Mas »Survey ow U0ewyz, ubn Three Girl Guides- Receive AIl Round Cords atafrOm4n Durham County's Great Family .Taurnal On Monday, June 3rd, three Bowmanville Taking part in the presentation were, from lef t to Guides took another step up the ladder of achievernent right, Cathy Westover, Guide Capt. Mrs. L. Lucas, %vhen they received their Ail Round Cords during a Divisional Commissioner Mrs. W. Rudeli, Sandra 1resenttion ceremony at Bowmanville High School. Robinson and Christena Tighe.__ ____ 55 New Canadians Become Citizen s Today At Cobourg Ceremony- Fifty-five people received Hryhorij Jakymszuk, Theor. DECORATION DAY citizcnship papcrs fromn Coun- dor Kuiczykyj and Wiadyk Thi Suda aferoonatty Court Judge J. C. N. Cur- Kaback. ThisSunay ftenoo atrelly at the Counties Court- New citizens from othet 3 i.m. Bowmanville Cerne- house in Cobourg this after- municipalities include Pete tery will be the gathering noon. and Diane De Vos, John and place for town residents as ateDgorNwsle they participate ia a Dec- Cobourg residents who wi:lAate egorN cst oration Day service. receive certifeates arc: Wil- Jan Kowalczyk and Stephania hclm and Else Baltzer, Jaco- Lukasjk (Mrs.), Fraserville: Members of Town Council, bus Hermans, Josephus and Ziata Gregoras (Mrs.), Pcter the Ministerial Association, Susanna Laureyssen, Stanko and Joanna Tax, Pontypoo]: theRoyl anaia Leih Sparovac, Klaus and Jcnny Nikolaj and Antonia Debusz- and other organizations have Woudsma, and Wilhclm and czuk, Orono; Anne-Rose Chant indicated they will be pres-TiaPîsr.Ms),yon;aranHd ent for this annual event. Tnwig Br. Ms., o e;r and ir Roo Gnest speaker for thse BownianvIlllc: Cornelius and Big ht and Hida Mari. occasion will be thse Rev. F. Kiazina Den Hcrtog, Jane Brchn;k a(Mrs.) CoMbrni K. Frampton, rector of St. Dykstra (Mrs.), JohS2I and fer the swearîng-inere John's Anglican Church here. Gezina Eikcns, Lazlo and Ma- manies, the ncwcitgizns er- na Jger Rocrt nd a- ntcrtained by the Business ria Netten, James and Sjour- and Professionai Women's S cho a r h p kie Reyenga, Angela Cheng Club and ail the women who Scholarshi p Seto (Mrs.), Jacob and Joanna have become nw ctzn Vnder Gaast, William Van wcre presented with a Maple der Gaast, Hotske Van der Leaf brooch. PotHope: Robert Wesle Brown' Leon Kalisz, Jacob2a ATTEND FUNERAL Skinnr (rs) Ilona Udva'r- Mr. and Mys. C. G. (Ted) hcl, (rs)Arath and Oda Morris were la London, Ont., Lrsen,.iast Monday -where they "Ncwtonville: Anna Domnan attended the funeral of their aeka (Miss), Jan and EmMla cousin, Mr. Frank Frederick Hanasimowicz, Michael Jo3Y, Brittain. Life Memberships Presented by Local - Hospital Auxiliary Gerald A. Piper At the 52nd Annual Springl Convocation of the Universityi c! Saskatchewan in Saskatoon recently a Bachelon a! Arts Degree was confcrred on Ger- ald Aitken Piper, son of Mn. and Mrs. Albert Piper, 56 Brown Street, Bowmanviile. It was announced that he is the winner of a $500 Sýholar- ship. Mr. Piper will use bis Scholarship next autumn ta continue bis honor studies for an M.A. degrec. Prior ta en- tering the university Mr. Piper rierved six years in the Can- mdianr .____ Steal Tools From Snuffy ,Value $450 There was a break-in at Snuffy's Auto Body Shop, 181 King Street West, early this morning, and tools va]- ued at $450 were stolen. Constable John Bird dis- covered at 4:42 a.m. today that the padlocks on the shop had been fored and an entry made. The break- In mnust have been made after 1:30 a.m. when a check had been miade and ail fourni in order. Bowmanvllle Pol- i!ce re investgatng. Driver Unhurt When Kiwanis May Construct Dam At Their- Park The members of the manv'iIle Kiwanis Clul joyed a chicken barl dinner on Monday ev in the Kiwanis Park. k After dinner, plans ft construction of a dai r the creek were disci er It was agreed that su id dani would assist in thi e; mation of a swimming a andI it could be remov e; the autumn as a preca er to prevent possible s ]: flooding. z- During the balanceo even i n g, the Kiwa: worked at widening iroadway at the park, ainf setting up piceiet and benches for the sum ieseason. lPharmacists le Hold 'Sessic SBow- b en- rbecue vening for the m la cussed. ;ch a e for- ,pool, 'ed la Lution ;pring or the anians the and tables Lmer lin Sudbury .Local phramacist, Fred Tip- pins, manager o! Jùary & Loy- cil Pharmacy attendcd the 45th annual convention o! the Ontario Pharmacists' Assoc- iation, held recently in Sud- bury. Several hundred pharma- cists from Ontario, other parts o! Canada and the United States gahcred together in the "Nickel Capital" of the wonld ta participate in the conven- tion. Business sessions were - At the meeting of the W-pandfrtems ato men's Hospital Auxiliary held the days. Outstanding speak- in the Board Room at Memor- ers, such as the Deputy Min- !l Hospital on Friday after- ister of National Health, G. noon, the president, Mrs. S. D. W. Cameron, President o! G. MeMurter, prcsented Mrs. the Ont. Medicai Assoc'n, Dr. L. T. McLaughlin and Mrs. P. Bruce-Lockhart, Dean o! Wesley Cawken with Honor- the Faculty of Pharmnacy, U. ary Life Mcmberships in the Of B.C., Dr. A. W. Matthews. arganization ia recognition ()f Dean of the College of Phar- their outs-tanding service ta macy, Ohio State, Dr. L. M. thé auxiliary. Mrs. MeLaugh- Parks, President o! Eli Liliy lin and Mrs. Cawkcr havelCornpany (Canada), R. E. each belonged ta the Womcen's West!all, Manager of Adver- Hospital Auxiliary for more tising for the Rexali Drug Ca,. than 25 years, and have de- W. E. Irwin left a real message voted their timne and talents with their listeners. ta its work during that period. Frec time was allotted ta President McMurter an- tour the Inernational Nickel nounced that an Hanorary Plant and the City of Sud- Life Memnbershîp in the Pro- bury. Refreshing entertain- vincial Auxiliaries Associa- ment was provided in the tion will be bestowed on Mrs. evenings and ended with the Cawker at the request of the President's Banquet and Dance (TURN TO PAGE TWO) on Wednesday, June Sth. Car Flips Over The car pictured above was badly damaged in brother Colin Lamiat, were taken to Memoriai Hos- Saccident at 7:20 o'clock an Sunday evening at the pital by the Bowmanville Area Ambulance Service. kersection of No. 401 and No. 115 Highways. Brian Colin Lamiot was tneated for minor injuries in the '4xiot, 49 Warland Avenue, Toronto, lost control of Out-Patient Department. Mrs. Lamiot is stilli a patient h~r, which went off the roadway and turned cver in the hospital. She suffered extensive bruises on heri median. The driver was uninjured. Two neck and shoulders. Constable Murray Joynt, OPP, bera, his znother, Mrs. Mildred Lamiot, and a investigated the accident. ' VOLUME 109 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, -WEDNESDA Vfolunteers Town Receives Award To -Contact Ail Homes Before the Mass TB Survey has been complcted, every home in Durham County will have been contacted and a1.1 residents informed of tcsting programn now undcrway f Hundreds of volunteers are conducting a house to house canvass to remind evcryone of the importance o! having a tuberculin test. The volun- teers are part o! an overail canvassing force of more than 3,000 persons, who will be ivisiting , al county homes dur- ~~~ ing the next six wecks. In an ail out effort to reach the survey's goal of tuberculin ' ttesting ail available county residents, canvassers have do- nated numerous hours of their time to the projeet. They wiIl go from door to door to re- - mind persons that they are f entitled to a free tuberculin test, answer any questions they may have about the sur- vey, and to tel], cveryone i'.... where their nearest clînic will be held. Michael Wladyka, gencrai chairman o! the survcy, sug- ,gests that persons do flot de- lay in getting their tests ta avoid any last minute rush that may develop. "No one who cares for his or her o'wn health and thato his family can afford to ne- glect this opportunity," he Councillor Wesley Fice represented the Town said. "This country is Paying of Bowmanville at the Ontario Safety League's golden a high price for tubercuiosis, anvraylnho nTrnols ensa n For details of the area sur- anvraylnho nTrnols ensa n vey check advertisements in received a special award from Ontario's Attorney this issue. General Fred Cass, lef t. The special presentation ÇBtits andi ÇA eces -BAND MUSIC - Tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m. the Army will have an opportunity to show what one of their bands can do. Recently, the Air Force sent a wonderful band to play for the Boys Train- ing School. This time it will be the well known Royal Canadian Signal Corps Band from Kingston. Anyone interested in hearing the band will be welcomed at the school. If the weather improves, the concert will be held outside, otherwise it wiil take place in the school auditorium. i. t t i. t RACKETS - Junior, senior players and tennis instructors will receive some expert advice on Tuesday at the Lions Centre at 4:15 p.m. when tennis pro George Mansfield will again visit Bow- manville to show how the game should be piayed. t t t t t BUSY SPOT - The terribly hot weekend may have been hard on some folks, but for the Cream of Barley Camp and its zoo, it was a bonanza. Throughout the day and early evening, the pool and the rest of t4e camp was packed with visitors. Waltona Park in Newcastle also had a tremendous crowd with Proprietor George Walton taking over the lifeguard duties. His summer staff of helpers couldn't assist, they were too busy studying for exams ail this week. t t t t t SYMPATHY - We always feel a touch of sympathy for schooi students at this time of year when they face the moment of truth in their annual final examinations. It is a trying time for pupils, teachers and interested parents. We wish ail of them sucoess and excellent resuits, knowing that for some it won't happen that way. The importance of education and the need for conscientious, steady work throughout the year is as difficuit to împress on youngsters now as it was in our day. There is a quotation that applies: "We are too soon aid, and too late smart". AROUND THEY GO - Those nimble hoe-downers who have been practising under direction of the Recreation Dept. wvill stage their first outdoor session next Tuesday on the Dominion Store park- ing lot. The square dancing will start around 8 p.m. and visitors wauld be wclcome. t t t t t FISH STORY - The Lands and Forests Weekly Report tells of a muskie caught out of season in the area and tossed back, complete with cut line and plug. A conscientious fish, it swam around the nearest dock for three days before a helpful f isherman picked it up in a net, removed the plug and threw it back into the lake. Incidentally, many who visited the northern holiday area over the weekend are still cursing those hungry black fiies, while nursing the gaps they lef t in their hides. Apparently, the little rascals are quite plentiful and most active this year. t t t t t BUDGET TIME - Thursday evening the Panlia- ment Buildings at Ottawa will be packed to the doors for the first budget to be presented by the Pearson government. Many individuals and bus- iness executives are waiting anxiously to hear the news which will have a considerable bearing on plans for the year ahead. On Tuesday, Finance Minister Walter Gordon announced a $709 million deficit for the year just concluded, with little prospect of a balanced budget for years to come. It also was announced that anyone building a house this winter will receive a cash bonus of $500 f rom Ottawa. It's a crazy world we live in. This probably will promote so much building at tax- payers' expense that construction workers will be in such demand that they will feel justified in seeking higher rates of pay, thereby raising the price of a house by more than $500. MY, JUNE 12th, 1963 l0c Per -Copy NUMBERÈ24 for Being Fatality Free imarked the completion of 1962 without a fatal acci- 1dent being recorded in the town. There were 26 other 1municipal presentations for fatality free towns of 5,000 1and over, only five awards for cities with 10,000 or IRural Hydro Staff Receives Award for Customer Service _ Top honors for customner pointed out that meriting an - _____ service in Ontario Hydro's award just doesn't happen byJ . Centrai Region during the past chance. He congratulated the O d i ned~ year went to Bowmanville entire Area staff and partie- %/ra Rural Operating Area. uiarly Doug Tideman who The achievements of this spear-headed the efforts to im- Area were fittingly observed prove the customer service. at a dinner held in the Lions Mr. Crease mentioned that Centre, recently, with ail mem- much new electricai farmn bers of the Bowmanviiie Rur- equipment and many new ai Operating Area staff and electric appliances are coming - their escorts present. At the on the market that will help the function a framed letter from customer, and he maintained Central Region Manager Adam that it was the duty of every S. Smith to Area Manager W. Hydro empioyee to make people Rex Walters and his staff was aware of such new equipment presented by Hydro's Central or appliances. He referred to Region Consumer Service Eng- one smali article which at first, ineer C. E. Crease. to Mr. he had thought might hve~ Walters. iimited value, nameiy thek In hisremarks, Mr. Crease eiectric toothbrush. However, ______Mr. Crease stated that when. WILL UNVEIL PLAQUEhehd learned from a friend who ad roule ithhis gums Newcastle's Chamber of how important an electrie Commerce is sparing no toothbrush was in clearing up effort in its preparations his infection trouble, the for the unveiling of a me- opinions about this appliance morial plaque this Saturday quickly changcd. As his friendý rnorning. pointed out it was cheaper to The event wilI be held use an electrie toothbrus n between 11:30 and 12:45 on massage the gums properlIy the Pearce farm. Visitors than to require false teeth. should proceed to the south- Cheaper Than Hired M an cmn end of the village on On the farm, the speaker! Edward Stuart Coiwell, Miil Street, turn west at the said electricity is cheaper than: B.A., B.D. Station Road and then left a hired man. He maintained was ordained into the ministry until they reach the site at that customers must be shown of the Unitcd Church or the mouth of the creek. ail the new and latest equip- Canada by thc Bay of Quinte The plaque is an historical ment so that they can lcarn Conference on May 29th, 1963, tribute to the Robert Bald- the many ways that Hydro can in Sydenham Street United wvin family of pioneers. 'TURIN TO PAIIE TWO) jChurch, Kingston. -A recent honour graduate f r o m Emmanuel College, Toronto, Ted was liccnsed to Millbrook Pastor rahoMy19 bte United Church, Bowmanville. It was announccd that Mr. The Rev. Stanley E. Snow-ý Mr' Snowden was one of post gradujate studies in homi- den of Milibrook and Cavan two persons selected by the letics and pastoral thcology. United Churches rcceived United Church, to take this He won this $1,500 award for word this week that he is to course. The other participant achieving first class honours receive a $400 schoiarship to for the course is to be select. during his three year course. attend a three-week summer ed from Newfoundland con- On July lst he wiil continue sehool on audio-visual educa-1 ference. The course will take bis ministry on the Coe Hill tion at Chautauqua Centre of place from Juiy 8 to 26. Mrs. pastoral charge. Ted is the Syracuse University at Chau-_ Snowdcn and family plan to son of Mrs. Bert Coiwell and tauqua, New York._ _ accompany Mr.Snowden. the' late Mr. Colwoll. Heimrath Leads Canadians Grand National Races At Mos port this Weekend SAIL FOR EUROPE Mrs. Albert Piper am Mrs. William Bateu salle from Montreal on Frida aboard the S.S. Carinthe for England where the will spead the next thre months. Mr. Bates drove his wi and Mr. and Mns. Piper t Montreal. Thse party lel Bowmianville on Wednei day. After seeing their wlve sail on FrIday Mr. Pipe and Mr. Bates drove back t Bowmanvllc. - Toronto - German - born same car that flipped over Ludwîg Heimrath will at- three times in the Spring Tro- tempt ta cernent an even !inm- phy Races May 18. He wonked nd en grip on the "Piayen's Chai- night and day ta prepare his d lenge Trophy")put Mosport this Porsche RS 61 fon the "Play. Ly Saturday in the Grand Na- er's 200". 'i ea tional Races. I The Canadian driving cham- ey Heimrath, with 18 points in pianship, won last year by ee the standings todate, doubled Tononto's Francis Bradley, is his lead aven his nearest pur- onganized by the Canadiar. ýesuer la the "Player's 200", an Automobile Sparts Club with o international sanctioned meet, Imperial Tobacco Company ftat Mospant, June 1. The Tor- putting up the 'Playen's Chai- s-onto ace coliected eight points lenge Trophy". The winner ne- for his overall fifth place fin- ceives an expense-paid trip tu esi ish. f1 compete in a major Interna. r What made Heimnath's fia- tional sports car race. o ish evea mare spectacular was Hcimnath was the only Can- the tact that he piloted the (TURN TO PAGE TWO> m 1