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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 5

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Ontcîro Hydro Marking Rural Service Jubilee An ?v-,nt 'hat foreshadow- Two mobile units, which d. revolution in Ontario's became known as the "Hydro economv occurred 50 Circus." were built ta travel y*e~ago this month. rural roads and visit farrns ~ In June. 1913. Ontario Hy- where power could be tapped dro's tii-st rural distribution tram low-voltage Hydro trans- line was cornpleted in th,_ mission lines. The units in- E itehener area. It ran bc- cluded a three-ton truck, tween Baden and Petersburg, carrving equipment ranging then north ta St. Agatha. 'from a circular saw ta a wash- Power was first supplied ta ing machine, with horse- three tai-ms near Petersburg drawn transformer and matai- end an orphanage at St. Aga- wagcns. tha. On of the ori,!inal f,'-m The "circus" otten bogged custphers, Peter Seyler, who) down on muddy country roads MlW lives in Peter-burg, re- and had ta be pulled out bv cal's the event vividly. teams of horses. But the cam- Mr. Seyler, 83, whose tarin P-ign ta demonstrate elec- Was locRted west of Peters- tricity ta the tai-mer continued 'burg on Highway 7 and 8, savs wîth evangelical fervor. about 100 persans turned ou Demonstrations, given at *o see the lights turncd an at farms , and country tains, his tai-m. Within a short time showed that electricity could otLher Wilmot Township tarm.; be used ettectively ta lighteli received power as its popular- and speed up many labariaus, fty grew. Other townships, tasks on the tai-m and vastly also arranged for a power, improve living conditions. Supply that year.1 Farm electritication spread! Another who reralls thp, slowlv in the earlv vearS.ý *1 Quili to Computer tween tai-m and city servicqs, ta the vanishing point. Since 1945 farm productionl has increased by 36 per cent,' despite a 10 per cent decrieasel in cultivated acreage and 50 per cent reduction inth labor force. Between 1951 and 1961, On-j tanio tarmers more tha n doubled their use of electri- city. The cost per kilowatt- hour declined 3.5 per cent in, this decade while the pricel index of services and commo-I dities used by tai-mers rose 19i per cent.1 Low-cost electricity has not only pravided light and power ta assist with farm. chai-es, ý but has aIra opened the way for equipping the tai-m home with many appliances, includ- i ng. radio and television, which have made tai-m lite more pleasant. SOfT.TNA ik of Montreal's first system sshown in this photograph. st ledger dated 1817 with ;new "Genie" centre - the anada. The new systemn lectro nie speeds, Canada's pe combines cheque deéar- nt-eal area branches. The renie" operatians, scheduled efuture. work together ln harmony for, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, July 3, 1063 the promotion of christian1 fellowship. Others speaking Gi. On trial, Dwight Green.! Grade 4 to 5 - Jifl Wocd briefly were the Rev. Gilmour Smith, associate minister of Grade 1 -2 - Lynda Ca:rr (H>, June Masters, Maria George St. United Church in <WH, Gregory Mvontgome-ry Sinopoli, Tommy SteDhenson. IPeterborough; also the Rev (H), Bily Palmer (H), Dale, Grade 3 ta 4 - Mary Pat F. J. Whitely and Rev. Dýun-* oungman (H), Allan Mc-, Bradflev (H), Lester Urbankie- can White, representatives of Giii (H). wicz (W., David LaChapelle Peterborough Presbytery, andý School Report S. S. No. 3 (H), Mai-nie LaChapelle. Rev. Stanley Snowvden, Miil-' Manvers <Fallis School) Grade 2 ta 3 - Gr e gor y brook. (H) Honour standing over Wood. Bethany Publie School 757%z names in order of menit. Grade 2 to 2b - Frazikyr Examination Resuits i Grade 8 to 9- Susan Scott Sinopoli. 'eirRo:(H). Grade 1 to 2 - Karen Ste. I enorRom:Grade 7 ta 8- Christopher phenson (H). Lvnn Argue Grade 8 - 9- Bob Durhamn, Wood, Mary Stephenson. (H). Eddie Urbankiewicz (H), Barbara Anne Green, Brianý Grade 5 ta 6 - Nancy Brad- Bobby Robinson (11). Green, Douglas Neals, David, ley (H). Billy Scott (H), Kein- (Mrs.) Jean M. Argue, Pac..nvStephenson. --Teachier. Grade 7 - 8 - Nancy Moi-ton (H), Norma Smith (È), Diana Pearce (H), David Raynsford, Faye McGill. On trial. George Louese, Kenneth Porteous. Grade 6 - 7 - Phyllis Young- T y t e B S man (H), Mary Ann Marti-. chenko (H), Jerry Grahamn (H), Faye Giles, Murray Strong, Diana Green. Grade 5 - 6 - Dianne Strong (H), Donald Speiler (H), ib Douglas McGill. On trial, Murry Edmunds, Joanne Ed- munds, Bannie Giles. Edwardý Green transferred. I O N Teacher, Mrs. Belle Smith, i Principal., EUEO L Grade 4 -5 - Grace Smith W SEOL (HHeather Green (H),' THE BEST Douglas White (H), Kather-___________________ mne Speller, Gwen McGiil,'P O E 6 3 -7 5 Brenda Pearce. P O E6 3 7 5 Grade 3 - 4 - Debby Marti- chenko (H). Ricky Grahamý FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS (H), Veronica Perry (H),HO EDLVR ...orPCU Lynda Neals (H), S ha r onH M EIEY ...o IK 1 Giles, Wayne Montgomery.' Sce our Phone number in the YelIow Pages Betty Anne Moi-ton, Kathleen Pearce. On trial, Willie Hil. Grade 2 - 3 - David Speller E McQuaid (eH), MrleneH), DaW- GOLDEN CRISP (H), Kenn(H), Pey (HiDa: (H), Larry Weatherilt (H),ý F I S H & C H I P S Wayne Martichenko (H), Ruth- Palmer (H), Ann White (H),! 22 DIVISION ST. N. BOWMAN VILLE David Carr (H), Donald Mc-____________________________ rist rural line is J. H. (Jack) gaining rnomentum in the 20s.,- Caster, of Toronto, a retired The greatest expansion has, Reverend Walter Crawford Hydro engineer, wha super- occurred since 1945. Today of Enniskillen conducted the vised its construction. He savs moi-e than 91 per cent of On-'church service here on Sun- that Sir Adam Beck, Hydro's taria tai-ms are electrified and day. The choir selection was first chairman, took a persan- service is available ta another, "Mai-ch On". al interest in the project. tfour per cent. Adaai 4-ercnrs ewe h ai Si- Adam's Interest in tari- Electricity has helped ta Daily Vacation Bible SchoolAdr ate 46yrcnratbwenteBn elecîiticatian was chai-acter- revolutionize farming in On-, will be held July 15-19 in the of handling accounts and its new "Genie" system is Istie. I.n 1912, he launched a'taria over the years by inra- Sunday School raam. Child: Here, Miss Mai-ion Ryan compares the B of M's fir campaign ta illustrale the ducing labor-saving devices. i-en ot ail ages are invited (5 the computer which forms the heart of the bank's vanjous uses of eleclricity on Todav some 400 electrical ao_ and older) and the schools first fulyitgae uo tibnkgsseiinC the ai- thougha srie of' plic.Rions ai-e available, ri-. will be held in atternoons so l-nertdatmai akn ytmi on-the-spot demonstralions. rowing__the dittcrenccs be-' as. not ta conflict with the goes intopainthswe.Mkgfui se fe _________________ _____- ___ -swimming classes. Teachers f irst data processing banking operation of such scop tram the Canadian Sunday ing and ledger posting for many of the B of M's Mon School Mission will be con centre is the forerunner of a number of similar "G ductîng these schools, and we know t he childi-en will enjoy for development by the B of M across Canada in the them as they did last year. Billets ai-e wanted fan these teachei-s, so they will have a E HN ta, keep one or mare, please Miss Patricia Davîdson, Ron- six weeks. contact the minister, phone aid Jackson and Allan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mulli-, 263-2112. were confirmed as members gan entertained a group ofî EMiss Dianne Tink spent of the United Church aI the, friends for Mr. and Mis.1 Fill ' r upi. several days last week in regular service on Sunday Creighlon Cari- on Saturdayl Kinstn I uen' Uivr-moi-ning. nîc'ht and prescnled themi sîty, where she represented Mr. and Mrs. Llo yd Cap-!l 1 sto Bchs rsa Courtice High School aI the stick, Miss Sharon Capstic k glasses and malching hostess United Nations Seminar. The and Robent Ca.pslîck ot Ux- t-ay. trip was spansored by the bridge were guests with Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Coop-ý Bowmanville Rotai-y Club. Milton Weatherilt and Charles er of Mount Elgin are visitingý Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Weatherilt for the holiday wîth Mn. and Mrs. Donald Neil and Herbie, and Mrs. H' weekend. Lowes. E. Tink attended Hamplon Oroe Challice, Bing In]Lit,: Dick Valantgoed has i-e-' Annivei-sai-y service on Sunl- ir home ton two months' va-, turned from two weeks' vaca- day atternoon and were guests cation with his mother, Mis.1lion at Gananaque. ot Mn. and Mrs. Percy Deweil Richard Challice. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Reid and family. Friends ai-e wishîng a speedy spent the holiday wcekendL Mn. and Mrs. Chai-les Lang- recovery ta Allan Beer who wihM.adMsTunra mai an failywer Sudayis a patient in Civic Hospital, Brighton. visitai-s with Mi-. and Mrs. O.. Peterborough, and will under-1 oi-. ndM.hans Scedholtz, What with? Your family's holiday Lunn at Peterborough. Sally >'go surgery on Tucsday. ot Oroyno thae fomevdoherof, an aeremained for hall- Mrs. Noi-man Neals, Elm- ocuyn0h fre oeo and Fay Mrs. Berniece McGill. Mrs.1 Iuggage, naturally. days and Teddy Lunn return- vale, visited with her mother, McGill and hier tamily hv cd home with Tommy Lang- Mrs. T. Jackson, on Sunday. moedvea!yft if you'd like a new car to, take maid. Constable George S c o tt, TedoBanly scaopuil on ou heGlenn Fi-aser is spending Toronto, and -Donald Scalt, enjayed a bus trip on Thurs- you o orvcto . e h the summer months at Wiar- Newburgh. er home ton the day, visiting North YarkT Pion- B of M. Matter of fact, you to.hldywckn îht er i Village, The Edwards, 1Mi-. and Mrs. M. McCarrell, parents, Mn. and Mrs. Addi Gardens and Riverdale Zoo iný ighlt wish 10o finance both thie car Omnemee, spent the weekend son Scott.Tont.Te wreacm and your vacation under the samne wt n.alMs.WsHiî .a- Wright, Oshawa, panied by their teachers, Mrs. and family. spent the weckend wilh Mn. Belle Smith and Mrs. Loi-- low-cost, life-insured plan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and Mrs. Mansel Wright, lcav- raine Smith, and rame of the, 'M(IJIand childi-en were supper ing on Monday for Kempt- parents. ,~ II/O C43~S That's the Bank of Montreal Family iguesîs on Sunday with Mi-. ville where she will take a Mn. and Mrs. Cecil MeGil!, and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. six wcekr tcacher's retresher, Toronto, were with Mr. andý 1 N 1 Finance Plan, of course. Rcverend and Mrs. R. Sher- course.i Mrs. James McKinnon for the, UUIlbl a eer BofMIradi %in and sons, Durham, visit- Miss Dianne Mullîgan, Tor-. weekcnd. Avalabe a evry QIM band. d Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor onta, was home for- the 'Week- issBach iol1a- enroule ta their cottage aI end wilh her parents, Mr. and onta, is visiting with her ris-1 ....Moira Lake. Mi-s. Verne Mulligan. i- n 1te-i-aM- Mn. and Mrs. Han-y Knox Dr. G. M. Langtîeld, Mi-s, and Mrs. H. A. McMaster. ýk and sons, Mn. and Mrs. John Longtield ad tmî Mrs. Annie Cheshire raid (BANK OF iVIONTREAL Knox and family attendcd the'Br-ampton spent the wcekend hrhm tMnesSain Ellicott amily picnic at the aI theii- summer cottage here. and has movcd ta the village. homeof i-. Mrs As her ar noMrs. Thomas Jackson spenti hme of Mr and Ms Cecili steeaen meetings the past week wîlh Mr. and Piilts Brougham, held during the summc(rMr. osHali Whty Misses Phyllis Westlake and months. Mrs. Thomas Jen- M,. Rs allMrsn Critan Lois Ashton atlended the 4-H' nings, Presîdent ot the United, CMr rc.aving la Pricton, Fam I~ ina ce lan Conterence at Guelph last'Church Women's organizatian, Pi a c l n week. personally presented gif s of1 this week where they havel FeMi-. and Mrs. Allan McKen- cups and saucers ta thi-ce purchased the Picton Auction, zieColmbu, vsitd Snda meber levin th om Saler Bai-ns. Mn. and Mrs.i ~ zie, Calumbus isiter.Sandaym emers.avng te com-John Capslick of Lachule,l bigci orproa rdtneeds udrnro ~ ecigwt n n r.munity - Mrs. Mariai-y Ed-1 brigs il ourperona CrdifRalph Davis. munds, Mrs. Alex Taylor and Que., have purchased the fori Mr. nd rs.RusellChar!- Mrs. Creighton Cari-, exprer-, mer Cari- pnaperty and ai-e, Bowanîle Banh: JAMS EL. Mnacgton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Mrs. ring apprecialion for their Abs ot 200 attended Iekham Bmnwmnvile Brnch- JAME BEL. MaagerEthelyn Banc, Fiedericktown,lhelp In church work.Abu20 ted heam Oshawa Branch: JAMES McCANSH. Manager1 Ohio, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. S. L. Spelîci- and tam- and salad supper served by 1Oborne, Lakcwood, Ohio, vs l aelett pn h the United Church Wamen PPSUted Miss Pearl Leach aI Mr.-. summhae er othsla scn theirco last Wednesday. ... ... ... .. Kivell's. sumer mneon l s. hircl Mrs. John Stubbins and Mr.' Wesley Powll.and.Mis Mrs. Mervyn Porleous Is amily ot Schefferville, Que.,: -___________-__________----__________________ ar-ived last Wednesday laý -- * taking atahrssmei spcnd the next two months atý Scourse in Toronto for the next their summei- home here. i Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Perrv W'.11Mabel Powell, Oshawa, visit- and family ot Fairpont Beach' cd Mi-. and Mrs. N. C. Wolten.. wcre guesîs with Mr. and Mrs.' SPECIAL.LOW PRICE w j PortStanley Perry tor- the holiday hislat esect tBrs adbun. Induction Service jii'.* ON NATIO AL B ANDS M. an~iira~ds Mrs. N. Wotten On Thursday evcning Rev.. ON N TIO AL B AND andFracisvisitedth Arm- William Piercy, B.A., B.D., i trong Funeral Home in Oszh- \i'as inductcd as the new min- - - -liiiawa whei-e lhcy paid thcir ister of the Bethany Pastoral At ourLocl u ugg sts Thu s. n. at. lest respects to their laIe cou- Charge oftIhe United Church liéi it sin, Oliver Hubbard. ot Canada. which comprises c Miss Pearl Lcach was a the churches of Belhanv, lié 2's 51c 9 1Sunday dinner guesî ot Mr. Pontypool and Manvers Sta- M O D E S ---------and Mrs. L. Barnabaîl, aI 01- lion. Rev. Picrcv has been MDSB 6 -5 39 oand a ea gtest of . raterd eefo hr COPPERTONE 2.2 Han-y Grooms, Bailieboro gave the sermon, h" B A Y R ASP RIN - Bottie of 100 8 3c 41 guests with the Werrys, at ram Luke 7:8 "For I airoamar BA Y E A S IRI 8 3 1 Rselndvle.a man set under authority, lié 111 Mi-. S. E. Wernyý, Mr. and having soldiens undei- me." PlaticStnps 49 jMi-s Wes Wcrry attended a Rev. Stanley Snowden of lié . & J. 3A N A I -Pasti Stips 49e4 4 c III family gathcring aI the home Millbrook inli-oduced the nexv jof Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrow- minister. Rev. Roland Hop- 41honored an his approaching the vows of Rev. Piercy as he I'~~~ ~ G iL £ET T E - Spr'u LDS- 9 t0h brthdav .Solina icnds acarge the duties as pe C U ~ C scibedby tedoctrines ot j' m L Con41C 11 Wen nii ap cain The United Church and those WUN P LPPtK> 4~ tor L7YC Ideal for Bar-B-Que U.S. No. 1 Grade - Fresh C A R ROTS 2 bunches 27c* Choice Rib Steaks 79' Freshly Ground MINCED BEEF lb- 43c d ~ 11h.Pkg. Tablerite WIENERS 45c Fresh, Lean, Meat PORK SIDE RIBS lb. 59C Ex r aTota ~Bonus E taoft 3 Tapes Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES lz IGA FOLWRAPideal for Sarboques BONUS TAPE JOHNSON'S BABY OIL Smie GI FT Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with OF THE Kraft BARBEQUE SAUCE 14jaoz Dish lWoth .. Tne MONTH ORCornet CLEAPISER ' Ds th 2Bno Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with IGA MILD CHEESE cuoz Chonned DDROCCOI ',Mc PnFo.n Prices effective rr b 0 oz Pkq July 3, 4, 5, 6 SIE COOKED HAM 6 o. k We reserve the right (sj.t N l TM POTATOES Nu. àPrde -o1f-1.S.u. to limit quantities Bowmanv'ille IGA Foodliner - MBOWMAN VILLE-

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