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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1963, p. 8

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S The iadian tat.sma, Eowmmnvifle, June 8. 1963 SPORTOPICS, By Frank Mohun 623-72341. JUNOR BOWLING BANQUE - SATURDAY Bowling Supervisoaioalad Bennett appears ready ta wrap up a busy season ai maklng sure everythlng la thc junior bowling reainu rails smaothly. Harold tells us Vint the. big banquet goes Vils Saturday nîgit, June eth, 6:30 p.rn. at the Legion Hall go don't farget you young bowlers - _ (Cir,.1* *hbm Qe4-,,w4m on vui,- pi1eni,,. te ma re £îîl (Iecre a t;on 3U/ilvows Belp Wanted - Challenglng Roab son: Lai-raine Wht Positions Available J111 NichoIe, Cathryn !>ther. Pati-icla Welsh, Linda MeFet. Tue Recreatian Departmnent ers, Sheila Croenbie Nj 1: looking for valunteers ta Godwin, Susan Cook, Cher~ serve as coaches or umpîres Sellers, Lez oc ,An for Boys' Pee Wee Basebali, Readea-, Helen Avery, Jerniter Girls' Bantam Softball and Saunders, Nancy Shortt, Lor-. Boys' Bantam Saftball. raine Bowcn, Judy.' Sellers To date we have aver two KÇathy M<cMurtei. hundi-ed boys and girls regis- Aduit Swlmming Clam tei-ed in Minai- Bail, but we Mi-. Bob Salter af Oshawa have only five coaches Va look cas ceila pasulng the aiter faurteen enins. Wc rc- Roal ieSvn oit quire y Aourasisace lnordr %,truiv imis uturqui-en yvurcassistance lailarder tRoyal Lue Su ing Socleteag wMllb. in attendance. Top R'iIaecoaching orumirIstefrtti ta Goodyear Bo ir eceive iropnies Soccer n - Lites If you are ln'eet naeme iVi bal please get in t u h wt d s c i h a ad UN WAS IERE -Itursday night al eight the Recreation Offic t63 That big likeable Scottlsh lad - the guy wha can drive Registra tion lnohe ua 337or Ouio..,'i lem a mile, paid a visit ta Bowmanvilie Golf Club, Sunday î..Sccr egu aoSu achef we av eceenuhdnsSwmmgLsanar afternoon. Former local professional, Ian Turner didn't play, à... Maple Grave knocked off bu t to cancel out teela vial tteRoeto but it was nice ta aee him again. Hamupton 4-1, Bowmanviljle gues, and then ther i lbeOfcinteTw Hal Ian lis a busy pro at the Peterborough Golf Club, B.T.S. upset Courtice 4.2, and a lot of d sappointedcide where, he tells us, that he teaches about six hours a day, six Zion adEn~ilnb~d Bwavleti une. Teecassaeoeae :_ by thd RecreationnDepartmed days a week. Happy o hear that he lis doing so well and tInaca-2peration withathe nec- we're looklng forward ta a gaine ln the liftlock city. In Senior play Zion picked The Recreation Deprmn' avleBac iteCn. t t tuPt three points, edglng Sal- Ninth Annual Spin DacdinRdCoeScty E R î~~I O FFICIA L L Y O P E N ~~~e 's new entry 2-1, W ednes- R ecital w ill be h l e t C a s s o e a al e u d e ERNIOFCILY OE day night and tying Maple Wednesday, June 12h ttewohv rahdtefi g , Grave 1-1 Saturday. In the Bowmanville Town Hlo ee 7 era iJn Ken lcks nw Eini Gof Corseoffclaly pend ~other mid-week encounter, starting at 8:00 p.m.lt193 last Saturday, when close to 100 members turned out for 4Tyirone dropped a 3-1 decision Tepormewl nld eitain ilb cet the inaugurtion ceremoles. Firaton the agena was a ~: ta Courtice, and whlle on the baton twirling, tapdnigeINPR NOLYa h theinagurtio ceemoie. Frston he gena ws weekend SaUina made it a ls twa-ball foursorne durlng the morning and afternoon. Golf- 'os'~ ballet and possiblysoednLisCmuitCnreo Ing films were enjoyed later on and in the evening the galfers a 1-0 shutaut decision. cers and twirlers fo s-Tedy ue1tadWd turned tai dancing ta wind up a fine opening day for Erinli. aawl aepr This reporter has been qulte busy lately and we *joyed a cold turkey supper in gramime. bavn' ha te opotuntyto iv Ke'slayou a hil, utthe Parish Hall in Bethany. The dancing classe r n Y rave c n't h d th por u it t ive e n'lcou tt a kewhîl , b tThe battie w ith the " u a " der t e direction of M s Z~4r Nlcs lnornid usthatlikeany ew curseit tkes imeha: begun with the Garden Irenie Harvey and Ms hr 11 but along wlth thiIprovlng weather, the course Is grow Prysao i uisig ley Fowler.Retaar F tn bttr.Yeiverton extends you a wel- Tickets for the camne ta attend their annual available from memeso t t t t t Garden Party this manth with the dancing classesorayb IMPROVE THE COURSE the promise you'l1 nat go secured ai, the doora h away hungry. See "'Coming night of t epromne We heard It suggested a couple of weeks ago that Events" for details. .,etam Grs otta If every golfer repaired his baIl mark on the green, it would On TuBdy eelnn itd Gelosaetefv inean tremendous improvement ta the putting surface. nmiber ailoal "swnil-s Lop- tes thatw imae pthI1 Sarnuone also reniarked that judging by the number of divots Pers" attended tihe three breed girls' softbaUl leaguefr u scattered about mayb. people didn't know what a divot is. Purebred Swine Sale in Mark- season: Be suggested having a %vire screen at the first tee with a ham. Mr. Jack Wilson acquir- Carnto:Jd Gbs, During a fine banquet on Saturday at Memorial trophy. They are, from left ta right: Vern Connors, edl a new "herd" sire f or his KarnatMoM:un da ut humk f turf on it, complete with a huge sign stating "this Park, this group of bawlers from the winnin g team 1 Stu Carson, Russ Hateiy, Jack Bond, Alan Wray, ,Jim ton, KaroeenhisBurgadi-s' is a divot". eevdidvda wrsa elathBoNol1 upy ineV doesnot ueJc' o-e Donna Lyle, Pati wln It Just takes a few seconds t ai replace a divot or re ei ven i i u la a d s w l st e B o o l u p y i n e V n t n .terior for a toothing ring as ~ O B i n e e l y A d r bail mark - and what a difference Va the course. Try it- son, Barbara DebooPml mornyar g. Messrs. Harold, Floyd and Lawton, Francine Burs a-~.J t t t t t F ul S oPlco l ayer's 200 at Mosport on Joanne Bromell, Joyc FLYING O'ER MOSPORT ife a tra fenoanrprtlJceCris Sometimes uw reporters go ta great length ta caver pr' ,~~D 1 iertreyasa xe- esent. Gtbhoe the Pro- STA TIN t.he sports scene, but Saturday the old scribe reaily out-dld S co riMM MMM e Mu - M lent service, thxe present exe- vic aGvernnent ta take Jeanne Hubbard, Marhiod hlmself. It was the day of the Player's 200 at Mospart and cutive fniysid"omr"steps ta, provide adecîuate Rachelle Hunt, JudyTyor T -ia.ysl n oe roads ta iihxs site i it is ta Pat Ferguson, GloriMutn 50 hU we was gain' tai be there. But somehow we wound upL at the annual Goodyear Bowl.bcm emnn trc ac dnnsnKarentmwxeyuaeyugadl O n rs bhid es tyrg otfguecuthe smc in.g Banquet Saturday night. bood hcalermantatlatrat- Nanaundationsn encased beh gin de caryigeVafiguhr 19ut ho xnuOch st 5 itch eMurray Grant was eîected as tion Lac i mncplte heGi dms Dbao u ieisrneporm General Motors is going ta carge for their 1964 modei~.the new president; Frwl Mnesi particular) are Sheehan, Jackie Knghra-Sniesaomnyitmdm. Faeelfaced with the problem a e ennPtyBl. u-odt oiistioc ayU As the aiternooni wore on, we began grumbiing about by Ted Falrey five big pitches thrown. plated Wiseman Vo round out Blackburn, v i c e -.president; prf im radHitotunaeainivdul ces.AsSu Lte nisslng the big racei when suddenly one Gary Tummons On the strength of George With stili nobody out the the scoring for the game. George Sellers, seoretary-trea- crryiing raditredouths rac Rotary: Edlth BeneySu aîrreetiv, ouca- suggested a flight aver Masport. Quickiy we agreed and Stephen~s ai-mand Ted Dad- Fuelers went ahead 40 on Fi-ou the Pi-esident's Of. surer, and Jack Bond, statisti- cy reaelitie enefit Vo itics a1j [itcheillLyn F1 ,Co rcaeth potnt fÎa &long wlth another localite namely Jack Schill we were soon son's big bat, Stephens Fuels Jim Allin's walk and Jin fice: Changes in the teains ai- clan. Two directars will be yreapa tte benffao tis serv elan Dianne Mcetrahtwlho. winging aur way ta the track ln a Cessna 172 with Gary at haddlau teding Nich- Coyile's single. William: then ter one-third ai the schedule - appointed by the president. We suggest that since this is Shariene Cain, Pegg a: oIds' Matai- Sales their ýfirst got the next three out in or- Kramp's Furniture got Red Head table guests at the a provicial urstattraction, more, Barbara BroinS- AN E PSS T credit, but that was ln big jobs. This was a lot mare in the bottom of the first, but Billiards received Johnny Ma- were: Benny King, president; province rather than the son, Darlene MasteruanePno2-25 excitlng! Stephen's scored three runs Sephens gat two, mare in the son and Jim Castle; Stephen's Jack Bond, vice -president; tawnshujpstoi p-avide acces: Mren Bar, hees Kt on just f ive pitches fi-rn second on Abbott's hit, an ci-- Fuels acquired Terry Black Ron Whyte, secretary-treasur- and egreso taaker, T The view oi Mosport from the air lu really samethlng. starter and laser Bo Wi,- roi-, and an infield out. Short Stops: Power hitter er; Arnold Lobb, statistician; ney, Brenda Cowan. , . Yeu could sec the entire track and the cars quite clearly, but liams. Grant Wright hit Wil- Veteran George Stephen John Mason will make hus re- directora Jim Alun, Stan Mr. Abe Faulkner called On G l b b s: Christy Srel,~- for 'u "flyers" we'd suggest putting numbers on the roof so liams' fi-st offering for a sin- kept the league leaders off turn Vo the league an Wednes- Hodgson, Joe Piper andJack the G. E. Robinsons at Cavan Janice Lyle, Nancy Wlh gle. Bob Abbott was safe on the score sheet until the iifth day night after a few years'unad rak M un whiie vleiting this weekend Barbai-a Brine, Siaa Gb we an eilwh's ho.Wecirledth corsefo nerlya unt, "Jiggs" Cowling hit when Clint Ferguson singled, absence from the league while Statesmnan sparts editor. wxth the Ray Robinsons. son, Maureen WaaAlc 45 minutes and Gary kindly flew' us home in about a minute. into a fielder's choice, then was sacrificed ta second on away attending university. 0rn ou a le Misses SheiaRln n htlk oan ueBr I*aeve, w wu to scredta arahue ad 5 anta ed adsn twerd ahoe- "Bun" Welsh's bunt and was He will replace Dan Girardi upan, foflowing thie presîident's Judy Richie (former student- bara Crombie, Va]ei Tn Oshawa Airpart Vo continue oui- journey. i-un over the left field fence. doubled home by "Wink" wha is vacationin'g in Italy for welcoming addre-ss, ta present teachers at Yelverton> and nant, Lynn MajorNom We arrived home via a lift into tie cty ln Jack's new Ail this happened with just Wiseman. Osborne's singlesix weeks. the Bob Noble Trophy ta Jack Mr. Denis Riehie cailed on the Bragg, Debble SellerBni convertible, aur first bus trip ln 20 or 30 years and aur first Bond, captainaiftic champ- Norman Wiisonis one day this Smith, Sally Firt, Cao tax l - h ea e ouln'lAI te crLta'eddurngthe0 onship Combines. Individual week. own wtx a-o e w olntgV h a treddrn h ev e I O T ~wards were presented by Mosport? Like we aid, it's a beautiful aerial view,P eeImm o r e n Wter aitheftea in er but we didn't even know who won the race untîl Monday- s A * , Connors, Jim Murphy, Stu OD and we cali ourselves a reporter.IA U 1 Ip rs v ef - 4ffg , Carson, Rus: Hately, Wlnston t t 1t t tVVEEDD I Y V 7 ,«4 iIIBond.'la UMPIRES' SCHOOL The fl-st and second sche- On atudaymonin a asbal umirel linc wll On Wednesday night, May cher claiming 12 strike-auts. on tap, playîng Monday ln dule trapuies for tic highly On Sld ature ay onaln aoasebHopre s cinic wi0:30.29ti,at Vincent Massey Park,' Bemna the lser who, togetu Kendal, Wednesday at home przed top individual efforts, b.n hl t the Le usonHa isPotme tating t 10:3f.rthe Bowm~anville Legion Pee ec iwth Hilsclaimied 9 strike- at Vincent Massey against were presented by Benny DonGlhalylnors u tatths eeing1:na olyfo ulshed a trii 17 outs. B]ackstock, Saturday against King and Arnold Lobb. In umpe but will. also be most interesting ta players, coaches, hit attack behind sturdy 4 bit Pee Wces Win 9-4 la the Leaside crew, and Sunday the first hall it was Brian and ans. .. i fac, ayon inereted n hrdbll.Guet piFlodliht amethey travel ta Cobourg for an Martyn, high triple 859; John spa er fans -. Georin a n, o rmnerested i nhad bamln tues t p icîng o competey over- Fo dl h a eafternoon gaie Carter, high single 360; Jack speer will b erge ain fortmer playtier n m p In ftic power the visiting Port Hope On Saturdlay even-ng, June Next week Bowmanville Bond, higi average 209. Sec- fne-cutylagean on ie xcuie nmbro!teteam who, only the nîght bc- lstaur Bowmanville Legion play at Port Hope Tuesday, od schedule recipients were: 192P N IC ARSE E t t for, ha j.ne4CoburgPark, esîdre ad pomTlbtyJune il; Kna îyhr nBond, high triple 892; Jack 192 O TIC P RSE N C NV TBL tBA fore, id blank.Co ark, ee W eunyd taTîom t yedlpayh nDun383, higi single; and Loaded with extras, "327" motor, uoaipwrbae n betdterlau ednWednesday the l2th; antd on ,Bud" Henning 242, higi av. teig oal we i.nw PEE WEES N ACTIONThe locaIs started off in fine 9etdterlau edn Satui-day Bowmanville is enx- teig Loalow dsncni PE EE N'ATINstyle with 9 runs on 8 hits, M &L Sparts team ta the tered in the Port Rop e Legian erage (tic best in league his- Ted Dobson suggests that Vie Pee Wee enin could 1 walk and 1 errai-:in thc very tune of 9 i-uns ta 4, under the Pee Wee Taurnament playing taoiy). le'dame spectator support for their gaines. They are doing first inning and coasted ta lights, in a vei-y well appoint- for the Queen's Hotel Trophy.. Before Vie usual card play- 1962 CORVAIR 11170011 COUPE getjb lyn odbsblan inn ovictoi-y, adding single i-uns in e alpr opeewt ing got under way, Ron Whyte Big motor, 4-speed transmission, cso ai. Lw mlae a gea jb, laln god asbai nd inin mre than tie second, thi-d and foui-tii lectrie score board and loud- conducted a draw for bowling one owner car. their quota oi battles, so0 how about giving theni a hand, fi-aies, plus 3 i-uns in the speaker systein. shaes and bags. fans? This Saturday aiternoon at Memanlal Park, 2 a'clock, fiti and 2 more ln the sixth. The Bowrmanville c r e w,1P N IC P RSE N they will play a return tilt with the M & L sports teami The visitai-s couldd nîy man- sarted off in tic first inning Owmanville IrTT'IV~ V-8, automatic, power steering, cuso ai. Gemn lc fi-rn Leaslde. This will be an excellent oppartunlty ta sec age 3 i-uns in tic second antd with 2 runs, added 1inlatic 1LaELaVERTOU finish, spotless condition. the local squad ln action. I in the fifti as Bowmranville second, 2 each in tic Sti, 6tiý Mapl Grove played a fine defensive garne ad7hfans hl h ot Glad to repart tint bath 16 H V E I .R E A which included îîvnowing out teami man'aged only 1inl the Mi-. Harold Stinson and Mi-: 16 E. B LA R4. SEI aone Port Hope i-urner ti-ying yt n hadrale îgt Cephas Staples were weîî Ocl. standard transmission. Guare e orgnlmege.,ni ta steal second an'd îwo aIliers l with 2 in tic 7th. Boy Scouts cyuht b eese rmml.,Ti a si hwomc trying ta steal third. Calver, Donaghue and Rab- Ras: Memorial Hospital Vo bc A ttention . . Allan Caîver led te locals son chipped in 2 uits apiece .4tiansferi-ed Vo a nursing home 1961 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. HA D O at tic plate witlx a single, tri- with single blows gaing ta nLnsy.tamtccso ado ht Wclsh hit a disputed ixomer Cawker and Rogers. à- Rxanne have enjoyed a SK IN DIV RS teda agpeinr la isV;- Bamavi Ausi its, enlek' F rk laserges 1960 RMBERAMBASSADOR 9.-4 ia ladies' saftbail action the fi-st on Barbai-a Brown's or and mebbe we ana get a piano Speela Dial for Tisse Setting *. last Wednesday nigit ia New- two baggei- and a single by CO LJLEI..[j sextet gaing. WihClna «,tnil.Bro>ck. Newtonvilîe tied it in Tic senior students, teaci- FuIJy Automatie $ 5 0Kai hiesbse-ile hYeiv al na akan A Eertan S.S. Nro.1paret double was thc big blaw la two infield outs. Singles byofYletnS.N.1ar M'%cQueen's seventhi inning rai- Donoghue, Brown and Haynes scieduled ta take a bus trip Ily a Shrly Boc, Pgg made it 3-i aftcr tii-ce score- SATURDAY !to Upper Canada Village on H OPR SHaynes, Mary Aiken and Ha- less frames, but In Vie fiti, 1fi-ay oPet-borough a 7:3 zel Donoghue singled.Vie lasers added another. Eaci1 TTTML', etrbrug a 73 zelDangiu sigle. eni scored once la Vie sixth, '""~a.m. Ye goda, wiat an hour! 1 0PR S1Bawinanvillc was neyer be- Newtonville's talIy com ing Mi1s s es Candy Malcolmn, hind, but tic hast club kept again withaut a hut. Tic Win- NEXT CeLLECTION Adele Page, Pamela Stinson JEWELLE Y & GIFT SHOP wti single i-un for- Vie six nei-s counted on Delores ,Da- -ad Mitzi Malcolm provided carlier innings. Shirley Brook vey's triple and White's sin- SAT., AUG. 10.' 1963 tapdance numbers at th WI. 16KN i 29 ing St.LEL Bowmanvile checked thc lasers on twvo gle. bazaar and fasiion show latu = ile safeties, while LauraMls Brown and Haynes led Mc- 8:30 a.'Blacksok on Friday evening. S.E was tagged ht for 14 uts a e en's with three safeties IO n Saturday evcning a VIte route. Each pitcher laim-1 apiece. inumber fi-cm Yelverton m--__________________________________ f ê t, Q 1 th

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