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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 6

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nhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, June 28, 1963'vited tô aur Suriday mornLn *1 ilborOulh, $450, T. W. Thomas' Thursday even!ng vi sitors at MeGIi] .eleenardedMr.. v.azdM.Ro M worship at 11:15 arn., wheni * ~Co., Peterborough, $440. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Stain- J Ormiston who wer ussM' n Ms et aT p Rev. P. W. Page o! Hamnpton! ~~uhfe On motion of McGill and ton's at the 60th Annivrayo!ndby tnedteLng wilb u ustsekr a versuw . ou ci Porter, application is ta beý Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistort'the Sa11na1 Institute. madBok pinc tCrt ni i t N e e b r M.Russell Spinks, Osh- 'made for the 1963 Warwr4tpaekCasaea awa, was Sunday guest of Mr.' The regular meeting for the and $55000 per year mainten- :subsidy. Carried. atton h a mark, N enste, tn omnîlMs ai Mr. and Mrs. Lya Boc, and Mrs. Thomas Hodge andmonth of June was held oniance cost). On motion o! Malcolm and~ on Saturday. Ford, Oshawa, Mr. 'ej Wr' r.Hra as 0 f Legion Ladies' A1ux famMil v an MMArge.e 4th wihall curicil i On motion of Malcolm andi Porter application is ta bei Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry,ý ry, Mr. James A. WerVM. n ailBw nile Mr rheWiead isiebr reet xet'Porter, the Road, Superintend- !made to the Dept. of High-' Mr.jae A. Werrv were and Mrs. E. A. WerryM.adwr iitr tM.adMs At the meeting of the Bow- ary will eater for a wedding Marg Warden, Toronto, were Councillor MeMaster. H. M.ent Maurice Bradley was ap-i ways for a Supplementary By- . una eaestso ranMrAlnWerad aiyKMcll. rnanville Ladies Auxiliary Ù) reception on June 29th. coin- Sundav guests of Mr. and Jakeman, Reeve, presided. :pointed Inspectar ta administer 1 aw for $8,000 for construe- Mrs. L. Ashton, Havdon. were Sunday dinner get ! r n r.Dv oh the Royal Canadian Legion rade Knight was appointed Mrs. Russeli Fowler. The minutes o! the May the Construction Safety Ad- tion. Carried. MisBtyJn er C-_r n r.GatWrywelS. r n r.D held on Monday evening in the convenor for this. Mr. Douglas Taylor, Mr.1meeting were read and ap- Carried. Moved by McGili, seconded companicd Mr. and Mrs. A.. after the christening !bbiohelJ. abr n the Legian Hall, a new mem- Is ice-President R le n a Donald Taylor, Bowmanville, proved on motion of Malcolm! Moved by Porter, secondediby Porter, that Hugh Beggsî arnadEyee n r cot ac.MpeGoe r n ber. Comrade Bernice Both- Bathgate was appointed con- Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, Mr.'and Porter. Carried. by McGill that the Boundary ireceive $50.00 for improving1 and Mrs. L. Truil of Hamp-' Mr. and Mrs. CliffodPt-Msidy ikyadVl %'e]l, was initiated. Presiderit venor of the Auxiliar's SP -Stanl nayoewreSudv hefolwig omuic- geeena'ewen lak adte od llwnctihJnt-to, h al petth wek ckweeSuda clerea mBomavil, . n Vice-President, officîaield ai Legion Carnival. The prize-. Tavlor and family. Township of Clarke re Copy:approved and that the sign-ý Mo-,ed by Porter, seconded Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Av- The Mother's Flosi e usso r n r.C the impressive ceremonv. w~ill be a bridge table and A number from here at- o! Boundary Agreement; Min'ing officers for thp Townshiplby McGill, that the following cry, Linda and John attended held their last meetigi h titn caino hitn A satis!actorv f i n a ni c i ai four chairs, a chaise longue, lpnded Anniversary Services ister of Highways re proposed of Manvers be authorized to~nsb ad eoainSriea a-fr !abwigpryi n fbb eelv staternent %vas .presented bv a beautiful quilt donated by at Hlaydon. Development Road from Ome- sign and seal the said agree- a Vou ch e ad:er 6,roa mu . SeOiesh aa.Prizes werewlingbM.adMr.Ce am 'Iraue uvPalmer, and Comnrade Leah Grahan ,ada Smah se tende toee ta Bethany ta the ef!ectýmeflt. Carried. Rn oce o ,raýLS she was gîven authorîtv -o thermo picnic container. Coni- Mr. and Mrs Jack Smith and' that investigation into the mat- On motion o! Malcolmi and hecacct , $ 256; L.Royper ovic Mand Me rsHery Adas r. .Teintr.o.San-Bretnr and Mrs . Wil- pay accaunts during the rade Hilda Humphrey wsfml ntesde asn e a o be opee oMGl h obndGnrlsheep daim, $25; HRoy f :eenj Bowmanvlle, tC.Aere Sundayton andMs. . e ry. odbrtSih saw Ms o rnonths of Julv and Auigust. namned convenor for the aux. o! his brother-in-law in Tor-'date; Minutes of the May 16, Rate for the Township ofntslheep daim , $ 1; E.P.C.o! eVe ingcllershtonCAery.tess noeay Bres yrnw The next mpeting o! the aux- iir' uirDa.Teot.GnrsaRgo o-Mnesfr16 hl e4. weather Nursing Home, hos-J Mrs. N. E. Wright, Mrs. R. ber. Sees iliarv will be held on sep- prizes in this will be a lovel\ Mr. and Mrs. Percv Brown,' servation Authority; Auditorsmills for Commercial Rates and pitalization, $99.75; Keith Brad- __ tember l6th. doîl and fishing tackle. Scugog Island, called on re-ýReport for 1962; report from 45 milîs for Farm and Resi- ewlae $3,1 emn It was dccided to donate Following the business meet-' latives and friends in the vil-'Public School Inspector re dence Rates. The quoted ey, wlfinremo$136,11; tierma $25 to thc lunior Bowling ing a social evening was en- lage on Sunday. proposed new school for the rates do flot include Public eGii n eoim oie Leaue Ths asmovd v oye. ucre asplyed and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Knapp Pontypool area; Dept. of High- School Section Rates, Street $6; City o! Peterborough, wel. Comnrade Violet Somcrscales, prizes were won bv Coýmrades and famuly, Oshawa, were waYS, Ist quarterly subsidy in Lights, or Fire Area Rates.faecag-ck$6.9;Pt seconded bv Comtrade Hilda Bonnie Bisvert, A n n i e, Sunday gucsts of Mr. and the amount of $5,900.00 and Carried. erborough Examiner, advt. re: Simnick. Secretarv Dorothy Wright, Edith Welsh and Elvýi Mrs. Stanley McCullough and approval of regular rond by-law Moved by Porter, seconded painting tenders, $9.20; Dennis' Ricar..wio as hecaer Bcket. A elciuslunch familv. Ifor 1963 in the amount o! by Malcolm that the tenders Carder, shooting 1 dog attack-i Miss Reta îs hecte: Bcet. elcou ng sheep, $5; Ivan D. Kellett,' ing convenor for the Junior wis served.MisRt Dickey, Messrs.1$42,000.00; damage dlaims con- submitted for painting the in balance of land purchase for BowlingLeague anquetpre- - ______Allan and Clarence' Dickey, cerning one o! the township terior o! the Township Hall be PnyolAe up 220 snelirrpr.Hampton, were Sunday guests dumps; Consumers' GasCaone. arid Registrar of Deeds, registcring i Cnoed ra e aFlou'iht UR Mr. and Mrs. H.' trutt were Labour, Imperial Oil Ltd. re.,received: Ward Decorating, Transfer Tax, $6,85; Mcvi: .- the fiag p(' ,a' *the cerneterv Mi-S. May Gothard, Niagara Sunday evening callers at the the matter af razing a burned 1Peterborough, $489; Peter La- ml,1fxbut $,Rnd Hu:out bSmlingo No.foxHibounty, $4;ava, Ronalde rcpaired. This %vas secondedr- Falls, Ont., is spendin;g a week home *o! Mr. and Mrs. B. H b uildn nN,~HgerkCvn 45 e Jackson, 3 fox bounties, $12;-.. _ hvS rgan- i As en it Ms.FlreceCuchili. bard. way; Township of DarlingtoniAge Painters, Peterborough, E.B ha abefycnri __ -----ne the matter a! an Applica-,$465: James Webb, Peter-I Burton. aid ranrried. Mrs. Cy'rus Ashton has re-- tian and hearing by th Muni- $461,75; H. V. Shea, warble fly L Comradc, Giace Murdoch turned home from Meï-orial ciaIor ocrigznn uiesDrcoy contrai (balance), $303.22. gav th BrthavBoxreorliHspial felig mtc im.1flUIL eglaton; Uitd Cunies__________________ MveObLMcGDAYseoned OLDAYSPCIA! Yo SSeave 32oz Boti It was agreed that the auxili- proved. UCWof N. & D. regulations re A by Porter mhat the meeting Mrs. Doroth '\ Br an, Miss The June meetig ot Ci building near Counity Roads:' C C oUnla n cy adjourn ta July 2nd, 1963 at FINE QUALITY Hilda Hall, Mrs. G. Wetherup. was held at the home a! Mr two sheep claims and several' 1:30 p.m. D.S.T. Carried, AOL . MONIUMENTS AND Oshawa, were Thursday tea J. C. Cook with 23 present 1accounts. RAY 31. DILLING 1 A Special Meeting o! Mani- MZL MARKERSguests of Mr. and Mrs. B. President Mrs R. Coombes, 9Chr c Steet , MncplCuclws HLDYSEIL o ae5l-z ot MARKERS Hubbard. opened the meeting, welcom- i On motion of Malcolmn anld Chre ccotat iheld onMndiayleenîune a OIA PCA!-YuSv 4 Loo fr tis l.lfs Yeu. Our Mother and Daughter ing ail, and reading a poem Porter, Mr. Bruno Carchidi 623-3861 LM ER on(A T S U P Ieing3 7cn *UO@n,.f pn.onnoeBaqut Fidy veingwa Paye. evtioal * ~ was appointed caretaker o! the -_----- _ IOth with all members pres A k Qurant of em e l anqutcnrdaeed. ons, ot sioave -LîieveJanetville dump, ta look af ter LEONARD JAMES BROOKS'ent with exception of Caunce CF STAF~FORD M.adMs .Hgres o, vstkn b'Ms the burning of garbage at theý Chartercd Accountant ýillor L. McGill. After consid- A T LE CT MrBRdOS.J. LTD.,rsou wa tkn YMr.rate a! $1,00 per hour for hal! Accounitants - Audîtors !erable discussion the tender v- BR OS.v a rn d fa m ily, Bowmanville, Henry Stainton and Mrs. Ar- a day a week or every twa Trustee in Bankruptc !M.JmsWbPtr HLDY1EIL YuSv c-PnapeGaeri 8o.Tn were Fridav levening guests o! thur Hiamlton. The suPPlyîweeks as the job requires.'Suite 205W 725-99531borough, for painting the in- »4Ie Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull secrctary reported h av i n gCarricd. Oshawa__Shopping_ Centre 'teriar of the Township Hall' Deasr an famuîy, packed a v'er ' successfui baie ' Moved by Malcolm, second- WM. J.H. COGGINS iwas accepted as per tender.' Wedding belîs are ringing, Used nylons cani be saved for'e y ord n Mr. Alvin Mitchell was appoint- S fUDa rones Srr t rpat tatMr. . ackterslaelsare stndiCadaed Railway Commissioners be Second Floor ýed as Manvers Twp. represent- Fowlcr is on the sick list. for. Social function convcnoîr written ta and see if the pres-: New Library Building *ative t h aaak uhr OIA PCA!-YuSv c -5Faor oc a LIMITED ent warning system at the! Cor. King & Temperance Sts ity following the resignation o! LIMIED"Cook Books" are availableý Mrs. Lambert reported she Pontypool railway crossing:__ Phone 623-3612 Mr.capa m fehs o sition for for13 particulars. the C.B.C. for their caurtesv the bell ring lauder and for a YLFIDADR anme fyas etn OI OD E s 31x 1uds 3t3E hib Dont farget the Father and ta uis when we visited Flash- longer period and ta look ino & COMPANY adjourned. HOLIDAY SPECIAL! - You Save 8c!- odMrng'2-.Jr 318 unds S. E Whtby Son Banquet in the church back. Il was moved ta pur- the matter o! having the pres- Chartered Accountanto Phone Whltby hall Fridav evenîng, June 28,ichase ane more communion ent light at the crossing en-ýLicensed Trustee in Bankrupicy Mflhawk 8-3552 ai 6 p.m. vessel, Mrs. W. Park Jr., Mrs. larged and a different colour 1oilH sia I lo fe an. r.A siae os fanwfahý Oshawa,_Ontario ekv R nr Hamilton gave us a test, that er warning signal is $10,000.00--o Iel R p r HOLIDAY SPECIAL! - You Save 6e! - Ready u aaoio -b el __-Rev. C. Dugan had used ;ni MONTEITNR - MONTEITH. , the schools on questions o n u RIEHL & CO. For the week o! June 17- BOWMANVILLE the Bible. Study book on,! h135 Sim Aco t saa 23 inclusive: R TA L 623-5589 "Okinawa" by Mrs. R. Coom- 'Hold PChartered ccountants... 70 LA NI PG ________________________and 728-7527 Amsin 0NI PGET 5 ______________________________________ bs. Cose wih pryerandPartners: 'Bîrths, 4 male, 3 female. 7 HOLIDAY SPECIAL!- You Save 27c!-WbtorClrd :0 1social tume enjoyed. 'For Cou pie Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. Discharges ....... - 80 Thurs. at 7:30 - Fri., Sat. a 7 a d 83 On audyJne2,T- A. B. Monteith, B. Coin., C.A.M. rone Hi-C members, plus teir 1 J "~G .RchCARIA ajor operationcq........8 vvet, noyd L.ryerl1 (Licensed Trustee) j Minor operations ... ....... 33 9G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Emergcncy treatments ...31 Clifi RihaRichaorrd-s, ighfolloth beutiulgdwad'sGar On ohehebewaeddngs____ Lghtoot C.As iitig hursOn-4 pof _the____________________________________________3-4________ also ~~~dens in Toronto, and thenýever slenized in North Nes-, WILSZON &BURROWS and 7 to 8:30 p.m. rFRTEBS NH LD Y ETN "The a~ne thoraugbly enjoyed tour-;of!red Marlow o! Nes-: 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont.,rd A ing the fort as it was not only' tieton and Mr. Wilbert Mc- Partners: ENNISKILLEN ' ..holCe, r±ump, Grde "A" "The S ud ,Sack batflbtvr dctoi isrofOhwo ue oadFD.WsnCA Jerry Lewis a]. If was dccided that we 18, 1938. On Sunday, June 16,1 G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. The Sunday xnorning con- would go on ta High Park, !riends and family feted Mr.ý Phone 728-7554 reina umetdb also in Toronto, ta stretch aur, and Mrs, McKinstry on the. C irý lr ci adi o tree infantsclone 30 legs and have aur dinner, be-ioccasion of their 25tb Anni-H HC KN Sun. Mi-Nite howhenat(lun'30)fwrenc te oCatoe nRar, ake. ED INMNN-.C one teenager who were bap- For the Barbecue - Fresh, Tender "The M 5 Q ~~~~bia" was playing at the Carl-ý Guests included Miss Ruth Chiropractor tzd n !tebbe a tont Theatre and that took up Prout, Mrs. Herman Samelîs, ff' e the distinction o! having bier j ~~~he last four hours or the ai- *Mrs. Nelson Marlow, Nestlc< 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horscy St.~ id il e i a k tl.39 adternoon. Evcrvone returnedi tan. The bride receivcd,; Phone 623-5509 mny vît te Missfr Bevcenley1 Ml rsni -21.Pl ta the hus at six o'clock, very cbarmingly attircd in a daisy-ý Office Hours: By Appointmnent An tina. ndte w 'y exhausted, but al agreed *a white linene sheath, assistcd - ther baieso,anitthe s ina ""Blood of the Vampire good time was lad on this!byhler mother, Mrs. E. Brown, e n ea i abi ,La andMastscott N A 9c AU A G Eie In horror-color - Aduit Entertainrnent The Tyrane Hi-C plan h oHainer and Mrs. H. Scott,,DR. ITRUDLL, Cle Werry were baptized al-ý Maple Leaf - Fresh Slieed - 16 oz. Jubilc uePr -il.ta pla Sle Y..U a Tyon'Ohaw. ; so. The young lady receiving Iý~ _____________________________ Pla ark eni Y30,.u. y onal e' shw. H tisn rnu 75 King St.S E. Bowmanvi Le baptism was Miss Ruth Peth- B LOGNAJSaran E Sun -We .,7:0 .m.(lne30juy ark llas7:30, ut2n, o te ail eH.tinso n Mr.nounCgOfieHorsick. These were respectively L O Sun.- We., :30 .m.(Jun 30July3) asealf ae out a th&na fw elDcoe 9g .ta 6 p.m. daily the children of Mr. and Mr~-. __________________________________ STDNYS GOT WOMENTROUBLE 8ogaultos ad1stod xresd te go Office Phone - 623-5790 Mrs Stuart Lamb, Mr. and ------~ ~~~~~~~ wishes to Mrs. W. Miller who wishes o! all present. Mi5uss: Pon - Newcastle 3551! r.GatWry ndM.H LD Y FAU E wait,11 yo th ~~celebratcd lber 85th hirtbday Marie Marlowe then present--- - Ms-Grnt_____ad r June 26tb, and taM1 adedteculewt mncy DR. E. W. SISSON and Mrs. Clifford Pethick. Save 13c! Bee! Irish - Save2e-MLrns Mrs. Fred Smith who cc-!tree." The groom Most suit- OffLe.D.hS., homD.S.r erv Mel o pear, Chieken 1.5-oz. Tins Plain rGri 5-z nt a brated their 56th wedding an-iably replied. The 100 guests Ofcihshoe ar upvingptrp- niversary June 26tb. then joined in a most happy 100 Liberty' St. N., Bowmanville formed the ceremony o! Bap- Viru R. Wright and Mrs. R ýpienic luncheon. Poe6350 tism, with aur minister Mr. Yok S E S 2fr4 cLCE DLL25 Gi .1 The wife a! the o!!iciating'Office Hours: Crawford adding bis blessing a'ee 18Wde2FtRil av4! tue visited Mrs. D, G ~~~~9 ami. ta 6 p.m. daily in the benediction. Mr. Craw-9 Sv r 8 ie2 t ol Sv 1 oikgï Hooper, Orono. minister, Rev. F. Newell, was Closed *Wcdnesday- Suîiday fard's texi was"btma Af UINCuliehueCar 0o.Tn Mn. Mervin Harncss, Mr. n attendance, along with the a E WhamtvueI'an Roy Harness, Saskatchewan,' original wedding parts', the'DR. C. F.CATTRAN, D.D.S. yc. by these stones?' He told mu N FolW rau1 iý17ù i[ wuIIETTE'G r YiVÀÎPN m nrwXur cV. ilso, tut- hoe-o'- Ml w, Hmito, bids-75King St. E. Bowmanville don at flood time was lîke an' ae3!-Ipre r zSrie Residence 623-5553 M.anMr.oneamai iHODINS BONYCATLEtended Decoratinn and cburcbý HOGN BNYATEservice nt SI. Peters, Fenelon EPR 4fo29 Su Notaries Publices R Y 114 Frank St. Bowmanville Misq Valdo Kocins, teacher D L 1 V E.RICHARD LOVEKIN nt Long Sault, and Mr. Davidl B-A, LL.-B. w rin teacher at Tyrone,, HOLIDAY BISCUIT Barrister. Solicitor 1 party iebyMs Sandra FAUE E Phone 2246 Huetahe ~Enoiskillcn, m Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9- at lber cottage i0 Bowmaiî- SPE EB _____________________ ville. Tbe party ivas in honor M on,, July 14sto! their forth-coming mar- M oritg a g e s nage. Teachers and fiends BS U T SADIE HAMiLTON - ORONO' tendance. * DulxCem 01SI Phone 1 r 16 Fortv-one ladies enjoyed a * Dainty sotn t First Mortgage Funds bus trip by Burley Bus to * Animal Cookies i usnes roerie Queenstan Heights, Niagara * Strawberry Creanis Regular Mik Deliver Ofl: usîess Popets Falls and the Rayai Botanicalý * Strawbcrry Jams a variety of pattrnm cou Mromt rteoas sric ardens, Hamilton, on Thurs-, Cello Package HAROLD C. PEDWELL dM. ad r ErlTrwi Real Estate anadn onl er Fda e TUESD Y, JU Y m dMortgage Broker 386ian Doa M're.A~lce O $ va0lu Necsl hoe35,gewin i9 8 Y iu so o ___________________son, Haydon. Miss Doreen3 R y rwn was with Mr. and ____________ le pfo IO m e t r Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Ha.v- 'Dx gKEITH A. - --T, .. radon. Sema a Prices effective at the listed Red & W1t odStrsol BILLtoetriT, ..M.adMs na a BOWMANVILLE 141 wiegeSkndE *AwD fDflVe MAD BrT Mapre Gndoveh BOWOffic ~e H . s:Bpomnl1 , Brad, Ewe reakndty v re Telephone 623-3252 1 guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John MA LE GO EM R E __________________________________________________________________________Mon._ Mo. T-eTes.--Thursr-.F- E. GifE. n and alledanaoter plLuutoIon a athr 9 ..ta 5 p.m. relativ'es.IU R~l R IE r Thursdav evenings Mn. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- CR IHSM R E iWed. and Sat. 9 - là man, Joanne and Lori were 1~~ 41 Il; k; r k

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