<1/w Afewca4Ie Y;iepe4eui Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 Colorful Church Parade on S unday Morning Newcastle - With perfect weather conditioa p revaîling on Sunday n-orning the Scouts, Guidi aovers, Brawnics and Cubs of the community, 1, strong, gathered in the Community Park for the annual Church Parade. j~Headed by the smart Boys' Training Scho and, under the leadership of Mr. Bill Bagneli, count, niarching along, the parade presented a colourf appearance as the seven uriits paraded along Kii and Mill Streets to the United Church for servie Following the Band came the cobour party with Gui( Dorella Lancaster carrying the Union Jack, the Sco, Trcep Flag carried by Peter McCuleugh, the Ci Pack Flag by Peter Zweir and the Rover Crew Fl by Dave Gibson. The colour partx' was followed by Scout Tro( led by Philip Williams, the Rover Crew led by B( Stephenson, the Guide Company led by Mrs. Kî Residents Receive Village Tax Bills Newvcastle- Local ratcpay- ens wvere given thc bad news last week whcn the 1963 mun- icipal tax buis were delivencd. Thene was a considerable in- crease in the taxes but, -whleri one cempares the 1963 tax rate with the 1962 rate t herce is very little incrcasc in thc rate (ontrollcd 1w the local ceuncil. The Residenitiat tax rate mn 1963 is 85.81 initîs cornpaned Ie 78.10 moilis last vear andc the Commercial rate is 97.82 compared t10 51h iln, Ot Heow(-.C clu hn One looks at ST. GEC>RGE'S CHURCH Newcastle TRINITY SUNDAYI Ioly Communion 8:00 a.ini. Mattins and Sermon 11:00 a.m. Ioly Confirmation 7:00 p.m. ]Preacher: the list of rates for cour High School and Public Sch compared te the increase the generai rate (the onlyc contnolled by the local cei cil) it is neticcabie that1 general rate has risen less ùI 1wo nmilîs, the General or cal rate lias incrcased Ir '28.92 last vear to 29.18 t ycar and the Commercial1 increased frein 33.60 te 35. Taxes are now due and pý able with the iast date for1 first instainment Jane 28 witih a two puer cent discot Ion those payîng the cnt bill by this date. The Mu cipa.' Office is open tramn ar.. until 5 pi. every Tu d'v înd Fridav and will a '271h., to euietaxes. The city et Edmonton, benta, is named for the Engl tovon et Edmnonton, binthpl; ef John Pruden. a clcrk at HUdson's Bay post hut on citvs site beforc 1800. FOR SALE NEW and USED REFRIGERATORS COMBINATION FREEZERS and REFRIGERATORS At Waltona Park Pool Recreaf ion WîlI C Red Cross Swim Hon. Leslie M. Frost To Unveil Plaque Honoring Baldwins Newcastle - The Archae. oi the Durham Club of Tor- ological and Historic Sites Bo- onto will be attending in force ard are erecting a plaque on and arrangements are beingi the west boundary of the vil- made to have a 'picnic on the lage to mark the home of the site so everyone in the area Hon. William Warren Baldwin is invited to attend with their and Col. Robert Baldwin, the picnic baskets. This unveiling father and grandfather res- and picnic will give residents pectively of the Hon. Robert of the distritt an opportunity Baldwin. to visit with former residents The plaque will be erected who are members of the Dur- on the Pearce Farm on the ham Club of Toronto and the west boundary of the village, ceremony will also give the! south of the C.N. Railway and younger generation an oppor- will be unvelled on Saturday tunity to learn first hand some morning, June 15, by the Hon. of the history of our area flot Leslie M. Frost, former Prime taught in schools. Minister of Ontario at 11:30 Further information on this a.m. historic occasion will be pub- It is understood members lished next week. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane and Barry were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Car- berry, Lakef ield, recently. Mr. Cecil Burley underwent an operation in Oshawa Hos- pital last Tuesday. Rev. R. C. White attend- ed the Bay cf Quinte Confer- ence in Kingston, Tuesday through Thursday. Clarke Township School Area Board conducted the an- nual Inspection cf the five schools in the area, last Tues- day. Two units cf the U.C.W. catered for the Clarke Town- ship Teacher's Banquet, in tha United Church basement last Tuesday evening. , The T.B. Organization meet- ing held in the Orono Odd- Fellows Hall, Tuesday night, was attended by Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mrs. J. Imlach, Mrs. S. Lancaster and Mrs. F. Gil- mer, frem this section. Iiss Audrey Monk cf Tor- onte, was a recent visiter with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswell and family. Kendal School teama played Newtonville at the latter's field on Wednesday afternoon and won by the score cf 35- 23. In the evening, the Ne%- tonville Girls' Softball team_ý .............-. played their first home game, of the season when they en-,, )ns Quinney, the Brownie Pack led by Mrs. Hilda Cail tertained the Bowmanville es, and the Cub Pack led by Ted Denny. Girls, who won 9-4. 43 At the Church the parade was welcomed by the Mrs. Mabelle Leushner re- eir Rev. E. C. Woodland and during the service were turned te her home in Nia- gara Falls, last Wednesday addressed by Mr. Royal F. Maultan, the General night after visiting her sis- ->ol 'Seeretary cf the Ontario Temperanoe Federation who ter, Mrs. F. Gilmer. er told cf some of his experiences in Scouting and on Sorry te report the death ul into the temperance themne. in Torento last Tuesday cf ng Following the service the parade units formiedMrFrn Miicn whe wife, Mrs. Rena Millican, was ce. again and paraded back to the Community Park where Principal heýe in Newtonville ýde they were dismissed. School for several years. The )ut There should have been a hast cf proud parents funeral teck place in Toronto in te vllae o Sunay or he itizns f NwcatleFriday afternoon with inter- ub i th vilag onSunay or te ctizns f Nwcatlement in Bowmanviile Cerne- ýag cf the future demnonstrated what they can do inl tery. Flowers in aur chu.rch presenting a fine disciplined parade and the leaders Sunday morning were placeci ,opi are te be congratulated for the fine job they have there in memory cf Mr. Milli- ýob dene in teaching these yeungsters. can. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kim- ay -_________- --- -bail were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. AIf Graham and family, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shep- pard of Elizabethville, were île wcas t/e weekend visitors with Mrs. Mary O'Neill and Maurice. '4 jf J ti) f F. Nesbitt, Mrs. C. Farrow nt O c ial and .-)ersonal and Mrs. F. Hnesnwr 1001 aniang those who attended the in: oneC The Rcv. Tom Summcrs eft ente spent the weekend visit- Nurses' Assoc., Friday after- ,un- Hespeler spent the weekend'ing with Miss Olive Thorne. neen, held at the Bowman- the visiting with Mr. and Mrs.: Mr. and Mrs. Vern Goheen ville Hydre Office.i han R. W. Goheen. and chiidren, who have re- Newtonviile Girls playedý 10- NMssir-. Charles Crowther lurned frum Jungle Camp their second game cf the weeký ýom andi Carl Zinn havc rcturned, Training in Mexico with the at Oreno Friday night, winn-, lhi, home following a moter trip Wycliffe Bible Translators, ing hy the score cf 27-17. has through the U.S. While in In- spent the weekend ih i Master Redney Caswell was .13. dianapolis they attended the parents Mr. and rsR.W host te eleven little friands oni ýa auto races. Goheen. Saturday, the occasion bain ý the Mr. Mark Thornpson et Tor- Mrs. Chas. Wood of Orono his 5th birthday. luii, onto and Mr. Cecii Finleyvis- and Mrs. Henrv Bowen and Mrs. Neil O'Connall, Brenda Sited with Mr. and Mrs. John Dariene werc Sunday guests and avdeCouger t . otei Cbur'n h with Mns. George Crowtherivisitons with Mr. and Mrs. 10 ccknd.and familv.:S. Rowa, Saturday. les- Mi- AlertHookam of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. C. . s o Fengus and Mn. and Mns. H.hv purchased the home on ýBon r.A ae r.S mc Hogkmp nd amily of King Street Eat emnyLancaster and Mrs. R. Woodý \\TIlib)y wcre Sunday gucsts owncd by the late Mrs. Lan- attended the family celebra-! wvith Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hocc',- Èk. Thcy are hav ing a fur- tien in the Oshawva Legio kanip nd famly. iae and plumbing installed Hall Saturday atternoon iný AI-beor rntig hehoe. honor of Mrs. Beungerie's 8th 1 I-h kMpandorg tarnl bisiefoe ti:th om. birthday. We would like te lac ih Mr. aGeorge Walt on a- St Mr~. and Mrs. Harod Mos- xtend our .congratulations he than and family at theýir cet- ley. and Brenda of Port Hope tc tti ie thelae a Cbocnkon hewek- visited with Mr. Gardon Ag- On Satunday evening, Osh- end. new cn Sunday evening. awa Haspitai's 50th Nurses' Mr. Stanîley Otton et Ton- Mrs. Albert Terwiliiger and Graduating Class Re-Union - -Miss Muriel Tcnwilliger of;;and Banquet was held at, Columbus visitcd on Wednes- !Lakeview Pavilion. Mrs. Clin-!i day xith Mr,. Rita Emhley tan Farrew, whe attended' Another $ 0 and~ Miss Mabel Oldfield. frem here was presented wt Mrs. Hattie Bradley et Osh- hMiss5Dearotypint wrk onae aa spent a few days visitiiig 1 ised at liotwok wîth n.adMs.Atu ant Saturday, when ail roads led to Mosport. Cenoaph undRedkap.rault who have seld their Newcastle- The local fun d Dn..try Club ifarmn and are meving te Or-i for a mnemorial Cenetaph cen- ýone, were tendered a farewell' tinues te climb slowly b ut [ tzprasentation by thair neigh- * surely and the committea i n near s uelegate !bours in the Community Hall,' charge of the Mamorial still Saturdney eva.ning, receiving have faith that the citizens F l ameng other things, a pole' ef the village are geing te ai- rprom Scotiana lame and set cf bridge chairs. low theinte neach their goal Mn and Mrs. Clifton Robbl and Dennis Burlay and Claud Harnass. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hancierson and Canal motored te the same holiday regien. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gîlmer and Blaine weraeout te Chem- ong on Sunday. Newtenville Men's Seftball tean playe their first gamne of the seasend on Sunday after- moon, in Pontypool, defeating the latter team by the score ai 18-4. Pîtchar R. Brown, catcher W. Wade. On Tuasday night thay play Millbrook here on the schoo)l grounds and on Thursday night they play Starkvilla 1 sama place. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farretv were recent callers at Mrs. Iva Farrow's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bur- ley were Sunday callers at Mn. Willis Farrow's. With Mr. and Mrs. R. Trim at Dairymple Lake wane Mas- ters Peter and Bob Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe, Peterborough. Mr. and Mns. C. H. Lana are in Toronto attanding the Postmasters' Cen v e nt icn, Monday through Wadnesday. Next Sunday mornmng at the ragular heur 10 a.m., maem- bers of the Masonie Lodge will join with us for aur wcrship service conductad by Rav. R. C. White. Tha choir will ba assistad by Mr. Laurie Staple- ton of Toronto. The Canadian Stateanian, Eowm taking his or her Senior Swim- ming this year.1 5E~ A Tadpole Program for o n tE iIfl e children under seven years of a ge and over 4 years will be conducted if sufficient parent supervision is prom.ised along C lasses it teclarctesse Newcastle- The local Re- will be taken at the Commun- creation Comrnittee in ce-op- ity Hall on Monday, June 4, eration with the Bowmanville between 7 and 9 p.m. and District Red Cross Society There has been some dis. plan to continue their annual appointment expressed be- swimmîng classes at Waltona cause there arc no boys or Park pool this summer with ;girls bail tcams playing in the Mrs. Jean Rice of Hampton village this season but, as was as swimmîng instructress and published in these columnns George Hendry as her assist- soe weeks ago the Recreation ant. Committee is ready and wlll- The child programme is for ing te supply the equipment If children 7 years of age or old- coaches would volunteer to er on July lst this year. Then handie the teams and none there will be the Royal Lufe have corne forward so, the Saving Programn for the child youngsters are denied the who has his Senior Red Cross privelege of. playing on a lo- or Bronze Award or who is cal bail team. i manvmfe, 51une 8, Ion NEW 1963 Vol kswagens AS LOW AS 19 5.00 Down Up to 36 Months to Pay at SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED Authorlzed Volkawagen Dealer 334 Ritson Rond South OSHAWA Open Evenings Dial 723-3462 111 * ON NATIONAL BRAN DS* i>At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Scat. "i iBAYER ASPIRIN ------------- oO's 5 9c -,ii RAI D ----House & Garden Bug Killer Bomb 1.69 sizel. 3 9" 1111 LISTERINE Antiseptic -------------98c size 89c -111 I"ý "OFF" Insect Repellent __ 5-oz. bomb 1.391.213 I'J.&J. BAND AID - ----- _9 size 44c i TAMPAX - -----------51Csize 47c"' IiDELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE Twinpack 3 3c~ 3 for 93 c " I'MISS CLAIROL Cream Formula 1.85 sizel.69 I "DODD'S Kidney Pis --------- ------- -77c"1 I~TAT ANT TRAPS-------- 3 for 66C fît'.WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK ' BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ~ i ICOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DEUG STORE <i 111>~ ALEX MqcGREGOII, DRUGS 1ORONO I Il:' JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY -,il Durham County Co-operative MEDICAL SERVICES OFFERS A COMPLETE MEDICAL (ARE PLAN DOCTORS SERVICES - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . " Any doctors' services needed in hospital. " Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. " Cystoscopic and Bronchoscopic examinations. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ... *Home and office calls *Injections. *Health Examinations. *Eye Examinations. *Plus Surgical Benefits. BE A PART OWNER 0F VOUR OWN INSURANCE CARRIER Members of Durham County Co-operative Medical Services are receiv- ing 10% Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family and $30.00 for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up to age 65. Over 65 years cf age: $135.00 for a Family and $67.50 for a Single Member. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Ambulance Charges. *Special Druqs. *Laboratory Services. *Appliances and Therapy. SEND THIS COUPON TO: Durham County Co-operative Medical Services ORONO, ONTARIO NAME _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ADDRESS You will be under no obligation This is the only county-based organization serving the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. HARRY WADE DAVID WILSON -Clarke 24-r-20 - Blackstock 9884395 Orono 36-r-1 RT. REV. BISIIOF SNEIA, $55000 and up NEW and USED STOVES RICKARD SPlumbingi, Heating and Electric NE WCA STLE GERALD SHACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 MRS. DALTON DORRELL, Blackstock 786-4995 MRS. ROBERT CHATER