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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 2

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2 TeCanadian StatesïýÏn, flowmanville, June 28, 11631 Karen 'Demnark: Boys 9 ta 11,1..À WEDDNG9 Rurl SaetyJimmie Pitt; Girls 12 to 15,I Judy Pitt, Boys 12 to 15, Don- -cULOG -ASTNaid Croweil. An ail-girls spot Jr. or s Parntsrace was won by Arline Cur- p ~~~~~~~A quiet, pretty wedding wa sn l-os lwiebl solemnized in Trinity Unitedý h o e P s e i n r l bys' bh ll thedl Th*nîa1r Farmers'ý weeds can be sprayed with o'clock when Charlotte J hOloby etçll ie Me tb _ikiln hrcosoneo St sLoseaWn eriesTrow he ol *ind a ih was heldi Embutox. This crop, haw- Anne Austin, daughter o Dr.F _ ( 1' i,;.~ ling Pin, Nora Curson; Men, recefttly the home f Mr. exer, shouid flot be used and Mrs. Charles Joseph 'Aus-: ( f1 , . ~ Kick the Shoe, Lloyd Heard; I and MW.' Wes Yellov, lees, En- where good stands of a]faifea tin. BwaiileFn r o- Mîed, Feedthe abyrJac niskiMen. can be grown. It should bc Garv Steven MeCullough, son andRuh_______Te ys E d abe nai planted on land where the of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin John The Rural Safety Poster The top ten entries in eachadRt rwl.TeMs D E abe nai .Cmetto pnoe ytescto r or ieasfty tery Persan contest was wan fgýiuIturaI College,adrs drainage is not good. McCullough. Newcastle. wen'Cmeîinsosoe ytescinar arcieasf ~tdth en h mi pr is aro addelHoe *ts-'W Durham County Farm Safety' cauncil pin, while the taop t by Peggy Bayd, the mystex-y el ,,unite in marriage. Re. wawllreeted theeaçrd * i'eUM person being Mrs. J. Eardley. e h eTemi atMs ainWdel oi..lii elr"'Md ytre neahseto lireLnhwssrvdwt c of his taik was On Birdsfoot, Economist for Durham Coun- K. Housiander officiated. both teachers and pupîls asceive a money prize as well. laLuchwad fvd it c' rjfou i x ts ures. E in ty, spoke to the ladies on the Given in marriage bv her over 400 posters were sub-tThese awards will be present- cream, and a successfu picniec i re tpîco! Etiuete. Fier athr.the brie wre amitted. This competition wasied at the Durham Coun ty1 Bidfe rfi sbcs suit- points in manners and good street-length gown ofwbtp-ýSft iht ehl'i h Mrs. Lorraine Brown and Bîdfo t Tfiistrc.tse weebogtot ikovna ahoe ih ti open ta al public school pu- Sfey NigHtalb l, d ntoe ROM PAGE ONE) Roy recently spent an enjoy- cd fr tis dstrct. ast er bru g t ut sik rgana fshio1d iaplis in the county and is d-il feiosHalOon_ nshown ta the board. Mr. Jaseable weekend at Pigeon Lake. Trefoil is difficuit to cstab- through a very enjoyable talkscoop neckline a n d cap signed to further pramote Friday, October thtaetrbesn Ilsh and therefore should bc and question and anSwer per. sîceves. The full skirt was ac- safety in the community and Alsto piewinr o Mis Brha rn cam end- planted in a simple mixture..iod. cented bv a verv wide insert- at home. iis as follows. n e o hswok h O T P O Trefoil and timothy at a ratio' The Durham County Junior ed band of white lace. Her' Entriese for the optto uir eto oinw s cade br s. h of 2 ta I is Most commonlvj Farmers are planning to hoid shoulder length veil feli from ciosed Friday, June l4th, and' Grade 1 - 4 inclusive, 233 Gibson, and carried unani- used. This crop can be sown, a field day at the Boys' Train-i a tiara of seed pearîs and she were judged last Tuesday af-' entries -1 adaWry osy - I -I. anda Wrry mosly One of the most eolorful 1 wihanrse crop. If not, the ing School on July 5.crîda acd buuto! ternoon. Officiai judges wereiNo. 1 Enniskillen; 2. Bannie Mr ae himno h nd largest church paradesl __- - -wieshsa'usadw ie Miss Marian Waddell, Home Barlow, Park St., Orona, 3. rpty ani Eqpm t was held in Pontaiolon carnations. The bride also' Economist, Lindsay, Miss Aus-lGary kirton, 6 Lavinia St.,Popmerte, qipetyo o wrore the groom's giftata anisHoeEnoitîPrHoe BrnPck Co te, reported that the Sunday afternoon. Headed by strand of pearîs. Mr..O.D-FrsrSPatHp;ead committee had autharizedth co iedBiibr an Newmarket Mrs. A.0.BeanarFasHolSe.,PotheHHospitalidFallis Line Band, visitars andý Mrs. Ronald MeMillan 0f ryniple, a former teacher, and Sprauîe, 98 Sherblurne Si., BradHleteHsia members o! the LOL, LOBA North Bay was her sister's at-; Mr. Robert Robsan, 'Assistant Port Hope; Stephen Barrie, seeAdmini st or, ta prchas and JOL made a fine showing., htendant. She was in a short.ý Agricultural Representative N.4 omniJyeM. se hera , peco! equipment Rev. Bro. Swann preached aý SBermuda nink lace dress with - - No. 4, BwN ioreHo;Jay cki hs , eoded by Motry iesroadalcl 0 bell-shaped skirt, pink hat, cessories and corsage of red Karen Schoonderbeek, No. 1, aksnmvdhth oatr fie sm od a lca and accessories. Hec flowers roses. Their home is at 472,Enniskillen; Sally Staples, Nc. blower be bought for the fur-lsa rnitpodeafne 1 eeacsaeo ht h-nace. This was carried. -liasrantpoiddafe wcr acacae o wit sa-Drew St., Oshawa. 1. Newcastle, Bruce Tranmer, Tecara !teSf service of song. At the con- EA TFL ETRO S..sta 'Munis. A stenographer, the bride 16 Gregory St., Part Hope. h hima fteSaf clusion of the service theý BEUIFLY R TETDMr. David McCullough, Osh- attended Columbus Public and Senior Section sRepkecementchiomniittee, Mr BA TFLYPO E EDawa. was best man for his Part Perry High Schools, and! Grade 5 - 8 inclusive, 190 Tnhor, rpicodhabarspeakradcor eetak SOLGNM îvs atra wod satyan mt-brother. the Oshawa Business Coilege. entries - i. Judy Gorton, No. ecmalaPcon a e n D ep War. B ro.G oe hap SOINMgvsntrlwo euyand ou- enga'ged as a labaratory tech- maiDpt atro O standing protection from water and weather. A' reception was held at the, The groom is a salesman an 3 Port Hope; 2. Bill Me-iin~twsm e yM 82. After the service they - 12 colours. Fast application. No peeling. home o! the bride's-t parents, attended Port Perry Public Greery, 4 Mitchell St., Port Wican.te' s ed b Mr. l paraded throu2gh the village.ý_ j,îibl HARDWARE & pAitr SO where the bride's.mother re- and High Sehools. Hope; 3. Jane Hunt, 16 Bed- that meetings o! the board in Before being dismissed short STUREONSLTD. Scrborugh UMBR & UItIINGSUPIRom ceived the guests wearing a' Many pre-nuptiai Parties fard St., Port Hope; Anita July and August be left ta speeches were made by the STUGENSLTD, cabooug LMIS £DiiLiN SuPLtR rstreet-iength dress o! fern w ere held in honor o! the Wells, No. 1, Port Hope: Jan- tecî !M.Sut h County Masters o! Ontario green with matching acce-b rid and groom. Feilow ice Pethick, 140 Brutan St., Board Chairman. This was adEs uhmCut n sories, white feather hat, and iworkers at P.S.I., Toronto, Port Hope; Susarpn g 5 Rt. Wor. Sister Lunn, Grand corsage o! white carnations. held a miscellaneous shower, King St., Part Hp;Ln, arrmie ad te Finner Calano!Otai Es. h ____ssst the groom's mother, as did Mrs. James Carnochan Couch, No. 2, Hewapte; Lînda amte aymoee Lodge was also very grateful f rwore a street-length dress o! iof Raglan,.!Kdo Behm, 166 Bruton St., Port cts dring t e sute a-t romavl lberte and for - c i atr blue horizon, matching bluel Mrs. Ivan 'Henryofedn Hope; Pat Maniey, 13 Lavinia mnh.BwavleFueBn o hat, white accessories and! was hostess for a kitchen and St., Part Hope; Casey Van Mr.nt hs. ,teatn d hi sitnc nteprd. Il-corsage of pink carnations. pantry-shel! shower, and a Heuvelen, No. 1, Bowmanville.1ministrator, gave the adminis- Mrs. Annie Cheshire who is S . .IN Before leaving for theiri presentation was heid at the _______reprt.Athe_________________nywasthe S U L N Swdigti oLake Piacidi home o! Mcs. Levi Ellins o!frtrsrpr.A h ein oigt ehn a h Leswyih Nkessnlr U n erng tp taebie o-C m. ning ot May there were 80 recipient of a nîce lamp from' Les alih I kepiUT nd Vrmothaelln b re n lmus. Hnywaq hostess far aduIt patients, six pediatric, the U.C.W. o! Manvers Sta- ý suglrenend fre6treig a ce green ros enrv i o f Accident five new born, and 11 chronie tion. Mrs. Cheshire as sold li en dc ss wi h ei e cc s- a ro ss au te i h no1 patients in the hospital. A d- er hom e and lb er m any fri- The Inexpensive Luxury Blind with 'sories, and a corsage o! yel- h ler daughter on May 25, andD JI missions durinig May were: ends wiil wish ber the veryi the M gi"Sot ow carnations. Mr. and Mrs.I the groom's parents entertain- o n dls 4,pdare 6,nwbshi h uue e ""Magi"' SlotsMcCullough are residing at 19 ed relatives at a luncheon n!p Prospect Street, Bowmanvilie.! evening parties in honor o! the , born 41. At the end a! the Mc. and Mrs. Archie Whit- Outstanding Peatures: Mrs. McCullough attended, bride and groom. The wed-l On Monday morning at month there were 85 aduit mee of Brooklin attended thel Bowmanviiie Public and Hîgh ýding party was aiso enteti-1:0ococ a rvnb atients, four pediatrie, nine Cheshire Auction Saturdayý " Years ahead in performance, dcsigning and Schools and is a secretary:ed by the groom's parents fol- Thomas Milîson, age 2 1, RnR new bon n ih hoi n eeteget f Mr. with General Motors of Can- lowing the rehearsal. :1, Tyrone, went out o! con- patients in the haspital. There and Mrs. R. J. Payne. appearance. ~~ada, Oshawa. Mr. McCu1Iough, - trol off the road ino the ditch nee5 ao peain,13 Mcs. Alvin Olan is on a ho1i " Durable all-parchment construction. ilwho is prcsently a student at and hit a hydro pal.Th c-rinor operations, and 124 dlay in the Maritime Provin- BALSTREtaesony ichs >1spce the General Motors Institute,ý WILSON - GOGERTY icident happened hal! milevisîts to the Emergency De- ces. BALSTREtaks nl 2 ncesof pae west of Crooked Creek, narthlpartment durîng the manth. i_____ Flint, Mich., attended New-i The marriage o! Mary Sheila o etovle in raised position. . castie Public Sehool and Bow 1 Gogertyduhe ofMsofNwnvl. Shembride'spaternal -andrte Gogecty, Newcastle, 14, Toronto, a passenger Ail n Thebrie' paer Austin- nd ert, late Mr. Michael Go- HhAMPiONson ar, sustaine Stains renioved witbhikewarm ae and mother, Mrs. Joseph Asi ry and Mc. Jack Bidwell heMl1o castind * detergent. ~~~~o! Fernie, British Columbia ,Wlsn ono r.mîn.or injuries. She was treat-'M.adMs eilSeoi A ~I deegn.was an honored get th tVetlWisni!nrn, okthe Out-Patient Depart- attended Haydon Anniversary ivrS v orkmrani granddaughter's wedding. 'place in St George's Anglican mn !Mmra optladwr e usawt r SPECIAL DISCOUNT I1hrh ecste nStr and reieased. Consýtable J. piA. and Mrs. Arthur Read, ON PRCH SES0F ORETHA ONEBLID VRNO - ENR June 8, 1963, at 3 a'clock. chtz iveiged M.adMsTo Wray Are Successf ul day, -HER the accident. spent Saturday afternoon with ON PUCHASS OFMORETHANONE LINDRev. D. R. Dewdney officiated. There was a two car collis- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane and Pupils of Mrs. W.E.C. 10% Discount Lîlacs and tulips focmed a; A background o! white Ion on Sunday evening at 8:45 boys, Oshawa. Workman A.L.C.M.,R.M.T., lovely setting in Columbus'1 shasta daisies, 'mnums and car-i o'clock at Hamilton's Corners, Mc. and Mrs. Howard Bell wha trîed the recent Music iUnited Church foc the wed-ýr1.ations facmed a loveiy set- the intersection of the Sev- and family, Don Milîs; Mr. Examinations o! the Royal mu~fding on Saturdav, June lst,, ting foc the ceremony. Mrs. enth Concession of Clarke and Mrs. Don Lee and Keith, Conservatory o! Music of Tor-' umEC1963, at three o'clock. of Bar-[ID. Garrod plaved the wed- onhpadRa 0 nilwr udyspe no r sflos U L D E R IS bara Ann Henry, daughter cfý ding music and a'so accom -Thensivndrs fttoad car.sEnfeld, wer.Sanday suppe- rtae VasI!oiows-: ass M ~~~~ iL > K ~~~~Mc. and Mrs. Charles M ' panied the saioist, Mrs. Gloria Thle driverse tWam cah's gests wit .adMr.Wl GdeVIPin -Ps, lHenry, Columbus, and Mr.lGray.ivle eeWlia ea dFwe. Stephen Jeffery, Linda J. 23 King St. E. Phni2-55 Robert Gordon Vernon, son of G*iven i n macciage bv r.lep, 701 Cochrane Street, Whit- Mr. and Mrs. Wil!red Fowl- Gib'bs. Phne63-51 rs RbrtF.Vr-Doad achrsnafre by, and James Clarke, 16 er visited on Saturday with IMr an Mr. Rber F.Veri'onad MrPhrso, afrindBrown Street. Damage ta the Mr. and Mrs. Almyr Tomlin- Grade VII Piano - Honours,, non o! Port Pcrrv. o! the family, the bride worc îcecrwsapoiae o',Blyu! Mary J. Walters. Rev. R. H. Love was the a floor-lenigth gawn of white ly$0,adthr a bu We are sorry ta know that Grade VI Piano - Honour' officiating clergyman. Miss'siik organza ovei- taf!fta fash- $90 damage ta the 9choep Mcs. Fred Payne is not well. Linda Straw'bridge.11 r " Elizabeth Heycs. xvho played' ioned with a scoop iieckline, vehicie. Constable K. H. Sud- The Holroyd families gath- Grade V Piano - First Class:i ;the wedding music, also ac- trimmed with lace appliques dard, 0F?, was the inverstigat- ered tagether for a picnic ta Honours, Patricia M. Rudell;,i TO N HP F C RT RG T companied the soloist, Mc. and seed pearîs, and long lily- n ofcer. celebrate the wedding anni- Honours, Rachelle D. Hunt,! Wayne Powell. pointed sleeves. The sidesan Clînton Barber, 324 Lauder versacy o! Mr. and Mca. Fred Thomas G. Puk; Pass, Mac-1 iThe bride, who was given back o! the bouffant skirt .Avenue, Toronto, was driving Holroyd Sc. garet E. Passmore, Margaret inb marriage by hec father, wece accented with ncganza on No. 35 Highway, about- L. Plummer, Kathryn J. Mc- _________ _____ ~~woce a !ull-length gown of rosettes. Hec chapel veil felI tremlsnrho iha utr , white lace designed with a, from a peariized floral ccown 7A, on .Satucday at 4:50 p.m. Grade ~~IIr Piano - Hnus scallopcd neckline and Ion,., and. she carried a cascade bau- when he lost contral o! bis JKaenA. cKigt, arn . NOT I CE______________________ lily-pointed seve.Mother- o! rosswhite cr eil.T. crkokdKrnA engt ae . ýof-peaci and sequin enmbroid- nations and stephanotis. pot eoeA ovecly, Hendrika Van Heu-' T1 ery highlighted the gown. Hec Mrs. Murray Sheehan, mat- it camex ta dea stop E.oeA C r b a Huisn, indA. eIrolly was caught ta a ccown of~ Mrs. Jean Wood, Mca. Alîbert hcad laceratins in the ag - Gae t ino-,istCs persand i-hinestones, andiTwecdy and Miss Helen dent. He was taken by am' ar Honours, Janice M. Elliatt. ber bouquet was o! Amnerican O'Heacn wcre in cotillian blue bulance ta hospital in LindG de II Theory - First Cîass R esideànts of Cartwright Beauty roses. silk organza avec taffeta de- sywheheistlapa pece w Jurs, Phyllis A. Emmei'- MisDoris Henry, sister o! signed with scoop necklines tient. Constable A. V. Aîex- helM - cbal PMl ffA.I..the bride, was maid o! honor and threc-quacter 1 e n gth ander, OPP, investigated. Paren 1 at Me To n hpand the bcidescnaids were sheeves. Organza r o s le t t le s On Satucday afternoon :t Park Clu so n a. NE Missm'Masiseand Jamn tes figl steetegthakicofta and 23 o'clack there was a col- evening, when î2 tablleý- grom'ssiserandMrs Jaesful, sree-legthskits ndlîsion outsidc h Royal Rs in play. Mcs a. ilM O I NOTICE is hereby given that from this date *Crohn hy wr nte oemthn iîo taurant on No. 35 Highway. Bowmanville, and Mr&'- of graewl epritda white nylon ocganza embroid-1 headpicces with veils.:_ Their Three cars were involved. Rose, Oshawa, wr VIAL O When the couple left on a wedding trip ta Nocthern On- tario the bride was weacrig a three-piece pink boucle suit, white accessories and corsage o! deep pink and white car- nations, They are residing at' r278 St. Vincent St., Barrie. A cegisteced nurse, thei bride was a member of the graduation clasa a! '61, schoolý of nursing, St. Joseph's Hos-î pital, Peterborough. She at-ý tended Newcastle Sehools and Bowmanville High Sehool. The groom attended Orono Sehoals and la manager o! th-t Stedman Store, Bacrie, Ont.i Out-o!-town guests attend-' ed from Rochester, N.Y., Ot- tawa, Peterborough, Lindsay,, Monta-cal, Que., Toronto, Gar- den Hili, Bowmanville and Ocono. Fnac ta hec macriage the bride waa guest o! honor ati several parties held foc hec. Newcastle Cammunity made a presentation, and a presenta- tion was also made b y the nurses o! Mernorlal Hospital,i Bowmanville.1 A miscellaneous showec was held by nursing classmates o!; St. Joseph's Hospital. Peter. borough, and Mcas. D. Cun- ningham o! Newcastle was hosteas for a kitchen shower.! was -àiscs;ed and thls yeur, *~, .* *.. ~<iAT agIlî be held at the home o! Mc. and Mca. Wellington!' HOEFarrow on the afternoon andi evening of July Rth. There1 wîll be no more regular mnee' - r Aseri ous ilnss or injury often ings until September and that rrequires a long and expensive month will be held at the' convalescing pcriod at home, home o! Mca. Gwen Hughes. Does your present medical in- Mc. George Kozub under-, surance protection covcr these went furthec extensive suc- expenses as well as those ac- gery a week ago Monday and, 'l quired in the hospital? If flot, we are giad ta report that he, *check with us about the nand- is making success!ul pragress.ý out-of-ho.spitaI anedical We hope he will soon be ableri e*ta ceturn home where his pense protection you can have convalescence will be hur-' with Major Medical Insurance ried, we are suce, by constant' .and at surprisiigly low cost! familiar laces and his awn' home surroundings. Mc. and Mca. Rasa Bayd, and boys spent Sunday with' Mc. and Mrs. David Reid,ý ISTUART R. JAMES Brapton. Mr. William Caîl spent the INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, weekend at bis home. lý Kng t. E BomuvileýAnother successful H. & S. 'KlnaSt. . Bomu.alll!Club pienie was held at the Office Resldence school on Saturday afternoon, June 22nd. Many chiidren en- 623-5681 623-5493 joyed the sports and the fol-' lowing won prizes in the vai-: tdpeeniJ oua races. Girls 5 and under,l HartordAccientandPatti Powell; boys 5 and un- lndomniitY Cfmpan der, Donnie Martin; each pre- Member The Hariitord ... school child received a pail, ilnsurance Group and shovel. Girls 6 ta 8, Dale liartiord 15. COr' Demark: Boys 6 to 8, Cam- ' eron Wilson; Girls 2 to 11,11 Hliie Grass 1Tinic is aSp ial t Sutmmer is acoming in ... and with it cornes the won- derful lime of Blue Grass, the fragrance that is most loved hy most ivomen everyivhere. And nnw, you can use ià profusely . . . for liere are spccial valur5 ihat make this most appcaling Peclume rV-rt more so. BIiimGiags Flowrr Migt 1-1 tiîselavishl!v for conlnps,ý Lno. (Reg. .3.00) 2.25 Wilh spr.îial aloniizer 3t,00 8 oz.. <Rrg. 5.00) Bije (;GrasR Iuxmry îi-pieshingal tri, ulli tr (Reg. 3.90) Dl),,ting ['nvi ulrr (Hrg. 2.00l) .5 4.0>0 BiH' (,ra,-% ragranîr Sri, pair, hluf-,plastîic arrosnl houle I ini i 1.!r phis a iF pIV i i-at flaîm i I fMu 2.50 .5. 50 URY&LOVELL King St. E. WE DELIVER Phone 623-3361 Ilowînanville IMPORTANT NOTICE IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE A POSITIVE REACTER TO THE TUBERCULIN TEST YOU SHOULD. ATTEND THE (LINIC FOR A CHESI -X-RAY ONLY CONSULT YOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR THE CHEST X- RAY IN YOUR COMMUNITY NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION cernent... :Iectric Limiteàd amf.u.h,. ina i iney ar<mi c n.g ouSi i LIS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION SALES.& SERVICE V We should like to take this opportunity tb thank our rustonmer% fonr their patronage of aur Appliance business. It wiII be our pleasure to continue to serve your needs for ELECTRICAL WIRING and ELECTRIC HEATING Our office for Electrical Contracting ail Motcar Vebicle Permit issiting will be rnoved, in the near future, toi 16 TEMPERANCE STREET SOUTHl Customers having appliances in 'for repairs are asked go arrange pick. tng thern up within the next week. MR. BERT SYER, who has been our Appliarice and Refrigeration Sales & Servicernan, has now joined the staff of LANDER HJARD)WARE &ELECTRIC LTD., where he wiIl continue with Appliance & liefrigera. tion Sales & Service.

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