Gordon Agnew, Editor Public School Awarca Award Eleanor McCracken Prof icîency GoId Medal Children's Playground Opens Mon. ZÉw -. "lie (hilrcn c Necastle.- Thce c ov etc di:':n Woodlaccd: Grade 4, Ar- WtmtGold Medal. Awar:' ene Ma ' Mucro; Gr'ade -). for Gencral Proficienccv 'n Melaccie Goddar-d; Grade 6,. Grade 8 in thue local Public Gleîcda Johcnsonc. Har'old Pocx- Scîcool was wvonm ly Eleano: cIl: Grade 7, Margie Zwci. ,McCrackecî daugiher of Mr. Teddx' \alhon: Grade 8, Elezi- anîd Mrs. William McCrackep non McCrackien. for lier work during lice paŽ! -.----- v car. Olicer pcize.s won bli, Gradc 8 studenîs duc'cog ',le pas'ý BLACKSTOCK vear te. Ilewere: 'T'he Coiemaci 0m Mcdy xeîcg t Playgc'oucd sîcocsored alccua,- Axxard for Public Speahin,.Onriîc 'aî'evet gdt 1\1 b','tlie Recrealcoo Commîtil-- Bvre' Rcad . c.oig ampf-î of utc.ý tee xill openi an Moicday elv Rickar;R cad Scouts. Broxvcces accd Cuibs rnonig. uh' 8ic aI9 nPrize for Hishary. Beverlcy vas held ai ï pm.. a lcg fnor ciciidreo ve8ha 9 a CîdoI. Rickard: Ilooper Prize fa'* croxvd gat[cerng in lice Recce- Daren Boc'ccacc\ILc t usic. Beverlex' R i c k a r' ci.:to Centre. Thcis ex'ecctmig r Zwie nesictrm enadeJnip Pi'of. Squair Prize for Englisr. pcrograrn was arranged lix' tua Twer ratncg CcccpahapeQuhip Gary Forget: Mun-o Pncze 1>0l'four Guides xx'lo are xvoriismc Mo-ac, iil lie atheCaderp aiCharacter. StanleN' Colibledicik,: for theicrGold Cord - Jne the playground in the con- LosCu Pie o Sine vers. Lycida Kyte, Naicy rnunity park this sumnmer and Gardon Allun and Eleanon Mc- Sianiland and Joaci Suggctt, the childreîc are assured sate Crackccc, Jauice acted as M.C. to' lIciS iknd active arganized gamecs Miklos Awards part. Capîaicc Thioîpson gavec accd tun during lice play- Doctai' and Mrs. L. s. Muklos, a briet review af Guidiccg .111 ground period. cxil oresent a book ta tlcz Carxvnigh for the seasoci .ust Parents witb chldc'en in student obtaining lice higices: eclosiucg. Nancc'yvSlaccilaîcd gave the above age group wico wislicstandincg in June 1963 ici caclitlier essav on France. Captailc to have them take part in tliicF' grade in each roam of tle I-aciltocc presented Mrs. Ks'tc Eummer pragnam may regis. Public Scicoal. The folloxxing wxith her Couc'cccissoner's Vai'- ter lice children ah lice Play- is lice iish of winners. ranI. Janice Byers read ane ,graund on Monday mornmng at Grade 1, Grant Hendryt action story withhlie mem- 9 a.m. Ticere is no charge foc Grade 2, Bolbvy Norhhrupt bers of lice differcol lraops registration. Grade 3, Wesley Forget, Cana- :'epresentiîg lice accîmais mccc- ______________________________________________ îtoned. Joan Suggcîh gave liec' essay oci Australia. Bronox' Ovl Turner did lice Coucct, Doxvn for lice foiloxing Broxv- lé? w asllenies who were launclied b,' racket inho Guide Lancd: Lymi- da Maunhjoy, Carol Wcr' v', * I Lorraine Turner, Normna Woh- S ocialten, Leaniie Dorrell, Shirley' <..L(i a Id (ielLsCa Rooke danice Huctinglto'c. Beth Dunsiccoar. Kay Porrell. Daonna Swacn xvenl bliicer Mr. Jiun Shearet' of Toroncto ov Mr. and Mrs. Gray. et odiLdr. C a p hta c ml accd ns. . Maticeot P r 'al mothcers taxied lice chlid- Thompsocc celconced ecdi gi Ciedit xisited xvithMn. and 'ecc ta and tram the farm. accd inhi'oduced icci'te ice 7Mrs. Harold Coucli and tani- Mr. and Mrs. C. J .Agccew Patrai leader %v'ic escocted lier flv on Thursdav. Por't Coîborne. 'Mis. H. Hunher te îiceic' patrol. The gathcci' Mr. Jacmes Osbiorne Tird acnd Mr-. and Mrs M. E. Swarcinmg licen cveccîta hic Agicu.- Line, was a cxekend guest aI Peter'borough xere holiday turai Par'k viere lice camptiras xvith hus aunl, Mrs. Edniaveekend visitocs with Mr., xvas lighed. Lynda Kyle con- Selbyv. Gardon Agnexv. duched Ibis part of lice pr'o- Mr. Douglas Jose. souc of Mr. and Mrs. Joiccnv Mc- gram. Sangs wvere sung b.,> Mr. ancd Mis. J, . J.dose.lias Taggart and chicldren, Trans- ecd grouo, followed liy tih' succcsfIl- conlpeae Manitolia, are visitîng toasting aI marsicmallows. AiI fir*st year ah MacDonald ths ie counillar and Mrs. Thco- present were Ireahed la tresie cultural Colge in St. Annes. ,mas Broxwn and other rela- and marshncallows. Que. ixves in lice village. A beachi parhy ah Lauîre! Trhe studeccîs of Mis. Nes- Button Meeting Brook Park ocn Wednccýda,- btî's room of tlhe Public Tice ladies of lice Bucto'c ex'eing lirou.ghthIle Car*, Scîcool icad a most enjoyalile Club ield thein dune nceeeting crigîct Higli Scicool social au- Picnic ah lice farm of Mr'. and ah lice home of Mrs. W. Kay, hc;vities ho a close. Ax' rx MVrs. David Gray'. Tice ciild- Nexwcastle. oleasant and xvarccc ex'encin reui enjoyed poccv rides and ieJuepoec a cr xas a real enticemc'uilho seeing lice farm animais and or China Buttoncs ciîî a ica-ccy sludecchs ta ecjay swiictc also a baIlle of pop eacic. donu- xxeaviccg pathern oui lie but- ccing ic the cool xvalm'. Lahasi etled by Mn. and Mrs. Granhtans. These xere displayed ive danced on lice sacîd ta c'e Cooper a.nd popsiCles supplieldxx\ith a great deal of iliterest ords Tice Studeccîs Coun'i xxouid lîke t h lauk ail sht- and lice China Buttons xee:dents af C.H.S. for thei' cci- partîculanly beautiful and ah-,operatiaui and participation iv G el Your Price tractîVeka odo lc uhnaIl our planiced citis ForYo iVeSloCk durnrg the winter wiile sic, met at hce home of Mrs. Har- i For Y ur Lvas in Fiorida. Mrs. Rice ns' VanCancp, Wednesday af' gave a alk on China Buttons ternoan. Leader Mrs. Romîeir' througband Mrs. Osborne made re-r presiding, had each memlier ference to some panagraphs read a short excerph otc cnis- 8 T A T E S M A N from lice Butîon Book on Ihce sian work in Korea. Mrs. C L A S S 1 F 1 E D s samle îopic. ; Harold Martyn, in chcarge i. Phone 623-3303 AItlthe close ofthlIenmeeting' worship periad, read an arti- lice hostess sesrved a very de- cie on St. Chnishopher House, liciaus lunch. Tornto. and ed inco'ai'er Durham ~EDI1 Off ers A Doctor's Servic, SURGICAL BENEF INCLUDE -. .- * Any doctors' seri hospital. * Out-patient diagi * Cystoscopic anti examinations. Be a Part Ov Members of Durhcam 101,'c Refund on Fî'a THE RATE5 The Surgical andi Mâ for a Single Met The Extendeti Medi - ~ anti $57.50 for a tOver 65 years of aj $135.00 for a Fai 1bAJOR MEDICAI INCLUDE .-- * Amnbulance Chari * Special Drugs. * Laboratory Servi *Appliances anti1 County Co-operative CAL SERVICES Complete Medical Care Plan ces - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice ýFITS mvices neetiet in gnostic X-Rays. JB ron cho sco p c EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... " Home anti office catis. "Injections. "Healtb Examinations. " Eye Examinations. " Plus Surgical Benefits. Wner of Your Own Insurance Carrier n County Co-operative Medical Services are î'eceiving -miums paid in the yeai- 1961-1962. S ARE VERY LOW lajor iNledical Package is $60-00 for a Family andi $50,00 ember. fical Plan andi Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family a Single Member up to age 65. ige: iniily and $67.50 for a Single iliember. LBENEFITS 'ges. iices. Therapy. SEND THIS COUPON TO: DURHAM COUNTY CO.OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Orono, Ontario 'Name - ---.. . Addrs You wilI be under no obligation his is the only countv-based orgariization serving the United Couinties of Durham and Northumberland. S GEItALD <HACKLET N- Hamnpton 263-2744 HARRY WADE MRS. DALTON DORIELL, Blackstock 786-4995 Clarke 24-r-20 MRS. ROBERT CHAI'Ei~ . Orono 36-r-1I UA'ID WILSON -B14ckstock 986-4395 4u41 De puty Governor Insi ais cNew Lions Club 0f fîcers Ï*i Nexx rcastle - Below appea;'s Parker, Karen Peel, Lacis Peter ciac'ri. Dcliii a lcsîa ie naines aI hie Perrini, Dale Poxwell,RoecKaaLeegcsc Pu.blic Sciconi students pro- Scott, Kim Storks, Gloria Fan- pheui Gould, Fraci rcoted 10 lîigicer grades tac' cant, Mark Tilîsan, Margaret Fraucces Hoau'. Rodi *.le comncîeceect of ltce Fail Wilcock, Carolyn Waodland ton, dean Moccîgoui leuai ccc Septemicen; prînted in (îsI). Cathy Wright, Donald Nesbitt. Jcudih Poxc alpicalietical ordec'. Wright, Harold Young (nec). Rickand. Veccuethe Grade I te Grade II, (Tea- Grade 4 ta Gr-ade 5, Teacli-' David SI. Ancand cicen Betty McKillop) - Lana- er, Mns. T. Martin - Giadcvsgarel Zwier. Ici Barriîs, Sheila Bean (rec'.1 Alun, Debarah Asselstine, Joe Grades 7 ta 8 ar rLanc'v Bean. Terny Bernard, Bezubiak., James Crowhher, Teacicen, Roccaid M Gail'Boxaîl (nec), Roddy Car-iKen Eastabrook. Diane Emib-, Promoted frn( c elIc. Bill Couch (nec), Lonie. !ey, Darleice Flinhoft, Gre, Grade 8 - Bill Alld fMac Dang, Joey Darrachi, Fongel, Caroline Fnencicman'l Clarencce Asselsicc Keihh DeMoas' (ted, Jamie'Greg Gray, Guido Krummeii- Farrow (Ist), Glai Dencîs, Stephen Dryden, Tra-'acken, Janice Lambert (re) (rec). Donald Mea( cx' Enibly. Cynhia Garrod. Gary Majer. Gardon Matheritrice Miler. Tcdd Julie Goddard, Johucny Gra-'Blanche McCauley (rec), Les-! John McCaulex', Bo iiam, Brian Hannah (rec>, lie Mikios, David Miller, Ar-i (nec). Gr'antcH-enrys' (t), Melacîce lene Mas' Munro (lst), Mary Promoted trocci Jcssup. Patti LeGnesley, Ger'- Grace Paterson, Douglas Rick-,Grade 9 - Bevcnlex ald Mather, dennifer Mianro, ard, Ernest Ragersoci Madar-rJiai Alldtead (î'ec), Art Pacey, Chnistena Selby, line Rosseau. Norman Tilison, dread (nec), Gori Helen Rosseau, Donald Tilîson, Thcomas Wallace, Susan Waî. Stanley Cobliedick. Henry Vandorp, Denise Tuf.i tan, John Whincap. William ýgel. Rager MacDuc fard, Buis' Wagar, Craîg Whit- Wao. Helen Yahes, Victor, McCracken O(lt), I ney, danice Woodland, Rab- Young. Lecan, dudv McLear ert yson(re), Ssan al-Rickand, Glenn Ro cntTysn (ec) Suan a]- Grades 5 acîd f ha Grades Wa. ktcwicz. 9i and 7, Teacher, M. Arm- aI Grades 2 ta 3, Teacicer. MrR. strang: H-. Neslihh - Catherine Bould, Grade 5 10 Grade 6 Marký Cathy Cac'ev, Dianîce De- Alidread, B r i a n Andersoni. Paepc. Dclili Dubeau. Cicnis Angela Chard. Sharon Cufte Cooper'. R a n d y Eastalirook <rec). Peggy Darracc, Jamps' c-ec). Ni.gel Goddard, Boblis Darrach, Sharon Eastabroo.,i Gould, Allen Gras', John Hoar. Joe Easlabrook, Melanie God- ddtf Langles', Glenda Mather, dard (Ist). Heather I-ba-, i Wilma McCauhey, Charles Mc- Ands' Krummrenachen, Glen Lean, Perry Meadows, Joanuce Mather, N elso n McCauley' M\,ichels, Sidney Millet, Bobliyi (nec), Karen Parker (nec),;! Nanrtirup (Ist). Wanda Paces'. Rager Peel, Brenda Ragerson, Ruthc Paterson, R o n a idr Henk Tendam (rec). Tim Wal-' Pearce, (nec). Robin Rickard, taxi, Ernie Wilcock, Peter: Diacîme Teccdam, George Vi'- Zwiec'.W 'cen. Jicim * v Wallace, Georg2 Grade 6 la Grade î - Dcli- Wahîon, Lilîs' Woo.r orah Adair, Philip Barchard. Gr-ade 3 te 4 - Paul Baî-lSandra Gould, George Gnay, i chaud. Ricki' Beau, Aima Box-i Glenda Johnson (ist), doaccl; afl frec). Judy Boxali (nec). Kimbaîl. Carline Majer, Bii,.\- Wýesle ' Foc-get (hst), Huibent Mcçullougc, Elizabeth Pearee., Vaucdershaîc'e, Ruthc Yahes. Deimar Rudman, Edilic Scic- Grade 3 te Grade 4, Teacli- ccid. Katicy Wallace. Janieý er. C. Montgomenry - Gas'le Whitney, James Wrighct. Adi.Danccc Alldread. JeIf Grades 6 to 7 and 7 ta f8, A.Idread (neci. Lycida Bannes. Teachen, Mrs. G. Shaplehon: Chcarlotte Mary B ne r ehor., Grade 6 ta Grade 7 - Kaneci Raipli Cobliledick, Darreli Boxail, Robent Darracli (rec),, Darling, George Darrach, Jaey. Keui Mcçracken, Harold Pow-1 Deuiny, Kahy Des Roches,' elh (lst), James Smith'c(nec) Dant>' Dulieau, Jennifen Gras', Chcarles Stoneliung, L a r r v AlJbertla Guay. Rick 'v Landrs', \annen (rec). Garv 'athrShirley Mc- Grade 7 la Grade A - Tom- HARVESTS Mi Lean, Wanda Parey, Pally ns' Aldread, Susaxi Carcey Robert Winn, Kendal flexibiîîty allott Wins Cenotaph Draw acre tmcn .Newcastle:- The fifts-fifts'! tan on duly 201h, anyorte shattering. 77 Dnaîv an whiclc members oaf planning a donation tla 1l o tlhe Cenotapic Commilîce has fund, large on small, is urged stacies, tr liexi selling tickets for lie te gel lice donation in so lia' Cenotaph Fucd %vas made on1 Ccc monument mas' le free ofmuch quieter. Monday xxitii Ken Gray' draw-M dbt before ils dedication. cng tie winning ticket sold lot Donations otatoda Robent Winn of Kendal. 1Precriausîs'ulstodia The draw netîed lice fundi acknowiedged S1950.36 $100 and lice mathing $100 Cana and George goes ta lice winner, Rober. Butler 10O.00 IVo.Miss E. M. Peance 1.01 FOR FULL Tice proceeds aoflice ceceni Newcastle Lions Club Lions Club draw also netted (dnaw) 1001.00 Ilice fn 100 theàe George Chard ...... .. 5.00 îxvo suics, plus five privale Lloyd Hancack, donatcons from interested Bowmanville ...... 10.00 citizens. have given lthe furcd Ronald Munro 15.00 a reai boosl during the past Cenclapc Commitcee week. 50-30 drew lO00.0 Wcih less than three weekt, remxaining before the Dedica- iTotal 10 date $2190-36 Newcastle:- Depuhy Disîrice son. He explainied the du ilo i -'Y't Phn 61Governor Lion Alan Eason of eaci would be calMed upocc*,,e dur.cî ic x : .'. Keeinstalled lthe 1963-64 perforni and told Ithe Piem- varîous tco . late of officers of the local bers lhese officers hiad beecn u: " h'c. Tlce discussion on, the 104,1 Lion, Club at the regular elected by tlhe membeî-shîo Prescdecct ILrvoid .rc.' ci.r c'U pei fAîsfhoe.N meeting held in the Elmhiurst whose dutv il was la support't ce.ed dto ei. le more meetings ho lie held un- Hote] hast Wednesday evenin.,. themn in everx' wa.v ho carrc' 'the tcm~r.~:i' "!in - ' *i Sept. 1th. Some plans Introduccd by retiring Pre- ont the manY serv'cees of th c Harold Flis -.t'c c cxere made ho have the Sweet sident. Lion Frank Hoar, thce Club. dci lurn tc V" it lw Adelines in the Fall. Depulx' Governar said lie was Retiring Presidenc. Lioccl ce recr't "ri.e cit ubstituting for District Gov- Frank Hloar baccked lihe lice('tttirct"""c The Town and Country Club èrnor Ross Oliphiant of Peter-l members for tliccîr suppord a tcitîlti u à i.ý - !nel n lihe Christian Educa- borough who cvas unable *.o'during tice pash vrar, and con- dccle Lov i I' tet cou ente. Wdneday.un-be present due ho a delay iiigrahulated Liocn Harold Gil)-' it'cc t I "nî'::,. dei, the cocvenorship of Glenn bils eurn tram the Interna-'son on biis election to the of- Io the las! ccix :l A'i acî MaionLamerandDoly ional Convention of Lions. tire of presidenh. Tl'lie ç,.olitrlt Lce. Foliowîng a short busi-,Clubs in Miami. Florida. The t!rst dcclv of lic ev c"ancd bckv.liti' e ;cess sesscocn. a film on churcii Beginning withhlie Lionc presideît xW a s pcrfo'ccccd uLI! ceeh ec21~ ýancps was shoxcn, sressing Tamner Liocn Alan instaliei wherc Presidecct Harold pr'c- 17110 c;c' rtr'e t1ie une at Five Oaks. A bit of each oi the officers and direc-'ý senîed a Past PresideccI Piliaanion-lciî'tct.r't' cap ctx'lx ws icwc whct ors up ho and including thce la cetirncg Prescdecct F'acck Itle Ccî cc iu'r ' ' acn aini al gelhcccg couples in-, President, Lion Harold Gibl-Hoar accd cocgratulildhccn liv Lioni Iactit i i terested ccc attending. Afterc à short devotionai period. the meeting closed with a delic-1 'ous lunch of strawber,.yr sicorîcake acnd ice cream. Th erie o teLoaý Report from O ttawa Or-acge Lodges is ho belie il, !ic Neshheton Pres bvy ec-i ae' p.n., ih onex'. Swhancit :3By Russeil C. Honey, M . P. ies exleccdcd M Q To date criticisnc fiowilcg sucli as Itis. icr> t ict i;t. " Wýýilfc'ed Jacklsonc accdfamil'- f'ncte preseuctatioci ofthie Tliceis ccaitniod sit iig til .i cat t()Ie rm Nesîcoci u Ib scldcc budget by Financce Micistct' Cacsai"s xxifecccnush il o 1'v tIc(.tcd ll tir c , l Netlto. n hesudetdeatlclWalter Gordon bas flot beeci le alicve evii but aiso slite icusl. kcc'xx.iiicc r. V r. . *c' Mr. Jacksocn, Tcursdax'. I directed ho tice substance Of lie alioe lice suspiciocn of evil. oucoU(i tf ' United Church Picnie the budget, but to lice employ- liclice legai profession we e\- coucclanîs ccicii' cc A good uumber gahhec'ed atîccieccî of thrtee 'avsesvho press tice sanie tiirî tc a re- r'cssec Ilice>P: ' 'ir. 'ieCoîîcccucity Park, Cae-ýwxere brougict ho Ottawa iy xvecrse fasiîiocî ii li" cia)'cccg licchp iiicîîtccîlir c ',i' ' '1ý lice.Thdyeeniîg, MI. Gardon ho assist hi n cticat cml ocly must justicelbecx [cli h i c ci c r'ý , uaea UnîehurclY ving foce. The ga budget, a responls- done, but it ainst appear tuaI [il eieirt ,le ieC acîd som ie iThe b ility which lie lcad to fulfill justicelicas beeci doue.ccg'ttc ci' *etjoved a dip ii the hake lie- atrls hnhW oiisii N.D.P. cecîier Douglas'tillicig xxiii, et' r. l'ove>lice boucîiful supper xvas Ofice. eFi hciilt i iis[cec'brociit il 10 kcowledgc' cc pic' oic il t t partaken of. Most of the menc l hsRpii iiltb of Parliacîcect (alicougi itlicaddxieccci ici ' 'c c dic Pont arrix'e uctil ticîc \e lcxiita try and analyze the beeci coiccicon knoxcledgc icc Mr. (;c'di iilic.,, t i' cat. as al] are so busy Iaying. criticism ancd ho llw awaY Ottawa foc' severai veeks> Il( ie vi îc cctl The following progracîc oflice chaff of parisan polîhics thah Mi,.Goc'don licad eaiied on îlceoetci' iic c' sports was enjoyed. ancd a,,- xhc o le bcrscSe outsie adx'isec>" tI elp hîi service b' rcci il ci cacged ho conîpete by Sunday ccc the preparatioic of lis Ille p;tilcc , i1 '! Selcol lases -Mrs RapliMalcolm and Weccdv Le-; budget. Thcis cevelatiecî cais- xx'io aitr'c t'* Larmner's class, 3 year olds. Sack race. 8 vear aid boys, ed lice pciccinile of xvietlic' i' rifi . 'i Louise VanCamp; Mr,. Bocc- Neil McLauglclin: Sack rac?, ciot tle Miccstcrs ofthtie Cc'oxx'cc cipie aicid r".I" t ile tt a's, 4 and 5 year olds. Jack 8 year aid girls, Janet Tur*ner tcac f'eciy seek advice rtc'i dac'etrrl ti't Guoter: Mrs. Duff's, 5 and 6 Tlree-legged race, girls 9-11,. someoîe icot. wil.hin civil scrx'- ccllcr icccd' l' cars. Cindy VaccCamp: Mrs Licîda Mountjoy and Lorraince ice c'acks, ancd wxchtliiracc uc- Vite ciiIilt . tt Neil Werrx' and Lynda Kyhe's,' Turncer: Boys hi yeac' old. ciixiduai caci ftcey give sucli t hîcc s cci t i c'1 c1' l I i! 6 Year nid girls, C h e ry 1 1three-legged, Dennis Romeýil advice. WVright: Mrs. Sicortridge, 6 and Bill Thocopsoci: Sicoe kick. Inis..uiittdc'ci i ici ccci t t * 'ar ohd boys. Larry Werr,,,r-12 and 13 year olds, Bob Me- quston'de must cok-siderthcec cltarvŽ.. Il. Tiirrc l U' t t \lrs T-. MLauichcî' clss.Laugihin: Three-legged , qehocweccs ok hlc 'ciifti 'lI i Mr.1-.McLuhi-' lastask w'licliiconfronted cMii.. acnifc'clc'c ' c t r Janet Tu rie r: Donna M,---acîd h3 x'eac' old girls. Joaci Gorcion c xv iccce assunced Ilice xcici'nridrwit' ' P) lLaugllin's class, Neil M'7-,Hortoii anîd Gail Bonnetta: office of Minisîci- of Ficcance'.'xici.c 1vit"r ILaughilin: Aileen VaiiCamp'F'Three-hegged, boys 9-10, NeiWitlc a licccced ime le rire- l ce irltiiritîctil) "' c'lass. Linda Mountjoy: Ne1l M,\cLaughIiîc and' David Lar- par'e Ils bucdget lieoliviousi.v iscit. '['c cI cri t.r'. '.' r achcf n Mrs. Ernesf1 mer: Sack race acîd sio cdbce oihux'okx'ihxxrextikc."t;c Scvain's classes. Denicis Roiii- ecramble. Il year old girls,I[is Dcpart'lccccccl lca 'ried DcIýarittec(I l rt' ,'rtcc"e evil: Miss Joyce GraicaccVýscLinda MountjoY accd Lorraine out Linder' lie directiocn ot uts illeir riiv t r ciass. Elizabeth Ticompson; Turner lied: Sac'k race acnd predecessoc's. Mr'. Noxvian anîd Daho Drel'scls, leushoe seranclle, Il year ohd Mr'. Flemcing. 1h was a formi:-,1î 7rl Boîccetha. While only firstîi boys, Bruce Collins, cdabie chahllenîge xvici faceci __ -are named, ail inc lie above The aider folk w'ho did not lice ncw Micister of Financce. libt meceix'edi a prize. compete but enjoyed watcic- Wîtlc iano lcg tradition of Wleelliarrow race, 6 ' ear cing the yaunger onles, were pariiamentai'y procedure acnd c o'd girls and boys, Mary Lau!each given a book-mark. being a man whli y icatureA .eîrebîraI Palsy Group MioIds Picnic on Fairm e e( -Ont Smicdav a f- cng in Ilic saîîd box andri ÏC - cli Jwtc 23rdc. hildren ing onthie Swings. 1 I ýh, 01iPa ad District Mrs. Albert Rose ocf Oshawx Ici-t). iav. anenterlained the childrco xx lt chel[i r eItl 01arnd gamnes xhile lthe other no!. e iicts\ oed a pà-Ir et rs prepared the picnic Ilunch,. fi t«!I homle of Mr. anc4 About 40 sat down to a dc-' 1)n id Gu v, c' hious picnic supper srrved- 1 i i,,, the iterontht' buffet. style. I t vas riegret - e.ri e njtivrd poil*v rides. able that several of the ci cd ihe haro ho set' ren were unable tb aitend ie.. cea icli eaIx" cause some were at. Camp ancd' i)e md 1i111e pigs whichi others ah the Crippled Chlld c-. (iMI t dhi-, .cght for ren's Centre icn Toronto. AI[- e tildIi, ceci Later. the' ;ttending report a gond titiç' ha igItinie p]a.v and the weather was pne IVERSARY 4~~sday, JuIy 18'~ 1963 7:00 P.M. TREWHAVEN FARM LTD. i l) iiiI ttliceSatthic ltad 15 miles north of Bowncanville anîd i, malt' xittîIittiBia tit')c r 7 miles aast of Port Ferry via Highway 7A. SP;:(l.ILOFF'ERIN(G 0f' PUREBRED ruiOLSTELIN CATTLE Mf>t ' T h1i-e.'l',Ojîportunity ta Buy the Best! A('CILDIII1> AUCINATED - BLOOD TESTE!) NEXT SALE WILL BE IHELD THURSDAY, AUGUST lst Sa le Mt b.coan i: R.R. 1I. 3n11'is"bît,i t. Phone' Blacli '.1ou . tXt Au elioneer : HOWARD TREWIN, Blackstoack -e------ IORE HAY WITH LESS LEAF LOSS-ýHARVESTS MOREGRAIN WITH FEWER STONES Flexi Tooth is an entirely new idea in pick-up teeth for balers and combines. Its greater us the tooth to> be Iowered dloser to the ground and Flexi Tooth wiII pick up more crop per fentional steel teeth. These new plastic teeth will handle hay more gently and reduce leaf Flexi Tooth on combine and baler pick-ups will ride over or by-pass most ob- n g feêîér ý stones in the windrow. 4YI// Mounted in rubber strips, Flexi Tooth is The superior self-damping effect further minimizes dust. Flexi Tooth is tougher and wiII ry teeth, while replacement teeth cost froni 30yo ta 40% less than couentio,ai tuetit.i' .DETrAILS CALL ANY 0F THESE IMPERIA&L fS AGENTS. A. H. STURROCK & SONS LTIi. - BOWMAHVILLE - MA.3-5516 Newcastle Public School Promotions 111e Cnadiac Fqtàteffman, Eown actlle, 3uly' , 819eg "(M 1 !!1cl es. N. D.P. Leader good attendance of canvasserr- V)ct1stsaied ilev essence of and chairnecc. rd iticisnc when he said e meeting was highl!glit- "If lu." goxercîcucci nceds to Mar.îorie Pewtress &fCobourg, iivisr trornilume ta secretary of the Organization, e".~rc cv h'xv ouglit to le and Mr. Wm. Kennedy of Tor- c d hy Il hle gce et pacd ono Organizer of the Survey c.' te covrcccet.and xvhol- for Ontario. 'irIlle control of Ihe Area Chairmani Johcci J. rx t mccldnrîcg thet' ime Scott xvclcomed those presecit' .I"\ae emplo.ved. To ask any and with the help of Mr. Rosi !i;tt serv e txvo miasters, t0 AlEin. canx'ass poil chairnac1-ý 'Iw cx cic'ktg for the go\,eric- outlined the dulies of eac'4.- crýi but rececîx dg pay from ýworker.1 ii îcc cI ccna is putting a Mr. Kenccedv spoke brivfIv on. iiibat indcvidual toon the important part t he' I.!c Io upierson ougl10 Io e';canvassers pia «v in getting -ehctîI."everyone ont ta be te.sted or. a c lic-11\Iliing tibat'x-raved.t rt\et iî' ý'cd souid lie able to An interestcng and instruit- -H In ic 'xporîs froîcil trade t cve, film %vas shown on Tb Ilie,)iý hLic'.cecanîd lihe uni- culosis and the comiplicationI;- tx Il' thoec experts are involved due to noglect andi r11 lIo xx rk for-lice govern- the failîcre ta have carlY dcar-.,, cc 'ci Ille *xvsiould lie paid by nosis. ý rýý t.')\x rîi11ecci. acd b 'v o one Mi-S. Pewhress icad a fx "î Tihis is ltce area in: words of comment on thce fticn.ý Nir GhMc ordon is propcrly rafter %vhich ex'erv mie xx'cs> c tc tc'itcciscc To para- nrged Io feel frre 10 a'kqcctus Iri te 'cc'carlier stateiccent, t ions xvitic regard licflic 'F3 Mrt Gi. vrotc's adx'cscrs sicould Sure'. 'r(It etil ice abcve cVil bu~t F'oiloxvîccg t tie 1CIeiccgý, c I"iîcctd albci i above the Ictocli was serx'ed liv tiicccchr ; c ofrtitî e il. of Unit 1 of the ljccîed (hccc XVoncen and the cccertcng ceas I r~i \J~r[~rc adjourned. nr;: ýO.xxiît atackpdxcb xc ceaie xhc i-st xve pr'bct cc-e. i re p re f r to deceie.-Sic' Walter- Sc'ic.. re a e frand cmal etspriua. cîii'N.--Ricicard G. llaxxý T . B. Su rvey A iateial secîse tif e-s cîice is icnt tice scieitic' fcict. VA e e.ie..1heflipcîocet of beiiig.--Mary Bakier Eddy'. i eNc IrlIe Distric, Tice truest eccd ofucs lifei cIl ic, Nonthcccnier- kuioxc'thie lite Ihat. nexerccis e Dech:t'i Tuccitmculosis and -Williamc Pencn. i~ ~ ~~~wý c'l Vtc~idci xi h"! He wlicostops hi'îiighz irt i ci(ýUt itcic Skndas' chips ieiccg gond. -Oie 100Mi r cîcîr tîcî i' ii 'cI , eCr'omwxell. im