- - 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Juiy 17, 19631j Wl!!HoId An, .Durham Souls ý-And Competi: Cavan Township will be the other fa a.,cene on July 23rd of the fifth Harvey -annuai Durham County Soils CropsS - Tour and Land Use Judging wiil be -Competition. This a nn ua 1 gram ai - event has become more popu- HaI Hot -lar each year and it is ex- 1 vation1 * .eded that there wiil againi mento bea large turnout of farmers,lIand Job -junior farmers and 4-H club Vegetal' iembers for this annuai manvillE event. ney by The programn wiil start at ing proe 9:00 a.m., at the corner of the r di M t concession of Cavan and' will ha, 115 highway at the roadsidei Everyon !his or i park. During the morning,.tht'1 drinksv tour wiil be made of variaus, Toads in Cavan Township The a where stops will be made tolibe heid show those who are on the1 Armstro 'tour the different types of1 way il, profile and point out the uses. dug ont to which various types of landj present, could be best acapted. Im-1 the prof properdrainage, c-osion, andi crops a:i CHAINSi The first and only dual purpose chainsaw ail in the Canadian market, Doca bath jobs in your chainsaw. Ficid-tcsted < and approved by chain- saw manufacturers. 80 f oz. blue poiy container. The new home heating plan that provides year- round service on your heating equipment, top- quality Bsa Furnace Oil delivered as theweatherde- mands-ALL FOR TE PRICE 0F THE QIL! HOME ME SERVI( TOUR ESSO AGENT 18 RICHI WITH THE IMPERIAL. OIL L A. H. Sturrockd LIMITED PHONE 623-551 ROAD vamu STURROCK m-uge New ýonveyor Installed at (Gravel ..r.I am nonNw . ,..7. le regular monthly rneet-i Due to pressure ln A t ing of Darlington local 78 of of farmn work, there will n Ontario Farm Union was heid'be a regular meeting, unies T our at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Union business warrants on Elmer Cox, Bowmanville. Mr. Keep abreast of farming anc Lew Wood, President, chairedr its activities by being a memr, tibofl Secretary, read minutes of the ings and planning for a better previous meeting. which was 1 deal for the farmers in your .atr ilb ics heid at the home of Mr. and1 iocaiity. Draw tickets are now Wright, Soil and Fieldij Mrs. Ivan Ball, Bowmanville.Ion sale. Please contact Farm Specialist from Lindsay The .minutes. were approved Union members or memberso in charge of the pro- asTheamintesthe executive. The draw wvil nd wiil be assisted by re Much discussion foilowed take place at the dance hiei ooke from the Conser- the reading of Resolutions: at the convention. Branch of the Depart- sbîtdfo lcl i vr HeIp make this convention fumte Lands and Forestsve hfnd nrtad Frtsln Ontario.: as big a success as ail pre- île Speia it Bow Farm Union's ATinuai Con-: vious conventions. F a r:m ble peciliît Bowvention wiil be held at the Union is your Union, attend ca Te ro u inghejour- Continental Inn at Barrie, th meetings. They are in- car dring he nOntario, in October 28-29-30. !portant to you. gram, returning ta the Teei lnyo is ls e park, where they accThere io ln tfafrciss ve their noon lunch.: acc omodat atenBarie ne should bring aiong . bring aiong a friend. Deiegates her own lunch and soft wil e ad rotîoa178,EFO K wil e roidin Septemberor Octo ber. M NE A No PIT fternoon program wil at the farmn of Gerald ~ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hailo- TEr4ASE"OIIR ong, just east of high- weli and daughters went ta 5. Four pitswiib Sarnia on Sunday. thefar, ad al tose. jWith Mr. and Mrs. C. Far- ANDG wilb akdtove . row, Sunday. were Mr. and Pf/ S file and decide which,1~r~~. Mrs. Frank Reader, Oshawa. re best suited for this on.81 M. ndMr. obMoto and family were with Mrs. F i Recently, one of the largest conveyors in opera.- R.R. 4, Bowmanvîlie. The machine, 100 feet long and Nesbitt on Sunday. type of soil Following this, tion in this area was instalied at the huge gravel pit 50 feet high, handies the various types of sand andr Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson the contestants wîll give their iwe n peandyBw anil ad& rvl rvl itiue b h r.family were Sundaye . e reasons ta one of the official we n prtdb o mnil ad&Gavl rvldsrbtdb h îm____ guests with M1Jr. and Mrs. G.'r judges. Also durîng the after- ~ A Henderson, Port Hope. noon, there wîll be a class of Port Hope. EI Mrs. Lena Ovens. Worship service next Sun- baied hay to be judged. A. 0. Dn. ore teChrh i-I W TNIL L. E Mrs. W. H. Jones with Mrs. day morning wiil be in charge W I 1 Daîrympie, Agricultural Re- nîc on Friday noon at 12 a.m., WWrCarmnan Cornish, Orono, at-! of Mr. Ken Symons of Port presentative, will be in charge at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Your correspondent hl a s Porter's Store is agaîn open tended the Waldron - Shaw'rHoe of this section of the program. J. A. Turnbull, following Va- been asked to e'cplain that for business. wedding in Picton United issJneSae n cation School Open House at the word "rec. , after each Newtonville Girls t e a m!: Church, Saturday afternoon.1 Don Owls motored to Trenton! ' )R E Esso Special prizes are being 10:30 a.m. pupil's nameb except those piayed in Orono on Fridayý Mr. and Mrs. M. Kimballion Sunday. EMAT provided for the various com- 1 *.ivn C petitions and the feature wiil You are most cordially in-reevn honors, in the June night, the resuit being a ra- were Friday visitors with Mr.1 Miss Brenda Henderson is ELECTRIC LTD. r A IIbe the presentation of nine vited to our Sunday mornind Promotions list for Newton- ther high score Orono 13, the and Mrs. Aif Graham, New- 'spending a week or so with CONTRACTING REPAIRS Ibooks, entitied "Diagnosis of service at 11:15 a.m., July ville Public Sohool, was mere- locals 12. castie. iber cousin, Miss Karen Gil- Minerai Deficiencies in Plants 2lst, when the Junior Choir ly an error in transcription Messrs. Raymond Bruce andý Sunday dinner guests withlmer, Port Hope. REFRIGERtA]l ION-ELECTRIC rZUN by Visual Symptoms". These Of Nestieton under the direc- and not a sign that those pu- Reg. Falls went out ta An-, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade1 Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE 00 books valued at $14.60 each tion of Mrs. Lawrence A lps had failed ta get through sonvilie for the weekend with and Grant included Mrs. Jean have returned home to Port TAV-RADIO -APPLIANCES id$ are the latest edition on this coim wilI be our guests. an their tests., Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waters. Cochrane and Gardon, New-, McNichol after a visit with ;S0ilsta- r.Ala We would like ta of fer con- Mrs. Keith Stevenson and castie; Mrs. Vera Anderson,' ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.l 9t'ýM O X subject and with the ilsrt r la Larmer, Toronto, gratulations at this timetailJfiysptthekd vhMrrhadMs M. Walkey. Wm. Stapieton. 'r3ed coloured pictures, couid be spent the weekend with his the successful students t l anl pn h ekn ihMrih and __s a rreat deal of benefit ta the parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold "'better luck next timne" ta the' fariners wbo will be receiving Larmer. fo 0sceau ns esthemn. Other prize money is nWesawîsh Mrs nes being paid ta the 4-H and . wih r. Norman Glen- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Han- 1 Juir amr ebrs snie and Mr. Norman Sprouleicock, Peterborough, were din-: ' ri0 t Jior each eon mely4Hpains nMmoilHoptlMs iead M.Tpprk I A IO Ih T IW E wel as books ta the top three speedy recoveries. Bth are ner guests, Wednesday, with and Junior Farmers up ta a.nd Bowmanville. Johnston and cailed an ather including 16 years cf age; 4-H Sorry to report that Mr.'fr.nd h r. CitnRb and Junior Farmers, 17 years Orvus Smith is on the sickhaecm upfo Ws- of age and over; and ail farm- list, we wish him a speedymunfoashrstyttei ers operating their own farms. recovery. cottage here. In the hay judging competi- Mrs. Russell Dean, Osh- Mrs. Bud Jones, Douglas tion, this will be open ta 4-H awa, was Sunday afternoon and Diane of Edmonton, ar- and Junior Farmer members callers with Mrs. B. Hubbard. !'rived here Wednesday morn- ÀeàE M1 only and prizes of $5.00, $4.00,dwremt nToot A w $3.00,3 $2.00:and $1.00wll be MLi ndsay, .a . e on raives by Mrs. Willis Jones. el ~ ing thed taweekend.rs.eveing of lst wa eek countyarmerinvted ahot theigewend. here Wednesday afternaonan fieldcrpclbinte ont msaruofsingof te veyimp ortlant reek see Ail 4-H Club members in the Mrs. K. G. Roblin had the 365 taking advantage of the7 must attend for this will count step causing injury ta bier On Monday afternoon and in their attendance. ankie. We hope this conditioni evenînig the readings and X_ The programi wiîî starti will soan be improved. rays are available. Apprecia- promptly at 9:00 arn., the tourý Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mit- tion bas been expressed for Ille valuntary assistance given al will be concluded by noon., cheil and family, Toronto; thase in cag fti Any senior farmers wishing Mr. and Mrs. Marris MitchellwA î hag fti orth j ta, take in the tour, but lnt, and family, Pontypool; Mr.peaton v11 aftiwihelbe:Pontypool, b Vedne very welcame, but hope that were weekend guests of Mr.,Bowmghtandîlwenirls5aycdr aIl will stay for the day's pro- and Mrs. L. R. Argue acduih andwn7-afe6 gram. Durham County bas family. înîgth aebaigt hdthe largest competition in a s ii oSt teprovince for the past fewvOb ýV,, wiaaind hpe a dtun with Miss Bertha Thompson. senirsas elias un-witb bis parents from Ire- ernOlanWilliam Mad eWere We .gest ClubDe tn witb Miss Anne Nesbitt last The second meeting of the Mrs, H. Trim is spending a Pie fetv Mrs. Greta Bailey spent a Dran4H Puty Cu week or so at Mr. Bailey's in fe dyswib elties was held at the farm of Hon- Castletan. 4Jly 17, 18, 19, 20 Ohw.aid Brooks on Tuesday, July r.an Mrs. C. H. Lanergh Oshawa. 9tb. witb eight members pre- weeoe-ngtgesac r reserve the it to.I r .Mr. Everett Strutt gave Jsent. wrC. Moih gesore, .ALOflîmit quantities everyone a big shock onan r.JC.MoeHm- Tuesday marning when he got Ron conducted a t o u r ilton, an Thursday.__________________________L off the morning train caîîing through bis pouîtry operation. Mr. Jack Eiliott entered Pet- on relatives and friends in the explaining different phases erboriug Hospital on Thurs- vilag. he(Dctr)loksalong the way. day for treatment on bis ear MAPLE LEAF - Pear Sbaped Lean, Mild Cured * very good after undergoîng We then judged a class of lbn. ws blPtErtun omAl I surgery five times. laying bens and a clasa of onsaturdy.mou and > '~Tini 1Miss Lynda Wetherup. Mrs. dressed bîrds wbucb were sup-ebilîdren visited Mrs. Lena Canined H*IUIUIle3 G. Wetherup, Miss Hilda Hall, plied by Ron. The meeting was Ovens laat week. Mrs. Dorotby Bryan, Oshawa, then adjourned. Mr. udJoeswengtePc URTA ,were Wednes d a y evening ton Thursday ta visit bier sis-a a 15ozWHL OR AF Hubr.Ithe wedding of ber niece. Tet B a i 2 insz, 5 Mrads. . E. Rmibey. IQ n, i rBmowrnan"_vill, a st week. C MPE--'-A an&" nft V unMI CONSIGNMENT SALE Thursday, AugustIlst 1963 - 7:00 parn. To be beld at TRE WHAVEN FARN LTD. %rhich is, on the Scugog Road 15 miles nortb of Bowmanville and % mile soutb of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HfEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offerlng a useful group of Freish and Springing Young Cowu and 2-year- eléis, as well as a number of Yearlings and Calves for Caîf Club prospects in both senior and junior classes. Don't Miss This Opportunity ta Purchase Your Caîf Club Calf. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED BLOOD TESTED The majority are ready for inimediate cxpart. Ail cattie tested or eligible to enter listed or certified area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE RELD AUGUST 29th Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LMD. R.R. 1. Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Auctioneer: HOWARD TREWIN, fllackstoek. 'J with an inspection of the A lifelong resident of Man-i Domninion Tabacca Experi- vers Township, James McMu '-' 1mental Station at Delbi where len died suddenly at bis borne the Minister inspected research near Janetville on Wednesday, facilities and heid discussions July 10. witb station personnel relat- Mr. McMullen was in h;s ing ta current studies in this 96th year. He was a son of! field. particuîarîy in respect the late William McMullen! r ta the increasing occurrence and Darotby Nelson and was:! of "grey" tobacco in Ontario. educated at Franklin Scbaoi.J He married the former Sarah! JOther items in the tour il. lGraham at Lindsay in 1891.! ciuded inspection of two ta- He was predeceased by bisi bacco farms, one at Delhi and wife shortly after the celebra- one at Aylmer. In bath cases! tion af their 70tb wedding: the Minîster discussed the annîversary in 1961. e practical aspects af tobacco Mr. MeMullen was a mem-i production with the growers. ber of Yelverton United' The group înspected the To- Churcb. He was a farmer iný bacc Autio waebose t Manvers Township until bis' Delhi and the Imperial To- retirement more than 20 years bacco Company plant at Ayl- ago. rmer. The deceased la survived by' Other members of Parlia-1two sons: Howard of Janet-i ment in the tour were Jacklrville and Vertul of Bowman-ý Roxborougb (L-Norfolk) andiville. He also leaves one as Eugene Wbelan (L. Essex ter, Mrs. Lily Richardson, andI South). Ottawa officiais at- a brother, Nelson, both of' tending were Deputy Minis- Pontypool, and a brother, Da-! ter of Agriculture, Dr. S. C. vid, cf Oshawa. Barry, Dr. Norman A. Mac- Mr. McMullen is also sur-ý i Rae, Director af Tobacco Re- vived by 10 grandcbildren, 20ý search for Canada and S. Wil- great-grandchildren and tbree- liams, Chairman of the Na- great.great-grandchildren. He' tional Agricultural Products was predeceased by a daugh-! i Sta bilization Board. OfficiaIs ter, Mrs. Ola Sisson, who diedý from the local area were L. in 1919. S. Vickery, Superintendent of The deceased was at the Me-' the Tobacca Experimental Dermott -Panabaker Funeral1 Farmn at Delhi, George De Home, Port Perry, for serviceý Meyre and Charles N. Heath. in the chapel on Friday, July respectively Chairman and! i2th. Student Minister Alex ISecretary cf the Ontario Flue-!r Taylor af Janetville officiated., Cured Tobacco Marketing Bo- Interment was in St. Mary's ard.i Cemeter, LiWord. 1 Easy to Peel Navel Good C Large ORANGES S21e 49 dz 17659cd Bradford Grown - Ontario No. 1 Grade CRISP LETTUCE 2for 25c Kraft Philadeiphia CREAM CHEESE pk.33C Fraservale Frozen STRAWBERRIEs 3 Pgs '36 BONUS TAPES TIDE - 30c Off King Siz. DETERGENT Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tape# with IGA - Reg. or Nîppy CHEESE SLICES 'po: YORK - Turkey - Chicken - Beuf FROZEN PIES 2 epx ONTARIO - No. 1 Grade NEW POTATOES 'o-b BOLOGNA 1ozfi.Pk.d HOSTESS 29 oz.A1HOSPITALITY ah 5 CORN CHIPS 2 Pkgs.49 CHERRY PIE ec ~ MAD HATTER Potato Chips Bowmanvillle 14 oz. WHITE OR BROW N 24oz f J~~~ 2 RA LLaes3% IGA Foodliner I - BOWMANVILLE- Il i m U..-- 8 f il l a 40% 8 m..