A The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville. June M, 1963 Receive Many Compliments Museum Opens for Season With New Attractions to Recail Early Days in Area California Mechanic Wins at Mosport r ENNISKILLEN ----~---~ A perfect June morning -prornpted many folks ta at- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ted to ey readn morning services viz:- The regular cbureh session and Sunday Sebool. Mn. Craw- fard's text was fuom Peteu's sermon on the first day or Pentecost. Mu. Crawford ex- plained that Penlecost w-as one of the seven Feasîs of the -year which took place the fiftictb day afler the Feast of Passover and we commeni- Sr aae il silil as Penlecost ou ýWhitsuntide. The original pur- r flfl, 'jaS for th +lo fýIn Site had! rnaps end eharts for at bowling party ln Jun. wbich were very interesting. Ail girls weleomne. Mus. G. Yeo favoured with Mr. Rnd Mrs. Stanley TUS- piano medley, Miss Elsie Oke' ner, Oshawa. Mus. Ron Hot. gave a reading, "A Guide taoi stan and baby David, Pictoni Summer Visitors."' Minutes of Mu. and Mus. Frank Dorland lasi. meeting wene uead and were visitons wîth Miss Elsie approved, rail eaul was ans- Oke and Mn. Albert Oke. weued %vitb '"Wbere we wauld Mr. and Mus. Carl Curtis, like ta go on a bus trip"'. It Baltinmore, were visitors wjâ, w-as decided to go ta Hamilton Mu. and Mus. John Slemf and Niagara Juoe 20. Cancer societîv %vas senut $60.10. Mus. R. Virtue gave the Treasun- - eus report. Mus. E. Wright gave us somne information on j______________ the T.B. Surve,. Meeting clos- ed %vith prayens. lunch was c wab served bmanUnitst. The Bowmanville Museumn and the effective backgrounds.' A sign ln the shape of R hat ~ tion of Jesus to bis followers Mu. and Mus. E hnir ffened for the season on Sat- The marvelous replica of an'for Marcus Mayer, Furrier,: i .to confirm their faith (which Morton, with Mr.adMs tirday, and during the after- old fashioried store, which hadiwhich is more than 100 years ' is stili applicable today). This 0. C. Ashton ,rioon numerous visitors view- been arranged at one end of1d, now swings again in the!~mnsetto okpaeaf~ isSsn Le ern dtheceinyiteeinonoftelreoosoth'museumn near a showcase thatý the aposties had tarried until setteweedwt e dlisplays. They found the old main floor, gave visitors the!contains a sable stole and'te eeeuppdadi sen tSnde, Saro an time store es'ecially fascinat- feeling that time had beeni matching muff, other muffs, l ook the form of wind, fire James Werry. eing, and were impressed with magically turned back, and¼nink skins, fur hats, and ý~~ and Divine ability. In con- Rcn alusa u n the clever arrangement of that they had somehow man-»otiber articles. A fine seal. luio, e emnedbinpo-Mu. A . euus w r other exhibits. aged to find themselves in an!skin cap and fur gauntlets1 pie ta come to God as sinners and Mrs. Tom SobiTuno, hi Msem ordrcei-emporium typical of bygonP weue donated by M. L. Roe-; nfot as righteous ones and re-Muan Ms.Lod Ae, ed many compliments in con- ycaus. ýnigk, a great-guandson of Mr.. ceive God's divine ability. Bowmanville. n.rection with its recent acqui- The wide wooden counter isiMayer. The Sr. Choir's Anthem wvas Mu. and Mus. Rs hr ,oitic>ns, and Mrs. Roy Lunney dominated by authentic scal.sý Other articles that attracted .. "Beyond the His" directed and family were Stua e a nd Mrs, Mel Wiseman were; of the period, and at one side the visitors were farm equip- by Mus. E. Wright and Sr. Or- guests of Mus. CarlMLuh highly commendedi for their, there is a cabinet with tiny ment and tools of the pioncer'gnsMu. .Stio. ln dbyBactck wonderful work in planning drawers for Dy-o-la, a sub- 1 ra including shoulder yokes, anSt . . erracntnuedlMus.nF.bos atenBdEn and setting up the displays, stance used fou coloring ma-1 broad axes, a seed drill, tuir .. h il td n'Ceain il niesr a teriais and clothing. Alsoinip buiker, and a shavingl at the opening of the SS. ses- tea guest of Mrs.T alr am ong the item s on the coun-1 o se for w ooden shingles.ý Dr. an.Mu..lak.W.....r..M 1 ter are an antique glass candy î There is also an excellent col-!!ThrEtanUt tI îa ile wt hmuga1 lection of artifacts placdTnh.e East nit of te U.C.W. and John, Willow, wu jar illd wth umbugsace B. Comm. container of licorice sticks, a the museum by the Ontario': . h are responsible for flow- Sunday guests at M.dMs box opener, other tools, and !Archaeological Socicty. eus n the sanctuary fou the! E A.Weury's. Eeee n month of June biad lovelv u n r.A hr eewl odSna an accounit book of the vcar.s In the other large room ono'Mroc and r.A 1860-1870, which had beenithe guound floor a Victorian. oqesoipun lwr.ASundia tea guests fM.ad!raysrie basket of flnweus xvas plac. Mus. Cecil Rahm, no. getpece ueinageneral store. Iduawing-room complete with'ý ed by Mrs. F. Millican (e Beneath the couniter butter the famous househair furni-1 Mu. andBeMus.mHarofdrAsh-SRev.MGeorge M. T RenuBethaoaforere etonandDogla, wuewut soiae Sctiar cracks, a small puncheoni typetreoth eawsgetl teacher, in memauy of heu Mu. and Mrgls,.Kue,0 oeMsin barrel, a box of Du. Hees H-og admired on Saturday. Orna- husband te at r.Frn Spcilan ahMillicane mnt o tepeof, arTo.....onto... .....Hampton.rinisagaut USED CARS lik reîlnt ta hueare stck agu ensofthpesariod, ra-? Although he hadn't been driving in a race for about a year, Chuck Daigh Please remember Sr.. Chir ju Mu. and Mus. Gog eh On the shelves are pinbroîdered firescreeni, elegant - ad Mu.T.r.nt, eick i 96 1i9es, nev1tnForbscit oj am s, anDn nlid w i-of California thrilled between 40,000 and 50,000 sports car racing fanls at M osport practice at 8:30 Thusdav ai. 1C, ou to w ue ih M. uc ivd is B C 6 cyl., green. Local, one ltins. tea caddies, stone bot îng desl< are e cieyar-j on Stra as he wonl the overali lye' 200 event inl his Lotus 19. Dag s the church anidth membei- M.adMs Guoe hclg tEm cffectively Saturay Player's Daigh ship class at 6:45 at the par- M and aril wee isosatoon, ihp owner car. Clean. watcr bottles, bard coîlars, ranged. There is also a beau-I a top mechanic who dîd the work on his own car in preparation for the race. sonage.. and fMus.« T ed eo',Wi-siiy t n wamen's corsets, shoe laces, tiful cbony square piano, andj He-leost out in the first heat to Lloyd Ruby of Texas, also driving a Lotus 19, 'Flic BibleSudv ad Pa\-et lad.Hewa S 1959 Plymou in a stye uara mosebtbigsut a cietg pone wit 11but Ruby's car broke down and he was forced ta drop out of the race afteir the guoup will have' two mou'e V. dMu. .StitnWnpgMsio in a op larmi h n.ln e s an a d p i d 29th lap of the second heat. Daigh won $3,300 in prize m oncv. Jim- Hall of meetings in .une Io completce attendcl nield Anivrs u" Me oual Unlc Twofo ehoose from. Custo Sp0 eal s es îa At the hecad cyf the si airs onl Texas wonl second spot overali, Dan uny whose lap recoi-d fi-om last year Book 1o Té Word and t( and Wve.e ,uIcstso u 11Jlsaponmn 1Gurneyassiply o Way" and xvili resume uneet- Mus. W. Bowman.MsinBad rados, gwod ean carl iss. imen s bats and finery, gloves, the second floor there is aý stili stands, came third. Roger Penske was fourth, Ludwig Heirnrath and'Bob ings again in the auttimo. Mu. and Mus. AuhrBut bhandbags, buttons, plurnes lvl adpitdsuc. lobr.wr it n it.On May 26th the Enniskil- attendcd the Carioa- umFIEQA ~ ~ ' 4-Dr. and laces. There is also a Several exquisife we dd i n g Spectators were loud in their enthusiasm of this race and the other minor ]eni Young People met at the istoii wcdding al.Kisem ONMN 1958 Bu1ick -r small cabinet well stocked gowns are on display. There 'Automnatlc, custom radio, lîhrbos Oegascs are also a collection of mo.3t events which had muchi more comrpetition than in prevîous ycars. Traffie was pausonage for a short meeting. Satîuday. wihrbos n ls aeThe next meeting is to be on M:~. and Mus. 1ap am AK wheel dises. Real sharp ýpresents a unique collection realistie wax fruit, and lovclyj %0 heavy that several hiours after the race, cars were stili bumnperIo bumper June 18tb in the chuucb base- with Mr. and Mus. DnLm,4L.f two-tone browvn. :of childuenis boys. There is a shells. bath on Liberty St. and on Highway 115 as the fans headed for hot-e, ment at 8 p.m. Bailieboro. /fff picturesque doîl, circa 1875I, Upstaius one roam has been, Top photo shows winncr Chuck Daigh, ]eft, talking to (Graham Hill, The U.C.W. met al the homne Master Kerrv Seico-SA 1956 Plymouth loaned bvMrs. L. B. Williamns, tLirned 1!nto a kitehei of 1<,* world champion driver, whose car wasn't up to the bremendous Pace. of Mus. R. Vit-tue on ma,,, manx-ille, speilt th weeî FBo 2-Dr. Hardtop dolls umbrclla, and dolîs' utensils. wasbing parapherna-1 photo shows Daigh being given the winfinish uine. --Oshawa Timies photo 22nd, 8 p.m. The meeting at Mu. and Mus.G.Yns Automatic, 6 ryvi. eustom clothes. A quaint set of wood- lia, spie boxes, revolving1 openied with the sitigiing of, Mu. and Mus. EihMGl radio. A-1 condbyoMus.nE. Trewin.caMus.bou. ing dinnen aguests ofoiMu.gapa inches bail, have bearded fac- tryv. An old time highcbaiu proposais and report to the Mu. and Mus. Refond Cam- To ms.gaE. theevinal, heu Muins. C.Sanergtn Roy l olufl uifrm. newas also a centre of interest. council. This was seconded by eron, Bowmanvile, were Sun- Thm e wase the Pown l er 'f M u . a in Mrs.Wal e Gi- 1955 DodgieRo a esadclru nfri.Oeteewste Poe of M.nd r.M halfhave n e coats and the Aprons are displayed as wcll Councillor Hooper, and car- day visitai-s at Grant Wil- Gd"TeSupuewsgv n ete n aewr ifodB 4-Dr. other haif blu unicsasvumnupttctsbgridlams. 1 B ach en from lst Cainthians, Chap- 1 Suinday tea guestsofM.adLMT Autmaie mrrrquhci Inth sae oo ter ~on R wooden dîying rack. A wiittcn request wvas re- M r. and Mus. John Cruick- ter 29 verses 10-13. Hlymo 41 -Mus. R. Sharp. Onithis Reaor boa tarreaicoalectiiod ofona Mus. John Kin, shank, Bowmanviile, were FO PG OF as sU.ng, Mus. Toms (losed' Mr. and Mus. KEi MGI dise. Ral oodcar a ~ollctin o adcrtsemntswonderful exhibition af qulilis.1 131 Elgin Stueet, for Stop Satuuday evening visitons at froîn a few fert apart ta nc- with prayer. Mus. M. Stain- and boys were Sina vn-N nm l and accou.nts from Murdocb's Saine are bandwaven, othersi signa tao be placed at Elgin and Fred Cameran's. : tually touching. Ion gave a good repart on jing callers al. Mus. W.Ln-Bx1 VALIVILKSecd Store, the Big 20, Mason featLire applique, and the ex-jSecond Streets, and also at Tommiey on bu.ildngss hitaScadhp r evsBOWMlfvil. vs an .J outy adbroidcrv stitches are amazing. cillor Hoaper moved that thîss Mus.Wilfued Frank, David type, and the one building on "The Histary of Korea" Ilihed at Mus. E. Tei' VIVR ~~Campanv, and other local One ourtstanding quilt s frequest be ucferred ta Police n tvn Tno ee said Ia be permaniently occu- fnom centuries ago up ta no\w. May. Plans are ben1ae________ mechns fth as hocgreen and ued. Tt was macle Chief Bernard R. Kitney for Sunday visitors at Robert pied bas a crude]y impuovised CHYLR-PYMTIH names are still well known by a grandmothen of Mrs. bis recommendation. Coun- Killen's. ichimney of assanted sheet me- VARYLA R - PLYO TH in the town. A sign in the Robet Preston, Bowmanville.1cillor Oke seconded the mno- tla pipes. Severai buildings VAIN -DDE shape of a knee boot hears In this raom thene is also a!tio, and it was passed. Mn. and Mus. Michael Nem - have bydro service, and on one 20 King Strcet Fast 'the name of G. W. Humpage, large loom, spinnîng wbeels,! A communication from Carl iss had as suppen guests onj a iead-in anchon insulalor bas Phn 2-47Boot Repairing. Tt is two feet and a wool' winder. . Leslie asked fou relocation of Sunday, Mn. and Mus. HauveY pulled free of the building. ihlo gidb. efetcgh n-, Women wene charmed wito i aeifIpp hihi d Balson and family, Mu. and The zibove conditions appeau thfle exhibition of daintilyj jaceiut Iolis propeuîy. -le Mus. Glen Balson, Oshawa, ta constitute a definite fine feninine parasols, an evening uî htbi egs adMu. and Mus. Tom Curînie and bazard. DURHAM cýloak, dresses, skirts anud bod- plants had been damaged by family, Mn. and Mus. Wilfred "Severi buildings a;peau 10o NEiDM CR TC AR Yan Ther acollecsn o'dollwater spillage from this Frank and famiiy, Toronto, ibe equipped for temporauy, or NEW DEM CRATIC PARTY nd iliir warrobes nd car!pipeand pointed out that the Mu. and Mus. George Killen praetacmoain rnages is also exceptionail i caver of aid raiîway ties is and family, Mu. and Mus. Ro-Iperneîfut accommoaio o, SUM M ARY 0F RETURN goond. qrplian a bedro<um hazardous tocide, and betKlîî.o'u n cinvad t I oarplc falso to l pedestrians afteir appeau I have ikdanto.. ------ omay yeans ago there is aI dauk.* the grauind ou wateu below. 0F ELECTION EXPENSES cadleade irds0. eyeswnal Cauncillor Hoopen moved "There are ro> apparent ac- dresser, washstand androk that Mn. Leslie's uequest be .;t cumulatians of garbage ou de- rock-F F CNIDT refenrcd Io the PUC far a re- ~ posits of night soi]. ON BEHALF 0F CANDIDATEing chair, and a pine four-pas- pr and recammendation. ~ Hwvu ic vîal Mrs. Eileen Coutts Thisre itwaloey ap s seconded by Cun S *goun eeal ossso ReeipsCotriuton. tc . ~ ,2923 - n pîlowsprcad and match-1 gro ~...»uimi ee ad in smecase o Cams. ughes and carnied. i--Cauncillor Hooper stated that . e- lcss, Ihan that accupied by the Nuuember rsns- of tinsphirwte fliPie -- . buldng ter i isufîiet ________________________pipe______1'._______ from whom recelved -- 0 ast in yeasrsaigorncth -ground -for safe disposai af T oronto îuctirdon ed b ry ifrid ewastes. There is no apparent Total 23.3Cautes CuniorFe- potable waler on the grounds. Carthr. onelorFce1"These buildings might he Candldate's personal expenses - 2000I eil asserted that chemicals for thecosdud naffrhbi- 200.00 Forns -purpose such as arsenic, lead, lionibeeause ohineta.- - t lam -- - ---- 26.59 <PROM PAGE ONE) and bluestone wouid be pois- ' ard, lak of t factony ast Number of persons paid-i and te AHL Series ',B", Conu. onous an the ground. EarbehAre s dsp ofsa ifactesaod lak te Hire of Premlses -- - 85.00 Caasosi. tws iot e d Councilr Ro W. Nichespotable waten. Tbe area is sur- Numer f prsos pid - runneu-up in the Fort H-enr yinaatiooufl tacnrs inethelue - ipuisingîy not cîuttered xith l-fr fprsn pl eights Pee Wee Hce intlaon flockersinth Solar Syste a ouganrie refu.se, or fouled xvilii Tounamnt rou A.Cou, town gargfoth oae Services 4 . 43.54 TunaetGou an-rgortestrg night soul, but Ibis cati be Numercf eranspad .*7cillor Oke urged that couneil'of employees' work ciothes. readily disposed or in ihe reward the yaung players fou r îeuy-eveSevn, e - avHIivlýoqii, e "almut islreamn, ou in tlue town ownvied Travelling Expenses and Hire of Vehicleq 361.51 their achievements. anded by Councilion Hughes, rild1 Ie9at Number of persons paid -iCauncîllor Wesley F i c e moved that this malter be re- the sui in a sprciai ma%" fedt h ax moved that indivîduai trophies fcrrecd 1Iobte Roads and " r A utIle rubbisb bas ae- Goods aupplied - 213 0 be prcented ta the membhers 'Strccts Comr-nittee with po\ver a Sola8r S' t cm liaîs .umulated in the ditclu adia- Number of persans paid9 of the Bowmanviîîe Pc.e Wee t a att. trpa-( nkfpýo, r cent 10 towîu property. A part- Advertising ----- 453.35 lea. Tisb was secanded by DepuLly-PCCVP SteveuIS r.\- ]eae 0kepiIttr y demolished shed and a di!- Cauncillar Ken Hooper, and pressed conceri tegauding ris- hbilimîg haiîtill air(, apidatcd luaif shedcd onitIp Number of pr spaid 12 Lunanimously caruied. ing casts at.the dLimp. fHesta- an ~sirnu odadumtaln fd ]1p ry Black iLabel. . 0 Cildy U l n Peransan accmuatin f sî/ - - A letter fnom Pracîr n-aud ted Ihat Ibis lime in 1962 the woo i and nuetalas e- Total 2519 Redfenn advising of minou ne- cost of the dutmp had been sjcruatewod arnd cet ainc an d 'b 215.9 pair wouk ta be dane in the $-',054, aîud Ibis year it is iio'w' uiladngs"CI crtinw y i Dat al, Orono, 1ERNEST D)ENT, industrial area was discussed *uP 10 $3,557.59. He maved i ulig. DepUty-Reeve Ross Stevens that a detailed report of the':-- this third day of Juimet1!)(;:. Official Azent moved that the Wouks Super- dutmp accouint ,%ith dates be' i--jntendent,, -T. K. Stewart bepnesented at the next couîucil __________________ meeting. This resolution was sFo secoiided by Couincillor Hoop- er- aod passed. ARDMk (II E ' O O Rin gs." Il w as -de c-ideéd-ta -ha-ve ' ecively ès àcaoi P st-be75 n tKSr anisferned oneI of e l GLIDEN' COOUR he eetng t for oloc. ~fiELE m *a ~, h ee tra Tn epainthe out that he was out about $100 s lions to ove( y %un lvrf Rvs u as a resuit. HUE ILATEX HUE SEMI.GLOSSZINthe.look of à tanwh. f puceà ail President eflpondBL C G a . Q u a rt G a . Q u a rt uneHo ne(lig htu i te (@ d atf . Q0 O o th at on l v a few m nu n ici- LBL MI ~Mu. and Mrs. Aithur Rae' plies pav, ambulance suib- _______________________ Markhani visited aI Russel sdes. He called for a ¶10,000ý ---- 4 350Perkins. subsidv peu ambulance. Mu. and Mus. AlnJos- J R YI Whilbv, John R. Town, Buy Now .. and Save at iel Oshawa, visited at Genry! ecretauy-tueasurer of the W. Messrs. Keiîh Stainloni and l has infoumed the counicil tbe, Bert Beckeli had a wcekend __firrn's ambulance service will- lof ishig Lp noth.Lo IfELL be discontinued on Friday. r *A N A L A E r n r.SalyCv YOUR BEXALL STORE The Wbitby Council refuscd Ji i M ~~~~~~~~euly and Karen, Ebenezer, Mr.'teir* qusfoa$50' 15Te peaceSt S ow anile and Mus. Morley Fiintaff, Z Kinig St. E. Bowmanville a vear subsidv. Mu. Town Te peane t.S.Bo mavile iMapip Grave: Mus. Deibeutý Phnp 623-3351 said thervie ad not Flinitoif. KMIrnn. %&,Pro Sîîn.- ________ shown a crofit &ica 1929. 1 'lorrisen .B.D. ted Church ,School anni- on Sunday at p.m. when will be the M4orrison, As- of the Board s. Mr. Mor- Le of the Uni- it where he 'omm. degree also studied nuel College, )st graduate h-rew's, Scot- upt. of North nat Robert CZhtrch, until Io thr Home Il1959. LJTY rS AND RS in@ f p.fmeufoem WFORD ý. LTD. iroihers FE Whitby 8-3552 1-3552 ...j