iss -M.- riel Mcee. id rs. Ernest 'Woord visitetil their marmieti daugir- ter anti sons in Toronto. Mr. ant iMrs. Richar'd Davi- soir erjos ed a trip in Niagama Fahîs anrd points enroule aven ,fOc s. cekenti. M.,-.. Tý G. Laîrgfelti Es sperît- Religion for Today by Rev. John P. Rom eril culture @nd Canarlian Indus. The Canradian 9t.atestnan. Bownnanvllle., June 3. 1e6, tries., us G. Catircart. Ken- tial; Citizenlsiip ai-d Educa- tion, Mt'rs. C. Hill, Biackstock;-- talit '- of <Ire day anti extendeti Douglas Blackburn Home Econonnics anti HealtO, an inv'itation to Nestieton forý TilIey'. Donald Trev Mr.s. H. Bradie, M?%aple Grox'e, tire 196-1 District Annuai,' Bob 'Jones w'e'e scippe Historical Research anti Cir- whnich -was acceptoti. Tire sing-. of Gien Ashrton on Mo r-ont Events, -Mrs. C. Wiiso-r ing of "Goti Save tire Queen" tire occasion of Gle Nestieton; Resolutioîns, 'Miss P* -brouigir a x'env enjoy'able ant'i br<hday. -n. Joiri win and ýr guests >ntiay on cn's 11111 1-4., Organust r. ic. SI Beatn. LB-A-M., A.1iCMNI, T.C.L. 9:50 x.m. - MORNlNG iWonsr~I COMI'NION SERVICE s nneWeIî'utrie NESTLETON NSîrs .laas- "triier n ErPeh, S pe Ili a fe'.' da'.s i tilr ilr urrtiet csNeisuiju Saclc'.' l're. 'sited'N'i S. andti 5rS. F"raurk S'int an-d frrlI", Bowv. n -v.ille. Mliss Clir. sa a rsSupni t irricuderri of PorultHirpi'Il pitl i ."itcnl Mrc. anti Mrs. Donald'îThrrpsor Sirs. S. :Mc-re rî'i e'i iii srs'.a sitlr lier' iacigh(Ie TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Mîinister Rt'\.'.' \nî. K. B..slîde,]A., B.D. Oî-ganist Mr. Arthu IiClusonu, Mus.B., LRSM 11l:0i.m. - 3IORNIN( IVORSHII', "When Humility Is Real" SUNDAY SCHO(>L 9:45 arn. - Junior, Initerinediate, and Senior 11: . 141 11:20J a.m. - Nursery andi Beginnters arn. - Kitndergarten andi Prirnars' A CORDIAL W'ELCO.ME TC) ALIL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN i REFORMED CHURCH scuîgog Street, BoniraliviIIe i FE'. .1o111, C. \'ecbrugge A.HDMnîer '] Toiephone 623-5023 WVORSHIPSERVICES 9:00 a.rn. - English 11:00 amr. - 1)utch 7:31) pan. - English Proclaimin'g the IVixole Cotinsel of Gnd - S"Back To God Hour" Broadcasls CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday ' Mrs. Herbert Irvine of Tor- Mrs. . Cnckshult and M.I onto is a guesi of NIrs. R. G. Cock snutt. Frorn there 1,hie'N Cowe. Beech Avenue. journcy' Io Edmonton aný Mis. Kilu Buckiev, ToronIo, Northi Dakoia tri vîsji \v it 1 was a guest of Mrs Mdred cuLsýiis the\- haVe not se Willmott for a few days last beforel.- week. Mr. 'IeriFoiey. mi rs ) o Mr. and Mrs. StuartiR - Jan- thy Foley, Nlapie Grovve.Mi- Piç visited Mr. andi Mr's. Or-: and Ahcs. Er'nest FOlc \. -Mi'. ville Hancock in Ottav.a o\ ýî Bert Col\ý cl1 and lrl'x\i.'10 Twn la.sI weekend. atteiided the Ordination Sur Mr. Lewis Rîiiîd le iiei'- \-tue tnS 'denhanirheet Un: wen !uthi' yesurei','Ti.~.led Church, Kingston. on Wed and jçz a patient ii S. Miel- nesd ay .Mav 29. w hcn Tec sel*s Hospital, Toronto. o in as 01Pof acla'e ni Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fnlev dnainec1 loto ihe UioîtedCreo ettnde Saem nnr'erar of Canada Màiniýi\. and were guests of Mr. and rBix' Mrs. Farewell Blackburn. M'.JBmaror hio, MTowai- Mî'r. Frank 1-utnnrse*tt )f ,Mr.. R. Poulter, MNr. and Mrs Toronto is spcndrng a 'ew C. A. N-ason. Oshawa, anl daY3 with Mr. ana Mis. -T. W-.'Mr. Beit Niason, Calgar:% Cawker. Liberty St .North. .\îta.. attended St. Lawxrenc' Mis. N. Gibsoîî, R.R. 4. Osh- Unîvecrsit\ gradluation e.xer ,awa, wvas the ,vinner of Mem- ç ises in Canton, N.y., )on Surj orial Park Association .50-50) day, June 2, wlîen John Ma Draw for the month of M'vay. son, rcceivc'd Ihîs Bachltor() The amountl won was S45.25. Science Degree. John is thý Mr. and M.\rs. Doin Robhiîis ,soit 01 M". anid l5Il' C. A. Lansing. Micrh., are v isitinîg Mas0n, rnek of Bowmiar their cousin, Mis. George WV4 ille. Grahiamo.Mr. G iaham and l'or thieIest Iioai v xx o family, Jane Street. ai-d othci part\-' of local Putarriarir- has vrea relatives. gone 10 the Rotary Ci ippled Mr. and Mrs. Harvev W right Chiidren's Camip ai BLie sint daughters. Sirsan ani-d NMonniain, iivrai' Uni rrgwoc Pat i of Aurora, w cie Sondica.' . ssist %vith rprsair guepsis or \ is Wrigni s srs- pariingi, at t he canp. las ter, M's. Alan H. Ohrexvewdsevenii mcîher'sof and iir. Oshornr. Bownianx il iC Roar; Clui Mi'. and Mis. Bilil Brrrk u ere <icIped read ' the campj for i' î Itveekend guests tif the Bem- i sea.,nn. l'ie group irîcîrtide-C yose falmil\y. Maxwell, Ont ý* P. Rickahb , John Bain, Bil and attended Centennial Sel,- Ti hn ig', Cai ; o vices ai Ste. MrsAniglican .Don Morr'is. George Stephce. chuî'ch, Maxwell. ai-d Jimi Specîs. Mr. and M1I's. Jack Clîilds ai Sri nday gnresî.s xvih \r.ard lended the recieptinn follotw,- is E. V. Hoar, King St. East, ing the weddîîrg Saturidav xvei'e thieir onn, NIc. andi SIrs. of the lattei"s brother, Mc Char!es V. Hoar, Toninaid Bar- Barr'y lMaianui'k, and Ms bara. Wlil!i)wdcalc, ar-d Ile léa', Dolores Carîere in Scaihbor- tci' s brothpr. Mr, anîd Mrs. C cugh. i P. Smith of Mrax. . Miar ýv M xrs. F. V Hoar rturned laSt MisDonaida Creasser ws Thurisday- ni-lit <tom a mios, ini Montreal, Que.. lasi Fiiday,'n al i-ekEî'p-a M~ay 31, whe'e she attendcdThy(riel' ' tour nf Eg'vpt. Te Convcaton a MeîlI ~: bx planeicfront Canada versitx'. Hec cousin, iaooIbi Por'tugal, and visitýrI Needham Jr., graduated w-thiSa.Faclav Ùec a Bachelor of Education De-ITti-ke'.' and severil othe(ý re.rcounit'ies en'rîe t b Y1 Dr. Charîles IL 'vlooriie has Focrt hei'l ighit home tire' retuî'ned to bi, home in Win- boacded tlie plane ni Switzer- nipcg atter visiting hiS Sis- landi. ter, Mrs. F. S. Phillips. Dr. i asl Saiurdav eecn.nrga Moore was enroute 1h. to hsdinneî' and danc'e, spnnsoi'ed home from South Arnerica rb'.' lire Alunae Ass~ociation whil nhe stopped lhere too <ýa&aGnrl1lsia ispend some lime with iis sis- Schoc1î of Nurising, '.as hieIn ter. ai the Jubilee Pav.ilioîî, Osli iMr, and Mis. C. n~. awa. As weIl as hoi-oring î'.x Georgina. Chaî'lerte. Joyce, t)"c gi'adiiaies. trubute Eniti, H-oward, Gecald and was paid to gradriaies of '25 Sonya of Petci'ho-ough-l, M. 'ea cs ago. Th-e 19318 iadtlates and Mrs. Tomi Park ai-d Miss received lite memberships in Diane Lamaiî'e. Oshawa. and Ille association. Amiorg t1h' MAr. Ray'mond Kichko of Ne'.'.- graduates of 25 x'caî's aý,o %w' castie were SunidaY gLC5IesS On ivîrs;. Lw e C. masn MAr. and Mrs. David Park anti (Ediih Dent). This '.eai'. iamily. gradujating class also un- Mrs. A. J. L1.ymec. i'. B-iI troduced and gis froîn this Lyrner. Oshawa, ai-id Mcs. Bertiai-Pa ini the '63 class inclinde" Colweil, Town, spent SatR'Ll- Donna Bragg, Elsie Downî day with relatives il, Bond Hlen McDonald ai-d k iida ]Head andi visited their ati Morr'«.on. MVrs. Maria Stewar't inAllis- -lusbands orEn nbiwer- 1 t n Memoî'ial H'ospital in thè ' gue.sts ai the inotlhl,%- dinner ~ternoon. 1 r w i n Colwel meeting of hie Bowilléin'ille ~pent the day with bis cousin, Lioncties Club held aittI ouglas Lymer, Oshawa. Lions Centr'e on Tucasda'. Mrs. D. 1H. Jamnieson, NMus. i Ma ' v2lst. Followung the d- Frank Jamiesoni, Town, and lcctab le dinuri, a toast Io tih- Mrs. Gladys Uppec. Peterbor- g'iests vas Pi'nposed by lion. dough. lefi hy plane on Mon- cite M"Ildred' Bell ai-d tîc re- dray foc Wionnipeg wîîcîe îîyn~'il*v. vas given b'. Lion Robert '11il visit the fo'n'eî's irece, it, Afteî' a biief husinezs; ~V1 essi un x'hîi'c hvPresideni Eva fHockiîr. Ilemeeting waF tuinti over lnth(i ireograni corin ni ittee. Lionietles Carol ST. PAUL'S Bir ci .ît le. l."aiî . r n a nid Bilîreý Kemp -wei'e in charge U N ITED of the l'ollowing marnes, Naime Tiigo, Naine Ile Soî-g. aid Pr'ogr'essive WVhist. To ,'oii CH1U RC~H cîriti a dcél iglitfulile'.elliîn g NMinister. Rev. U. A. lunch xvas serset hv Iltlie e,- Ofiiise Ethe Loets lieri jraictrts. M anti Mrs. 11L4L± ',ur t.JiIy -. -. -. ..UU Leach, Solina; Public Rela- Cilf I-ai'per.. Seagr-ase. tions. Mr's. L. C. Snowticn, ~ a Mr. ani M\is. R. Cr-o'xseIls Mapie Groxe, ant i eati by NEW REDUCING PLAN LETS YOU Eai a'mi lamnip, Osiratvxa. vs-ih ber' P E R M A N E N T S Mrs. H, Ci'-ran HE MASADAEEY Y . Intensifies natural hair prant ti. rt and i-s. J. C. Rollcail, antsweî'eti y l'il YET LOSE UP TO 5-10-15 POUNDSclrad xctn e Cor.8.00 - 10.00 - 12.50 - 15.00 bianches, ".G'e no, on the roI]. IN ONLY 10 SHORT WEEKS color blends in gray. Lasts Mr.nd MrlSis. WV. Parýk Jtr ro, present hoday anti no, pue- CH ough thîce shampoois. vinitcd air Satui-das' with MmI. - - - .-snt for tire first time." Mcs. i . i * aid 'Mrs. Harcs' White, faim- A 1L PER31ANENTS GUARANTEED E. Crs'derman anti Miss G.' .Mm mu -N 6 Rinses49 lionî. at-idScinda'.-hetcs' sit- '- - Yeiiowlees favored with t_'o ed Mi ant i Mrs. J. Park. Pet- T-REOEAOST EV TU piano duels.-- _ __----___ erburu ocng h.ST SRV U Mrs. Augustu resiefo Mrs WiIl l.n'.xeî'. ar-id irous. ~the eleetîcur of officers wirichî rsrpin . . .R m de <'V-ia'.a. 'spent Sat'ucia ' wit.îr V I ZCHANOIVICH. Bownian'iIIe icesulteti as folloxvs: Past Pue-Prs ip on . A R m de "%cs. Aiu ndroiat sitient. Mrs. M. Wisemnan, cilrîiren. EAN )5' ecsl Bowmanville; President, Mrs. MS A. Polter-. Oshrawa, DORIS (iREIG. rp Wm. Milligan. Newtonville: visit'd îsP, McCov.o. Ist Vice Pros.. Mrs. H. Vine, MGeo '\Il-. at-d Mrs. R. 1il and Nestleton: 2nd Vice Pros., spev li cwekend pn us and Thrs veninas Ms C. Mills, Maple Grove; ss'rh li ecruîucle Sic andciMrs. ~Sec't.-Treas., Mr.s. 1. Mundav, '" DRUGS a liecO. ir. Victor-ia Han- Bowmanville; Fedenateti Re- bour . FOR APPOINTNIENTS presentative, 'Mrs. M. Wise-, NIcr anti Mus-. C. W". Ralirn, man?, Bowmanville, anti Aten- BureîsofMr antvi- rs. w. h HO E 62-93nate, Mrs. W. Yellowlees. En-' 5 King St. W ., Phone 623«5792 irnsofM r.adMrW nîskien. Rahn. l EStanding Cammîtteem Agri- cSocw/ & Éker*sOnal L Phone 623-3303 I*4 mo i k F lý 1 ý r. thi, Langfeld and Forfune fan'.- 1't'e live I a rapidly ehang- 1 am that mrin people don't Hiq'. Leach. SoJina; PubiîRe]a-- Pi laur' dVii acls Mr. and Mrs. Llox'd Ashton, ~' uîien. world. ManY of the things really know what this word But wheîn we belong to, lions Officer, Mrs. L. C. Snow- y' ' oadadRs atteîîded En- ci '\l.r. antd Mis. Grant Thomp- oui' grandfathers h elii e ved Christian means. Christ then certain other tden. Maple Gr'ovc: Atidiirs, niesrSrvc01 .1Mes. D. Park. B'vnnrl.H Y O Sundav and seerce tea guests of i sort rsiîedM's Jas. Thomp- xe' mpsil aebcm On being asked the ques- tig olw o ewl andi i . Bradlev,'. Maplî- Mr. and Mis. W. Bowmani. ýn zon. Beaverion. anti Mrs. Jas. 'ealities. Toda«v no cotintr-Y 'S ion. "What does the word show our relatîonship 1ta Grove: Rel e .rtoor MsLvcaPtDrth Na..-0:. Peiferlaw. more than a few away hrsta mean?" some might'-4ciutr DDoelSeladBbraRldg ndfmvwr udydt liveWenext dofrr bu t to aIl svho Nestietoni; and Diitrct Cura- nurses tni Toronto. were '.eek-!ner guests of Ms .Akn -laSuppec wraihevi e sî" i net. Tewo.ldis brapidliving a decent life, in other . . oc, Mils. E. Cirs der-nian. So- ciid sisitors with raîîd Mrs.hbd at li' cttae 1 1 oiFiia vnigudrbeeorning a neghbrhod xords - ob' ig hegoldeni are un need. Belonging t1a lina.l ol d- c e oae to0- Thiteru Christ we find ouî'selves nat . i nn. Mr. and Mis. W. Blau'bun mi.b'. many as a sign of oui' sci- atte tatetvu tiurlvinGdsHueote Mi.. uutecntc MradMrBr ztn DeadNl r. lerrhics M;" c, El se N ei c a e hmantis av teiers nhrght that a Chris- Sabbath Day for that is whe:'e a short installation sel'i" or' noea lii cta enad Saem Arvei'sary aSevi- Jeaitha MiElrnr Nsbitcaiseof umaritis gaves titi vas pesanwhoatuends we beloîîg. Because we belorg '1Thei'esolutîon "as 1rcgards tlue SatLuî'da..e ae nies evc re.uredhanefrm emril rolen.Thre gravesi pr'ob- Cltin asn a pernwords sata Christ sve ssill reati oui' tee sheets lîerirg .'.cniit bIlle, i. îîdMu B lclDoiiald and were tea guests of Mir. Hczi ti rct Be oîîîe from Memona]1bem oChurch. To other wordsf Bibles regulan'!'., andi we sill District Secretai. andtilire . sp- e \Vdiîida ght calleî's aîd Mi's. F. Blackbur'n. lon ao. pilaI, Baopw .vamant-illeA.Thonpshemz tid.andiss.nJ.totte thr'eat,- r-Saturiav evening. nucîcar' wa', as so manv nogst ynu keep uarpe sa r iasta oui' heavenly Fatiier'ciai proleets ai hc eforp 1 iMs .Tioîsn.M niMc.J ot.Mr COi'stîii. îjî otierswoul fo svekno tha il~ onv m sen On10 he b'arrh" '11-.MrR. 5M. '1'onpson. Les- ai-d Bilhie, anti Mis. NM.oie; Syrnpthy i extnded a thewoul haveus beieve buaihrisnan.hoiHimthandwoua forw- kîost.a kact on.,'.sas sedion a th'branes t rcE.iasidnnseuîesspf nt sSatui'dayatu ai FoFai fan!v ant i fîîds of the late.rather the pî'oblem of ialking aîsin' ia aCritanws a ninhie. MsaA TlîsurpsandileLak. a Mr Ge. s'î id Cecil X'ealc. Intei'meni was ta people in ,ucliîa wa ' vthai:t Ntetu Ceeî' on liscdrsad latseaeperson ss'o ceatis the Bibleinr, Him ta talk 1taoui*hearts, Mis. D. Dorucîl. NcoetîetolI 111(a' ) I M's.DA rd o 'o Millesoa'. a r e.Wl . anti pr'a's. StilI oiliers t hat w vl go onrtcn epoî'ied foc the F'ederatittn of atiird.lcxairia sycroSuiîdav Svrlfouifa o i Moirtia temandwa nfitthi'hirtanon.t. "Ion sagrc'lurebTrihoa rCorrisotianr was oneadonAi oida. sasrilong o îem.a hritia w mîe,gir ,< ChrItinatheogAriclue i criCO' Wdiliner' guesis oE Mc. and Mrs. londeci Salemri Annix'ersarw Mi.Mailo,.'.'Thoînpsoo iras tom undersianti what <Oc'.'who doesîr't swear. sroke b t sChit ay inean the, said. '"TOe Fedcî'atrolî ssoi'ks Ic Lneridgc an-d familv. Service on Suiîdav. - soti uis aimaîîdOaspurir- i-e5a5'ng 0 U. d"ck lcohl. aîre ni piv gîingripof ei'tin'triîgs nt tLiooî'diioeftceefottion r'sA. T'c".'ti atd ul- racicefou-tOcS. S Atiir aset i ire sersice startion on 7A A neiglîborhoociis u ta crseti 10hi' -ohi. '.vould ' .beeause tbey ai-e bad in <hem- Agriculture inoItle Province. ram. MuM. anîd Mcs. W. Lov.e- s-ersar5' Sundav mor'iing at r-Hrgln'.xaYbrutilby Nr. J. Ars- thought of as an area in '.shich raids.Chstian th's 'nd sas'selves, but because now we Thoce is orlesvoinifrollir 0 i anti chiltircn accoîrîpaîî-,il cl Ciurch service at evood knw vev Od as ht hgra mtoraie our brothers keeper. As WV... oIrle Boar-d of Gover- led Mi-.and Mis. Daviîd Moi'- 7:30 Suodav. - ~else. The\'fielti com~mon vieissep'ere i-ds twu Chcistians wse must make sure,noî's. Thcii- main iiutci'csts are msa-dAeadaa-dvst i.RrAho oui most subjects. The mîajor'- go. TOe moue people vou ask that we do nothing tiral mas' Agriculturie Acls, tlrscasecCon- ci Mr. anrd MrF. C. Avecv and atteirdeti Eîfield Anîris-ersaryr ICI B THANY V iv witi'iin such a neighbo'- fie more answer's vou %voî,i cause one of God'scilento.uunan-. edal5i'Vcuni Pleasaurt Point, on Ser'vice on Siinday. JJ.ara Sie. TiJ. roi so uiacglGti abdeconEmil sa- gel anti most of them 'diffe'- lovestusbl e tiflius Go. es. shor't courses. research lrSiidas'. Mr. C. As'ei retîiriî- Sorvt".'<oheai' Mr'. MiItoil 1 i-ara en a no -bcg'cn aîieooicsa oe Lss mst love anîd fielti seis ices amtîng ail- cd hlroîe svrti <hein anti is Slenoiratianiaccident, vu'- Mi nt \i~ ir.sidScott. tus. None of these things lrolti nt otiei's. Belonging ta Cil'.cs" L.r ad Hwrd<a ' c net ' i ru ve ' hko Ie WOat then <s a Christian, .'es-11b îeei - st rs.-spcnîdnnig a fe'.'.' da\> xx1h Vrsuhtiirg insix broken î'ibs. anti 'Vi'. and àMrs. M Walter Neals '.soî'ld as a neighborhood. This- Does airsoîere ealî.v know? fron within by tire reaîîzatioî Mes. .VTie tlnairkc'ul Ilre anud Mi's. W'. Lovccidgo anti is in Menrorial Hospital. Bow- IS ducnng tIre ss'ekend. is liaot usi a political prnblemn, -Tire sord Chrîistianî is useti> of tire Almight 'v power' of God:Solina ladres fon tOc ira iopi faiinil' malin ile ci Tire Bc,\' Scouts enjoYeti a il is also a î'eligious one. But'thcee tlmes in the New Testa-' anti of His loving concern for, le apiox s'eekeird campinrg out not onlv are '.se failiuîg tbment .Arts 11:26 tells us that eaeb one of His chiltiren. i -'antd going or a canne trip froi'm-omml«unicate hoatire peoples of il was iin AutiocO tirai th-? Jesuis Christ was not one to Conipetitive Prices Plus Personal Service dCnhoconk tn No'haîrd. ailier' nations. the Cliurch is disciples wece fiî'st calleti go about sas'ing, Throu siaIt Dr. G. M. lotigfiiŽhd. Mis. aiso failiirg b in hs fieldi ai Chr'istians. Tire lte woi-d uDt do tiis ou- tirai. Christian- »Lowî,fi'rltl. Raîrdy' anti RutOh Iome. Wlibiii Caunada tire sinrpis irrearnt aile xvho rollows'itv sirouldtnt ho tlrought of in' o tf Branîptoit speuîtIrle weck- maoî'itY cari spcak one lairg-. or' belocgs to Chr'ist. We cani tirai xvax' eltier. Jesus was,*I 1 I I1O ~ eni ai ltiri'suuîrmer' cottage nage, nran5'people stldo irotl mils' uIs'beîong ho Christi alwavs positive. He a>zked tiba ci Ore. untiergtaird sshat tire Culis- '.sireîîxse of oui' ownî frec wili midi 'oung ruler, "Who xvas ___________________________________ There w as a gond atteirdance liait Chureir Oas Io sa'. MWe: accept His wav of liTe as our- ireigirbor ta tire manris'ho foll, at thre Gardenr Pacty heiti at halk of Caurada binaCnseosr iri agîe obe disciplin-'aogtree? lr rnuo ni S. Paînîsý AnglicnirChuirch tian couintry. we talk of tireeti by Hini A Christian is pieti, "Tire one who shosv'ed! on Satiiuda,,. Christian Church, of the tller simphyvaîsone w.ho is hmm kitiness.". Then sa id, 'M ri. a irdt' 1\1cs. Rlober't G i - Christian Refligion. N!'et tIre; fol 1owi rg Ch rist anrid feelsý Jesus "Go anti do as ire diti."i AGI S t is WE r. nmoircant illiricsoit Teri'y Of longer' t ht'.e the nm1ore cert.ainr bat 'HP is mine anti 1 am 1Soa i s e. 5-Maltotn: Al Iat Watt liîrg, W4es- --' ---- - - ______' --- ' "- t onr, ai-ic Bihll roirc',Tc- leaci rb'aneh sîupport the Girls': sno.veî'e gliesîs '.ith Mr 'Work n eirto fAr- anrd Rus oss Car'- forIlle clue f h-ws t os, ciweken.lwscaiie.Mr.1.htdsoi00 onl. epots' ad edratonof gr- YER ASPIRIN10s 59C Reepords fr-ocuire, iedforthe FawiS aev ---- -~ tr rn ws car'ie. Mr.LMurdayCounc'ii hoatthe enrd of Deconu- TYpj r Oxnaelv 10m -fporteti for tIhe Iast foui R A ID , Hotise & Garden Butg Killer Boinh, 1.69 ize. 39 of 1e li irîtW ornen s I nstitutesberon tiMrs. C-W Brwn re- R ýI \ppî5:ournhel' GoulE airri me ont-Oh. ospit. al'î'enl'-. Cutt nru.Club*'took par t un greihlice.lnteftueecý rs porteti avceefor Hospital Com-W 1 mh'c Iirc- U.I TERIN E A ntbseptic - 9c 10 89C c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h grOc Opaur a o'mne OV'I~V1L .Iv Olnnd ~a sial'us mc rnitt I naftreseach f ast Satrda ' , hure Ist. 'Tie ia'. nreetîoig 0of ýthe hOCastm. in i sta hsen 'Flic day stactetin of w-Oh a Bnwmanville Womeur'stit- per.he opiatevspr. - -golf iourn'anreîînt inthe mrin <î - ashi' o a Oiriti " -,Mi-s. D. Park, Bowmanville,, "'O FF" Insect Repellent --s-<z. b'nib 1.23 irg ant infrislieti about 3i the Salvation rni 'nx'YO WES'T DUIRHAM 63 anti Mrs. H. Bradley, Maple, aiGrave, weu'e appointeti asIAL I~ ini.Memibers retiretI o tire Cenrtre.,ssith a goond attend1- AN'Laîdtu.Te ititDoe-, L - *Uý4 4 g ciirun oulige xxiee golf raîrc'e. A tectir sirgng EThe District' c 1Z ifilins '.sece showsn, anti a soc- 0 and.'l'lnsiit de 1e 63rd Anînrial Meeting of gate btirte convention is l'O 4 4 c ri il iroîir enjoyed. andtiheO Lord's Praver Were Irle West Duram District'be iMrs. Wm. miilligan, %vitir TAl lut thces'enirg tire day xvas repeatoti. Wo>nren 's Irstîtute w-as heldth ie alternate Mrs. H. Vine.' A M O~ A -5cXz lueiof-vthadnead Oi reieiMs M .i Solina Comrncnitv Hall oui M's. M. Wiseman xvas ao- - 47c br"'tsupper. Pci,.os vere Wisenman, pî'esided foc the -- Mav I6tii. s'iti r egistrationi 1n poinrtet Inbact as West Dur-1 cisri'îuteti ai tire es'eiing ' charge Of Miss P. Leach,.M'sJr-m5representative on ' DE SY A HR O IIStEhewnac c 3 o 3 t dnc. r. ens inor va businress pei;od. Mus. D.Pak s~ i' Td tIlr.Bo-nast'seeaivt'esrc' et 0W. Ashtonr, Mrs. W. Werryl convention comnrrttee. ýSMr Td ile. owiavileýec-eai.vtlPSLre-,- cd eandtiMcs. R. CrYtiermaîr. Open- - Sohina hadies preseirteti ir& uAý ~ iSu'. Lad'. was Miss M. Lairi-iniîîcîteS. conrnruilricah ions. anîd, a e' ci were cHat ShowsncHa gi-at, 0i'.v:Nvie ~, gave th-e fiiaurcial report. A b IlDistirict. Presiierrt Mrs. W.îwathoew , dtie~picti l L A KU-it'cm or1a.6 9 5 commitiessas appomîtedta ugee'ic odceimsn lVti'. J. C. Cook arîd Mr. lEver'- pîcis iî ob etfnMliar. Nesvtonviile. wa hsyr.Thre Districth L a o Il ton'White. urchas vears airi set eo'. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h loin ailGotdenMm-s R. Pasene wa-, pîauiisti Directors presoîrteti the "Peur-. y N uýL~k .Ir. IIf assainis, or oseMc. ac.i e oor.for'tire sirgiîng of "O Cao-: tries foi' Friendsirip." TiS!I.1' awars, rle10 M. Wlte!Lode. oborg.ada" ani"Tire Ode." followedWContribution goes toatire "As-ý S Ruurîlp ai-idn(aIreo Mr. Jack lwadcioitiveak bs' îepoaiing of tire Lord's sociateti Countrywomen of tieD'Dh i n y P is -_ 7 iReidi. Bo'.xnanville. foi-tire short cou'se, "Cîca- Pua'. r in uîrtson. Mi's. R.l W)rld" ta assist fînanciail" OD " i ne 7 l'ire Bostiranville Rolaaris tis'e Cor>ker'." Oui- June meet-; Dav:is gav'e tire address of 1 those countî'ies wbo cannci'-__ au'e b.iiig a golf tocirnanreni. ing iSlab e in tire focm nof weq'one he Ms C.'affou'd tireir 2c per membei'. tinsWcdresav.s'. on hei po Irn'k nipeî' BaOunm-:Wau'î'en of H-ampton repiied.: Our Provincial Board Mem -1 '.s'ns cs xiiijoin hirm for din- ber is ta bu'itug a frrentialong elr"s F uutuDn- t ier' ii tire e'onîig. TOis is tobe chelti On Jul:Iiiw ulieu' presidiential report,:frdei'. veî'. Dus- T ire annu amirI reeting ot te 27th at Oui- uscal m eeting ,lIrs. M lligai said thâ i f rd av er re o t. Sr e Ty'uorme Ionie andtiSehool svas1place anti tinre. heaihliiat i soppeti hel' fr'on ported on t-ho District Officers: a n r p 6 -aveux'-andoti oirt. The inu-: k matie up al mnanrv chai-acter- andfro attending ail Ach-'Enstr oe' Isiue f slalliionùÎ7 he excutie fo istis - arneonr."l'li mota eni fom : o-ev.she n etione tire diterentThese SPECIAL PRICES~effective to june8 staîailn cf tc eecuiveforistcs nare oe. Tie iroîo eenrnt ass Howev cecontrihute to eacir year. Ouirs - .ý.- the 1963-64 soasoîn s\a% cari-:, 'as "Keep thee cîghts of alliîer'sihadt attpntiedth ie Junior,93p'je i oiea N -cnîd xM'.1,J Gibbs, as! rîppeiniosti n s-oui' urindis: il Axs'ar'd Nigiri anti p'esenhed ' 96 poec i a bola.pN- ictîl liv. s' csceîu r.L s iek"1,g'coî ays tirCointv anti Pîovin-i ESO Coupon Plan t eptlreý s kuurirr ltvc-rsiorTn 'vs<oî ontei v un crial xxinriec.s. SIre saici "ilxs'as W. I. btr ai e o- Mu.P. \'aurcyk; '2îd vc-r-Ms Hai'xev Cocdeîî. Nti's. É. a gî'eat inspir'ation to attend itoî'ies. O u r Scbolarship- t-. Irle convention in Toronto ard'Fund is now oves' $20.000 hu S N GL S rsidentu. 5-[is. R. Hilîs; recor'd. Pemfec'î, conventu or citizenr- tvtliesaiusbace needis to reacir $60,000. Tuis: iYrg st-trciai",',Mus. A. ilavs; p, gave a ver"i e tin' i ll aiu bace.SU L S E Coi'tsporiinug Seccetarv, Mms., pae'onam.cs m " anti leaun about tire work tîrat'fn isutib rngwm - 1 J. ibbs:TreasreB.t eMI .Eu'ong'.om under-cevp!opeicOi ili sm.i'JStyle.% J. ~ ~ ~ ~ tr Grnrr"-au'c i.b o"'favncedlns ssith an aniilS- tient.1.15 oiig. ies heu't tid ndtel AIn'i'-a; Social Convenor, ingem i'eanlinrg cititheti BINA Mmoial service fotr ee0s-uiaitr-i for off! the Fomily Mus. D. Mliller': Progr1amrme for Bsiel" eceasýeni nirbers's '~ reti'atri wn<O-iis "*Yu~ms UGASVL 1Cour î'eun'î. iVc. MI. Vis'ian; )O îIpeting cioseti hi, tiil ductet ib.-Mu's. S. Larca -ter'. ta teacir. SAFI LENSES 0YUtBS UGASVLR Chiarmeni. Mus. S. Hall, Ms ign f"ieQne" f~ New.t on vil!r, assusieti b'.'t 0e Plans are Oeuing macle ta A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o "TrsheorMc. ').Phse'.- . -- ianit iirtr iee .cî r oiBranch membersiiip. imd tOh i'. oIc ebate on the Muls. Baithe: Hamptor\r, M .:;.ilnnn* patcpae~;19C to $9,098 Chupnîîî.Mu'. Htigon: c;in anothireu Farm Radio Forum' . queîston.'[Does pescnt day iapn ýMs ogo:Keru- 1this coming winter. Miss' procuce s reponsbledal, Mu's. Stoker Maple Grove (.il lzens as tirose ai' FiEtr trs.McGt'atir; Newtonvil!ei Peaei Leachn gave tire fii'st.' 'auago*ý'" Ic. D. Drain anti 623-3303 Sîrs. Carla'..; Solina. Mi's ,i-rea icioiesotuhion. asO RlA)A Irad* Su1rs. J. Variuek suppoi'ted tire Weci..A eilushtmet'vs 1 I affiirativ e sîie of the eti - MstoAgsîs.Diiso'i sem'ved .au 12 'clock b ' vtire olds dentures fast ... aII day! BUFFERED e- uvi -.Solina ladies in -tire lowei' haie. -Mcs. L . Antuis anti Mcr Provincieal Boar'd Membeî'. Drrr h A. Uoodsuppr'ied <thre ncga WATA presidedd foc tiereuatification of tirela di .'e'ehe rl out-4 c IDASAL FoAp tidu rolofturi Rarli side n SE si' oti~V CE District Directois. Mus. r ATA eladîti rerts nt r'afti- 49c 89c încs, othdrd jolîrlin pt'sc'iliig tircir vies SEVIC rea th 1e mincîtes of tire ast, p1ax s brouglit bv tire varionrs î»..En'glish Style sdlefhrper.RîI aumi nulkrr tî' p x iemetirrg anti gase tire finan- branches. Also tiisplayeti xa- rnt8m caat.Ly 5h-P. W'cri' andi M's. E. r ial repor't . uditoîs' reporitithe Solina 4-H Girls' brooks' HEALTH S.ALTS 59c8pr 1.25fcii ise<s * pirp ci-citiecissio hirtimarie w as given b'h v M's. R. postons and blouses, showxing . &oncaise cts»e