6 The Canadian Stategman, Bawnianvllle, June 10, 19 B H S Student T Rotary of Adven Ci! izenshîp a! O The National CapItal Corn- .n Ottawa sponsored by R, rnission's Plans for improv- tary, was the guest speak, ing the capital city, Ottawa, at the Bowmanville Rotai were discussed by Miss Ruth CIub's luncheon meeting. Werry, R.R. 2, Newcastle, when she spoke at the Flying Dutclhman Motor Hotel on Friday. Miss Werry, who' had been chosen to represent, Bowmanville High School at: theAdventure in Citizenship b.V~ OR THE RIVIERA? Wherever 'ou travel, it's al. j ways smauî to take along low- Cost Tuavel Accident Insur- ance. In addition t0 lump-sum benefits in case of accidentai cleatb you can gel 24-heur-a- day protection against the inedical expense of acciden tal injuries duringý our entire trip -shile 'cre going, mhile youure there, and on , oui- wav back. For as little as ý3 davs ou as'long as () mnhi. Sec us for details before ~OLI go! STUART BR INSURANCE RE ]King St. E. Office 423-5681 .Reprcsenring Hiartford Accident an lndemn;ty Company Member The Hartori Insurance Group Hartford lb, Cor.il I I UEVO Miss Ruth Werry A. O. Daînymple, the Or tauio Agricultural Represcu tabive, was inducted int Imenbeuship in the club. Mi Daîrymple is a past presider o! the Sterling Rotary Club Guests present at the hun ebeon meeting were Mrs Kennetb Werry. R.R. -2, New castie, bbe motber o! lbý guest speaker, Harold Grcg or y. Windsor, Rex Wynr iBrantford, Ben Barclay, Bi. Alger, A. George Rodgers Ted Sbreve, Stewart Alger ail o! Oshawa, and W L. Cal Ilander, Guelph. * JII'Lu) The Bowmanviile Rotar EAL ESTATE Club is sending bundles i( bbc Congo thmougb Miss Mur. Bowmanvilie ici Stevens, R.N., Presideni Keitb Billett annou n c ecld Residence Miss Stevens, wbo is serving as a missionary there, is ; 623-5493 sisten o! Bob Stevens a mcm- ber o! the local Rotary Club, Tom Rehder, chairman o. bbc Youbh Service Commit- rd tL,> tee, înbroduced the guest d ,speaker. He said that Miss 4;L; Werry had been chosen to represent Bowmanvilie High Sebool on bbc basis o! peu- OSHAWA and DISTRICT Crippled Children's Centre BLOOR ST. EAST OSHAWA For Children of Pre-Sehool and School Age ENROLMENT NOW OPEN for the Fali Term CERTIFIED TEACHERS AND PHYSIO AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST For Registration and Information: Oshawa Bowmanville Newcastle - 728-7525 * 623-2180 - * 3556 or write 387 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa SPECIAL- WHIPPING C FOR ONE WEEK ONLY JUNE 23rd to 29th HALF PINT m m m m F or best resuits in whipping cream. cream, bowl and beaters as cold as p Glen Rd Dairy PHONE 623-5444 GUING TO ROME tw SV 6evote o! thanks bo Miss We- IODGINS & BONCSLýTc uhsGOd mine at l , SAVE6c ry fou hieu fine address, stab- Barristeus, Solicitors, i Kirkhand Lake. il frl0 AO cd that Mu. Lucas and bis Notaries Public Hamnpton Tyro paper drive; .5fr3 cib,69c 2 CelleBat staff hadl made an excellent 14 Frank St. Bowmanvillc ruesday. June 25, at 6:30). choice when they selected E IHRDLVKN Mus.JonMcblein -- bier as the representative o! R ICHARD LOVEB. Tuesday fou Guelph wbpueub 'Bowi-anville High School. Banister, Solicitor sewl eabnigRCO SAVE 16r! -Snft Drink Powders ETR!- oe o Io.Tb cThe president, Dr. Keith !igS.E ecsl vention fou Secuetaries and, BillettI, also voiced bis per-Kig Poe24 Treasuuers o! Women's Insti-1 sonal appreciation 10 Miss Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-h butes. F I HE 0fr10 rae oe fr9 Weuuy, and as a souvenir o!f_____________ Rev. Mu. and Mus. Page and' iber visit to tbbclcub bie pue- LT aiv visibed the Stoddardr senied a book, "Seven Paths Yor iga g e s family in Toronto, who baveý Discount Speclal! - You Save 13c! DISCOUNT SPECIAL! 1:o Peace an International- g recenthy suf!eued a bereaveý-, al ef3 f ak 8o.Pg o ae1 12-o:. Tin Rotary publication, to- ber. SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO me.nt, the loss of a niother. MpeLa cOfPc -7Pg o aelc Phone 1 r 16 iMus. Lambert visited hieu r- have ertag F nds , Cheese Suices 2f or 53c KAMLuncheon Meat39c First Morîga'endsdstbbcMisses Stump.fu- Business Propenties Lilian and Alfred abbended a Sv 4!-6 f ak 6o.Jr SV 0!1/-b i possible !B Rsienes- ams Re. u.ad us tPge ap'e 14e! 6ff ak AE2c !-b 0 Mortgage Loans - musical recital at Albert Mp ef16o a *not me! HRLDC E EL the participants wer ue C E - -S R D 5 PICNIC Maple Leaf 1.29 For relief fro. Real Estate and pupihs o! Mus. Chaules Naylor.La Io k FEATURE! - York 12-oz. Tins barkacbe or that Mortgage Broker Mus. Alex Carrick accompani1 Save 4c! - Maple La 2o.Pt f tired-out feeling Newcastle Phone 3850~ ied Mus. Page. eat Bal(UE3 for 1.0 O p met y ougb, spent a few days wîth rIKEITH A.BLET -D.iM.ad Ms. Jk Lyon. Prices effective at the iisted Red & White Food Stores only Optomnetrist! Scarbouough, visited Mrandi 141 King St. E. -Bowmanviile' Mus. J. Lyon. OfieHur:B ppitetMu. and Mus. J. Lyon and, MAPLE GROVE MARKET . Maple Grove > Telepone 23-352 ýfamihy, Mu. and Mus. Sid Ker- Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. sey 'were Sunday suppe 10 75 ~~~9 a.m. t0 5 p.m.* guests at bbe home o! Mu.i and NSà" ARE -Thursday evenings Ms'. Haold Ashton. Enniskhî dent each led b! prnfessoru I dWrd dRed r.as rwod n o ~rI cf Canteton and Ottwa Mrs. Bob McQueen inotored toi1 were Thursday dinner guest anlrstes.f grcintpias I II HV IIITIN Lake Chandos and had a pie- with Mr. and Mns. RaYmSad tChe sale, o!egraisntonaRedl niesupper. Farrow. e ls soa lim epiaratîand natal- Last Sunday was Father's nations, Bachelor cf Science;ý'for Mr. Kersey. M.adMs lnSih r n r.Hre 1wp punishment were discussed. Day, and Rev. Perey Page's and ta his brother Mr. Vern! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goschel Douglas and Sheryl, spent Fni- son visited on Sunday with It was interesting to note the sermon was in keeping with Chant, who received firstýand familv. Oshawa, and fni- day evening with Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Barkley, Osh- opin ions from different partsithe duties of fathers. The class honours in second-yeariend, Rudy 'Nitschke, Bowman-,Mrs. Herbert Prescott, Ennis- awa, o! Canada.! scripture lesson was Ephesians exaininations, Electrical En- ville. visited Mr. and Mns. killen. Miss Nancy Johns is spenid- ýt r n>5:22 - 6:9, that passage deali.ng gineering, at the University iHarold Salter on Sund.ay. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cryder- i.ng a few days visiting «r1 "Afer e hd lnchd ocewith the husbands duty to his o! Toronto. He was alsoý Recent visitor with Mr. and man visited on Father's Day in Toronto. again in the ballroom o! the wife, the wife's duty to hier awarded the Second Spruce1 Mrs. Chas. Wheelot-k were Mr1 with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Miss Mary Peters, ,lee IChateau Laurier, the Hon. husband; and the example and Falls Power & Paper Co. Ltd.: and Mrs. Elmer Richardson,1,Cryderman, Oshawa. tle, visited Mr. and Mrs. El- John G. Diefenbaker spoketatann th paes oudSolri. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Arm-! Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell mer Wilbur on Sund ff a w a u~~H s o te d stof formaa.er t their children. Par- The Riekard - Pascoe wed- strong, Mr. and Mrs. Howard1 attended the Trent Valley Mus. Carl Wilbur', T:Cýalphi ,, Prim Minster whohad ntsshould take their child- ding reception was held in Hansen, al from Caledon East.ICemetery Decoration services Wilbur, Mrs. AUlin Wi iur and ~ o- sonality and s chnla .tt Priee Minsters who a d e ren to Sunday School and the township hall on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Bob McQueni,lat Hastings on Sunday, and Sharon, Taunton, visited Mr. ,er achievement.bendfae an agnb- Chuuch, not send them. The day. Westan, who are on holiday,, then visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur on ir Te nnalAdenur i.came Prime Minister. talk to the children was en- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cour- are spending a xveek with her'and Mrs. O. Cruickshanks in Saturday. Mrs. H. Annis and Citizenship is held under theýe were greeted at the titled "Pigs in the Mud," tice, Eibenezer, visited Mus. parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.'Peterborough. Miss Doris Annis, Oshawa, auspices of the Ottawa Ro- modemn new City Hall by while the surbject o! the ser- John Balson on Monday. Mr.!Sniale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilbur called on Mr. and Mrs. E. tary Club, and the students Mayor Charlotte Whitton in mon was "A Father's Duty." and Mrs. Geo. Rey.nolds and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abbott, and family. Oshawa, visited Wilbur. who attended from ail parts!'ber robe of office, who told The Sacrament o! Holy Coin- Mrs. Mary Adams, Courtire, Bowmanville, spent SaturdayýMr, and Mrm Haruy Palmer Mr. and Mrs. L. Burnett, o!th outr respnor:us about the origin of the munion will be administered visited on Wednesday with 1 ven ing wi th Mr. and Mrs. W.1 on Father's Day. Port Perry, and Mn. Wilbur of the ocaltrtary Clbsoe embem of the City of 0t- next Sunday, services at the Mrs. John Balson. SmauIe and farily. Mrs. Blake De Hart and Burnett, Bowmanville, visited M. RthertaeRotat when taw&, and the choice of Ot- usual hour. We are sorry ta report that' Mu. and Mrs W. Smale, Lin- Mrs. Sonley, and Mtr. Brian Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Wilbur :M.Rhersae hprnal o! nta waas capital. From there _Mr._Donald____ ____________ Len Lucas, te prinntcipideau HallHampton Sunday School An-MrDoadAckha ha Bowmanville High School, hoeo1teGvenrG n versary will be held on Sun- to spend a few days in hos- and his staff had selected MisshoeraftWe Gere gre d yJn 0hat23p. pa *Werry it was a happy choice E IA T m ekesNwedb heges race s ale r adMs.J . dy for the club because M 11 ýMadame Vanier, and then h ueipeahrist e Mand r J. . edd ye- given a tour of the rooms by Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson<of vaOoo iie nWd ýWerry's father, the laie Ken Grace Chu rch, Toron to, for- nesdav afternoon wîth Mu. neth Werry, had been a1 a guide. merîy of Oshawa. Special mu- and Mus. A. W Prescot and Bowmanville Rotarian. 1 Atog lwsriig sic is being prepared by theMrA.LPesot -I would like to express my1 the Miounties at the R.C.M.P. Sunday School choirs and a Mus. H. Annis and Miss apprcciation ta the Bowman Training Division at Rock- guest soloist will be present. Doris Annis, Oshawa, called ville Rotary Club, Mr. Reh cliffe. went on with their Heartiest congratulati o n s On Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- dcr and his committee, for!Precision Drill and Musicai fromn their Hamrpton friends cott on Saturday. the opportunîty of participatiRide as scheduled. However and neighbors are extended Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bal- ing in his Adventure in Citi- th an onetta ancl'oMr. Roy Chant, who is ai- son, Ginger and Tony, went ta zensip.' Mis Wery sa dasld so we saw a film on the, îendin~g the United Collega Malton ta meet his mother, * traininga! newrMouties in-Winnipeg, Man., and succesi r.A .Blon h a ½ sh bgn e ades. stead. flypse is-ereai i spent some time with ber L "A total o! *230 students* "We had a deliciaus buf!ami fuom cuos Canaaaweeliiusbfezý daughteu, Mrs. Taylor (nee 10 bacome Caacdainede suppei there, and then coin- uiney Eileen Balson) in B.C. Mrs. V it te apta l co cuiante pleted the day with a tour of! uies ieco A J. Balson wilî be spending Dlcaso meaningeofapit itynshp.The ihe National Art Gallery.A the surnmer with Mu. and eiou Served Hot o CoId- Sweet Pickled- Cryovac 1/2s mea- n t o f i rmte N rh-p h That night there was an c c 0 u n f a nâ c y Mns. Harold Balson. r opnin ofa ne EsimcMr. and IMus. Kenneth Cav-: oan ant ridin, han eer be Display, which was of spe- RAY J. DILLING erly attended Maple Grove' c r.an for bendin Soha en Can- cial interest ta the girls from Chautered Accountant anniveusary and were dinner' l itad. he er sonordthe North-West Teruitonies. 9 hrhSre guests o! Mr. and Mus. J. R.C OTG o l9 by the Rexdale Rotary Club,.! "Wednesday morning was' - - 2-86i Metcalfe. pcal eetd-VleCek rne "Most of the students au- again spent in discussionl LEONARD JAMES BROOKSI On May 30th, Mus. M. E.i SeilySlce au hc' rne S. rivedl sometime on Sunda 'y groups. We were taken by Chartered Accountant Pewtress, Cobourg, installed ,by bus, train, ou plane, hav- buses to Vincent Massex' Accountants - Auditons1 the -newly elected officers ro!. ie ing travelled up ta five days.j Park for a picnic sponsordà Trustee in Bankruptcy j the Bowmanville Business andc In the Union Station we! by the National Capital Com- jSuite 205W 725-9953 1, Profession al Women's Club. l weegreeted by Our hosîs. mission. We were then takeru Oshawa Shopping Centre I Mus. John Carnigan, Hampton,' I TAS6 ilv ho were members of the 10 the new Clarke Memorial' M.J H. COGGINS iwas installed as Civic Com- OsaaRotary Clbou hiýetefranilsrtdtl Chartered Acutn mittee himn Serve Tasty Cheese Snacks Nothing Tastier For Lunches friends. I siayed ai the samne on the National Capital, Second Floor Mn. Leslie McDonald a.ndFoLuc ihrSnks-Ted-4Vaets home as Sharon Leach did Commission and its plans for' New Library Building ýMu. Gerard Begin, Toronto,' Fr nhwihoSnks-Ted-4Vriie t ondeavrsaornn,29o the future. Cor. King & Temperance Sts ispent Saturday with Mu. and TREND BACON Luncheon M eats "Modaymonin, 29 f Thie N.C.C. is a commis- __ Phone 623-3612 Mus. John Caunigan. .us convened at the Chateau sion set up to plan and beau- YALE, FRIEDLANDE R Mu. and Mus. Ted Chant and SLaurier Convention Hall fou îi!v the nation's capital. &COPAY ernMad d weJatk lbCar4 pk- 9 welcoming speeches by the Thcey have bought up al the &CMAYtradCnae eea hi!i 9 pg 9 Chairman o! the Adventure, farms in the suruounding dis- Charteredl Accountantm icottage at Oak Hill Lake. a reoesentative o! Carleton trict to leave a 'green -belt'! Licensed Trustee i Bankruptcyý On Sunday Mr. Ross Met- 9University, and Heu Worship, auound Ottawa. They haveji cal!, the music teacher at the' Mayor Charlotte Whitton. I: plans to remove ail raiîwav 64 King St. E. 728-73711 sehool, took the Hampton' YOU SAVE 33c! -Ayimer Fancy Qua.1ty 48-oz. Tins :5ay 229 because the first tracks within thc cit.y, and Oshawa, Ontario school choir ta Harmony'a o mouning a boy awoke with ta relocate Union Station. MOTIH - ONTEITH Church to assist with the lU I -cr the measles. "Many of the governiment RIEHL & CO. 1rnorning service. A number -nmu iM MM McPf aI"There was a slight delay office buildings have beeni 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ýo! parents went ta puovîde, i. R afirst because o! a lack of moved 10 the "outskirts in an Chartered Accounitants transportation. chirbu t uoeMaoratep t rlev hetrfic,728-7527 Mu. and Mus. J. Kessier.! YOU SAVE 5c! - Coloured - Handy Pack Quarters 1-1b. Cartons chairtn s, 10 ute Myattmpro b eieve he t r so a tne r:Trntse hewk an occupational hazard here tour o! their lands, which, Hon. J. W. Monteîth, F.C.A. 'at the Prescott home, and ail: in Ottawa.' . extend up the Gatineau A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., C.A. attended Decoration at Pine: thoo Cae a luhibn htcageMilb, (iese rse) bnONAR(H Margarine 3'~69c "A nonweha lnc i Hilîs, explaining t b r o u g h G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. Grove Cemeteuy, Prince A1-ý teCaeuLuirbl guides wa cags ilbJarsesdTrse) et rooui. This was the regular mad-?. We saw the begin-ý G. E. Tretbewey, C.A. Mu. and Mrs. John Canriganý YOU SAVE 5c! 6o.Jr meeting o! the Ottawa Ro- , nings o! a new bridge, which R. F. Lîghtfoot, C.A. went for a Sunday drive, a!- tary Club. We had a speech, wilI extend across bo Hull, WILSON & BURROWS_ ter attending church, going to! Bea byteHn alMriTrenton and Presquille Pt. 0u' I Secuetary o! State for Ex- going ta restore a whols '114 King St. East, Oshawa, On t, asent uday wit his .. IN ZrP ICNK LES 2 R' 5 3 c by the Hon. Paul and the lace wteyare;l- artered ccuntntMsen Bl ake ucle t in-Bute temnal Affairs. e t lduso! mstet100theay il a al o- Prnn:gnandparents, Mr. and Mrs.! VOU SAVE 8c! Package of 60 ais wishe f1 he0e Cn see bc ustms ost a100 er ago I Con- Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Prime. iG. Edmond Bunrows, C.A. Mr. Donald Jenson Es adians in our country retain- went we were confrontcd by Phone,28-755 ed to a certain extent, there- ýthe heautiful beds o! tuîips r_______________ Beach, spent Sunday with' by improving Canada's cu.-' which have corne to symboî . l- - Wendell Prime.i tr.zeOtw.C r p a iic LAC Stanley Prime, wifei f Wt tuAe guoup photograph was ize ttaw. in ithoepr a li and family, who haebeni YOU SAVE 14c! - 3c f Pack - Wt Pork-o.Tn taken in front o! the Pea Our dineuof the b ail- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. visiting bis -parents, Mu. and~ Towem on Parliament rilwsoo o e the hateau Lare Chiropracton Mrs. M. Prime, have gone to Wethn en n ora ornost o! the Members o! Par- 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. ents. They just recently re< CMBA N ý9 Later we met in the Railway 1 I phn62-59tre omsvienGrý Comio c Romfoite reelamntwee reen.feoOfic tne62-509'trnd uo srvceinGe-, YO SVE20! Etr lc ouoninEah acag .15 Of ic 1 wr, tod he to sit saOfic Hours: By Appointment many. O SAE2!-Exr10CopniEahPc ge 5c ffak sentation o! our Citizenship wr l dtakb or Mm. Stanley Cossadoom, N., Certificates by Hon. GuyiMP at Lynn oul aktai enfaCarolina, U.S., isviin M' Favreau, the Minister o! ..'.LynRberts from ' j> J. g ýCitizenship and Immigration. Port Hope and 1 were the __________ and Mrs. Melbourne Prime. I N I E " MY 3 Hc re ndeduso! the re.: îwo reprcsentativ es f r o m DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D,.S. Mus. J. S. Hogarth and Mus. e1e e opnGo spnblte nvlgsDurham who sat with Rus- 75 King St. E. Bowmanvilhe Sam Dewell attended a show-' Save1c r opnGn which accompany Canadiani seil C. Honey, M.P. The Office Hours: e tMs oadCuhs; o ctPrh~ -b a citizonshîp. That evening we Minister o! Healtb and Wel- 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Bowmanville, in honour o!f hs baddine a Fihe Pr~fare, Hon. Judy La Marsh, Cîosed Saturday and Sunday Miss Gail Baker.,CO FE anbr 9 A& '1 Higb School. Later we sawispoke to us. For our hast ev- Office Phone -6359 m adMs rdHolroyd L excrps ro bc cholmu ening there was a dance in House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Jr. a.nd family and Mrs. Ger-ý sixcaep an r e in the s alon m-,s on the second floor DRE. W. SISSON trude Worsman attended 1-ar-1 Sav e 4c!e Hellmann's Real 16-oz. YORK BRAND dance.i o! the Chateau Laurier. L.D.S., D.D.S. mony Chuuch and thenvstdC Feh ron- ac "Tuesday mouning we went "Thumsday ionn ffc nbi oe Mu. and Mus. Brookham, Osb- O N U E47 rs roe eture!O 10Cultn nvrst frgahrd tnieo1lc 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville' awa. j eai discussion groups o! 20 stu- bbc Garden o! bbc PmovincS Phone 623-5604 1 m n r. inlHce Save 15c!e Casino - Catalina - 8-oz. Bot. SV O ýwhere an architect from the Office Hours: and family, o! Bowmnanville uic lay-oub. Theae to , u-ClosdaWednes da -Suday roy~d Sr a usFedHî KRAFT ressing 2 for 51C FehBkd etno uba tains which are supposed ta DR. C.F.CTRN D.D.S. Mn. Wm oweuv Save 4c! - A-2 8-Quart Premium Package Regular 39e 12 to Pkg. be bypical of a scene in any Office Mrs. Bill Holroyd. . I ID lT n 1 ýprovince. From here we 75 King St. E. Bowmanvilleï Mus. Gertrue Worsman and iIiiC LL .iC u u iir r. ONLY 98 KING ST. W.