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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1963, p. 9

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Junior SoftbaII Frank's lie Sam's for Top Spot )(hartran's Upset Sam's 6 to 1 by Bill Nicholson i Euh Shos Store teamn had Sam's made a try in the Srd ate a few players away nd inning when the first 4 men In the first gaine on Sun- that made a difference as they got on base and they scored day Frank's Variety Store have been a btter team than 1 rmn but with the bases load- camne up with their second the1r record indicates, If they ed they couldn't drive ini the coruiecutive win by beating the were ail there. Jim Clark was needed runs. winless Ellis Shoes tearn. Ken the losing pitcher for Els Doug Lane had'the key hit Baker again came on in re- Shoes. for the winners ini the lot Inn. lief and held the fort when In the second gaine Chart- 1 ng with the bases loaded. Ellis Shoe Store was threat- ran's Men's Wear handed John Kilpatrick with a double ening to tie the gaine. Ken Sams'. their flrst loss of theand Steven Burns and Wlnnie allowed only 4 bits over the-season as they upset them 6-1 Vanstone had hts for the los- last 5 Innlngs. Don McMur- with the winning pitcher strik- ers. ter and Larry Samis had home Ing out 12 and allowing 3 bits. Footnotes: The next two runu for the winners whiie AI Brian Forsey the pitcher Sundays will be doubieheaders Osborne and Bruce Adams ! for Sam's did a fine job i starting at 1 o'clock and the Ixad back to back homners for irelief giving up 5 hits in 6 second gaine at 3 o'clock with the louers in the third inning. Innîngs In a real tlght bail Sam's Fine Foods and Frank's gaine. Chartran's jumped on Variety Store tangling for lot starter Jim McKnight to take place in that gaine. Sam's are an eariy lead In the first Inn. a young teamn but they have a ing and were nover headed.- fine infieid to spark thom. Tourist Council Receives $1,357 Grant There's Ladies Edge Port H ope J. W. Jones, second fromn thef left, District Wladyka watching. Mr. Jones is presenting a $1,357.65 Representative o the Department o Travel and niatching grant to the Councîl while Mr. Haynes is Ka o o rren, White scored once, singled to open the second. Publicity, and Ed Haynes, President of the Great peetn a council nienbership for Travel and a l o o f r o v i n w o o h e r r u n s a n d M e Q e e n ' w e n t h e e u P i e R i g e T u r i t C o n e i l e x h a n g d p r s e n a t i o s P b l i c t y M nC a t h c a rtn . t h e a t -rh eti r s u c hc ~ rro * made a sensational catch to in the fourth on an error, at Port Hope, Wednesday, with Council Manager niembership presented to the Minister. VIIe i lead McQueen's Motors to a Donoghue's second safety, a RobnMloî et n Vc-rsd ihe -Evening Guide photo thrîllirng 3-2 decision over walk and White's sacrice Rbn Mloy e ,adVc-rsdn ihe S Farmin g Port Hope in a Duram La- hoist to left.strcbakfraanStudyeeng bill-top town. a pair of sixth inning tallies Mr. and Mrs. Clifford tValRmpf',1.mihW Trailing 3-2 heading lnto on successive singles by San- low were Sunday visitors at engi i te fnal framne, the first two dra Hall, Dorothy Rose, Syl- hier mother's, Mrs. Fred Ash- PotHope batters reached via Hall and Judy Wall, but ton, and other relatives. -~base. Piteber Shirley Brock Brock again stemmed the rai- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Boadwayr bore down ta get the next two, ly. Unionvîlle, were Sunday visi- v r B I s B l i r i 1 but Kare.n had to make a Shirley Brock registered hier tors with their niece andOe i i i l a d fifame agreat diving grab for the final third consecutive win, allow- nephew, Mr .and Mrs. Cedric TeSUCCessfUl a he as a eut. ing seven safeties and fanning Russell and family. by Ted Fairey men their first run. I back In the gaxie. Slip Rowe igte swell bis chest when In the first Karen White seven, while Judy Wall gave Canadien Guardsman Roger ,e' e' eraegdDv Werry plated one more led off with a triple, then riht sea fine crop being bar. led off wha snleadscor- up four btsand cane e etoeset the ekd Kî Mn' ea v nged orKen's in the fouthsoe loose fieldinig by John vestdorheathyeefrdei.y ed on successive errors after strike-outs. Three Port Hope with bis mother, Mrs. Olive their opening day rlefeat by after Don Bagneli was safeo ws n w ak o'h herd grazing in pasture. More two were out. A clutch two- errors proved costiy, while Leetooze. bomrbing Bill's Billiards 12-7 a fielder's choice to put the Bill's uip to within striking reason for pride if he's Pro- out single by Mrs. White scor- Bowmanvilio playeci errorîess U.C.XV. ladies of Group 1 on Wednesday night. Colin Men's WVear in front 7-1. distance going into the sixth. tccted his livestock, buildings ed Hazel Donogbue who had bail. catered for the banquet heldCoe ecmrt h onJms h emd Bt erswr nbet and equipment against loss. mnt of tGre Curc sbase- pitching staff of Bill's, atarted to be troubled by a sore arm, score in the sixth, but Ken's We take pride, too, in provid M AentCoun eCilnuurtion of new but didn't retire a man. Cooke kept Bill's from scoring inth scored theoe more runs in the Ing ferm insuance coverag P E R ~ V Eoficr nuFraiao nngcudwfn h laea efourth. A triple by Ted Bird, top of the seventh on John to protect our incomeprop- May3ston Gift.s ereent-wlkdte is treme ofoilowed bv Lane's second bit James' double, end singles by to ret y d some r God in Natureewas the on Juneen4t etyand utue.thllusorfo ntr e wsbipsevie' Mr. nd Mrsh. RuseayGinb- t. GfB rae r 1m -face him, and was replaced by and Bagnell's single, counted Kennett and Twist. Bill's pot- detaila the M aformetinofnit 3rviettr.anMisus el lnGimb et oMr. BbBrtony, r. civ- Mel Burgess. Ken's had built twvo more runs te stretch ted a pair of runs on extra of the Mymtnitd ghc on3ltMrss Johrn orris Osheawa bi . P ab ureetosn. Mciss up a two-run leed as a resuit Ken's iead to 9-1. base bits by Girardi, Jones, ofteUie hrhWmn r.Jh ors saa hie at ri e n' ofihen.ksanMissas Bili's notched 4 big runs In and Fred Cowie, but James 750 beldet te hme MiMrscH.Mrs.OliveLetooz reentl bf h ai l kan w ps held at he home f Mss.dent MiOlvheletthe rneetlpre- ls by catcher "Slip" Rowe. the bottom haîf of the fifth came througb to stem the Cooney. Mrs. H. Brooks con- spent the weekend In Pem- sdn, was installod. in a desperae attempt to get raly.- ducted the worsblp and xvas broke and visited the îatter's Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jef- Ken's took a commanding ass.std b Mr. C Gren-son, Canadien Guerdsmen Ro- fery, Mr. Gary Jeffery et- 6-0 lead in tho second inning STUART nte y restlC.Ge e r etoeit apPt-tended the Kemptvilie Agri- on singles by BruceCoo ' 1 omtv akwsgvnb aa culturel Graduation on Satur- George Kennett, and e double JIAES Mrs F. Stevens based on a Don't forget the peper drive ville, when Gary received e inning "Archie" Crosseiy sing- portion, of the book, "The on Saturday. schloarship for Junior year. led, ivent to third on Girardi's YNSURANCE REAL ESTATE Word and the Way." Reports' Mrs. Jim Ewing, son David, They also spent the weekend base bit end scored on George n KIg t Bw anile'were given of the two cater- end daughter Diana Lynn, with relatives in Ottawa. Jones' bit to give the billiard- RigSt . Bomnvleing dates in May, end of the Seven Islands, Quebec, are ___ suppiy work. Announcement visiting wit'h ber parents, Mr-. Office Residence~ was made of the General land Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, and 823-5681 623-5493 Meeting on June 2th and of1 other relatives. Mrs. EwinglrveflDept. Grants DA 1 Y MN l i Unit 3 mneeting to be beld at elso attended the Nurses' the home of Mrs. S otnAiumnae Association in Os1 35 . 5 o D i t ic Tourisf Coun cil AL The Great Pine Ridge Tour- now able to quallfy for this ist Council today received government assistance in tour- their second matching tourist Ism. Mr. Jones stated that grant in the emount of Si,- the' concept of the regionai 357.65 froni the Depari +nent of tourist council system. was OV. a Travel & Publiuty for funds one designed te build up the ~I raised durmng the past year tourist image and attractions for tourîst promotion and de- of locelized areas of the Pro- veloprnent. vince ini which the impact of sentation to the tourist council lre hntoestott ___________________ Vt ric Reresetatve romthelarge for close local co-opera- Peterborough office of the to, rc g iin a d s p ot - SP EC A -Department, expressed bis i- Through the regionel coun- 9, grRidge Council was flot able to executives and municipalities ' W O D S raise sufficient funds to, quali- have an opportunity nover be- ESX1lbTn for ffore vailable to them to TI'IIDI T TENTevfiarlehi e tl infthe ur5,0t0buiid up the latent tourist Po- MW U W. gr aaiein r ourstentiel of their immediate ~ u i u thi pstyer. area. Mr-. Jones concluded his C nn Reguar . 9 Te Grat Pne idgeor- emaks b st ti tthe genization, officiai regional co-operation of ail municipali- STRAWBERRY 2 z a flor Plesan Pgs Watrpooed Durham is one of the 32 tour- gion wes very necessary for I A A 45C ~ Coburg,_abou 25 ormedEveln1toourit Eie l21 5 % P resh Grade Ist ualiy "DN'T E IN THE ARK"The Ist and 2nd Courtice Fulton, Ann Wiggens, MaryR Brownie Peck held their RIuskay, Vicky Reynolds, Glor. UN ONil.B Predressed Col manCOL M AN"Night of Ceremonies" at the iaA uln Bni ihp Courtice North Schooi re- Commissiorier Hawke spoke 2 -u3<lb.1 centlyy ta the Brownies and I A C F E 5 (2 STOYES L NTER S icntlywithabou 25mothers congrtlatd themn on theîr1' outc Pek Mr.Jnhpp ansfeum.he1present. Brown Owi of the lst fine work and wished them a N1cCain's Fancy Frozen 4HPE H James, welcomed the moth- thon presented Mrs. James i . . 7 $12 *9 eors and introduced Commis- and Mrs. McGhee with their RCO I3 Pg4cHI .$13 ,99 wrrantpins Reg. $16.95 sioner Hewke and the Guideswarnpis Re.$19 -unrLgt ntnl.of both Packs. Mrs. James thanked hier Hospltaflty Asst. or Cocoanut Davids Sandwie MAIL LRghts Instantly. The Brownies the o 'dPackie, Miss Judy Brenton Cherr Pi 45cB sut 2 k .69 Burns in any weather.n s. Eileen Johnson for y 9 ACCPTE * acorySeaedMAI ORER ACEPTD' their feu-y ring led by Brown their assistance during the ____________________________MAIL____________________ w]. Mrs. Audrey McGhee of eradteBonsfrNtialLcie I the 2nd Courtice Pek and ear fadthu enrone for]kg Jennifer James led teTen hi atflatnac.1 z ks NYLON IR MAÎ RESSES les up the magiecstepping ston-r lo hnkd Allsorts 2 for «9C" swe r enild weete projects for the fali. Mrs. LE EP IN G B AG SHEAY DUY 1'GAGE INY M'îo . James enrolled the fOi-1 Annette Iliffe were in charge RubeizdRepair Kit Enclosed Weîker, Linda Ellis Cathy the social time the urin Ground Sheet Chamberlain. Mrs. McGbee entertained with a few son gS. 10" iperFulIy guaranteed enroiied the foilowing Tween- The evoning ciosed with t he 100" Zipper ios: Laurel Sherry, Christine Brownie Prayer and Taps. e,] Reg. 1695 Reg. $12.98 PleKtyPtesn Congratulations to Mr. and . .The Golden Bar Ceromon- Mrs. Scott Essery (Karen Or- ios wore conducted. Those ro- miston) wbo were niarriod in tE OO Pflflceiving their Golden BarslEbenezer Church on Satur- IP~.$5 099.7 from the Ist Courtice Peck day. $6 *99 ! were Debbie Ruckstubl, Carol M R. -a N-r. LYd1-.DT%-.- ut.noir writers kroficency Bad- have purcbasod the Matthew M r "go, Bonnie McGhee, Cheryle;'bouse. TeCaiiadli ttia t i, Eowmaniwlf:., a.i m 3 - s amT FiR" EAPPED 1 M ONAID LIE. goToemm every tfiolg l imai Pepsi-Cola Canadfa Litd. make.s îcet- cear Tem - thai's why li's so goodi ......... Bottled lni Oshawa by SMITH BEVERAGES LTD, FAREWELL ST. OSHAWA 723-1011 ;qj FRYING or ROASTING Average (KENS LEGS or BREASÎS IL 55c BACON Royal Guest Sliced - 8tde 59 c STEAKETTESColpped Beef l b. 5 Sc Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade NEW101b. Ba5 'roduce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS IL 23c Sunkist Oranges 2 rer';' "É89 3 3 i 'roduce of U.S.A. - CARROTS A TOTAL 0IF $30*00 IN BONUS TAPES No. 1 Grade 3 lb. oel. bag 29c Recelve $8ln Bonus Tapes wlth Monarch Tea Bisk p5g-, Blue Cheer C off DoI.qnt L Plastic Bandages ,Ç.f IkI Recelve $4 Iln Bons Tapes w1th Javex Liquid 11u«tIe j" Recelve $2 lni Bonus Tapes with Shredded Wheat,~?1 Strawberries a., SPINACH oOid? Cooked ~ wMea I .. «g A Foodlier (ILLE- ýffl 29c

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