1! w. VACATION CASH! V ~ I GEl YOUR> RgCARD TODAY> WIN $100.-$*500,0 OR *100000p CASH!C 11 Visito#rs at Ontario House in London, %ngland, this past, week included the mitrent l-member S àles Opportunity Mission sponsored by the Ontario Gov- &irment. ManuLàcturers from Ontario are- presently having exceptional suc- ~cess 1h ffinding 'kew markets for their products in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. Here Lloyd Wood of. London, Ontario, export sales manager of Wolverine, Tube division of Calumet -and Hecla of Canada Limited, is shown 'e rght.~lig with Hon.' Robert Macaulay, Ontario Minister of Economics and Developnxent, centre, and Reg.. Workman, director of the Ontario Weekly 'Newspapçr> Association. __________ Durham Club, M«mbers Enj' Ann ual Excursion To Scenes of Bygone Days 1 by Aleen Aked the turn-off near Newcastle of "Batterwood'" and how his was soon reached and a large house had gat that namne. This Torouto's Durham County crowd gathered near the Lake was explained in the aid Club held their annual sum- on the praperty of Ernie and book - "batterwood" is a wood ruer excursion Saturday, June Howard Pearce for the unveil- which falls away down a 15; pleasant memaries of!a img of the Baldwin Plaque - slaipe. The name seemed most well qfggnized trip still lin- at the site of their original apt and appreciated by the ger. homestead. This event was Duhamites as they wandered 1A t the turn of the century sponsoreti by the Durham thru the grounds; woods and a spcialtrain used ta he Club; the commnittee i charge. trees on every side of a quiet ji rted - the Grand. Trunk Mn. E. S. Clary, Mr. J. P. brick Geargian hause with Railway was the only trans- Lovekin and Dr. '0. B. Dick- white trim. Many feit they portation available. The band enson, to whom tribute was were following in the foat- of the 48th 'Highlapdefs was paid by Mr. Alex Carruthers, steps af aur Queen. engaged and with banners MP.P. Wiiat a time the bus had ilyîng a parade would be held Robert'Baldwin set the pat- backin.g out af the treed the selected tolyn. 1tern. for our. present Govern- drivewgy of Ba t t e r w o a d How diffèrent the ipeeI of ment, it w4 fitting that its House! At ane, time a large Prçyhound bus on 40V, reptesentatives shouldbe pre- tree seemed planted in thel om Iwhosc' front seat -the sent and aiýb do a wee bit of front af the bus - another at demn car looks so small - political rajlying. 'F or mer the rear wi.ndow. Inching aut e little becties doing a Premier Lèslie Prost in his with skill, the driver was ance ce, darting,' blizlkifig 'their remarks said' he felt quite again on the raad ta Cobaurg tle lights - right -end left. sure if Roïert Baldwin were and a stop at the "Golden nisçing enroute sitting alive tade, he would be an Plough" where Warden Eari esid Miss Alice Creeper, his -sideg Russell C. Honey, Walkey and three of the whose' ther kept the post of- M.P., expnessing bis thanks Reeves welcamed us. The fice and' tare in Tyrone in the ta Mr. Frost, could nat say Superintendent, Mr. Batwell, tlays whén it took an hour to which side Robert Baldwin conducted a taur of the build- go by horse and buggy to would be an if alive today, ings, ending in the dining- Bowmanviile for a musit 'les-'but oee thing he was- certain room where a most deliciaus son; -what a gpeat change! thiat -Mr. Frost wauld be on tea was served. Stopping first ta freshen-up Robert Bàldwin's side! On for anather tour afi the .thra the courtesy of the Fly'. Many descendants of the County Council Buildings, g Dutchman, Bowmanvile, Baldwin Family were presen abourg, a modemn building inçluding Mr. *nd Mrs. Robent complete w i t h Courtnoam, M..hdr tw fsO tt M. aw n officsr ofc ndt eou f -end planted a tree ta ,com m em or- business -'of the United Coun- Mn. 1RTOIN aldtw sn.%dfrOtaw indRgr office ndnune ficral (Intended for Iast week> ate ýthis event%.» while iD.h is ties. Too little time ta se Mr.oi and Mrs. Murray Mal. pocket w~as a sh V éech everything. rnorning for an-.extendeed.ýtour :givje! 'Typical of the Baldwilli Baclç ta Part Hope Golf acnossthe continent with ýCal- iamiiy'and of Duthain Coun- Club where more Durham Jforna as destination, via their ty. Mn. Baldwin had intended County Club members and J910P on wheels. Murray aon- to say: "I amn sefe that the friends joined the bus load ta stnucted, a "'wee house"l on o'ther members of aur famils, have. an excellent -dinner at their truck especially to make would wish me ta express aur "!Idala," and admire the view their trip. Bon voyage! deep appreciation for this fine af the course in the setting Congratulations to piano tnîbute ta the Baldwins o! sun. *pupils, Marguerite Wilson on Annarva. It is just another Travelling back along 401 passing her grade 8 piano with concrete example of the in the bus, tired, icontented - honaurs, likewise to Carol thoughtful kindness and won- the end of a perfect day. Bau- Stacey on passing her,-grade 8 derful neighbourliness of the quets should be given not only piano with honouns, iiud ta pepple in this area which ex- fa the camnittee in charge David ,Gray and Ian Pagt. on isted back 163 years ago in but ta, Pres. Leonard McNeil, passing thein grade 5 ekams 1799, and still exists today. who as well as bein.g chair- with honours. It ie shown in the active par- man for the unveiling o! the Those particlpating lu the ticipation of the Lovekins in Baldwin Plaque was also con- dance revue "leaUedoscope of this project and "in the kind- ductor, assisted by r.J 63", as the'seasan's finale, in ness of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spicer, af the bus tour. Lindsay Academy Theatre, and Mr. Ernest Pearce in Thanks toa al thase along the Jast Fnida)r* were. Misses Peg- apening this site toalal of us way who contributed ta, the, &y.andJn Rusl Candy today. feeling of neighbourllness andl MlaiiAdele Page, Pamela "Althaugh this plaque hon- the same kindliness of pioneeri $tinsori and Mitzi Malcolm ours our family, in the broad- days wben the former Dur- and Master Tenry Malcolm. est seixpe, it also hopours ai! hamites return home once a Th'le Prograrn was very colon, those othen pione«e famnilies yçar for a day. ~ul with a»11 taklng their partà who scttled in thfs area and Ian efficient mainnei..* who, enduned the samne- kind Mn. and. Mns. Neil Malcolm, af handships. and facect the end famliy arcompanied. thc sanie vhallenges as ours. Here R l. lebu g Ë1oward Malcalms ta sec Mrs. I would Ilke ta pay tribute ta e . Vebu g Wiler Mlclmon Sunday. the wotben-ioik cf ail pion-'Gie ilaehappy ta le4rn that enrs -on whom the bnunt o!G ée Address Mr. Malcolm is now abie ta thehandships faîl." Mn. Bald- garaund on her own and win wauld have concluded, M pope she will soan- be homne "This fine spirit of neighbour- At Trinity UC.W Mgain. liness is evident agairn, ladies We at Malconia pinclwa a and geitleiez%,in- the mutua e.J C ebugeolh ay ut o ha ingUreto goodwi and csteem %which' esit Niagwi, fïýusaI8 c Buf- prevails at thîs gathering and Christian Refor-nied Cbùrcb falo before 1149Iii down ta whlch is exemplifièd by this was thic guest speaker at 'the slugging bales. .,plat'We." - regular manthly meeting af Don't forget to get your TE Alter the cenemony a picnic-the United Church Women of tVaberculin or chest x-nayllunch was enjoyèd 'icndier the Tinity United Church beld in *hen Janetylile district will trees on tables and chairs the Sunday Schooi Hall on b. served on Wed., July 3rd,f madle neady by the Newcastle Tuesday afternoon, June 18. 2 P.M. ta, 5 p.m. Don't take a Chamber o! Commence. While. chance on -your own health or havi-ng lunch Mrs. Rickard, Mn. Verbrugge spake on the risk infecting your loved onesi mathen af Garnet Rickard, contribution o! women ta- by negiesting ta take this free'who was boîrn in the bouse wards Christian Citizensbip. test. naw owned by tbe Pearces stating that we sbould not Yelverton S.S. Na. 1 took recailed how lt was the cus' think af aur gavernment in top place in the Manvers Pub- tom for the Indians ta carne termis af what can we get, but lic School field day wthout and camp each summier on a wbat can we gîve. Mothers IcqsIng.a.gaine. The Jr. team point overlaokingr theal-should cultivate in their chil- Deep Cul Specials LIBBY DEEP BROWNED SAVlS Beans with Pork3 Tins49 HOLLY BRAND Corned SAVE 10c Beef ST. WILLIAMS Strawberry JAM Look! 12 oz. Tin 24 oz. Jar SAVE 10c 49C Money Savîng Specia.ls 9 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE 'FROM Du ncan Hines Cake Mixes 19 oz. 2Pkgs. MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM DAVID'S BISCUITS Asst. Sandwich T Mix Asst. Mallows 2 Cocoanut Sandwich 16 oz@ Pkgs. 71 STOI<ELYS FANCYA48o.f Tomato Jce £jTins7 Ideal with Salads. Pride of New Orlean~s Frozen Food Specials SHIRRIFFS TANDY LIMEADE3 6 oz. Tins 4 9- DOMINO POTATOES Haish Brown 16 oz. for or Squares 18oz 2 53c Domino Fancy - Italian Style Green Beans 2 10oz Pkg. 5ý7 Ail merchandise soid at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally guaranteed bo give 100% satisfaction. AMPLE FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT p 1~ ~ Gu aranfeed Q ualif y Meat Ideal for That Outdoor Barbeque JUMBO BEEF STEAKETTES CHOPS LEAN - TENDERLOIN END - LOIN PORE ROAST#S S'PARE RIBS . PORK SID 2 %½ 3 Lb. '55',b 5 -53,b ESSEX BRAND - BREAKFAST SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1 lb. Pkg. 1lb. Pkg. - Sausage 497c FRANKSr45 Fresh Prôduce Specics GRA PES RED CARDINAL FIRM - GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS ZIs SOT FIA RWPEACHESQ, SWEET, JUICY ORANGES 79 RICHMELLO lceà (ream 41 FLAVOURS Pt. Bricks 8 Values effective in Bownxanville until closing time, Sat., July 6, 6 p.m. *1 J J 'M1 Te Canm»: Sttuà-naiwnajwfle3. M 8 N Sals. iisonVisits Lôndon ,. v li LEAN CENTRE CUT . LOIN PORK LEAN . MEATY CALIFORNIA CROWN - ONLY AT DOMINION - 6 DELICIOUS 1 lý 1 Beef 0 a . More .1 1 c 5ý5 ib ' IMPORTED . No. 1 doz.791.