4 The Canidiazi Stateuman, Bewm~anvil., JuIY 3, 1963 EDITORIAL COMMENT An Excellent Appointment The rîews that Crowri Attorney Harry R. Deyrnan of Cobourg has beeri aJpoînted Judge of the Peterborough Coniy Court wiii be weicorned by hiu many friends in this area. His eleva- tion ta the judiciamy is wel-rnerited and we have every confidence that he will fuif iii hîs duties with dignity and comnpetence. ',We can recali when this campai'- atively young man was attending Oshawa Coilegiate, quite a few yeams iefoî-e he wvas called ta the bar in 1936. r fact, we, on several occasions, play- ed football and other interscholastic gamnes against hirn and his schoohmates, aznd usualiy found them far- too skilied and energetic. But, even that far' back we remnember Mm. Deymarî as a liard Spectacular1 Mother Nature, always colc eertainly outdid herseif on Tue attemnoon in announcing that the wave was over, ternpoî'amiiy, ai.1 Just why t was necessary ta lin the full orchestra for the prograi shali neyer know, but she went al wii.h the drumns olling, the cyn cxashing, hail in spots as big as balls and torrents of the rnost w6 rain. It was quite a performance Frankly, we feit she ovemdid a few spots. Eavestroughs an ar dition ai. the rear of the Stateý were complei.ely inadequate, with resuit that the wai.er gushed ovei tbp, poured thraugh the twa doors womker. an excellent competitar ai-d fine athiete, with a buit-in sense af faimness that placed hîm far above the average player. Triat trait has undoubtediy stood hirn, his clients and even those he wvas prosecuting, in good si.ead thraughout the years as lie buili. up an enviable reputation lacaliy and ini ecent years in courts some distance awvay wheme he has been cailed for special. work. We wish him evemy success in his new position, knawing full well that the law will be nii good hands. He ivili be difficuit ta replace in the United Counties where he has done a marvel- lous job over' a considerable period o! lime, but aur loss wvi1l be Peter- borough's gain. End of Heat Wave torful, flooded us oui. of a couple of rooms. ýesday Also, on Sai.urday, we had installed a hetsereen door on the front of the build- heting and that tao praved ail tao puny leasi.. ta ithstand the onslaught of ain that ne up poured dowui, backed by strong winds. ml we However, the parched grass, gard- Ilb Oui. ens and crops must. have heaved a tre- rnbals meuidous sigli of relief ta receive the g olf moisture and we tao shall be happier cone when we crawl into bed tonight and e. feel a cool breeze flowing through the il in windows instead of that clammy, hot, ýn ad- darnp air that pevailed for such a long sman tii-e. But, we siili think she could ,h the have been just a bit less robusi. and r the raucous in telling us cool air was an -s and the wvay. Jusi. a show-off, thai.'s ail! Pick in' On Us Old Folks! EDITOR'S MAIL: Kendal, Ont., June 24, 1963 Mîr. Editor; 1.Your editorial on June 19 an the ti7emendous cast of aid age pensions, is a cammon complaînt. Nealy every newspaper and magazine camments an the terrible de! ici. that the aid folks are causing the Governent, but yau xr.ver remark about the serious deficit that the baby bonus is. running up an the Governrnenti. You have quoted figures that excite the anirnosity of the public againsi. the aid folks. These eommrents make the aid folks feel ike charii.y patients. The pensions are compensation for a ife-time of service. '-The eider citizens have been paying taxes for 68, 70, 80 and sorne for 100 years and are stili ati. t. There is no compulsion on the Governmeni. ta give rhillionaires a pension. If the Govem'n- rTent wished ta economize they could arnenid the law ta read that fia ane, Who has an incarne o! $4,500, would receive a pension or a baby bonus. -That way the Government. would gave fqur hundred million dollars au- ----merçe. 'As fôr contributomy pensions, the aid folks have been paying taxes for relief for years and yeams. There à~ not a Government in this country tl-at does nat have a large bibi for relief every yeax-. The aid folks have contributed large surns for their pen- sions. Mr. Editoî, you should take time off! and give us the terrible figures thai. the baby bonus is casting us. Fred V. Warren. Editor's Note: The above is the type o! letter we really appreciate i-e- £eiving. Mr. Warren has stated his complaint clearly and has also provid- oct a solution which in his opinion would ke helpful. Any comment which wilb stir up discussion on these matters, whether t be aid age pensions, relief to unemployed, famnily allowances or any a! the ather welfame measures is worthwhile. Ail too a!ten we take such things for granted, thînking only o! the advantages o! having sucli pieces ô! legisiation in Canada, without realiz- irîg the fantastic costs involved. There are a hast of! such measur-es, some o! them out in the open and welb known while others, sucli as the cost ta the taxpayers for unemploymeni. in- surance, ($55,557,753), health grants ta provinces (almosi. $50 millions), the federal gavernent's contribution oui. of taxes for Hospital Insurance, etc., af almost $284 millions. And we haven't ltentioned the veterans' allowance field and others. Family allowances casi. taxpayers i the 1961 fiscal year a total of $520,781,193. Duing the saine period. the gaverinent colleci.ed $643,954,238 for aid age security and as wve recall ib, had ta bolster this accouni. by addition- ki funds from the treasumy. There was ani added item of $51 millions fou- aid age assistance and pensions ta bind #md disabled persans. '1'hese ai-e wonderful pensions and Canada is a grand countr-y ta be sup- plying such benefits ta ts citizens. But, what bothers us is the faci. that ail of these welfame measures are plac- ing such a gigantic load of fixed ex- penditures an aur people each year, both ai. the federal level and provincial, that t is no wonder we have huge deficits ta cani.end with. They ai-ethie mosi. popular i-oves any political pari.y cauî make, but sooner or- later sorne party is going ta have ta face facts and cali a hait ta the trend. At the preseni. time, the Liberals are in trouble at Ottawa because they have added an 11% sales tax ta build- ing materials and production machin- ery, ta try and corne coser ta balancing the budget. They have found as their Conservative predecessors did thai. their fixed expenses are so higli that they must have mare money With which ta operate. They have also found that almosi. every avenue o! taxation rev- enue lias been explored and exploited ta the irnit, 50 i.hev eaped oni anc thai. hadn't been hît too heavily. Now, they are suffering the consequences in criticism f r-ar many quarters, but you won't find rnany old age pensionex-s compiaining because the Liberals also have decided ta raise theix- pension another $10 a month. Nor, would you find many parents complaining if they boosted the family allowances. That is understandable. Such i urreases would be mosi. helpful, but sornebody lias ta pay for them, and this is the pari thai. is mosi. difficubi. ta seli ta the publie, We are not against aid age pensions ou- any of the other welfare measures. We just don'i believe in saddlîng aur chldren ai-d their children's chibdmen tao with a mess o! debi. that wiil smoth- er thern, if we can possibly avoid il. And thai.'s exactly the way we are heading right naw. How They're Lost Why do cornpanies lose business? Wheî-e do "lost" custorners go ta, any- way - and, more important, why? Is there a sure-f ire key ta repeat sales and, if sa, whai. is it? Ail good questions, the answeî-s ta which every sabesman we've ever met would dearly love ta have. They jusi. passibly are ta be found in the resuits af one recent survey. The percentages are certainby înterestîng. 0f ahi lasses iin customers: le,(' were losi. througlî death; :31 were hast through ernoval; 5"é~ lefi. ta buv from a friend ai' relative; 9c', lefi. to bu'-ai. loweî' piices; 141«,ef t becauise of unadiusted camplaints; 681,- lefi. because af indifference and lack o! interesi.. When t cornes ta losing custorners, thex-e's abviousby nothing, but nothing, quite sa effective as *indifference and lack of interesi.." Wbr ~tamtrnan ~tate~m4n Durhom County's Great Eamiy Iaunaa Established 109 years ego ln 1654 Also lncoporatinq The Bowmanville News * q The Newcastle Independont *' ' ê The Ororso News e i.L 10 ,jkuthuind 0aS~cond Cia.. MaliJ bythe Poit Office Depi, Ottawa, and ter PaYMBflt n e 89 ltcsh Produced *vsry Wadnondaty by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED t' P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowxnanville, Ontario : OHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EITO-PUBL15M ADVTG. MANAGIM BUSI4ES$ MOI. SUBSCR!PTION RATES 34.00 a Year, tuictly in advance $5.50 a Year in thé Unitd Staes Athouglh evcry precouties WIU bu laken avo&d eriri.The Cofe4dicstatemmSa ac"cpts adylis- iemIsce umne on the understc.ndinci hat L will net b. fiable fer ony erier ix ey adveitisneet pt%Ù;h1- oedhîunder uni... a proof t ciBuclIadv.rtis.ment i. equested in writinq by the. adv.rtiser and retw'ned te The Cansdien tote&mqn buinua office duiy szgned by the. advertior ad with sucb egrer or ccOreiStof plaly aotd in wrlting ther.on. ond ut flint case.J any erior se o ed ta net crrftt*d bY Tb* Coaadioen Stat.suqn it Uabihty shaU net .xcecd auch a prtionel *thei estire cot CI c ueh adv.rtitsment as the s#"cmo=pted by thi.eetmtd errer biais taeithe whole space occupied -1 ~not de. Tlh@ second was 'Com-! muion*. Mrs. Foster and Mis.: Q i " Couroux are to see about get-~ tingthepinsforthe pupils! IsDU Younqgman'S Cojm who pass from Grade 8. Mak- 1-. SUGAR I .4 ~ 'c~'lrig articles for a W. I. exhibiti at Orono Fair was discussed. While intentiy studyîng somie can go plodding along in our was optoal1ih h emlsFoir our picnic this year it and pictures a! the scantiiy attired «own namrow little ruts wîth- decked oui. in attractive 3umn -.,-~as decided ta take a trip to a seductress, Christine Keeler, out noticing the interestn mery dresses. and mosi. maies the Thousand Islands on July, 'nd mentally congratuiaing changes taking place araun Sotn pnnce hrs 6 usa.Telde ilcyold John Profumo, theus. 1¶knew that Hope Townî- sporig ae-ece hrs 1.aTedy.Telde phone rang; in my elated ship was pioneered by peopleijackets and slacks. ýbought the twa books of tic-, state, plus a poor connection'o! British lineage, and pre- As each persan finishied nIekeshahdbenecid 'due ta too many "kibitzems" sumed niosi. of that type weremeal, he or she would drifi. from the Golden Plow Lodge.ý on aur line, 1 imagined the stili there, but the visit ta the outside to chat wii.h somel Regret was expressed tha: 'MM 1\/ Dill cmil female voice had a throaty,,P.T.A. dinner soon correci.ed acquaintance or as in my case,1,1MiIs. McMackin and famîliIV%,I .mîe Continental quality when its that fallacy. buttoiihole sornebody; any- ai-e moving to Oshawa next Were you, gentle readen, a their place and cnjoyed every lowner enquimed: "What are Each guesi. was requii'ed to body, and star. "'yakking".! week. She will be mîssedlyaungstei '20 yeaîs ago? Or minute of t. lyou going ta be doing on Sat- show a ticket, ai., the door. and The majority had one thing' f rom oui' WlI. The W.I. is 30? On even more? If you Ini the soit, throbbing dusk urday night?" I returned tO, once inside was on his or'lhem, 111xmmon - their religion, 1 buying a f iag ta be flown ai. were. you must. occasîonally o! a late summiner evenlng, 've normal when I discoveîed ltown, fiee to select any unoccu- ýbut otheîwise it was a fairi the park for the summer look with bewilderment, envy, played Run Sheep Ruts. 1* was Mis. Pete Kesslem invitiflg peslcan aergt iszed United Nations. I chatted months. The penny collection ai-d sometimes horion, as I do, wvas qulte an experience 1 us ta be their dinner guestS. an ample supply of salads, with a middle aged marriedwas taken up by Mis. Turan- ai. the difference between sum- can tell you, to dash a~8 Being in hospital, Butch; roasi. chicken. pastry and.couple, who are tobacco farm- skY. Mis. Catheari. auctioned nier holidiays foi' kids. theni through the warm nlght, huri couldn't go, but yaur scribe!coffee. ers, but originated in Fland-loff the articles for the travel-:and now. yourself lunin hiding behind a accepted, and duly turned up There weî'e lots of prei.tyýers; we discovered that 1 had: ling basket. Mis. Couroux and Just how t lias happened, 1Iog, and find, already seruneh- ai. the Kessler farmi, with a girls waiting on table, whoonce spent nearly a year ini Mis. Manders assisted by oui dont know. But in those two cd up ltherie, sorte hard puff. nan-sized appetite that had kepi. replenishing the emptied the vicinity of their formerlhostess. Mis. Stapletan, serv- or three decades, kids hiave inK girl for whom Y'ou enter- been caefully nurtured for platters an going ta the panîtry ,Belgian home. That's the wayled a tasty lunch and the usuai losi. the ability to amuse taitsed a secret and overpoiver. thîce days. for an occasionally requested il W-as ail evening - no swank'social hait hour wvas enjoy cd. themselves. Even the lîttIe iitR passion. Pete, his missus, theix' son item such as cabbage rails ol' foimality. just a eaxed, Just a caution to moi.onists ones corne ini whining, -Mom, Nothing happelied, but be- and 1 piled loto the Kessier which is a Polish nationalifmîendly atmosphere. cmn oaKna.Teeaewa'lIdTeesnihn tween the excii.cment o! the gas buggy and high-tailed ltldish, and quite deliciaus, be- There was music on the j a lot o! little folks now in ta do, Mom. Cao i have a, chase. and the proximity ot foi', I didn't know where, un- ing filled with ice, meai. andpublic addîess system for 1Kendal wha play oui. on thie dîme, Mom" this sxvcati.kd vho was just til we parked in front of a hall other goodies. 'those wishing ta dance. Dur- street and some o! the smaller i Is cheap ai. hall the price. as apt ta kiss you as flot, it bearing the sign "Polish oi fteciowd wer&ing the evening, a couple oonS wh 0donotralethGiehe adm. was !aiîly terrifyin.. !Alliance Association, Gnoup faim folks who liad "spruced!bushel baskets of fîeshiy roasi.- dne-rndibrtl LtA o h i is hi Fitaddin i u 2V'" We were guests o! the up" after a hand day's work, ed chiekens were auctioned ini front of cars. boredom is colossal, crushing. ,tipi . 1s. ~eswm Parents and Teachers Associa-land didn't waste mueh limeloff; the f irsi. one purchased, Mis. Grady Co anddaug- ILmakeryouled ike rde tion a! the Separate Szhoolon small talk ai. the table, butIby yotur scribe who thought it ti !Ofod .. revst«n te~asye acrHonr upon hour upon hat.r of that particular district, hold- tare into thai. good food as would make a welcome change: ters of Oxfordputtingare a desper duning the hot a! the day, un- ing their annual shindig. ýthough i.hey weîe being paid fram the "*giass-widowvei" fane ingl ate caîl for Paul Anka. tiI oui lips were bitte and oui This scibbler lias he ytehu.o! the previous fortnight. Sin-, le.% and heî' brothers. bands beganti ta vivel up. Then doiniciled iin Dui-hani County The whole affaii' was de- cere appieciatuon ta my hosts Mr. and Mis. J. McTaggaî't Sometimes 1 think that per- it \w-as time ta drag homne for for quite a while, but until light!uliy informai; if you for a delightful "bun feed" and Mis. Ash and twa chiâtd haps those o! us who giew :-uppci-., and cat about eigbt. June 22nd, did not know o!f ished ta resi. elbows on the arnong the "Micks" and jusi. ren spent lasi. week ai. their ýup duîing the depression ena pounds of new poi.atoes and the existence o! this P.T.A.; table ta gnaw on a banc hcld ta show that in not at ail summer home here. Mir. Ashhad a fan bettet' childhood, al tried bologna and fîesh home- the P.A.A.. ai- thein meeting in youî' "mud-hooks", you feli. pîejudiced, 1 attended an and Mis. Ken Archer came things consideied, than the macle bnead and applesauce place. in Hope Township. fiee ta do so because every- *'Orangle" parade the fallowing, down for the weekend. igilded youth of the cunnent and ail the other good things Jusi. goes ta show how we ance else was doing t. Dîess day. Mn'tkrssl rw decade. wonien hiave stopped making. Mr. toke's sle dew aWhen we wcre kids, my _____________________________________________________________________'large crowd Saturday and wes How simple it, was lor, oui' othcr used to prepare a pic- quie sccesfu. Te hubemothers, comparai.ively! In nic alimosi. eveny day, iin sum- was sold ta Ray Hoskins, R. R. summen. -we were oui.ai. the met-. Whcen Dad gai. home ej~ ~r f '~ ii~ ! i iici2,Oshawa. foi $3100. Mricrack o! dawn, ai soon afi.e,frinom k we woLfld ail pile R ep o r fro O tt w a iStoker is leaving soon for and they saw us only twice u n the car and liead for a neai'- England. again during the day. o ylksrai river -aîîyr Guesi.s with Mir. and Mis. brie! and bestial gulping a! hkind of watcr. There wcîc By R selC o e ,M .George Mercer wcre Mi. and food. 'lots of enchanting places, By R seiC:oe ,M .Mrs. Cy Esey and daugbter¶.in'ltthose days. only the icnoe fGhe r&wning "NO Posessng hefull knowl- gracie". Secondly, the budget a - aice whîch showcd bbe and Mr. Martin o! Toronto. ýthe niclb baci sumnien cottages or six miles. edge thai. thene is no quarter included si.cps ta hiait the stiain n! the attack, the 56- Mnr. Wm. Jackson sut!eîed and boats. And ricb kids weîe lVhen wve arrived, we'd pile asked an given in the in-fighi.- gnawing U.S. contraI a! Cana- year-old Finance Minister' a heari. attack lasi. week and. scarce. Waten skis had tiot oui. and run in aIl directions. ing of House of Commonsde dai's economie resounces. Third- deali. point by point with thc was î'usbed ta Memonial Hos-,been inventcd. The transistor to wade, swi-îm, explore, cu& bate, ane cao stili be a bi ly, the budget takes si.cps ta Opposition"s changes. Duî'îng pitai wîîeri e was placed un- radio xvas, blesscdly, farîin our feet and faîl out of treos. shaenby hecol ad d- educe the huge budgetary the course of his remiaiks hie dei- oxygen. lie is rcportcd taithe future. There w,%as n a vudbidafic aîd iieaeattack made upon Fin- deti.cits Canada lias experienc- indicai.ed his canccî'n about be pîagîessing satisfactorîly. lImoney for summen camps for put. the old tea-pail on to bql Iliberaite r atecoroýd in recent yeaîs. Mi. Gai- continuing in public life. (,or- Mnr. and Mrs. Bill Tura ns'k,-, the childien, an matai trips ta Then he ivould sit on a log W 1 eMnstrWlciGiodon took what hie described don nîight be counted as a îîad theli- daughteî' Corinne the casi. ai west. Thiere weic gaze lith placid disdain at mntherepas tlixdays. atn as the "firsi. step" towaîd a -Canaduian Kennedy'. He has Yvonnechrbiistcned Sunday ai. no drive-in thecatres. Icenature, v.hile my mother pre- Thee i ltti dobi tht balanccd budget and hie est-.guven up thie incarne and case'S a< brbi otc-aicnsxeieauiklae h od vn o his eageiness ta bring ini the imated thai. the budgetaîyo! a private practice ini which ' Mr' Cuc nPrtcen onswr ialked efdn tenwtefr at Budget and give the nation an deficit this year will be $270,- ecmadd n ! ~Hope. and seldom. Only fathers hem kirts puinte paner -t accounting which il has not 000.000 less than lasi. yeaî'. highiest incomes in Canada. Mr. and M-s . Arthur- Grant, d-ove cars.ptietomDawataad hadto îw yars te Fnace The ati.ack an Mir. Gardon He lefi. bis office as one o!f x nde. dMi.an uSA What in the woî'ld. thetu Mînister bumbledi, pai-iiculaily Fred MKy akaon al w owt uMevsIdy fher hdid' av wib efrecetath 3~comunenced the moi'ning after Canada's besi. known Charter- My faka.o.Sskddw d ihorsie' a he hdd' av i rO te prsenat in o the budg ed Accounitants and Ecanomnists s0ent the wcekeuîd withi Mriý. You rememben. At ieast, you plav hall witb us, on show u1% WsMerce. On Suday thy aidnbys teheembcî- I'm a a cast orhtabutageu sae a moe uU.S. speech wii.b the N.D.P. chai-geta devote bis ful l ime ta pub- W.' bownSndyteýodbysrrebe.I takeover o! Caniadian assets. ta.b a sdtie"u. lic service. He d'id so oui. o! ail visited %vith relatives n1earýlittIe bazy about what the aou toui pnbc, or havet u Th pinilebein bi txsidens". N.D.P. member Doug- ade snse o! publicrne- Wia.M.adMs c usdd intei'esting chats with us about jis in line with the policy a! las Fislier- raised the question sponsibility~. Thus, anc a! bis Kay le!. Toronto bv jet toiý When they ixc"e 13 Lor thie fIai-a and the faunaa nuit Mr. Gardon and the govein-, in the House and lie laten stat- greatesi. coucerins in bbc pasi. Saskatoon, Mouîday moînnuîg under, îhcy did everinhîuîg ' e rocks. anud theb soyo 'ment that if Canada is ta ne- ld ocetetn hdbe ew days, bas been that the i~.-- did. Wcil, piacticaîly. They:the plce wee btarye ofs îaurhal eso ustries must bared, Diefenbaker could sec punis ung ticatmentli a. ne-,wePlans ,he e lyesat there and relaxcd. el ntrlrsucsw uit and snatched lb muip." ire- !ccîved iin the House of Com-i cowboys andt Indians. Thcy he xvas oui father. He didot make astartsomewhre, adi spctive f whih of he twomortsrnigh deterotwereanbeauA.iC ul1SpanisberePitutiflwarutshtarnbewaurtobuddy, ud aniandwe wc must. make a star. s petieo!wîc ! bet. ra ola ingbs cad' __cesses wben we played pirates. ddtwn bmt e The 30% tax, because o! ad- opposition parties sbouîd have M Courses olowng They, were stoîl pigeons and intwtIimobe ministrative difficulties whîch the credit, they bath chaigedliitO public service. IVVo C u s s lgun molîs and coîpses wben' became apparent, was nal a 10 full cry alter Mr'. Goidlon'si The lasi. paiagiaph o! bis ýwe played caps and robbens As we boys giew oider. we practical method and this pro, scalp. îcmanks made lasi. Monda Tbey were extra outfielders played basebail. P ra ct.ic e :1atrongive same hit as i.oý n ci al I hrte ne'vnn id at wc vision a! the Budget was wîth-, The non-con!ideuuce vote on Iecarceyai isoiIn R cr ah n and watcrboys wben w lîflam n and atternoon andt ;of ur inane Mnistr, henwcck. There wvas the delight dmawnbythme Gadon.todebaiayevasingopprsond ant-h oui Fnnc iise, bn Two courses in îecieatian fo! dîiving ta, another town, an'd thu ing to e buget deb sapte îîmaîicasaap o sietoharbhe said:for tbe province of Ontario the eduicational pnogram ofeigglai.a oai i the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r cn o odnssaptc okcn ascta b M.Speaketr. there is one: will be instii.uted ai. the On- the Ontario Agricsltunal CoI- bas replaced ail debate on the govemniment was flot defeated iOnou- lkhea aLOnntario Ar .. l olIthe bridge, as you braved the budget proper. As a resultlThe N.D.P. group abstained îbiuîg Isol ietosyi'lr Agrîcultural College be-i lege and are a!!îliai.ed W ith,1catealîs o! the local fans. we eaci te ed ! bc bdge ci boc.Onl 73o! he95 conclusion:. fhl the past weeki ginning in Scpteniibcr 1963, tol the Extension Education Dec Thene was tbe epitome ot debatc withoui. any real exaniCauservatives negistered a, saueHnual ebr ~tainpnonl o edesî1 aiIet disaster: fanuning on a third aiono h ugt h~'vote in support o! bbe non-!the House I hope not toal in the îapidly expandîng field The demand fort' tained p.cn-îSýk.wibtreo ap budget contained thîce main'confidence motion and tbc many . . . and sorte peopIeý of recreation. sonnel in municipal îeci'eation bhorne ieam anc down, lasto 'provisions or objectives. Firt oilCei îou 'tdxii. olsde ot p ein Houseaey d Tiiese two cour-ses aie alhas grawn steadily iin Ontaria the ninth, witb your tgirl ly, an ati.ack an clirauic un- the goveruimeni.. nd lpli:bttb~ ol two-ycau diploma course i" sunce 1945. The administra- watcbing. And, rarcly. therel emplymct wic' Mî God- riai10 bc Ie i. oîdnlke ta sec me leave public recreation for studeuits with1 tive role now acceptcd by a'was thc lieu-ce joy of hitting on terme a "aional. God- bdPî'rtoeste i defenordon lite. I1 bave made mistakes, Grade 12 standing who wish iccreation diector bas un-;asapsnladscln ýo trmda naina ds ladpesntdhi dfnc. nauîd Imaymakie santie nmore if ta wonk as î-ecrcation facilityl rase n lscopexbypTe seodwingleyourdgirl icb 1 stay here. Thits is itievitable, eesdi t opei..Teecn'wthyugrlat- il suppose, if one's objective isi managers or program super-. trend towaîd amnalgamation Of iing Thene was the added T .~~..J ~to -et thiuîgs donc i'egardless; visons: and a ane-year course îecrcation services and !aciii -'inny o oigta 1V')Ifl 111) o bb dificutie ta e aen-for uuivcrsiby or college gra- ics bas crcatcd large munuci- she didn'i. know she was your AU U~'A~~ifr courue. AIl I cati add is bis:' duates (pass or honouî- de- pal uecrcation depantmenbs. gil. As long as 1 ten ain a mcm- grec) wîo wislî ta, enter bthe The hasis for tbc skifls and' Wp didn't bave thie niod- ber o! the Hanse 1 shall stnive profession o! necreation as a knowledge uiow î'equiîed cao etu teen-agers' dreamr lying on and ta do those tlîings wlîich 1 be-' director ou' assistant diueci.on. onhy camne with univeîsitya beaclh with a doll, a trans- lieve ta bc iin the besb inter- Bath courses are ofcred oun traininug. uistor radia, a hot-dog joint es of tlie gi-cal niajoribv o!. bbc Camipus o! the Fedeîated, Positions sucb as a'euawitliiuî a hundrcd yards. D ista t Pa t te people of thie country". Colieges, Guelph, by Coni-,managfers, centre diiectons'nioncy lin your pocket, and a M unity' Programmes Branch and prograni supenvisais xviii convertible paîked rsearby. -From Trhe Statesman Files of the Ontario Dc'oartment o!f be fillcd by bbc gradmiates of But, bY golly. wi, wencn't V1'Mfl A TEducai.iouî. Tlîey faim part o! bbc bw?,o yean diplonia rouis.e. bared. - !5 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO (JuIy 7, 1938) (JuIy 9, 1914) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns are Miss Belle Allen speni. Do- vacationing at their sumnmer minion Day in Cobourg. home ai. View Lake, Lake Miss Olive Mayer is holi- Scugog. daying at home. Announcement is made of Miss Muriel Chiartran s the sale of the old and well spending hier holidays wîth known firm of Dustan's Hard- relatives in Port Hope. ware to A. E. McGregor & Mrs. Archîbald Brakeiandl Co. of Huntsville. We wel- son Kenneth, Toronto, are corne Mr. McGregoir and Mr. visiting hier father, Mr. Rd. M. H. Gosieti. to Bowmanville. Darch. Mr. alid Mrs. R. M. Cotton MVi.adMsHoad ar and daugliter Helen are holi- ioe- Torno, spentSunrdara- daying at Burni. River. chisTorather's Mr. George Vai Mrs. F. J. Horne and Mrs. i ahrsM.GegeV. W. J. Hoar are guests of Mr. coe. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman ai. Mr. and Nus. Alex Taylor Sturgeon Point. lcft Tuesday for a two months' Miss Ruth Stevens, daughi- trip with relatives in the West. ter of Mr. and Mis. Lorne Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin Stevens, is visiting Miss Bar- have been visiting thei bava Allun ai. Oakville. daughter. Mrs. W. A. Bain. Mis. William TFait and son Toronto. Jack leave today foi a two Mir. W. A. McCî'ead\'. New inonthis' hioliday with lhe"YorkCity, hias been visiting niotlier in Liverpool, England. hîis sisier-in-la\,., Mrs. A. Eý Congratulations to Patsy.i MNcçready. Dinniwell who passed Grade Miss Ida Stevens is visitiing Il Theory withi first class hion- lher brother, Mr. George L. ors. Pupil of Jean Ramsay. Stevens, Peterborough, and ai. Mir. Clernens Perey, Head Chemong Lake. Office. Bank of Commerce, Toronto, spent the holiday with ,Mis. Chas. H. Anderson and his mother, Mrs. John Perey. Mrs. J. F. Horne are spending Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Tapson a month ai. Lake St. Louis, and daughter Dorothy and near Montreal. Miss Ruth Cryderman are houi- Mr'. and Mis. Ncil Ycllow- daying at Paradise Lake in lees and daughtei Helcri arc 1-alburton District. -visiting her parents at Bruce- Mr. and M.ms. James Welsh field, Huron County-. a.nd family attended the Tweed Mr. Wesley Gainer and Oid Home Week and report a Masters Goldwin and Alber't wonderful time. Anderson are holidaying with Benefit game for Ross -Ace" fîiends in London. Richards of Salem team, who Mr. J. H. Alexander, Presi- broke his leg, will be pIay'ed dent o! the D.O. & P. Co., and at Cream of Baîley Camp, Fn- Mi.. W. E. Gerry are enjoying day. July 15. a holiday trip to Scotland. MVr. Milton Minore. C.P.R. Miss Irene M. Holiand, agent at Cobourg, reti.ied on Toronto Public Libraîy, Col- June 30th afteî 47 years active lege anid St. George Sts., is service. "Shorty" was a pop- spending hei' vacation with lier ular agent ai. Bowmanville for parents Mr. and Mis. Moses a number o! years.- Hollaind. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cully, Miss Marjorie Westaway Sudbury, are visiting their left on Satuîday foi Montreal parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.ito spend hier vacation with Cully, town, and Mr. and Mis. her sisten, Mis. H. T. Rowe. Wm. Street ai. the Beach. Miss Gladys Dunn h las pass- Luther B. Nichais' rink of ed hem elementary exam. in Bowmanville, won the R . S. piano at the Toronto Con- McLaughlin trophy ai. the servatory of Music. pupil of annual Dominion Day tourna- Miss Regina Percy. ment held by the Oshawa Mr. John Elliotti..BA., Lawn Bowling Club on Fmi- Science Master ai. London Col- day. Members of the rink.legiate Institute, and formerly were: James Infantine, lead; Principal o! Bowmanville High1 A. H. Moore, second; Douglas School, has been appointed Nichois, vice; L. B. Nichôls, Principal o! Mitchell High i kip. School. (Intcndcd for lasi weck) Mi1s. A. Low'. Mis. H. Fos- ter, Mî's. Jack Stapheton and Mus. W. Mercen attcnded thie lUncheon aIt te Eunpress Ho- tel iii Peteibai-ough Fîidayý aftcî'uîou. lb was held in hon-i oui o! Mis. Vari Beckbot! vho, ur tîc Puesident o! bbc Asso- cîated Wonien o! bbc Warîd andc is at preseuil visibinia Canada. Whîîle bier home is ini the Nethcilands she bias tra- velleci cxtensively %, i s i t i n g %vomen's gnoups similai' ta oui- W. 1.in a gicat many couantries. SIîc gave a masi. iîîtcresting talk on lieu' lite in the Nethîeî-ands and ber woik: among the women, especiallyý among the natives o! Africa. As only foui tickets wcrc available Mis. Luxon spent. the day shîoppinîg. MIrs. Bert Thîampsaîî came home fioiiitble hospital Tue- dlay. We hope she continiues to improve. Leouîand (Beii) Hov bad the inîstoibune ta be hit an th-c head by bhe sledgc as it part- ed companv fnom tlhe batdife when beiîîg swung. Several stitches %vcie requiied ta close' tbc xvound. We werc also son-i ry ta caiui that Ait Low teli froni a toof anc stoîv uip, in-i iunîng bis leg and î'cceiving a seveie sbakiuîg up. Mi.Art Low went iip Ia Tronto Saturday ta scec er miother who is leaving on a. trip ta bbc west coasi. on Monda,. The Wonîeo'.- Instilute met Wcdncesda.v evcuiing at the home o! Mis. Jack Staplctan %vitb Mis. A. Low picsiding. The program x vas in char-e o! Mr- Turansky and Mis. H., Foster. The raIl caîl was ans- xvered by naming ways we can put beailîhful habits inoa practice. The miotto was '-An ounce o! prevention îs worthi a pound of cure." Mis. Tur-! anskv chose as ber tapie 'Thel TB Test'. This is being beldý here in Kendal Frîday aftem-ý noon, Juhy 5i.h, and il is mast important that eacb ane takeŽý it. Canvassers are visitîng the, bornes betone that date andi Mis. Tuîansky uead the ex- cuses that are iikely ta beý bîougbt !orward. Mis. Foster rcad two poems, the tîrsi. en- ithcd Hox ta raise yaum chîldien ta make themn de- linquents>, bmougbi. oui. ail the wrong thurras a persan abouldi DURHAM COUNTYJ MasSTs lurvey' JUNE llth to JULY 19th INCLUSIVE (heck Below for Your Area NE WTON VIL LE United Chureh CANTON Communlty Hall CAMPBELLCROFT W. 1. Hall MIL LB ROOK The Waitlng Roons BAILIE BORO United Church TB. TEST ONLY WEUNESDAY IJLY 10 -rHURSD. '1' JULY Il F RID AY JULY 12 MONDA Y JLJLY 15 TU ESDA V JULY 16 HOURS 2- 5 7-10 P.m. p.IT. 2 - 5 p,m. 7 -10 p.m. 2 - 5 p.ni. 7.-10 p.m. 5 5p.m. '--10 p.m. 2- 5 7-10 p.m. READING AND X-RAY ONLY NIONDAY JULY 15 TUE SDAY JULY 16 WEDNESDAY JULY 17 TH LiRSDAY JULY 18 FRIDA Y JULY 19 PLAN TO ATTEND REMEMBER .I The. Heaf Tuberculin Test is USELESS unless you have if READ Brought fo, y@u under the auspices of the NORTHUMBERLAND. DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS & HEALTH ASSOCIATION CLIP THIS FOR REFERENCEI 4/'ý- t~ t j j