IkCPeWC4IIe 9;!4'en£4t orn Aunnw. Editnr Phone 3621 -1 i1uulu' rL -au I RAnt*i.ince Draw Winners Two Units Unite Durhm Cmpesatin CsesFor Dessert Tea Durhm Cmpesatïn CsesNewcatle- Unit 4 of the Unît2d Church Women joined with Unit 2 for a ]ovely des- Show Decrease During 1962 sert tea 'n the Sunday SchQol roomn on Thursday afternoon, June l3th. Newcastle - Though t h e 1 Cenotaph Draw Made the club. Lion Charles Megit'Ms .Au ecmdte numnber of man hinc wrei h LosCntahDareported for the Horticultural ladies. .Andinitelo el h shoed maked ke, postpcned from May 20 was omte ht priso ect the dessert they preferred Durham in 1962, workmens a hs etng st had been received from the ~da eesre e nT compensations dlaims dropped md a hoîî eingr th- Department of Highways foran lwe srdtaonT from 170 'nhe1961ktos16s 'nllows: a hed at the east end of the tas 196 sad Jhn ollngsort, Westinghouse Hair Dryer village and the commitee plan- Atralhdejydte Public Relations officer of the Ruth Paterson, Newcastle; 2.ned to work Up the soil du r- lovely desserts, members of Compensation Board of On-:Philishave Shaven - H. J. ing the summer and prepare it Unit two conducted the de-. tario, on Wednesday evening. Falk, Newcastle; 3.Rnoi for faîl planting to have early votional portion of the meef- Mr. Hollingsworth was the;Cn Cao Rno flowers next spring. ring, opening wih the hymri ~uest speaker at the r gular:C b o- oekn 1Nw Lion Harry Jose reported "For the Beauty of the gi-mrnthly dinner meetn g of cate 4. Proctor Toaster - for the Carnival Committee Earth". Mrs. W. Brunt read the Lions Club held in theC.H Dowton, Oshawa. Ithat the Carnival would be tbe scripture lesson and Mrs. Elmhurst Hotel. * During the business portion'eld in Waltona Park on July B. Allin read a lovely poemn on Introduced by Lion Harold'of the meeting conducted by 20 and arrangements had not "Nature*. She also gave a, Gibson, the speaker outlined Lion President Frank Hoar a yet been completed for thereading on "The Wonders of, the work of the Compensation Key Award was presented to ýf eature attractions, but these ' Spring"', bringing out the Board. He said the Board was Lion George Walton for spon- should be completed by the' feeling of how close we are to set up January 1, 1915, the soring two new members to'next meeting. i_____ God when we love and apprec- first Canadian province to' late the lovely flowers and have such a board. He said I$ 0 trees and ail the wonders of the function of the Board is Leg ion Do aes $ 0 nature that God bas put in 1. to prevent accidents, 2. to bis wonderful world whichi cane for injurèd workers, and be bas created and that we are' 3. to return injured worke ID d c to *apr f back to the job as soon as ank t n o pr f possible. He said the daily Mrs. I. Allun led in prayer average of reported cases dur- iI and ail enjoy'ed the lovely ing 1962 was 1100 accidents. UW ew C no oJu ly 2 duet, "In the Garden"', sung Mn. Hollingsworth said about by Mrs. J. Brown and Mrs. '70 % of the reported accidents Nwcastl- Th e ontractors Newcastle 2.0 H. Allin with Mrs. Allin play- aecomparatively mnrwt oe the Memoial Cenotaph Nelson Osborne, igteacmaiet no lost time from the job buti into its place on the west lawn Bowmanville ---- 10.00 Mrs. Fairbrotherwsito in the more serious cases thei of the Communit-! Hall on the Royal Canadian Legion, d uced by Mrs. B. Allin and new Compensation Hospital weekend. The' feundation, Branch 178, gave a demonstration of !low-' nt Downsview bad done much'steps and walk in from the1 Bowmanville 200.00 er arrangements which wene: to assist the work of the bo- sidewalk having been corn. Total to date------ $193536 most colorful and interesting. r. Holnsot lin pleted previously. Now ail that When she finished, Mrs. Fair-, Mn.Holigsorh xpai- remains to be ci ne prior to brother gave ber arrangements ed that safety helps the em- the Dedication on July 2ith IE j ~~~to members of the group to ployer and the employee als' is the engraving cf the stone. iederaiijfl LA. give to shut-ins, a very lovely the less spent on casualties in' The Cenotaph Fund also gesture. the various classes of jobs the made a sizeable leap duning lower the rate of contribu- the past week wben the B.iw- Hol ds M eeig Mrs. W. M. Rudell expressed tions that must be paid. Theremavle rnh17 oft the tbanks of the group toi inoprofits from compensa- Royal Canadian Legion and TeDuamC nyFde-MsFirotrfr giving tion thnol prto sto h uhmCut ee- of ber time and adding sa tion, cthe wo oerato n IStoprivate duî!rtions raised ation of Agriculture held their muchta t the meeting. Mrs. G. ionucted- at co exrt. dthe fund by $235 lL-aving the June dinectors' meeting recent- Riekard expressed apprecia- MVbmbers of ti Lh peion i ofStorsepresedfunci standing at $1 935.36. ly at the Agriculture Office,i tion to Unit 2 for inviting Unit Toronto, distinguished bers to Mr. Holiingsworth for Donattins ýBowmanville. i 4 to share this fine meeting num ber of area spectatc hie most interesting and in-1 Previously reported $1700.36 Bruce Taylor reported on and tea with them. the lakefront farmi of structive taik. E. Richard Lovekin, the members meeting of the Mns. B3. Allun expressed ap- 011tl. nSatuircIay Ontario Fedieration of Agri- preciation ta all wbo had con- cd the unvei1invg of an culture. The O.F.A. is ask- tributed to the success of th e Xi1 f ing that greater cane be exer- meeting and it closed with the th~e pioneer B)aldwin f cised when snow fences are ne- benediction. icontribution to the pro, 1l w a temoved. Wire and other ma- -- -_ _ terial left in the fields cause macbînery breakdown and in-Jl t o1t Ijury to cattle. Concern was -- - also expressed at the amount: bottles are thrown on or be- - Mrs. NoraHornick of Bow- Church on Fni. evening. The iehgwy.Oa r izt o1 mnanville was a Sunday guest program was well attended The Provincial and Federalý with Miss Marjonie Clemence. and everyone enjoyed the fine Governments are being asked A mniscellaneous shower in program. The children did ex- to adopt a policy of milk dis-r c . T honour of Miss Marilyn Arm- ceptionally well and there tribution to the schools.A o o a BS strong was held at the home must have been somne ver-,, resolution was passed asking ef Mrs. Percy Tamblyn on proud parents. Congratulations that there be more uniforrn- Newcastle- Area Chairman Mrs. J. Scott; Ce sus r Wednesday evéning, June 12. are in order to Miss Armstrong ity in the text books used in John Scott has announced his Ross Ailln and the foildiÀ Mrs. Marie Gartshore read the who must have put in many nîl primary and secondary organization for the TB Sur- iodress, very appropniate for long hours to make the pro- schools. . egtzn a-hls ~e occsion fter hich he grrn wht it ws. Th repot of he rual r vey is ta be made in the VI egtzn îrhls ,ïe ccaionaftr whch he ramwhatit as.Therepot o th rual e-ilage on Tuesday and Friday,iAlex Martin, AIf Perrin, eWelde-to-be opened m a ny Light refreshments were development committee to1d july 9 and 12 in the Com- C. Fisk, Mis. E. R. Love '~autiful gifts. senved to the children and what procedure will now beimunity Hall from 2 to 5 in thc.Mtrq. John Northriip, Mrs. Mrs. David Gray entertaîn- their parents by Unit 4 of the followed. Township and muni-laftennoon and 7 to 10 in the C. S. Williams. Jimn Bar ed with a number of bier most United Chunch Women under cipal counicils will be asked toi evening. and ,Tack Crago. Tlhe pppiate and humourous Mrs. W. M. Rudeil. select two representatives to The supply chairman for Marshalls arc, rosponsihle readn= and the evening was At the unveiling of the Bald- t h e Rural Redevelopment the local survey is Tracy Ero- the x'lsiInrs in his or liera brought to a close with the1 win Plaque on Saturday, Mrs. Committee within the county.'bley; Special groups. Fred Prino lu 11w inic these senving of dainty refreshments Marie 1. Gartshore had the Representation from organiza-, Couch; Clinic chairman, Mrs. itor- \vîll ho ualling on1 evE by Mns. Tamblyn and ber pleasure of meeting several tions such as the Great Pine Wm. McCracken; Publicity 'one ln Ihe arva urging then friends. former Newcastle nesidents, RLidge Tourist Association, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Farrowtnmely, Tucker Couch, Hazel Lake Ontario Development As- f Stankville wene SundayiBannie, Lucy Brault Noreen sociation, and the conserva- flw i s ndS guests with Mns. G. Smith. ýQuinlan, Edgar Kenefick, Jane tion authonities in the county have returned following a mo- ereli Wright, Gertrude Mc- and study of the county isi ton trip to Salt Lake City, 'Mullen Spicer, Alma Thomas planned. This wîllgive such e Utah. While there they at- 1Bowen. Also present was things as educational facilities, iaJ tended the annual convention Irene Orchard, a cousin of the available industries, number ý î i P io n e e r V il of he Holstein -Freisien Assoc-Ilate Mrs. Noah Selby. Severallof people, soil type and otheri lation of Amenica. o! the above recalled tbe time mnatters wbich could affect the'l Students of Miss Arm- ;when they picked stawberries'people in Durham County. Newcastle -Members of the FoLirtc,;iBrewîîîos,'A strong's room in tbe Public for both Noah and Isaac Selbyi The Durham County Federa-'local Brownie Packs had a Clark, Dale Powell, Juidyç School pnesented a very fine at a time when strawberriesition o! Agriculture plan to'most enjoyable day to end pheinson, Carol Lovekini,C piano recital in the Sunday sold at 24 quarts for $1.00 in have a display at the various1their yean on Saturday, June olinie Wnaiod, uhYa School__Room _of-- the United i the dim and distant past. fairs within the coun ty. I15th, when they boarded a Arlie \nvMunru. p~o _ _ --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- .bus in the village at 9:45 for r)ianrý Fmhtu.\, Aherla (, Pioneer Village, near Wood- PgvD;îrraili Paty Pai Ibridge and arrived hack i oin irGrwaii ah IINewcastle at 6 pro. Boch(î s criovn, vo ir Gol Brown Owl, Mns. Cali and Bars. Pack Leader Bertha Clarke A nîrroher of proficie SPE IA L LO WPRI ES express their appreciation to adges havehn vwn hy I~l, ii Iwent along te help, Mns. Sirop- pif, ofr onths and ,l-eY soMrs. Gray, Mrs. Woodland listed helow. A Ilouse Ord( * ON NATIONAL BRANDS *Theu onsadte moth- iari-nLeeiParkertM'c At ourLo al rug is's T urs - n.- S t. seeing how the people lived Gladys Allin. Mistrel Ba CII E.11,TL L ago. They also enjoyed their badge. Karen Lee Parkeri 11,BU F RI abieLs --------- 's . 98e 6 9IIride in a farm wagon drawn Glenida John s on; Skat jby two large borses. badge (at the beginning I~C P E r ~ ~ oin~The last regulan meeting of the ya)KtyLvkn CO P RT N L t0 ý -----4-oz. - 1.75 1.5 the scason of the Ist and 2nd Pin-k Leadler, Bertha Ci iiBrownie Packs was lield on expects to go Io 1cacherýs Wednesday evening, last, wlien loge n Soloro ond xil two Brownies compilted thvir lonigrr hoý availahl in t , iLANACANE Cream -- - 1. 51.27 -,il Golden Hand Badge, Janie iwîth 1li(1wr Whitney., and Kathy Lovekin. Owl, Mrs, Cail and Pac Il' BRUNLTAN Cream Lotion ------- I:~ FLYTOX lnsect Bomb_--------- -- COLGATE Dental Cream- IANAC IN ------- IiTRIG Men's Deodorant- - - -- SJ. & J. "Band-Aid" --Plastic Stril OZONOL.~ oz.- 1.25 1.1 3 1.39 1 .19 ii - 1.09 9 7c "I ips - 49c 46c îI --79c 73c iii WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 'I 13OWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ' COWLING'S DEUG STORE JOHNSGN'S DEUG STORE'l ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGS 1ORO9NO JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY "I - - - - - - - - .i nhe Canadian Statesmnan, BowmaRnville, June 19, 1983 iL i Large Crowds Attends Baldwin Plaque Unveiling Ceremony * dition. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Robt. Hallbran bIas been spending a few days ini Tor- onto. Several from Manvers at- tended the Semi - Annual County Orange meeting held 'n Garden Hill on Tuesday evening. One of the high. lights of the evening wvas a presentation to Wor. Bro. Na- thaniel Belch who had served for 50 years (1912-1962) as County Secretary. This is be- lieved to be a record for Bn-. tish North America. He was a recipient of a desk lamp and beautiful framed scroll. This was presented to him by Rt. Wor. Bro. Leroy Heaney, 'Grand Secretary of Ont. East, who came from Ottawa to make the presentation. He was assisted by Wor. Bro. Alex Carruthers of Garden Hill. Outside visitors included Wor. Bro. Keane of Centre Has. tings County Master and Wor. Bro. E. Bruno, P.D.M. of Cen- tre District, Toronto. Every primany lodge in the County was repnesented. It xvas de- cided to hold a mammoth chunch parade on Sunday, Aug. l8th, at Millbrook. The guest speaker will be a Bishop from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. Ail branches of the Order will be invited to at- ie Durham County Club of photo shows the scene and a portion of the crowd.',t-n-d.- Sgovernmental guests and a Warden Earl Walkey is addressing them and extend- Durham County bas organ- Lors formed a large gathering at ing a cordial welcome to the visitons. Lower photo ized a TB Survey. The clinie Howard and Ernest Pearce, shows, fnom left te right: James P. Lovekin (Durham Jng Ponritypooll and n y morning. The occasion mark- Club historian), Mr. ai-d Mns. Howard Pearce, Ernest!tbe United Chunch basement ihistorical plaque in tnibute to Pearce, and E. Richard Lovekin who did much of the on Wed., July 3rd, from 7 ta amily who made a remarkahle local organization wonk for Newcastle Chamber of 10 p.m. with readings on Somrce July 8th. Mns. Clifford Fallis ivîince and the country. Upper _________ce. ______________________________ Chairman. Rer assistants are: t Mr s. Harry Richardson, Sup- Committee Appoints l Chairman; Keith Bradley, Census Poil; Mns. Paul Mucha, Clinic; Mns. Ken Fallis, Pub. RdyPlayground Leaders licity, and SmBon pc R e cid yial Gnoups. Within the follow- Newcastle- The June meet- tration in the Tadpole swîmmn- ing week, canvassers will be ng of tIhe Recreation Coro- îng classes. calling at each home. Giveg rnittee was i cld at the home ________ tbem youn full support, be- Llof Mrs. John Northrup o cause the need for an effic- u r T(iesdav evening, June lltih, ien~Jt survey is very important. with the chairman, Sam Bre- .L'J YP OL on' fail to attend the clinic. Poili, attend the clinic 8t the coro- neton presiding. The Garden Party at the' in,g muniiy hall for a skin test and, 1 Four applications xvere read United Church on Wednesday NE Mrs. if niecesîariiy, a cheit x-rav. andci cnsiciered for Playground xvas iaîîly well attended.NE The B Srve isa cmmu: laders xx ith Darlene Bowvený Sonry te learn that Mrs. 1 Mns. ity project te niake sure thene and lanie Zwier heing accept- Taîbent Kellett of Millbrook 1 6 ekin, are no undiscovened TB cases ed.' Tiese leaders ,vill attend had broken her ankle. Rer u a ý.A. in the area and everyone is Ihladriptangclsemayfedseewilih is a en rocsungd teattnd.at Camp Qin-M0n-Lac., near ber a speedy recovery. Zone A meeting of the workers Madoc froro June 23 Io 28. The Mr. and Mrs. Percy McMa- AS_ LOW AS Sfor has heen called for 8:30 pr..,oal Playgrounid xi be ini hon and Mrs Cully of Ton. a rea. Jîîne 25th, lu the United operation fr-om july 8 to Aug- onto were weekend visitons ~N4f vis- Chiirch Suinday School hall Inuut I1,, inclusive. wit Mn. ilyRiharso erm bre tro the plans for t. was decided to hoid Regis- 1 Fans were treated te, a ireal Up to 36 Months to Pay ro e he urey ___________trations of Childrenl 5 years 'good game of ball on Sundayý at an -ron June 22nd, coo-! evening when one o! the local moncing nt 10 aro. There is: teams defeated Starkville in'R no fec fer registration for the a well played game. The other SB A ea so n playground. ýlocal team were defeated by The secretary was instruet- 'one run in a close game at MOTOR SALES ed ta write a .letter of tbanks Janetville in the afternoon. LIMITED te the Scugog Cleaning of Osh- The local park is in excellent Authorlzed Tfa eawa fer Dry Cleaning the hoc- condition, the entine diamond Volkswagea Dealer fia g e key sweaters belonging te the ,cut hy ten power mowers ne- 'Recreation Committee free o! cenlly. Congratulations. 334 Ritson Road South Annn Ann Whitney feel a great loss charge. Mn. Lloyd Argue o! Beth- OSHAWA Ste - Alex Hendry moved, sec- 'any, a C.P.R. employee on Open Evenings Car-) in er gîîing but wish Bertha oîîded by H-. C. Bonathail that the local section bere bas been Dial 723-3462 alosievery succeis.a fee of $1.00 ho set i n reg's- lin Hospital with a heant con-_______________ Des jency vthe cou- arn, derly Cali1, lndy an d bdge ter's and I' aers o!r' gio :nk Cear- i io(> ile po ekie Revise Swim Schedule Due to Big Registration HARVESTS MORE HAY WITH LESS LEAF LOSS-HARVESTS MORE GRAIN WITII FEWER STONES' Nexwcastle- Total reg ira -i oe eda\'.TheoTadpole, w h eiTohi netrl e dai ik-ptehfrbir n o bns t rae tiens for the Red Cross Sxi ro be g en t-o haîf ho ir Fe!eotssa-etrl ewie n£~L~~In ~*~ migClasses te be poenz;ored sonr each xxeek.pckupfo-om ins. u w tien Committee in the Waltona Park Pool, have reached the 1 very gratifying number of 117, ýwhile the new radpnie ciaFs introduced hy the Recreatioin Committee has reached 29 and it bas been decided ' 'hat for safety sake tnrn have beon enough registered in ii-' Tad- pole Ciass and registration is ciosed as of tbis date2. June 20, 1963. Because of the large niumberi of participants in the classes,« it bas been found necessary te revise the schedule. The Iclasses will begin on Wednes- day, Juiy 3rd and continue for eighl weeks. The Tadpole i'lass wil he conducled for a îîeriod of six weeks. Each c-iaýzq viii enjny lxve heîrs of itrucltion each week with the 'Leijrn te Swirn", Beginier, Jiiir and lntermnediate Classes Crnm- ing twice a week for an heur lesson and thr Senuer Glass getti.ng their entire twu hours Re!oxv is the rpvtîs;d ie- uIc xxhic-h xii hecomne effpci- ive \Vodnesdav. July 3, 1963. Mnidav - 9 arn. te 10 ar. Intermediiate; 10 arn. le Il ar..,Learn te Swiro Boy,,; Il arn. te 12 noon, Learn te SwiiGirls. Tues»-oay-- 9 ar..teo 1 a.m. SeniorsIil ar..leo12 noen,, Royý.l Life. Wedniesday-- 9 a.m. to 10 arn. Juniors; 10 ar. te Il ar. Beginners: Il amn. te 11-,30 a.n., Tadpoles, age 6; 11:30 aro. Iu 12 neen, Tadpeles, ages 4 and .5. T'huniday-- 9 ar..te 10 a.ro. InteIrmediate; 1i ar. teIoIl ;.îii , Learo le Swim Boyvs; 1l a ni ?o 12 neon. Lparn lu Sxxim i~'îicla ;3 rn to 10 8ar inflerý: 11 arn to 11:30 arm. Tadipnlps. ai-,- . il 3n a ro. to 12 noun. Tadpoles. ages 4 and flexibility allows the tooth to be Iowered dloser to the ground and Flexi Tooth wiII pick up more crop per acre than conventional steel teeth. These new plastic teeth wiIl handie hay more gently and reduce leaf shattering. Flexi Tooth on combine and baler pick-ups wiIl ride over or by-pass most ob. stadles, throwing fewer stones in the windrowr. Mountd in rnbber strips, Flexi Tooth is much quieter. The superior self-damping effect further minimizes dust Fexi Tooth is tougher and wili outlast ordmnary teeth, while replacement teeth cost from 30% to 40% leus than Conventional teet& FOR FULL DETAILS CALL ANY OF THESE IMPERIAL ES AGENTS (Stntpndn A. H. STURROCI( & SONS LTD. - BOWMANVILLE - MAI-5516 .ý'ipaontI hi 1 tc f y 0' c .7a P -- 1