The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. Long,1 retirement cf Mr. Mitchell ai- the large elass of puplis fro Mi-. R .E. Logan are in Kin- !ter 40 years with the Dept. 0f!1 the studio of Mrs. Stanli ston this week attending BaylLands and Ferests and pre-jPavne, A.T.C.M., of Bowmai ef Quinïte Confemence cf the, sentcd them with a radie for ville who gave a piano recul United Cbumch of Canada. their new car. Among the 21 in the McLaughlin Librar Mr. and Mrs. Ken MeQuar- guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Oszhawa, on May 2lst. rie, Ian and Eilcen, of Bow- MrItcbell and family of Osh-î Mr. and Mrs. Nomma-n AUl nn.nviile, were Sunday sup- awa, Mr. and Mre. Albert Mit- j spent the holiday weekend per guests af Mr. and Mrs. cheIl and famnily af Orone, Mn lOttaxva. Len Pears and family. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer and ogatltos aM.a Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mofa on ofMSt.hMalys, Brenda ans Mrs. 'William David Brur and cblîdren of Oakville visit- TnyMtcel f en is.te former Miss Elîzabel ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JonGlakaiBlyuf.Cornelia Maartense, on the Wm. Moffat on Sunday. and Mr. Sirmon Klostra of Pet- marriage in Orono UnitE On Monday Mms. Manson crIeg.Church. Friday evening, Ma P'ton istedbersiterMrs oM- and Mrs. Vance Cooperi lTth. Rev. Basil E. Long o RMoa Rate wh is ver ii otOshawa visited bis parents ficiated. Scarbarough General MHoadspiChs.Copr Mr. John Patton, Mi-. an tal. Hop- Mr. and Mrs. John Dobro-, Mlrs. Roy Patton visited Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cas- sh'nskyan daugbter Launie Ceo. Winn and family in Qi Weil cf Zion were Sunday ApniI cf Bowmanville visited lia, Sunday, May l9th. dinner guests aiM.f Mr s. ca nd Mrs. Le ersad Rcv. D. C. Woodlandsc Cecil Jones and family. ;family, Sunday afterneon. !Ncwcastle will be the gue Mme. E. W. Hilda Schaufflcr1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor speaker at Kirby UnitE of Toranto, formerly cf Orono.' anci children cf Ottawa spent Church Anniversary on Sur is a patient in Kitchener- the holiday weekend with bis'day, June 9th, at 7:30 p.m. Waterloo Hospital as the re- parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vstrswt Ms-e sult of a car accident. Taylor.: Hamilton ever the weeker Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamb- Mrs. J. Noden and daughter, werc Mc, and Mrs. Norman1 lyn attended the Anniversarv Viola visited in Milton on'Fisher and Miss Kethie Fiel Services at Enniskillen Unit- Saturday., er, of Guîelph, Dr. and Mrs. IM ed Churcb and were guestq of Mrs. John E. Armstrong, left J. Butcher cf Toranto. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashten Malten by 'plane on Monday' and family, Haydon. for Colai-ado, and plans te Congratulations te Mr. an-i visit in Californie, State ofT R N Mrt. Wm. J. Malley who willj Washington and North Da- T R N be celebrating their Golden kota. r.AeAbtOhw Wedding Anniversary t h i s Mrs. James E. Richards on r AeAbot 0hw week. Saturday visited Miss Viola accompanued Mr. and Mrs. E~ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Gilfillan Sr., formerly of Or-_ Hardy and Jerry for the weelt Seymour and grandson Coin. ono, at a rest home et 3E; end v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Willian Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Keewatin Avenue, Toconte 12. Thornton and Misses Helei Seymour Jr., Mr. and Mrs. IMiss Gilfillan, who will be 90 'Il Joyce Mucray, Torontc ]Herb Jarvie of Toronto visit- ncxt September, enjoys i-e- Mr. Kenncth Hardy attendec ed their aunt. Mrs. Wm. Sey- ceiving mail, :the Ontario Tank Reunion. iniur, aon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bail and! Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Perrault chiidccn af Alymer visited berl Pickering, visited her sistez of R.R. Newtonville bave pur- mother Mrs. Neil F. Porter. ii Mrs. R. Burgess hast Thurs chased Irwin's Medel Home Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman day af ternoon. Mrs. Gertrudi en Division Street. spent Saturdav evening withý Stopnens, Willowdele, spený The family of Mi-. and Mrs. Mr. acd Mr.s. Wm. Moffat. ihe weekcnd with ber sister a Wm. Mitchell surpriscd thern Diane Partridge, daughteri th e home of her daugluter, Mr on the occasion of their 43ci of Mc. and Mcs. John Part- cand Mrs. W. H. Taylor. !Peddinganniversaryand the ridge of Orone, was _among1,Y Mrs. Edna Philp, Miss Jear 1? q -J 1 l FOR NEW DEPOSITORS * KODAK FLASHFUN CAMERA with bulit-in flashgun TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK jewelled movement, luminous dial *Take your choice of these valuable gifts when you open a savings account of $10 or more at our new lcto ... Offer expires June 2Oth. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, OSHAWA O SPECIAL SAVINGS 4/O ACCOUNTS 3 10/SAVINGS -I ACCOUNTS /l chequing privileges 3 27o with no service charges CANADA PERMANENT SAVINGS -TRUST SERVICES - MORTGAGES pPERMANENT MORTGAGE CORPO RATIO N.-* CANADA PER14ANENT TORONTO GE NER ALTRUST COMPANY 10 ".m-5:30 pmr. on Tues., Wed.., Thur, S$aL-1O a.m.-8.-30 pmr. on Fri. ley tai -y, lin in nd nt, ed nd rs. il- of ?St ,id P. h- ff. L1, k- Phllp were Sunday dinmer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Philp and attended Nestle- ton Anniversary Service. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilas at- tended Eldad Aniniversary Service and were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley HUis and children. Mrs. T. Flndlay, Thorn- hiil, Mrs. G. Walker, Willow- dale, called on Mrs. P. Mc- Coy, Sunday, and were tea 1guests af Mrs. R. Vutue. Mr-. and Mrs. J. C. Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cook, Georgetown, and at- tended Union Presbyterian Anniversary Service an Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rocker, Brian and Colin, Hamilton, were holiday weekend guests of Mr-. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. The representatives ai the coming T.B. Survey of this area, who went an the tour of the Western Hospital were, Mrs. R. Virtue, Miss Grace Smith and Mrs. J. Gibbs. The coming Home and School Club wiil be Thursday evening, May 30. We hope as many friends and neighbours will attend as possible, as there is going to be interest- ing debate by some fluent arators. The first game of Junior football was played in Ty- rone Park last Thursday night, as usual it was a very poor turnout, lost 1-0. Please came out and support the boys, they are in need of a football to practise with. Mr-. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable, spent the weekend in Ottawa. Miss Gladys Edwards, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Christine Brent spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa. on Sun- day Master Brent Badour and Christine enjoyed a trip with their aunt and uncle down around Prince Edward Coun- ty. Report from O, By Russell C. Honey, The new Liberal Govcrn- have the responsibility con- ment was hard pressed Tues- structively to try ta work out day night to survive its first the best possible resuit fromn want of confidence motion by that program." a narrow margin of 1214 votes: The assault on the new to 113. Excitcmcnt mountcd govcrniment was led by N.D.P. in the House ail day as it be- Leader T. C. Douglas, the last came inereasingl-y apparent.of the four party leaders to that Mr. Diefenbaker would speak. Mr. Douglas moved a muster his followers bchind an' sub-amendment to the Con- N.D.P. sub-amendmcnt attack-:servative want of confidence ing the government's position motion expressing regret at the on nuclear arms. !government's nuclear policy. The Throne Speech Debate, The issue was joined when started Monday in a routine Prime Minister Pearson re- fashion as Mr. Diccfenibakler,iE-ntered the debate to say that leader of the Officiai Op-Ithe governiment wanted, once position, moved a motion ofýand for ahl, to settle the non-confidence in the gov- q uestion ai its palicy on nu- ernment bccause . . . . . clear arms and he indicated to the policies announccd (in the the Commons that his minor- Throne Speech) fail te provide1 ity government was prepared full opportunîty for th e poopleýto stake its life on the resuit of Canada to continue thelof the vote. social advance and lar'ge eco-1 The Liberals were faced nomie growth of the pastwith the very serious possi- year". Prime Ministor P ar-biiity that the government son, also in a routine way, would be defeated in its first answered Mr. Die fenbail:eir's test of strength. charges pointing eut that thel A sp]it in the Social Credit1 Speech from the Throne does, ranks indicated some relief, embody important cenistructive&might be forthcoming for thei projeets and proposals whichniinority government. Deputy1 will lead to the creatioil cf Leader Real Caouette of thei new jobs and the general'Social Credit Party told thei economie well-being of Cana- House that his followers from1 da. ýQucbec would support the( The next speaker, SocialiN.D.P. sub-amendment where-i Credit L ea d er Thompson, 1as it appeared that Nationali simply stated the position of Leader Thompson and his four( his Party, and did not move awestern members wouId split1 motion of non-confidlence. MIr. wvit h their Quebec colleagues1 Thompson said, "The party and vote with the gavernment.] with the largcst number £4. The Conservative Party caîl-, elected mcmbers has the re- ed a special caucus before thej sponsibility of forminig the House met for the evening ses- government, of bringing in sien, and when Mr. Diefen- this legisiative program. V&Ibaker rose to speak shortly1 B LAC KST<,* eI Mi-.Uary Findlay, Union- Regation and Ascension 1Day B 1owmanville, were Sunday badges have been awarded "Ivlle spntthe weekend with Communion service wa>s beld gucsts c i.adMs e-snetels ..meig S M. and Mrs. ChBigesow.i n tcoh'k uc,~hurs-lneh Sameils. and that 12 Guides wit .h theirý Mi-.andMme Chi-ls D ck- ay onngy. My 3d As Miss Mary Wilkin, Oshawa, leaders went ta Oshawa Fire~ sone and sn ai--,Trotcnio1a) Mr. Bilil Meldrum, Port Hope, Hall, and after a vcry inter-! we- udyguests af Mi-. The Christian Educationi Mr. and Mrs. Clifi Barber and esting tour of the fire stationý à and Mrs. H. Windsor. pRcem was packed Tlitrsd-ay,,ILaurie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl the girls trying for their Fire- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence May 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. foc the Webster and David, Oshawa, man's Badge, were tested by Knwtnand family, Osh- Dessert Luncheon spocsored McI. and Mrs. Bill Bryans and one of the officers, and wc awa, visited on Sunday with by the U.C.W. At the door,1 Donna Lee, and Mr-. and Mme. are vei-y pleased te say that Mr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton. guests werc reccivod by the Orlcy Miller, Fenelon Falls, ail 12 girls Passed the tests. Mi-s. Keith Shemon, Bow- president and Mrs. P. Romeil. visited Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Bi-y- We are very grateful te the niavile, ieied rs.R. ur-Rev. Roymenil calledinfra ans and dhilren over the Oshawa Pire Dept., and ta manvillthe men who tested theingirls, gess lest week. few minutes visît and said'wekcnd. ftheiren wteead the tirle Mr-. and Mme. R. Burgess grace. Aiter a dainty lunch-'iMiss C. Clai-ke, Missd B.e the Énd childi-en weme Sunday en had been partaken.ii, the iss DCnnisarer iss and hy gave. callers of Mr. Frank Bigelow, president, Mcc. Neil Malcoln'jeremy Godfrey spent the The Guides sold 45 cartons Mllboak; Mme. Laura Kin- welcomed the guests, t'henl weekend camping near Peter- Of coakies on their Cookie caid, Cavan, and aise visited called on hec sister-in-law,ý bocough. Day, and money le to be used hem parents Mr. and Airs. H. Mme. Gordon Cook of Brook-'M.adMs 'elan t u nte et h Bglw ehn.lin, who accompanied b.,,,Mcs r n s. GU n ue wiheta thank ey Edggrelawl, Bethfany.k-lcildren, Bowmanviile, areGuones wi osh tooakie. In- Mi-. and Mme. J. A. Roe e dgcCrxi, ie fB ook- jgtehos omrycrewobuhtcois n osevear,' ln, sang a lovcly solo, "Bline ocpigtehuefrel cidentally, capt. Thornpson MlbokM.1W.Lai-mer, id of Happiness.' i owned by Mr-. and Mre. Frank ~-aiwbxsltifaye Milmo.B-eButt; and Mr. and Mme. Ernie hsafwbxslf fayn Rev. Chris' Dugan is attend- Mcc. Malcolm introduced the, King, Oshawa, are living in wishes to buy a few mare. uce seaerMr. e at-Ruel Wrry's house an his Guide Canmp this year will Ing Confemence etKgt ongusspaeM. oRt:pr W thiK ngeton if Clark of Tocante, a faor- ;vest fai-m be fi-rn July 2nd te July 13th, t n week . GmtFn e eotrfrteToo M.adM.Hrl a-and is ta be held at Vines Mi- ad ms Gi-etFl- eriepartrfocgthe Tanoti) Mc ad m.HaoL a urel Brook Park. ren, Mr. and Mu-s. Eugene Kra- ily tar, wh gae amo tvn and beys visited Mme rnerstngadcss Se el acyns1unsIn Kitchener, As this meeting wes the last born, senttheweeendwit of eveal f ler xpeienescne before Guides and Brow- M r C r and child P r n.Co a seveandl n of b r epecieccesSunday. nies break for the summer, Mmeyt rrtM. C. Clark an hld-n nte, StratfCord, ccdl \<iri'.OI Recent guets of Mr-. and Plans were rnade for the BIG Sar-y o rpot M. C Clrkplaces, as she covered - a Roy- Mrs. 0cr Venning were Mr-.Capirbchncdete Is quite 111 in Oshawa Hospi- al Wedding; Princess Mac- and Mcc. Allan Rahm and Couan ube I ilds the tal alea Mme. Arthur Rahm, garet Luncheon; Queen Eliza-i-cbiidren, Part Perry, and Mr.SceudsJan 24t1h at .m.thisb she bad hei- eye apemated an. beth's visit ta Tocante: Prill-1 ccd Mcc. Len Hooey, Mr e year we 2havet planne is - We hope bath will soan be cees Alice at Lady Eaton's;'- ývins, Mrs. Fren-ch and Mms e. rw aepandrre Up amound. the Opening of the OKeefe Henry, Bowmenville. hn Pia-terwl ba Mr. and Mme. L. Cryderman, Centre; Opening cf the Mcc. Cecil Hill spent Satur- Hamipton, weme supper gueste Elizabeth Hotel in Montrecil, c. niH. wth Rev. anuiMrs OBITIJARY oMran r.T. Gibbs and etc. etc. C H Fergusen, Don Mills, cf M-. nd Me. eigAn-Ms vn hmsnepe-adSunday attended anniver- MS LETOE vattenderh vic m- Me va hsnepes-i gary service in St. Pauî's, MS LETOE verai- Sevic. ed the thanks te Mrs. Clark, Bowrmanville, and later, with The death ai Mme. Albert Mi- a Me.R. ibs tc xeddage tin t Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson, join- Owen, 267 Division Street, hedano uhtr ay t Ln-Calye atlifmohe c t ed a family gathei-ing Of Pick- Oshawa, occurred suddenly, donanSuda, hee hespeaker, who accernpanied ards at the home of Mi-. and Sunday, May 26, 1963, at Osh- will be taking a six-weeks Mrs. Clark from Toronto; te c.SuntJms weGnmlHoptl h ctourse, hn eted a lpas Ms Co cd r. rxal A gaadly num'ber fi-om here fermer Ada Nichols, she was in Ohwah. el eehn and intra>duced the Blackstock ' attended ennivereary services a daughter af the late Mi-. and in shwa . trie -Mcc. Lorne Tiioiipsori, at Nestleton on Sundey. Mme. Frederick NichaIs andi Mr. Luther Stainton is very Mcc. Harold Ky'te cccl Mcc. Biackstock Girl Guide News was bei-n July 9, 1893, in 10w in Bowmanvîlle Memaial Harolc McLcugblic, who, ac- TelclAscainc h apa.Ot H raspital.rlStph cornpanied by Mcc. Gardon'Girl Guides met at the home She maried W. Albert Ow- Mm., ettnstd Saend Strong, s a ng SomexvheIire cf Mcc.* D. Dormell on Monday, en, Jan. 22, 1916, in Oshawa. Mns W.uttrnSviited M . c Over the Rainbew," "~In the Mauy l3th, with fine membens Mme. Owen was a ;11 Mm. . ak m. ndMi.Garden of Toriioccow" and lf-long and Mi-si W. H. Taylor. "Wnen 1 Wish pon a Star." pres.eit. esident af Oshawa and dis- Mme. W. Park Jr., CensusM Mlm e pre d District Commissianci- Mme. trict. The deccascd was a Pahl Chaimman and Mme. L. nrs. Malcol sL H Kyte pcesided; minutes oi member cf the Salvation Annis. Ai-ca Survey Chai-man thanks te ahi whe bcd aqsit- ti<e îast meeting were ead Ammy. for the forth comung T.B. c andal hottnecfrm ni adopted. Besîdes bier husband, she Clinîc attended the "Kick- other parts. Closecl with Theî Brown Owl Mme. IR. Turner leaves thi-ce sons, Fredericki off" supper at the LianesCen- Qucen. Guests attenccc froll gave hec report, 29 badges and Roy of Courtice and Da- tre lest week. Toronto, Oshawa, Bownafll bave been awarded, and sev- vid cf Toronto cnd two dau- Mr. Gordyn Brent won let ville, Courtice. Elbeie-zec, irn,' cccl mare are being worked ghtems, Mrs. William Harrisý prize for Saddle Clase et Ux- Prince Albert, Part Pcirc%, on. Bcownie Pack Camp will (Gertr-ude), Oshawa, and Mvrs. bridge Sping Faim, idden by Scugog, Jacetville. Ycivertan1, be beld June 2lst taoJune 23rd, C. R. Fetter (Grace), Ecst: bis son, Davidi Brent. Nestîctan, Caclmuc. Qlt View Lake, and 16 Brow- Orange, New Jersey, as well Mr. and Mme. Cleni Rehm Msdc. Neil Malcolm, Haroldi nies will be going. Brown as 10 grandcbildmen. eand children, Ajax, visiteci Kyte, P. Romeril, Rocs DuIf, Owl alsa reported that the Aiea surviving ai-e_ thi-ce M. and Mme. W. Rahm. Ken Lee, Ralph Larnier, Ecn- Brownics made $18.45 fi-rn brethers, Chai-les ai Oshawa _____________ est Larmer, Bob B avncd the sale of home made candy and Gai-don and Roy ai Cou two children attcndc ci tho et the Hydre Show which was tice, and a sister, Mrs. He-"Yi Dessert Lunebeon at EIb2noezer, helci by the Parents Commit- Smith (Vema), Oshawa. B S IE on Friday., tee in April. TIhis money le The late Mrc. Owen rested Rev. J. H. Kidc iicd two Ie go loward buying a new et Armstrong Funcral Home, jMr. and Mme. Donald Wan- daughtccs, Marjanie cic Doraý-'immccc foc the Brownie Peck, Osbawa. A memorial service nameker and sans, Downs- thy, of Woodbcidge. clleclon wbich is uscd in their Fairy was helci Tucsday, May 28, view, were recent visiti-s with Mcc. W. W, VanCamp,,, Sunl- Ring cnd represents the Feu-y in the chapel, conductcd by Mi-. and Mme. K. C. Hopkins- day. Pool1. Col. Alfi-ed Simecter of Belle- We ai-e vemy soi-iy that Miss Joan Roote, Tr:o G u i d e Captain Mcs. I. ville. Interment was in Mount, little David Keyes is a patient1 was guest cf i:0r. cci itirs- Thompqon reporteci thet 17,Lawn Cemetery. in Oshawa General Hospital; Wallace Marlow for the -'k and hope lie will soon be well end. enough ta eturn home. Symipathy is extended Mr. Mm. and Mme. Fred Wright and Mcc. Ken Duii maroc in and family were Sunday ai- the deatb of bis father ic b I temnoon callers with Mr-. and Durham. Mme. Mel Shiels, Oshawa. Misses Mable ccd Aileecc Mme. Edith Osborne, Picton, VanCamp spent ,he ho dc--F ro Mu-s. Geomge Ccombs andi Fred Ridicg ccnd faniiýx-, Chi- family. !cag. -i Mm. and Mme. Cifferd Wil- Mr. andi Mcc Jas. Millt ~m~1 son were Sunday evening sup and Michelle, M: o~ Eniire Stock of: T ier Koenkofenr.Kand Osh: ccd Elizabeth, Torno1. vicit- Lil Koeno ad Kre. Oh-ed Mn. and Mcc. Ne:l1 iel faiyo the holidlay Mr-. and Mme. Keitb Brown- wcekend.» mmSa i E l c cill and Donald, Ingleside, Mr. Gardon Manning. Owec H i-S ic l E li I Ont., and Mme. Chai- es Sound, spent t11iý -c k Bu-ewnell, Finch, Ont. were w ith bis sistEýr accclfac',, t hj weekend gueste of Mr. and: Mme. Neil Brownell and fani- Bue octe CyanMp. adMrs. Roy Van 1 tancd Mcc MeJohn HSig.including: Vacuum ily atonM, M. and Mc. Jorln Hai- Mamp. adMe e ss gitt enjoyeci a trip throungh Mr. Geid Os etwere Sun- parts of Western Octario Sat- day evening cellers with Mi-. udycdSncP ls e and Mme. Fred Wright and Mr. and Mrs. N',,e;l Malcoim, famiy. ai-on nd eanaccempanied by Mr. cnd M.ýIF Howacd Malcolm, cxro, Dickey, Oehawa; Mme A. C. Bte ay tn d c.Atin Beer. M iWeim, Mme. M. Hall and M~iss ehnatnic h T':-P K IC *S ~ U Loa Leach, Peter-borough' imonial Dinner for lion. Harry were Mandey evening cen: i Heys et the Royal Yack, Sel- ers with Mr. end Mme. Aithuriu-d-ay evecing. * Baries ad îaily.Mm. Roy Ferguson. Mc. ccd ______________Mmc. Lloyd Wrcgbt, M Cecil -Hill, Mr. ccd Mcc Glenn Lar- Air, Rail or Steamshlp imer and Mr. ad ?1r.Chaz. T 1 C K E T 8 Graham, Cadmuz, xvcce aniongz ConsultMr. Bill Fergusqonan cic u be very proud to wear them. a number ai staff-designed features that will simplify op- The meeting was then clos- erations, many of which are ed and aur bostess served us firsts in'North America. When coffee and gingerbread cake completed, frozen food facili. ,with piles of whipped cream. tics wili be increased 72 per Next meeting ta be held cent, dairy cooler area 50 per Sept. 9th et the home of Mme. cent and preduce caoling area J. Ballingall. 54 per cent. Wedding Initaions1i Therno.engraved (RA!5ED PTEMtTlRNC) Wedding andi engagement annouincements, hirth announice. ments, confirmation invitations, golden and ailver anaiversary announicements, etc. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING) Looks and foees like the finest hand engraving. Thé'!ctteral> have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand en.j graving can match. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING> Co-sis about haif as much as hand engraving, because it eu!min-l ates the copper plate that makea hand cngraving go expemive AND) !T'S READY WITH!N THE WEEK Of course you can order matching enclosure carde, reception, responge, thank you and at home carda, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlersly correct papers. Il distinctive styles of Jettering. Weddings priced as low as 50 for j9.00 and 100 for $13.50, com- plete with double envelopes and tissues. available at Canaç/ancStatesman Business Sale. elevision -Stereo ricaI Appliances iCleaners s m Floor m Etc, ro THE BONI H ER'ilS MWA Dial 723-3425 Over 34 Years in Oshawa"' The Canadian Statesman, BewmanvMle, May 29, 1963 15 ttawa IElectronic Machine M.P I Credited for Higher Conservatives wvould throw their weight behind the N.D.P. Increased operating effi- the Toronto-based firm, sMid sub-amendment in an attemptIiencies, brought about largely the IBM 1401 equipment was to defeat the government IVMr. through successful application "the greatest single factor ini Diefenbaker, reg'aining his oli of IBM 1401 RAMAC data pro- improving the efficiency of form, spoke in full oratorical cessing equipment, have i-e- the company's operations"' dur. flight for one and a haîf hours, sulted in higher net earnings ing the year, and pointed out concluding his remarks by say- for The Oshawa Wholesale that warehouse inventories in- ing "'we intend ta support the Limnited, the campany's annual creased anly 13.2 per cent de. sub-amnendment". report reveals. spite the sales inercase cf 25 If anything, the vote taken The company reports con- per cent. In direct centrast at 9:45 was packed with more solidated net earnings of with the company's sales in- tension than any vote af con- $881,011 for the fiscal year end- crease is the fact that overal fidence experienced in the last ed January 26, 1963, a 29 per food store sales in Canada rose Parliament. The Liberal Gov- cent increase over lest year's 4.3 per cent. ernment was saved by the $683,427. The Oshawa Whole- Four new Food City storesi votes of two Conservatives - sale Limited is the supply de- were opened during the year, ex-Defence Minister, Douglas pot for Central Ontario IGA in Toronto, London, Hamilton Harkness and Jack Mclntosh stores and Food City mar-kets. and St. Catharines, bringing to of Swift Current, Saskatche- Sales totalled $73,881,089 six the number now operated wan, and by the votes of the for the year compared with by the compnny. The cern. four western Social Credit $59,069,399. pany's pclicy cf opening large ,mernbers led by Mr-. Thomp- Ray D. Wolfe, President cf modern mar-kets while closing son. dLown smaller, less profitable The decision of the Prime "Fly Up" ceremony for the units resulted in seven new Minister to place the nuclear Brownies geing into Guides, IGA stores bcbng apened and pelicy af his government On and the Guides who are try- four discontînued. Four other the line in this non-confidence ing for their Gold Cords are stores were doubled in size. vote appears to have disposed planning the evening and will The ccmpany serves 130 IGA of that contentious question- have something extra special stores and 63 retail autlets In Non-confidence votes on other for us, so we hope ta see a Ontario flot affiliated with IGA matters af gevermient POlicy large crowd at the Cam~p Fire but on regular delivcry routes, are unlikely ta be as close. If hi year. Part cf the evening thereby reducing the unit cost the government praceeds with will be held in the Recreation cf delivery operatians. dispatch ta implement its leg- Centre, then we shaîl ahl go Early in fiscal 1963, the isiative programn for economue eut ta Camp Fire in the fair company acquired contrai cf recavery, it has the assurance grounds. We ask ail parents Dominion Musbroom Corn. of support from both Social cf Guides, Brownies, Scouts pany Limited, a Pickering, Credit and N.D.P. parties. and Cubs ta make a special Ontario firm which grows Haincyhrlere te uleapr effort this year and attend the mushreoms for canning and policy thutreron cold ro-Camp Fire; everyone is wel- fresh market sales. Much of phvey n that Mr. Pearsnv e acamne, so brin.g your friends this cempany's production is chance ta implement the pro- along. expected ta be marketed gram autlined in the Speech Captain Thompson also i-e- through stores now served by fi-cm the Thi-one. ported that five new tents The Oshawa Wholesale Lim- -have been ordered. District ited. Commissioner Mrs. H. Kyte The company Is building a presented the executive ,af new 48,840 square foot ware- ) C K the L.A wit-h Group Commnit-Ihouse extension, scheduled for D C K tee Pins. These are very at- ecimpletion by June 1, 1963. frqtivpninq ;id w-..,vIl l The extension wilincomnorate eonel 19