spent in branch will send three dele- 3 IVRSRE ing of Pretoria by the mnem- Drink --to Me Only-With Thy theconven*or. was 80° an d everyone went hers of the club as they Eyes, and Love's Old Sweet d n marched down the aisles to Song, and the Battle Hymn of' the stage ac-compamied by the Republic. The program A c ci Drumr J .Ka fth e was closed with the singing of M A gion Pipe Band. God Save the Queen. All the itî1s and eces Rou d-Up The Legion Glee Club then vocal and instrumental selec- 0 pleased the audience with the tions presented during the singing of Johnny Come Down, concert had been.specially ar- J NS RA -Acadwsrevdths ek Approximately $800 damage- to Hilo and Aura Lee. The ranged by the director, Mur- from St. Lawrence University's public relations was sustained by a car in an F audience was also delighted doch Beaton. staff at Canton, N.Y., advising that Allan Wood- accident on Martin Road Tecream of by the piresentation of Iwo- -- lock was recently pledged to Sigma Pi fraternity. which occurred at five O'clock selections arranged by Mr.,Alni h o r.Toa od eterday afternoon. Frank depilatories for Beaton and played by a string Colberryonof 8, Liberty PlacesWood ye remesembe cmposd o Wendy p r à &n lock, Lamb's Lane. was driving south when he rmvnharBeaton, Cheryl Williams, Dol- †t †t †t †t lost control of his vehicle and gently and ffectively esBons, violinists,tyndWRght, BIG MONTH - Formner Newcastle resident Russ trleCn beJÁeBra from the ace, leg and mar Merke els.MNeil will long remember the month of ay was the investigating officer, arms. Pure and mild as the The playing of a violin ýFROM PAGE ONEi He was again elected Secretary-Treasurer of There was a two car collIi-BO M N IL solo, a march by Bach, by dt oa 2,Uie uoWres i ie h sion earlier in the day ilB fmestface reamSleekis sae Weny Beaon alo recivedia girls se tokueleofferig; former Marjorie Graham, was acclaimed as Theentet D t' IH S H O to use on even the most delicate enthusiatic applaude.iTh aud-Penny Jeffery, Dale Stewart,' Treasurer of the UAW Ladies' Auxiliary and they' DonadrW.ver nnoed w(Forc arf ftesi.the singing of My Bonnie and Alrd'oe, ao an celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary on 'Street, and David Herbert, C2 arasofte ki'1.25introductory mze Down by the Riverside by a at uny nshao d May 18th. Rideout Street, Ajax. Mr. 2.010 regular size mixed choir from the town's as. Kennedy 's car was westbound Public Schools. One of the highlights oft t tt at the timne of the accident, The Gee lu's iningofthis Sunday School Annivers- PROGRESS -- Many local citizens were interest- and Mr. Herbert was making T u s OLV RLUTill e Meet Again, Lttle Liza rr wasuapenente ifn t e ed to see a large advertisement this week in the t beft turn from the lane. Cn- Jan an Th Ile Of Capri D. Carruthers of a beautifu Toronto Star givmng prommnence to Bowmanville s this accident. There was about8Mpm J U R & LV E L L -was excellent. Beautiful Ven- painting entitled "Head of Industrial Park sites. In that locality work is $50 damnage to each car. YOUR REXALL STORE r aiTheSkyeBaterdng andChristr seaTurn ehmadp proceeding rapidly on the H. Powell Chemical On Friday at g aS4-7- ILVR CLLETIO - . the Public School choir was teSna coladcn plant and two other plants should be underlway e tees aphM oe 2 Kng t.E. hoe 63-361 Bowanlleals ejoyd..gregation, stating that in re. mn the near future, all under the guiding hand of 23 Jane Street was turning Three beautiful hyna were cognition of Mr. Carruthers'ý contractor John Riznek of Courtice, ýonto King Street, and Josephi ) tl.,