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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1963, Travel Times, p. 7

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'I l Bible Study! opening was eon- JiT !al7~ The Canadian StatesmaBwavleMy2.18 I tinued by Supt. A. J. Werry MAI ',REL J-iJj Bible Study and Pae ~l i iUni t 1 of the U.C.W. met Ri No church serviceonS-toPicEdadCuy cS c ! & § er oG roup continued .their Bbui- TO rr fo -( e s / weekly meetings on Monday E E ~ ~ Ethe home off Mis. Cecil Jet- nidaburat0:4for than:M.nd r.Te Viin Ievenng at the parsonage. niversar ort 10:45arn. CMaych1 Mr.sarvMis. David Weldo Phn 2 -3 3Mrs. 0. C. Ashton attended b e . W . .C a f r n ikle The meeting opened with the off Courtice S. S. ainvra'Jwr atra iioswt ____________________________________ia popula rieo-be Miss Chr- Â 'rall cal] and the business pet-- service at 9:30 a.m.'MsJaieBch poua riet-e.\Ii Ca- od foilowed. The w~orship Unit 2 wvill meet o hr- Mv ai remni t ott~oe J. Austin at the home off Pentecost, or Whîtsutn&ide isjon youi: but tarry ye.. un- suitabie for Lis in this modem.i1 Mi. ite 1o, B servioceior wanshi tconilveb edud ih axerae:Thn eersad .Re,,evie va onuced b1 ayevong(t-ngt)aI8 edig heUitd huc Mi. Dou-lag Nichols, CRPR. IMr. Ben Thonpsofl r o f nrgadngHeoîin oaVetei j 9tii hradnbyMs.eilJfte:oTe iux :tl fiied a idMs.H G remn r 41 i li Il iatheiMr if the h is c cse n ei- le, wlere Mrs. Ewert wa- -undax' in,,June: much couid1from on high.I" <Luke24: 49> penit and be baptised eveuxMusH B3d11.Hmn33 p.m. ai the home off r.Mr ofjnea igtnti L'ionay x ~ , Mi. Pharmcv curse.Uni- ' . . .and31 were sungo. Bibie le Burgess. wc.Ms .C nwc L. . Nchis.Carîse Ae. versIty of Toronito, has bee I . -hoteswith MrE. Withei'.vopsaiil Mr Fanii vey ef ith the Jury & Loveli Drug thepooii. flic" iast Frday fo a holday , tore here for a few w, \eeks. Mvr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin and Icustomns associated with il, and ,Ierusalem. but wait for the.of sins. and ye shall receive H. Bîadlev. Mary Ai andc atiTryBcetwi ~vstn h omrsduh 1,'I sister an bohrinaw hs eknd Benlevesfo Rone wee undy isior the variety off interpretations promise off the Father .. .. . ...the gift off the Hoiy Ghost. Arthur Doxle ffavored us with glad ta know he is hoefmelMadMs.tiPrch Pf St M J . Biuno Q ebec. ton*-s Drug Store. one off îh'ttiobcay-geoni. on the occasion1Isial matters howcver ta tli h e euisai îw1 W and ta vour childîco, and ta ns ue.Î s.rv offtKven aetaken butsicnie abd i.RlhMlsetre jurY,, & Lovell chain of str- !of Mis. E Irivln*s birthda';. theologriral giants. we Wih eiu a]thtare affar off. ste stoi oiSy o ok , a's rstado echac dsve it renst Mis. . C. cliowce ~ si . fo' th reaineroff the A nuiberoff elatves nd .on the pur- di-fgi. inspiring. and Luplift mrnanv ý te od Oui Zo îdfied ast v-e nB m-unl, ubro eaie n d tae ielv. Peter was enabied ta .hah ai."Athe o2d:ou 38 , 39) Rim " MiusieBokLairiianiers.odeotherMs .prt nMna t ee r. ýfriends t.ek Brrp rue ai rniEnniskîllen at- pose and the results off thilîs vited (A -3 3) 1! -i ,toie Lar As-on, andl- sisters, i.R i eet itdy ton, Georgetown and Stewar-s Mr Mi -. -. IVer lssdeprine preach a most conviocing sec s oe h town ~~vls an tcddteNrhîeîS ay~received tededthe tuneral on 'si v- om egh unie tea'e mn thtrmedosiesrt. Mahomeseth Hmfort Jnemetig.Te eein hton,.Mi.I.TraendOs- onrtuaton ti i Peel Wanne"s Institute atiLa'.- i Dripng a i theCPubl iceth C. 'Masan3. Lttoff in bfoethee late ofen I'1 He. 'vith John, Ilias ablea in ubcics aordsayfor 2aurf heavev' rlosSonedeiwithunthe yBesî asdabtitonrs wawa.foonu Srunday -1vhcn thev Barbara Hughes and Mi.tind,,- fil hrh n uî'sgat thay Convoaionnthe C aoi Lti r taihefpore tepadvt of ChiI5ýjextend a banîd of speciai bles- "Lord. make me a channd oflLtch was servedi by thel visitcd Mr. and "Mis. Caeclhse iî nterr 1îl hu'hunTu'dMa 3datte.whicli was held at Mackey's sthe prophet\' Joel speaks off the oday.. group iii charge. Hicks anîd fanily a> lug.mrie Mis. R. R . Nicholson u'tuî i.1- University off Western Ontario, 'Futieral Home, Lindsay, also time when God would unique-jsoitle aeîf 'te 'empolatin gtoa èrl last Saturday by plane Londoin, Ont. Miss Mitchell 'cailed previous before the ser- ly bless the ta'ue ffollowers ofjHegtofth Tepei frniChcao.11.,aferspiî-will eiijoy a four-week vaca- 'vice ta pay their îast respects. Çrs.'i particular pro-,Jrsaex(seA ts3.Thas fl-î a delightfui six week-., tion witli lier mother, Mis. J. Inemn tS.Mrmuewsrfre ob'teman's need was so great ta with her daughter anîd sol' B Mitchell. Silves' Str'eet, aff Cenieter., Lifford, wereI cApostie Peter ib is explana- Touîiva Divie inspiatonl s In-law. Mr. and Mis. Rober!t rxvih h 'ii ^ tion of the events which took'fire. Ahog h nprtin1 ~ OTA May andfamly.ed v he wToî'onto y- Legion veteraiîs off Lind8ay of these 'Power' Filled' men, Maoadfml.P yteTrnobranch off heid the comnîittai service,.lc nth a f Pneotof Gd this lame mians ex- Mr. and Mrs. Don Bîshoi) the Victoî'ian Order off Nuis- Sympathy ta Mu-rs. Masoniand "But this is that %vnich wai!od and Mis. Russell McLean xyere es. 1' sy.poken bv the prophet Joe!1:pectations were uaised Ioa 16 lamu. an it hahcorn ta ass' higheî level. enabling him ta guests at the wedding off Mvi,-ssn l hl aet ps ï,I OTA ViaetCaia Bî'esan ~Ir Re'.. Dr. Tiomi Du St an Lasi Suflday ex'efing guests te at asaihGo receive better things than Kenneth Alani Garner i ripîeached at Si. John's Angli- off "Mi. and Mu's. E. Wright pu u î prtLpo Iýeesivra-god i e can Chîur'hî ast Sunday'. Dr w~eie Mr. K. Brooks, Maple (AshSpct uor 2: 16, 17) " arsi n e on e ti l Washinton Unted C(Ac tseh2:. .. II ceived power to do the seeni- Scarboîough. iast Saturday. Dustan rerEntiy î'eturned ta Grove: Mir. K. Btttery anid The 'pîîpose off this expe '1ing irposibie, Ar'ise and P rs e n o v r i l May 25th. Cndfuo diwhere he 5on, Bowmanviile; Mu'. L. Cie- enre off blessedness, was Jjwe lk. Ms W. udliwas principal off Bishop Cot- nient. Mr. anîd Mrs. E. Downs expressed ini the .vwords off The curtain fallîs ai thef. final D.adNtF m F .Ilc ton Sclîool iin Sinmla. i\]any and son, Oshiawa. and Mr. Ray Crs iief Bt~esa]aroftîsisiii cie end Dr. and A F. A c .,f India's future leaders ar e Ashton. Ha.,,doni. Cr.thmef Bt.esalato hqisiigse:ao Si. and Mi'. and MIS. W"XV n g Ford a the present. r.'Dust and MR Tooyo, ee Sun Holy Ghost is corne upon you: Iv was obliged ta beg OUT-ý 9 OHR PI E For- ith e rsnD.DsaIanRoiTrno e S - and ve shal] be witnesses un- SIDE off the Temple - is now tune istFrdy ra asu-months ini St. Johns Church, S. R. Pethirk. M. and is. be a witness for Gad withling God and thanks M y2 cessful fishing trip in N orth- Ancaster, neai Hamilton, Ont. Arthur Redknapp. Newcasti, lpower! what a privilege: as foi' the Divine gift whirh hý O h M y 2 e r.n d Quebe . Bill Coîden, Five local men, Fr'ai* wei'e Mondas' visitors. foi' God Ive nced his had u'eceived, c h an n eled Town, and Mi'. and Mis. Harx'v Bluni, Frank Smith, Loi'ne , Mr-. and Mis. Roy McGili Divine power if we are ta throcîgh 'Power' Filled' ser- t 'Wae, ewtnviieattnde Bi'kel. olad Bte.ailoffattended Etdad Anniveî'saîy witness successfully and er- vants. What can xve do, that th ecn peîg eeone towîî. aîîd Frank Woolner,,and -,vere guests off Mr, and fective]y, indeed 'it is the \vc rnay serve God more et- BlimayTa of Parliament in Ottawa, and Ham pton, shai'ed equaliy Ms yLnmidChiristian workers prerogative. ffetivciy?\ This veix' question __________________ weîe guests off Russell Hone.-,, ie Knights off Columbus 50- Mr. O. Beckett and Arvila, w~e are adnionished ta earneS!- was asked on the Day off Pen- SL M.P. and Mis. Honey at th' e 50 draw, Oshawa, amourting Miss Julie W'av. Bowmanviile, ly seek and rec'eive this gi te-cas> by those who heard the xeception which fallowed. ta $1000. The drawv was miadei accoînpanied Mi-. and Mu-rs. froni God. "- .. behold I send Word off God frini Peter. his on TLUesday. May 14, The five 'Laine Lamnb ta the Christen- the promise off my Father up- inspived u'eply thlei, is stili I Falowing choir practice on: iniîeu's have been puchas-; ing off uttle Miss Rosella May, 'bers off St. Paul's Ulnitedîwo s'ears, the unstandung ýaid Lamub, Bailieboro. "' i i Church Choir entertauned Mis. being 'if the sxth ticket won. ' Mr'. and Mis. Garnet Towns,ýD 1c o s B f e utc m lt h nr a hc o iloti D. Girardi at a bon voyage :lwudb ha'deuly Paul, Joyce and Barbara,USJ tco pee he nrytgw ihyu ilotan hnyo p rhae n party. The choir presented ' Peterboroughi, wce Suniday'vI!wA any I.D.A. Drug Store, any one oi the 20 products lse iety blw Mu-s. Girardi witiî a beRutiful A piano recital xvas heid se-' lea guests off Mi. and Mrc i T tý .e sNolmt a~ rhinestone Maple Leaf brooch. 1ni nth cLuhlnLb~Milton 5Stainton. H l t t* d e N in t te number of entries. MVis. Lillian Glenny. Miss rary. Oshawva. by the pupils i\ and Mrs, F. W'. Werîv T SugBfe l'nke~ui ]sN a u.. 'N T Marjou'ie Clemence. Nev'ras-,off Mu-s. Stanleyv Paync. A.T. veie*guests ai Mi. and \rs.! h pigBfe T% BýJtc . *\r.Nra r ead the MRules ai Participation" postea n th t,111 ru Loe tic; Mi. and Mis. John Ash- CM. Tiiose from 13ownianvihle Ted Werry. cclebu'ating little 'and Country Sty le heid by 'he '.îne Mrs. lohni Straclian, i s ton and Mary, Pickern,g: Mr. who iook part included Edyth Mîîiss Donna Wcri'y's birthday. Si- Ad-ws ueblu'aiH i' tuuor.Ms "ai"i Deposit completed tag in the box provided in the I.DA rgSoebfr and Mis. Eber Sîiowden and ThmsnEienMQai., M and Mrs. Ivan Sharp,: Church W.M.S. Evenig Group 'Honeynaui and Mi,'s. Gauani -ýN TTD1îJ TTKTr i 1f. Mis. Leta Osborne, Courtice, Julia and Joanne Fayer. Alga ijnda and Janet, Mr-. and Mi-.: inthie Suuîday Srhooi Rouis Stur'uork.-Mu's. James Bell ig d e U.~ . I~ 'vere recent visitais xith Mr.i Nowosad off Mapie Gr'ove ania'Ross Sharp. Kathy aîîd Gor- recently was a dccided suçces;s. prepared theenîiriied s.hrimip (rsnstleacpe ~aad andMis H.J. abork On DineParride o O 'on l don, vei'e Sunday xisitou's at Moue than 155 people ejocved a ridiM rs. JIack Rougle. -Mis. tario Street. took part. Mis. Aflthoriy TiPY j ,Ir.- an 5Is. . Virtue's. the deliciotis mntan id muîfcit Gordon MacN cili and M i s. ~ IN R IL E N TFE NO B U U Y1 93 Ms rn Moîo'eu'-bai. Mearns Ave. Nouth, thîl- 1\1. anîd Mi's. Grant Werry. ser-vice, h tables we,'e al- Dutican Biadley vwere in IN R ILB N TFE NO B cd hom FrasIk tt en fed -ithe audience %with bei' beau- Susan and Scott, weee x'sit- itu'actively decoî'aied Iw i +h;'charge off desser'ts. edinomeastwekend vithler tifu] sopr'aniovoire. She sang :,, ai Mr. and Mrs. Raiph'spiing flowvers. e . ThnifserGod ta C l spndn awekwih iranaiafrmPuccini's"-ToSca",, Strutt's, Cabouu'g. Mrs. James Bell. th tei Neill andi Howardud 93 b Vep d i ants. Mr'. and Mu-s. «W'ni "Villanelle" b\ Eva cilArqua. Mr'. and 'Mis. R. j. Oumis%- dent, xvas the geiier'ai convert- The caffec convenors ee S e M n y o ,a h s ft8i1i Snd Miss esliet. Mohuruand 'One Daýy Wheii We Weî'e tonixreThuisday tea guLest aoi, and Mî's. .ack Honeyman, -Mis. I) litî 13etur'nd Miss thermother Youn." from Thie Great Walttsoff Mr. and Mus. Arthur Tam-,as hiostess. wclconied thLloydVlîî"x ic.n and afera wowekhoidy vihby Strauss. She Nwas acroîn- bîvn's. Cambiay. us,.Toeivoasitd rvus. D. Fergun a 1n the.irgrandarent, Mr. ad on the piano hy Mrs. 'ý.'li. and 'Mis. Har'old Asli- seu-ving with Mis. Ferry Cr'V- Ms Alex Cameuon wr,ýi Mis.~~ot Halaa~î o ttenlded Buu'ketan Anni- ling ini d'iaroe xvere: ' chai'geoff thie buffet ables Mesr. . . . sbrn. f Ms..1 A Trn JhnoB r.John Iakd DKY LCREEM Hair Dressing larce tube 6 S Frank Rickard. Newcastle; -~ITVTT"T ~ ~ ~ ~ ..A uu antn ~ îh aeHugli Kelly and Mis. James WMilliamn Bragg, Boxvmanville, ENNII~± L1L bulIl. Mirs. George Buntung. M\iss Stut]. _ and Bruce Tink off Haniptouî ~Please don't rouget yauî Audr'ey Kitson, Miss Chr'istiemisew e ad hhA1 I * . i .- atneatetmna iiir In such turboulent tînIeý 'Mi.. I B. test. I vii> beheid Jline Tighe, Miss Sheila Thompson, D:icu' itsca, j.;ýe I iiiITS W eignt lAntr io ecul 8 5 ettededyal tokestiîîoîiai Touir Crax% foui s Snda'.iîornuig 28 111 Enniskilleîî Church base- and Miss Kar-en Kranip. thî'aîîghout the evett An ez-w~oe wu~~u~*~m tinta, an 1May 25thi, honouing seu n iww a'o appropriîai, menit. The Salaci Coxnmittee was.relient hi-fi set and a supply wu~u 'Tli. Honoux-abie l'lur\,W. nd ileassuring. He cearîy re. Mv. aîîd Mr's. Gai-net Towns composed off Murs A. -M. 'off records had hbeen kunl U ni~ tn . 4cnehti }Iy.Mnse f giutr etdavr htGdasand fami.y. Peterborough, Thonipson. Mis. Peî'cy Cowl- lent foi' the occasion by Haiî*y I EKIN E A tie ti -------O.Cbti Xayo ine anada.cultu e pobie dis xe a odisee - wxe.u Sonda'.'visitors at Mr. iung and Mis. W. Pateuson, as- Locke T.V. - .u~u off anadndwe ffpobliox in strct iionM.and-Mrs. Stuart Lanib's. -A A U A I Haru-y Ce>rkftzo. nepliewof;dflwintuinsMr Pleased ta r'cpor't Mr'. John > SA MI I CLEA N oohP st --- intsJ cheg ThmaiiV MajoHofte l, g-of h io ~ihheGriffiri came home froni has- ETNIL ET oh P se - gatsz 9 ehv taym che Tus.V. av of tel, oî'afodthe dtestyfo n i ith the cre nfose h urope n Mat, dH ot' ofai .voivsSOn pital an Satuu-day.N WOV I L i.ef sitn for eroyen M 10 "hor wo a is a -Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp Mi' and mrs. Waiter Gî'ay-,ai Port Petrry, Satîtu yrcigh UU i. Avbestnd eris 'n. R a le dsrncn tabei' udou'ss nyN e r. a c 4 'a', s al o d Eis ha auîihe u' pobedts i-i Mua nd Mus. R. .1. rmr sond a, of f bis ia er fu'cillnds Ba n t s in the UiCb base 'n Z E ---- -- atiz staubul wlieaedbis gtraind]-Slie appealled ta the nian of Mis. L. Aihion's, Ha\'don. visitais at Mri. Earl W aikey's. are cateîing fou' the Teacheus' Q u k2 2 96 O. In e- g. We 4wsh ary a saf ail oî-ed he-heoed ed _ Suîîday visitosai tMr. wr netiie aiwe tnient, Tuesdav nigbt. RU Ni' ashion Q ic p m9frpe %tling rnllers2,Pg ni jouî'ney 'and speedv leu is comnmand ta boii'o' .v Q îdMus ua Tmln the homne off M,\aster Rov ' \Irvanîd \'hî's. Si Brown tîSpca 57 Commissioner Fr'ancis tafi.îie wtl al oo S .N. Collieuti. Bwn Smith. sontoff Mi'. and MiS.' ad auly wibM adUt lam off the Salvatioî Au'mv ta dsa fi t.e i th i 'uvh* ville; Miss Faye Giles, Betb- CaiasSnith th o-a------rueia-Hed- a-d O egillat'12)5 2c 2 for 8 3 L R L C died on Monday, May 27. in w is aur nbvelietat e es an y, 1iere SLnday visitais at being bis second biuthday. tamuly. spent the xeekend at Port Hope, wbere lie had been the liancis off God iu aur par u' admrs. W. Griffîn's. Colle(rtionsrubeifthttisMr n i0 aid off thel' Lake Kennîsîs. *UP ? A Ift livin sinc bis etiuenien Hi tcoierlocaioxi.He sad il ~ .Canadian Cancrer Socieiv, herei Mu'. anîd lvls. Leland Pa uiie UL IJl U D 1954.n Oiin offhis r5iemeCain t xiv oion. e sa d tyt îip noivilg rn tdta veu'e Oui ta Sudbuî foi the--------------------- --- -----------40, 60. o 100 t or 4 cIo' olr-Qit John Ham off the Salvation alz e%,'ei'y woî'keî' in the local HÀYD ON $44.00. we eR cid. -s. RSpecial 2.44rf Army, Ottawa. ivas, a fe w c Ilurc fi ta alteu' the w'a\ off Mix. and Mtis. Cooper' ancl]:'Mi. ansd Mi.Roi oO M N. . iu uuI u . - - y1eaîs ago. ini chargeoff t'le thinking Off oui families. ieigh ' Mi s F. Frenichi. H~fi' ofef omSbw hiax e J teveon « amivera id M r.1. SS O Saivation Au'my Citadel heu-. bours etc. andi oui' "deduca- inF, t's. P. utnBwLeaO ns Mis. Wm. Robinson with lier thon" îtoday becomnes "oii-mkile wie utotBo- b teou dohe.1 tevusn wr ,hNf R I~5~~* gi'aîdson. Masteî' Mark Sib- plication" tornorrox',. He warii- tousoff v. and erSatuu'day visi- Lynd eton ndeuwent ML.îandvens. A osRab-' wîIu . -r ley. Calgary, Aita., spent the ed tatf' ivil neialyeo . an MiS. D. Cam- an appenddtnv i om n ' Por Hope, wîth Mu-. L l i UI past xeek as guests Off Mi's. sink deepe' iii the quagniuue :\jrs. 1F,. W ihyr Another schaol bail gaine fani-1G,.i'an Mý. F. Leask. Mis. Robinson, off ciîcumstalîces if %ve do not Toronto. suent ast week al cvas played al Leskau'd lasti Ms 1 ure.Rcmn ber daughteu' Mis. Sibley andi teacli for assistance fu'om God thei' cottage Wedresdav. Newtonivi]le win vilie. xx'ih MvàIs. FN esbitt I famnily, arceîenroule ta thei: as did the widoxv. Mu'. Craw- ' i.G Th 'ionipson, Carie- uing 3.M.9-d9. lAî Bne:t f )soe n Clgry ftî' tice frd xpessd is lesun ~ton Place. Mi'. and Mis. E. R. 'me aniiual Saiad Siîpper and ffarni'h, Appiew.ood Ac1i'es. iioîth croise in the Cairibean the success of oui S.S. Annu- Topsnadid,qM.. ndeu'4. 1 th:upce:f ics'tiMi n u' to __________________________________________ * oin nicey, and --t1ey hope sponsai'ed by, the T.B. letoriadket itiRs he wil soon be ont off hos- ciation. George Sih Newcastle. Mr. (IPPiUNITED CHURMv.and Mr- a1ter Whft - TRINIY UNIEDrHRCH ad Mi -Cliffoi'd eid bouglit the fan oeas t<k the ~e n MXinister - Rev. W\'r. K. Hous1ander. B A., B.D. , and frïy Mr. E. Grahani, village. formierliy owned c i . Eallk Oranst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Ils..à LRS.. Bowmnanville, ivere Saturday Mrs. Edith .lohnson., and wW1 Mi. and Mrs.-Ràa Chailicp Oiganist - s11- unper guests off Mr. and Mrs. be making bis residence there and family off Ida at Mr. Reid Alfred Ga:rard and Barry. verv $000o. Wood's M r s. J ai,,, Brown aind R ecent 9LeSiS with «Mis., A. Ni: nza-dàr d v 11:00 a.n. - NIORNING IVORSHIP hviii. NweleNIr. and Mrs. Boughen wxere Ms Leoiiaî'd rions. Morrishi. and Mr. Joe .Brown. Orono. Mr. and Mis.. Brornley off Stoi-ey Creek (the Radiukv-nas. Toronto, at Mr. "Gettinq Self Out Of The Centre' ]van Sharp, Linda and Janet, former Retta Robinson), and Frank dilmer's. Ennizkilien, were Sundav diii- Mrs. Fred Lewis off Hamiliton Niv and Mrs. Wilfred Wood ner guests off Mr. and Mis.' (formerlY S a d 1 e Robinson), with Mi. and Mrq. Cea. Fe]- SUNDAY SCHOOL Loyvd Ashton. Ronald and'wit'h their aunit, Mrs. Arthur, gate. Unionville. 9:45 - Jnior, Interniediate, and Senior Ray. Densmore off Lakeville. N."i' M i . j Jones vîsited lier Mr5. J. Alkenhiead and M r. Trhe Robinsýon girls lived her-e:tmothler bi the Cilmypbellfoid 11:00) arn. - Ntirsery and Begintier-. .1. Dudo. Troronto, were Suin- sanie x'ears a-go %vith their: Hospital last Sunday. da ' calier- of _Mr. and Mis. oarents. Mr. and i Vs Johin Miss Bertha llolllp.;nn bas 11:20 arn. - Kindergarten and Priniary Lloyd Ashton. 'Robinson, in tOP liOIISP 0Wireturned tii her home here for- Mi. and Mr. Loyd Slenion awned bv MNis« Bertha Thomp- tesmerrots SA CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALU L ua tede uktn~.Mis. Wm. Millig-an and1 daii- anniversar 'y service andi were M,\re. Kpn ' lorant 01hter Rernirr haïe naved iii- oo..ýtea guLests of Mr. and Mrs. lieîd a Pastic Demonstrationi, ta thei new home. __________________________________________Harold Larnier. ai MNrs. Ciintoni Browns home' Mfiss Amie Nesbiti was ini . "arid Mns. Walter Lov'?- Fricday ex'einlng, ' shawa severai davs last ~Il~~T - C RI TI Niîdge and familv were dinner Mýr. Ken day, and Mis. Be"ý-'i week, assisting wvith millîne.,c REH B T CHRSTI Nuests on Suindav off Mr. and thaDen ofTooo.wtiuis aMrs. Douglas Strawvbridge, Miss Margaret Deane off Ba,.- Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Pierce ~~ Hampton. lieboro, were Saturday guestsofTont REFOKM ED CHURCH Mr. Milton Slemon spent with M.aid Mis. Brown, tiwý visilors with Mr. and Mis. C. Srtigog Street. Botvnxanvillea !as, weekend withi Dr. and twa ladies vremaining over Robb. g IlNrs. Gardon Siemnon and fani- night. Rev. John C. Verbrugge, BA., B.D., Minister ;1~Y. Don 1Milis. Mi.-cec!! Burlev v:d m y- 11.Mr.andMis. Ross Ashton Ad ta Osàia%ý,a Hospitai frnm Telephone 61-â5023 and farniiv attended Burketon Bo\%manville, !ast Thursdaxv BACKACHEI? Lanniversary service ana were MvI. and M.\rs. Rager Leush-1 tea guests off Mrs. Edna Mc- net- of Xiagara Falls wpee WOSI EVCSLatighliii.a Fr'Ida, even;ng visitais with; o e Afair_____ ___e A' taer1M[. and Mis. F. GLImer Mr Fer relief from 9:00 a.mi. - English hrh service Sundav even- Mabelle Leushner. wnho ac 1backache or that iJ ng. Rev. Crawford off Ennis- compar.ied themn. remained for, .. tired-out feeling 1 1:00) - Dutch kil !en gave a fine message. a week*s -visit. 1 depend en- 7:30 p.m. - EngIish Practice for Sundav Schoai .11. and Mis. John Carlawl SAnniversary will sta rt at 11 of Warkworth were Saturdav Proaiiingthe~Vhie ounel f Gd ~ o'ciock on Srndav mrnngn. dinner guests with Mrs. W. H. lChu',ch service xii be with- Jones. 11r drawnOon Suindav evening. it '1r. and Mrs. Lennox Vasevý Jbeing Salem Anniversan, Ser- off Port MacNichai are visiting- "BckToGo Hu" rodcsi axce. er parents.Mran s, "Bac ToGod our BrodcMis. and Mis. J. Potts, Mr Wm. Sta-pleton. CKLBOw, at 9.15 p.m. every Sunda and were Sunda.v sua- NI.. and Mrs. Havr\ Wadei-os7 Oshawa a pe guests off Mr. and Mrs. A.: attended the 1F5th Birthdav M,0l k ir lTrewi.n and William. ýParty cd the Rebekah Lodi tv. Like the caret ree ite? Corne slip Imb orne- thlng comfotale . *. one of Pontlac's luxurlous dl Conivertibles. The foeltng's pure freedord, the style la unmlstakably Pontiac 1 S 8 9-PASSEeGR SAFAR ., Dauty, brawn and a wide and wonderful L hOIC. That sums up the 8 Pontiac Safaris. -Fillin g their huge Cargo area Is quite a fet. Matc hin g their style, Impossible 1 ut STRATO.CHIEF 2-DOOR SEDAN 'Plan on bslflg seOft In a Pontiac Sedan, if you lke collectlng compliments. There are a dashlng dozen to choos. from. Ai with the Inherent value Pontiac la famous for. dtuABift DIY SP<RTS COU PE The Most maa nificent Pontlac of tbem ali We cai lb the Grand prix. You'Il want to Cali It yours wben ýyou experlence the new qsatitOn It brings to drlving._______ I___________-.,. y. OzuV $ER VOUR LOCAL PONTIAC DEALER TODAY. a sure ta wtch 4"Tho Tommy Ambrow Shaw" on the CBC.TV notwrk Check local listings fort tim md dlwneL "4b OBSON MOTORS LIMITED DEng St. E. Phone 623-3396 BowmanvlHe mipffle P,9 t

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